[X] Making Ourselves Scarce -[X] The vampire was most likely after Anippe, you already know she was being hunted by the undead -[X] Pay the innkeeper his 200 gold and warn him against making a fuss, lest it becomes common knowledge that Vampires prey upon his customers. -[X] Getting out of Sight: --[X] Kori uses Inspired Spell to cast Greater Hide from Undead on everyone. --[X] Sirim uses Wild Arcana to cast Invisibility Sphere on everyone then uses Wild Arcana to cast Detect Scrying. --[X] Mina uses her Pass Without Trace SLA on everyone, and once everyone is properly situated, uses Wild Arcana to cast Dimension Door to teleport the group to a random out of the way location at the edge of her current 760 foot range she has seen within the past several days. --[X] Pepper casts Mage Armor on himself, Anippe, and Sirim. --[X] Anippe hides in Cob's Handy Haversack and the Iruxi pile into our Type II Bag of Holding. -[X] Staying out of Sight: --[X] After teleporting, Cob and Gorok will find a nearby space where the group won't be disturbed for a few minutes, then: ---[X] Mina casts Conjure Carriage using the Extend Spell Metamagic Rod. Gorok will drive it and Cob will act as a lookout on top of it. Everyone else will ride inside. Gorok will slowly drive them around the city, as if looking for an open inn or a place to rest for the evening. ---[X] Once inside the carriage, Kori will use Shadow Projection to follow the carriage from above, with Pepper and Sirim's Draconic Ally. Sirim will cast Marionette Possession on Kori's body and Mina will apply the Rune of Rule spell to him, as well as casting Hermean Potential on him. ---[X] Once situated in Kori's body, Sirim will use one of the Greater False Vision scrolls on Anippe, expending his Rune of Rule with the Generosity effect to increase the scroll's caster level to 15th. The false image it shows to anyone who successfully uses Scrying on her will be a random stretch of forest, like one could find anywhere in Andoran or Taldor, and an armed camp of mercenaries. He will use Hermean Potential rerolls and a Fortune Hex reroll from Mina, if necessary, to succeed on the caster level check.