[X] Talk with Sypha and Bernard. You did promise to explain to them what was going on. Sypha also seems to be able to convince everyone to stand down if needed, so being on her good side can't be a bad thing. Besides, the girl really looks like she could use a friend right now.
[X] Talk with Robin privately. You remember that your goal is a bit different from the goal everyone else has. The Archduke wants Sypha to come with you to Agrithe. Maybe Robin has an idea for how to make that happen.
[X] Talk with Kelton. You still can't believe he's here! You'd thought he'd still be locked up at Castle Legerius! Maybe he can give some insight on what's happening so you can know which loose rocks to avoid in order to prevent an avalanche.
[X] Talk to Belle. She does not seem happy that her plan didn't go the way she planned it. It might not be a bad idea to try and calm her down and convince her that you only did what you thought was best to help Sypha.