[X] A Friend In Need -[X] "She aided us in our fight against Gavhaul and the Demons. We, in turn, should aid her against the Ogres that now hunt her for sport. If we're quick about it, it shouldn't take more than a few hours." -[X] Using the Abductor Figurine, Gorok, Cob, Mina, Kori, and Sirim will return to Fusil to seek out Sylestrix to warn her of the Ogre hunting party, and offer her our aid in eliminating then if she desires. -[X] Gorok will prepare two Ant Haul spells the next morning, one to cast on the Abductor for the trip to reach Sylestrix and the other for our return. We will leave Leontas in charge of the Ohancanu, Iruxi, and Warty while we are gone. Ask that they remain at the campsite for the day, if possible. -[X] Kori will perform a Divination to discern what difficulties, if any, the expedition will encounter while we are gone. -[X] Sirim and Mina will explain to Sweep Tail that we don't have enough room to carry him with us when we go to warn Sylestrix, but that we will tell her of his tribe's journey and impending arrival. Ask that in exchange, he stays with the expedition to act as a point of contact should any other Kobolds stumble across them while we are gone.