[X] Be Prepared -[X] Rest for the night, prepare spells more helpful for our task, then make the attempt the following evening. -[X] Mina's Spell Loadout: --[X] 1st Level: Mage Armor x2, Sleep x2 --[X] 2nd Level: Glitterdust, Invisibility x2 -[X] Sirim's Spell Loadout: --[X] Cantrips: Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand --[X] 1st Level: Color Spray, Silent Image, Sleep x3 --[X] 2nd Level: Invisibility x4 -[X] Everyone will go in while Invisible using the safest path. Sirim casts three of his prepared Invisibility spells and Mina uses both of hers. She casts Mage Armor on herself and Sirim, and uses Pass Without Trace on everyone except Sirim (who doesn't leave tracks by default). Kori uses his Cloak of Darkness ability.