[X] "Mother always said that we are strong so that we can protect the ones we love. I don't like to fight, but if it keeps you and everyone else safe…"
[X] "Mother always said that we are strong so that we can protect the ones we love. I don't like to fight, but if it keeps you and everyone else safe…"
-[X] "I won't run away. Not this time."
[x] Write-in.
-[x] "Mother always said that when we dragons sealed away our species's own power and became manaketes, we wanted to still be strong enough to protect the ones we love... I don't like to fight, but if my dragon-self helps keep you and everyone else safe..."
[x] Write-in.
-[X] "My people have wings so that we can embrace the sky and everything below us. If there is battle in this land, then battle is a part of me."
[X] "I… I don't know. I'm just a manakete, all manakete are like this."
-[X] "Wait, I think I Father left me a scroll about this, maybe that would help?" Show Artemis The Dragon Within: How to get along with yours.