[X] Plan Defeat in Detail
-[X] Strategy
--[X] Everyone charges Group 2, hoping to overwhelm the revenants before they can react to our presence
--[X] Then, attack Group 3, more cautiously (since they will likely have noticed step 1)
--[X] If possible, attack group 1 before group 4 or reinforcements have time to intervene.
-[X] Secondary Objectives
--[X] Don't let anyone get killed or permanently injured
---[X] (Insofar as this is a secondary objective)
--[X] Don't damage any scrolls, tablets, or other records
---[X] To this end, Ryza should attack the revenants with white magic
--[X] Don't draw (significant) attention from anything outside the library
---[X] Unless doing so would risk one of the other objectives
[X] Plan Line of Battle
-[X] Pick a good defensive position to hold off attackers from. Use the archers to draw enemy groups in, ideally one at a time, and deal with them.
-[X] Ryza will support with white magic; attacking the dead, and stabilizing anyone who gets seriously injured.
-[X] If it looks necessary to prevent casualties, Ryza will transform to protect her friends.
-[X] Avoid using lightning to protect the scrolls.