Vote tally - Finding the Spark (Pathfinder 1E Quest)

Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jun 8, 2024 at 5:16 AM, finished with 13 posts and 5 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Finding the Spark (Pathfinder 1E Quest)
Post #5444
Post #5456


  • [X] Mission Improbable
    [X] Mission Improbable
    -[X] Air drop by invisible Abductor Beast
    --[X] Mina casts Invisibility on the Abductor, Sirim casts it on Cob, and Kori casts it on himself and Gorok.
    --[X] The first party member carried over will be Cob, who carefully secures a rope to the mouth of the chimney so that everyone can swiftly and safely descend into the building without injury or loud noise. He then waits for Gorok's delivery by Abductor Air, before they both descend the chimney into the building proper, with Sirim preceding them as a scout and for spellcasting support. They don't toss the rope in until the last moment, and if a fire is burning they first extinguish it with prepared water bladders. The Abductor next delivers Kori, with Mina safely stored in the Satchel, who follows the rest of the party down. As the last to descend, Kori will return the Abductor to figurine form and store it in the satchel.
    --[X] Sirim uses Greater Detect Magic to inspect the rooftop and chimney, and continues to use it to check his surroundings until forced to break concentration for whatever reason.
    -[X] Right before the air drop:
    --[X] Mina casts Heroism and Hermean Potential on Cob and Gorok, uses her Pass Without Trace SLA on everyone, uses her Disguise Self SLA to take on a different appearance, and casts Mage Armor on herself. Sirim casts Mage Armor, Shield, and Lesser Angelic Aspect on himself. Kori casts Protection from Evil on Gorok, Cob, Mina, and himself, and does not use his cloak to appear Human.