[X] Onward, to Cheliax -[X] We can deal with the Lumber Consortium at a later date. Gorok's people have languished in Cheliax for too long. --[X] The group will keep a low profile, including not seeking out any contacts we have in the city. Instead, they will continue making an effort to hide their identities and obscure tracking or divinations. Dealing with merchants and crafters will be done in different identifies, and Mina will use Wild Arcana to Dimension Door them directly into their room at the inn from a significant distance away, even after making sure they have no one following them. Kori will perform a daily Divination to check for changes, and he'll cast Ears of the City on Cob each day to keep abreast of the rumor mill. ---[X] As part of preparing to retrieve the Iruxi, they will seek out skilled crafters and commission foci objects suitable for use with the Summon Ship spell, a Longship focus and a Sailing Ship focus, unless there are already suitable foci available, in which case they'll buy them outright. If they must be commissioned, we will offer to pay an extremely generous premium to have the order expedited, along with providing the crafters with Crafter's Fortune spells to enhance their ability. ---[X] They will make another attempt to purchase Unseen Crew spell scrolls (1,125 gold each). ---[X] They will purchase as many travel rations as they can fit in their Handy Haversacks and Bags of Holding, minus the room needed to accommodate the Iruxi when we teleport back to Cheliax. ---[X] If we must wait days for the foci to be completed, after Sirim and Mina learn the Summon Ship and Trade Wind spells, respectively, they will begin working through their backlog of scrolls waiting to be learned.