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Thank you both. I've reread the Lord of the Rings series several times over the years and The Two Towers remains my favorite, so I'm pleased that I could deliver a similar feel.
I think i found this story, or one like it, on ffn ages ago and i really liked the idea of putting Dresden into LotR. The whole language thing is surprisingly good once you get over the initial weirdness of it.
The only problem i can see with the story is that the whole charm of Dresden as a protagonist is his internal monologue and the snarking he does which will probably be hard to translate into the Tolkienesque use of language.
I must admit, you have managed to capture the feel of Tolken written language quite well. Expressions, mannerisms, conversations, descriptions, etc., they all flow naturally. Not only that, even when I've never read the Dresden Files, I still find the character of Harry Dresden interesting and until now he seems interesting to me.
I agree with the others that you've captured LOTR and Tolkien well, but I'm not going to lie I'm kind of sad about it. I was looking forward to the inherent friction that would spring up between the relatively crass and snarky Dresden and the more formal Tolkien language.
I think i found this story, or one like it, on ffn ages ago and i really liked the idea of putting Dresden into LotR. The whole language thing is surprisingly good once you get over the initial weirdness of it.
The only problem i can see with the story is that the whole charm of Dresden as a protagonist is his internal monologue and the snarking he does which will probably be hard to translate into the Tolkienesque use of language.
Most likely it is this story, albeit at that time it would have been in a much rougher state. I've revised at least twice since the original went up at the end of 2011, and the current version I feel is a much tighter presentation. I agree that it does take some getting used to the Tolkien style but I really do love it nowadays, so thank you.

Fair enough as far as Dresden's attributes there. I think I see what you mean about the difficulties for that, and all I can really say at the moment without writing further scenes of that nature is that we'll have to wait and see.

I must admit, you have managed to capture the feel of Tolken written language quite well. Expressions, mannerisms, conversations, descriptions, etc., they all flow naturally. Not only that, even when I've never read the Dresden Files, I still find the character of Harry Dresden interesting and until now he seems interesting to me.
Thank you. It has taken me these past several years to tighten up the story and develop that flow, and I hope I can continue to stay true going forward. I've also had a lot of practice developing a Dresden voice, so I'm pleased that you find this version of him interesting.

I agree with the others that you've captured LOTR and Tolkien well, but I'm not going to lie I'm kind of sad about it. I was looking forward to the inherent friction that would spring up between the relatively crass and snarky Dresden and the more formal Tolkien language.
Thank you, and fair enough. Thinking about the matter more since I began to write this post, I can see that though I do intend for Dresden to have his chances to run off at the mouth and in his thoughts more like he would in Chicago, my presentation therein is still meant to be in the Tolkien style, so it probably won't be the same as what you're looking for. Again, we'll just have to see as we get there.