First steps power v2 (worm Cyoa v1)

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Owen gets sent to worm with Cyoa v1 Power Manipulation powers, his goal? well he hasn't figured that out but it goes something like, 1.Get powers> Beat Scion> (Prada bag)> Profit (I couldn't help myself )
Chapter 1 (Draft)
Okay, so I was in Worm? Big fucking whoop. Time to see what powers I've got. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath and started searching for that sweet, sweet cosmic power I knew would be hidden deep within me. And about ten minutes in, I found it, and ''holy shit' it was about to be fucking lit!' I thought to myself, salivating at the ten charges of (Shattered Limiter) Power Manipulation before me. The shards of potential lighting up the space within my mindscape, waiting for me to imbue them with a conceptual meaning. And like the unimaginative casual I was at heart, I almost immediately tried to put every single one of the charges into omnipotence, thoughts of suddenly be able to start curb stomping Scion filling my head.

However, contrary to my expectations, my charges weren't spent and consequently weren't transformed into unlimited reality-warping power. All I got back from my power was the equivalent of a confused, dismissive shrug as nothing happened.


Okay, so no Omnipotence, then? Alright, how about Reality-Warping?... No? Low-Level Reality-Warping maybe? ...I spent what felt like the next 5 minutes just trying to manifest some form of Omnipotent, Reality-Warping power. Experimenting with variations like 'Nigh,' and 'Near,' omnipotence 'Limited Reality-Warping,' ect, but it seemed like no matter what variation I tried, I couldn't create a single power that embodied unlimited Reality-Warping.

In hindsight, it wasn't that much of a loss since I already had Power Manipulation to fall back on, and it kind of acted as a form of Limited-Omnipotence on its own when you thought about it. The only real limitation was the charge limit. And considering that I had started with 10 charges, I probably had Shattered Limiter, Blank, and Invictus as well, since I wasn't already a mind-controlled power slave trapped in a cauldron basement by now.

"Huh" I hummed rubbing my chin 'Does that mean that in six months to a year from now, my power would double? Could that be the reason I couldn't create an Omnipotence power?'

'Was it because I already got all I could ever want but still wanted more and that was confusing my power?'

"Well, there's no use crying over spilled milk, whatever imaginary milk that might be. It's time to start min-maxing this bitch. I thought spending the next 20 minutes theory crafting powers, all while observing the serene on goings in the park. By the end of it, I had decided on two powers that I should develop before anything else to ensure my survival from today onwards and throughout my time on Earth Bet.

With newfound determination, I closed my eyes once more and focused on my charges...

I immediately spent half of my charges on SuperiorAdaptation(5)[SA] (5) and instantly felt the change, as ripples ran through my entire body. My skin and muscles shifting into new configurations, contracting and stretching like worms beneath the surface.

I even had a mini-heart attack when I felt my legs start to shift themselves into a backward configuration and my skull start elongating. Fortunately, it seemed like my power had a subconscious aspect to it. Because as soon as I started to freak out at the prospects of becoming a xenomorph, they reverted back into their original humanoid configuration, albeit with more defined musculature."

'And defined they where' I thought running an hand over now defined abs 'Jesus christ I'm CUT' I muttered under my breath, tracing a finger across my now fucking massive forarms, 'Fuck I was CUT I could probally give a edgelord envy' "Fuck!! You could probably grate cheese on them bitches" I laughed smacking my now toned stomach with a giggle.

"Damn, a cape!"

"He's unmasked!"

"Are you crazy? He'd kill us! Put your phone away!"

"Call the PRT!"

"Man, he's obviously a changer. You think he'd just stroll by?"

"Mark, keep walking. Don't look back."


"You think I could get an autograph?"

"Shut up and run!"

My newly enhanced ears alerted me to the fact that I was still, for all intents and purposes, in a relatively public venue. Well, it didn't matter since I already had a solution for that. I closed my eyes once again and used the remaining charges on a stranger power that would likely save my ass going forward – PlotHole(5)[PH].

Here's how it worked: You know how plot logic in stories like Genie and Aladdin sometimes doesn't make sense, but we all just ignore it to enjoy the story? I mean, Aladdin's first wish was to be a prince, and if Genie had actually granted his wish as it was stated, he would have been a prince with all that entails. So, all the rest of the story becomes irrelevant. This power is like the version of that concept, akin to the SEP field from "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" and Forget-Me-Not's power from X-Men, where the rules of logic need not apply.

You see, the perk Blank only says it'll protect you from shard based precognitive and clairvoyant abilities, but it mentions that deductive powers like Tattletales and modeling powers like Coil's can still perceive you right? So that got me thinking - what if, for instance,Scion uses an ability akin to that to figure out that you were the reason everything has been going awry as of late? Non-shard powers, you say? The secret to entropy, you say? By golly, isn't that interesting! Let me just... FIRING MY LAZER!!!

So Yeah. this was a power specifically built to prevent that from happening, it was literally the power's definition of 'the rules of logic need not apply.'

I mean, At minimum I had two years to take down Jack Slash before Golden Morning Starts (and I was definitely gonna be killing him long before that). During that time, my power would be growing day by day. I'm talking about truly exponential growth without limit, so why wouldn't I do everything in my power to delay the inevitable fight with Scion as much as possible?

It takes the form of both an SEP field that makes you ignore and rationalize the extraordinary, much like in "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," and Forget-Me-Not's power from X-Men, which erases my existence from your memory the moment you're not scrutinizing me too closely. Hence, it's the world's greatest Stranger power, guaranteed to protect you from all thinkers, no matter their form or size.

And just like that as soon as PlotHole(5)[PH] activated, the multitude of horrified, anxious, and surprised expressions in the crowd shifted to shades of bored disinterest and confused dismissal.

I sighed letting the crowd go about their days as I continued to think.

The other side of the coin was SuperiorAdaptation(5)[SA]

Since Power Manipulation allowed me to make any type of power I wanted in whatever form I wanted, I initially thought about spending five charges to grant myself a power like Entity Physiology, Celestial Physiology, or Godly/Demigod Physiology. But, as I thought about it more, I remembered Darwin from the X-Men, who had the power of reactive adaptation which allowed him to go up against world war hulk. This also brought to mind other characters with similar abilities, like the Adaptoids from Marvel and A.m.a.z.o from DC. Then, I remembered Mad Jim Jaspers and the Fury.

And that was when I realized that I could have my cake and eat it too.

The Fury Mad Jim Jaspers created, was basically able to annihilate every super-being on Earth-238, including entities like Eternity and the Celestials. So, what better way was there to counter something like Scion other than with an ability capable of adapting to and overcoming anything he could dish out?

SuperiorAdaptation(5)[SA] essentially allowed me to adapt to anything near instantaneously and continuously evolve my adaptations, whether they be offensive or defensive in nature, to better face any problems I might be having at the time. meaning if i was able to survive one of Scion's golden beams I probably wouldn't have to worry about the next one since i'd be able to tank it and retaliate with an attack as good as I got. I grinned at the thought, then focused on granting myself super speed to test it out.

I felt my body begin to shift once again. My legs initially attempted to shift into the backward configuration they had tried to take before, but with a reflexive pulse of will, I forced my evolution in a different direction, ensuring that my legs remained outwardly normal.

After the changes slowed a bit, I got up from my seat on the bench, and with a whip-like crack, I was suddenly meters away, in a clearing in the park relatively far from any pedestrians. My grin grew as I let the changes fade away. It's time to test out my power. Let's start with all the powers. The first power that came to mind was flight and laser blasts. Just like that, after a little concentration, I was suddenly enveloped by an aura of energy and started floating into the air, an additional second of concentration and I was releasing blasts of light from my hand, scorching the ground below. I laughed at that then spent the next 5 mins flying around the park, dropping to the floor. I thought 'That's about half of New wave', check. I grinned and then began going down my mental list of powers.

Force fields, energy generation and projection, transforming into a sentient cloud, aerokinesis and pyrokinesis, as well as hydrokinesis and primitive earth manipulation. I chuckled to myself. Haha, I was like the Avatar. After completing my Avatar impression, I moved on to the more esoteric powers like Vista's spatial manipulation. It took a minute as I let my body shift, releasing the reins that kept me confined to a relatively human form, allowing the power to mold my body into a shape that best suited the ability. Before I knew it, I was a miniature black hole floating inches above the ground, my body a legitimate tear in the fabric of reality that led directly into the void. The space rippled around me in waves before stabilizing, and allowing me to manipulate the space around me.

I spent a few moments just practicing spatial manipulation before running trought the rest of Brockton Bay's power catalog. As I started time-stopping objects, growing two meters tall and shrinking to the size of a pebble, teleporting, manifesting blades along my skin and having them slowly erupt from my body, I couldn't help but feel like a one-man army. Spending an inordinate amount of time just flexing my will, leaving the harder powers for later: weapon projection, item empowerment, and alabaster's ability. I allowed myself to test out other abilities like phasing and so on for an inordinate amount of time. Any power I thought of, I at least tried to test it unless it was a really esoteric one.

After a while, I got bored and decided to visit and explore Brockton Bay. Wings burst from my back, phasing through the intervening material to appear outside of my shirt. And with one last chuckle, I flapped my wings and flew into Brockton Bay."

Guess who's back~ Back again~ Idk what I'm doing.
Also edit coming tomorrow, no update scheduled