Vote tally - Finding the Spark (Pathfinder 1E Quest)

Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jan 16, 2025 at 7:16 AM, finished with 8 posts and 5 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Finding the Spark (Pathfinder 1E Quest)
Post #10704
Post #10711


  • [X] One for the road
    [X] One for the road
    -[X] Mina uses her Slumber Hex to put the drunkard to sleep, then Kori examines him using the Detect Fiendish Presence spectacles as Sirim does the same using Detect Magic. If those are inconclusive, Mina uses Wild Arcana to cast Diagnose Disease on him. If we discover anything unusual, we'll decide how to respond depending on our findings (with another vote).
    --[X] If nothing is out of the ordinary (besides his blood alcohol content), we'll load him into one of the carts and have him watched carefully.
    --[X] Out of an abundance of caution, Sirim will also cast Magic Circle Against Evil then quietly move amongst the Iruxi as we travel while the group carefully observes their behavior under the spell's effect.
    --[X] Mina casts an Extended Mount: Communal spell to create 6 light horses, each with a duration of 4 hours, to allow the slower elders or those burdened by carrying hatchlings or supplies to travel more easily with the rest of the group. When the spell elapses, she uses her 2nd level Pearl of Power to regain the spell, then casts another Extended version of it.