[X] Plan: Before she escapes with her loot!
-[X] Ask Sylestrix if she would be willing to exchange some more of her horde for items of equivalent value.
--[X] Trade to be finalised with playerbase/depends on what she's offering, but I want that Prism, at least one set of Cords, and maybe a Djezet-Skin for the diplo boost on Mina. We can offer gems and the sorcerer's robe we took from the fey lord.
-[X] Ask Sylestrix if she would be willing to allow us to do a fully-buffed investigation of the Mind-Core, and we shall share all we learn of it with her in return - mention that the tea we need to use requires a long rest before re-attempting the check. Mina uses her Fortune Hex on Sirim for this request.
-[X] Before Sirim tries to persuade Sylestrix about the Mind-Core, Pepper changes his Racial Bonus (Full round action) to Diplomacy, for a total of +8 -2 (cha) = +6 and attempts to Aid Another Sirim (DC 15) (But only if Pepper has not already changed his bonus today)
-[X] Also let her know that a tribe of Kobolds are looking to meet her, a survivor of a scouting band killed by these ogres is at the caravan and it was he who warned us of these foes, and we told him we'd let her know about the tribe. (This is not to try and convince her of anything in particular, just something that she might like to know - though it is worded to paint the kobolods in a good light.)