Final Jobstasy Mafia, Moogle Redux

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Final Jobstasy Mafia
Introductory Post New


Residant Bird.
United States
Sufficiently Mafia Standard Rules
  1. Mafia is a Game.
  2. Talk about the game inside the game. While the game's running, don't talk about the game outside of GM-designated places. No exceptions.
  3. Do not edit posts. No exceptions.
  4. Post only cleartext messages. Don't use hidden, illegible, or coded messages.
  5. Paraphrase all content from QuickTopics and Host PMs. Don't directly quote from either.
  6. Post only when posting's allowed. Keep posting in this thread to Day Phase, and only post if alive. Don't post during the Night Phase, or after elimination.
    • As a special exception, all players get one short Death Post of zero game value after elimination, made before the end of the next Phase.
  7. Post at least five times during every Day Phase.
    • If extenuating circumstances apply, notify your Host so arrangements can be made.
  8. Play the Game, not the Metagame.Judging a player's actions in the context of previous games is fine, but refrain from directly predicting or citing the GM's actions as evidence.
    • Due to the nature of this games mechanics Flavor directly correlates with Job Selection, Regardless, please try to keep game-solving based on flavor to a minimum. I reserve the right to put a stop to related discussion if I deem it goes too far in this regard.
  9. Play to win. This improves both your own experience and the experience of your peers.
  10. Rules and Mechanics may be amended at any point in the game to fix game-breaking issues. Hosts will clearly announce any such changes, unless doing so would compromise the game.

Rules Summary
  • Setup Type: 95% Semi Open
  • Day Start/End: 8PM EST
    Night Start/End: 8PM EST - 6PM EST
  • Day/Night/Twilight Cycle Length: 72 Hours/46 Hours/2 Hours
  • Elimination System: Plurality
  • Flips: Alignment + Job Name
  • Bastard: No

Sufficiently Mafia Standard Mechanics
  1. All roles are randomly assigned.
  2. The game is separated into Day and Night Phases.
    • Day Phase lasts 72 hours, starting at 8 PM EST and ending at 8 PM EST.
    • Night Phase lasts 46 hours, starting at 8 PM EST and ending at 6 PM EST
    • Twilight Phase Lasts 2 hours, Starting at 6PM EST and ending at 8 PM EST
    • Night Phases may end early, if all actions are submitted and time permits
  3. Daily elimination uses plurality voting.
    • At the end of the Day, the player with the most votes, regardless of majority, is eliminated.
  4. In the event of a tie, the first player to reach their vote count is eliminated unless a power affects the vote.

The setup type, cycle length, cycle start and end points, voting type, elimination system, activity requirements, tie breaker, and dead posting rules can all be adjusted from the norm by the GM during the recruitment phase and should be clearly emphasized within their posts for the players.

Vote Formatting

Vote format:


Vote-change format:

[X] Unvote PLAYER

Unvote format:

[X] Unvote PLAYER
[X] Null
Selection + Job Roles New
Setup Mechanics: Job Selections

General Notes-
Roles Not selected and Roles not in the game are no longer inherently revealed at D1 start.
-Veteran(Removed for potential high swing factor)
+Targeted Nexus

+Gunsmith(Increasing sage's overall town appeal)

+Empowerer(Removing Counter Intuitive scum powers)

+Framer(Didn't want to multi-stack janitor, so Ninja picks up framer lost by both Summoner and Bard)

+Ninja(Reducing counter intuitive, as well as making it not contradict itself as a non-visiting role)

+Distress Voter(Idk what to call this but I'm stealing the experimental idea from Comi's Game for Bard this game)

-Each player will have an opportunity to select a Job(Role in mafia terms) before the game begins from pre-selected sets of four jobs.
-Before Job Selection each player will receive one of the following alignment cards
You are a Warrior of Light and thus are a warrior of the crystal looking to defeat the Warriors of Darkness.

You win when all threats to the Crystal and King Moogle Mog have been eliminated.
You are a Warrior of Darkness summoned across space and time by the Queen Moogle Mog to fight for her claim over the Crystal.
As a Warrior of Darkness you are all allies: [Allied Players here]

Together you have access to a secure communication magick granted to you by Queen Moogle Mog. This chat is secure and you may communicate with your fellow Warriors of Darkness here freely.

Once per night a member of your faction may attempt to defeat a Warrior of Light by targeting a player with a Kill action, targeting them with a Standard Lethal Action. If multiple players submit this action the last action submitted will take priority. The last player to submit the kill action will perform the action as well. This may be done in addition to other job actions.

In addition, Jobs you select have an empowered ability that only Warriors of Darkness can use in addition to the jobs normal abilities. You may still only perform one job action a night however. The exception to this rule is if you have been Cheered by the Dancer Job.

Your group wins when all threats to Queen Moogle Mog's claim are slain and you achieve equal parity to the warriors of light remaining.
You are ??? summoned across space and time by pure circumstance. As such your goals are purely your own, separate from this clash of Moogle Royalty.

Your goals are the following: [Hidden Win Condition]

Your abilities are the following.
- Ability 1
- Ability 2
- Ability 3

You may choose one ability to remain suppressed from being revealed by the moogle royalty, as they can detect you and what you can do, but to act on it will leave them vulnerable and as such you are free to act. Choose one of your passive abilities. The two you do not choose will be revealed to all players.

Afterwards players will be sorted into pods of four randomly selected Jobs. Each pod will contain one job of different category. Jobs do not repeat.

Here are the following full rolecards of each job and the category's they are sorted into.

You chose the Paladin Job. This jost specializes in protecting their allies through healing and protective magics from the frontline.

As such during the Night phase you may Bodyguard one target player, intercepting any lethal actions targeted at that player and taking it on yourself.

In addition as an iconic Warrior of Light your connection to the Crystal grants you such durability that you have a One Shot-Bulletproof Vest that'll be automatically consumed when a Normal Lethal action lands on you negating it.

Dark Justicular: A Warrior of Darkness who takes on the role of a paladin is even more durable than even the hardiest of villains, and gains an additional One Shot-Bulletproof Vest.
You chose the Dark Knight Job. This job traditionally encouraged tackling foes head on and utilizing powers that most warriors of light would shun or turn away from.

Given the nature of this realm however the pure offense cannot be utilized, instead forcing you to rely on a double edged sword to both defend and interfere with the warriors of darkness. You may target a player once per night to Jail using the powers of darkness to envelop your target in a hard shell of pure energy. Normal Actions will fail against jailed targets and your target is considered Strongman Roleblocked and unable to act this night.

True Dark Knight: Warriors of Darkness are able to effortlessly mask their true intentions as a Dark Night can call upon their otherself, granting their abilities the Ninja modifier as a shadowy portion of their power acts in their stead. Observational Abilities fail to detect you visiting or having visited anyone.
You chose the Warrior Job. This job traditionally has a beyond superhuman constitution coupled with a powerful body fighting with ferocity and bloodlust.

Warriors find absolute joy in the throes of battle and are built for an exceptionally long fight, and as such are Bulletproof in the limited timeframe this realm allows for hero's and villains alike to act. Standard Lethal actions will fail against a bulletproof target.

Lightbreaker: Warriors of Darkness who take on the role of the Warrior find that while the confines of the realm's timeframes still don't allow anything to destroy the warriors of light, they can infuse the raw might of a warrior with surges of darkness to strike a blow strong enough to Roleblock one target each night. A roleblocked target will be unable to act that night and be informed of such.
You chose the Gunbreaker Job. This job juggles explosive offensive power and defensive combat styles in a dizzying and flashy manner.

The power of a gunbreaker lies in their mastery of their weapon the Gunblade. Recently the flashy bladework and gunblasts excell at attracting attention to yourself. Once a night you can LightningRod a player to redirect all potential visits to that player to target you insead.

Just a Gunbreaker: Warriors of Darkness who embody a Gunbreaker will wanting to take hits, not as exciting, instead obtaining the power to change those who target one player into another. Twice a game they can replace their Lightning Rod with a Targeted Nexus, selecting a second player to send the actions targeting the first player to the second instead.
You chose the Sage Job. This job traditionally utilizes white magic alongside another form of magic or focuses it in a unique manner.

Those who embody the Sage job have a combination of unique powers and understanding of how such things work better than the standard warrior of light. As such they can once a night Gunsmith a player to learn if they have a power that allows them to perform a Standard Lethal Attack or stronger.

Erasure: Warriors of Darkness who embody the sage can twist the already combined magics of their job and influence it into pure chaos. Such pure chaos can allow them to once a night Janitor a target player, and should they be defeated or voted out the next day their memoria will not properly form, giving No Role or Alignement information on deathflip.
You chose the White Mage Job. This job utilizes a raw mastery of white magic to support and heal their fellow Warriors of Light.

This makes their role in these events simple and clear, able to target one player a night and Doctor them back to health with restorative magicks. The Selfless nature of the white mage will compel you to heal others before yourself, and as such you Cannot target yourself.

Brightest Darkness: A Warrior of Darkness who embodies the White mage will find themselves able to blend in incredibly well. And as such will gain the Godfather Passive. Godfathers show as a Warrior of Light to all Alignment related investigative abilities
You chose the Scholar Job. This job usually is less about a mastery of magic and more about a deeper connection to the Eidolons or to Knowledge.

Scholars are able to discern the smallest deviations of behavior, disruption of the soul, and other such small discrepancies. As such once a night they can target a player to Investigate them and learn if a member is Warrior of Light, Warrior of Darkness, or even something else.

Forbidden Knowledge: Of course Warriors of Darkness who embody the scholar can steal such talents for themselves using instead to determine their foes capabilities. They can once a night Rolecop a player to learn what job they embody
You chose the Astrologian Job. This job embodies unique magics, such as Arithmatician, Pictomancers, Geomancers and many more.

Astrologians' unique magics generally will find themselves disoriented but able to enact some strange twisting of the realm. As such this allows them to Neighborize a player each night and draw them into a Hidden but Insecure Chat with the Astrologian and any other Neighborized targets.

Abyssal Warping: Warriors of Darkness who embody the Astrologian find their chaos of darkness melding well with the uniqueness of the job and are able to target two players and Transport them with each other. Actions that target a transported player will target the other transported player instead. Transported targets are notified of the transport but visitors will not be.
You chose the Black Mage Job. Masters of offensive magicks that can cause mass spread devastation. However unfortunately most Black mages require time to build up their powerful spells that the confines of the realm don't allow enough.

However their magics allow them to use quicker warp magics and target two players and Transport them with each other. Actions that target a transported player will target the other transported player instead. Transported targets are notified of the transport but visitors will not be.

Flare: Warriors of Darkness who embody the black mage can call upon the powers of darkness to rapidly charge their magic and unleash the powerful Flare Spell. You gain the Strongman modifier to your night actions. Strongman actions ignore roleblocks and protections such as doctors and bulletproof unless otherwise stated. Strongman actions can still be jailed
You chose the Summoner Job. Deeply connected to Eidolons, Aeons, and various other terminologies used to signify primordial beings of raw power summoned by these unique mages. Often they practice another form of magic, commonly white magic and rarely black magic.

Those who embody the Summoner job will find the raw power of their summons stifled by this strange realm, possibly the influence of Grand King Moogle Mog…but with your summon at least you can target two players a night and Parity Cop them, finding out if they act in similar natures and if Both Players are of the same alignment, or Different Alignments. Clearly your biased opinions and your summon's pride disallow you from picking yourself as a target.

Shadow Aeon: Warriors of Darkness who embody the summoner can call upon their Aeons, Eidolons, and Eikons to instead assist their allies and empower their actions. Once a night you may Empower a player, granting their actions for the night Strongman modifier. This cannot target the same target twice in a row.
You have chosen the Red Mage Job. Paragons of justice and masters of blending white and black magic together along with a skilled display of weapon mastery. While not masters of any one art their flawless blending of all three result in an unrivaled display of power.

Red mages arments and magicks are backed by a strong sense of justice and doing what is right, and with the dazzling speed of their techniques they can target one player a night and Vigilante them, performing a Standard Lethal Attack at them. However, such are their arments backed by this justice if it happens to defeat a Warrior of Light the armaments will shatter, disabling this ability for the rest of the game.

By blending raw magical darkness you can enhance the powers of a red mage you embody's magicks. While this does nothing offensively, the white magic of a Red Mage gets comparatively enhanced twofold. This allows you to once a night Doctor a target player back to health with restorative magicks. This infusion process however is unstable and cannot be redirected back at yourself without catastrophic results, and thus you Cannot target yourself.
You have chosen the Blue Mage Job. Blue mages traditionally learn and use the skills of Fiends and enemies alike through various methods and manors.

This realm seems to unfortunately interfere with all of your previously learned abilities, and as such you have no unique abilities. But you can sense enough power in you to synchronize and resonate with a fallen warrior's memoria. Once per night you can target a defeated player to Backup, Replacing your Job with their job. This Ability cannot change your alignment and does not grant you enhanced warrior of darkness abilities if the job was held by one. This ability cannot target Third Party roles.

Dark Doubleup: A warrior of Darkness who embodies the blue mage can be more efficient with their resonations by instead brutally ripping the power from the memoria in a villanous fashion. As such a warrior of Darkness retains an additional use of Backup after using it once. The second use will replace the first. Warriors of Darkness who embody a blue mage do not gain access to enhanced actions from roles that are backup'd.
You have chosen the Ninja Job, masters of stealth and trickery. Ninja's often come from varied backgrounds, from rougish backstreets to noble families acting as vassals from the shadows.

The one thing all people know is that Ninja's know everything, but you'll not know how. Those who embody the Ninja can target one player each night and Watch them to learn who visited their watched player that night. You do not learn what the players do.

Veiled in the Night: Warriors of Darkness who embody the Ninja truely fall back on the skillset of the ninja, allowing them to use their various techniques to Incriminate another Warrior. Once a night they can target a player to Frame for the night. Players who are framed will appear as a Warrior of Darkness to alignment investigative roles for that night.
You have chosen the Dragoon Job, warriors who vault into the very heavens themselves and pierce back down with the enhanced power of their polearm weapons. Many dragoons embody the spirit of dragons and strike with precision and power.

However this realms landscape is non-conducive to the fighting style of the Dragoon, leaving them unable to leap as per normal, instead calling upon their draconic connection to the world allows them to commune with the collected Memoria of fallen warriors as a Medium. Mediums gain access to dead chat and may communicate with fallen players in a private chat. Players who are defeated are notified of the presence of a dragoon upon defeat.

Abyssal Dive: Warriors of Darkness who embody the Dragoon find the capacity to leap yalms into the air only to crash down precisely where they wish a great way to move about unseen. You gain the Ninja modifier to your actions, causing any actions that report the visiting of your actions to not list you.
You have chosen the Monk Job. Masters of the martial arts and saints of their own body.

Warriors who embody the Monk job find themselves able to use their martial arts just fine, however temperance is often a necessity to such masteries. As such grapples and carefully aimed blows meant to disorient will be all that is necessary. Once a night you can target a player to Roleblock. one target each night. A roleblocked target will be unable to act that night and be informed of such.

Voidal Body: The temple thas is a monk has also become a temple of darkness.The power of darkness flows through them enabling them to resist even the hardiest of the Light's attempts to interfere. You gain the Strongman modifier to your actions. Strongman actions ignore roleblocks and protections such as doctors and bulletproof unless otherwise stated. Strongman actions can still be jailed.
You have chosen the Reaper Job. Reapers share similarities to Dark Knights in that they utilize powers shunned by traditional warriors of light, instead embracing their dark powers to fight for the Crystal. These warriors often use a variety of weapons in addition to their darker oriented abilities.

Those who embody the Reaper job often find themselves able to easily follow those who shine brighter in the light than them and as such can choose once a night to Track a target player. You will learn who, if anyone, that player visits that night. You do not learn what that target does. If a target visits multiple targets you will see each visit.

Deep Shadow: Warriors of Darkness who embody the Reaper job can detach a piece of their dark power and attach it to their track targets. Their Track action becomes modified with a Marker Trait. Marked players will continue to report as if tracked to the reaper until a new track action is performed. A reaper is not counted as having visited Marked targets nor does it count against their action.
You have chosen the Samurai Job. Samurai often are stoic warriors who train exclusively with a singular weapon and rarely don any serious armor. They can vary from hardy swordsman to even the wildest sword collector but of one thing be certain, their blademanship is flawless.

Those who embody the Samurai job are relentless in pursuing their foes once they find them as such they often will find solace near their allies still their dreaded foes show their intentions. Once per night you can Privateer a target player and watch out for lethal attackers. You will attack the first player who targets your target with a lethal attack. This does not prevent the attack. However Samurai are true stalwarts and will refuse aid even at the cost of their lives on the stake of pride and have the Macho Modifier. The Macho modifier will forbid the samurai from receiving healing or protection. It does not prevent the samurai from being jailed however.

Honorless Blade: A warrior of Darkness who embodies a samurai has no such reservations however, willing to freely benefit from their enemies folly and will not have the Macho modifier.
You have chosen the Bard Job. Bards while rare for warriors of light often produce songs and music of unparalleled calibur. In fact, one might even dare say the hidden power of this realm is in the various music portrayed subtly above every scene.

Warriors of Light who embody the bard find themselves able to hold sway stronger than the average Job and as such are passively Double Voters. Their vote weight counts as two instead of one. In addition, this extra vote will break ties in the favor of the bard's vote.

Dark Whispers: Warriors of Darkness however can turn that charisma into dark desperation under duress of the masses. They gain +1 additional vote weight for every 3 votes weighted against them.
You have chosen the Machinist Job. While many jobs focus on weaponplay or Magic, you instead have focused your efforts into the brilliance of Ingenuity and Invention! Your Magitech innovations make some magic pale in comparison!

Those who embody the Machinist role will find they don't have a set ability. Rather they quickly invent a collection of abilities with leftover scrap materia left over after arriving at this realm. This makes them called by some a Jack of All Trades. (The Machinist role will obtain a random selection of one shot abilities from jobs that were not present to be selected in the current game. Should a game be large enough to include all jobs then instead the Machinst will have four random job abilities to use throughout the game.)

Disturbing Developments: Warriors of Darkness who embody a Machinist don't inherently get anything special, but rather Develops countermeasures against any ability used against them once. For example, should a Machinist be Roleblocked one night, subsequent nights will find the Machanist immune to roleblocks for the rest of the game. Strongman powers will bypass these defenses.
You have chosen the Dancer Job, who embody the physical arts through careful and exciting dance routines and a unique taste on the martial arts.

Dancers are masters of buffing their allies through their movements and as such can once a night target a player to Cheerlead with their manuevers! A player who is Cheer'd can use their ability twice the following night. If instead their ability is a X-Shot ability instead they get one free night to use their ability. Players who have been Cheer'd cannot benefit from this again this game.

Deception Step: Warriors of Darkness who expertly navigate the dances of the Dancer find themselves able to once a night target a player to Redirect the players actions to another target player. Redirected players are not told they are redirected.

Once all roles are selected if a ??? (3rd Party) is in the game the two abilities not chosen to be obscured will be revealed. After which the game will begin at soonest convivence.