First Light

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A traumatized girl, countless Agent abilities and a city in need of a hero. Armed with the confidence of a stronger power, Taylor sets out to eradicate gang influence in Brockton Bay.
Chapter 0
Chapter 0

Taylor collapsed onto the bed; her gaze fixed on the semi-transparent screen in front of her. She was alone, but it was something only she could see anyway. A fact that hadn't helped her mental health at all. In the hospital, just out of a traumatic event and seeing things that didn't exist. They had called her crazy. Hell, she herself had believed she was crazy.

It had taken time, but now she knew the truth.

At least she had gotten something good out of the worst moment of her life. Well, second worst. The world seemed to have been trying to crush her these past few years until nothing was left of the person she used to be, but this could be her sword to fight against the world. To make sure things were done right.

The screen showed her a lot of things. She didn't fully understand it, but it was time for that to change.

It was time to put her power to the test.


Cypher, the Moroccan information agent, is a one-man surveillance system that can monitor all the movements of his enemies. There is no secret he doesn't uncover nor maneuver he doesn't detect. Cypher is always watching.

An interesting description, and the list of abilities he supposedly had did justice to that description. Tripwires, spy cameras. All kinds of things that proved he was a versatile and powerful Tinker.

He was just one of the many Agents the screen showed her, and not even the one with the most extravagant abilities, by far. The problem was that she didn't understand what her power consisted of.

Could she summon them to do her work for her? She only said that because of the word agents, as if they worked for her. The first thing she had thought was that she could use their abilities and that was probably correct.

In any case, it would be a power similar to Eidolon's. Only stronger, in a sense. Choose a set of powers instead of being at the mercy of chance.

"Don't get carried away," she muttered, feeling ashamed of herself. "How many parahumans with weird enough powers have compared themselves to the Triumvirate only to end up being B-list at best?"

She wasn't going to get her head in the clouds. The important thing is that it was a stronger power than she had dared to think. She had never considered that she would get superpowers in the first place, but she probably would have assumed some weak and ugly power. I don't know, like controlling bugs or something.

Taylor took a deep breath.

In any case, it was time to test her new power.

"Two agent tokens."

She had read the description of the item more times than she could count. It allowed her to unlock an agent from a list of twenty-five, no more, no less. Her head almost hurt thinking about the possibilities that were at her fingertips.

Taylor moved the list with her finger, her eyes fixed on the RECRUIT that appears below the images of the agents, since she had also reviewed their abilities to exhaustion. She had more than enough information to make a decision.

Now she just had to make it.

She highly doubted that she couldn't unlock the others, that she would choose poorly and then be limited to two weak agents.

I mean, she wasn't even risking anything. The only thing holding her back was nerves.

She wouldn't be weak. Not anymore. Her heart filled with determination. The slight trembling of her hands disappeared. She felt serene for the first time in a long time, suddenly.

"Okay, I choose..."

I thought it would make sense for Taylor to speculate that (among other things, because she would resist believing she got too good of a power), but it's unlocking the abilities of each agent for herself, not summoning them.

Would be nice to see a vote about which agents she should unlock first. If you're not familiar with Valorant, you can take a peek at the wiki. I could have included Taylor reviewing more agent profiles, but I didn't want to turn chapter 0 into a wiki page.

Well, sooner or later she'll be unlocking more, so it doesn't matter much either way.

One last thing. Unlike in the game, Phoenix, Jett, Sage, etc. are not free agents. There are none. She starts from scratch.

It's called chapter 0 because this is more "so this idea it's in my head, i wonder if there's any interest" than a real chapter. I'm still putting the finishing touches on Biological Imperative and In Awe of the Power (yes, already, they were never meant to be very long stories).

valarante child game... look to cartoon grapfix to make kid player happy like children show.. valarante cartoon world with rainbow unlike counter strike with dark corridorr and raelistic gun.. valarante like playhouse. valarant playor run from csgo fear of dark world and realism so need child game to relax
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Chapter 1
Well I guess I'm an impatient motherfucker. Idk, just felt like working on this suddenly.

Chapter 1

Taylor adjusted the last piece of her costume, pulling the black fabric of her mask snugly over her nose and mouth. The dark lenses of the goggles felt heavy against her face, but they were a necessary part of the new person she was building—she didn't need to be just Taylor Hebert, a victim. Tonight, she was something more. With the cool night air brushing against her neck, she felt a familiar tingle of excitement and apprehension ripple through her.

Cypher's surveillance abilities were incredible. The small gadgets she'd created—replicas of his Spycam and Trapwire—were tucked securely in her belt pouches. She felt more like a spy than a superhero, though for the first time she felt a sense of the power and purpose she'd been craving.

She wasn't exactly a Tinker; she could summon as many of her little toys as she needed. However, she thought she would need some sort of utility belt, items on her person to use in an emergency. The small lag between summoning and being able to use them could mean the difference between life and death. It churned her stomach to think in those terms, but it was true.

Across the street from where she stood, the neon lights of the underground casino flickered, casting colorful reflections on the wet pavement. She watched as people filtered in and out, some laughing, others with a look of intense concentration as they entered the building. This wasn't some fancy, high-end casino; it was a seedy underbelly of Brockton Bay's criminal empire. A perfect target for her to test her new abilities on.

She wasn't planning to take down the whole operation tonight—hell, she wasn't even sure what she was going to find inside. But she had to start somewhere, and the thought of disrupting something that belonged to Lung and his ABB goons made her pulse quicken. Lung was one of the biggest threats in Brockton Bay, and if she could gather intel or at least cause some chaos in one of his operations, it'd be a step in the right direction.

Taylor moved quietly across the street, sticking to the shadows and avoiding the pools of light cast by the streetlamps. The entrance was guarded, as she expected. Two men in cheap suits stood at the door, their eyes scanning the crowd. She wasn't going to walk in through the front, obviously. Cypher wouldn't do that, and neither would she.

She slipped into a narrow alleyway that ran along the side of the casino, her steps light and careful. The brick walls pressed in on either side, but she found comfort in the enclosed space. There was a fire escape halfway down, and she reached it quickly, pulling herself up onto the ladder with ease. Her black-gloved hands gripped the cold metal, and she started climbing, each rung bringing her closer to her vantage point.

When she reached the roof, she paused to catch her breath, crouching low to stay out of sight. The city sprawled out around her, a sea of flickering lights and distant sounds. It was easy to forget how alive the city was until she was perched above it, watching the flow of people and cars like ants in a colony. But she wasn't here to admire the view.

She reached into her pouch and pulled out one of the small, disk-shaped cameras she'd made. It was one of Cypher's Spycam, with a wide-angle lens and the ability to send video feeds directly to her goggles. She attached it to the corner of a large air conditioning unit on the roof, where it would have a good view of the alley and the back entrance to the casino.

The camera blinked to life, and a small display appeared in the corner of her goggles, showing a live feed from the Spycam. It was clear and crisp, and she allowed herself a small smile of satisfaction. She set up another camera on the opposite corner of the roof, this one angled toward the side street where she suspected the casino's main security forces might be stationed.

With the surveillance in place, she moved to the edge of the roof and peered down. The back entrance was less guarded than the front, but there were still two men standing by the door, smoking and talking in low voices. She frowned beneath her mask, considering her options. She could try to sneak past them, but that was risky. She needed a distraction—something to draw them away without raising too much alarm.

She reached into another pouch and pulled out one of her Trapwires. It was a small, inconspicuous device, designed to be attached between two points and trigger a flash of light or a burst of electricity when someone passed through it. She could use it to spook them, make them think there was an intruder elsewhere.

She attached one end of the Trapwire to the railing of the fire escape and then stretched it across to the opposite wall, securing it there. The wire was nearly invisible, especially in the dark, but it would light up anyone who tripped it. If she didn't activate it herself, that is. Satisfied with her setup, she moved back to the roof, positioning herself so she could watch the men below.

She activated the Trapwire, and almost immediately, one of the guards noticed the faint glow from the corner of his eye. He stiffened, his hand moving toward the gun holstered under his jacket.

"You see that?" he muttered to his companion.

The other man squinted, following his gaze. "What the hell is that? Go check it out."

The first guard hesitated, clearly not wanting to leave his post, but his curiosity—or maybe fear—got the better of him. He took a few steps toward the Trapwire, reaching for his flashlight. As he passed through the beam, the wire triggered, emitting a bright flash of light that lit up the alley for a split second.

"Shit!" The guard jumped back, shielding his eyes. "What the hell was that?"

His companion cursed under his breath and reached for his radio. "I'm gonna call it in—"

Before he could finish, Taylor dropped down from the roof, landing silently behind them. The slight edge of surprise was all she needed. She grabbed the first guard by the back of his neck and slammed his head into the brick wall. He crumpled to the ground with a grunt, unconscious before he could react. The second guard barely had time to register what was happening before she swept his legs out from under him, sending him crashing to the pavement.

She didn't wait for him to recover. She knelt down and pressed a gloved hand over his mouth, muffling his attempts to call out. With her other hand, she pulled a small, modified stun gun from her belt and jabbed it into his side. The voltage was just enough to knock him out, and he went limp in her grip.

She took a moment to catch her breath, her heart pounding in her chest. It wasn't the first time she'd taken down a couple of thugs, but it was still a rush—a mix of fear and adrenaline that made her feel alive. But she couldn't afford to linger. She dragged the unconscious bodies into the shadows, out of sight, and then turned her attention to the door.

The back entrance was a heavy metal door, secured with an electronic lock. She frowned, trying to remember what she'd read about locks like this. It was a newer model, not something she could easily bypass with brute force. But she had other tools at her disposal.

She pulled out another gadget from her belt, a small device she'd cobbled together from Cypher's blueprints. It wasn't quite as sophisticated as the real thing, she was still learning, but it should do the trick. She attached it to the keypad, and after a few seconds of electronic whirring and clicks, the light on the lock turned green.

"Perfect," she muttered, allowing herself a small smile of satisfaction. She pushed the door open and slipped inside, moving quickly and quietly.

The hallway beyond was dimly lit, the only sound the faint hum of machinery somewhere deeper in the building. She paused for a moment, letting her eyes adjust to the darkness, and then began to move down the corridor. Her boots made almost no noise on the concrete floor, a testament to how much she'd practiced moving quietly.

The layout of the casino wasn't entirely unfamiliar to her. She'd studied the building's blueprints as best she could, piecing together a mental map of the place. The lower floors were reserved for the gambling dens, while the upper levels housed offices and what she assumed were Lung's private quarters. Her goal was to gather as much information as possible and, if she could, disrupt whatever operations were going on here.

As she made her way through the narrow corridors, she heard voices up ahead. She froze, pressing herself against the wall and listening intently.

"—supposed to be getting another shipment in tonight," a man was saying. "Boss wants it moved to the storage room on the third floor."

A second voice, gruffer, responded. "What's in the crates this time? More guns?"

"Don't know. Don't care. Just make sure they get there without any trouble."

She waited until their footsteps faded away before continuing down the corridor. Storage room on the third floor, huh? That sounded like it could be important. She made a mental note of it and moved on.

The hallway ended at a staircase, and she started to ascend, sticking close to the wall in case anyone else came through. The stairwell was dim, with only a few flickering lights overhead, and it smelled faintly of cigarette smoke and mildew. The whole place had a run-down, seedy feel to it, which only made her more determined to make an impact here tonight.

She reached the second floor and paused, peering out into the hallway. It was quieter here, the noise of the gambling dens below muffled by thick walls. This floor seemed to be more administrative, with doors labeled as offices and meeting rooms. She slipped through the hallway, checking each door as she passed.

One door was slightly ajar, and she stopped, pressing her ear against it. The low murmur of voices inside was audible, prompting her to carefully nudge the door open a crack, just enough to see what was going on.

Inside, two men were seated at a table, going over some documents. One was a burly guy with a shaved head and tattoos covering his arms, clearly some kind of enforcer. The other was thinner, with a nervous look on his face, tapping his fingers on the table as he spoke.

"—got the cash from last week's take, but it's not enough," the thin man was saying. "Lung's gonna be pissed if we don't meet the quota."

The enforcer grunted, clearly not pleased. "We'll just have to make it up next week. Push the workers harder, make them work double shifts if we have to."

"And if they refuse?"

"Then we make them."

The conversation made her stomach turn. They were talking about extortion, squeezing more money out of people who were probably already struggling. She wanted to burst in there and confront them but knew that would be reckless. She needed more information before making her move.

She eased the door shut and continued down the hallway, heading toward the stairs to the third floor. As she climbed, she kept her senses alert, listening for any sign of movement. Her heart was pounding in her chest, a mix of fear and excitement making her fingers tremble slightly as she gripped the railing.

When she reached the third floor, she stopped just outside the stairwell, peering around the corner. The hallway was empty, but faint sounds were coming from the end of the corridor. Moving cautiously, her footsteps silent on the worn carpet, she approached the storage room at the far end, its door slightly ajar. She checked to ensure no one was watching and peered inside.

The room was large, filled with metal shelves stacked with crates and boxes. It looked like a typical storage area, but the contents of the crates were anything but ordinary. Guns, ammunition, and what looked like drugs were piled high—enough to supply an army. Her pulse quickened at the sight. This was big—bigger than she'd anticipated.

She pulled out her phone and snapped a few pictures, capturing as much detail as possible. This was evidence—something she could use to hit Lung where it hurt. But she needed more than just pictures. She needed to know where this stuff was going and who was involved.

She crept further into the room, keeping close to the walls as she scanned the area for anything that might give her more information. There was a stack of papers on a table near the back, and she moved toward it, flipping through the documents quickly.

Shipping manifests, addresses, names—she struck gold. These weren't just local operations; Lung had connections in other cities, other states. This was part of a much larger network. She snapped more pictures, making sure to get everything.

As she was about to leave, she heard footsteps approaching. Her heart leaped into her throat, and she ducked behind a stack of crates, peering through a small gap between them. Two men entered the room, talking in low voices.

"Boss says we need to move this stuff tonight," one of them said, a burly man with a scar across his cheek. "There's a shipment coming in, and we need the space."

The other man, shorter and stockier, nodded. "I'll get the truck ready. You start loading."

She held her breath, staying perfectly still as they moved deeper into the room. Her mind raced as she tried to figure out her next move. If they started moving the crates, they might notice something was off. She needed to get out of here, but she also couldn't pass up the opportunity to sabotage their operation.

She glanced around, looking for anything that could help. There was a stack of smaller crates nearby, labeled as explosives. An idea formed in her mind—risky but potentially effective. She reached into her pouch and pulled out a Trapwire, attaching it to the crates and setting it to trigger with a delay. The plan was to create a distraction, something that would force the men to abandon the room and give her time to slip away.

With the Trapwire in place, she slowly edged toward the door, keeping low and out of sight. The men were busy with the crates, their attention focused on their task. She made it to the door and slipped out into the hallway, her heart pounding.

She moved quickly back toward the stairwell, not daring to look back. When she reached the stairs, she broke into a run, descending as fast as she could without making too much noise. The sound of footsteps echoed behind her, and she knew the men had found the Trapwire.

She burst through the door on the ground floor and into a hallway leading to the main casino floor. The noise hit her like a wave—loud music, laughter, and the clatter of slot machines. She was just another shadow in the chaos, blending in with the crowd as she made her way toward the exit.

But as she moved through the casino, something felt off. There was a tension in the air, something beyond the usual excitement of gambling. She noticed several guards moving through the crowd, talking urgently into their radios. Had they already figured out something was wrong?

She picked up the pace, heading for the back exit where she'd entered. But as she neared the door, a loud crash echoed from the direction of the storage room, followed by shouts and the unmistakable sound of gunfire. Her blood ran cold. This wasn't just a small disruption—she'd set off a chain reaction.

The casino erupted into chaos. People screamed and ran for the exits, pushing and shoving in their panic. She was swept along with the crowd, trying to stay on her feet as the wave of people surged toward the doors. She needed to get out, but the crush of bodies was overwhelming.

Suddenly, the lights flickered and went out, plunging the casino into darkness. The only illumination came from the emergency lights, casting eerie red glows over the panicked faces around her. The gunfire continued, closer now, and she realized with a sinking feeling that the situation was spiraling out of control.

She finally made it to the back exit, slipping through the door and into the alley. The cool night air hit her like a shock, and she took a moment to catch her breath, leaning against the wall as she listened to the sounds of chaos behind her.

But she couldn't rest yet. She needed to get out of here before the situation got any worse. She pulled her mask tighter and started to move, sticking to the shadows as she made her way toward the street.

Before she could reach safety, she heard footsteps approaching, fast and purposeful. She tensed, ducking behind a dumpster as she tried to make out who was coming. A group of figures emerged from the darkness, and her heart sank as she recognized them.

The Undersiders.

Taylor didn't know them until she got her power; Cypher's power, specifically. Small-time crooks. But she was a small fish in a very big pond too, for now, and their powers were scary enough. The information she'd been able to get, anyway. The, well, hellhounds of Hellhound lived up to the name, all sharp teeth and spikes.

Grue led the group, his dark silhouette imposing against the dim light. Tattletale was right behind him, her eyes scanning the area with a sharp, calculating gaze. Regent and Hellhound followed, their expressions unreadable.

She hadn't expected them to hit the same place she was targeting, today of all days. Bad timing.

She stayed perfectly still, hoping they wouldn't notice her. But Tattletale's eyes flicked in her direction, and she knew she was caught.

"Looks like we've got company," Tattletale said, her voice carrying over the noise.

The others turned to where she was hiding, and she felt her stomach drop. There was no way she could take on the Undersiders by herself, not in this situation. She had to think fast, or this was going to end very badly for her.

Grue stepped forward, his voice low and threatening. "Whoever you are, come out now. We don't have time for games."

She took a deep breath, steeling herself. There was no point in hiding, really. She stepped out from behind the dumpster, raising her hands slightly to show she wasn't a threat.

"I don't want any trouble," she said, her voice somewhat muffled by the mask. "I'm just here to gather information."

Tattletale raised an eyebrow, her expression curious. "Information, huh? You picked a hell of a night to do that."

"I didn't know you were going to hit this place," she admitted. She would have avoid it otherwise. Too much extra trouble. "I was just trying to disrupt Lung's operation."

It was impossible to tell Grue's expression with the darkness and skull helmet. She probably didn't want to know, regardless. He looked big and intimidating enough already. "Who are you?"

She hesitated, her mind racing for a response. She couldn't give them her real name, obviously, but she didn't have a solid alias yet either. "Just… call me Cypher," she said finally, hoping she sounded more confident than she really was.

Oh great, very creative, Taylor. All-night brainstormer.

Tattletale smirked. "Cypher, huh? Interesting. Well, Cypher, you've certainly made things more complicated for us."

She winced inwardly but kept her voice steady. "Look, the point is, I didn't mean to interfere. I just wanted to gather some intel and maybe slow down their operations. Not here for money, so we don't have to fight."

She was repeating herself too much. Obviously nervous.

Regent snorted. "Well, you certainly slowed things down. Nice going."

Grue shot him a look before turning back to her. "If you want to stay alive, I suggest you get out of here now. This place is about to get a lot more dangerous."

She nodded, taking a step back. "Like I said, I'm not looking for a fight. I'll go." But before she could move, the door behind them burst open, and a group of armed men stormed out, guns at the ready. They were Lung's men, and they looked furious.

"Shit," Grue muttered, immediately raising his arms as darkness began to swirl around him, spreading out like a thick fog.

The alleyway was plunged into near-total darkness, with the only light coming from the emergency lights flickering in the distance. The Undersiders moved quickly, their coordination evident as they navigated the chaos without speaking.

Caught in the middle, she was unsure of what to do. Her first instinct was to run, but the alley was too narrow, and the gunmen were blocking the way out. Her teleportation distance wasn't long enough to get to the roof and get the fuck out of here without looking back. So there was no real choice but to fight.

She reached for her belt and pulled out a flashbang grenade, made as well, of course, with Cypher's powers. With a quick motion, she pulled the pin and threw it toward the gunmen, ducking behind a stack of crates just before it went off.

The flashbang exploded in a brilliant burst of light and sound, disorienting the attackers and giving them a brief window of opportunity. She didn't wait for them to recover. She charged forward, using the confusion to close the distance between them.

One of the gunmen swung his weapon toward her (yes, instead of firing, an instinctive move while blinded, she supposed), but she was faster. Taylor grabbed his wrist and twisted, forcing him to drop the gun. A quick jab to his throat with a baton sent him crumpling to the ground, gasping for air.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Grue and Hellhound moving in tandem. Grue's darkness covered their approach while Hellhound's dogs tore into the gunmen with terrifying efficiency. She wasn't going for the kill, but regardless the guards were now living their own personal horror movie, for damn fucking sure. Tattletale was hanging back, her eyes darting around as she assessed the situation, while Regent used his powers to disable anyone who got too close.

Never got much info about Regent, but she could see him moving his hand, focusing, people tripping suddenly.

Failing at the right moments.

Wasn't a hard connection to make.

It was chaos, but they were holding their own. The gunmen were struggling to fight back, blinded by the darkness and disoriented by the flashbang. But she knew it wouldn't last. They were outnumbered, and more reinforcements were for sure on the way.

"Fall back!" Grue shouted, his voice barely audible over the sounds of the fight.

The Undersiders began to retreat, moving toward the exit with practiced precision. She hesitated for a moment, unsure if she should follow them or remain by herself. But then she saw one of the gunmen leveling his weapon at Tattletale, who was focused on covering Regent.

They were criminals, but she wasn't here to watch people die.

She didn't think—just acted. She lunged forward, tackling the gunman to the ground just as he pulled the trigger. The shot went wide, embedding itself in the brick wall behind them. Could have used Omen's powers, but she didn't want to give too much away.

Tattletale looked back, her eyes wide with surprise. "Thanks," she said, her voice slightly shaky.

She nodded, getting to her feet and helping Tattletale up. "Don't mention it. Let's just get out of here."

They regrouped with the others, making a break for the exit as more gunmen poured into the alley. Grue's darkness covered their retreat, and they slipped away into the night, leaving the chaos of the casino behind.

They finally reached a safe distance from the casino and ducked into an abandoned warehouse to catch their breath. The Undersiders were silent for a moment, each processing what had just happened.

"Well," Tattletale said finally, breaking the silence. "That was… interesting."

"Interesting isn't the word I'd use," Regent muttered, rubbing his shoulder where he'd taken a hit. "What the hell were you thinking, going in there alone?"

Taylor shrugged, trying to catch her breath. For a second she considered not even bothering to elaborate—it was clear Regent didn't give a shit. And well, why should he? "I wasn't planning on running into you guys. I just wanted to gather some intel. I already fucking said this two times."

"And nearly got yourself killed in the process," Grue said. Why did he speak like she didn't know that already? "You're lucky we were there."

"Excuse me? I was about to leave when you showed up, slowing things down. You're the ones who almost got me killed."

Maybe she should have bitten her tongue, but she was tense and irritated.

"You have a point," Grue admitted.

There was a tense silence as the Undersiders exchanged glances, and she wondered what they were thinking. She couldn't deny that they'd worked well together, even if it had been under extreme circumstances.

Well, that didn't really mean anything.

"So, what now?" she asked, breaking the silence.

Grue folded his arms, his expression thoughtful. "We got what we came for, but things are going to be a lot more complicated now. Lung's going to be on high alert after this."

Gotten what they came for?

Oh, of course. So the Undersiders hadn't backed off; she had run into them when they were leaving as well. And the guards, they had reacted to them, not because her work had been sloppy. That made more sense.

"And what about you?" Tattletale asked, her eyes narrowing as she looked at her. "What's your next move, Cypher?"

She was unsure of what to say, hadn't thought that far ahead. All she knew was that she wanted to keep disrupting Lung's operations, to hit him where it hurt. And not just him. Every gang it Brockton Bay. She also knew that doing it alone was risky—tonight had proven that.

But what could she do?

"I'm not sure yet," she admitted. "But I'm not done with Lung. Not by a long shot."

Grue studied her for a moment, his expression unreadable. "You handled yourself well back there. If you ever need backup, you know where to find us."

She blinked in surprise, not expecting the offer. Maybe she looked edgy in this costume, but she had already admitted that she had attacked the casino not to steal money. Not for selfish reasons. Did they seriously think she was a villain?

"You're serious?"

Tattletale smirked. "We might be villains, but we're not heartless. You've got potential, and Lung will be after your ass just as much as ours. Besides, it's always good to have someone watching your back."

Ally with the Undersiders, even temporarily, and pretend to be a villain when she had already admitted to attacking Lung's operation without ulterior motives?

Especially with Tattletale on their team?

Stupid idea.

She had no intention of freeing her city only to hand it over to another gang of criminals, big or small. Besides, she hadn't gotten into this to end up being a nobody in the middle of a group of friends, at least close allies. She was probably better off alone, for better or worse.

"Thanks," she said finally. "I'll think about it."

Grue nodded, seeming satisfied with her response. "You do that. In the meantime, stay safe out there."

With that, the Undersiders turned and began to make their way out of the warehouse, disappearing into the shadows as quickly as they'd appeared.

Taylor stayed back, standing in the shadows for a moment. She had a lot to think about. Not everything had gone as planned, but she had made it out—that was what mattered. She had proven to herself that she could do it.

Taylor gets involved in the casino heist instead of the usual fight against Lung because she can get a costume with a thought instead of spending months coordinating spiders to make one.

Also because I thought it would be cool.
Chapter 2
Chapter 2

The walk home stretched into the early morning hours, with the city of Brockton Bay gradually transforming from the chaotic nightlife of the casinos and streets into a quieter, more subdued urban landscape. The adrenaline that had carried her through the night was finally wearing off, leaving behind a heavy exhaustion. The cold air cut through the fabric of her costume as she trudged along the deserted streets, the distant sounds of the city serving as a constant reminder of the dangers lurking around every corner.

As she neared her neighborhood, she began to relax, just slightly. The familiar sight of the crumbling buildings and graffiti-tagged walls was comforting in a strange way. It was far from safe, but it was home. Still, she remained vigilant, scanning the shadows for any sign of danger as she approached her house. Even with her newly acquired powers, she knew better than to let her guard down completely.

When she finally reached the front door, she took a moment to listen for any sounds from inside. Her dad was usually asleep by now, but the last thing she wanted was for him to see her like this—dressed in black, looking like some kind of wannabe supervillain. Satisfied that the house was quiet, she carefully unlocked the door and slipped inside.

The familiar smell of old wood and stale air greeted her as she stepped into the living room. She quietly closed the door behind her, locking it before making her way upstairs. She was careful to avoid the creaky spots on the stairs, moving silently through the house like a ghost. As she reached the top of the stairs, she glanced down the hallway, making sure Dad's door was closed before heading to her room.

Once inside, she locked the door and leaned against it, finally allowing herself to breathe. Her heart was still racing from everything that had happened. She reached up and peeled off her mask, the cool air hitting her sweat-soaked face. She let out a deep breath, the events of the night flooding back into her mind in vivid detail.

She had to sit down. The weight of it all was overwhelming—everything she'd just gone through. Slowly, she walked over to her bed and sat on the edge, her hands trembling slightly as she rubbed her face. The fabric of Cypher's mask felt strange against her skin, like it didn't quite belong there. Maybe it didn't.

But as she sat there in the silence of her room, she knew that tonight had changed things. She wasn't just the girl who got bullied at school anymore, the invisible one who spent her days avoiding the gaze of others. Tonight, she had taken on Lung's men and lived to tell the tale. More than that, she had gotten caught up in the Undersiders' heist and somehow earned their respect.

What did that mean for her?

She shook her head, trying to clear the haze of conflicting thoughts. She was doing this for a reason—to weaken the gangs that had taken over Brockton Bay, to bring some sense of justice to a city that had long since forgotten what that word meant. She wasn't like them. She wasn't a villain.

But she couldn't deny that part of her had enjoyed the thrill of the night. The power, the rush of adrenaline, the feeling of being in control.

She needed to get out of the costume, to shed the identity that came with it, if only for a little while.

The suit disappeared somewhere.

The same place where everything her power could make her power came from.

Once she was down to her regular clothes, she felt a little more like herself—just Taylor again.

After a quick shower to wash away the grime of the night, she collapsed onto her bed, pulling the covers up to her chin. The exhaustion hit her all at once, her body sinking into the mattress as sleep tugged at her eyelids. But even as she drifted off, her mind kept racing, replaying the events of the night over and over.

The last thing she thought of before sleep claimed her was the offer Grue had made, the chance to join the Undersiders.

It was tempting, in a way.

But they were villains, with or without heart. She would never make the mistake of allying herself even temporarily with villains just because it suited her. Someone in this city had to do something beyond the convenient things. That's why it had ended up like this in the first place. The convenient thing, looking the other way, squashing the noise.

She was a good person and would continue to be one. Taylor closed her eyes. She had no intention of changing. The only thing that would change was this city, for the better.

Not long after, of course, she had to get up. And pretend she'd slept a wink.

Taylor went through her morning routine in a daze, brushing her teeth and changing without really thinking about it. Her mind was elsewhere, still stuck on what had happened at the casino. It felt surreal, like a half-remembered dream, but the bruises on her arms and the soreness in her muscles told her it had been all too real.

When she finally made it downstairs, her dad was in the kitchen, reading the newspaper over a cup of coffee. He looked up as she entered, giving her a tired smile. "Morning, kiddo."

"Morning," she mumbled, heading for the fridge. She wasn't really hungry, but she knew she needed to eat something.

"How'd you sleep?" he asked, his tone casual, but she could see the concern in his eyes.

"Okay," she lied, pulling out a carton of orange juice. She poured herself a glass and took a sip, the cold liquid helping to wake her up a little more. "Just… you know. School stuff."

He nodded, taking another sip of his coffee. "Anything you want to talk about?"

She shook her head, avoiding his gaze. "No, I'm good."

They lapsed into silence, the only sounds in the kitchen the ticking of the clock and the rustling of the newspaper. She knew her dad was worried about her—he had been ever since her mom died—but she couldn't tell him the truth. She couldn't tell him about the powers or the costume or the fact that she'd nearly gotten herself killed last night. He wouldn't understand, and even if he did, it would only make him worry more.

After a few minutes, her dad stood up, folding the newspaper and setting it aside. "I've got an early shift today. You gonna be okay?"

"Yeah," she said, forcing a smile. "I'll be fine."

He gave her a long look, like he wanted to say something else, but then he just nodded and headed for the door. "Alright. Have a good day at school, Taylor."

"You too, Dad."

As soon as he was gone, she let out a sigh of relief, the tension in her shoulders easing just a little. She finished her juice and rinsed the glass out in the sink, trying to shake off the lingering sense of unease.

But of course, she had no intention of going to school.

Another lie to add to the pile.

Taylor sat at her desk, various tools and components spread out before her. The soft glow of her desk lamp illuminated the half-assembled tranquilizer gun she was working on. She carefully fitted another piece into place, her brow furrowed in concentration.

The stun gun had been effective, but it required getting too close for comfort. She needed something with more range, something that would allow her to take down opponents from a safe distance. The tranquilizer gun was the logical next step.

As she worked, her mind wandered to the events of the past few days. The casino heist, the encounter with the Undersiders, the narrow escapes—it all felt like a blur. But one thing stood out clearly: the power of information.

Cypher's abilities had given her access to knowledge she never thought possible. She could piece together puzzles that others couldn't even see, uncover secrets that had been buried for years. It was intoxicating, in a way. The more she knew, the more control she felt she had over her life and her surroundings.

Her thoughts drifted to Emma, and she felt a familiar pang of anger and hurt. Thanks to Cypher's skills, she now knew why Emma had betrayed her. The pieces had fallen into place, revealing a picture of fear, insecurity, and a desperate need to feel strong.

Taylor paused in her work, setting down the screwdriver she'd been using. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath to calm the storm of emotions that threatened to overwhelm her. The knowledge of Emma's motivations didn't make the betrayal hurt any less, but it did change things.

If she had known earlier, if she had understood what was happening, maybe she could have put a stop to it. Maybe she could have reached out to Emma, helped her through whatever she was going through. Things could have been different.

But that was in the past now. Nothing would ever be the same between them. The friendship they once had was dead, replaced by a cold, hard anger that Taylor couldn't shake. Emma had made her choice, and now they both had to live with the consequences.

Taylor opened her eyes, refocusing on the task at hand. She picked up the screwdriver and resumed her work on the tranquilizer gun. The repetitive motions were soothing, giving her something to focus on besides her swirling thoughts.

As she worked, she considered her next moves.

She needed more information before making a decision. Taylor already knew the faces of E88, ABB and the rest, but what about the people who kept their businesses running smoothly? The real major players, in a way? The suppliers, the information brokers.

What were their weaknesses? How could she use that knowledge to her advantage?

The tranquilizer gun was coming together nicely. She held it up, examining her handiwork. It wasn't pretty, but it would get the job done. She'd need to test it, of course, but that could wait.

Setting the gun aside, Taylor leaned back in her chair, stretching her arms above her head. Her muscles ached from the previous night's exertions, a constant reminder of the risks she was taking.

But with risk came opportunity. She had the power to make a difference now, to shape the future of her city. It wouldn't be easy, and it certainly wouldn't be safe, but it was a chance she had to take.

She thought about her dad, about the lies she'd told him that morning. The guilt gnawed at her, but she pushed it aside. This was necessary. She was doing this for him, for her mom, for everyone who had ever been pushed around by the gangs and criminals that infested Brockton Bay.

Taylor stood up, walking over to the window. The city sprawled out before her, a maze of streets and buildings hiding countless secrets. Somewhere out there, Lung was plotting his next move. The Undersiders were probably laying low after the casino job. And who knew what other threats were lurking in the shadows?

She turned back to her desk, eyes falling on the tranquilizer gun. It was a start, but she knew she'd need more than just gadgets to succeed. She needed information, strategy, and above all, control.

Control over her powers, control over her emotions, control over the chaos that seemed to follow her wherever she went. It wouldn't be easy, but she was determined to master it all.

As she sat back down at her desk, Taylor felt a sense of purpose wash over her.

She picked up her notebook, flipping to a fresh page. It was time to start planning her next move.

The city wasn't going to save itself, after all.

Taylor had the information she needed, a good vantage point, and a new tool, courtesy of Chamber, a French weapons designer.

Of course, not a real designer, but one of the Agents on her list of powers.

The events of the previous night had been enough to be able to recruit him. Not with agent tokens, but with Kingdom credits, whatever that was. Her power was like a window to another world.

Part of her resisted the obvious decision she had to make. No matter how many casinos she hit, how many warehouses and hideouts, it would merely delay the inevitable, especially because she was working alone.

The various operations, the drugs, the weapons.

In the end, it didn't matter.

Lung was the ABB. Without him, they would be nothing.

It was obvious even without the extra information she possessed. For some reason, Lung didn't brag about it, as if he were ashamed of his eventual defeat, but that monster had become strong enough to exchange blows with Leviathan for hours. He only fell when Leviathan left to lick its wounds.

Not being actively involved in a fight, his powers had quickly abandoned him, stopping the transformation. Someone pulled him out of the waters, probably Alexandria or another cape who could fly, preventing him from drowning.

It took time, but Taylor had no doubt that Lung was the strongest parahuman in Brockton Bay.

Still, she could stop him.

With the Tour de Force, it would be easy. All she needed was to kill him with a single bullet. If she gave him time to even register that he had been wounded, his power would kick in and nothing she could do would be able to handle that monster. At least for now. She had twenty-one other agents to recruit.

Taylor opened and closed her fists, feeling Chamber's tattoos writhe under her skin. She had managed to move them to her chest, which was very good since it would have been difficult to explain to dad.

He would probably believe that those who bullied her at school (she felt a pang of guilt, thinking that he still had no idea about Emma, thinking that she had left him in the dark) had forced her to get tattoos.

She wouldn't be able to convince him otherwise. Getting tattoos just because she wanted to wouldn't be like her. Surely no bullied nerd went around with arms covered in tattoos...

Well, as she was saying, Chamber wasn't a Radiant —which meant parahuman, basically— like the other Agents. But he did have something special. He carried an arsenal on his person. His weapons, imbued with Radianite, were the golden tattoos that now covered her chest.

She manifested one of the weapons. One of the tattoos dissolved and its golden energy formed Chamber's Ultimate ability, his Tour de Force.

A sniper rifle, all she needed to, well.

Blow the head off the snake.