Vote tally - Finding the Spark (Pathfinder 1E Quest)

Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Sep 19, 2023 at 10:38 AM, finished with 19 posts and 8 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Finding the Spark (Pathfinder 1E Quest)
Post #2547
Post #2565


  • [X] Lie
    -[X] Kori will explain, with Mina translating as necessary, that we are on an important mission for a nearby Darklands settlement. Our time on the surface is limited because of that, so we must return to the Darklands eventually and this is the only route between the surface and the Darklands of which we are aware.
    -[X] Mina will surreptitiously cast Guidance on Kori to boost his Bluff bonus and attempt to use Aid Another to further increase it while acting as a translator.
    [X] Act like the silver tongued bastard that you are
    -[X] General strategy: Redirect blame on Gorok, empathize with the mushroom man, get him talking about what he does, and get him interested in us.
    -[X] Argue with Gorok in a language the mushroom man clearly doesn't understand. Just sound like we are berating him.
    --[X] Turn to the mushroom man and argue in a way that empathizes with him: "I am sorry. My friend can't know the difference between dry and fresh lichen here, thought that he could safely cut it, and now has gotten you all angry over this. I guess that some idiot often strolls here to break your garden, right? By the way, I am Akorian, and we are a group of explorers and aventurers"
    --[X] Try to get him to explain about what he does. Get him talking, then talk about good compost, and what is useful and what is not, and see if we can offer him a taste of what we got. If he agrees we simply make a stop to eat out with him. Explain how our idea is to travel often through a secure tunnel to the surface, and that it is a bitch to look for other tunnels, what with all the dark and disconsiderate things down here. Yet, if we come often, we can drop by some compost every time we come, and we might even take off some wild animal bothering his mushrooms.
    [X] Kori tries his hand at diplomacy, curse or no
    -[X] Explain how you are among the shadow kin and will have to return to the Underdark one day, and so you can promise on that online how you will return to pay him back
    [X] Write in: "He is lonely, how about he joins us? We can tend Moss/Fungus on the Move with our Slurk or in a sled or cart?"
    [X] Just leg it to the surface