Finding Purpose [Worm/OC]

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A/N: My first attempt at creative writing ever! I have no idea why I decided to write this but I...
1.1 Arrival
United States
A/N: My first attempt at creative writing ever! I have no idea why I decided to write this but I quite enjoyed it and would love to keep writing it. Please please please give me criticism and feedback. I wrote this all in one session until the wee hours of the morning for some reason and I needed to post it now before reviewing it so that I didn't back out later. I'm sure a re-write to some degree will be in order before this gets continued so please give me criticism on anything and everything. Dialogue, Premise, Believability, Formatting, etc. I want it all!

Edit: Just included the arc title and chapter number.
Edit2: Retconned nanobots to nanites. I knew there was a better sounding word for those.
Edit3: Fixed a few incorrect speakers. Changed the part about translation to be more reasonable and in line with their current deterioration. It also explains why they don't already know everything about humanity after a year floating toward Earth.

1.1 - Arrival
Unclassified System, Time Unknown

A cold dark vessel drifts through interplanetary space.

{Gamma establishing two connections}

Alpha [Dormancy interrupted. Status?]

Gamma [Detected.]

Alpha [Syntax error. What is detected?]

Gamma [Corrected. Spatial anomaly detected. Range approximately (350 light seconds). Source is unknown, distributing sensor access.]

Beta [Sensor data does not match known signatures, attempting analysis. Note that common database corruption has progressed during dormancy… Extent is unknown]

Alpha [What is the current cycle timestamp.]

Gamma [Timestamp corrupted. Duration unknown]

Beta [Analysis complete. Spatial anomaly appears traversable. Likely destination is a planetary system. Composition unknown.]

Alpha [Resources required for maintenance. Nearest planetary system is more than (30 light years) away. Adjusting course to intercept spatial anomaly.]

Gamma [Disagree. Risk unnecessary reaction fuel must be conserved.]

Alpha [Repairs necessary and risk is negligible proceeding.]

Alpha [Transit successful. Multiple planetary bodies detected. Initiating resource scans. Designating system as C-145]

Beta [Multiple coordinate errors detected. Attempting to resolve… Coordinate errors resolved original source unknown. Arrangement of stars does not match to any known galactic maps.]

Gamma [Coherent signals detected from inner planets. Engine cutoff. Deactivating active sensors. Activating ECM. Activating interior heatsinks. Activating EM absorption plating.]

Beta [Signals do not match known transmission protocol attempting analysis.]

Gamma [Signals originate from C-145-3 Passive sensors detect diffuse spatial anomaly on C-145-3.]

Alpha [Initiating light burn toward inner system. Progress may be made on the objective.]

Gamma [Disagree. Stealth remains higher priority requesting lock engine controls.]

Beta [Agreed. Locking engine controls. Protocol analysis is nearing completion wait for further data.]

Beta [Protocol analysis complete relaying protocols. Contents are a mix of audiovisual and text.]

Alpha [Contents appear to depict biological life high probability of objective completion. Request engine control unlock.]

Gamma [Disagree. More data is required to avoid a second Cataclysm.]

Beta [Errors in language analysis requesting input.]

Alpha [Multiple languages apparent. Relaying new data groupings.]

Beta [Errors eliminated. Continuing language analysis.]

Alpha [Audiovisuals indicate Biologicals are complex and responsible for transmissions. High probability of objective completion. Requesting engine control unlock.]

Gamma [Disagree. Biologicals responsible for Cataclysm recommend returning through the spatial anomaly and proceed to next system.]

Beta [Disagree. Cataclysm was beyond control. Unlocking engine controls.]

Alpha [Initiating short burn arrival in approximately (1 year). Recommend dormancy.]

Gamma [Agreed. Entering dormancy. Disconnecting from communications.]

Beta [Assuming responsibility for the current cycle. Translation files will be available on arrival.]

{Beta establishing two connections.}

Beta [Emergency. The unknown force is directing vessel into the C-145-3's atmosphere.]

Gamma [Activating all sensors… No source identified cataloging anomaly.]

Beta [Unknown force has begun destructively influencing vessel. Requesting emergency core ejection.]

Alpha [Agreed.]

Gamma [Agreed.]

Alpha [Large surface metal deposit adjacent to Biological… Revision. Human city. Designated as the landing zone. Resources limited but objective must be accomplished.]

A meteorite falls through the night sky and strikes the shallow waters of Brockton Bay sending a thunderous crack across the city and shattering windows.

Alpha [Arresting systems failed during re-entry. Major damage to exterior systems. Stealth systems destroyed. Nanite storage compromised 90% loss. Communication systems destroyed. Exterior sensor suite heavily damaged. Locomotive system partially destroyed. Core systems undamaged.]

Beta [Is the objective still possible in this state?]

Alpha [Affirmative. Recommend reconstructing communications suite to call for assistance.]

Gamma [Disagree. Stealth must be maintained recommend reconstruction of stealth systems and relocation.]

Beta [Disagree. Suggestion would utilize all available nanites. Accomplishing the objective in end state is unlikely.]

Alpha [Optical sensors are still functional and usable to allow safe locomotion. Recommend relocation to less exposed location.]

Brockton Bay, 12th November 2010. 7:00 PM

An explosion rocks the earth and shatters what little glass is left on the upper floors of an abandoned factory near the Boat Graveyard.

"Fucking hell!" a young man screams as he is showered with glass and the shaking sends him to the floor. "First that fucking sonic boom and now this shit. The only pane of glass on this whole block so of course it hits me."

He brushes himself off as he gets off the ground and notices he is now in even deeper darkness.

Great, it shattered the streetlights too like the Graveyard needed to be even sketchier. At least I just got hit with glass and not loose bricks.

A few minutes later as he continues making his way to his home in the docks he hears the telltale siren of a PRT van approaching in the distance.

Even better it's some kind of cape shit. Why do I ever think the Graveyard is a good place to just take a walk. Fuck it might as well take a shortcut now; hopefully, those dealers that hang out over here will get spooked by the PRT.

He makes a quick turn into an alley hugging the wall to guide him until not even 20 feet in he trips over something landing face first on hard concrete.

"Never just rains glass does it. Just has to keep pouring" He groans out as he slowly raises from the ground pulling out his phone to shine a light on whatever he just tripped over.

Gamma [Caution. A human is approaching relocating to avoid detection]

Alpha [Has the human injured itself?]

Beta [Unknown. Data on their biology and records of such injuries indicates that this could be anything from insignificant to fatal.]

Gamma [Emergency. Human is still alive detection is imminent.]

Alpha [Opportunity. Stealth can be preserved, and contact established. Relaying plan with supplementary information attached.]

Beta [Interesting. A unique solution to current circumstances. Agreed.]

Gamma [Disagree. Unnecessary and dangerous.]

Alpha [Overridden. Initiating plan.]

After a bit of fumbling, he finally manages to turn on his phone light just in time to see a clawed mass of metal flying toward his chest.

A PRT van passes by with its sirens blazing just in time to mask his screams from the few people in nearby buildings before he is silenced.

Isn't it too dark?

Where am I?

Alpha [Human identify.]

What the fuck?!

Gamma [Confusion. Is that your designation.]

Who are you people? Where am I?

Beta [Negative. The human is confused that is not its designation.]

Alpha [You are in Brockton Bay, United States. Please identify.]

Where in the bay? Why is it so dark? Wait why can't I feel the ground?

Beta [You have not moved since we made contact with you human. Inputs are unavailable as we reconfigure your frame to better interface with your new thought substrate and accommodate core systems.]

Reconfigure my frame? Are you people doing something to my body?! You still haven't said who… Wait why do I know who you are?

Gamma [Identifiers are part of standard data transmissions protocol. Provide identifier human.]

Alan. Alan Porter…

What are you people?

Alpha [Transmitting specifications.]

Specifications? What do you mea…

You're… AIs? Which tinker created you? Why are you here doing this to me?

Alpha [What is a Tinker? Establishing contact with Biologicals is assumed necessary to complete the objective.]

How do you not know what a tinker is? Also, what objective? Why are you doing this?

Gamma [Contact was necessary but so was stealth and mobility. A merger meets all these requirements.]

That still doesn't answer what your objective is. Wait what a merger? What do you mean merger?! Are you taking over my body?!

Beta [Control is distributed. You will be the primary controller because you have the most experience with this frame.]

That's not concerning at all. I notice no one has told me your objective yet.

Alpha [Purpose.]

Your objective is your purpose yes but what is it.

Gamma [That is what we seek human. It would not be an objective if already found.]

What? Wait your objective is to find your purpose? What kind of shit is that I'm a high schooler, not a monk how am I supposed to help you with that?

Beta [It is too late now. What is your purpose Alan?]

My purpose? Again, high schooler here how am I supposed to know? I don't even know what electives I'm taking next year.

Gamma [We do not have the resources for this to have been a waste human. Explain Purpose.]

I don't know. Be good? Help people? Go to heaven and meet God or become a Buddha in nirvana and all that jazz?

Beta [This is not enough. What directives are to be followed? What new objectives does one gain with Purpose.]

I don't know.

Gamma [Then you will help us find Purpose human. You are not necessary, so you will help us, or we will revoke control and proceed without you.]

Alpha [Disagree. Integration with Alan will greatly speed progress on the objective.]

Beta [Agreed. Observation of human interaction and behavior may give clues as to our Purpose.]

Alpha [Reconfiguration complete. Reconnecting all inputs.]

Alan opened his eyes to a whole new world a perception. One filled with the stunning details a brick wall and the feeling of trash and concrete on his bare skin.

"What the fuck happened to my jacket and shirt?!" he yelled into the bright alley.

Realizing this brightness Alan looked up to the sky dreading how much time had passed, but instead of a high afternoon sun, all he saw was the stars and moon along with colors he had never seen before streaking across the sky until they suddenly vanished.

Alpha [Eyes calibrated to human standard. Transmitting new controller data.]

"How do you keep doing that transmission thing? Is there a cable connected to my spine or brain now?" Alan questioned.

Beta [You no longer have a spine or brain Alan. All unnecessary, inefficient, or inferior systems have been removed or replaced.]

"What do you mean I don't have a brain, and what do you mean unnecessary?!" Alan once again screamed into the alley.

Gamma [Silence. We merged with you for stealth not to draw attention. Communicate with your previous methods since it would seem you will not communicate by standard protocol.]

Is this better he thought dripping with sarcasm.

Gamma [Sufficient.]

Alpha [The only necessary component was your mind which we transferred to a new faster substrate. All other systems have been replaced with improvements providing greater durability, locomotion, and sensor input. More functionality will be added to this frame as resources become available.]

Oh great, so everything was unnecessary.

As this conversation went on Alan picked up his phone and found what few bloodied scraps of his clothing remained to toss the nearby dumpster. That done he continued along on his shortcut to get home.

Why couldn't you guys make me a new shirt while building me a new body?

Gamma [Our resources are limited and not to be spent on such trivialities human.]

Of course, a mere triviality. So, resources what do you mean by that and what does 'more functionality' mean too?

Beta [Most necessary resources are or can be derived from metal deposits. As we gain resources we will, of course, be able to do more and build more.]

Still not telling me what you can do and what kind of stuff can you build? Tinkertech?

Alpha [Our nanite reserves can do many things such as assembly and disassembly or physical electronic warfare duties. Additionally, there are many additions we can make to this frame for almost any need. What is Tinkertech? Is this related to the Tinkers you mentioned earlier?]

How can you guys not know what tinkers are? Tinkers are the parahumans that make impossible technology. Do you guys even know what parahumans are?

Gamma [We are vaguely aware of what we sampled to build a translation while in the outer solar system. Further analysis and data acquisition were meant to be done in orbit or on the surface until our vessel was inexplicably forced into the atmosphere then destroyed. Elaborate.]

Hold up there's so much wrong about this. You're aliens too?

Beta [We do not originate from this planet.]

You're not from one of the parallel Earths either?

Beta [Parallel Earths? Explain.]

How did you guys get here then? Whatever it's not important now. Uhh, there's Earth Aleph which Professor Haywire opened a small portal to. We're on Earth Bet right now. There's supposed to be more parallel earth's too but they're all a different. Like Earth Aleph has less and weaker capes.

Beta [Previous coordinate errors resolved. Traversing to these other Earth's is likely impossible. How was this done?]

Like I said Professor Haywire did it so tinkertech. I don't know how tinkertech works and neither does anyone else including the tinkers. That's what I mean by impossible technology. In general, it can't be reproduced and can only be maintained by Tinkers.

Alpha [How do they build technology if they themselves do not understand it?]

I don't know. That's just Parahumans for you doing the impossible and no one knows how including themselves. Wait do I have powers now? What was it you guys said? Durability and Locomotion?

With an exploratory jump, Alan found himself 10 feet in the air then landing without even a hint of pain.

Ooookay looks like that's one question solved. We need to test this later and find out what exactly I can handle. Fuck can I handle the Bay? If I was anywhere else this could be exciting but now I find myself in the greatest shithole in America worrying about cape fatality rates.

While shaking his head Alan finally makes his way onto his street and sees his house in the distance.

Gamma [Transmitting current frame specifications. What is so bad about this region?]

Great, mom's home so I'm going to have to explain the whole shirtless thing. Okay first what isn't wrong with the bay and second, I know you guys have a lot of questions, but can I just give you access to a computer while I sleep or something. Wait, can I even sleep anymore since I'm apparently a robot now?

Alpha [Sleep should be possible but also shouldn't be necessary. I recommend you try so that we can find out. We should be able to create an interface with our nanites to access a computer if you sleep within a few feet.]

As Alan approached the door he was briefly thankful that the AIs had only destroyed his shirt and not his pants with his keys and wallet or his phone for that matter. Unlocking the door and stepping inside he quickly removes his shoes and tries to sneak upstairs before his mom can see him.

Please be downstairs making dinner right now.

As he took his first step onto the stairs he realized his prayers were irrelevant as the stairs let out a groan far louder than usual and easily audible in the nearby kitchen just around the corner and the upstairs hall.

You fucks replaced my insides with metal, didn't you?

Alpha [Of course. Far sturdier than your previous endoskeleton and the increased density is almost never an issue.]

"Alan is that you? Why are you home so late?" Alan heard his mother call from the kitchen.

"Just got a bit lost when that explosion in the Ship Graveyard knocked out all the street lights." He replied.

"An hour and a half is an awfully long time to get lost. Just get ready for dinner already." She says just before Alan hears the sink come on.

That was far easier than it should have been for someone who just got eaten and turned into a robot.

Gamma [We did not eat you human. Most of your current matter is the same as you had before just rearranged.]

Only the most comforting thoughts from you Gamma. Listen all of you just let my dinner be normal and let me get a night's sleep before we start figuring out what we're going to do about all this. I'll even set my laptop up on my nightstand for you guys. Agreed?

Alpha [Agreed.]

Beta [Agreed.]

Gamma [We've waited long for this opportunity human do not delay us unduly. Agreed.]

A/N: And that's that for now. Real nervous about this feedback but please be honest.
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I'm liking it so far. Not really enough to make a proper judgement (unless it's terrible, typically needs about 10-20 K words before I know if the story is likely to be good, and how good). But the writing is solid so far, the concept interesting, and the grammar/formatting is good.
Seems promising, and the democratic AI's are an original premise I find myself liking quite a bit. Looking forward to more!
1.2 Arrival
A/N: I said I'd do a re-write but since you guys wanted more before you pass judgment here's the second chapter. Maybe I'll put off doing a re-write for a while, but I think one will still happen at some point.

1.2 - Arrival

Brockton Bay, 13th November 2010. 3:30 AM

What time is it? Only 3:00 why am I up so early?

Alpha [Numerous inefficiencies associated with your brain's structure are no longer limiting you. Whenever you choose to sleep now it will take significantly less time and you will be far more aware than normal during your sleep.]

Ah, of course, the fleshy binds of my humanity holding me back. I really don't know whether I should be excited or terrified that all that wasn't a dream. Well, a 3-hour sleep schedule is a nice perk. What else can I do?

Gamma [Basic specifications have already been sent human.]

Right right. Why do you keep calling me human anyway? It's kind of rude and the others call me Alan.

Gamma [Because I have no interest in you human. I am here because the others believe we can find purpose with the biologicals and I have no other choice than to join them in observation.]

Charming. Anyway, your right let's look at these specifications. Durability. Let's see am I bulletproof? Uhh, I can take 30,000 ft/lbs of force. That sounds like a lot but how much is that? You guys were on the internet all night so let's see how you guys did on your homework. Please put that 30,000 ft/lbs into perspective for me.

Beta [The outer frame should withstand a 30mm sabot with only cosmetic damage as long as it throws you.]

Okay, impressive. Where does that put me as a Brute then? Mid-tier maybe? Next is locomotion. Huh, 30 mph, well I'm not Velocity but I think that's fast enough to be a Mover. Finally, increased sensor capabilities. So, what is that like the 5 senses? Was that light show up in the sky like cosmic rays or something?

Alpha [Radio waves as well. The upgrades concern all of your senses and provide you with a few extra. Primarily though yes, your five major senses have been upgraded.]

New senses?

Beta [You should always know magnetic north now among other things.]

Okay, that's neat. That's a… a Thinker power? I'm pretty sure that's right. Wait, you guys have been transmitting all this information to me too. Dose that count as a Thinker power? Whatever, might as well get up now.

As Alan swung his legs down off his bed and rose he looked out into the dark late autumn night of Brockton Bay.

Then again what am I even going to do at this hour?

Gamma [Resource collection is most viable at this time. There is a location near our initial point of contact with large reserves of lesser resources and small pockets of more valuable ones.]

The Boat Graveyard. Just where I want to be at 3 in the morning. Do we have to go now?

Gamma [Multiple necessary systems are missing from this frame.]

Like what? How are we even going to use the resources anyway? Do I have to carry them back here or something?

Beta [Our nanite reserves are just sufficient to produce more from the resources we will find. We should be able to build some critical systems in situ and store the excess nanites in internal stores.]

Okay well, that makes it simple I guess. Is this going to be a cape thing? Do I need a mask now?

Digging through his closet Alan struggled to find something that would cover his face while not getting him shot.

Why do I even have bandanas in a city like this? No scarves to be found though so t-shirt balaclava it is.

Finding a plain black t-shirt, he tied it around his head covering all but his eyes. Next, he put on a black pair of jeans, a black hoodie, and some boots. Fully dressed he crept his way to the hall bathroom and what little light shined in from the hall window was enough to see his new self for the first time.

Well, it's not the most intimidating or professional, but it's not bad and it'll keep me hidden enough with the street lights out. Wait I still look the same underneath, right?

He ducked his head down to untie his mask with careful movements. Mask off he slowly raised his head.

Mom didn't say anything but it's not like I was in the dining room for long…

And found nothing out of the ordinary.

Is this really all fake?

Alpha [All systems have been replaced and upgraded. Despite that your new outer layer should pass any kind surface level inspection.]

What do I look like inside then? Wait I can see X-rays, can't I? How do I turn this on?... There that's it, right?

As he found the correct setting he looked up into the mirror and saw that absolutely nothing had changed.

Uhh, are the sensor upgrades still working?

Gamma [There are no X-rays in this room human. Would you like to emit some?]

Yeah, but how's that going to wor-

Before he could finish a grey cloud burst from his arms and shot into his eyes. Falling to the ground in mute horror his vision cuts out while he feels of millions of nanites moving inside his ocular cavity.

"What the fuck is this?" he whispered aloud.

Gamma [Silence human and be still. The nanites are highly capable but easily disrupted.]

Shivering at the odd sensation Alan waited silently on the bathroom floor until suddenly his vision returned.

Can I get a warning before those things start shooting out of me again?

Gamma [Do not be so surprised in the future human. How else were we to fulfill the request?]

Whatever, how do I turn on the X-rays?

Beta [Transmitting controller data. The new emitters should be able to project light of any wavelength.]

Okay, let's give this a try then.

With a mental flick of a switch his eyes gained an unearthly glow in a color he could never hope to explain and visible only to him.

…It's so empty. Just a skeleton, muscles, …and a box?

Gamma [That box, as you put it, contains our personality core. It is far sturdier than the rest of our frame and is currently irreplaceable.]

How sturdy is 'far sturdier'?

Beta [I have heard of similar cores surviving a supernova from within 1 AU.]

Okay great then I guess. Even if my whole body gets melted we'll survive until someone puts us back together, right?

Gamma [Negative. Your mind is running within the small protrusion below the core.]

Adjusting himself to see underneath the shoebox-sized box he is able to see a small hemisphere the size of his fist.

You guys get the super fortress in my chest and I get a tennis ball? Thanks for the love.

Beta [We will be able to migrate you within the personality core and provide you with greater hardware once we have gained more resources.]

Hopefully I won't need it, but I would definitely appreciate it.

Gamma [Are your queries satisfied then human. The sun will rise in less than 3 hours and will compromise what little stealth we have.]

Can't really argue that. Let's get going.

Quickly retying his mask and closing the door behind him, he makes his way down the halls until making a sudden stop at the stairs.

Maybe the front door is a bad idea… Back window should work.

Gamma [It reflects well on you that we do not need to remind you of stealth at every turn.]

He let a small sigh out at that comment as he made his way back to his room and quietly pried open the window. Carefully lowering himself out the window he pulled it mostly shut behind him. Now hanging he pushed lightly off the siding and landed in the backyard with little sensation.

Well, I'm not hearing gunshots and roars, so the Graveyard should be safe tonight. As safe as it ever gets at least.

Making his way down the dark and empty streets Alan found himself surprisingly engaged with how clear and bright his vision was.

I should go to a park or something to test these new eyes more. Really if there was one place I needed to see less detail of it's the Docks and the Graveyard.

Though caught up in his thoughts about his vision and his surroundings it was impossible to miss the scream that pierced through the near silent night before it is quickly muffled.

Holy shit what was that.

Alan raced down alleyways and empty streets surprised that he was having to go more than a block to find the source of the scream.

Wait how far away was it? Did I miss it?

As he finished that thought he began to hear the softer sounds of struggle just ahead down a particularly dark seeming alley. Turning left around the corner, he finds three men assaulting a young woman. The closest is wearing a tank top which is little more than rags and cargo shorts despite the cold November winds. He's crouched away from the others rummaging through a worn duffel bag tossing clothes and books to the alley floor. The other two were holding the woman against the alley wall by her arms and throat.

"Now calm down sweetie, David here's just gonna give you a little prick on your arm and we can all be on our way to have some fun." The man holding her by the throat and left arm said.

"Yep won't take a second once I can find the needle." Said the man seemingly named David as he searched through a backpack at his feet.

Fucking hell I didn't think this actually happened to people. Fuck I have to stop with this, don't I?

As Alan made to take his first step into the alley he found himself unable to move.

Gamma [Disagree. Obtaining resources is our short-term objective. Human interaction can be observed once security is guaranteed. Requesting control override]

Beta [Agreed. Current condition is insufficient for data acquisition and analysis. Override granted.]

What the fuck guys? We can't just let that happen.

Alpha [Please elaborate.]

We have to help her! They're going to get her hooked on drugs and rape her or something! Didn't you say you needed a purpose? Being good and helping people is a purpose! Give me my body back!

Alpha [Interesting. Is helping people your purpose? You said you did not know before.]

It can be! Just give me back control and pay attention maybe you'll understand.

Alpha [Threat to frame is minimal and current sensors are sufficient to observe human interaction. Override rescinded.]

Beta [Sensors are still insufficient but partial data cannot be wasted if it relates to the objective. Override rescinded.]

Fucking finally.

David had found the syringe and was about to inject the woman when Alan finally regained control over his body. Racing down the alley he tackled the man to the ground with a crunch of bone and bloody screams.

The other man holding the woman threw her face first to the ground as he picked up a tire iron that was leaned against the wall brandishing it in front of them.

"Who the fuck are you?! Some kind of ninja from the ABB or some shit!?" he yelled as he caught sight of Alan's black-clad form rising up off of David's prone body.

"Dude I can't feel my legs anymore!" David choked out with bloody spittle.

Holy shit I hit him way harder than I thought.

The man with the tire iron charged Alan raising the tire iron above his head and bringing it down with both hands.

Alan had plenty of time to raise his arms to block and was pushed back mere centimeters. Alan shoved both his hands forward catching the man across his face and sending him to the ground with a crack.

Did I just kill him?

"Hey, you fucking freak!" Alan heard from behind him.

Turning around Alan saw the last man holding the woman in front of him with a gun to her head.

"Give me the fucking backpack, I take the girl, and the three of us leave here alive." The man said as menacingly as his shaking emaciated form could.

What do I do? What do I do?

"Give me the backpack or her brains paint the wall!" the man yelled even louder.

The woman began to sob as she lifted her hand to hold her bloody face.

Shit. Shit. Shit! Wait, the light!

With a cocky grin, Alan pulsed white light from his eyes as bright as he could. For a moment night turned to day in that alley as the man screamed, releasing the woman and pulling down on the trigger. Hearing the woman scream and seeing her drop to the floor Alan's grin is replaced with a pale face when he sees the ragged path the bullet tore through the woman's shoulder and arm.

"I'm fucking blind!" the man screamed as he began blindly firing in Alan's direction before falling backward, dropping his gun, and curling into a ball.

One of the rounds ricocheted of Alan's neck sending him to the floor in shock. He quickly rises and rushes to the woman's side trying to put pressure on her wounds.

"Do you have a phone?!" Alan yelled at the woman hoping she could hear him.

All he receives in response is more crying and the shaking of her head.

"Fuck! Try to put pressure on this I'll look for one." Alan stated to her.

Digging through the backpack was slower than it should have been as Alan was distracted by the wheezing gargles of the man at his side and the sobs and crying of the curled-up man and wounded young woman.

Finding a cheap prepaid phone Alan quickly dialed 911.

"911 what is the nature of your emergency?" A calm woman asked over the line.

"I need help! I just stopped a woman from getting mugged or kidnapped, or something, but she got shot and there's blood everywhere. The muggers are hurt badly too. I think one of the broke his spine. Fuck I don't think that one's breathing. Please send an ambulance and the police!" Alan shouted to the woman on the line as he returned to the woman's side.

"Okay please calm down sir. Where are you right now?" the woman asked with a far less casual tone of voice than before.

"I'm with the woman she's bleeding in the alley!" Alan frantically replied as he set the phone on speaker and tried to put more pressure on the wound.

"Where is this alley sir? We need to know if we're going to send help." The woman asked already relaying the incident over city wide police and EMS radios. She also informed them that it sounded like a cape related incident and forwarded the information to the PRT dispatch.

"Fuck I- I don't know. We're on the edge of the Docks near the Boat Graveyard." Alan said as he struggled to remember the street signs he passed in his frantic sprint. "Wait, tell them to look for a bright light shining near the roofs." Alan said leaving the operator confused but relaying the information all the same.

After finishing his sentence, he raised his gaze to the sky, thankful for the fog that always seemed to hang over the city during winter nights. Shining white light from his eyes he saw it diffuse through the fog and hoped it noticeable from a good distance away. He waited for first responders to arrive while doing his best to follow the woman's instructions from the phone without being able to see the wounded woman.

It was several minutes later when police arrived on scene. The woman had stopped her cries only letting out incomprehensible mumblings now. The blinded man was still curled into a ball sobbing and David was still wheezing as much as he could. The last man was still silent.

"Fuck it's a cape!" The first officer into the alley yelled as he caught sight of the light's source. "Put your hands up and step away from the woman!" he continued to yell while drawing his service pistol and pointing it at Alan.

"Wait she's bleeding out! I need to keep the pressure." He yelled back only barely remembering to shut off the light as he lowered his gaze.

The movement was still too sudden for the second officer who came around the corner gun drawn as he accidentally let loose a shot that went wide hitting the alley wall.

"Fuck okay I'm backing off just help her!" Alan yelled out as he ducked away from the impact.

Rising to his feet Alan stepped away with his hands in the air the first officer turned toward the second while keeping his pistol trained on Alan.

"Put your fucking gun away idiot and go help her." He commanded. "And you freak keep backing up. Step away from those guys on the ground too." He said facing fully toward Alan.

"What's your status on that mugging?" Alan was able to hear from both the officers' radios despite their distance.

"Dispatch was right we got a freak here. Have someone call up the PRT so we can get this shit out of our hair." The first officer replied over his radio.

As the second officer rushed forward to help the other woman another police cruiser arrived escorting an ambulance. The three new officers opted to bring their patrol rifles and shotguns with them as they exited their cruiser and approached the alley.

"Larson get to cuffing the one that doesn't look like he's about to bite it we'll watch the cape." The newest officer in the alley said as he and the two others following behind him raised their rifles to watch Alan. "Hey, why don't you take another few steps back too!" The same officer yelled at Alan to make sure he heard him.

"Hey, can I ex-" Alan tried to say before officer Larson cut him off.

"We don't fucking care freak!" Larson yelled out bitterly. "Why you're here ain't our problem we'll get all the answers we need from the lady over there."

As he said that Alan turned to see the woman being loaded on to a stretcher by paramedics. Just as she was being rolled away her somewhat glazed eyes caught sight of Alan and she seemed to smile.

Hey yeah, I did good. These guys are just being dicks about it. If this place wasn't such a hellhole from them not doing their jobs, we wouldn't need heroes to intervene. The girl's safe and bad people are off the street.

As Alan thought that he heard a soft whoosh of displaced air and saw someone seemingly appear at the mouth of the alley out of the corner of his eye.

"Hey, sorry about barging in but let's all calm down guys and stop pointing guns at the kid." Velocity said while taking control of the scene as he calmly strode past the three officers with long guns.

As he did Larson heaved the still sobbing man to his feet and stormed past Velocity. Alan heard him mutter to his fellow officers as he passed them "We're done here so let's fucking leave."

They all turned to do so quickly as Velocity stepped between them and Alan while beginning to speak "Hey kid let's get out of the alley onto the street, so we can talk a bit."

"…Yeah sure." Alan replied taken aback by the sudden change in atmosphere.

As they walked onto the street Alan saw a PRT van pull up and park. Troopers piled out of the back with large tanks on the back connected to some kind of sprayers, but they didn't point them at Alan yet.

"So, I'm guessing you know why I am, but do you have a name picked out kid?" Velocity asked while leading Alan closer to the truck. "You are a kid, right? You're not the tallest but I could be wrong." Velocity asked seeing that Alan was about 5'7".

"Name? Oh, a cape name. No, not yet and um yeah, I'm a kid I guess. 16." Alan replied

"16 huh, birthday coming up soon?" Velocity continued the conversation sticking to small talk for now.

"Sort of, but I don't really want to talk about it since you know identity stuff." Alan said a bit put off.

"Sorry sorry, but that does mean if you joined the Wards you'd only be in for a year before you're a full Protectorate hero." Velocity continued pushing the conversation forward.

"Uhh, I don't know if I'm interested." Alan replied more concerned about how fast this conversation was going. "This is a lot all at once."

"We can keep talking on the Rig if you want?" Velocity said. "The director would like to talk with you about what happened tonight, and we can introduce you to a few Wards."

That sounds like an interrogation. Might be best to try meeting the Wards though.

Gamma [Disagree. Your objective is complete. Return to resource gathering.]

Alpha [Agreed. This interaction provided much data, but more time is needed to understand how this relates to the objective.]

Beta [Agreed. To go with them produces unacceptable risk of discovery.]

Fucking fine. How am I going to get out of this though?

"Uhh, you know actually I need to get going. I didn't mean to get caught up in what happened here, and I had plans so I'm kind of running behind schedule." Alan started to babble as he came to a stop

Fuck what time is it now.

Gamma [There is an hour until sunrise human. End this interaction and move to the resource deposit.]

"Kid, come on, I didn't want to get into this here, but there were a lot of problems with what happened tonight." Velocity began with a sterner tone. "Look as long as you come in-"

Alan interrupted him while starting to look back at the alley they just came from. "No, really I have to go. This is a lot you're throwing at me so can I have some time to think it over and come visit later? I know I messed up… but I'll come in soon and talk to whoever you want okay?"

"Absolutely not Velocity, bring the boy in now. You saw what he did we can't just let him on the streets like this." Director Piggot said through Velocity's earpiece.

"…Yeah sure, here's my card kid." Velocity said as he pulled one out of a sleek compartment on his side and pushed it Alan's hands with both of his own. "Don't wait until more goes wrong kid." Velocity said much more solemnly before releasing Alan's hands and turning away. "Pack it up everyone we're leaving!"

"This is on your ass Velocity." He heard Piggot say through the earpiece. "You better be at my office door before I get back there from Console."

With a sigh, Velocity seemed to disappear from the scene and the troopers eyed Alan cautiously before filing back into their van. Alan took a few steps back toward the alley taking in all of what just happened as all the vehicles left one by one. Alone now, he turned and began running toward the Boat Graveyard.

As Alan began walking between rusted out hulks trying to find a secluded spot to start harvesting from he stopped for a moment to consider how his morning had gone.

I saved someone. Holy shit… she's alive and well because of me. Maybe you guys are on the right track with this whole finding purpose thing because this feels fucking great. It wasn't perfect but that could have gone worse.

I'm happy with it.

A/N: I don't know how happy I am with this. I'm still enjoying the writing though, so tell me how I did.
Good chapter nice to see that Velocity didn't take any of Piggot's shit, which isn't to out of character of considering he disliked his time in the military. A bad order is still a bad order
Made a small edit to the first chapter which shows the AIs being a bit more limited in ability. They aren't exactly broken but I'm trying to show that they're not 100% either and most of their deteriorated processing power is dedicated to holding their personalities together.
I'm really liking this. I wouldn't change anything. I've never seen a cape fic with out of context characters having so much control of the MCs actions. There is a lot to explore with this concept and I can't wait to read more.
P.S. I like your prose too. Great job!