Fish Fingers and Whiskey (An Artemis Fowl fanfic about his school life with angst)
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Artemis is sent to boarding-school, His friend convinces him to 'socialize'.

This goes well, until it goes terribly wrong. Not wanting to worry anyone one around him, Artemis begins to use drugs to keep himself stable, this goes as expected; It's a car crash. Humor and angst ahead.

The worst part about your parents barely knowing you enough to care, is being painfully aware of it.

OR: Myles and Becket are still a riot, Butler is worried, Angeline is stressed, Artemis experiments in drugs and people realise how screwed up Artemis has been this whole time.

Or: Artemis is not okay.
Chapter 1: Fish fingers
Author's note:
HI! This is the second Artemis Fowl story I have started and I am excited to get into to it. Hope you guys enjoy :)
Feel free to comment kudos below, constructive criticism welcome!!!

The two months since Artemis had left Dr Argons office for good, without incident for once, had been difficult to say the least. He no longer had multiple personalities, obsessive tendencies, or paranoia but that did not mean he was healed.

Artemis felt as if he had been clumsily stitched together, functional but damaged and falling apart at the seams. The damage done by the magic was gone but that was all. It was difficult to hide it from Butler. His bodyguard was always so perceptive, something which Artemis cursed now.

At first, Artemis had not hidden it. The willpower it took to get out of bed, the emptiness he felt some days and the other days where he felt too much. His mental state swung like a pendulum from feeling numb and heavy and tired to feeling the ever-present guilt gnaw at his stomach, the anxiety crushing his chest, the loneliness that physically ached.

His mother thought he needed to 'get out more'. Artemis did not agree.

Today was going to be a bad day, Artemis already knew this when he opened his eyes in bed and rolled over to stare at the rain splattering down from the moody grey sky. Due to the fact that he had not managed to catch a wink of sleep, the world felt surreal and distant, as if he was watching it through a screen. The moment he had closed his eyes last night his mind was filled with thoughts that ran in circles and memories of his most selfish exploits. His uncannily accurate memory had betrayed in recent months, allowing for detailed re-runs of his worst hits.

He stayed there for an hour, just staring out the window as the rain drummed against the glass.

Rolling out of bed unceremoniously Artemis staggered towards his wardrobe. Best to keep up appearances. A now school-uniform-clad Artemis trundled down the stairs, trying his best to seem some semblance of normal. He, after all had no reason to be at all distressed, in fact he should be thriving.

Artemis had got so used to the house being abandoned that it had been a quite odd experience to come back, after learning he had two younger brothers, to the bustling noisy place the house had become. It had taken some getting used to, but he decided that he liked it. The chaos provided him a cover.

Artemis stepped out into the corridor just in time to see Myles sneaking away from the kitchen. Artemis couldn't be sure where he was going but he had the suspicion that Myles was headed for the labs.

Myles froze like a deer caught in the headlights.

Artemis raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Mother tried to cook this morning." Myles hissed, "I will not eat… fish fingers." Myles's nose scrunched up in disgust.

A smile tugged at the corner of Artemis' mouth, "I won't tell her if you don't. Go on."

By the time he had reached the kitchen the voice of his mother was audible, "Beckett, eat your food, don't throw it. Myles?" Angeline spotted Artemis "Good morning, dear, have you seen Myles? He was right here…"

"No, I haven't seen him." Artemis lied. His brothers' antics were one of the only things that lifted the heavy cloud that followed him and to be perfectly honest, he found them to be quite amusing.

Angeline sighed, "Will you watch Beckett for a moment, I'll go fetch Juliet. I asked her to find something half an hour ago and knowing her she's wondered off somewhere." She rushed away without waiting for an answer.

"Art'mis" Beckett happily declared.

"Hello Beckett. Aren't you hungry?" Asked Artemis.

Beckett frowned, "Needs more ketchup." He decided.

Artemis nodded seriously, "I could see how that could be an issue." He picked up the bottle of ketchup and began so squeeze it over Becketts fish fingers, "Tell me when to stop."

Beckett nodded.

Artemis tilted his head, "Is that enough?"

"No!" Beckett exclaimed

Artemis continued to pour the ketchup, "Alright."

Beckett did not tell Artemis to stop, and soon the entire contents of the bottle were on his plate. Beckett beamed, "Tha'nks Art'mis."

"You're welcome. It looks…" Artemis grimaced, "delicious."

Beckett began to dig into his meal with a wet squelch. Butler stepped though the doorway, "Morning Artemis, have you seen Myles?

"No." Artemis lied.

Butler's gaze drifted over to Beckett and his Ketchup drowned fish fingers, "Artemis, we were trying to make him eat something without ketchup."

"He likes it." said Artemis, failing to hide a smile. Beckett grinned widely, Ketchup all over his mouth. Artemis swore he could see Butler aging in real time.

Butler began to cook for Artemis without asked what the boy wanted, a habit he had formed during the first few weeks of Artemis' return. Butler had been so accustomed to being met with apathy that he had stopped asking. Artemis was glad, it was one less thing he had to pretend to care about.

Cue the entrance of Artemis Senior, "Who let Beckett have the ketchup bottle?"

All eyes were on Artemis junior, who replied lamely, "He won't eat without it."

Irritation laced his father's words, "We agreed we would stop enabling him."

Artemis Junior looked baffled, "We did?"

"Yes. At dinner last night. You were there." Said his father. "Recently, it seems like you aren't yourself, Arty."

Artemis raised an eyebrow at this, "Who else would I be?"

His father's eyes danced with quiet amusement, "Indeed."

Butler placed his breakfast on the table.

By the time Artemis had finished his breakfast, Myles was still missing, Beckett had splattered the floor with ketchup, and his mother looked just about ready to tear her hair out.

Artemis was ushered out of the house and into the car. Butler got into the driver's seat, and they set off.

It was his first day back at school after his treatment and his parents had seen fit to have him board during the school term rather than let him stay at home in hopes he would begin to mix with 'boys his own age'. It was all part of a larger attempt to make him more 'normal'. He did not relish the idea of meeting with his classmates but these days he didn't 'relish' much.

The car slowed to a stop with a quiet wheeze and Butler turned to look at his charge, "You look terrible, Artemis." Artemis did, indeed, look terrible. Dark bags hung under bloodshot eyes which were framed by a pale and sickly face.

"How very kind of you." Artemis said, trying to play off Butler's concerns.

Butler frowned, "That wasn't what I meant, and you know it. Are you okay?"

"Yes, fine. I just stayed up to complete a project last night." Artemis lied.

Butler accepted the answer but still seemed sceptical, "Try to get some sleep then. No more late-night projects."

Artemis' arrival was met with whispers and indifference from his peers.

Currently, he was listening to Mrs Kilbride monologue about… something. He tuned in for a moment and found that the lesson was focused on the structure of an atom. The explanation was, as usual riddled with over-simplification and error. He didn't mind though, he felt as though he was underwater, it was all so distant. Most of the information was close enough.

As Mrs Kilbride's speech came to a natural end she asked, in a weary voice, "Does anyone," she looked at Artemis pointedly "have anything to add?"

The class remained silent.

Mrs Kilbride was taken aback, "Anything to add, Mr Fowl." She asked, expecting his usual lecture on every mistake and inaccuracy in her explanation.

"No." said Artemis, dully. Whispers broke out across the classroom, and he felt eyes bore into the back of his head.

Unable to hide her surprise, Mrs Kilbride did her best to recover, "Okay. Textbooks open, complete pages thirty-six to thirty-eight."

The class flicked their books open and began to work. Except Artemis. He kept his head down and stared blankly at the pages, trying to avoid Mrs Kilbride's curious glances. It was strange, the numbness Artemis felt reminded him of being controlled by the rune. Very suddenly the numbness gave way to images, and he remembered being controlled like it was yesterday. It was too confined in here, too cramped. He was surrounded by people on all sides, and he couldn't-

The bell rang, causing Artemis to flinch. Abruptly he was grounded back in reality.

Artemis ignored how Mrs Kilbride scrutinised him, now concerned rather than curious.

Mrs Kilbride began to collect in the workbooks and stopped at his desk. "Where is your work?" she asked, staring down at the blank page.

"I would have thought that it would be obvious," Artemis said with an attempt at his usual snark that fell flat, sounding hollow.

Crossing her arms, Mrs Kilbride wondered what could have stopped Artemis from completing the work in the first two minutes as per usual, "Why didn't you complete you work?"

"I didn't want to." Artemis said flatly.

Mrs Kilbride had known Artemis for three years and knew full well that the only way to motivate him was to issue a challenge, "Was is maybe because you aren't capable of tackling such advanced questions?"

Artemis' face was devoid of emotion, "Perhaps."

Mrs Kilbride had thought Artemis couldn't shock her more than he already had today, but she was wrong. She knew that Artemis was fully capable of the classwork and on any other day would be appalled by the idea of anyone thinking that anything so simple was beyond him. But there was nothing to be done, "Detention, on Wednesday, one o'clock. Don't be late."

"Of course." Artemis said, already collecting up his books.

Artemis ducked out of the classroom and hurried down the hallway leaving his teacher perplexed and a little disconcerted.

'That went well', Artemis thought to himself as he walked to the canteen, 'I managed to insult my teacher's intelligence while acting out of character. Impressive.'

Joining the lunch queue, he attempted not to be jostled by the crowd. Physical contact was more than he could bear right now, he was on the cusp of an anxiety attack and that simply would not do.

He sat on an empty table in the corner and began to eat whatever it was he had chosen today. Vegetarian goulash. Shrugging, he continued to eat, it could be worse.

Artemis' mind strayed back to the conversation with Mrs Kilbride, 'I should really be nicer, she shouldn't be shocked by the absence of a lecture on her incompetency. She is after all only teaching the curriculum.' But he wouldn't; he knew he wouldn't and on top of that he knew that he would never apologise. This was the reason he was sitting alone, and this was the reason he would continue to.

He suspected that even his family found him to be difficult to be around, but they were obligated to tolerate him. That included Butler, he trusted the man with his life because Butler was a good person, but the fact remained that he was paid to protect Artemis. More and more lately these thoughts bothered him, they were more intense and they cut much deeper, which was only made worse by the fact that he could not deny the candour in such thoughts. No matter how much they stung, the fact remained that they were true.

The canteen did not have the capacity to hold all the pupils it was supposed to on a good day and as Artemis had already acknowledged, today was not a good day. A group of boys from his class came to hover near his table. All other tables were at capacity and the group approached with dread. One boy, Kieran O'Shea, a boy with dark skin and brown eyes, was pushed to the front, "Hi." Kieran said, "I was wondering if we could sit here."

Artemis looked up and nodded stiffly, "Yes, that would be fine." He winced, even to his own ears that was a frosty response.

After an awkward pause all of the boys hastily took their seats, as far as possible from Artemis. Kieran, the last to sit, was left with the seat nearest Artemis. Conversation broke out around the table with the exception of Artemis and Kieran. Rather than talking with his friends and pretending he didn't notice Artemis, as would be usual, Kieran was glancing at Artemis, no doubt searching for something to say, "Hi, I'm Kieran."

Artemis looked up briefly, "I know." A silence stretched on before Artemis took pity on him, "I'm Artemis, as I'm sure you well know."

Kieran nodded to himself, trying to dispel the awkwardness, then he frowned, "Do you know what class we have next?"

"Citizenship and PSHE." Artemis told him.

Kieran cursed, "Oh, dear god, not again."

Artemis understood the sentiment, "I must confess, it is rather uncomfortable to hear Mr Gallagher give 'the talk' to people a quarter of his age. It would seem more prudent just to play a video."

"I know, they keep doing the same subject over and over again." Kieran sighed, "At this point I would prefer the termly internet safety talk, where we basically get told not to go on online chatrooms because we'll get groomed."

"It does seem excessive and largely useless." Artemis agreed, then asked, "Did you not check your timetable this morning?"

"I lost it" Kieran explained, "and I'm too scared to ask the receptionist for another one."

"Mrs McCreary?" Artemis guessed

"Is she the old crone with rhinestone glasses and the death-stare?" Asked Kieran

"That sounds like her." Conceded Artemis. "She is somewhat… abrasive."

"Evil is what she is, she hates everyone."

Artemis took out his timetable, "Just take a photo of mine. I've got a copy of the master timetable for our year."

Kieran's eyes widened, "We're not supposed to have our phones out of the pouches."

The pouches, which garnered resentment from students and staff, were magnetically sealed pouches which were only unlocked at the end of the school day. This meant while students were allowed to carry their phones, they weren't able to use them.

"They are actually incredibly simple to hotwire. I could show you how to open yours." Artemis offered.

Kieran looked around making sure the teachers weren't watching, "Yeah, that would be great." He fished the pouch out of his bag and handed it to Artemis.

Artemis took a small screwdriver from his pocket and removed the back of the electrical unit, "You just…", he placed a paperclip between two wires and the pouch sprung open "need to complete the circuit."

Kieran took his pouch back with a wide grin, "Thanks." He took his phone out under the table and snapped a picture of the timetable. "I owe you." He looked around at the other boys who were chatting away, not sparing them a glance, "Hey, could I sit next to you next lesson. I was only following these guys around because I didn't know which class I was meant to be in. I don't think they like me."

Artemis' instinct was to decline but… Kieran did seem nice, and Artemis was supposed to be making friends, "Yes, that is fine." Artemis smiled slightly in an attempt to seem less… intimidating. The other boys began to leave the table, just leaving the two of them.

Seemingly, it worked because Kieran deflated, relieved, "Thank god." he lowered his voice, "I've had to work three projects with Fitz so far and he is such an ass. Can't go three seconds without calling someone 'woke' for saying anything. Also, is Fitz his first name or his last name? It would be a pretty weird first name."

"I'm not entirely certain, I've never cared to check. What does 'woke' mean?" Artemis asked.

Kieran laughed at his puzzled expression, "Being woke is when you…" He broke off and muttered something then pulled out his phone under the table, "It's hard to explain, I'll check what the definition is online." He read for a minute on his phone then nodded to himself, "It's when you're aware of current issues and facts so that you can act on the information you have. It's usually when you're educated on persecution of minorities like racism or sexism."

"Why is that bad then?" Artemis asked, more confused than ever

Kieran considered this, "I guess… people who feel attacked, because their behaviour is unacceptable, try to encourage the idea that woke people won't let you say anything anymore. They have used woke to mean someone who attacks innocent language and stuff so that the word means something insulting now."

"That is… very complicated." Artemis remarked.

Kieran loosed a long suffering sigh, "Tell me about it."

The bell rang and Artemis flinched in his seat.

The sound of the bell wringing merged with the clatter of the plate Angeline had thrown of the floor. Suddenly he was back in his mother's room, trying not to cry as his mother was screaming and scratching at her skin, "Who are you. Get out, get out of my house!" Angeline wailed.

Artemis stepped forward, "Mother, it's me, Artemis."

"No!" Angeline shrieked, "You're not my Arty. Not him. You let them in didn't you, the bugs. They're everywhere, crawling all over my skin. Get out." Her voice faded to a sob, and she hid under her duvet while she cried, "Get out…"

A voice broke through the memory, "-Okay? Artemis are you okay?" It was Kieran who wore an odd expression on his face. Almost knowing.

"Yes, fine." Artemis assured him. Artemis didn't know why this happened so often now; he hadn't thought about that incident for years. It shouldn't bother him either; he knew that his mother's behaviour had been the result of mental illness, but still it stung. He couldn't quieten the thoughts telling him that 'You were never the son they wanted. They were so much happier when you were gone with Beckett and Myles. Your father was present for them, he helped parent them. It was your fault he was so distant. Angeline was barely fazed by your disappearance.' Childish, he knew. Artemis pushed those thoughts away and stood, "We should go; class starts in a few minutes." His voice flat.

"Okay…?" Kieran said slowly, jarred by how suddenly Artemis had shut off.

On their way to collect their bags from the lockers Kieran had a thought, "Are you boarding this year?"

"Just during the week, I'm going home on Saturday mornings." Artemis answered.

"What floor are you on?" asked Kieran with a grin.

"Why?" Artemis asked, suspicious.

Kieran rolled his eyes, "Just tell me."

Giving up, Artemis obliged, "Third floor room two-hundred-and-fiveteen."

"Oh my god, I'm third floor just down the hallway. Anyway, you know the new kid Mikhail? The hot one?"

Artemis hummed, "He is rather attractive. Very muscular"

Kieran stared at him, shocked.

Artemis fixed Kieran with a look, "Kieran, despite what the rest of the school seems to believe, I'm not made of stone."

"Wow. We actually had bets running, it was my personal opinion that you would eventually be married to science... or the computer terminal, where you are charged every night."

"Very funny" Artemis said, dryly.

Kieran barrelled on, "Mikhail is throwing a party on the second floor tomorrow, but we've got to quiet about it. You know what they say, snitches get stitches."

Artemis raised an eyebrow, "I'm familiar with the phrase."

"Will you come to the party?" Kieran asked hopefully

"I am not a" Artemis used air quotes, "party-person."

"Please." Kieran begged

"No." Artemis said.

Kieran crossed his arms, "I'm not going on my own."

Artemis frowned, "You barely know me; I don't see the difference."

"I've asked you for a pencil once last year." Kieran declared proudly

"That… doesn't count." Artemis decided.

"I know you better than most people here do." Kieran reasoned.

Artemis cracked a smile, "That is a low bar."

"Come on." Kieran wheedled.


Kieran clapped Artemis on the back, "Thank you!" then he announced to the corridor "I have a wingman." Artemis elbowed Kieran causing Kieran to lower his voice, "I'm going to ask him out."

They entered the darkened classroom which was already full and in session. They were most conspicuously late and gingerly took a seat at the back. Mr Gallagher briefly stopped his lecture on puberty to glare at them, before going back to droning on about hormones.

A quizzical expression appeared on Artemis' face, "Who?"

Kieran rolled his eyes, "Keep up. I'm going to ask out Mikhail."

This garnered a snort from Artemis.

Kieran puffed his chest out, "What's so funny about that?"

"Kieran, I hesitate to say that Mikhail is…" What was that slang expression? "Out of your league. But that would be because it is true."

"I am very much in his league, thank you." Kieran huffed.

Mr Gallagher heard the two of them talking and afforded them a glare and a, "Shhh." before turning back to his presentation,

After a brief pause their hushed conversation resumed, "How do you even know he's gay?" Artemis said.

Kieran leaned in conspiratorially "Mikhail told Jack, who told Desmond, who told-"

Artemis cut him off, "I get the point, he's gay."

"So, tomorrow at the party I will ask him out and he will say yes."

"This, I have got to see." Artemis smirked

"I bet you ten euros he'll say yes."

Artemis was told to speak more casually, and now seemed like a perfect time to employ a phrase he had heard before, "I'll… 'take that action'."

This appeared to be the final straw because at this point Mr Gallaher turned around once again, his face red as a tomato and said, "Detention for both of you. Wednesday."

Artemis put his hand up, "Sir, I'm already going to detention with Mrs Kilbride on Wednesday."

"Very well." Mr Gallagher grumbled, "Mr O'Shea, go to detention with Mr Fowl, no need to waste any more of my lunchtime." Mr Gallagher continued his talk, "as levels of testosterone rise…"

Kieran and Artemis looked at each other and then shared exasperated expressions followed by barely contained smiles as Mr Gallagher tried his best to describe sex without being creepy. He did not succeed; few teachers ever do. He settled on the word, "Relations" after a bout of stuttering.

Artemis reached his dorm after class ended and collapsed on his bed. He lay there for ten minutes before he heard it.

Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz

His phone lit up with Butler's name. Artemis answered the call, "Hello Butler."

Butlers relieved voice came through on the other end, "You promised you would call as soon as you were able so I could know you were safe."

"That I did. I forgot; it won't happen again." Promised Artemis.

Butler sighed, "It's alright. How did your first day of school go?"

Artemis considered the question, "It was actually quite good. This morning I was so sure it was going to be ghastly, but it was alright."

Butler's surprise was palpable, "That's great to hear Artemis." Then almost as an afterthought, "did you make any friends?" He joked; his voice playfully sarcastic.

"Yes actually."

The pause that followed was laced with disbelief, "Artemis, I can't tell, are you attempting humour?" Butler asked.


"… That's…" the Bodyguard struggled to process the information, "That's amazing Artemis. Angeline will be thrilled." Pride leaked through his voice, giving way to emotion.

The conversation lasted ten more minutes until Artemis heard a commotion on the other end of the line, it was Juliet, "Domovoi, the labs are on fire again! Have you seen Myles or Beckett?"

Butler sighed, "Artemis, I really have to go." Then he hung up.

Artemis smiled.

Author's note:

What did you guys think?
Thoughts on Kieran? Like him? despise him?

Feel free to drop your thoughts below, constructive criticism welcome and wanted!
Chapter 2: Gustav and Lorenzo
Authors Note : Trigger Warning, Under age, Rape/Non-con, drinking, discussion of drugs

Tuesday breezed by with Kieran seemingly still wanting to be friends with Artemis. Artemis was getting used to the somewhat alien concept. Kieran talked all through class much to Artemis' amusement and the teacher's irritation.

They sat together at lunch and Artemis helped Kieran with homework while Kieran tried to explain to Artemis the intricacies of social interaction.

On Tuesday night Artemis knocked on Kieran's door half an hour before the party as planned.

The door swung open, and Kieran looked at Artemis with barely disguised horror, "What are you wearing?"

Artemis looked down at himself, "A suit."

Scandalized Kieran shook his head, "That simply will not do." He pulled Artemis into his room and began to rifle through his chest of drawers.

Thoroughly bewildered Artemis said, "It's what I usually wear."

Kieran used his most camp voice, "That is tragic. Tragic I say." He pulled out a T-shirt and jeans.

"No." Artemis said resolutely

"Why not?" Kieran asked

Artemis sniffed, "I will not wear a T-shirt."

Kieran huffed, "Very well. You might wear…" He presented a blue button down, "What do you think?"

"I don't see why I can't wear my suit."

Kieran rolled his eyes, "Because you look like a funeral director, at least is it was a fun suit that would have been original. It's a classic black and white suit with a tie for-god's-sake."

Artemis stared at the button down for a long moment, "I suppose it is better that a T-Shirt."

Kieran clapped him on the back, "There we go."

Artemis changed into the button down and looked at himself in the mirror.

"Just one thing." Kieran undid the top two buttons.

It was Artemis turn to look scandalised.

Kieran rolled his eyes, "What? You look good."

"That, is entirely subjective. I feel ridiculous."

Kieran appraised him, "A different pair of trousers is called for perhaps." He handed a pair of jeans to Artemis, "And the shoes need to go." Kieran muttered to himself and finally picked out a pair of trainers.

Artemis slumped, "I cannot believe I am doing this."

After a quick-change Artemis tied the laces on the trainers.

Kieran smiled, "You look stunning."

"I look like a hooligan." Artemis decided

"Exactly." Kieran said, looking like the cat that ate the canary.

"We had better get this over with then."

They turned up to the party ten minutes late which Kieran had assured him constituted being 'fashionably late'.

Due to the fact that the chaperones were supposedly prowling the corridors making sure they were all asleep, the music was quiet, and conversation muted.

Kieran began to mingle and mix before looking over at Artemis, "Don't look so uptight. Drink something." He picked up a cup of something and pressed it into Artemis grip who looked dusubus. Kieran sighed and picked a cup up for himself, "How about we both down one at once?"

Artemis tried a slang word, "Okay." They drank the entire contents of the cup and Artemis grimaced, "What was that?"

Kieran hummed to himself, "I think it was a mix of… gin, vodka, and lemonade."

"It's disgusting."

Kieran laughed, "I won't argue with you there." He pushed Artemis into the crowd, "Go, talk to people, you hermit."

"I am not a Hermit; I am merely reserved." Artemis hissed

Kieran waved his excuses away, "Yeah, yeah."

Half an hour later, a scout had declared gleefully that the chaperones had been seen going to their rooms in a separate accommodation block and so the party had spilled out into the hallway and into several other dorm rooms (at least eleven rooms in all). Artemis was considerably drunk, sat on the couch, and having a riveting conversation about Astro-physics with a young woman named Jessica, which he didn't identify as odd until now, "Jessica, I hope you don't mind me asking but how did you get in? This is a boy's school, and the doors are locked at eight."

Jessica laughed, her chestnut hair falling over her face, "I'm trans. I came to this school four years ago back when I was Jake. I guess the school just didn't know what to do with me, so they did nothing."

"Oh." Artemis said dumbly.

Jessica smiled, "It's good knowing I pass as a woman, I only just started hormone treatment. Thank you." She kissed him on the cheek.

Usually, physical contact from a stranger would make him freeze up but in his intoxicated state he just laughed, "What year are you in?"

"Fifth year, I skipped fourth year." Jessica elaborated.

"Oh, so you're a year older than me. What floor are you on?"

"Second floor, room fifty-six." Said Jessica.

Kieran took this moment to jump over the back of the couch and squeeze between Jessica and Artemis, with both arms draped over both of them. Kieran grinned, "Hello my hombres."

Artemis sighed, "This is Kieran." He said to a slightly shocked looking Jessica.

Kieran smiled dopily and reached out to shake her hand, "Pleased to meet you, and who might you be?"

Jessica shook his hand, "I'm Jessica, from fifth year."

Kieran gasped, "I love your dress; I wish I could pull it off but I just don't have the hips."

Jessica laughed.

Artemis cringed.

Kieran and Artemis lent against the wall, Kieran being more than a little drunk.

"Whose whiskey is that" Kieran asked.

Artemis took another swig from the bottle in his hand, "I don't know."

"It looks too expensive to be just lying about."

Artemis lifted the bottle to eye level and blinked, "Oh, shit."

Kieran loosed a mock gasp and raised a hand to his heart, "Did I just hear you swear?"

Artemis winced, "It's labelled: 'Fitz do not touch'."

"Oh crap." Kieran said

Artemis nodded, "Indeed. What do we do?"

"I propose we make away to Switzerland, forge new identities and never return. You shall Be Gustav Brunner the infamous but elusive millionaire and I shall be Lorenzo Brunner, the dashing young Giglio on his arm." Kieran swayed drunkenly, "How good is your German?"

"Sufficient." Artemis admitted.

"French?" Kieran asked.

"Outstanding, my dear Lorenzo." Artemis said with as much gusto as he could muster.

"Very well then, off to Bern we shall flee, but first" Kieran said looking nauseous, "I need to vomit in the bathroom." As Artemis put his arm around Kieran to help the boy get to the bathroom, Kieran said in the most dramatic voice in his arsenal, "Make haste my dear Gustav, for the sickness is nearly upon me."

They made it to the bathroom just in time and Kieran spent the next five minutes regretting all the decisions he had made that led him here, vomiting in someone else's dorm while completely shitfaced.

Artemis looked at his friend, "Do you feel better?"

Kieran was slumped against the wall, "Yep, I think everything I drank just went down the toilet."

"Lovely." Artemis remarked.

Kieran waved him away, "Just leave me here for a moment, I need to catch my breath. Go, go on."

Eyeing him sceptically, Artemis asked "Are you sure?"

Kieran rolled his eyes, "I will be fine. Allow me to preserve some of my dignity."

This made Artemis snicker, "What dignity? It was gone over half an hour ago when you challenged a boy twice your size to an arm wrestle."

"I would have won, he just caught me off guard, is all. He cheated." Kieran sulked.

"Yes, and pigs could fly if they weren't so fat." Artemis Deadpanned.

"What?" Kieran asked, unable to hear over the music and chatter.

"Nothing." Artemis said, walking away still holding the almost full whiskey bottle. If the bottle went missing, Fitz probably wouldn't miss it. He shouldn't have just left it lying about either. Although now Artemis thought about it, he did remember taking the bottle from a windowsill less than a metre from where Fitz was standing.

Artemis was sat in a different dorm with a group sitting on bean bags in a circle, sharing joints.

"Hi, I'm Tom." Said a young man a few years older than Artemis with light skin and bleach blond hair. Tom was sat on the bean bag next to Artemis'.

Artemis looked up and said perhaps for the third time in his life, "Hi," the word feeling strange in his mouth, "I'm Artemis."

"Enjoying the party?" Tom asked, taking a drag of his joint and blowing the smoke out.

"Yes. I didn't really want to come but my friend insisted." Artemis said his tongue loosened by the alcohol, "I didn't have anything better to do, I wouldn't be able to sleep anyway."

Tom nodded, "I know the feeling. Want some weed? It might help."

Artemis nodded, "Alright." He took the joint and attempted to smoke it but ended up in a coughing fit.

Tom laughed, "Never smoked before."

Artemis shook his head and attempted another drag, this time successfully, "I've never had the occasion. Never really thought about it either." He passed the joint back to Tom.

"I've never seen you at one of these things before." Tom noted.

"I'm not generally very sociable." Artemis said.

"So, what are you into?" asked Tom.

"Right now, I'm researching dark matter and its effects on the universe."

Tom looked at him blankly, "That went right over my head, you're gonna have to explain."

Leaning forward Artemis launched into his explanation, "Well, scientists observed how fast galaxies were spinning and they found that galaxies were moving faster than they should for how much mass was in the galaxy. They calculated that eighty-five percent of the universe is made of some kind of matter that we can't see, and we call that dark matter."

Tom still looked perplexed, "So, what's dark matter?"

"If I could answer that I would have won a Nobel prize. We have no idea; we know more about what it isn't than what it is. We can measure its effects but that's pretty much it. It's just one of science's great mysteries I guess."

Tom blinked, "That is… actually quite cool. Also, super nerdy but whoever said that was a bad thing?"

A minute later Artemis began to feel… odd. Everything slowed down and he felt… giddy almost.

An easy smile pulled at Tom's lips, "Is the weed hitting you?"

Artemis giggled, "Yeah. Feels nice."

Artemis took two more drags in the next five minutes and was high as a kite.

Standing, Tom pulled something from his pocket, "Hey, I'm gonna go to bed mate, but if you're having trouble sleeping, I can give you something for that." he handed Artemis a plastic bag half filled with pills, "Just some Benzos. They should chill you out, and hey, some people really enjoy being on them."

Artemis took the bag with curiosity and slipped it into his pocket, "Benzos?" He slurred.

Tom nodded, "Yeah, those ones are Xanax." He slipped Artemis a piece of paper, "Here's my number if you need it."

"Thank you." Artemis mumbled.

Tom exited with a salute and a marble white grin.

Artemis took another swig of whiskey. The alcohol was really hitting him now, his limbs felt jelly-like and sluggish, and his thoughts were jumbled and rambling.

The party was still in full swing in the other rooms but in this dorm a steady trickle of people had left leaving the room all but empty.

A boy Artemis recognised shut the door (James, he recalled). James approached and climbed onto his lap and started to kiss him.

Artemis froze, still very much drunk. A hand riding up his leg was enough to snap him out of his stupor, he pushed at James' chest with little affect due to the fact the alcohol had rendered him weak and feeble. He struggled and let out a slurred, "Get off me." To no avail.

James hauled him up and placed him on the bed, holding his wrists in one hand and sitting in his legs saying, "Just let me."

Artemis did not like this, not at all. He struggled for as long as he could which in his current state was about half a minute. After that he went limp and released a sound between a groan of frustration and a sob.

It was quieter than Artemis would have expected, the sound of rustling material and breathing deafening in the silence. Artemis was staring at the ceiling, numbly. Distantly, he heard a zipper coming undone and a low groan. He felt his trousers being pulled down his hips, taking his boxers with them.

James pulled his trousers and underwear fully off him, while still holding him down securely and flipped him onto his stomach.

A pain filled him, one that he never felt before but all he could do was release a shocked gasp. As James pushed in further the pain intensified and he felt something rip. James began to move, and Artemis thought he was going to be sick. He cried out but James used his other hand to cover his mouth, muffling the sounds of distress.

The world faded in and out of being as Artemis fought for consciousness through the pain. After a while, the pain faded from a razer sharp agony to a dull ache. James was still moving on top of him, breathing heavily and groaning.

James adjusted and changed angle making Artemis gasp. James had hit something that sent fireworks down Artemis' spine. The pain was still present but now a dull pleasure built, much to his embarrassment. James continued to rut on top of him for another ten minutes before his rhythm became irregular and he stilled with a groan.

James rolled off and the click of the door signified his exit.

Artemis lay there, not moving for a time, still frozen in shock. He was in so much pain.

When he did attempt to move the pain hit him even harder. He managed to sit on the bed, the pain blurring his vision. Artemis realised belatedly that he had climaxed. He felt sick.

Standing was not easy, and he groaned with the effort. The word spun on its axis and daggers of pain jabbed into his insides every time he took a step.

He staggered to the ensuit bathroom and remembered Kieran. Shit. He had left Kieran drunk and vomiting in the bathroom of one of the dorms. In hindsight that was a very bad idea.

Artemis sat on the toilet and did his best to… clean up. There was blood. A lot of blood and… other bodily fluids. He threw up.

Leaving the bathroom, he felt mildly more sober. The whiskey bottle was still on the floor where he had left it, he picked it up. The party outside was the same as it was when Artemis left. That didn't seem right somehow, everything else being unchanged. Artemis felt lost, wading through the crowd. A hand tapped him on the shoulder, and he flinched. He turned; it was just Kieran.

"Hey." Kieran said, "I'm feeling better now, I was going to talk to Mikhail, wanna come?"

Artemis shook his head, "I'm going to leave."

Kieran paused, "We haven't even been here two hours."

"I need to go." Artemis repeated.

Kieran frowned, "Are you okay?"

"Yes. Fine." Artemis said robotically.

Kieran frowned, "I should probably be getting back by now as well."

They made their way to the stairwell and stumbled up the stairs and as they did Kieran was sparing Artemis worried glances, "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah. Just tired." Artemis assured hum

Kieran disappeared into his room and Artemis did the same.

Depositing the whiskey bottle on his nightstand Artemis released a shaky sob. Artemis got in the shower and scrubbed his body clean three times and still didn't feel… clean. He got out, dried off, changed, and promptly fell asleep under the covers of his duvet, courtesy of the alcohol.

Authors note:

That last bit was really dark and took so much research but I think I did issues such as that justice without it being gratuitous. Things will get better, Artemis is going through some angst first though.

If you have suffered any form of abuse or sexual assault, please seek help if you need it.

If you've been sexually assaulted it's important to remember that it was not your fault. Sexual violence is a crime, no matter who commits it or where it happens. Don't be afraid to get help.

Here are useful links, but there should be local services available online.

Support in the US:

RAINN, the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network, is a large organization that offers numerous kinds of support to survivors. The hotline can be reached at 1-800-656-4673

At the state level, there are Victim Compensation programs to aid those who have experienced violence. You can find a directory of each state's program here,

For those in New York City, Safe Horizon offers a broad spectrum of help ranging from therapeutic to legal resources. Safe Horizon is a non-profit organization local to New York City that provides trauma therapy, legal services, resources, and hotlines.

National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC)

If you are a survivor of sexual assault, you can call the National Sexual Assault Hotline (1-800-656-4673) or visit its website to receive confidential support,

In the UK:

The NHS help page for sexual assault, it provides links, advice, phone numbers and locations.

Help after rape and sexual assault

Find out about sexual assault and rape, where to get help and whether it has to be reported to the police, plus how to find a sexual assault referral centre.

Sexual assault referral centres (SARCs) offer medical, practical and emotional support to anyone who has been raped sexually assaulted or abused. They have specially trained doctors, nurses and support workers to care for you. Help is available 24 hours a day. Sexual assault referral centres (SARCs) are located across the country and available for everyone, regardless of gender, age, the type of incident, or when it happened.

SARCs offer a range of services, including crisis care, medical and forensic examinations, emergency contraception and testing for STIs. They can also arrange access to an independent sexual assault advisor (ISVA), as well as referrals to mental health support and sexual violence support services. If you are thinking about reporting an assault to the police, the centre can arrange for you to speak to a specially trained police officer who can explain the next steps. Find your nearest centre here,

Find rape and sexual assault referral centres - NHS

Find rape and sexual assault referral centres near you on the NHS website.

a doctor or practice nurse at your GP surgery

a voluntary organisation,

such as Rape Crisis-
Women's Aid-
Victim Support-
The Survivors Trust-
Male Survivors Partnership-

the 24-hour freephone National Domestic Abuse Helpline, run by Refuge, on 0808 2000 247 -

the Rape Crisis national freephone helpline on 0808 802 9999 (12 to 2.30pm and 7 to 9.30pm every day of the year)

a hospital accident and emergency (A&E) department

a genitourinary medicine (GUM) or sexual health clinic

a contraceptive clinic

a young people's service
Chapter 3: The morning after
The first thing Artemis was aware of was that infernal beeping and the second thing he was aware of was the headache pounding the insides of his skull. His hand hit the alarm clock, silencing it.

Artemis would not usually use such crass language but, by god he felt like shit. His mouth was dry, and the room was spinning. He opened his eyes and for a moment he didn't know where he was and then he recognised his dorm. His movements were uncoordinated and clumsy as he moved to sit. Weakness dragged at his limbs and nausea tugged at his stomach.

Artemis sat there for a moment as he waited for the vertigo too pass. Upon standing, he noticed it. The terrible aching pain in his insides, emanating from his backside. That was… new.

Artemis sorted through his vague recollections of the night before. He remembered the party (at least parts of it) that explained how he was feeling, his first hangover. Just great.

What that did not explain was the pain. He had talked to Jessica, watched Kieran challenge the captain of the rugby team to an arms wrestle, helped Kieran to the bathroom, sat and smoked week with Tom and then…

Flashes of a memory hit him.

James straddling his lap and then Artemis telling him to, 'Get off,' and James ignoring him.

Artemis remembered restraining hands, hot breath on his neck and a voice saying, 'Just let me.'

Artemis stomach lurched when the realisation hit him. James had… had… Artemis didn't dare finish that thought. It couldn't be anyway… It just… he wasn't…

He hadn't said no, so it couldn't be…. Artemis pondered this and decided that it wasn't that bad.

He was fine. He was fine.

As the memories became clearer, Artemis breathing became more laboured. Artemis slumped into a corner of the room and covered his mouth with his hand to muffle the choked sobs and anguished noises. After a while he fell silent, wracked by soundless sobs. He cried until the pain and hurt gave way to numbness.

Artemis donned his uniform and packed his bag for the day. The world felt surreal, fuzzy and distant.

On autopilot, Artemis opened the door to go to breakfast, then paused. James would be at breakfast. Maybe Artemis could skip breakfast today, after all, if he did manage to eat something he would probably just throw it up.

Artemis sat back on the bed, at a loss for what to do. He was already awake so there was no point trying to sleep.

The clothes Artemis had borrowed from Kieran sat innocently on the floor.

Artemis rifled through the pockets and pulled out the bag of pills Tom had given him last night. He set the bag aside and reminded himself to wash the clothes before he gave them back to Kieran.

He stared at the bag of pills. He wouldn't take any, that would be... Inadvisable. But so would being caught with the bag in his room.

Artemis stuffed the bag in his bedside table and locked it. The action caused the whiskey bottle on the cabernet to rattle.

Artemis considered the bottle.

Maths was his next lesson. He would be sitting behind James for an hour and after that was French, a class which he also shared with James.

Artemis couldn't afford another attack like this morning.

After a long deliberation, Artemis unscrewed the cap and took a swig. And then another.

The pain in his head dulled somewhat and a pleasant buzz replaced the numb shock he had been feeling.

After skipping breakfast to launder Kieran's clothes (at least that was what he told himself), Artemis trudged into registration, bag slung over one shoulder. Upon entering the room, he was waved down by Kieran who had saved the seat next to him.

Kieran looked as hungover as Artemis, which is to say very much so. Flopping down on his seat with a wince, Artemis greeted Kieran, "Morning."

Kieran raised an eyebrow, "You look like you were just run over by a truck."

Artemis glared, "Look who's talking."

The corner of Kieran's mouth quirked upwards.

Artemis crossed his arms, "And I would argue that my current state is almost entirely your fault." He added sulkily. There was no bite behind his comment, nothing that had happened was Kieran's fault. Artemis chose to drink, he chose to leave Kieran, he chose to smoke weed, and he chose to stay alone in that room. There was no-one else to blame.

Artemis took a sip from his water bottle, in hopes to sooth his pounding headache.

The rest of the class was not fairing much better, all sporting similar bedraggled appearances and headaches.

Why, oh why, had no-one thought to have the party on a Friday?

The door opened and a woman appraised the room. She was young, ginger haired, green eyed and far too cheerful for such an early hour.

The previous two days assembly had been elongated, so the class didn't have a chance to meet their new teacher.

She greeted them with a smile and a nervous, "Hi, I'm Ms Edwards, I'll be taking your class for form time this year." An awkward silence followed, "Great, so I guess I'll just jump right in. I will be taking the register in just a moment, I just... need to figure out how the computer system works." And with that she sat at her desk and began tapping at the keyboard.

Conversation gradually returned and Kieran blew air out through his cheeks, "That was painful." He shrugged, "She seems nice."

Artemis hummed, not really listening.

Kieran rolled his eyes, "Hey, pay attention to me-" he was saying tap Artemis on the shoulder.

Artemis jerked away, a visceral fear filling him. Artemis' breathing picked up while his eyes darted around the room. Meanwhile, Kieran pulled his hand back like it had been burnt.

Kieran put his hands up in surrender, "Okay, got it, no touchy." He said, as if trying to calm a spooked animal. "You, um… are you okay?"

Artemis forced himself to lean back into the middle of his seat and forced his mouth into a tight smile, "Yes. Fine."

It was at this fortunate moment, that the Ms Edwards cut in, "Okay, Archie?"

"Yes." Said a boy at the back.

As the register continued Artemis settled back and Kieran said nothing more although sending glances his friends' way.

Ms Edwards faced the class, "I have some ideas about some projects we could do during form time. There is a charity run program recruiting pupils from local schools right now all about mental health awareness and I would like seven students to volunteer to be an ambassador." There was no indication anyone in the class had heard her. Ms Edwards continued nervously, "Unfortunately ambassadors will have to miss some lessons." This grabbed the attention of many of the boys in the room, "Hands up."

Kieran's hand was one of the first to fly up.

Artemis raised an eyebrow.

Kieran hissed, "Shut up. I'm only human. I could dodge geography if I'm really lucky."

Ms Edwards looked relieved, "This is a better turn out than I was expecting, we're going to have a lot of fun this term." She emphasised the point by clapping her hands together.

Anxiety gripped his chest as Artemis walked to maths class. Artemis tapped his leg as he walked.

Tap, tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Five taps.

Oh. He was counting again. That couldn't be good.

He stopped at door twenty-one. Students lined the halls waiting outside classrooms rather than entering which made using the corridors considerably harder and quite cramped.

People brushed up against him on all sides and Artemis froze, stricken. A hand brushed his wrist and suddenly the only thing he could feel was an iron grip around them. A shoulder squeezed past his and Artemis was back under James, unable to move.

He was paralyzed again, just like before. frustration overcame him, why could he never seem to control himself these days.

The students filed into the room as the teacher arrived. As he took a seat Artemis caught a glance of James walking through the door. James smirked and waved. Artemis stared at his desk and thought 'go away, go away, leave me alone.'

By some miracle nothing happened. James sat behind him, and Artemis felt hairs raise on the back of his arm. He felt eyes bore into the back of his head.

Thirty minutes past with Artemis clenching his fists with white knuckles before he felt a tap on his shoulder.

Artemis spun to see James, a mischievous smile on his face. James winked and mouthed 'morning sweetheart.'

Artemis quickly looked away, his hands shaking under the desk. God did he regret learning to lip read.

Why was James acting like this was normal? Why was everyone acting normal? Why did everything feel normal? Nothing was normal, nothing was okay.

Artemis just needed to get through this class, then… Then he would have another class with James.

He flinched when he felt another tap on his shoulder.

Artemis wondered how it was possible to feel so alone in a room full of people.

Artemis didn't go to the lunch hall during first break. He went to his room and made a beeline for the bottle of whiskey on his bedside. No-one had noticed how jumpy he was this morning so no-one would notice if he was drunk. He tried not to feel resentful at that.

Artemis did not subscribe to the concept of the tortured genius but if asked about this he could simply claim he was attempting to dampen his considerable intellect.

He had no doubt everyone he knew would believe this explanation. Artemis did not know how he felt about those closest to him having little-to-no insight to his life.

The thought left a bitter tang in his mouth.

The bell rang. He didn't want to go back to class but his parents would be concerned if he stopped attending. Artemis felt trapped, it felt like he couldn't control anything in his life, he couldn't even stop James.

Artemis started down the corridor.

Artemis was focused on the stain just left of his plate on the lunch table, not eating.

"Did that table offend you?" said Kieran, sitting to his left.

Artemis jumped, "Kieran. Don't creep up on me like that."

"I didn't creep, I just sat down." Kieran pointed out. Artemis said nothing, suddenly very interested in his food, which he had yet to touch. Kieran let the silence drag on for a moment more before asking, "Are you okay? This morning, the way you reacted to me tapping you. What was that about?"

"Nothing." Artemis dismissed.

Kieran's expression was disbelieving.

Artemis sighed, realising some other explanation was called for, "I am not used to physical contact. My upbringing was not one of great affection and I am still… adjusting to it." Technically true. He needed something to throw Kieran off, "I cannot even say that I have had a friend of my own age before." that would do it.

For a moment, Kieran was still, and Artemis was worried that he wouldn't buy it. Kieran nodded, "Uh... Fair enough. You... you haven't had a... friend before?"

Artemis' lip quirked up, "I did not say that."

Kieran huffed, "Yeah, yeah. You know what I meant. You haven't had a friend your age before?"

Artemis searched for something casual to say, "No, not really." Nailed it. See? He could be informal.

"How?" Kieran asked, munching on a mouthful of chicken.

"I have never really cared to. I had always thought people my age were… not worth my time."

Kieran's brow furrowed, "You realise that kind of makes you sound like a dick?"

Artemis nodded, "I do." Artemis tilted his head "I also considered everyone I met to be below me; I could not name one person I respected before I was twelve. It was… not a good time in my life. I was being arrogant and, to be honest, quite a bore."

"It's cool you can admit that." Kieran said. "It would be easier to bury your mistakes."

Artemis relaxed; the vulnerability he had shown proved to be a sufficient diversion. Kieran was taking the bait. Although… it did feel freeing to admit such personal things, even if it was just a distraction.

Kieran shrugged, "I guess most people go through that phase. You know, the 'everyone but me is an immature moron' phase. Yours just happened to be… quite a long one."

Artemis allowed a small smile to creep onto his face, "Thank you… I think." Kieran wasn't judging him. There were few other people he knew who he would trust to react this well to him opening up, Butler being one of them. It was a pleasant surprise.

"From now on I'm going to refer to this as your," Kieran adopted a high-pitched voice, "'I'm not like other girls' phase."

There it is. Artemis rolled his eyes and let out a laugh, "Very clever."

"I am, aren't I?" Kieran preened.

Artemis attempted to sink to Kieran's level, "However, I would counter that witty rejoinder with this one. Being camp is not a personality."

Kieran snorted, "Shots fired, shots fired. That my friend, is a bold-faced lie, being camp is a personality, I think I prove that."

"If you say so." Artemis said, his stomach turning at the thought of eating. Artemis didn't have to eat; it was one thing he did have control over. Artemis put his fork down with a clink.

Kieran looked at the floor, "You're probably the first real school friend I've made. So… Yeah, same… kind of." The words hung in the air for a moment.

Artemis smiled, "I'm honoured."

"As you well should be." Kieran said, moving on swiftly, "Aren't you gonna eat?"

"I'm not hungry." Artemis said.

"Do you mind if I…?" Kieran gestured to the plate.

Artemis pushed his plate over to Kieran, "Go ahead."

"Thanks, the dinner lady on this shift always gives me tiny servings- only me. When I asked her for more she says, 'other people need to eat'. Sheesh. Whenever I go back for more, she gives me the evil eye."

Artemis frowned, "Are you sure this isn't in your head? You were convinced the receptionist was out to get you too."

Kieran waved his fork at Artemis, "It's a conspiracy!" he hissed.

"Right." Artemis said, doubtfully.
Chapter 4: Five bites after detention
Author's note: TW: Sexual assualt, eating disorders.

Okay so this one is going to angsty as hell.

Kieran and Artemis sat in library while they waited for the second half of lunch to begin along with their detention. Kieran was saying something, but Artemis was engrossed in his thoughts.

The next lesson would be Physical education which would be hell (his classmates called his left foot Fowl due how poor his co-ordination was) and after that was religious education. Having not checked, Artemis was not sure if James would be in either class and the uncertainty was anxiety inducing.

His hangover was not better but worse and he was still more than a little drunk from this morning, especially considering he hadn't eaten since yesterday. This was not good. He felt sick and his head hurt and he just wanted this to stop. He wanted to be at home where he didn't have to worry about this but… he had promised his mother he would attend school like a normal boy.

Sometimes it felt like Angeline didn't actually want a son like him, it felt like she would prefer someone normal, someone else.

He wished he hadn't gone to that damned party, he wished he hadn't drunk so much, he wished-. Artemis stopped himself there, he was getting into dangerous territory.

Kieran had stopped talking and was looking at him.

"Sorry, what?" Artemis said, assuming he had missed something the other had said.

Kieran's expression was quizzical, "I didn't say anything, I was just staring at you until you realised you were staring at me."

"You are… quite odd." Artemis remarked.

"And you are considerably spacy today."

"I'm hungover," Artemis deadpanned.

Kieran shrugged, "Fair enough."

The knock rang out, harsh and sharp in the empty corridor.

Mrs Kilbride opened the door with a stern expression, "Mr O'Shea go take a seat, I need to speak to Mr Fowl."

Kieran muttered a, "Cool" and ducked into the classroom.

Mrs Kilbride remained silent for a moment, "Would you like to tell me anything?"

Artemis shook his head; this was not what he needed.

Mrs Kilbride sighed, "I've talked to your other teachers, you aren't engaging in any of your classes and- I generally try not to pry too much but it isn't like you to engage in… extracurricular activities with you peers."

Artemis frowned, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

An amused smile briefly played on Mrs Kilbride's face, "I was once your age Mr Fowl and I have turned up to class hungover more than once."

Artemis stared; he was under no illusion that his teachers were not real people, but he hadn't expected understanding from them.

Mrs Kilbride fixed him with a serious look, "I'm glad you're learning to socialise but please remember that there are better ways to deal with issues than to drink. I am acutely aware that you have just returned from a months long leave of absence because of your mental health."

Artemis wouldn't meet her eyes.

Mrs Kilbride continued, "I didn't want to have to bring that up, but I can't help being concerned. Your behaviour has been out of character and erratic to say the least. What I'm saying is, if you need help or just need to talk to someone, I'm here for you."

Artemis's gaze was still locked on the floor, "Thank you, Mrs Kilbride."

When it became clear Artemis would say nothing more, Mrs Kilbride gave in, "Okay, go on, take a seat."

As Artemis walked into the room, he did so with a newfound respect for Mrs Kilbride.

Mrs Kilbride opened the blinds with a flourish causing Kieran and Artemis to cover their eyes groaning.

Mrs Kilbride smiled mischievously, "What's wrong boys, headache?"

Artemis took back anything positive he had ever thought about the woman.

Artemis tried to hide his relief when he saw that James wasn't in his physical education class.

The hour passed slowly, and Artemis found new ways in which to lose a football match than he thought were possible. Kieran found this amusing to no end, especially as he was on the other team.

Artemis was not so lucky in religious education class, James sat next to him, and Kieran was in the other class. Artemis tried to ignore the glances James sent his way, his heart beating right out of his chest the entire time. At the end of the hour Artemis walked out of the class and felt a hand grab his… rear. His whole body ceased, and his head whipped round to see James, smiling, the bastard. James walked away, leaving Artemis feeling… dirty.

Artemis had never liked school, but he had always felt safe there. Even when his father went missing and Angeline would scream and throw things at him, school was always safe.

He no longer felt safe. Not here, not anywhere.

His hands shook as he attempted to unlock the door to his room. He shut the door behind him. And cried.

Later that night, Butler called, and Artemis pretended to be fine. There was no need to worry his bodyguard, Artemis had made some bad decisions and those decisions had consequences, there was no need to make it Butler's problem. Artemis hadn't even said 'no' for god-sake, all he could manage was 'get off'. He hadn't said 'no', so, it wasn't a big deal… just a mistake. Yes, that was what it was.

If it was a mistake, then it wouldn't happen again unless Artemis did anything stupid. That meant he had control and nothing bad had happened. Nothing happened… Just a mistake.

That was what Artemis told himself, but if the bodyguard had been privy to any of the aforementioned events, then he certainly would have had something to say about it. And plenty of things to do about it too, the first being to hug Artemis and the next, presumably, to kill James. But alas, Butler did not know any of this, and could not tell Artemis that none of this was Artemis' fault, that Artemis should ask for as much help as he needed and that just because he hadn't said 'no' that did not mean he had consented to anything.

Kieran also knocked on Artemis' door, but Artemis declared himself 'exhausted' and Kieran left him to it. This left Artemis feeling frustrated and angry because he really didn't want to be alone right now, but he was scared Kieran would notice something.

Artemis couldn't sleep, no matter how hard he tried, every time he closed his eyes, he would catch flashes of last night. God, he was tired, he just needed to sleep. He wanted this to stop, for a little while.

Remembering his conversation with Tom, he fished the bag full of pills out of his bedside draw. He closed his eyes. Just once. Just this once, he would use these to get to sleep. cautious, he snapped a tablet into quarters and took one. Coughing, he headed to the sink poured himself some water and took a sip.

He slumped back into bed and within fifteen minutes a strange floaty feeling overtook him. The world was becoming fuzzier, and Artemis smiled against his pillow, a slight euphoric feeling buzzing in the back of his mind. The last thing Artemis though before he slipped into a deep sleep was that 'this is nice'.

The morning wrought the grogginess of the previous day without the headache from the alcohol. Artemis tried to recall his timetable but the smog of the pill he had taken before was obscuring his usually sharp memory. James would be in some of his classes, he knew that.

He considered taking a pill, it did calm him. But no. No, taking pills during the day was different. Last night he just needed to calm down.

Walking into form time sober for the first time since the party was a different experience entirely. Every sound shot a jolt of anxiety through him. He was uncomfortably aware of everything around him, his eyes locking onto anything that moved. He sat in the corner, where he could see everything.

Kieran took a seat next to him, "Good morning."

Artemis was looking across the room, "Is it now?"

Kieran grinned, "Had a great night's sleep, got a cool project to do. Today is a good day."

"Obnoxiously cheerful. That's what you are." Artemis said.

"Are you still hungover somehow?" Kieran asked.

"No, just I'm naturally delightful." Artemis deadpanned; he was getting used to this mindless banter thing, "You mentioned a project?"

Kieran's face lit up, "Basically everyone in the mental health program has to research a subject to do with metal health and make a presentation to explain it to the rest of the group."

Artemis asked, "What subject were you assigned?"

"Dissociative disorders," said Kieran.

Artemis tilted his head "Oh, I had one of those."

Kieran's expression was surprised but carefully neutral, "Really, which one?"

"Dissociative personality disorder."

Kieran stopped. "… like spilt personality?"

Artemis smiled, "Yes, like that."

"Do you still…?" Kieran trailed off.

Artemis shook his head, "No. I have not had an episode in months."

Kieran blinked, "Wow. How many personalities did you have?"

"Just two. Me and Orion." Artemis answered.

"Has he come out at school before?" Kieran asked, leaning closer.

Artemis said, "No, I only had multiple personalities from five months ago."

"How was it?" Asked Kieran, morbidly curious.

Artemis took a moment to think, "Surreal."

Kieran frowned, "I haven't researched it yet, what triggered it?" Kieran's eyes widened and he cursed, "You don't have to tell me, that was really insensitive, just ignore me. I didn't think."

Artemis waved him away the apology, "It doesn't bother me. It was triggered by a strong electric shock."

Kieran looked at Artemis like he had sprouted another torso, "Well, now I have more questions than I started with."

"And none of them will ever be answered." Artemis said, smugly.

"But… now you've mentioned it you've got to tell me." Kieran pleaded. "Why were you shocked? Did you walk into an electric fence? Were you tased? Did your toaster short out?"

Artemis leaned back in his chair, "I think the satisfaction I would glean from knowing how much not telling you would irritate you, is worth it."

"No. You wouldn't." Kieran hissed, looking scandalised.

Artemis smirked.

Kieran sighed, "Can I at least do a case study on you?"

Artemis' reply was as instantaneous as it was final, "No."

English started normally enough, the class took turns to read 'The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'. Some students took the opportunity to lounge back in their chairs while others feverishly scrawled notes in their books.

Artemis had tuned out (as was becoming more frequent in the last few days) when Kieran tapped him on the shoulder snickering, "Jekyll is so into Utterson. Seriously he describes his hands as 'comely'."

Artemis turned to face his classmate, "Kieran, do you remember me telling you that being camp isn't a personality? Well, neither is being gay."

"Preposterous." Kieran dismissed with a wave of his hand.

Artemis frowned, "And if the author was really alluding to Jekyll and Utterson being attracted to each other, surely, he would have added more than slightly suggestive language."

Kieran leaning in conspiratorially, "The authors wife is said to have burnt the original copy because it was too outrageous,"

Artemis considered this, "It's possible, but then again the original could have been violent rather than homoerotic."

Kieran glared, "Take all the fun out of everything why don't you? Let a guy hope. Jeez."

Artemis struggled to keep a straight face. That was the thought that broke the damn, he could be described as a lot of things but 'straight' was not one of them. Artemis let out a quiet laugh.

Here he was again, trying not to catch James' eye while seated next to him. His mistake had been sitting before anyone else had. The first five minutes had entailed Artemis trying to contain the panic that crushed his chest but after that a strange calm settled over him, as if he was watching the world around him through a screen. He still felt the panic, the anger, the fear, and the shame, but they were dampened.

The teacher was talking, and writing on the interactive whiteboard, facing away from them.

Artemis felt a hand rest on his knee and froze. No. No, not now. The hand began to ride up the inside of his leg ever so slowly and Artemis was still frozen, memories of James on top of him resurfacing. Artemis didn't quite know what to do, he was in a room full of people so he couldn't say anything. Someone would notice if he batted the hand away, and that was assuming he could move, which he couldn't. His breathing was loud in his ears, his palms were sweaty, and he felt as if he would be sick.

Artemis glanced at James, who was staring ahead, his expression blank.

James skated his hand up Artemis' thigh sending sparks up his leg that pooled as heat in his stomach. Blood began to rush south as the stimulation caused his dick to harden and arousal shoot up his spine. James' hand rode higher and higher until it palmed his dick and rubbed, eliciting a quiet gasp. Artemis was finally able to make his arms move and batted James' hand away.

Artemis' hands shook and his heart pounded as he waited for James to start again. He didn't, much to Artemis' relief.

Artemis looked around; no-one had noticed. The thought was both comforting and bitter. Artemis risked a glance at James and hissed, "leave me alone."

"Don't be so dramatic," James said.

"I didn't say you could touch me." Artemis said in a clipped voice that was more confident than he felt.

"Oh, please." James sneered, "You were practically gagging for it the other night."

Anger flared, "I told you to get off me. You wouldn't listen." Artemis ground out.

James scoffed "You were asking for someone to jump you, wearing those tight fucking jeans. Fucking tease."

Artemis felt the words of retort catch in his throat and stayed silent. James had a point, he had agreed to wear those jeans and they were tight, just as his top shirt buttons had been undone, at Kieran's behest, but Artemis had agreed.

The rest of the class passed without incident although Artemis stayed alert and glanced back every few seconds at James who was focused on his book.

Artemis knew he would have to share another class with James in the last hour of school. It felt like watching a car crash in slow motion, completely helpless. He didn't seem to have much control of much these days, everything was seeming more inevitable, like a play that was already written.

Artemis couldn't pretend to be fine during first break, so he trundled up the stairs to his room. He lay down on his bed and tried to relax, it was pointless.

He eyed his bedside table, where he knew the bag of pills were stashed. He had meant to get rid of them. He had… but… it was something he could control. He could take them if he wanted and perhaps, they would make him feel something that wasn't fuzzy detachment or nausea inducing anxiety. He opened the cabinet, lifted the bag, and fished out half quarter a pill of Xanax and downed it with a gulp of water. They had assisted him to sleep when he was exhausted, but all they did last time was dampen his anxiety and bring a tingling kind of euphoria.

He lay back down on the bed and waited. It was as the five-minute bell rang that he felt the drug start to take effect. As he waded through the sea of people to his classroom, he felt a fuzzy warm feeling settle over him accompanied with a drowsy calm.

Physics class was spent in a thick haze, with Artemis barely listening to Mr Thomas ramble on about main sequence stars. The bell rang and Artemis stood. Artemis didn't remember walking to Chemistry, but here he was. The blackout would normally thoroughly perturb him but now it was just…The door opened and then he was in his seat.

Voices murmured and Mrs Kilbride was in front of him asking, "Where is Mr O'Shea?"

Artemis took a moment to dazedly reply, "He's at the mental health ambassador's…" Why couldn't he think of the word, it was as if his head was filled with cotton, "thing." Thing, he had never said anything so ineloquent before.

Mrs Kilbride frowned and scrutinised him, "Do you need to go to the nurse's office Artemis? You look rather unwell."

Artemis took a second to sort through the words, "No. I'm fine." Even in his addled state, Artemis knew that seeing a medical professional while he was high was a very bad idea.

Mrs Kilbride accepted it with a doubtful hum and walked to the front of the classroom.

The next thing Artemis could remember, he was sitting at lunch, alone. Kieran would be gone for the whole day and a part of him was glad of it, Kieran would be the only one to notice how differently he was behaving.

Artemis looked down at his food. He didn't have to eat it; he could make that choice at least.

After lunch PE was first, and after one look at Artemis the PE teacher (Mr Jones) told him to sit on the bench for the duration of the lesson declaring to Artemis that "You look like death."

Religious class was not as bad as it could have been due to the fact Artemis was seated on the other side of the classroom from James who only occasionally sent a wink or a smirk in his direction.

Artemis was feeling more lucid by the time Kieran arrived back in the dorms after school. Kieran and Artemis were sat on the floor next to each other in Artemis' dorm.

Kieran was recounting the events of the day, "And there were psychiatrists giving lectures about their specialty. The substance abuse one was pretty cool, ooh and the schizophrenia awareness lecture was really interesting."

Artemis smiled, "I'm glad someone is enjoying those mental illnesses then."

Kieran faltered, "I just find it really interesting, like in an academic sense… I know it sounds really bad but learning about it is so cool. Not the actual people having it but just the concepts." Kieran said in a manner reminiscent of a ten-year-old ranting about their favourite kind of Lego.

Artemis laughed, "I know what you mean, I was just mocking you."

Kieran opened a flip notepad revealing sketches of trees, landscapes, and swords. Kieran took a pencil out of his pocket and began to draw in broad strokes.

Artemis peered at it, "You like art then?"

Kieran looked up, "Not painting, but I like sketching, I'm okay at it, it's just for fun though."

"They're good." Artemis remarked, gleaning a smile from Kieran.

Kieran turned to him, "What do you like?"

Artemis shrugged, "I quite enjoy tinkering with tech, reading, and" He smiled, "learning about mythology- especially Irish folklore."

"Cool." Kieran said, "Like fairy's then?"
Artemis supressed the urge to chuckle to himself, "Among other things, yes."

Artemis didn't want to eat at dinner, he didn't have to, that was his choice. He looked down at the carbonara and watched the oily bubkes separate from the sauce. He felt sick.

Kieran ceased eating for a moment to ask, "You feeling alright?"

Artemis looked up, "Yes. I was just wondering whether the cooks here are capable of making sauce that doesn't spilt into at least five miscellaneous liquids."

Kieran rolled his eyes, "Give them a break, they are cooking for the whole school."

Artemis noticed Kieran trying to covertly steal glances at him. Artemis looked down at his food. He could control how much he ate but he would need to wat something.

Five, he would have five forkfuls. Five was good.

He was too tired to care that he was counting again, though it was not a normal tiredness, it was a deep weariness in his bones, one that hadn't left for days.

Author's note:
Yikes, so Artemis is not being healthy. I'm sorry, he will get a hug :)
Chapter 5: Neglectful parents never change
When Artemis awoke on Friday morning, it was with a gasp and a thundering heart. He had dreamt of darkened rooms and roaming hands and breathe on his neck and…

Artemis bowed his head and released a quiet anguished scream, his teeth gritted, trying to release the swirl of frustration and sorrow His bedside table barely creaked as he lashed out at it with his lower arm. All that achieved was a stinging pain in his wrist. He hissed cradling his arm. Then stopped. The horrible roiling feeling in his chest stopped when he was distracted by the pain in his arm.

He hit the table again, and again. His mind cleared somewhat, and he took a breath.

It was almost constant now, he flicked between feeling helpless, angry, terrified, and shattered to slipping into the numbness that felt more and more like an escape.

He slumped on the floor, something clawing up his throat. Why couldn't he- Artemis let out a strangled cry.

Artemis eyed the cabinet. He really was at his breaking point, he reasoned, this was only as a last resort. He took the key to the lock with shaking hands and retrieved three quarters of a pill from the bag.

He took one and tucked the other two in a pocket. Artemis floated through the day with occasional lucid moments breaking through the haze.

James was in his maths class, but Artemis didn't care because he was… he tried to think of the words when the bell rang. He had only just sat down.

Kieran ceased his scribbling in his orange book to whisper to Artemis, "Why does James keep on looking at you?"

Artemis blinked, then shrugged.

Artemis sat in an empty classroom during break, his eyes unfocused.

Kieran's face poked round the corner, disappeared, then came back as if he had done a double take. "Hey." Kieran said, sitting down next to him.

"Hello," Artemis said, his brow knitting together.

Kieran shifted uncomfortably, "You look kind of… out of it. I just want to make sure…" he scratched the back of his neck self-consciously, "I dunno, are you okay?"

"I'm good." Artemis said, a slow smile working its way onto his face, the sleepy euphoric effects of the drug buzzing under his skin.

Kieran swallowed, "You don't seem all there. Even now…"

Artemis frowned, not liking that Kieran was ruining how nice he felt right now. Thinking wasn't good. Thinking would only lead him back to- He straightened, "Kieran you've known me for a week, you have no idea what is normal for me."

That seemed to stop Kieran for a moment, "Just because we haven't been friends for the last few years doesn't mean I didn't notice you. You were just too scary to talk to."

This made Artemis laugh, a real genuine laugh, Kieran beamed, pleased with himself.

Kieran sat on Artemis bed and sketched while Artemis read an entry in a journal of biology on stem cells. They sat side by side, slumped against the wall and that is how they fell asleep and subsequently awoke the next morning with stiff necks and matching sheepish grins.

Once Kieran was gone, Artemis slipped on a tailored suit and paused at the mirror. The suit was made to be well fitting but as he gazed his reflection all Artemis longed for was something as baggy as his ill-fitting school uniform. James' words drifted back to him like a bad smell, 'You were asking for someone to jump you, wearing those tight fucking jeans.'

Everything felt alien now, not his own. Including his body.

Artemis opened the car door and slid inside, trying to act normally, "Morning Butler."

Butler took in Artemis' hunched posture and his weary eyes, "Morning Artemis. Everything alright?"

Artemis considered how best to approach this, "Mild hangover, nothing to worry about." He lied, though the last time he endured a hangover was days ago.

Taken aback, Butler slid the car into gear, "A hangover sir?" Amusement clear in his voice.

Artemis played the grouchy teenager, "Not a word Butler, not a word." He lent his head against the glass and watched the roads blur into each other.

The door opened and Artemis came back to himself, looking round, disorientated. Butler steadied Artemis as the boy swayed slightly as he got out of the car. On contact Artemis flinched, then froze. Shit.

Butler stopped, then to his credit carried on as usual, picking up Artemis' bags and walked towards the house.

Artemis heart thundered in his chest as he tried to banish the images of hands all over him and he couldn't move, and someone was on top of him and-

"Sir?" Butler asked, who had turned back when he realised Artemis hadn't moved.

Artemis breath came in frantic gasps as he slowly sank to the ground, his back against the car. He couldn't stop it, he couldn't-

Butler had dropped his bags and knelt next to him, "Artemis?" Butler had delt with enough of Artemis' panic attacks before that he knew what they looked like, "Artemis, It's okay. It's okay."

Artemis made a distressed sound and began to hit his arm against the car just to try and make it stop. The repetitive action became more frenzied and harder causing Butler to reach out to touch the boy's arm, "Artemis stop, you're going to hurt yourself."

Artemis scrambled back, sitting in the soggy gravel around a metre away against the other end of the car, "Don't- don't… touch me. Please." Artemis held the arm to his chest, a wild look in his eyes.

Butler nodded and stayed where he was, "Okay, I won't, I'm sorry." He said placatingly. This behaviour was worrying, even for Artemis, with his history of mental illness.

Artemis lowered his hackles slightly but was still more panicked than he had been. Butler stayed silent for a long moment then tried a technique that he had learned recently, "Can you tell me five things you see?"

"Why? I don't-" Artemis put his hands over his head and began to pull his hair, "Why are you asking me that?" He said, sounding disorientated.

Butler fought the impulse to pull Artemis' hands away from his hair, "Do you trust me?"

Artemis paused then nodded.

"Then just answer me. Tell me five things you see." Butler urged him.

Artemis looked around, "The house… the sky, the fence-" Artemis closed his eyes as another wave of images and sounds of that night flooded his mind. He clamped his hands over his ears as if he could block it out.

The sound of Butlers voice was muffled, but audible, "Artemis, that's three things, just two more.

Artemis cracked an eye open then both. He tried to focus on the things around him, "A bush, the ground." His arms slowly lowered from his head and came to wrap around his middle.

"Tell me four things you can hear." Butler said, calmly.

Artemis mind began to quieten while he focused on answering Butler, "Wind, a bird." He floundered, "Something in the bushes and… my watch." As he became more aware of the world around him, he felt less trapped. The breeze whispered though the trees.

Butler smiled, "Good. Now, can you tell me three things you feel?"

Artemis slumped back against the car, his guard coming down, "The gravel, the car, the wind." He took a handful of damp gravel and tried to focus on the feeling.

Taking a cautious step forward, Butler said, "Okay, two things you can smell."

"It smells like the rain and… the grass, I can smell the grass." Artemis mumbled.

"Something you can taste?" Butler asked.

Trying to focus, Artemis wasn't sure. There was… "something acidic."

Butler was closer now. Now that Artemis' mind was less scattered, he felt somewhat embarrassed, "Sorry."

"You have nothing to apologise for." Butler told him, softly. They stayed like that for a time until Butler asked, "Do you know what caused that?"

Artemis curled in on himself, "This week's just been a bit… much." He said truthfully.

Butler nodded, "That's okay."

Artemis stood, his suit now damp. Butler followed.

Butler thought about how Artemis had reacted to being touched, and asked this time, "Can I hug you?"

Artemis nodded mutely. Strong arms wrapped around him, and he leaned into it, bringing his arms up around Butler. Butler's muscular frame was warm and comforting and Artemis breathed out slowly.

"Don't tell anyone. Mother and father would only worry." Artemis mumbled into Butler's shoulder.

"I won't tell them, if you don't want me to." Butler assured him. Butler broke the hug to look at his charge, "Artemis, it's been a while since you had an episode that bad, and I've never seen you react like that to being touched, is there something you aren't telling me?"

Artemis considered lying then thought better of it, it wouldn't be believable anyway, "Something happened… it was bad. I don't want to talk about it."

"That's fine." Butler said. The bodyguard viewed his charge as a skittish cat who would clam up at the first opportunity because, for years he would get nothing out of Artemis, no matter how much he asked. Still, many things about this were concerning, the fact that Artemis was having panic attacks again and that Artemis felt he couldn't tell anyone what happened.

They had been in life and death situations before, what could be more personal than that?

Butler felt helpless, a feeling he was far too familiar with for his liking.

When Artemis opened the door to the manor, he was accosted by Beckett who charged him with a war cry.

Becket jumped up to cling onto Artemis' waist, yelling, "Art'mis!"

Artemis let loose an 'oof' when he was hit, "Hello Beckett." He tried not to panic at the contact, but it was difficult.

Myles stood, composed in the doorway.

Artemis smile was strained, "Myles."

"Artemis." Myles said, in greeting.

In a dress and a coat, his mother stepped out into the hallway, "Oh, hello dear." She smiled, seeing Artemis, "Your father and I were just heading out. Butler, if you wouldn't mind driving, we have a lunch engagement with Mr Goodwin."

Artemis tried to ignore the stab of anger of behalf of the twins. Ever since his father had returned, he had promised to spend less time on his business, which he had. Initially. However, this did not quite translate to having more time for the twins. Things had been better for a short time but since Artemis' return form the clinic… shall we say, old habits die hard.

Artemis senior and Angeline had become consumed in their charity work, which, on paper did not seem like a bad thing but it meant they were always travelling and assigned watching the twins to Juliet, or some nameless member of staff.

His father had promised.

Butler's face remained impassive until Angeline swept out of the front door, then he offered Artemis an apologetic look then followed her.

Artemis senior stepped out into the hallway, stopping when the man saw his son, like a deer caught in the headlights, "Artemis, you're back early," He remarked awkwardly.

Artemis, the younger, got the distinct impression his parents had planned to leave before he got back. Artemis was so tired, so used to the same patterns that he couldn't even find it in himself to be angry, "The traffic was light." He said, keeping his response curt. He wouldn't make this any less uncomfortable for his father.

Artemis senior nodded awkwardly, suddenly very interested in the floor.

He knew, Artemis was convinced that his father knew exactly why what he was doing was wrong and yet… At least his parents could be absent together.

His father cleared his throat then, "I should get going." He offered before leaving.

It didn't matter to Artemis; he had stopped expecting even common decency from other people as of late. His father had ignored him as a child, and while his mother had been better, she lacked understanding or interest.

And then there was… him.

'Get off,'

'Just let me.'

No, Artemis reminded himself, Butler had always shown him kindness and support, as had Juliet in her own way. They are in your employ, a voice reminded him, it's not like they have a choice.

However, the twins deserved better, they really did. They deserved loving parents, they deserved a role model and Artemis just wasn't it. Artemis was never more glad of the Butlers, they were people the twins could look up to, and excellent ones at that.

Artemis was left alone in the hallway with his two younger brothers. Beckett was oblivious and had found a spider to play with in the corner, however, Myles was quiet in his bewilderment.

Myles was more equipped to understand that something had just happened between Artemis and his father, just not exactly what that was. Myles repetitively scrubbed a hand up and down his upper arm, a nervous habit (or a stim if you want to be technical about it) he had developed when confronted with things that scare him.

Artemis was fairly sure Myles was autistic (just as he himself was) and he could be easily overwhelmed by stress, crowds, loud noises and emotions.

Artemis cursed himself for his hubris, he should never have let his frustration with his father show in front of the twins, it was thoughtless. He hunkered down in front of the twins, "How about we go down to the lab?"

Beckett grinned, "Explosions!"

Artemis nodded, "Indeed, explosions."

Myles stared at the floor, still fidgeting. Artemis sighed, "Myles, would you like to synthesise some basic chemical formulas."

Myles looked up hopeful, "Can we make nylon, Butler won't let me use the equipment on my own."

Artemis' smile was strained, "Yes, of course."

Author's note:
I'd love to hear you guys reaction to this chapter, but whatever you feel comfortable with.
Geek22 out!
Chapter 6: A hazy weekend
Beckett hummed to himself as he plopped different kinds of alkaline metals in the water and delighted in the small flames and explosion he coaxed from the water.

Artemis and Myles worked together, Artemis explaining the need for certain safety procedures and equipment.

After a short time, Myles interrupted him, "What's wrong?"

Hands halting at the question, Artemis asked, "What makes you think anything is wrong?"

Myles fiddled with the tale of his lab coat, "When you were talking to dad, something was wrong."

"It's nothing," was Artemis' immediate reply. That was another thing, Artemis had never called his father dad, had never been allowed. He didn't know what to do with that, but it made his chest hurt.

Myles' curious voice cut through his thoughts, "Mam and dad are always away now, do you think we did something wrong?"

Artemis felt like a horse had just kicked him in the chest. Christ. "No, of course not. It's not your fault, it's not Beckett's either. They just…" Artemis fumbled for words, "They get distracted."

The excuse sounded hollow to his ears.

Myles considered this, "What if I really impress them… will they…"

Artemis felt his throat tighten up, the train of thought was horribly familiar, and one that his younger self had clung to many a time. Myles was wondering if impressing his parents might get him some attention.

Although, the attention Myles was used to tended to be more substantial. Artemis would haven been lucky, when he was younger, even to see his father, let alone to be graced with a few short words and perhaps eye contact. Myles was used to genuine interactions with parents who cared, something that had been almost entirely alien to Artemis until he was thirteen.

Artemis shifted, feeling inadequate, "You don't need to impress them, they love you, they're just busy."
Myles nodded, sulkily.

The next few hours were painful for Artemis, who had never before wished so much to be less sober. His parents had been worse lately, it was affecting his brothers and on top of that, Artemis really wasn't in any fit state to be looking after anyone but himself. He tried his best, regardless. Sure, he could delegate to one of the twins' tutors, but the last thing his brothers needed right now was to be palmed off to somebody, considering what Myles had said.

Plus, Juliet had asked for the weekend off because, despite what some people thought, she had a life.

Artemis had been fine, for a while. But the panic had apparently chosen today to boil over, starting slow but building to something far less manageable. Memories of that night wisped closer, without his notice at first.

It was then that Artemis decided to take a pill to calm himself, he would not allow the twins to see him have a panic attack. He left them in the garden for a minute and stole away to the hallway, where his luggage was left, forgotten.

He deliberated to take a quarter of the pill. The results were favourable, he was calm and a lazy sort of giddy. The twins were at ease once the visible tension Artemis carried crumbled away.

That was how Artemis came to realise that being on these pills might be the only thing that could keep him balanced. Balanced was good, it was functional.

On the first night, Artemis awoke from sleep in a sweat, his skin crawling where he could still feel James' hands. He cried whilst he rocked, curled up in a ball.

He didn't know why he did it, he just knew it was to much. Bringing a hand to his mouth, he bit down, drawing blood and enjoyed a few moments peace while the pain silenced his mind.

Butler was concerned, Artemis could tell. After taking a quarter of a pill, his usually sharp mind was foggy, slow to react, and it showed.

The second night was somehow worse than the first. Artemis sat bolt right up in bed from, breathing heavily. He lay there for the rest of the night, confused, aroused and scared.

Why was he reacting like this?

He shouldn't... He didn't want it but his body apparently didn't get the memo.

He felt disgusting. What was wrong with him?

He couldn't look anyone in the eye during breakfast. He wasn't hungry either. Five spoonsfuls, so no one would notice. After that, he surreptitiously scooped the rest into the bin.

Artemis was jolted out of his thoughts by Butler, "-temis? Artemis?"

Artemis tore his eyes away from the window, his voice distant and words slightly slurred, "Sorry, what were you saying?"

Butler frowned. "You seem… off, worse than last week. Artemis, please, tell me what's going on. Do we need to call Dr Argon?"

No, Argon would notice something. He couldn't…

If he said anything, Butler would only blame himself. It was his own fault anyway. It wasn't anything terrible, he had actually gotten… aroused yesterday from a nightmare, so… He didn't know, maybe he wanted it? He was just being dramatic. And fucking disgusting. "It's nothing Butler."

Butler sighed, "Artemis, I know something's happeni-"

Artemis came as close to raising his voice to Butler as he ever had, "Can you just leave it alone."

Silence. Then, "Very well, sir." Butler said, resigned.

Artemis regretted it instantly, "Sorry, I didn't mean to shout, I just meant… I don't want to talk about it."

Butler took one hand off the wheel and laid it on his shoulder, "It's alright."

Artemis relaxed.

Butler sat in the car and thought after he had dropped off Artemis.

He hadn't seen Artemis in such a state in quite some time, so empty and brittle. Butler was convinced that Artemis was losing weight, he looked gaunt and paler than usual. There were other things Butler found amiss too, his uniform was in disarray, his eyes were blood shot, he was constantly groggy, he was… absent in his own body. And Butler hated to mention it but… had Artemis been showering less?

Then there was Artemis' outburst just now. It was so unlike his charge to raise his voice, and the boy had never done so to Butler.

Artemis floated through classes, taking increasing doses of the pills. His teachers were picking up on the changes, but it was so hard to care. Kieran knew something wasn't right, but he didn't push. It was on Tuesday morning that Artemis ran out of Xanax. Artemis didn't think anything of it until the evening when he was pacing in his room.

He felt on edge and his palms were sweaty, but it was fine. Then came the feeling of being trapped in his own skin, like latex squeezing him. It only worsened as the night wore on.

Artemis didn't sleep. Fuck, he couldn't sleep, and he could feel a horrible pressure on his eyes. He just lay in bed and breathed his way through constant barrages of panic and intrusive thoughts.

If I keep going on like this, I won't sleep at all tonight. How am I going to tell Butler about all this? Why would I anyway, it was my fault and enjoyed it anyway. Slut. I'm disgusting. I don't want them to know. I'm… dirty.

His heart felt as if it were pulsing in his stomach, making him feel sick.

He tapped his leg five times and felt a small relief. The next hour was spent obsessively organising the room, in fives where he could. He touched everything in the room five times.

He was worse than he had been before. It was withdrawal, he knew. The word didn't seem to fit right, associated with addiction and dependence. He wasn't dependent, he just… would prefer to be taking the pills.

He didn't need to see Dr Argon; he was fine now. He was fine.

Class was surreal, something was different, it felt like a dream or a drama he was watching from a distance. Nothing felt real, it didn't look real either. Everything mattered less when he was like this, it was probably a long dream. He didn't engage in class, or even answer teachers when spoken to, he was given three detentions by lunch time.

He just tapped the desk in fives. Kieran might have asked if he was okay, Artemis didn't remember answering.

Artemis split off from Kieran at break and scanned the corridor, striding forward when he spotted Tom closing his locker.

"Hi." Artemis said.

Tom looked up, "Hey, physics guy, right?"

Artemis inclined his head, "That would be me. It's Artemis by the way."

Tom nodded, "Artemis, that's it, I was trying to remember. What can I do for you?" Tom asked with a smirk because he already knew why Artemis was here. Artemis was painfully aware of how obvious it was.

Artemis floundered, unsure how to word this, "I… The thing you gave me last week, could-"

Tom cut him off, amused and led him to an empty classroom, "You sure finished them off fast. How many do you want?"

Artemis thought about it, "Twenty."

Tom reached in his bag, "That'll be three euros a pop, so sixty euros." He produced plastic bags filled with the white pills. Money exchanged hands and Artemis took the bags with fumbling fingers.

Tom eyed his shaking hands and seemed to sober up, he couldn't meet Artemis eyes again. Tom almost seemed… guilty. "Are you okay?" Tom asked, "It isn't a great idea to be on these when you've got shit going on."

Artemis looked up, surprised, "I'm fine." He parroted.

Tom's eyes narrowed, "I won't judge you… I mean, I'm not the greatest person, I won't care." He shrugged.

Later, Artemis wouldn't understand why he did it. The truth was, nothing seemed real enough for him to care and he was too delirious to remember why he shouldn't talk. "I can't get it out of my head. I can still feel his hands…"

Tom stayed quiet, listening.

Artemis stared at the wall, "Was my fault anyway." He mumbled, "Shouldn't have stayed."

When it became clear Artemis wouldn't say anything more, Tom said, "It probably wasn't- your fault I mean."

Artemis shrugged. Hearing that from someone was… odd. Nice, but really, it didn't matter. Tom didn't know anything about him.

Tom shifted, "You should probably tell someone about that. You… might need help."

Artemis felt something freeze in his chest at the idea, "No, I'm fine."

Tom crossed his arms, "People say that a lot. I don't mind, it was just advice."

Artemis walked out.

His hand trembled as Artemis took a pill dry. He was fine.

Author's Notes:
Poor Artemis, he needs a hug and possibly a bubble
bath. I'd love to know your instant raw reaction to this chapter, constructive criticism welcomed :)
Chapter 7: Coopertaive film studies
A tremendous amount of relief filled Artemis as the drug began to tingle under his skin and a tension in his shoulders he hadn't even noticed till now, melted away.

Subliminally, Artemis had classified certain classes as 'safe'.

Safe meant nothing was expected of him during class when his mind was fractured, safe meant the teacher wouldn't notice anything when he was high and ask 'is anything wrong?'. Safe meant James wouldn't be there.

Small details that, before, he hadn't paid any mind to, were now unavoidable.

He liked English language class. While he shared English literature with Kieran, in English language he was alone. James wasn't leering at him, Kieran wasn't asking any questions and the teacher would never ask, 'where is your work?'.

The tables in the classroom were arranged in rows and he was sat in an empty one in the back. Mrs Cleese rarely marked work or had a lesson plan, she spent most of the hour reading through texts with them and explaining as she went. Artemis was fairly sure that at least half of the class would fail when it came to exams but that wasn't his problem. In the meantime he would enjoy the freedom her class afforded him.

He hadn't slept at all that night, and it was warm in the English classrooms. Soon his head came to rest on his desk, his eyes drooping, the droning rhythm of the lecture lulled him into unconsciousness.

Silence could be deafening. It could be the loudest thing in the room, and that was what awoke Artemis from his nap, his eyes snapping open.

Remotely, he heard Mrs Cleese ask, "Barnaby, tell me, what was a method that Shakespeare used to foreshadow the appearance of the witches?"

Someone answered, "The storm kind of foreshadowed that something was going to happen." the student continued but Artemis couldn't decipher the words, thoughts still heavy with sleep.

Blinking, he lifted his head from the desk just as Mrs Cleese locked eyes with him, "And what is the proper word for that? Artemis."

"Uh," He scrubbed a hand over his face, trying to remember what the question had been, "Pathetic fallacy." Mrs Cleese moved on, quizzing the class on the passage.

He had of course read Macbeth, but he was exhausted and rendered unable to study by both his panic attacks and the subsequent need to be… addled.

He had thought that appearances would be hard to maintain but he soon realised only a handful of staff actually paid attention to their students. He would fall asleep in class numerous times a day, had never submitted homework, and would spend lessons staring down at his desk with empty eyes. Wasn't it obvious that something was wrong? That he couldn't do this, that he was barely holding on. He supposed not.

'Of course not you idiot, you haven't told them.' The voice piped up.

Artemis rolled his eyes; he was arguing with himself now. How juvenile.

It was odd, he had always felt surveilled at school, watched. And that had been comforting for some reason. It was an irritating system to circumvent, true, but also a safety net. Now those safety nets had dissolved at his touch, showing themselves to be the mirages that they were, he felt untethered. Strange.

He had rarely needed to study before, his natural wit and interests carrying him, but as of late his concentration had lapsed, his thoughts choked in a fog of… of- what was that word?

It was hard to find the words these days, they would flit away at his approach, dissolve as he reached for them. It was if the words were only there when he looked at them form the corner of his eye.

Like those fours, whispering on the wind. He tapped five times on the desk to counter the thought.

The fog was worse when he hadn't slept, when he took Xanax, when he didn't take Xanax, when he had to tolerate more social interaction than usual, and when his mind inevitably returned to that night.

If Mrs Cleese had noticed, she never said anything nor did any of his other teachers. He felt a sudden rush of anger, helplessness, his throat clogging as he fought the onslaught of tears that threatened to fall. He was drowning and no-one could even be bothered to pay attention. He spent the next ten minutes before the bell rang just breathing and trying to calm himself and detach himself from his body and slip into a numb feeling that wrapped around him. He couldn't cry here – not here.

'Not anywhere', a voice said. 'Pull yourself together.'

That was concerning, the voice was becoming more consistent and distinct; almost like it was developing a personality. He should really call Doctor Argon. But he wouldn't.

'You're disassociating again. You know, it won't go away if you just ignore it. But that's how you deal with most of your problems isn't it?'

He sighed, not rising to the bate.

'Don't ignore me. How does that ever work out for the people around you? But you don't care about that, do you? Otherwise, we wouldn't be here.'

He stopped. That was the first time the voice had referred to the two of them as 'we'. His condition was deteriorating, probably due to the toxic combination of trauma, drug use, lack of sleep and the withdrawals that dragged on from nights to mornings.

Artemis was left feeling drained and empty just from the spike of emotion, it was exhausting, how erratic and extreme his moods had become. It seemed that he yoyoed between feeling thankful that the changes in his demeanour had not been picked up and feeling resentful and angry that he was being pushed to his limits on a daily basis by crowded corridors and constant exhaustion both mental and physical among other things.

It was a strange sort of paralysis that snared him; telling anyone seemed a daunting task but living like this for much longer seemed unthinkable. So, he did nothing and allowed his fear to choose for him.

A desolate feeling had been settling into his bones for some time now, bit by bit, circling like a vulture. But now it descended, and he was unable to fight it. no-one would notice, and he would not tell them, nothing would get better.

But that was what he wanted wasn't it? That was why he never asked for help.

'Was it?'

He wanted it to stop, but he couldn't tell anyone, (anyone that cared, anyway) he just couldn't.

He buried the thought. He was being dramatic. His mother had always told him he had a certain flare for it. It had sounded harmless, affectionate even, coming from her but it always left him feeling cold inside and unable to voice quite why.

Lugging his bag over his shoulder, Artemis rose with the rest of the class and walked through the halls and across the courtyard in a disaffected bubble. Fours couldn't reach him here, and fives weren't so friendly.

It was halfway through his history class (another safe place), that he allowed himself surface from the apathetic trance he had retreated into, lulled by the familiar structure of the lesson. Mr Alans would introduce the topic and allow them a break every two minutes or so to make notes and complete sheets they had been given.

Copying the information was repetitive and soothing in a way his other classes failed to be. It was his teacher as well, he was kind, though slightly demanding. In the warm classroom it felt like a haven. Because for three hours a week, he could feel safe, genuinely safe.

The class had settled into a comfortable silence as they scribbled in their books in a rare demonstration of respect. Mr Alans was one of the only teachers who could command the attention of an entire class.

Mr Alans hunkered down next to Artemis, his voice low but not unkind, "The homework this week, is there a reason you didn't hand it in?"

'Because you were high. As usual.'

Artemis looked at the table, "I wasn't able to do it." He was saying that a lot more these days.

Mr Alans looked like he wanted to say more but he settled on, "Okay, try not to let it happen again."

He was too close. Mr Alans was too close, and he felt trapped. And for a second he was back in that bedroom with James looming over him. Mr Alan didn't even look that much like James, but he was a man and he was too close, and apparently that was all that mattered to Artemis's scattered psyche. That night was infecting his safe spaces and he didn't know how to stop it.

The moment passed, but Artemis's hands still shook.

Mr Alans had already stood and continued the lesson – oblivious.

Kieran was quiet at lunch. It took Artemis ten minutes to realise that.

"Hi." Artemis ventured, pulling himself out of his pit of self-pity.

Kieran looked up from his meal like he had been caught in a lie, "Hi."

A pause. "You aren't usually quiet for this long. Something's wrong."

A guarded expression flickered onto Kieran's face, "Ironic, coming from you."

Artemis tilted his head, "True enough, however that does not negate the fact that you are acting odd."

Kieran crumpled, "I'm not good at this whole silent brooding thing." Something changed in his face, "My da' wants me to stay with him and his girlfriend over the half term."

"And that is bad?" Artemis queried.

Kieran's eyes became suspiciously wet, and he blinked rapidly as he covered his eyes with one hand, "Sorry, I'm not crying, my god damn eyes took this moment to water. For fucks sake." He said, mortified.

Artemis smiled at his antics.

Kieran wiped his eyes with his sleeve, "So embarrassing. My da' is fine, I guess. I just feel like his girlfriend doesn't like me. I think she finds me… inconvenient or something. Da' won't listen to me. Probably because if he broke up with Angie no-one else would date him. He's let himself go since Ma' kicked him out. He wasn't much better before to be honest, I have nothing against smoking weed but it'd be nice if he was sober once in a while. Y'know what, that's not even the problom, he's just a self absorbed mess that can't function on his own without a girlfriend to mother him."

Artemis nodded slowly, slightly lost, "… I am sorry Kieran. You shouldn't have to tolerate that."

"Aww, you're trying to be supportive, you really know how to make a guy feel special." Kieran simpered.

"If you weren't upset right now, my response to that would be scathing." Artemis deadpanned.

"Oh, I'm sure, under normal circumstances you wouldn't let anyone mistake you for, dare I say it… nice." Kieran mocked.

Artemis huffed a laugh, then took a moment to realise that the all-consuming hopelessness from only minutes ago had receded into a tightness in his throat. He had spent the first half of lunch deciding how much to eat. Ten forkfuls. Two fives is ten.

They both looked up when Jess made her way over and hovered by the table, "Is it cool is I sit here?"

Kieran gestured to the seat next to him with a flourish, "Take a seat madam."

Artemis sighed, "You remind me of Orion sometimes, in the worst way possible."

Jess sat, watching the interaction.

"Orion?" Kieran asked.

"I told you about him. The guy I met over the summer."

Kieran squinted, "Who?"

He sighed, "I'll tell you later."

Kieran shrugged, nonplussed, "Cryptic as usual." He looked across the table, "How are we all?" he said in a way that suggested he was referencing some obscure part of pop-culture.

Jess' eyes lit up, "Are you quoting St Trinians right now?"

Kieran grinned, practically vibrating with excitement "Of course, it literally was my childhood."

For a minute, they traded nonsensical sentences that broke off into exclamations of "Oh my god", "It was so good" and, incoherent screeching.

It was Artemis' turn to observe, bemused, the corner of his mouth tugging upward in a ghost of a smile. When the squealing had ceased, Jess and Kieran were red faced, with matching loopy grins.

It was then that they seemed to remember Artemis's presence, and both scrambled to explain at once; "It's this movie about a girl's school-"

"-they distil their own vodka, and someone died, but that was only once-"

"-a heist-"

"Stephan Fry gets high during school challenge-"

"-kind of chaos, all the teachers are weird-"

"-twelve-year-old explosive experts-"

"-gave all the school inspectors PTSD."

"The second one was definitely better-"

"Jess is obviously wrong, the first one was a master-"

"David Tennant is all the reason I need!"

Artemis nodded, not sure how to react.

Jess and Kieran shared a look, and Artemis briefly wondered if they had developed some kind of telepathic abilities. Leaning over conspiratorially, Jess asked, "We're making him watch it, right?"

Kieran's expression could only be described as maniacal, "Oh, absolutely."

"Both of them?"

"What do think I am? A philistine? He will watch both and he will like it."

Artemis looked from one to the other, "I feel strangely… attacked."

Artemis sat on the low comfortable chairs in the library feeling surprisingly okay. Kieran was draped across his lap and for some reason that didn't bother Artemis. The voice hadn't resumed its morbid commentary and he found himself laughing along with Jess and Kieran as they continued their enthusiastic exchange.

The library was a generous word for what this was. There were books packed into shelves that reached the ceiling but rather than chairs and desks, bean bags were scattered about the floor and low comfortable chairs were placed in a crude semicircle.

The room was curiously empty, usually the centre of socialisation for the more bookish of the boys, well and the faction that spent their time raving about anime, fantasy books, and for some reason Pedro Pascal, as of late. Teenage boys were odd.

The morning's episode was worrying. He had gone from being relatively stable a week ago to… well that. He wasn't oblivious, he knew how bad that was. It wouldn't be long before Butler did too.

And he should be happy right now. He was with a friend, something he was in chronic short supply of and yet...

All he could say was that he wasn't actively in pain. It would start to show soon.
Chapter 8: Econmics of ethical drug dealing
Lurking in a corridor again. After at least three mouthfuls of whiskey. He was picking up all flavours of unsavoury habits as of late.

Tom spotted him almost immediately, "Come on." He grabbed him by the arm, expression grim, leaving his friends in a confused cluster.

Artemis was swept along with the older boy, passing a number of empty rooms with a stumble, "Where are we going?"

"Somewhere quiet."

Ah yes, following your drug dealer 'somewhere quiet', that was a classic hallmark of good decision making. He chuckled, a little delirious.

Wasn't he supposed to be doing something? Oh, yes, trying to act as if he wasn't high as a kite. He hadn't meant to drink so much. Or take so much.

The latch of the fire escape groaned back into place after they emerged into the pale midday light. Groups of rowdy teens lounged about the green, taking no mind of the signs that read, 'Do Not Walk On The Grass'.

"What are you-" Artemis began to ask, silenced by being tugged away, into a quieter and wilder part of the grounds, a deserted moss covered area behind the school, overgrown and forgotten.

"What dose are you on?" was the exasperated question Tom opened with.


"Your pupils are three times bigger than they should be. And you're acting like a stoner, you just let me drag you along for like five minutes without saying anything. You're seriously out of it dude."

Artemis shrugged, a little laugh escaping him, "You're too serious."

"Jesus, how much did you take?" Tom asked, still holding Artemis's lower arm in a firm grip.

He squinted, "Maybe five? Not sure." He swayed slightly.

"Five? This morning? What were you thinking? Shit, shit, shit."

Another shrug, this time childlike and forlorn, "Don't want to go back. He's always there. I prefer to float."

It was quiet. Had Artemis said something he shouldn't have again? Maybe he had taken too much.

Concern was written all over Tom's face, "Him?"

Artemis hummed as if in agreement.

Tom had that look on his face again, contemplating, like he was piecing together a horrible picture, "Is... Anything happening... Y'know..." he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, "at home?"

Artemis tilted his head. Odd question. "No."

"Who is he then?"

Artemis frowned, "Who-? Oh, James? I had RS today, he's always there." Before Tom could say anything, "I needed a..." what was the word? "Stimulant."

"No. No, absolutely not. You can't take uppers and downers together. Especially at a dose this high. It's not safe."

"Why do you care?"

Tom floundered for a second, as if he'd been caught in a lie, "Because I can't have all my clients dropping dead. It's bad for business. You could get me caught."

That did make sense, his befuddled brain decided, "Someone's going to notice, I need something to help get through the day. I can't stop taking the xanax, it's the only thing that makes it stop. I just need it to stop. I couldn't do it on my own." It came out in a stream of consciousness. He needed him to understand there wasn't another option. "If you don't give them to me I'll get it from somewhere else." But of course that could take days in his current state. And he didn't have days.

"Fine. Fuck it. Fine, but I'll only give you enough for one day at a time, I'll give you the next day's dose every day, got it. Only exception is weekends cuz that could get really complicated. The same goes for any more xanax you need."

Artemis nodded.

"And I'm only giving three pills of xanax a day, and one slow-release amphetamine."

"No- I can't do that, Tom, I can't-" Artemis felt panic rising

"Artemis, you can't be taking five pills before lunch everyday. Take half a pill every four hours, that's enough for six doses a day."


"Artemis." It was the kind warning you didn't ignore, "You're a year younger than me, I'm not going to be the reason you die. I gave you twenty yesterday, how many did you take yesterday?"

"Maybe six?" the world was tilting under him, he stumbled backwards but Tom's arm shot out to steady him. Artemis fell into Tom's chest, laughing, "You're... strong."

"Alright. Okay." Tom said, trying to extricate himself and move to a much more appropriate position of an arm around Artemis's shoulders, propping him up, "You can't see the nurse like this, you could spot it a mile off. They'll check your room if you don't register. Urm... Bloody hell. I live twenty minutes away, we'll go to my place."

Artemis shook his head, "Can't skip school. They'll ask questions, Bulter'll find out. Everything's supposed to be fine."

"It's not though, is it? You need to sober up mate, and I don't think it's going to happen during lunch."

Artemis, who was in fact starting to realise that perhaps Tom had a point, grumbled, "Okay. No need to be so... bossy." He snickered, the sentence comical coming from his mouth.

"C'mon, they probably won't even notice you're gone for the first two hours, everyone'll think you've gone to the nurse."

They started towards the front gate, Artemis actually to walk something of a straight line.

A few passers looked curiously at the pair, clad in school uniform, one off balance and spacy. It probably didn't look good.

It was cold, Artemis hadn't noticed that before. The frigid air sent a chill through him. Why had they stopped?

Tom sat down at the bus-stop and so did he. The seats were icy. Of course they were.

"So, you got off your face because of James. You're gonna have to explain more than that."

His arms wound round his chest. His thoughts were becoming choppy and sharp. He didn't like it, "It was after you left. He wouldn't stop."

Tom frowned, opened his mouth, then slammed it shut. He went still, "Oh. Oh, the thing told me about. He's in you class?"

Artemis shrugged, noncommittally.

"That's fucked up."

Artemis jerked his head to the side, as if to say, 'I guess.'

A few minutes past before the bus pulled up and rumbled to a stop, a wheezing hiss signifying the opening of the doors.

The driver cast them sceptical looks as they boarded, "You alright darling?" she asked, eyes on Artemis.

"Yes. Thank you." He said, taken aback.

The driver waved them on, not convinced.

When the bus juddered back to life, Artemis could feel the vibrations of the engine in his toes. It was nice. He hadn't been on a bus more than twice in his entire life.

Five more stops and they got off. That was good.

The house was small by Artemis's standards, but his standards were a bit askew. Two floors, a garden, red brick walls. No cars in the drive.

"I don't think anyone's home, unless my sister pulled a sicky again. I can't believe she gets away with it every time she has swimming." He pulled key out of his pocket and the door opened with a clank of the lock.

The house felt lived in, warm. The hall was narrow, the floor made of laminated wood, "Miles is the same, he'll do anything to avoid PE."

A pause.

"Have you eaten? You missed lunch."

Artemis frowned, "I don't have to. I don't..."

"No, you don't." Tom agreed, confused, "but do you want to?"


Tom cleared his throat, a nervous hand coming up to his neck in that awkward way of his, "My rooms just up here, you need help getting upstairs?"

Artemis wasn't sure.

Another awkward cough, "If course you do, what am I thinking. Right I'll just..."

An arm slipped around his waist, taking a surprising amount of his weight as the gingerly edged up the too-narrow stairs.

Tom's room was navy, a small bed in the corner. He was eased down into it, after Tom had helped pull of his shoes.

"Right, I'll just be downstairs..." Tom backed away and shut the door behind him. Artemis snorted. The duvet had a comforting weight and it was warm under the covers.

He floated for a while, but was soon snoring lightly.

Artemis squinted, someone was talking, "Artemis. Artemis."

He opened his eyes. He wasn't in his own bed. A face loomed to his left, a boy.

He shot up, eyes wild, panic clouding his thoughts.

Narrow bed. Dark room. "Just let me."

But the boy was backing away and hair his was light, not dirty brown.

"Shit, sorry. It's just me." He sidled to the side, opening the curtains, the room filling with light, "Are you alright."

Artemis sagged, "Yes. Fine. You just startled me."

"Okay, sorry. I was just checking on you, it's about three by the way."

Artemis nodded, remembering the embarrassing events that led him here. If there ever was a moment to bash his head against a wall, it was now. He groaned, closing his eyes and cursing his past self, "D'arvit."


"Oh god." He bowed his head into his hand, hiding his face, "Oh god."

The corner of Tom's mouth twitched, trying to hold in a grin.

Artemis glanced up, "Shut up."

The dam broke and Tom broke out in wheezing laughter, his voice rising in pitch "I didn't say anything."

"You… did not have to." Artemis grumbled, locked in a fierce staring contest with the chest of draws across the room.

Tom quirked his eyebrows and cocked his head to the side as if to say, 'Yeah, pretty much.'

Artemis lowered his feet to the floor, elbows on his knees, "I'm sorry about today. I took too much. It won't happen again."

"No – it won't."

Artemis went still. "You weren't serious about that were you?"


"It really isn't necessary Tom, today was an outlier."

Tom leaned against the doorframe, "Sure, it was."

Artemis winced.

Tom pushed away from the door frame, arms across his chest, "Okay, what I'm gonna do is pretend that this conversation didn't happen, for the sake of your dignity. I'll go make myself some lunch, you can have some if you want. It's about three, so we should at least try to get back by four." He hesitated, "Also, we probably shouldn't be seen going back together."

Artemis nodded mutely.

Tom nodded awkwardly, "Okay, come down when you're ready." He walked out and trundled down the stairs.

Artemis closed his eyes, "I am a fucking idiot." He made painful sound of frustration. This was almost as bad as Orion. He considered in jest, that perhaps Orion hadn't been caused by his unconscious sexism and stress, perhaps it had been an expression of his debilitating social awkwardness.

Cringe was dead they said. Well, whomever 'they' were, they had not been here to witness this travesty.

Author's Note:
Artemis cannot catch a break *cackles in maniacal author*. I will spare him no social awkwardness. Also, I'm liking Tom, he's so sound.

Tell me any thoughts you have, where you think this is going, what you liked, what didn't work so well, any formatting that took you out of it, I'd love your hear thoughts guys
Chapter 9: waking up at your drug dealer's house. Nothing to see.
As Artemis sat on the side of Tom's bed, the world seemed to come into a sharp focus. It wasn't that he had sobered, it was that things had stopped for a time, reality had refused to keep its distance. The world was dimmer, darker, yet more vibrant.

He wanted to curl up here under a duvet and feel safe enough to cry. And he reckoned he could, here.

His half-formed thoughts failed to arrange themselves into an orderly queue and he was stuck with several vague impressions. How embarrassing this situation would be for one, the excuse he'd have to feed Butler for another and whether the blinding pain behind his eyes would subside. It didn't.

He rested his elbows on his knees and held his head in his hands. The pressure built in his head, his nose, the muscles in his neck, like a pulsing fruit ready to burst. Or maybe he was just noticing now. He was so fucking tired. Everything felt clogged and too much, he was all creaking joints and tender muscle.

This had gone horribly wrong, like everything else he tried, and it was difficult to see how he could get himself out of this mess. Nothing he did made anything better; none of it ever mattered.

It was hard to remember how he had felt so light before, the clarity was distant. It has scarcely been two weeks, but he barely recognised the person he had been. He was a dull and hopeless wretch now, a thing. Things happened to him now, he didn't happen to things. He didn't feel quite like a person, not anymore.

It came out of nowhere, the thought that things would be much simpler if he had overdosed. For him at least. Relief and grief coiled across his face, knotting, matching, competing.

It was quite enough here to feel everything. It tied him to the moment, to the feel of the sun. distracted him from the ashen taste of despair.
Dizziness clogged his head when he looked up too fast and nausea clung to his next few breaths. When the pressure subsided it was as if his brain was being doused in cool water, which was dazing in its own way. He felt like he might faint for a moment. And then the moment passed but the pain remained.

He stood and the process repeated itself, his knees weak.

The room was a dark navy, not plastered in posters or anything particularly personal. Very utilitarian.

The carpeted floor groaned, but didn't creek as he walked across it, barefoot. The doors were all glossy white with glassy doorknobs, cold to the touch. The rustle of his uniform was loud in the quiet house. The stairs released a hollow boom as he went down them, he hadn't noticed that earlier, they didn't feel substantial.

He could hear the hiss of cooking in the other room, the scents of paprika and other various spices drifted around the landing. He passed through a door to the kitchen and caught sight of Tom at the stove.

Squinting at the light, Artemis stumbled into the kitchen muttering a quick, "Hi." Before slumping at the unvarnished wooden table without sparing Tom a glance.

The boy in question looked round flashing a charming but exhausted smile, "Hi. I hope you like mushroom stir fry because I just used most of the fresh vegetables in the house, my mam will not be happy."

It wasn't clear whether the grunt he released was affirmative or not, "Thanks."

Tom unloaded the pan onto two plates on the side and plopped them down on the table at the same time, dropping a fork next to Artemis's plate, "So, what's going on?"

Artemis opened his mouth to answer, closed it, not sure what to say. It was as if he was being asked to jam every stone on a beach into a briefcase. He couldn't help the apathy the task rose in him.

"Let me re-frame that. You want me to supply you, and it would be safer and easier if you came to me. I'll supply on the day, three Xanax and one long term release stimulant, let's say elvanse, but if you want me to do that, you have got to tell me what's going on, regularly. So, what's going on?"

He didn't say anything for a second, mind still foggy, fuck he just wanted to sleep and cry, "I could just find another drug dealer."

"You could. But I don't think you can be bothered. Depression will do that to you. And call me selfish, but I if you are going to keep going like you are now, I don't want to be the guy responsible for that."

Artemis went through several stages of emotion, confusion, irritation then slightly more muted frustration.

He went to pick up the fork to distract from the conversation, but he hadn't decided if he was going to eat yet or how much he was going to eat, so he pulled his hand back. What did he do with his hands? He hadn't been thinking about that before. He rested his elbows on the table.

Tom's tone was light and casual, "What was that?"

Artemis shrugged away the ice that had encased his bones after a long moment, "I don't know what you mean."

"You did a thing." The boy elaborated.

Artemis narrowed his eyes, "It's nothing."

"Okay." It was surprising how quickly he dropped it, "So, where do you want to start?"

Irritation twinged his neck and he winced, "You're assuming that I'll agree."

"I am." Tom admitted between mouthfuls. The boy didn't say anything else, waiting for Artemis to say something.

He felt different here, the world seeming a lot less fixed, in a small kitchen, sitting opposite Tom in the mid-afternoon. He felt a lightness he hadn't felt for some time. Maybe it was that he didn't often break routine these days, routine was good Dr Argon had said, but right now it felt as if routine was drilling a hole through his skull, wearing him down.

He trusted Tom to some extent as well, in a very different way than he trusted Holly.

"I just need something to calm me down, things are… strained as of late." Tom had looked up from his food to listen, but still he said nothing, preserving the calm in honeyed amber, "Seeing James every day is a complication."

Tom's face went strangely blank, as if he was thinking about a few things at once, "Is that James from the rugby team?"
"Moorcraft, yes. Why?"

"Did he say anything to you? D'you think he was drunk or something?"

Artemis felt something slither into his gut, "He was drunk, he does remember it, but he doesn't seem remorseful."
Tom cocked his head slightly, the question implicit.

"He… was gloating about it, I think. He sits next to me once a week, tries to touch me."

Tom frowned, "Shit. Sorry. I shouldn't have asked, I didn't mean to imply… That was a shitty thing to say. He's just… I thought I knew him."
Artemis shrugged; his thoughts clogged "It doesn't really matter. I just want to be alone, not have to do anything." Something shifted in his chest once he's said it out loud, the pain grew sharper and yet… it was like a weight was lifting. He felt like shit and that was that, staring it head on made it seem… real. manageable.

Tom nodded in understanding, "I could beat him up if you want."

"Tom, that sounds like the kind of thing that could get you into trouble."

The other boy shrugged, "Not if I hit him where no-one can see and scare the ever-loving-shit out of him. Plus, its not like he's going to face consequences for it otherwise."

Artemis blinked. "That's… oddly sweet of you."

Tom flicked his head to the side in agreement, "Violence is one of those rare areas in which I excel."

With some hesitation the boy spoke up, "Can you tell your parents about this? Or like, a responsible adult. I'm not uh~ yeah."

Artemis thought about telling his parents, his mother's cold smothering form of affection, his father's awkward lack commitment. Something went cold in his chest. Then, "I could tell Butler but- I don't- I can't tell him. Not about this. Not now."

A tightening of Tom's jaw signified the thought, "Could you just tell him how you're feeling? Not what happened."

"I suppose. Maybe." He raised a hand to scrub his forehead wearily, "It's messy."


"It's so much effort existing right now. There's too much to feel, it's draining. Sometimes I'm just tired. I don't know if I can…" he inhaled deeply, but there was no space in his lungs, it felt tight, "It seems like a lot of effort," his smile sharp and bitter and his voice taut and irritable.

The kitchen was quiet.

Artemis sighed, "You wanted to know what I'm feeling, now you know. Not much use in my telling you however, now you feel guilty and I'm still wallowing. This seems a rather pointless exercise."

Tom frowned, "I really couldn't tell you if this will make anything better but," he shrugged, "I don't know how else to help and honestly – I'm not okay with giving you drugs without checking on how you're doing." His voice brightened a shade, "Besides, this is the most animated I've seen you in a while, I almost made you angry, which is something other than despondency, so I'll roll with it. Anger seems like a reasonable thing to feel right now."

It took him a moment to realise Tom was right, in his irritation he had become like himself again. Talking about it made him feel like a person again, less like a wounded animal, limping on, trying to survive. "I suppose." Was all he said.

He tried to ignore as Tom's gaze flicked down to his untouched food.

"I can get a rennie." Tom said.

"A what?" Artemis asked.

Tom tilted his head, "A rennie? A little chalk tablet, they stop you feeling sick."

Oh. Tom thought he was too nauseous to eat. It made sense. There was a choice here, more than one choice. He could take the tablet, which admittedly would settle his stomach, and eat nothing. He could take the tablet and eat, pretend that was what was wrong. He could refuse it too. He wasn't expected to do anything here.

But he could do what he always did. Five bites. That would be familiar, comforting.

When he was young, Artemis had what his father called 'bad habits'. When he was nervous or excited he would bounce his leg, pace, wrap his arms around himself, sometimes rock rhythmically or cover his ears and close his eyes.

They used to be grounding constants but that had all stopped when his parents deemed him 'too old' for that sort of behaviour. He had been seven at the time. His mother would bat his wrist away from rubbing his own arm with a warning look or his father would forcefully uncurl his arms from his middle.

From then it was all, 'stay still', 'make eye contact', 'sit up straight'. Living had become a trial is distress endurance, he simply had to put up with being overwhelmed, being uncomfortable, anxious.

Eating in patterns like this made his mind buzz in a settled kind of way. It was the same, it was always the same. So, he nodded, looking wan, "A rennie would be ideal then."

Tom got up, rifling through a cupboard muttering about how, "No-one in this house throws away empty packets." He eventually found it and Artemis had five bites of his food after.

He let out a breath.
Chapter 10: Water Spulinking (Oh yeah and screw Elon Musk)
The ride back to the school was quiet. His head hurt, he was tired, and he wanted to cry. But he didn't do any of that, simply sat stiffly, swaying with the movements of the bus. He took a breath and leaned his head on Tom's shoulder, who stilled, looked down then relaxed.

Upon the arrival at the school gates, the two split, Artemis heading to his biology classroom. It was odd he would start down a corridor then be at the end of the walkway, a gap in memory. It kept happening. He slipped into the classroom and Mr Atkeson briefly stopped, then carried on, talking. Maybe five minutes later he saw the man clicking at his computer when the class was focused on work. Ten minutes late could be mistaken for tardiness.

Mr Atkeson was handsome, amiable, well liked, and didn't particularly care about their education. Most mistook him for being 'chill' but the complete lack of care ascribed to them was clearly educational neglect. He was nice, Artemis wouldn't deny that, but that didn't mean he cared.

Sometimes it felt like he was too familiar with his students, which was odd, Mrs Kilbride had never made him feel like that.

He supposed it may just be his sexism, he was a nice man really, Artemis was just… he didn't know. It was nothing.

He sat at the back, James was never in his bio classes and Kieran was off in one of his mental health ambassador trips. No-one he knew too well was here. He sat back, calm, and contemplated death.

Two of the boys were arguing about Elon Musk, which actually had been banned in physics because one of the boys, Atticus, never stopped talking about how great the man was.

Which triggered Malik because, to quote Malik, "Elon musk is a narcissist who couldn't tie my shoelaces." Artemis didn't disagree.

"He paid for New York's pipes to be redone and aid for hurricane Cat." Atticus said smugly.

Malik laughed, "Which is a fraction of what he owed in taxes for just one year. He doesn't do it out of goodness of his heart, it's for his ego and the tax write off."

Atticus huffed, "You just don't like him because he's more successful than you'll ever be."

Taking a deep breath Malik started to explain slowly, like he was talking to a small child, "Remember when those kids were trapped in a cave in Thailand? Elon proposed they used robots to save them but the professional divers, who were the best divers in the world at spelunking by the way, told him it would only put the kids at risk. Because they did know best. And then Elon called them a nonces on twitter in a tantrum. Then two of them died saving those kids. He has not apologised for calling them paedophiles by the way. Even though they're dead. That, is why I don't like him." Malik finished dramatically.

"Yeah… well, that's… he probably had a reason." Atticus floundered.

Malik was talking a million miles an hour by now, "Oh, for-god's-sake, the man bought twitter because he thought it made his daughter trans. He's off his rocker."

Artemis snorted.

"Well maybe," Atticus began haughty, always a good start, "People shouldn't be spreading this transgenderism thing around, it's all in their heads. All this gay and trans stuff is just a fad people are using to get attention. People used to be normal in the past because they had to be and now people are getting all this 'woke' stuff from social media." The classroom was silent and everyone who had tuned the two out looked up from their work to stare at Atticus.

Oh, Jess would love this. At first he thought that the mention of transphobia might upset her, but he had since learned that she thought watching compilations of the most ridiculous bigoted arguments served as a source of never-ending amusement for her.

Mr Atkeson for his part looked a bit worried, like he'd let this go too far.

Malik stared, "Are you high? Your name is Atticus you moron, tell the ancient Greeks that no-one was gay or trans, they didn't get the memo."

Atticus blustered, as if he was offended that anyone had pointed that out, "Well, they were at war, it was different… it was a necessity-"

Malik snickered, "It's casual sex, not a life or death emergency."

Mr. Atkeson cleared his throat, "Uh, boys, aren't we a bit off topic?"

"Name me on transgender from more than ten years ago." Said Atticus pompously, like he'd won.

"Marsha P. Johnson. She was instrumental in the fight for women's rights in America in the nineteen eighties. It's literally in the America course. You need to revise mate." A few people held back laughter.

Attticus huffed, "Another thing, I think this whole, women's rights crusade has gone too far, how much harder can it be-"

A groan went through the classroom and Artemis facepalmed, cringing internally, almost feeling sorry for Atticus for saying something so embarrassing in a room full of people.

Mr Akeson stepped in this time, "Atticus I think that's enough-"


"Atticus, I'm going to ban you from talking at all in this lesson, I think it will preserve what's left of your dignity and save us all embarrassment."
"Sir! You can't-"

Mr Atkenson interrupted him, "Buh, Buh." In a way that clearly said, shut up.

"I'm going to call-"

The teacher raised a finger and spoke over him, "Buh, buh."

Atticus waited a second, till the teacher turned his back to say, "My parents-"

"Buh!" Mr Atkeson didn't even turn around. Well, until a second later when he did whirl on Malik, "And please Mr Brennin, don't wind him up just because you can, we're supposed to be covering respiration and unless you've already covered the kreb cycle at home, we still need to." He said, with some good nature and continued his meandering lesson.

The classroom devolved into sniggering whispers and Atticus glared and crossed his arms, glaring at Mr Atkenson with unbridled rage.

Ten minutes later, a squat man with a clipboard rushed into the classroom. Artemis had seen him zipping around the school before. He looked at Mr Akeson, "Is there an Artemis Fowl? He's not on the register."

Mr Atkeson started to speak, pointing "He's-"

"I'm here." He spoke.

The squat man nodded, smiling, "Thank you." Then walked out. So that was his job. Huh.

He met with Tom after school, they sat on a table in the English rooms. Three compressed powder pills, one capsule coloured teal and white.

"Take this one in the morning, otherwise you won't sleep." Tom said, pointing to the blue capsule.

"Okay." Was all he said.

Tom sighed, "I'm sorry bro, I'm… really sorry."

Artemis shrugged; he didn't care enough to figure out what it meant. The room smelled of old books and crisps. It took him back a few years.

"I shouldn't have left you there or given you any weed. It was kind of my fault."

Artemis blinked. "It wasn't… I shouldn't have been there."

Tom shrugged and busied himself with packing up his bag. They left the classroom together, splitting in different directions, saying a brief goodbye. Artemis startled when he almost walked into Kieran.

Kieran whose eyes were slightly narrowed, "Was that Tom?"

Artemis stilled, "Yes, we… talk sometimes." he continued down the hallway.

Kieran sped up slightly for a second to catch up, "Sure. Because you two have so much in common."

Artemis shrugged, "He's nice."

"No he isn't Artemis. He's a poncy cunt who takes himself too seriously." Kieran snipped. "You know he's a drug dealer right?"

"Oh, the scandal." Artemis sarked back.

"What are you doing, Artemis? He's fucking mental. Remember when he broke a kid's arm last year? For looking at him funny." Kieran said.

Artemis frowned, "No. I was having an extended 'mental health break' last year, remember?"

Kieran nodded, "Oh, yeah. Well, he broke someone's arm."

"Noted." Artemis said.

"Artemis!" Kierna started what Artemis was sure to be an extensive rant on putting himself at risk.

Artemis tried to shake away the memories, sitting on the small twin bed in his room. He didn't like this feeling. That life just happened to him. He wasn't a victim, christ, it was just bad sex, slightly painful, but that wasn't unheard of. He'd came at some point, either way.

Last week he had woken up from a wet dream about it for frond's sake. It didn't matter that he had also woken up with a racing heart, fear coiling in his chest or that his pillow was damp from tears. He was fine.

And he liked the idea of sex. It wasn't as if he wasn't going to get around to it at some point.

He tried to ignore how the thought made him nauseous. Sex, his own body, they repulsed as of late. He just needed to get over it, try it again, that might do it. And it wasn't as if his sex drive wasn't that of a normal sixteen-year-old boy.

He picked up the bottle of whiskey from his bedside, it was almost empty now. He took a swig, longing for quiet.

A knock at the door.

"Fuck." He muttered, stashing the whiskey in the cabinet, stuffing the pills in his bedside, he composed himself, "Kieren." He said, his friend standing outside, eyes peaking out from under his dark curls. A slight five o'clock shadow darkening his face.

That was odd, he usually didn't notice how Kieran looked, or how his shirt stretched over his broad shoulders.
"Hi." Kieran swayed to the side a bit, "Are you free to talk?"

"Sure." Artemis said, not thinking clearly. He stepped back and opened the door.

Kieran was agitated, "Are you okay? Well, you're not, but what's going on?" he paced into the middle of the room.

"Sorry, what? Am I-" He frowned; he was fine. He was just- just sick of feeling broken, and he wished people wouldn't treat him like it. "No, It's fine. Nothing to worry about."

Kieran frowned, "You're too used to managing people around you. And you're not telling me something." He sat on the crumpled bed.

Artemis smiled, "Maybe." Taken aback, feeling a little like Kieran had tipped his world upside down. There were many types of intelligence, and Kieran was one of those people that could say something small and change the way he experienced life.

He hopped up on the bed, crossing his legs. "Maybe I am."

Kieran raised an eyebrow. Was he always so… ugh. Artemis made a decision, he just needed to get it over with, and it had to be with someone, and he really shouldn't have invited Kieran in. He really shouldn't have because Artemis knows he shouldn't try this with Kieran but he really was handsome and Artemis' anger mingled with his sexual frustration.

He leaned in, kissed Kieran who froze on contact, then melted into it. Artemis acted on instinct, everything charged and warm and he was climbing into his friend's lap.

Kieran broke away dazed, "Wow. Okay. That was… Okay.

Artemis went in again for another kiss but Kieran stopped him, "Woah, not that I'm complaining but shouldn't we… talk. Like, I came to check on you because you're not doing so well, so maybe this isn't a great idea right now.."

Artemis groaned, shook his head, "Let's just get this over with."

"No. Nope. Concerning language." Kieran said, his voice sharp, then, hands on Artemis' forearms, pushed him back, though Artemis was still perched on his lap. It was then Kieran saw it, Artemis hadn't noticed it either, but his hands were shaking.

Now that he thought about it, his whole body was alert, vigilant, stress tangible.

"What the- what's going on?" Kieran was dazed.

Artemis was angry at himself and it came out in his voice, "I'm fine, fine. I don't- Nothing's wrong. Why would something be wrong?" He shifted to the side, sliding off Kieran's lap.

Kieran's eyes held a sadness then. "Maybe because you're like, freaking out? I… I'm worried about you man."

Artemis felt his anger wilt, he took a breath. Why did he do this? Why did he always get things wrong? He was trying to use Kieran. He cast his eyes down. Maybe he should tell Kieran, just maybe. He hugged his knees to his chest, "Sorry."

Kieran sighed, wrapping an arm round his friend, "I don't know what's going on but… I'm here"

Artemis leaned into it. He was so tired. He was so fucking tired.

Kieran took a moment then, "You should really ask before doing that, you know. It's not cool."

Artemis closed his eyes, "You're right, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He didn't even want to have sex for Frond's sake, and he'd just come onto his friend and had a breakdown, which was great because now he wanted to jump out of the fucking window.

Kieran shrugged, "Just ask next time, yeah?"


Kieran had a smile in his voice, "Good."

Artemis buried his head in his friends shoulder, "Fucking hell. That was so embarrassing. Fuck."

Kieran shrugged, "Yeah, It was pretty bad, I won't lie." he said brightly.

"Fuck off."

Kieran laughed, "Really getting into our F's and C's huh?"

Artemis snorted, "What do you mean C's? I have never even once called you a cockwomble."

Which prompted hysterics in Kieran, "What does that even mean?"

Artemis was completely deadpan, "I mean, Kieran; it's fairly self explanatory." he said which lead them onto another unrelated tangent that continued until the small hours of Friday morning.

He was glad Kieran existed. And that inexplicably, he was here, with Artemis for some reason.
Chapter 11: Recreational gaslighting and other maladjustments
A/N: TW: Sexual assault.
Also, It tried guyliner this morning. My sister is still laughing at me. I like it,

The Friday morning in question came with a jolt.

The first thing he noticed was the sweat, his shirt was soaked through at the back, and his legs felt grimy, like the sweat had dried overnight. Then it was the breathing. It was strained and rapid and his chest hurt. God he was so tired.

Life was hard, he knew that but it was just everything. His waking hours were draining and awful and now sleep was just the same.

He hadn't felt like himself in a long time. Whoever that was.

He took a few minutes to let tears slip across his cheeks, lying on his side facing the wall. He felt empty again.

Temples pulsing, he reached for the water on his bedside. Took one Xanax. One of the three he had been given for today. He slipped on black slacks, a white shirt and the school tie, red and yellow.

As he dressed he tried not to look at his own body. It filled him with a kind of revulsion now, mingling with a detached distant perspective.

After breakfast, Artemis paced in the corridor. James would be in maths class. He stalled for ten minutes, before heading for the classroom.

Ms Kilbride stopped when she saw him, "Vectors OA and OB are equal-"

He made for his seat.

"Artemis, why are you late?"

"I just…" He trailed off.

She raised an eyebrow, "You just?"

"Sorry." Was all he could say.

She raised an eyebrow, "Come back at the second half of lunch then. Clearly you and James see punctuality as merely optional."

The lesson continued and Artemis drifted into his mind, not wanting to see Ms Kilbride's judgement, nor James at all. It really would be easier if he was dead. Why did his chest hurt so bloody much.

The lesson was filled with silences and Ms Kilbride lecturing, it lulled him into a rhythm.

He skipped French. Walked off into the grounds, Ms Finch didn't often hang out with the more influential teachers and didn't gossip, so he figured it would be fine. The language department were pushovers.

Detention though, he knew full well that if he missed a detention after being late to one of her lessons, Ms Kilbride would talk to senior staff, and it would eventually reach his parents (or Butler).

He met Jess and Kieran at the library, where they were standing near the door, coats on. He dumped his bag on the blue carpeted floor, "Hey."

"Hi." Kieran said.

"Hi." Jess was shifting impatiently, "Food?"

Kieran nodded in agreement, "Food. I'm starving."

Artemis snorted, sensing that the other two wouldn't do much talking until they'd eaten, "Food it is then."


Artemis and Jess stared at Kieran, a bit horrified.

"That's not what I'm saying, you shouldn't gaslight anyone over anything important, just choose stupid funny things." Kieran snorted, "Like,this one time I tried to gaslight my dad into thinking that Benedict Cumberbatch was a dragon. It didn't work but I might've convinced him I need psychological help."

Jess covered her face, laughing, "Oh my god Kieran. You can't gaslight people for fun."

Kieran kept digging, "No, no, hear me out, It would be really funny if I went up to that dinner guy, gave him my plate and said, 'I love you'. Then he'd go 'what?' and I'd go, 'thank you'. It'd be hilarious."

Artemis sighed, "You're so embarrassing to be friends with sometimes."

Kieran had a concerning gleam in his eye, "I'm going to do it."

"No!" Jess and Artemis both said a second apart from each other.

"Do not do that." Artemis hissed

"It's creepy." Jess added "And harassment of staff, who are, I will remind you, quite nice and badly paid."

Kieran raised his hands in surrender, "Okay, okay, I won't do it." But he couldn't keep a straight face, a smile creeping onto his faux earnest expression.

"Oh my god, you're going to do it." Jess said without missing a beat.

Artemis shook his head, "Kieran no."

Kieran had finished his food and stood up, "Okay, bye!"

The other two shot up and escorted Kieran out by his sleeves.

Kieran was sulking, "I wasn't even going to do anything."

Artemis shook his head, "We do not trust you."

"We could see what you were thinking all over your face." Jess said.

Kieran went from his sleeves being held with his friends to linking arms with them, much to their discomfort, "You're both killjoys. I stand by it, it would have been hysterical."

"You're such a fuckhead Kieran." Jess said, in a flat irony that the other two knew by now meant she was joking.

Artemis, cringed at both the words and the arms linked around his, "Can you mind your language in the halls, the headmistresses office is right there."

"Chill out." Kieran said, "No-one cares."

Artemis groaned, "I hate you both."

He made his way back to the grounds at the beginning of lunch, Stopping at the maths building. It was eerily quiet. He arrived at the classroom, Ms Kilbride stacking papers.

"Ah, Artemis." She handed him a practice paper, "Can I trust you to have a go at this till forty-five past? I have a maths clinic now in the sixth form."

He nodded, "Yes."

James arrived, an apologetic smile on his face, "Sorry, got held up talking to Mr McNair."

Ms Kilbride raised an eyebrow, "I would hope that some of that guilt would translate into timeliness to lessons. But alas. James, if you weren't so polite, I could almost be angry at you." She handed him a paper, "You'll both start this paper, you can go at one forty-five. I have a maths clinic, then lunch, so I won't be back here till two-fifteen."

James smiled, "Yes Miss."

Ms Kilbride hurried out. The corridor had been empty. The whole building was empty, and James was here.

Artemis tensed; he had been running on autopilot till now. James dropped the papers on the desk, gaze roaming Artemis's form. He moved forward and Artemis moved back between the desks, but his back hit the wall and James closed the distance, breath warm on Artemis's cheek.

Eyes wide, Artemis's voice trembled, "Stop."

James rolled his eyes, "Christ, stop being so dramatic."

He was frozen.

James was kissing him.

For a moment he was too shocked to do anything, then he broke away, "No, stop, you can't-" he struggled against James, but he was too strong, he grabbed Artemis by the arms and slammed him down on the line of desks, holding his arms above his head.

Artemis froze. He watched it happen from somewhere distant. He shut down.

He cleaned up in a bathroom. Robotically climbed the stairs. This was worse than normal when James had touched him before. So much worse.

His room was quiet. He lay on his side, staring at the wall.

At two-thirty he went to the nurse, said he was dizzy and lay in one of the beds. He couldn't face the rest of the day.

Things had seemed brighter for a brief time but now he just wanted to be dead. Or more accurately, he was too tired to keep on going.

Because this would happen again and he wouldn't be safe, and there was no point trying.

Kieran was at his door again that evening, seemingly resolute not to leave him to wallow alone. Artemis was laying on his bed, "Come in." He saw Kieran and just curled up on top of the covers.

Kieran smiled, "Hey."

He mumbled, "Hey."

"You alright?"

He tried to shrug. He wasn't sure if Keiran saw it.

"Okay. One of those days?" Kieran sat by the end of his bed, "D'you want me to leave?"

Artemis didn't. He didn't want to feel so numb. "No."

"Cool." Kieran smiled and took his sketchbook out.

A few minutes passed. Kieran's presence almost intensified the ache in his chest. He was lost, really lost. "I've been… I don't know. I keep wanting to- I keep thinking that, if car hit me or…" The steady scratch of Kieran's pencil stopped, "Well it would be easier. Kieran, I'm… I'm really scared. I don't want to die. It's getting worse." He sat, glancing over at the other boy.

A flash of pain flickered over Kieran's face, "Oh, Artemis." Kieran pulled him in for a hug. He really was an affectionate person; it was the main way he communicated his feelings to others. Kieran went strangely mute when confronted with emotion. He'd said something about being… what was the term? Neuro-spicy.

After a solid minute, Kieran sat back, "What can I do?"

Artemis shook his head, "I don't know."

Kieran's smile was as sad as it was comforting, "Okay." A few moments passed when Kieran looked as though he was sorting through his thoughts, "Do you know what it is?"

He wrapped his arms around his middle, "Yes. I… yes."

"Do you want to tell me?" Kieran said, measured and kind. It was clearly optional. That was nice, he supposed.

Artemis rubbed his arm, "I… do you remember the party? When I left you in the bathroom?"

"Yeah." Kieran said, like he'd been expecting it.

Artemis cringed at the memory. How was he supposed to say it? He took a breath, "I was too drunk to move and this guy, he uh… started… well yeah."

Kieran frowned, "Oh shit. Oh my god. Artemis. You- the day after you were- off."

Artemis shrugged.

Kieran's shock was fading, "You've just been dealing with this alone?"

"I've been… managing it." Artemis said. He shifted guilty at the thought of Tom and the pills tucked away in the drawer of his nightstand.]

"Jesus, who-?"

"No." He shook his head, as if trying to dislodge a sticky thought, "Can we- can we stop talking about this now? Please?"

Kieran leant back, and he blinked, "Yeah, sure. Of course."

They talked for another ten minutes before he told Kieran he was tired. Kieran smiled and sai his goodbyes, but right before he was about to step out of the door, "Artemis, if you- if you want to talk or like- you need help, you can ask me, no stress."

He frowned, then with a small upturn of his lips, "Thank you Kieran."

Kieran stepped out, leaving the room quiet. Why had he wanted him to leave again?

Artemis spent the rest of the night dissociated and withdrawn. He was more aware of his body than he ever had been. He lay in bed the night before Butler was due to pick him up.

He traced his fingers over the smooth wall. He felt like he was floating, the room was spinning, he felt sick. A tear slipped down his face and he frowned, was he sad? His body was separate from him for now, he'd have to feel it later but now he enjoyed the feel of spinning.

Maybe he wasn't real, maybe this was a dream, the type that seemed to last a million years but was over after an hour. Maybe none of it was real, Kieran, James, Ms Kilbride, Jess, himself even. It was just a dream he'd wake up and forget.

He focused on the spinning, his stomach flipping and he fell into sleep.