[X] Finish combing the Scorpion's Sting for secrets while the sailors among Sir Pisca's Riverguard prepare it to be towed back to Cassomir using their own ship. -[X] Inquire of Sir Pisca how he wishes to handle the pirates and Razmiran. Should they be returned to Cassomir alive or hanged now before we depart? The latter option would simplify matters greatly. --[X] Would it be in his authority to give the Razmiran over to the local Fey in order to placate them? It appears he is the one to have riled them up in the first place. -[X] Mina will prepare two Speak with Dead spells in the morning in place of her Lightning Bolt spell and a Heroism spell, and an Ill Omen spell in place of Sleep. --[X] She will ask Miska who/what is Swallowtail, why Elven traditionalists would use Humans to attack Dwarves, and why would a House Basri, well known as diplomats, try to foment conflict? --[X] She will ask the Dwarven Alchemist what, if any, special skills or procedures are needed to safely operate the magical propulsion of the Scorpion's Sting. She will use remaining questions, if there are any after learning what we need, to answer questions Sirim or Cob have about Alchemy, poison, or whatever else may seem relevant to them. -[X] We'll also attempt to interrogate the Razmiran again in the morning as well, but along with using the same tactics as before (Demoralize to render him Shaken, Evil Eye to reduce saving throws by -2), Mina will cast Ill Omen on him then use Wild Arcana to cast Bestow Curse on him (inflicting a -4 penalty on attack rolls, saves, ability checks, and skill checks) --[X] Bestow Curse Spell: DC 17 Will save. Roll twice due to Ill Omen and take the lower result. --[X] Shadow Enchantment Suggestion: DC 20 Will save. Roll twice due to Ill Omen and take the lower result, then roll again and take the lower result due to Mythic Spell Focus, if necessary. -[X] Kori will perform a Divination tonight to attempt to divine what hazards may face us before we reach Cassomir.