Vote tally - Finding the Spark (Pathfinder 1E Quest)

Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Oct 20, 2024 at 9:34 AM, finished with 19 posts and 5 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Finding the Spark (Pathfinder 1E Quest)
Post #8372
Post #8390


  • [X] Yes, Kori will interrogate both the pirate and the priest, separately.
    -[X] Kori attempts an Intimidate check to Demoralize the pirate, with Aid Another assistance from Sir Prisca as Mina uses her Evil Eye Hex to penalize his ability checks by -2. She uses her Fortune Hex on Kori, if necessary. He'll wear the Razmiran's Circlet of Persuasion to assist with the interrogation.
    --[X] Intimidate Check: +22 [+20 + 2(Aid Another)]
    -[X] Mina changes her Evil Eye Hex on the captain to lower his saving throws by -2, then Kori uses Shadow Enchantment to cast Suggestion on the pirate. He instructs the pirate to answer all of our questions honestly.
    --[X] Suggestion Spell: DC 18 Will save.
    -[X] Mina uses her Cackle Hex to continue the effects of Evil Eye on the pirate while Kori uses his headband to cast Detect Thoughts in order to examine the man's mind as he answers questions.
    -[X] Kori asks about the pirate's associates (especially the mage who escaped), his base(s), his previous jobs and employers, where he might have supplies or wealth hidden away, how he knows the Razmiran priest, how to safely operate the Iron Maiden, any security features it or its contents may possess, and anything else our allies might suggest. Finish by asking if there's anything else he knows that he believes we would be interested in.
    -[X] After interrogating the pirate, Kori will repeat the same tactics with the Razmiran, asking him of his plans in the area and what he knows of the plans his superiors may have, anything he knows of other Razmiran operatives in the region, how he knows the pirates, and what he has been doing in the region. Finish by asking if there's anything else he knows that he believes we would be interested in.