Fazbin Hotel

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Five nights at Freddy's and Hazbin Hotel
A group that needs more crossovers!
(Hazbin Hotel and FNAF

Teo great tastes that taste great together.

Complete brain vomit sorry not sorry.)

Fazbear Frights Night 1( Aka Peepaw Goes To Hell: The Final Night)

William Afton had died once before, trapped inside one of those damnable Springlock suits back from the days of Fredbears Family Dinner. But now,he was dying again. Burning in a trap designed by an old associate,Henry Emily.

The suit he now wore was burning away, his hold on it fading away by the second. He could feel himself slipping away, fading from the land of the living. His robotic body was too damaged to allow him to scream by this point. His last thoughts were of the withered corpse he saw just before the door closed and the flames heartlessly devoured him. Before everything finally faded to black.

["Whoever you are, I'll be waiting down below for you."]

As the world went dark, William Afton saw several figures heading towards light high above. Five of them, one of them looked like his old associate Henry and his young daughter Charlotte. Next to him were two children, William's children. Evan and Elizabeth, holding hands with the figure William had seen earlier, and now could see clearly. One that looked so familiar, yet he couldn't recognize it for some reason.

The mysterious figure held out a hand, but Henry just shook his head and the strange figure looked away. William reached out a hand, but it was too late as he fell, and the others rose and faded away. Leaving William to scream, as he fell through the void.



Until the black void turned to red and he could fully see again.

His body was falling through red clouds and smog what looked like some kind of urban cityscape. A chaotic mess of buildings from horizon to horizon. Smog and blood red clouds abound, Afton's body falling through one as he attempts to get into a better position to see where he would land. Too disoriented and moving too fast to keep screaming

But William didn't have much time to process everything before he landed,smacking into a window of a skyscraper and splattering on impact. Thankfully he was completely destroyed upon impact,the goo of a freshly damned soul sliding off with a gross squelching noise and the grumbles of the person on the other side.


Regenerating was seemingly both quick and slow for the former murderer. Pulling himself back together over what felt like hours, but was probably only a few minutes. His new body was as naked as the day he was born, or in this case, reborn. Giving Afton plenty of time to evaluate himself,see what he was working with so to speak. His new body moving slowly at first,new muscles flexing for the first time. Demonic eyes coming into focus after a few seconds.

The first thing he saw made him think he was back in that horrible Springlock suit. Sickly olive fur, big three toed paws for feet, and thick fingered hands. Holding them up, Willam noticed purple felt pads on the bottom of his fingers and on his palm. Reaching upwards slowly, he felt two long oval ears on the top of his head. One of which felt like it was bent forward halfway up. The fur on his hands and head felt artificial as well, though with his sense of touch being less acute than it had been when he was still a living husm, it was hard to fully tell the difference.

Then again he was internally ecstatic about being able to have a sense of touch at all again after so many years with only the barest ability to feel anything but pain and his flesh rotting away.

Attempting to sit up, Williams' body felt heavy, a feeling like a mechanical endoskeleton moving as he stood up. A stiff,slow movement, hopefully more due to him being unused to his new form then permanently being so slow and clunky. Once Williams body was sitting up, going to see his face in a nearby puddle, and gasped in shock. He was shaking, unable to believe his new artificial eyes.

His face was just like that old death trap of a suit. Just like how it was when those idiots at Fazbears Fright found him. Or rather, it was in slightly better condition than back then. No more exposed wires and mummified remains peaking out or or rusty parts. No more horrible beams spearing his mouth open,so thank God for what small mercies he had gotten. The cracks in the skin were still there though were seemingly cosmetic and didn't expose anything. His teeth were artificial and blocky; probably plastic from the way felt under his fingers.

Putting a hand on the right side of his chest, he could just barely feel a heartbeat, like he was still a living man. Though from how the rest of him felt robotic,it probably pumped oil instead of blood. Or whatever the people here had inside them.

"What is this place? And where the hell am I?!"

"Indeed" said a new voice, looking down at the freshly damned soul. Seemingly another rabbit demon, though this one reminded Willam of that old Alice in Wonderland cartoon from Disney way back in the day. The famous one from the sixties if Willam remembered correctly. He vaguely remembered seeing it in theaters when he was small. The strange rabbit was dressed in a fine red waistcoat and black pants,a monocle over his left eye. His pure red eyes glaring, the lens in front of his left one making it look more intimidating than it normally would.

"Who the fuck are you and where'd you come from? The Queen of Hearts Court?" Willam snorted and said, giving his best impression of a snarky glare at the other soul. His voice, now that he had a second to really hear it, had a little static choked edge to it, like he was talking over the phone or through a voice box. The sheer absurdity of seeing a white rabbit man in a place like this made him slip into more foul language than usual.

"I am Overlord Theodore, fledgling. You are in my territory, my neck of the pentagram so to speak. Normally there's a toll to come in and out, but I can tell from a glance you're a new arrival. Probably haven't even been down here for an hour or so." The rabbit demon spoke, flicking his paw dismissively and rolling his eyes. Which began scanning William like he was searching for weaknesses.

"Overlord? Are you some kind of demon or something?" William said, clearly not showing respect for the smaller damned soul. Managing to stand up and tower over the little rabbit. The mechanical rabbit was attempting to project confidence and strength, to avoid a fight so soon after his rebirth.

Only for a cane to have materialized in the Overlords paw after a second, and slamming into William's crotch. Despite his dulled senses,it still hurt, and badly too. Making William nearly fall to his knees, the only reason he was still standing was a combination that he had felt far worse when he died the first time and his mechanical legs were a lot less likely to buckle than fleshy ones. Hands cupping his crotch in pain and voice cracking a small bit.

"Nice…shot.." William squeaked, making the smaller rabbit smirk.

"You're lucky I didn't use a real weapon,this is just ebony wood. Was a favorite of mine in life, but down here it's only good for walking really. Now if the head of this was Seraphim Steel on the other hand…" the rabbit twirled his cane and said, watching William recover from the strike after a few seconds and raise an eyebrow.

"Seraphim Steel, the only thing truly capable of killing demons like you and me, fledgling. It's angelic weaponry." The rabbit explained, twirling his staff faster, until it was replaced with one with a shiny steel rabbit head. One that radiated holy energy that made the rabbits metallic flesh smoke a small bit as it was held near his leg.

"Then again if you keep at it like you are now, you'll be on the business end of something like this sooner than you think. Unless you have protection of course." The rabbit said,twirling his cane and switching it with his wooden one. Making Afton wonder what he meant by "Angelic weaponry",thinking such a thing would be hard to get access to in Hell.

"Protection from what ,little rabbit?" Afton reached down and said, albeit high enough that his face was out of striking range. His curiosity came to a head because of Theodore's statement.

"Anything and everything; accidents, random attacks from muggers, that sort of thing. I'm safe because I happen to be a very well respected Overlord, so as a more crass individual might say, no one will fuck with me. Including you if you know what's good for you fledgling." The rabbit said, poking William in the chest with the butt of the cane. Making him swat it away with an indignant huff and a, "I have a name ya know. It's Afton. William Afton of Afton Robotics."

"Hmmm, doesn't ring a bell but I'll take your word for it, Mr. Afton. Besides, I'd choose your next move quickly. The yearly Purge is less than 12 hours. Newly Damned like yourself tend to be easy pickings for the Exorcists. Don't worry about asking, I'll explain everything in time." Spoke Theodore, pointing to a nearby clock tower with "days until next purge " written over a counter.

".... GRRR fine! I'll be your minion. But I want one request in exchange." William growled slightly and said,he didn't know what the Purge was and it did not sound good. His hands were tied so to speak, it was either this or find out what the Purge was the hard way.

"And what request would you make? I hold all the cards here Mr. Afton, so choose your request wisely."

"If I work for ya, I wanna wear something… purple~."


A few minutes afterwards,Theodore called for a ride, and a bag of basic clothes for Afton,his measurements provided as well. The naked rabbits, private parts, seemed to be internal at the moment. Which stopped any kind of squishing as he slipped up a pair of high quality jeans. William had to sit down to get them on as well, the main issue was fitting his now size 18 fuzzy feet through the legs without falling over from loss of balance. After a few minutes trying,he managed to finally get both legs in,regretting not asking for something like sweatpants or something that stretchs to make things easier.

At Least his request for purple had been fulfilled, though the purple waistcoat his new boss provided was a little too fancy for him, at least it fit on with minimal fuss. Wearing it reminded him of when the suit he had been trapped in for so long was nice and new. With his gold fur and guitar ready to play a song for the little brats that came to Fredbears.

"Despite the fact you're now properly dressed, you still need a place to stay. I have several apartment buildings to house my employees, depending on their rank in my organization. As a fledgling,I'll have you staying at the lowest of my establishments." The rabbit Overlord spoke as the two rode in a fancy black limo. With nice and thick plush carpeting,glass that was most likely bullet proof and for some reason, what felt like real leather seats. Hopefully not from another demon…

"Spoiling me eh boss? Tell me,why were you near a random alley just as I was, pulling myself back together?" William smiled and said, taking what looked like a bottle of ice water from the cooler between the two demons alongside a few cups. But Willam just opened a bottle and went to take a sip. But it had been decades since William had drunk anything by this point,so the second a drop of water hit his metallic tongue,he began to chug the rest. guzzling down the cold liquid like a man dying of thirst. Eyes rolling back in pleasure at even the simple taste of water, leaving him gasping a small once he finally downed every drop. Too lost in the after taste to notice or care about his new bosses annoyed look.

"To answer your questions

One I find is that my employees work better when they have stability and safety. It makes them less likely to defect and betray me. Provide a bit of comfort, something most down here would literally kill for, and the masses will flock to you and dance to your tune.

Two,as an Overlord I get the first pick of any new arrivals. First dibs as someone like Overlord Velvet would say. Normally I'd send an associate to pick through the freshly fallen but due to something Overlord Teotal, an associate of mine, mentioned,I wanted to evaluate you in person." The rabbit Overlord was clearly weighing his options, looking at William as if expecting more from the former murderer. Perhaps he was expecting someone taller,more powerful right out of the gate.

But whatever he was looking for would have to wait as the limo slowed to a halt and reached a large brick building with "LUCKY RABBIT APARTMENTS ''. Written on a sign in fancy cursive,which contrasted the dull outside of the building.

"Your new home for now is Apartment B-7. I apologize if I'm moving quickly, the Purge is rapidly approaching and I want you all settled in and ready by the end of it." That was the last thing Theodore said as he tossed a pair of keys towards Willam as the limo raced off. Leaving the newer demon scratching his head a small bit and thinking

"Wonder why he was in such a rush. He never did explain what this "Purge" was and why he seemed to want to avoid it." He thought, striding towards the building.

Opening the door to find what looked like a deserted sitting area with couches and vending machines. Most likely, everyone was already hiding in preparation for the Purge. Which just made William shrug and make his way to the stairwell, boards creaking under his massive paws and mechanical body. Before trudging up to his new home for the time being.

Or rather, a glorified broom closet. It was a studio apartment, with a small kitchen area with a bed shoved in the back and a bathroom on the left side of the kitchen,next to the only window he could see. All in all, the whole place was smaller than the living room of the house he had back when Evan was still alive back in '83. Before Micheal went too far with his little "prank" and killed him.

Laying on the bed, William allowed the events of the last half hour according to the clock tower,to sink in. Whatever passed for adrenaline here was starting to fade, and realization began hitting Afton.

Henry's little fire had freed his soul from it's metallic shell, and now he was a mechanical rabbit man in Hell. Hell where white rabbits are Overlords and there was apparently a Purge soon to happen. It all felt like a weird dream, but Afton knew it was real, and that this was the place he would spend the rest of his existence of someone didn't kill him a third time.

The spring mattress creaked as he laid down and began to think after taking a long deep breath. . Once he was comfortable,he began to feel like haze had been lifted from his mind. His thoughts were clear and fully coherent again. Most likely it had something to do with finally being freed of that wretched suit allowing his mind to be his alone for the first time in decades. No more fragments of programming slipping inside his mind and messing with his ability to reason. Oh the bloodlust and anger was there, but it no longer dominated his every thought. He could feel other things besides an urge to kill and burning anger at being denied the ability to do so.

Grabbing the remote from on top of the nearby dresser, William decided to enjoy a little bit of TV,see what was on down here in Hell for a while. Maybe take a shower later as well. Take some time to let his mind wander and clean himself of the filth of that alley.


When the Purge Alarms in the building went off a few hours later, William was halfway through watching a rerun of It's Dahm Good on channel 666, enjoying the cannibal killer's cooking show in a horrible kind of way. It was like watching a train wreck in the way it grotesquely entranced Afton,leaving him unable to look away. The sirens began blaring just as Dahmer was doing one of his many body part jokes. Passing a severed hand to one his guests after they asked for one.

Slipping out his room,he followed a small group of sinners,heavy paws muffled by the loud alarm blaring overhead. His large ears falling down as best they could, the shrill noise that sounded like a horrible parody of an angels choir practically stabbing him in whatever he had for eardrums. Once the horde of people had gathered in the main area,a scaly humanoid demon fumbled with a set of keys before jamming it in the lock of one of the doors in the back. To anyone looking it would seem like he just opened the basement, getting trampled as the sinners barged through to the safety of the bunker. William at least had the decency to step over him, for the first step. Stepping on the demon's lower back as he got down the metal stairs.

The bunker reminded William of a tornado shelter that Henry had at one point. Thick concrete walls,a light bulb surrounded with a metal cage and a dozen or so mattresses in rows on the floor. A TV in back was the only real method of entertainment it seemed, probably cued to watch the Purge as it happened. Another demon turned it on and watched the timer, showing just under fifteen minutes before it began. People were locking doors, shuttering windows and hiding in whatever corner they could find.

Afton was laying on a mattress for the first fifteen minutes,wanting to wait everything out for now. Until he heard a sound he had all but forgotten about; the crinkle of a plastic bag,then the pop of it opening. The smell hit William almost instantly, making him salivate for the first time in 30 years. Taking a second to take a deep sniff, the rabbit demon identified what smelled like greasy pork rinds from a vending machine. It was cheap junk food but it was the food he'd smelled in 30 years and it stirred a need that had been denied for those long decades. One he had all but forgotten what it was like to feel.


A haze of need settled over William,his metallic stomach taking over the driver's seat of his mind as he regressed back to his days in Fazbear Frights. When agony ruled every thought,when all he could think about was pain and the desire to snuff out a life. To feel the light leave the eyes of the poor fool who got in Springtraps way. His own eyes turning into black voids with silver dots for pupils,his movements becoming heavier and more like the zombie he was back then.

Springtrap was desperate to eat SOMETHING after he spent so many years starving in that backroom. His metallic stomach growling desperately as he shambled over to the source of the smell. A gray skinned iguana-like demon was munching on them,eyeing the robotic rabbit with an annoyed look.

"Da fuck you want?" He asked, making Springtrap point to his bag and growl at the other demon "FOOOD. GIVE. NOW." He choked out,wanting,no NEEDING those greasy strips of pork in his body.

The robotic rabbit's voice was choked,dry and raspy. Like he had to force the words through a crushed respiratory system. If he was still capable of truly complex thought at the moment he would compare it to how he would have sounded if he tried to talk while still stuck in the Spring Bonnie suit. But primal instinct and desperation were puppeting Springtrap,driving him forward to capture his deep fried prey.

The words caused the other demon to pull back and drag the bag close to his chest. "Get your own fucking -" he tried to say, but Springtrap just roared his mechanical roar for a second in his face and grabbed the bag. "GIVE. NOW." making the smaller demon toss them to the rabbit demon irritatedly.

"Alright fucking hell, take them ! Get a breath mint too,ya breath smells like rotting meat!" He complained, grumbling as Springtrap pulled the bag close to his body and began to walk away. "THANK you.". He said,voice becoming less gravely as he talked.

Springtrap may be a damned soul, but he knew heaven the moment he shoved a handful of those pork rinds into his mouth, crunching them between his plastic teeth. They may just be junk food, but at the moment to Springtrap, heaven was Peter Porkchops Grease Rinds.

After a minute or two of munching on the rinds,William had finally calmed
enough to think clearly again. Moaning gently around every bite. The other demons were staring, but he didn't care. Even when a Greyhound demon sat next to him, William was too busy enjoying the first food he'd had in decades to care.

"The fuck was that about? You starve to death or something?" He asked, chuckling a little bit as watched Afton. Who pulled the bag close to his chest,not wanting to share his food. "Keep it,I'm not one for pork, especially fried pork. Names Marcus by the way." The wolf demon extended a paw to shake,which Willam wiped his hand on his jeans before accepting.

"William." Spoke the raspy voiced rabbit demon,before coughing and correcting himself. Voice going back to normal. "My name is William. William Afton. If you would be so kind, can you explain why we're all sitting in this bunker like a nuclear bomb Is about to be dropped on this city?"

William had grown up during the Cold War,he even still vaguely remembered "duck and cover" drills back in primary school! The way everyone was huddling and panicking reminded him of the bomb shelter his father had built in case of an emergency. ".....A nuclear bomb isn't about to be dropped on the city right?"

"Nah." "Oh thank God." "Something worse should be arriving just about now." The rabbit demon attempted to relax for a second, before immediately tensing up again at the response. "Dare I ask?" He cringed and said, bracing himself for whatever horror Marcus was about to describe for him to have to hide from on his very very first day in the pit of eternal torment. Perhaps some kind of demonic army was about to attack and raze the place to the ground. Or some eldritch horror would come and drive everyone mad.

"Angels. They come down from Up High and slaughter any demon they come across. The weapons they use are the only things that can kill a demon permanently,so be very careful who ya piss off unless you want to know what Oblivion feels like." The greyhound demon spoke, giving the warning the gravitas it deserves and making William gulp in terror. Not wanting to know second death so soon after his first.

"Don't be so scared big bun,long as we're in here,no angel's gonna gonna get us! They only go out for people in the open, like that guy!" Marcus chuckled and said, pointing at the TV where a rat demon was suddenly jammed full of spears by the strange robotic abominations Marcus had called angels. The sinner's body bubbling horribly then dissolving into goo. The angels lingered for only a moment before moving on in search of new prey. Causing the rabbit demon to pale as best he could and look away.

"Like I said big bun, we're safe. The only thing we're vulnerable to dying of his boredom!" Marcus ribbed while he playfully and lightly punched William in the arm. Making him pull his arm back in surprise and exclaim "Damn man! You're tough as bricks under that fake ass fur!" And smile. Clearly attempting to comfort and soothe his fellow Sinner.

"Honestly, I've been through so many of these things, I'm more annoyed than scared. If you saw me back in the Purge of '78 I was whimpering in the corner thinking they would find me. " Marcus continued on to Afton's raised eyebrow. "My first Purge in '77 was more confusion than fear. Then again most of what I felt that year was confusion haha!"

"But hey,your first day and ya already made a friend. Better than my first day!" The greyhound said, pulling Afton close and getting all chummy. The second he felt a hand on his back reaching downwards, William felt the urge to strangle Marcus growing by the second. Growling at the canine,Afton warned "Hands away from my ass. I was a married man and still want to atleast try to be faithful for now."

["Disregarding the fact I haven't seen my wife in over 40 years and that she may not even be in Hell."] William thought, interupted from his thoughts when Marcus continued his rubbing.

"Sorry sorry,I may have taken a small bit of ecstasy a couple of minutes that's just starting to kick in! But by Lucifer's light your fake fur feels so fucking soft!" Marcus chuckled and said, moving to rub Williams upper back which felt amazing. The first back scratching he'd gotten in 30+ years was causing him to let out a pleased moan uncontrollably.

"What'd a big ol bun bun like you do to end up in the bad place eh? Crush a few Easter eggs hehe? In life I tried to be devout and end up going skyward, but ya rob one bank and suddenly your local pastor doesn't want to talk to ya anymore. Wonder what happened to Father Michel after that day." The greyhound demon was reaching upwards towards the shoulder blades, until Afton interrupted with

"Mass murder. I killed 6 people,5 Of them in the same day." Was Afton's reply.

It was technically the truth,he just left out who he killed and why. Or where'd done the deadly deed.

That finally got a reaction beyond amusement from the other demon. Unfortunately,it wasn't the kind Afton was expecting.

"Only 6? Fuck,a guy I used to hang with at the bar back in the living world had a body count of 56! Best hitman I knew. Still feel bad about unknowingly giving him that bad burger and causing him to get CJD. But hey, what ya gonna do." The greyhound demon rambled on, making Afton sigh and shake his head.

"So,how'd ya croak big guy? Me, let's just say I borrowed money from people I couldn't pay back and there's a reason I avoid the Pentagram City junkyard." Marcus went on, clearly insistent on befriending William by force if possible. Refusing to stop touching him and give him personal space. The former murderer wondered if he should strangle Marcus to get him to back off. Since everyone else in the bunker was off doing their own thing,or someone else,to notice or care. His robotic hand inching closer to the greyhound's throat by the second.

["He probably doesn't know about my first death. So I'll just say-"]" Restaurant fire,someone burned it down." Another lie of omission,Afton's hand now by the greyhound's shoulder. Ready to strike if he didn't retreat.

Thankfully Marcus had enough sense in his drug addled brain to sense the danger and pulled back sitting across from Afton now. Looking almost sympathetic about his technically second death.

"Ohhh that had to hurt. My cousin Tony died in a fire and he told me it was not pleasant. I know ya said you were a mass murderer, but did you ever expect to go to the good place? Up with the angels above?" Marcus chuckled and asked, causing William to lay down with his head on a thin pillow and sighing again.

"I never expected I would die so I never thought of heaven. You may be pleasant to me now,but you didn't know me in life. You didn't know the horrible things I did. For the first time in a long long time I can honestly say I have enough mental clarity to say this : I definitely deserve to be down here. I did a lot of awful things in life and being finally sent down here is something I can fully accept. I was a murderer,a jackass,a shit father to my kids. At least down here I'm with people just as awful if not worse than I was."

That definitely shut Marcus up. A mix of confusion and yet somehow understanding flashing on his muzzle. Like he had similar feelings to William at one point. Sitting next to the bunny demon and nodding his head.

"I had similar thoughts when I first arrived. Though mine was after the first year or so after I fully groked everything that had happened. That I was an awful person and deserved damnation. After that I just kinda,embraced it ya know. I tried to be devout In life to avoid coming here but now that I'm here it just feels like,I don't know, there's no point in faith anymore. I'm dead,I got sent to Hell so I might as well make the most of it!"

Marcus smiled as he talked. Making Afton nod in understanding. At first he thought the other demon was an annoyance, but it seems there was wisdom in that altered brain of his. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to be his friend. Lord,or maybe Lucifer,knows he needed as many allies as he could get right now.

"Indeed. Sorry isn't going to bring back the people I murdered,so there's no sense crying over spilled blood. It was decades ago and the families have probably long since moved on so apologies are far too late. I don't quite feel remorse for my crimes, but I definitely agree my actions warranted damnation. The only part about my murders I regret is that they lead to my death. A horrible, painful,slow death.

Besides,I tried to continue my killing spree when I was able to but failed so miserably I have no intention of trying to return to the mortal world for a third round of life. I don't know if I'll murder people here anytime soon, outside of self defense of course. Looking back I take no pleasure in the ones I committed,they were a means to an end. They were enjoyable at the time but looking back only makes me think of failure and wasted effort. I I only remember the names of half of my victims anyway because one I knew somewhat personally and I heard the names of two others being spoken before the murders."

The rabbit demon rolled his eyes as he spoke,remembering his attempt on the life of the guard back at Fazbears Fright. Of how he was constantly thwarted by the Springlock suits programming making him chase after sounds.

Of his bloodlust clouding his thoughts as he fell right into Henry's trap. The sheer stupidity of walking into a place he knew was a trap and falling for it hook line and sinker was embarrassing that he looked back on it. Thankfully anyone involved was either dead or didn't know he was there so he was safe from becoming a laughingstock. But thinking back on it just makes him feel foolish for falling for such an obvious fake.

"Hey atleast you immediately acknowledged your sins. Lots of folks take months to years to think that if they ever do. So many people think they deserve heaven despite committing one measly massacre or something. Remember what I said about cousin Tony,he still thinks he should be up with the angels." Marcus yawned and said, moving to lay on Afton's chest.

"Good night big bun,wake me in a few hours." Were the last thing he said before Closing his eyes. The greyhound demon was out like a light before Afton could protest. Snoring lightly against his fuzzy chest,it was almost adorable if it wasn't so awkward.

Looking at the TV, William saw over 23 hours were left of the annual Purge,which just made him feel like it would drag on forever. He tried to move Marcus off; but he just cuddled closer to the bunny. It reminded him of when his son Micheal was young and he used to crawl into William and his wife's bed sometimes.

Closing his eyes, William Afton did something he hadn't been able to enjoy and missed even more than food.

Sleep. He let his mechanical body rest, slipping into Dreamland for his first night in Hell.
Fazbin Hotel Night 2
(Fazbin Hotel Night 2 (AKA a Day In The Afterlife of Springtrap)(title changed because a friend came out with the pun.)

It has only been 2 days since his new afterlife began but William Afton knew one thing very well; Whoever decided to make the alarm clocks for his apartment building needed to be beaten with a crowbar. Preferably over the head. Repeatedly.

The mechanical rabbit demon was busy snoring away, mumbling ".....Micheal no pranks at the table…." Into his pillow. Snoring like he was choking on something afterward. When the shrill BEEP BEEP BEEP of the electric alarm clock sounded.

Slamming on the snooze button only made it come back a few seconds later louder and more insistent than before, and getting louder the longer Afton ignored it. Finally, after a minute of ear-piercing mechanical shrieking, the rabbit demon finally hit the off button, got up, and began getting ready for the day. His boss, Overlord Theodore was kind enough to give him 2 weeks to get settled in before he would begin doing work for him. Two weeks to adjust to his afterlife in the pit of perdition and the myriad of vices and sins that sufficed every crevice of it.

William doubted he would be fully adjusting in two weeks. Especially when he was essentially stuck between and a hard place accepting the little rabbits offer of employment. But right now he felt the best thing to do was go along with whatever the other rabbit had planned, not like he had the resources to fight back at the moment.

The rabbit would bide his time, being in Hell meant he probably had eternity to plot and plan. Being stuck as a grunt forever would never do, maybe one day he'll rise to the top and be one of the "Overlords" Theodore mentioned. Turn his afterlife into one worth suffering for in life.

Heading into the less than 15-foot space that was his bathroom, Afton began a facsimile of a daily routine he was restarting after so long in that horrible Bonnie suit; splashing water in his face to wake himself up to start with. Normally after that William would then shave and brush his teeth, but he didn't know if the fake fur would grow, or if it did, how long it would take. Though he did use the remaining wetness to pat it down a small bit. The flattened fur empathizes Afton's scarred face but he practiced a friendly smile to contrast the scars. A look to put people at ease, make people less suspicious of him.

Brushing his teeth was a pointless endeavor though as his plastic teeth would probably be safe from cavities. Probably. The occasional sweet would be fine but no candy binges like his children used to do in the days following Halloween.

Stripping off the white t-shirt and thin pants he had been provided by his greyhound friend, William Afton prepped for his first shower in Hell. The steamy water was perfect for waking him up to start his first proper day down here. Having spent most of the extermination day yesterday in a bunker hiding from Angels, then hanging out at his friend Marcus's apartment upstairs. with the Greyhound demon telling stories of his exploits in the living world until Afton headed home for dinner around 7 pm to cook dinner with some food the other demon provided.

Marcus was a useful little tool, latching onto the rabbit quickly and acting all friendly. Trying to ease William into his new afterlife,while William acted the part of his new companion. Letting Marcus provide for him for now, loyal support was always valuable.

At least this morning Willam didn't experience the same confusion he did after he first woke in the bunker in the building's basement. Looking back, it might have explained the Sinner's confused reaction to his surroundings.


William groaned as he awoke. Wondering how long he had been asleep if he had such vivid dreams. Of being killed by the Springlock suit and being trapped for so long in the backroom of Freddy Fazbear's. Of some stupid attraction called "Fazbear's Frights" based on the tragedies of the Pizzaria.

Attempting to rub the sleep from his eyes, Afton felt something, odd on his face. Wondering if he had fallen asleep in costume again. That would explain why he felt a muzzle instead of his own face and large rabbit ears on the top of his head.

But ,that didn't explain the Inhuman monsters all around him, the TV that showed mechanical beings attacking more monsters and OH GOD IT WASN'T A DREAM. W

William groaned as he saw the greyhound demon below him, still sleeping away. Everything that had happened in the past few hours caught up to him once again. He was in Hell, in a bunker, hiding from angels during a yearly extermination of other souls. This was his life, well afterlife now. His only thought upon it all coming together was-


(End flashback)

But at least the water was hot, set to a temperature that would have almost scalded the rabbit demon or at least left his skin an irritated red, life. But because of his demonic body's hardiness and less sensitive sense of touch, it was almost soothing for Afton. Certainly better than being consumed by actual fire. Twice.

There wasn't any shampoo, yet, but Marcus had given him one of his spare bars of soap with the food. The packaging showed a fish demon surrounded by bubbles, with smaller text under the Scrubbing Scales logo proclaiming that it scrubs away blood and gore, leaving a demon squeaky clean.The minty fresh scent brought a small smile to the rabbit sinner, reminding him of his favorite cologne back when he was a living man.

Ending his shower after around twenty minutes, Afton felt much cleaner. With his new minty-smelling body, he could forget the fact he used to be a rotting corpse in a rusty animatronic. Good thing he didn't have a sense of smell inside that awful suit, or else he might have been too busy gagging on his rotting stench to accomplish anything!

Once he was nice and dressed in the jeans and waistcoat his boss had provided upon meeting him, his only real clothes besides the spares Marcus had provided for him to sleep in. The original clothes had been left folded on the dresser when he changed into his sleeping clothes.

The amount of stuff his new friend had given him had almost made William feel bad. Almost. But he'd been chided with a simple "The clothes were from the thrift store so no big deal. We'll get ya your clothes tomorrow." When he tried to protest. Marcus was far too generous for his own good, but clothes were clothes though were a little small.

Said offer was on the rabbit demon's mind as he got in the elevator to Marcus's floor. Hoping the other demon was awake and ready for their little trip today. Though with how creaky the floorboards were and how heavy his footfalls were, it was a miracle the entire floor didn't hear the rabbit demons approach.

Thankfully the greyhound was waiting by the door to his apartment when Afton arrived. Dressed in jeans and a grey turtleneck with a black jacket. Making him look quite stylish and almost handsome looking. Marcus was twirling his keys as he saw the other Sinner, giving a smirk and patting his new friend on the shoulder.

"Hey, big bun! Are you excited for your first real day? You lucky ya met me so soon, most people don't have someone to watch their back so soon after arriving unless someone they know also landed down here." The greyhound chuckled but looked away for a second as if remembering something he didn't like.

" So, where should we go first? I was thinking about the Mammanamart about twenty minutes away. Get ya fluffy butt some new threads and more food." Marcus added, patting the rabbit demon's ass which just made him snort in annoyance.

"Marcus, you seem like a good man but please stop trying to flirt with me. I've only felt that kind of attraction to one person, and that was my wife. After a year of being together. Heck, I didn't even see her naked until we were married. I'm just letting you know now so we can avoid issues.

I don't mind the flirting and the touching right now. But you're not going to get anywhere with me by doing it." Afton sighed and said, glaring at his new friend. The affection vaguely reminded him of the girls in secondary school who tried coming onto him. Who seemed almost offended when he ignored or rebuffed their advances. Marcus's attempts at flirting were a small bit annoying, but Willam didn't want to scare Marcus off by being too aggressive with his pushback. A small warning would suffice for now,if Marcus got too handsy a more forceful warning would be needed.

The greyhound demon didn't look upset so much as make a look of "worth a shot." And shrug before leading towards the elevator. After exiting the building, Marcus led Afton to a parking area in the back area and headed towards his mid-sized dark red car. The rabbit demon was careful to go in slowly, not wanting his heavy body to break something inside the car. Carefully putting on the seatbelt, William waited for Marcus to begin their drive. Letting his thoughts settle and enjoy the smooth ride of the comfortable plush seats.

This was a perfect opportunity to see the sights safely, a nice relaxing car ride without anything to get in the way. Afton remembered his old purple sports car,his fourth child in a way due to the maintenance work he used to do on it every other weekend.

Too bad this was Hell and good things like car rides didn't last long.

About ten minutes into their drive, the road started being shaken up by strange tremors. They were faint enough that the origin was a while away. But they were frequent and short enough to not be natural. It was only when Marcus checked the left-hand side that he groaned and pinched the top of his muzzle in annoyance.

"Ah great, Sir Pentious is trying to conquer the city. Again." He said, pointing towards the enormous airship in the distance that was blasting bombs willy-nilly.

"AGAIN?! Does this happen often?!" Was Williams's reaction, eyes wide with terror and confusion. His voice almost cracked with fear as well. Wondering who this Pentious guy was and why in god's name was he was doing this.

" 'Bout every other week. Usually. He's at least a dozen blocks away so we're fine. Hopefully." The causal yet nervous way Marcus said that told Afton everything he needed to know and made him tightly grip the handle above the door.

It wasn't until they were completely parked in the supermarket lot that he released his vice-like grip on the handle above the door. If the rabbit demon could be pale, he would have been white as a sheet as he stepped out of the car. Thankfully there were no more tremors around him and the airship was far enough in the distance that it faded into the horizon. Allowing William to look forward without fear.

The logo for Mammanamart was a strange gold and green jester's face grinning down at the people shopping at the establishment, a golden MM underneath. William took a few seconds to center himself after the ride, but being patted on the shoulder by his canine companion snapped him back to awareness. "Shopping carts are that a way big bun." Spoke Marcus, pointing westward.

Once the two were inside the supermarket, it was hard not to be amazed by the sheer size of the place. Aisles as far as the eye could see and most likely beyond. Endless stretches of fluorescent lights and green and gold tiles. Hundreds, maybe even thousands of demonic shoppers of all shapes and sizes mulling about as well. Filling the air with a cacophony of words, grun,t,s, and other assorted noises. A veritable maelstrom of consumers and goods.


The duo's first stop was of course the area for clothes. Probably the largest area because of the need to accommodate demons of all shapes and sizes. Even just the men's section was a maze of shelves and racks, piles of clothes designed for dozens of different body types and designs.

The clothing section, unlike most of the store, was carpeted. Allowing Afton to feel the plush green fibers under his padded paws and wonder if he should get a pair of shoes with the rest of his supplies. Though with how most demons, including Marcus, seemed to get along fine without them, maybe they weren't so necessary. Besides, there probably aren't shoes designed for his paws anyway.

Marcus held a couple of shirts from a stand to try and find Willams size, finally settling on a medium-large which thankfully meant they didn't have to move far from where they were to find appropriate-sized clothes.

After a while perusing the racks, William found a shirt that felt like it just, clicked with him; Gold colored with a black bow tie design. Reminding him of what Fredbear used to wear back when the Diner was active. Back when the Afton family was whole and happy together.

Then that party happened and everything spiraled downwards into bloodshed and agony. A snowball effect of tragedy after tragedy.

Folding the shirt up, William placed it in the cart while Marcus was checking out a shirt that read "Killer Rabbit" with a picture of a blood-speckled lagomorph on the chest. The "It's you!" The expression on his face just made Afton's mood sour a little more.

[["Oh Micheal, what possessed you to think your little prank was a good idea!?"]] Afton thought as he put the shirt in the cart and laid his hand on his fuzzy chin. Accepting the greyhound's shirt as well, finding it kinda cute.

After a half hour more of finding shirts, it was time to move on to pants. But as they walked, William decided to ask a question that had been bugging him since they came to Mammanamart.

"Why are you being so nice to me? We're in Hell. Shouldn't we be enemies or kill each other or something? Why are you helping a monster like me?" Even Afton was surprised that the last one slipped out. The question made Marcus stop in his tracks. Going almost uncomfortably quiet, head drooping as he spoke.

"We nobodies gotta stick together. Without someone to hold ya up and rely on, people like us would be turning tricks in an alley waiting for our big break or be chewed up and spat out by someone stronger." And went back to walking. Giving Afton the improvement that both of them and Marcus had parts of their past they look back on with regret.

"But hey, now you have me to keep you off the streets and not turn to drugs to numb the pain of knowing you're too weak to be more than gunk on someone's shoes!" Marcus's voice cracked a little as he spoke, clearly upset but trying to look strong. A tear almost formed in one of his eyes, growing bigger as he gripped Afton by the shoulders and said something that caused everything to fall into place.

"Please, don't leave me. You're all I've got."

"Marcus, did you lose someone?" Was Williams' response after a good minute of processing that statement, wondering if he could use this to keep Marcus in line. Grief was plain to see on the greyhound's face, a hole had formed in his heart and William was his attempt to fill it. ".... I'll tell you back at the apartment. It's complicated." The greyhound sniffled a small bit and said, trying to change the subject. Though the light hug he gave as he did more than enough explaining.

The two shopped in relative silence for a good fifteen minutes. Allowing Marcus to calm himself and steady his nerves. Since they were only getting casual wear for now, the duo decided to stick to simple jeans and slacks. A dozen pairs would suffice for now, a size bigger than Afton to better fit his feet through the holes. Grabbing a belt to help mitigate the damage. Once all the clothes were together in the back end of the cart near the handles, it was time to grab food.

On the way,they passed by a few aisles of art and office supplies. Running in for a second, Willam grabbed two notebooks and bags of mechanical pencils. He knew his skill at design and blueprinting had fallen by the wayside,so getting back into shape was a must. Designs for new animatronics already beginning to form once they got to the far end of the store where the refrigerated food was kept.

William had never been too heavy a meat eater, so most of what they got was vegetables or grains. When Marcus tried to be a bit of a smartass and grabbed a handful of carrot bags and held them up, William just waved it down.

"Let's get some baby carrots instead, or maybe some celery. Have you ever had ants on a log? My mother used to make it for me as a snack when I was small. It's peanut butter on celery with raisins on top. I tried getting my kids into it but they hated the raisins." He added, trying to look happy about what Marcus must have considered a very odd choice of snack.

As he perused the many different varieties in the store, William began wondering where such vegetables were grown if this was Hell. Maybe there were farms outside the city. Or maybe they were grown in a different layer if Hell was similar to what Dante wrote. The "Wrath Grown With Pride" logo on a bag of lettuce supported the idea of multiple layers to this place.

When they passed by the pasta aisle, Marcus's eyes perked up when he saw the back of a sauce jar having a recipe. "Hey big bun, ever had Spaghetti Putanesca? My Nona made it a few times and let me tell you, it was the best spaghetti I've ever had!" The way the demon was wagging his tail and looked excitedly at the thought of making it, how could William say no? Besides, letting him have small things like this would ingratiate Willam in his mind as a friend.

"If you must. But do not make it spicy, I could barely handle spicy potato chips in life." Sighed Afton, making the greyhound do a happy little bark and grabbing the ingredients. Since Marcus was paying for everything, he had the final say in what they got. After that, it was mostly non-perishables they got. Boxes of rice, brown, and jasmine are the rabbit's preference. A few cans of chicken noodle soup, and one chunky pork stew in case William was in the mood for it one day.

As they moved towards the snack area, on one of the TVs marking each section, the jester from the logo appeared. Or rather, the full appearance of said jester. Dressed in green and gold motley, with a semi-ring of spikes around the waist giving him the appearance of a Christmas tree. With his dollar sign staff and greedy grin, it was clear that he was the boss of Mammanamart, this was

Mammon. The King of Greed.

"'Ello valued pigeons, I mean customers! I mean, we here at Mammanamart value your patronage. Especially after such a dangerous time as our yearly Extermination. Because you were stupid, I mean smart enough to take part in our Easter Week sale why not fill the void possibly left by your friends, family, or coworkers with some of the amazing products we have in stock for ya?


Don't leave here empty-handed! Ya, cheapskates. But beyond that, please enjoy our Post Extermination 10% off sale on weaponry! What better to defend yourself during the chaos of turf wars than a blade or blaster from Mammanamart!"

While. Afton had expected the demon king to be greedy and money-grubbing, he wasn't expecting him to be Australian. Or be quite so rotund and jingly as he moved around the screen. The sight of the dancing clown demon had left William distracted, making him run towards his companion to catch up and nearly run over a smaller-looking demon with black and white horns and red skin with a white splotch on his face.

"Watch it asshole!" Shouted the demon, but Afton wasn't listening. Marcus was busy checking out brands of soda, looking at an orange-flavored brand scrutinizingly.

"You prefer orange or blood orange? They got blueberry, watermelon, or peach if you want." Marcus went on, tapping different bottles lightly to provide an example. Though one thing caught the rabbit demon's eye more than others from the sheer strangeness of it: Coka Cola, now with 5% stronger cocaine!

"I heard they used to put cocaine in the sodas in the 1920s but I guess here they never stopped!" Laughed Afton, going for a box of watermelon-flavored punch cans instead of soda. Placing the box in the tray under the cart for convenience. After grabbing a box of Mack's Hard Lemonade near the bottom shelf, Marcus was almost ready to leave himself.

"One more thing till we're done big bun, you need something to defend yourself with!" He said, giving Afton ideas. It had been a while since he had a proper weapon, one that wasn't just his arm bone broken off and sharpened to a point. In hindsight that sharpened bone was almost pathetic, making Afton wonder why he decided to use it back then.

Mammanamart seemed to have shelved all kinds of different weapons, though not a single one was Seraphim Steel. Most likely said material was black market only. Keeping such things in a supermarket where it could easily be stolen was definitely not a good idea.

The one William checked had blades of all shapes and sizes, from small daggers and knives to enormous broadswords, a few even bigger than William himself! While the bigger blades seemed tempting, the smaller ones were more up Afton's alley. Better for precision and ease of concealment. The kind of weapon you could slip in your pocket and pull out in a moment's notice.

Perusing the knives, William came upon one that spoke to him; a six-inch knife-style style blade with a purple rubber handle. It felt, perfect in his thick grip. A few stabs and slices in the air showed it was perfectly weighted too. Yes, this knife could do some damage. He could already imagine gutting someone like a fish with this thing, slicing someone up, and watching them bleed.

Snapping out of his murderous desires, William placed the knife on the top shelf of the cart. The sight of it made Marcus nod and sound almost impressed with Afton's choice of blade. "It's a cool blade but, why purple?"

"I like the color. I used to wear a purple suit at my job when I was alive." Spoke Afton, remembering back when he was still fully human. When he used to wear his crisp purple suits when at work, no one suspected him of anything back then….

"Sounds good to me!" Was Marcus's response, not knowing his companions' full history with wearing purple.

Once they were on their way to checkout, William felt his stomach area begin feeling tight, and began racing for the bathroom. "You go to checkout, I'll wait for you by the door." He frantically said, before speed walking towards the front. Leaving poor Marcus blinking and shrugging.

After a good ten minutes, William finished and went to wash his hands. Enjoying the lemon-scented soap they used, and looking in the mirror at his fuzzy face. Wondering if he'll ever see his handsome human mug ever again, and not in a photograph from the living world.

But his reminiscing was cut short when he saw a large leering boar demon begin pressing up against a smaller sheep demon. Holding him against the side of the stall, the squirming sheep knew what the other demon had planned and was cringing and crying.

William just pinched the top of his nose at such a sight. Violating someone like that was something even in life he found disgusting. Violating another person like that was beneath him. But letting vulgarity go on turned even his mechanical stomach.

Hopefully, no one blabbed about what he was about to do. Being labeled some kind of hero was something William definitely did not want so soon into his time in hell.

"Why don't you leave him alone and pick on someone your size Pork Chops?" Afton tapped on the boar's shoulder and said. Not yet wanting to get violent and end up kicked out of the store. But it was that or let the boar do something unspeakable to the smaller demon.

"Piss off carrot sticks. Or I'll go after you next." Was the boar's response. Not intimidated by Williams's words. Snorting in annoyance at being inteinterruptedow that words were used and ignored, William could at least claim he tried settling this non-violently in case an employee started asking questions.

Grabbing the boar by the back of the neck and squeezing William repeated his command. "Leave him alone." The board still refused to back down, his thick neck making such a maneuver less effective than it normally would. All it seemingly did was make him snort in annoyance once again and attempt to push and knock Afton off.

Afton had now attempted to give a stronger warning, this was the third strike. Now it was time to get violent," I said. LEAVE. HIM. A. LONE." Afton pulled the demon boar back to free the sheep. Then slammed his face into the stall. Punctuating each word with a slam, hard enough that the boar had a bloody and most likely broken snout by the end. When he was finally released, Afton just snorted and left the bathroom. The boar standing there was left stunned by Afton's audacity.

"Tell no one," William said to the sheep,who nodded and ran as fast as he hooves could go. After that he went to wait for Marcus by the entrance area. As he walked,the boar from earlier attempted to sneak up and strike back at William, but he was as stealthy as a thunderstorm. His enormous hooves clack on the tiles as he stomps forward. The rabbit demon whacked him in the nose again with the back of his fist as he stood at the entrance area. Cameras now watched their every move, making the boar back down for now.

Once William was near the entrance he found a small-looking goat demon employee with black on on white fur standing by to check his receipt. Holding out his hoof and looking very nervous at the rabbit's lack of items. "It's not recommended to leave Mammanamart empty-handed sir! The boss doesn't like it when people are cheap or loiter inside...." He bleated, smiling at the security camera as if attempting to keep whoever was watching off his back.

"I'm with someone, just waiting on them to arrive." Afton brushed off the statement and said, making the camera zoom in on him suspiciously as if scrutinizing his statement. Thankfully neither demon had to wait long before Marcus came over and let the demon goat check the receipt for their trip.

"Thank you for legitimately shopping at Mammanamart! Thank you for not stealing from us! Lord Mammon doesn't approve of thieves…" the goat chuckled nervously and said. Tugging at his vest and exposing what looked like a shock collar underneath as soon as the two other demons couldn't see him any longer.


Once everything was packed up in the trunk and backseat of the car Marcus began the drive home. Though he went a different, longer route than before, stopping at a fast food place to grab something for the road. "This place is one of my favorite places to get food. Been that way since I came down here." The greyhound said, giving a happy smile as they pulled up.

The sharp pointed W over the "Wackdonalds" sign more resembles a pair of horns than ones found on earth. From the green tiling and gold trim, Mammon probably had his grubby fingers in this industry as well. Though most likely all businesses in Hell had some kind of connection to the King of Greed by their very nature. Though with how rotund the demon was, it was easy to see why he'd be connected to a place like Wacdonalds.

"I'll order the food while you find a table alright? I'll see if they have any kind of salad for ya Willy." Marcus joked as he went to wait in line. Seemingly comfortable with calling the rabbit by a different nickname than "big bun". "Please don't call me Willy. My brother used to call me that and I hated it." Was Williams' response as he went to look for an empty table after rolling his eyes.

"Hah! Willy! Used to call my wimp of a brother that . Wonder what happened to him after I left home." Said a voice William almost didn't recognize and wished he hadn't. One belonging to a voice he hadn't thought about since 1980 -

"....... Johnny?"

William immediately attempted to back away after saying that when a hand-stretched like a vine and wrapped around his neck to pull him in for a headlock. Allowing William to get a good look at the other demon that was his older brother.

The older demon resembled a bamboo dryad with thick ridged hair and long tube-like fingers and skinny arms. Mottled green, black, and brown skin-like camouflage with chlorophyll green sclera and brown irises. He was wearing a similar green camo outfit, with a black dragon head medal pinned to the front. Giving the impression of a soldier who just died in battle.

"Looks like my Little Willy is all grown up eh? Got all nice and tall, but no matter how big you get you'll always be my little brother!" The dryad demon laughed in amusement. The panther demon sitting across from him, most likely Jonesy, wore similar camouflage and just smirked and shook his head.

"How ya been little man? Last I heard from Mum you were running a restaurant with some fancy tinker toys! How'd that work out for ya?" Johnny laughed and playfully noogied his younger brother. Making the rabbit grunt in annoyance and attempt to squirm free. Too irritated to fully listen to his brother's statement. William had all but forgotten what dealing with his brother was like, considering he hadn't had to deal with him in almost 60 years.

"It's complicated brother, a long and storied history I'd rather not discuss. Especially in public." Growled William, attempting to pull himself free of the other grip, but finding the dryad was stronger than he expected for someone that skinny. "Please let me go, I just came to eat with a friend." He added, pointing towards Marcus who was thankfully second in line.

"Regular friend or boyfreind hahaha! Is my little Willy in love?" The boogieing was back, now it was just getting irritating. The older Afton never passed up an opportunity to tease his little brother it seemed. "Ya gonna share a soda lover boy? Make eyes at each other as ya eat?" Johnny laughed harder, clearly finding his juvenile remarks funny. Though Jonesy didn't seem to find it that amusing. He was frowning and glaring at the dryad.

"Hey, lay off the jokes dude. You're not funny doing that. " The panther spoke, getting an amused smirk from Johnny and a "Come on Jonesy, he's my little brother. It's my job to tease him. I used to tease you and the others back in 'Nam remember? Kept ya spirits up when we marched through the mud."

Now William was getting annoyed at his older brother's antics, aiming an elbow right into the dryad's solar plexus. One good hearty jab and he released the rabbit demon.

"Please leave me alone Johnny. You are older than I am, you've been in Hell longer than I have, yet you remain the same juvenile bully who used to shoot me with a BB gun and hang me from the coat rack by the collar when I was small! All I wanted was to enjoy a nice lunch with my friend, but I guess good things don't last down here." William snapped, growling at his brother. Going to get Marcus and tell him about the change of plans.

"The fuck William? When did you get to be such a stick in the mud? I'm just fucking around with ya like old times." Exclaimed Johnny, standing up and making William growl harder now. Seeing his brother truly hadn't changed since the day he left for boot camp in 1963.

"I didn't become a stick in the mud brother. I grew up, brother. Maybe it's time you did too." Was the rabbit's only response, before finally walking towards the counter. The rat-like demon acts as a cashier tapping at the register's monitor.

"Will that be for here or to go?" Spoke the rat

"To go." Was William's response, stopping Marcus from overruling him because of the way the rabbit demon was glaring daggers. His good mood from the shopping trip soured, all he wanted was to get as far from his brother as possible right now.

The growl in the rabbit voices making both Marcus and the poor worker demon pull back. Not wanting to push his buttons more, Marcus let Afton go back to the car while he paid. Refusing to even look at his brother as he quietly stormed out.

"So what the hell was that about?" Asked Marcus once he had their food and was in the car. Tossing a salad and bag of apple slices to William and bringing out a large burger and fries for himself. Filling his mouth with food to allow the rabbit to speak uninterrupted.

"My brother was not a good man to me growing up. I'd say he made my life Hell but considering where we are that's not accurate. But he was a ruthless bully to me. Messing with my toys, doing "pranks" like pulling my chair back when I tried to sit, or tripping me when I had food. He also loved using his BB to harass me. Like the time I was washing the dishes and he shot me in the ass and made me drop Mother's fine china." The rabbit growled, still remembering nearly getting grounded for a month until his mother found the BB while cleaning. Making it clear who the real culprit was.

[["Go ahead little dog,feel sorry for me. Your little pity makes it so much easier to lead you around."]] Afton smiled internally and thought. While his experiences with his brother were terrible,most of his anger came from knowing he'd have to deal with Johnny sooner or later. The rabbit had just hoped he would atleast have the upper hand when they finally met again.

But for now he played the part of the angry younger sibling. Stabbing at his salad as if imagining it was Johnny's head. Piercing a poor tomato and getting juice on the lettuce. Marcus meanwhile just chewed his massive Big Wac burger and listened. Making a "go on" gesture with his hands after swallowing.

"He used to call me "Little Wille" because I was a tiny little twig when I was small. Then other people started calling me that and throughout secondary school that was my nickname. It was utterly embarrassing." The rabbit facepalmed and groaned, hoping none of his old classmates would recognize him in his current demonic form. Or at least,had forgotten all about it by now.

"I get the little part but what Willie is just a silly Version of your name dude," Marcus questioned, prompting William to whisper an explanation, and make the greyhound burst out laughing for a second. Before looking guilty about it and turning away in remorse.

"Then Johnny turned 18 and within a month he was signing up for the military. The Vietnam war was still raging on and he wanted to make Father proud. As if he didn't think Johnny was a better son already….

After the day he left, that was the last time I saw my brother, and hoped it was the last time I would ever see him." The contempt in Afton's voice was clear as day and sharp as a blade. He didn't even need to try very hard to make the part about his father sound convincing, though he'd stopped caring what the old man thought of him years before that day.

William empathizes his anger by stuffing his face with salad, seemingly to calm his nerves, enjoying the squish of the tomatoes under his teeth. Allowing a good several minutes to pass as he ate and let Marcus digest his statement.

"The day he left, my brother told our parents he would be back home as soon as he could be. He came home in March of '64. Our Mother was not happy seeing him back so soon though." William said, still remembering his mother's screams and cries of anguish, the wails of someone whose child will never be back in her arms again.

"Dishonorable discharge? Was he injured?" Marcus tilted his head and asked.

"He came home…in a box." Was the rabbit's response. Letting the words hang heavy in the air.

"Oh…..OH. Fuck."

The greyhound nearly dropped his burger when the realization hit.

"He was killed by a Viet Cong booby trap, he fell into a pit of sharpened bamboo spikes according to the report." Spoke Afton, shuddering slightly. As much as William hated his brother, he didn't deserve to die like that or so young. So far from home, possibly suffering a slow death all alone and in the dark and the mud.

After that, the two demons went back to eating in silence. Letting the weight of the statement hang in the air. Not saying a word until they began the drive back to their apartment building.

"After that, my life was at least marginally better. I didn't have to worry about my brother messing up my life or with my stuff any longer. I still had to endure that stupid nickname but it wasn't as prominently used anymore. After I graduated high school I went to college and just, never looked back. Barely had contact with my family aside from phone calls with my mother and barely spoke a word to my father."

In all honesty, the worst Afton Sr had been was cold and stoic. He had never raised a hand against William, but never offered one to him either. The only nice thing the rabbit could think about his father, was that William ended up worse than he ever was.

"So ya burned that bridge when ya left?" Asked Marcus, picking his teeth with a claw.

"Marcus, aside from my mother, that bridge was held together with spit and prayer. When she passed away in 1980, I had no more reason to associate with my father. Heck if Johnny is down here I'll bet dollars to donuts my father is too. Possibly my mother because of the uh, language she used."

"Speaking a language is a hell-worthy offense? Or did you mean like she used language in a Hell worthy way?" ".... the latter. I'm not a racist person despite the era I grew up in but my mother….was. Very much so. When she had her garden tea parties I remember hearing about how the, N words were ruining the neighborhood." Afton looked almost embarrassed about this, voice going low and uncomfortable. It was especially uncomfortable when Marcus asked -

"N E word or N I word?" "....N I…." And made Marcus's eyes go as big as dinner plates. Ears flat and mouth tight.

"It was the 1960s. Everyone used that kind of language. I saw little girls casually use the N-word about one of the families in my neighborhood a few times." Afton hastily tried to explain, but even he knew there wasn't much justification for it. Heck, he'd even used the word a few times when he was young before growing out of it by the 70s!

To avoid a further awkward conversation, William decided to put on the radio. Searching for something, anything to change the subject. While searching channels he came across a few different stations with vastly different tunes

"Loo Loo Land Loo Loo Land!"

"Mustang dong!"

"Dreaming of Eden!"
"Ah man, I love this song!" The last song got Marcus's attention and mind off things all right. He was singing along as they were near the building. Finishing just a minute shy of entering the parking lot.


Once the two were at the house, Afton went to grab his new supplies, but Marcus grabbed his box of lemonade and said "While you get your stuff, I'll bring this to my place then I'll come to help ya alright big bun?" Which was fine by William. Grabbing the stuff that needed to be in the fridge ASAP such as the veggies. The clothes and cans would be last as they could wait.

After long several minutes lugging bags back and forth, both men collapsed on the rabbit sits bed. After putting his box away, Marcus had placed two cans of hard lemonade by the end for once they finished unloading everything.

The rabbit's thick fingers made popping the tab of the can rather annoying until Marcus used a claw to sip under it for him. Allowing William to enjoy his drink, the slightly bitter taste of the alcohol mixed well with the sharply sour yet somehow sweet lemonade.

After a few minutes to catch their breath, William finally said "I told you part of my story, now tell me part of yours." William poked Marcus and said, causing the greyhound to sigh and say "Give me 5 minutes, I gotta get some things from my room. Then you'll understand." And left the room.

When Marcus returned, he was carrying two things, a picture in a frame and a strange squeaky toy that looked like a clown. Holding up the frame, Marcus used a thumb to point to the other person in the picture.

A Large, handsome Boxer hound demon in a white shirt with a gold apple on it and the words "I Had A Hell Of A Time At Lu Lu World." And his arm around Marcus. "This is Joey, he kinda, rescued me from the streets. When I first fell here I had nothing. The Mob didn't want anything to do with me because of my fuck ups, still barely want anything to do with me after all I've done but that's beside the point. Since I had no one to look out for me, I ended up on the streets until '86. When Joey found me, you wouldn't have recognized me when he found, I was a mangy, filthy mess with a major meth problem."

Regret and sorrow sufficed every word that came out of Marcus's muzzle. Taking a long sip of his drink as if to numb himself to his memories. Or maybe he felt too sober to talk about such painful times.

"I used to, sell myself to get by. I was a nobody, weak and pathetic until Joey found me. At first, I thought he was just another John, that's prostitute speak for a client, till he made me eggs and sausage in the morning. Let me take a shower before we, got frisky. He was the first person in so long to be nice to me, truly nice to me. I didn't want to go back to the streets so I begged to stay with him. Back to being alone and dirty and ignored. He agreed if I got clean and stayed clean. So I did and I moved in with him."

Marcus looked ready to cry a small bit as well, the memory of that day tainted by whatever happened to Joey. The day his Afterlife turned around, soured by what was to come.

"Getting clean was both easier and harder than you think. Because demons like us, we don't have a chemical dependency like on Earth. We don't develop tolerance to drugs or suffer stuff like that, because addictions, drunkenness, and such are all psychosomatic. Or at least that's what Joey said, I trusted him because he worked at a rehab clinic. Helped dozens of demons get off drugs, though this being Hell many relapsed rather quickly but that's not his fault.

Because of my demon physiology, I could go cold turkey and not worry about stuff like my body needing drugs and such. If I could get through the mental stage of withdrawal, I would be home free."

It all made at least somewhat sense to William, though one thing was odd. Pointing to the toy, an unspoken ask "Why him?" Was given. The clown doll is worn and faded, but still workable. An attempt to maintain it had been made it seems.

"So when Joey tells me to go cold turkey, I freak out. I had nothing to keep my mind off meth, to keep my addiction at bay. So he says to me "You only need meth because you think you need meth. So, whenever you feel like you need meth, squeeze Cody the Clown here! Squeeze him when you feel cravings to keep your mind off It. Fill your time with something else."

"You could say I Switched an addiction to meth to an addiction to Joey's kindness. He helped me through withdrawal every step of the way." The greyhound hugged the picture and began tearing up a small bit. Resulting in William wrapping an arm around the greyhound. Letting him breathe and continue his story.

"After a month or two, I was clean, after that, I was working for the White Rabbit alongside him. Then we kinda just settled together. Not quite roommates, not quite a couple. We did fool around plenty. But I was happy. I know it's Hell and happiness is not something you're supposed to have but, I found my little slice of heaven in Hell."

Marcus fully let a few tears fall now. Using the rabbit for support, who was just rubbing his back to try and help. He didn't fully know how to, comfort Marcus. Even in life he always had a bit of trouble with empathy and supporting others. But for now, just holding him seemed to help, rocking back and forth gently as well. The story had moved even Afton's black heart a smidge. Loss of loved ones was something he was intimately familiar with.

After a few minutes, Marcus's tears had dried somewhat. Wiped away with his sleeves as he took several long sips of his drink. Afton joined him a minute later. Letting him know his new friend won't be going anywhere. Once the rabbit was finished with his drink, he asked

"What happened to Joey." "He got iced in last year's purge. Rivals of the boss kidnapped him and tied him to a street lamp as retribution for killing one of their men. I was alone again after that. Till I met you."

A tight hug was suddenly around William. Almost crushing him at first but easing up after a second. "At least I have you. I have someone to watch my back again. We, nobodies, gotta stick together." He said, looking almost like a dog towards its owner. A smile grows on the hound's muzzle as he nuzzles against Williams's fuzzy chest. This time he wasn't pushed away and was allowed to continue as William was beginning to enjoy the affection. Almost finding it cute in a way.

After a few minutes, and another can of lemonade,Marcus was starting to get a little handsy. Rubbing all over Willams chest like he wanted to cuddle, while William went to turn on the TV.

Then Marcus opened his mouth and said "So big soft,my big bunny. Bet you were very handsome in life.",practically having hearts in his eyes. The buzzed demon enjoying Afton's fake fur, and getting the rabbit himself mildly annoyed.

"Marcus, please stop." William said, attempting a calm approach to not get the greyhound to push back too hard. But that didn't seem to work,as the greyhound just more.

"Stop,don't make me use my knife on you." William growled a small bit and threatened, pulling the blade from its sheath. Right now the rabbit was just planning on holding the knife up and scaring Marcus off.

"Don't threaten me with a good time~." The greyhound laughed, pressing against William,not caring as the blade pressed against his kidneys.

"Me and Joey used to get really kinky together. So this is nothing big bun." Marcus just chuckled and said, watching as daring him to actually do it.

So he did, pulling back and slamming the knife into the greyhounds side with a grunt of anger. Making him moan and shudder, his masochistic side leaking out.

Once the blade pierced flesh, a rush of pleasure began filling Willams body,leaving the knife in for a little bit to enjoy the feel of blood flowing because of him. The feeling of piercing flesh and ripping a body apart was something he missed dearly.

Springtrap growled as he pulled out, and plunged himself back in. Thinking about all the kills he had been denied because of his metal prison. Because of the people around him who got in his way.

The night guard at Fazbears Fright who used his own left over programing to make him run around like a chicken with no head.

His disappointment of a son Michael,who killed his own brother because of some stupid prank.

Henry for trapping in that maze of a pizzeria,luring him with fake audio and leaving him to BURN.

Yes, Springtrap envisioned those who had wronged him under the blade of his knife. As he was jabbing it into the fluffy dog man beneath him.

After the twelfth stab, the dog stopped moving. Most likely killed by Springtrap's blade. After the rabbit demon slipped off the corpse,he stood up, enjoying his handiwork and going to clean off the blade. Breathing heavily as he shambled to the bathroom, turning on the sink and letting the afterglow of murder fade. Letting himself calm down and enjoy the release of a good bout of violence.

As the rush of murderous violence faded, William came to his senses. Clarity filled him as he saw Marcus bleeding out. The rabbit began panicking slightly,not wanting to lose his only ally in this God forsaken place. So he rushed Marcus to the Bathroom and slipped off the greyhound's shirt to assess the damage.

The stabs were In mostly not vital areas, and healing fast thankfully. Grabbing the soap and turning on the shower, William began trying to scrub Marcus clean. While the greyhound just looked limp, occasionally twitching a small bit as well.

"Are you alright?" The rabbit asked, gently holding up Marcus's head. Only to drop it when he felt it go hit and Marcus mumble "....more than alright." Leaving Afton mildly disgusted. A blissful smile on the greyhound's face as he laid under the water.

Within an hour Marcus recovered enough to sit up. Thank goodness demons healed fast or else Afton would have had to run up to the greyhound's room to get a first aid kit. Sitting on the toilet cover, Afton allowed his friends high to begin fading.

"Did I, go too far? I didn't seriously hurt you did I?" Afton said, trying to look guilty and remorseful,in truth he was more angry at himself. At losing control so easily and potentially seriously injuring the other demon.

"Nah don't worry. This isn't even in the top ten, maybe twenty worst injuries I've ever gotten!" Marcus waved his hand and said, managing to get out of the tub. Letting Afton breath a sigh of relief.

"In 74' I blew off two fingers and had to get them reattached because I held onto a firecracker while drunk. In '03 I got trampled so badly on Black Friday that I didn't fully regenerate until January and you don't even wanna know what happened to me in 97. So yeah, what you did was nothing." Marcus said, going into the main room, eying the bloodstains and saying "Like I said,me and Joey used to get REAL freaky. So I'm used to this kind of stuff."

"Gonna have to wash these though. Thankfully someone keeps leaving Crimson Eraser detergent in the laundry room!" He said, tossing the sheets into a corner for later. Making Afton slightly concerned about the amount of violence in hell that blood removing detergent is that common.

"Marcus, can I tell you something? I don't quite, remember the stabbing. Well,I do but it's a blur and a haze. I know I did it but It feels like I wasn't me at the time. Is that normal for demons?" Afton asked, plopping down on the bare mattress. This was the second time he'd been in that weird haze since coming down here, and only now did he realize it wouldn't be just a one off thing.

"Demons do have a thing where we can become bigger, meaner, and stronger but that only happens in like, combat. I remember Joey went into a state like that when he fought a few goons,he was full-on wolfing out.

But you kinda felt, different. Your eyes went all wonky, you were all silent and angry. It felt like you wanted to kill me! Or didn't feel like a demon going all out, it felt like a completely different person was wearing your skin."

Marcus said, making Afton stare forward. Wondering if he should reveal his, full history to Marcus. Then deciding against it, he would be told when the time was right. When Afton felt ready to reveal his crimes.

"I'm honestly scared now, what happens if I do that again? What happens if I lose control?" William sagged and said, hoping this strange state was just him adjusting to his demonic form and not something to worry about. Or atleast, something he could easily get back under control

"Just to be on the safe side, no more alcohol and weapons for you big bun!" Marcus just laughed and said, gently taking the knife from the floor and placing it in the dresser drawer. The clothes from earlier still unpacked on the top.

"Let's focus on something else if you have or can get it, I was thinking about cooking for you tomorrow. My youngest son used to LOVE it when I made chicken parmesan…."
Fazbin Hotel Night 3
Fazbin Hotel Night 3(Aka Stinky Bunny Story Time)

William Afton was having something he hadn't had in a long, long time.

A nightmare.

Reliving one of the worst days of his life.

It was the memory of the day he lost Evan.

Tossing and turning in his sleep, William was forcibly taken down memory lane. All the while the greyhound that insisted on spending the night to keep an eye on the rabbit laid next to him.

August 25, 1983

It started with that morning when Michael was messing with his brother again. Hiding in the pantry and making Evan drop a box of Krispy Puffs on the floor and making them spill. William himself had just gotten Elizabeth to wake up for breakfast, carrying her into the kitchen in his arms. Rolling his eyes at his oldest child's antics.

"Micheal, clean up the mess while I get breakfast started. It's your brother's birthday, so try to be nice for
one day." William said, grabbing his oldest child by the shirt collar when he tried to duck out of the kitchen. Possibly trying to pin the mess on Evan.


The boy had always been a mischief maker but ever since Laura's, passing he'd been growing steadily worse. Messing with his little brother at every opportunity he could. Though he was nowhere
near the bully his own brother had been at Michael's age. Scaring Evan and messing with his plushies is not even close to the relentless teasing and pranks Johnny had pulled.

Besides a little misery built character, and Evan needed to stop being such a crybaby about everything. He was worse than William was when he was small! Yes, they all missed Laura deeply, William most of all, but wallowing in misery won't bring her back.

"Yes Father…" was Michael's response, sounding more annoyed than sorry about his punishment. Glaring at Evan while their father put Elizabeth in her seat before going to grab the pancake mix. Double-dip chocolate chip, Evan's favorite. William may not be
the best father, but he was better to his kids than his own father had been.

his father ever made pancakes for him on his birthday? Nope. Did his father ever discipline his brother even slightly like with Michael to make him feel better? NOPE. Did his father try to make his tenth birthday as good as possible and have a special surprise waiting for him? NOPE.

"How do ya feel today Evan, you're finally in the double digits!" Said Willam, mixing the batter together and attempting a happy smile. In truth William was almost a little upset his son had his birthday today; it meant he was growing up. That one day he would leave him alone. The house felt empty enough without Laura, but without the kids, he didn't know what he'd do! He'd probably go crazy without them in his life.

William attempted to try and smile for his gloomy gus of a son. People liked it when he smiled, Laura loved his smile…..

"Come on, smile for me, Evan. I'll make you a double stack of
paaaancaaakes." William said in that sing-song way Evan used to love and that made Lizzie giggle whenever he used it. The silly voice he used whenever he was wearing the Spring Bonnie suit and singing songs for the kiddos at Fredbears.

The offer of extra pancakes seemed to make Evan perk up, the birthday boy never could resist his Spring Bonnie voice. "There we go! That's what I like to see!" Evan was giving a small smile now, hopeful for this to be a good birthday. "Please don't get the pancakes stuck on the ceiling again Father," Evan said, making Michael snort in annoyance. The look on Michael's face when they had eventually fallen down on the older boy's face should have been framed; it was so priceless.

"I'll do my best. I'm not expecting any more lost family members today." He replied, flipping the pancakes low enough to cook easily. That pancake incident was the only good thing to come out of that day, the day he'd lost his mother. She'd had a stroke in her sleep, a quiet, peaceful death.

"Lizzie, how many pancakes do you want?" He asked, and of course, the little princess held up all 10 fingers. Making William just shake his head as he finished Evan's batch. "How about just five, we don't have much mix left. I'll need to get some from the store tomorrow." William said as he gently pushed Lizzie's left hand down. The little five-year-old was quite proud of her number skills. Counting whenever she had the chance.

"Michael, pancakes?" The first batch was almost done, almost ready for the birthday boy to enjoy. Michael didn't do much as answer as go grab half a grapefruit from the fridge. Sprinkling a bit of salt on it and eating it with a spoon. Seemingly trying to look tough despite the puckering face he made.

"Alright, your loss. More pancakes for us." Once the batch was ready and plated, William got out the syrup. Letting his son drown his chocolate chips in a deluge of maple goodness.

"So, I rented a movie for tonight after dinner. I know you are just
dying to see Return of the Jedi Evan. It took a while but Henry helped me find it just for you kiddo." William said, patting his son's head as he munched on his pancakes. A beaming smile on his face, anticipation to see the movie he'd been excited about all year.

"I also got enough bags of popcorn so we can all have our own. Yes, that means I got you your white cheddar Michael." He added, making his oldest fist pump in joy. Getting all those bags meant Michael wouldn't sneak kernels from Evan while he was distracted, like the last time they tried to watch a movie together.

"Plus, there's a special surprise at Fredbears for you today. I'm sure you'll love it." William smiled and said, beginning Lizzie's batch of pancakes and seeing Evan swallow and look nervous when he mentioned Fredbears.

He never did understand why he was so scared of the animatronics, they wouldn't hurt anyone unless someone was up close and personal with them. Spring lock suit failures notwithstanding. Besides, who would be stupid enough to stick their hand in the bot's mouth when it was on and active?

"....What kind of surprise Father?" Evan asked, making Lizzie attempt to spoil it but their father just ended that attempt with "Wouldn't be much of a surprise if I told you
now would it?" And shook his head. That just made Lizzie deflate and Micheal roll his eyes.

Evan just looked a small bit upset but knew arguing wouldn't solve anything. So he just went back to his drowned pancakes for a while.

Well, there went Evans' good mood. Birthday boys should be happy on their special day, but William knew one that would make Evan happy again. "When we get back home, I'll make ya your favorite chicken parm alright buddy. With extra parsley for you!" He said, tussling the boy's hair playfully. It was a good thing he'd gotten more garlic bread crumbs and Parmesan cheese last week in preparation. Evan always loved it when he made his special double cheese layer chicken parmesan for dinner. A special treat he made for the boy when he needed a pick me up, something that helped him find some happiness again after they lost Laura.

That at least made him smile a little bit. Syrup dripped down his chin, causing him to reach for the milk inside the fridge. Michaels's grapefruit rind soared over his head and landed in the trash can, a perfect shot worthy of a high five.

Just as Evan finished grabbing the milk, Willam grabbed the handle before it could be closed and asked "Mind grabbing the orange juice and butter for me buddy?" And finishing up Lizzie's stack. Placing the butter slices between the cakes for her. A simple gesture, but it made her so happy when he did it.

Once her stack was done, William got his own breakfast, a handful of granola bars, and sat down to eat. He didn't want to fill up too much, not wanting to get a stomach ache while he worked. Filling up his mug with coffee to give himself a little bit of extra energy.

Micheal had left to watch TV while the others were, leaving William with just Evan and Lizzie. The former finished up his stack and put his plate away. Giving a small "Thank you, Father." And leaving the room.

"Father, why is Michael so mean?" His daughter asked, her tone so innocently curious it tugged at William's heartstrings. It was a question even
he had trouble fully understanding. Yes, Laura was gone, but acting out like this didn't make any sense. Acting like such a bully was only going to drive his brother away, or worse Evan would lose him and they'd never get a chance to reconcile like William and his brother. Wanting nothing to do with each other when their older.

"Your brother is, grieving in his own way. He's trying to, get his feelings out in a way." It was awkward and probably far from the actual reason why Michael was acting the way he was. But reading others' feelings beyond surface level was something William had always struggled with.

But now was not the time to worry about such things. Today was a day to celebrate! A day to be happy for Evan. Even if Michael refused to give his brother a break even for a day.

Within the hour, it was time to get ready for the party. Getting Evan out of his room took some finagling but eventually, the boy emerged. Michael as usual refused to look presentable. Wearing only his grey sleeveless shirt. Looking more like a delinquent than Williams's son. Probably hiding his stupid Foxy mask too, maybe William should take it Michael misbehaved today.

Thankfully Fredbears was only a few minutes' drive from the house. Albeit one that seemed to feel like hours from the silence that pervaded the air.

Once inside, all three children scattered across the place. While William followed Elizabeth while she went to play with Charlotte. The little brunette was practically his daughter's best friend. Sitting at one of the tables and chatting away about this and that. While William just smiled and let them talk while he went to get everything ready for later.

The party would last until 7 PM, just a bit after Evan was born. They'd cut the cake and bring in the gifts around 3 PM. Heading into his office, William into his safe. Pulling out a pink and purple gift box with a pink boy. A note scrawled in childish letters "To Evan, From Lizzie." Attached to the bow.

The plushie inside was Lizzie's idea. She was the one who noticed Evan's plushie collection was, incomplete. He had Fredbear and the Fazband, but no Springbonnie, and that got William thinking.

Why not make a new little plushie for Evan? Thus Cuddle Me Springbonnie was born. With its long, purple Velcro-ended ribbons on the ends of his hands, Springbonnie could safely cuddle around Evan and provide comfort, letting him know someone was always there to comfort him.

Evan will be so happy when he sees the plushie! It took days to get everything right, making sure each stitch was perfect. Bringing the box over to the table with the other presents for when the time is right.

The party was mostly uneventful for a while. So Willam did work in his office for most of it. managing the inventory paperwork for the Diner.

Fredbear was looking a little stiff lately so William had sent in an order for replacement servos just in case he needed more than just a little oiling on his joints.

Other than that it was a normal children's party at the Diner; Kids laughed and played, and Fredbear and Springbonnie sang, though William had added in a birthday song for Evan to be sung when they cut the cake.

Around 2 Pm Evan and Michael came over to grab a few slices of pizza, William shared a barbecue chicken pie with the birthday boy. While Michael and Lizzie shared a half pepperoni half plain. As they ate, all was quiet and peaceful. You could almost assume they were all happy together. Even Evan had a smile on his face as he enjoyed his special birthday pizza! Michael managed to behave himself for a couple of minutes, the most he did was make bubbles in his root beer to make Lizzie laugh. He was actually leaving his brother alone for once. A true miracle.

If only they could stay this well-behaved every day. They'd be one big happy family like they used to be.

Like they should be.

But good things never last and within the hour the older boy had popped out underneath a table and scared Evan into running away. Thankfully William had something to distract himself from his son's misbehavior:
his present to Evan.

The arcade cabinet he'd ordered a week ago was being wheeled in from the back entrance closer to the arcade area. All the better to make it a surprise with. The large golden cabinet decorated with bunnies in military caps and wielding carrots like machine guns. A silly little game about firing carrots at moles.

Once it was set up and plugged in, William and Henry began wrapping it up with purple wrapping paper while Charlie and Elizabeth stood nearby so they were in Henry's sight.

The adults were just finishing up when they heard Evan start yelling out "FATHER, UNCLE HENRY, HELP!" And hearing Michael and his little gang's laughter from across the room.

"I'll be right there Evan just a small bit busy," William said as he finished up wrapping the cabinet and placing the bow on it to tie everything together. He wondered if Michael had locked Evan in the Parts and Service Room.


William would definitely need to keep that place locked when it's not being used. The Animatronics parts were expensive goddammit! If Evan breaks anything because he's in there, it's on Michael's head.

"This is perfect timing too, it's almost 3 o'clock. I'll go get Evan, you three go get the cake alright? After that, he'll open his presents, imagine his face when he sees BUNNY BRIGADE! He'll be sooo happy." Willam smiled and said, waving at Henry and the kids as they went to the kitchen.

Three things immediately altered William that something was wrong the second he stepped out of the arcade.

Number 1: the place was
dead silent aside from the animatronics singing

Number 2: said singing from Fredbear sounded vaguely muffled. Like something inside his mouth.

Number 3: Michaels's little gang of delinquents had run for the hills the second they saw William walking towards them. Leaving Michael alone like the fair-weather "friends" they were.

"Micheal, what did you do
this time?" The question was stern and demanded an answer. An answer he only had to look up at the stage. To see Evan, limp in Fredbear's mouth.

Evan, in Fredbears mouth.


"MICHEAL JAMES AFTON! WHAT DID YOU DO?!" William screamed, shaking the teenager in rage and confusion. Wondering what Hell possessed him to do such a thing! When Michael stammered and tried to speak, William did something he'd never done before.

struck Michael across the check. A loud SLAP echoed across the Diner. Leaving the boy stunned and shocked.

After a few seconds to process everything, William climbed onto the stage and turned off the bear, pulling Michael up onto the stage a second later. "YOU. OPEN FREDBEARS MOUTH WHILE I PULL HIM OUT. " he
commanded, the boy complying after a second. Henry was there a second later, holding the bleeding boy as father and son left the stage.

Thankfully an employee had Called an ambulance as soon as they saw the incident. Another had brought in a first aid kit and was attempting to stop the bleeding until they arrived.

The next few hours were a blur. Evan is being wheeled into the emergency room, waiting in the waiting area for news. One thing was very clear though.

Michael had finally
gone too far and William no longer wanted to look at him.

When the boy tried to explain himself, William didn't want to hear a word. The last thing he said to his son was "You're going to go stay with Uncle Henry for the foreseeable future." And that was it. It would be just William, Evan, and Lizzie from now on. Things would be better without Michael, without the boy who ruined this perfect day.

The boy who destroyed the Afton family.

The dream faded into darkness as Willam woke up. All that rage and pain flooding back to the rabbit demon. All the anguish and losing yet another family member bubbled up in the rabbit's mechanical chest.

It caused William Afton to do something he hadn't truly done in decades: he cried.

Tears. thick, bloody tears streaming from his eyes. Rubbing them away didn't seem to do much besides smear it around his face. Getting as best a look as he could at the stains, Willam could see that his tears were charcoal black now. His breathing was hitched and shallow, uncontrolled.

Marcus was stirring, waking up, and mumbling. All the while the rabbit was struggling to cut the flow. Squeezing his eyes shut and to calm down. To not let the other demon see William so vulnerable. So weak.

Covering his eyes, Afton ran into the bathroom and locked the door. Slipping out his clothes as best he could and turning on the shower. Trying to wash off the tears, wash off the pain. Wash away the memories until Afton could focus on something else.

But they just didn't seem to stop, flowing free as pain ripped through his black heart. William Afton was used to physical pain, emotional pain was a completely different matter. The horror and tragedy of that awful day returning to full freshness after so many years buried.

The horrible sight of his boy, his pride and joy hanging limp and bloody in the jaws of his creation on what should have been a special day. The rage-inducing sight of his oldest standing alone, having hurt Evan on his birthday of all days.

The cake was left uneaten, the arcade William was going to surprise Evan with still wrapped, the Cuddle Me Springbonnie still in the box. All things Evan never got to enjoy.

After a good long while the tears finally began to stem and Afton felt his breathing even out. Control over his emotions slowly returning. Slowly returning to its cold and calculating state. The state of a monster that didn't feel stuff like sadness or remorse. Afton preferred being a monster anyway. It meant he could kill and perform his experiments without such distractions as "morals" and "empathy".

It was better to be cold and unfeeling than to let the pain take control.

To let the hollowness inside come to the forefront.

Calmly putting everything back on, William was surprised to see Marcus sitting up on the bed. Head tilted in confusion and a look of almost, concern for the rabbit.

William didn't like that look. It meant Marcus was trying to pry into his past. A past that should stay buried and forgotten. Mistakes that should stay in the past,

"Ya have a bad dream or something big bun? Old memories replaying?" The greyhound just laughed and said, making Afton go still. "How did you know?" He asked, glaring at the hound.

"The same thing happened to me when I first fell here. they'll stop when you relive your death. Probably, mine did. When you woke me up with your moving around I was dreaming I was a pickle farmer haha!" The completely nonchalant way Marcus said that meant he was used to such things. Grinning at the rabbit demon as if expecting laughter or any kind of reaction beyond a glare.

"I have been reliving memories yes, my previous

night was a more mundane memory. My little, outburst, was caused by a particularly painful memory. Remember yesterday when I mentioned my youngest son? It was the day I lost him."

Marcus just nodded and seemed almost understanding. "You said you were married, she took the kid in the divorce~?" He said, elbowing Afton lightly in the ribs and making him snarl.

"No, my wife was, no longer among the living when it happened. I doubt she has any knowledge of what happened that day unless she is told by my son himself." Afton glared and said, looking upwards. Silently hoping wherever Evan was, he was happy. Poor kid didn't deserve to be tormented by Micheal like that.

"Did he get run over or something? Get sick? Was he one of those little cancer patients you see on TV?" The greyhound continues his questioning, each one getting Afton more and more annoyed. "Did he run away? Or get kidnapped? Did he, end himself?"

That last one knocked something loose in the rabbit demon. Who snarled and shouted at Marcus


The room was silent for a good ten seconds before a neighbor screamed "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Through the floor. After that, Marcus did something unexpected.

He hugged Afton again and attempted to rub his back. "That sucks majorly big guy. If you need to, let your feelings out again I'm here!" And just leaving William completely stunned. He stared at the greyhound in utter confusion, unsure what he was doing. While William was no stranger to attempts at empathy, this felt, different somehow. Like Marcus was honestly attempting to soothe his pain and anguish.

It made no sense to the rabbit demon. They barely knew each other, why was Marcus attempting to comfort William about something he knew barely anything about?!

"..... What….are you doing?" The rabbit asked, prying Marcus off and looking annoyed. "it's called "Sympathy" ya silly rabbit! What, nobody ever tried to help ya grieve?" "They did, but I didn't really, accept it." Afton flatly replied. The greyhound made his confused face again. It looked like he was trying to do calculations in his head to figure out the rabbit's statement.

"After what happened to Evan I threw myself into my work, trying to keep my grief at bay. I managed to suppress it for so long that I began to forget about it. Maybe that dream just stirred it to the surface, Since I no longer have what I used to keep it at bay with." That seemed to make sense to Marcus, in a way. "Seems like you buried those feelings pretty deep big bun. But burying things like that just makes them fester." He said, almost looking like the greyhound had a similar experience with such things.

But there was no way he could understand Williams's pain. The loss of someone so precious. The lengths the rabbit had gone to put him back together again. Thinking about that made Afton pause internally and ask himself:

[["Evan, when did it stop being about you? About bringing my boy back to me?"]]

Leaving the rabbit stunned and speechless, until Marcus outright waved a hand in front of his face. "You home in there big bun?" And making Afton blink and shake himself back into focus.

"Yes yes just, lost in thought. Found myself, questioning my past actions. Things got, murky near the end of my life. Lost sight of why I did what I did." The rabbit said, going towards the kitchen. Hoping making food would clear his head and let William push everything back down where it belonged.

Letting everything fall back down into the chasm where Afton could forget about it.

Reaching into the cabinets, the rabbit was momentarily confused when he didn't see pancake mix up there. Before realizing he'd let memories cloud his thinking, he shut the cabinets in annoyance. Scrambled eggs would have to suffice for a meal.

The rabbit demon worked in silence, whipping the eggs into shape and letting the sound and feel of cooking ease his tensions. Help Afton focus again, letting all the walls back up inside his mind.

The rabbit was so lost in his work, that he didn't even notice he had gone through all a dozen eggs until he went to grab more and found an empty container. A big pile of eggs on the plate on the other side of the stove.

Grabbing a second plate, and scraping half into it for Marcus as William was definitely not going to eat that many eggs. Sitting on his mattress, Afton ate in silence. Enjoying the taste of good eggs, cooked just long enough to brown on the outside a small bit.

"Eat, they'll get cold." Willam smiled at Marcus and said, the pleasant mask slipping on perfectly. Projecting ease, control, and comfort. A far cry from the crying mess Afton had been less than an hour ago. Marcus almost looked, unnerved at the sudden shift in body language and demeanor. Looking at the rabbit as if he were a completely different person!

"Since you seem to be feeling, better. Wanna discuss what happened? Talking about it fully might make you feel better. I'm not a therapist, but getting everything off your chest might help everything. Make what happened earlier, not happen again." The greyhound asked, making Afton drop his fork and keep up his smile.

If Marcus wanted to know his history so badly, he'd tell it how William wanted him to know it. All the better to make the rabbit look better with!

"I really, really hate talking about my history. I don't want anyone here wanting revenge or going after me because of it.

So I'm going to try and explain it via a story. A little fable, about a little bunny and a big mean fox." The last word was spat as if it was a curse, and to what it reminded William of it might as have been. Marcus seemed like he wanted answers; glaring and not being happy about being talked down to. But from the look on the rabbit's face, revealing all the details made him very uncomfortable. The way his eyes shifted, his voice hushed, and how he got in close.

Whatever happened, it was something incredibly painful for the rabbit to even mention.

"Alright, Marcus let me put it like this. There once was a baby rabbit who was scared of the world and always ran away and cried. He was cared for by a wise Wizard. But the wizard couldn't always protect the little rabbit, he had wizard things to do. A mean fox liked scaring and hurting the rabbit but the wizard couldn't always defend him. So one day, the wizard takes the bunny somewhere safe and told him to hide from the fox. But the rabbit did not listen, and when the fox found him the rabbit did not run but only cried, and the fox bit him so he bled and could not move, and the fox put the rabbit in the mouth of a river where he drowned. Left him there until the wizard found him and banished the fox from his forest."

The story made William smile, his history was safe and hidden. It would be up to Marcus to puzzle it out.

"I have a feeling you're not telling me everything, William. I'm not sure what you're making up or changing, but I know you're not telling me everything. But I also know you are not comfortable telling me everything yet. " The greyhound sighed and said, looking at the rabbit with a gaze more stern and serious than he'd ever seen him have. It was almost unnerving how such a happy guy could turn hard as stone like that.

"Consider yourself lucky that I trust you enough to tell you what happened in the way I did. Anyone else I would barely give a scrap to. My past is something I want to keep buried. Too many painful memories, too many mistakes. Too many lessons I learned far too late." Was the rabbit's response. The growl in his voice made it clear Marcus was pushing his luck as it was.

Though after a long breath, the rabbit curled up and just, deflated. All that pain resurfaced and the sharp and cold tone the rabbit had taken dropped like a stone. The mask slipped off once again, and Afton lost control.

Within a minute his Head was between his knees, arms around his head like a vertical fetal position. Trying to weather the storm of emotion welling up inside the demon. Only looking up when Marcus wrapped his arms around him again, providing sympathy once more. It felt, good. Something the rabbit hadn't gotten in a long, long time.

Something he hadn't deserved in a long, long time. His sins were far too great for such kindness.

The tears came back soon after, though much less of a river than the last time. This time the flow was not stopped, and they were allowed to stream down Afton's face. Letting out all that pain was like a blockage in that black pit William had for a heart that had been dislodged after so many years. Grief finally allowed to manifest and express itself properly.

"Thank you……" was the only thing the rabbit said for a long, long time.


The tears flowed for a good fifteen minutes, slowly stopping afterward. After that, William Afton felt calmer than he had in years. The smile on his face was no longer just a mask, legitimate happiness trickling into his head like the rainbow after a storm. A contended breath flowed through the demon as he finally let everything fade.

What a useful minion Marcus was being! Maybe one day he'll be more than just a minion. He could be a friend like Henry used to be. But for right now, he was a useful tool. Good for providing support in times of stress. Good for absorbing the pain inside the rabbit.

The eggs needed to be warmed up again after the duo's little comfort session. Thankfully a minute in the microwave got them steaming and delicious again, albeit a little dry. Even Marcus seemed to enjoy the eggs, smiling contently as he munched away like a good little dog. If there was one thing William Afton was good at besides engineering it was cooking after all.

"You know, there is one part of my past I'm willing to fully tell you about. I've been, I wouldn't say over it but it's been so long that the pain faded away. I had people to mourn with me during that period. So it hurts far less."

William stretched and said, enjoying the mundanity of washing dishes after the meal. He was in such a good mood, that he didn't mind spilling his guts again! The old wound he was thinking of had scared and faded away, it still hurt though. But Afton had been able to move on with his life in a way. It didn't influence his later decisions like with Evans.

"Remember when I mentioned I lost my wife Marcus? Out of all the family I lost, she is the one I feel no guilt about. I lost her so suddenly like my son, but with her, I wasn't there to witness it. It was in no way my fault, so I hold no guilt for it." The rabbit said, scrubbing the eggs from his plate. He felt like he was scrubbing the pain away.

William still remembered how mundane their conversation had been until it suddenly went silent. He had been working on ordering new supplies for Fredbears, the kids were in school and Laura was on her lunch break. A normal thing for the family.

After that day, nothing had been the same. Everything spiraled out of control after that.

Before the greyhound could even ask Afton went on."She was hit by a drunk driver while on the pay phone. She was going to stay with her sister for a few days to help support her after a really bad break up."

"Was she? Or did she just need time away from you big bun?" The greyhound attempted to joke, jabbing the bunny with his elbow lightly. but it was clear from the frown forming on the rabbit's face he didn't enjoy the joke.

"When I called the poor girl to give her the news an hour or so later, she was finishing up her third tub of rocky road and sounded like she had just finished crying." Barbara, Laura's sister, had burst into tears a minute after he broke the news. He couldn't really blame the poor girl for acting that way.

The sound of wailing had made poor Henry come running into the office thinking something was wrong! Henry had been the one William had turned to for comfort for a while. Before finding comfort in his bots.

The machines would never die on William. If they were broken he could put them back together again as many times as needed. He could rebuild them over and over, unlike people.

"But all that's in the past now. I assume my wife is up with the angels right now. She's too good for this place." Afton sighed and said, putting the dishes back into the cabinet. Nice and clean, everything where it needs to be.

Then Marcus opened his mouth and ruined the moment. "If she's up In heaven, I can be your new wife ~." And gave a total shit-eating grin. Complete with eyebrow-raising. When all it got was a look of annoyance from the rabbit, leaning on the counter as if wondering if the Greyhound was being serious.

"Come on I'm pulling your leg!" Marcus just laughed, trying to play off the awkward moment. "Don't pull too hard, or I'll kick. We rabbits have powerful legs you know. Besides, if you're the wife, you'll be the one wearing the dress at the wedding." Afton returned the grin and said, making the mutt blush. Two could play the game of teasing.

"Besides, I like to think of you less as a spouse and as the dog I never got as a child. Except bigger and more perverted." The rabbit said, knowing he was winning the game.

"I ain't that much of a perv carrot sticks. Though I do own a few of Angel Dust's best films." The greyhound laughed, sensing the playful intentions behind the rabbit's words.

A few hours later there was a knock at the door. A large, fancily dressed Komodo dragon-looking sinner was waiting for the rabbit. Holding a slip of paper with an address on it, shoving it into the rabbit demon's hands.

"Boss usually gives the newbies two weeks but something got pushed up and he needs ya. Today. Congratulations bunny, your going to SlasherCon!"
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Fazbin Omake Part 1
Fazbin Hotel Omake

The Trapp Family

"Clean up on Aisle 6" (part 1)

Cue 80s Sitcom opening with the Trapp Triplets ; Spring in the middle between Scrap and Glitchtrap with Burn Trapp sitting in his wheelchair.

Shots of the boys as children in Burns arms. Of them eating carrot cake at their third birthday party,of Burn dressed as the Easter Bunny and the boys holding Easter eggs.

Various shots of Spring Trapp when he's older than appear; his marriage photo with Ballora, of holding Funtime Foxy in the delivery room, and later Funtime Freddy and Circus Baby in different pictures. All show him with a joyful ,proud expression. But more pictures show him and Ballora drifting apart until

A picture of a sad,sour Spring in a photo of just with a banner above him that says "Just Divorced." Shows up

More pictures of his recent adventures with his siblings after being gone for so long appear. Showing him reconnecting with his siblings;

Glitch Trapp and his baking soda volcano

Scrap Trapp spray painting an abandoned subway tunnel

Burn Trapp in a hospital gown being wheeled down the hall by Scrap

Plush Trapp being found in a basket on the doorstep.

The Trapp Family logo appears in blocky green letters as the credits begin rolling.

Starring William Afton as Spring Trapp

(His sequence consists of shots of him hanging his head and holding it in his palms. Of him grabbing his younger siblings by the back of the shirt collars. Shots of him waving at Ballora across the park only to be somewhat ignored. )

William Afton as Scrap Trapp

(His sequence shows him performing "villainous" actions; having 11 items in a ten items or less lane. Popping a child with a Freddy masks balloon. Not paying for coffee at a store. )

William Afton as Glitch "Malhare "Trapp

(His sequence shows his various experiments; cackling madly as he brings Dreadbear to life. Flying purple drones around a park. Strapping rockets to Peepaws wheelchair and making him blast down a parking lot)

And William Afton as "Peepaw" Burn Trapp

(His sequence has him yell at a bunch of kids wearing Freddy,Bonnie, Chica and Foxy masks ding dong ditching him. Taking a whole handful of pills and falling asleep in the middle of a conversation with Spring.)


Clara Afton as Ballora

(Shots of her teaching ballet to several young girls and bowing to the camera.)

Funtime Foxy as himself

(Shots of him on stage,roses being tossed to him as he smiled)

Funtime Freddy and Bon Bon as themselves

(Shots of him enjoying pizza and giving an oral report in school)

Elizabeth Afton as Circus Baby

(Shots of her trying to look innocent as chaos unfolded around her. Including Funtime Freddy racing by on roller skates)

A Final ending shot of the Trapp and Afton families at the dinner table together as the show begins.

Open with Spring Trapp in his normal morning attire: a purple morning robe with S P emblazoned on the front. Sipping coffee and reading the newspaper as usual. A pair of aspirins by the coffee mug, just in case. A look on his face as if he was anticipating
something going wrong any moment from now.

Right on cue enters Scrap Trapp, flipping a coin with his left arm, the bare endoskeleton clinking against the metal as Scrap laughed,his signature evil laugh making Spring grab one of the aspirin pills and take it. His black jacket open, ripped jeans exposing his green knees.

Spring: "Gluing coins to sidewalk, again, Scrap?"

Spring just sighs and sips his coffee. Scrap hides the coin behind his back and tries to look innocent. It doesn't work.

Scrap: "Maybe. So what if I am?"

Spring: "just use gum instead of glue this time. Remember what happened last time?"

(Flashback of Foxy the Pirate attempting to pry the coin from the sidewalk with his good hand. As he pulls up ,a loud crack is heard, and the flashback ends as the fox began screaming)

Scrap: "Fiiiiine."

Scrap begins trying to make himself breakfast. Grabbing mini sausage from the freezer and pancake mix from the cabinet. The pancake mix has "Little Delilah" and a smiling little girl on the label

A loud BOOM is heard in the distance,smoking curling out of the edges of the shed. Spring pops another aspirin pill and sighs.

A minute later a soot-covered Glitch Trapp enters, putting his current lab coat in a laundry basket. Wiping off his khakis afterwards.

Spring: "trying to raise the dead, again,Mal?"

Glitch: "Not this time no. Been working on my special fireworks for the festival coming up. It's gonna knock everyone's socks off!"

The Golden rabbit grinned wide, clearly excited about his latest project. Spring on the other hand has a look like he wants to restrain his younger sibling.

Spring :"Hopefully socks are the
only thing they knock off. We don't need more complaints from the fire department. We're still dealing with the last one."

Scrap:(over the sound of sausages cooking) "I said I was sorry!"

Glitch: " I have everything is under control. What's the worst that could happen?"

A shudder runs through Spring as Glitchs catchphrase is spoken. A silent prayer gesture was made to keep fate from being insulted. Again.

As Glitch begins making more coffee,Burn Trapp wheels in. The elderly Trapp was wearing his favorite purple blanket over his legs. Attracted by the smell of cooking meat.

Burn : "you cooking again Scrap? I remember last time you cooked you nearly burned the house down!"

Scrap: "That's when I was 7 Father. I'm 38 now."

Burn: "Could have sworn it was yesterday. Might be why your so tall."

Scrap just shakes his head and begins plating the sausage while the pancakes begin cooking. Glitch begins digging in almost immediately, Spring taking one and munching it idly.

As they eat, Glitch goes to look in the fridge for more food. When he sees the fridge is almost empty. Smelling a carton of milk and making a nasty grimace.

Glitch:"looks like we need to go to the store. If that milk was any older it'd be growing fur!"

Spring:" I did just get paid yesterday so we have plenty of money. But
I have final say on what we buy this time. Last time all those yogurt cups went bad and stunk up the fridge for a week!"

Spring puts down his newspaper and finishes his coffee. Glaring at Glitch who is tearing into a stack of pancakes. Syrup dripping his lips as he gave an approximation of an innocent smile. Scrap puts his hands together and looks like he's planning mischief as the scene fades.

Scene transitions to Fazmart, the winking face of the brown bear where the camera pans down from. Scene transitions to the aisles where Spring is consulting a list. Scrap and Glitch slip away while he's distracted,going in opposite directions as Spring walks down the aisle. Burn following behind his son.

Spring: "Eggs,bread,milk, celery and you need anything specific Scrap? Scrap? Aaaand of course they're gone. Nothing can ever be easy with those two. "

Spring looks around as he speaks,face palming in exasperation. Burn just laughs and says

Burn:"They always were attracted to trouble like magnets. Always chasing after it like it was the pot at the end of the rainbow. I remember when Scrap got tangled up in the neighbor's rose bushes chasing after a local dog ! Ha! Kid was covered in scratches for weeks!"

Spring: "Father,we were five when that happened. And that was Mal, not Scrap. He nearly lost an eye from all those thorns."

Burn:"Right right. My memory isn't what It used to be Scrap."

Spring just sighs and goes to grab a loaf of white bread.

(Scene change)

Cut to Scrap wandering the store giggling evilly to himself. Looking for an opportunity to do mischief.

An opportunity that came in the form of Glamrock Freddy and Gregory walking towards the bakery section. The bear is wearing a new "Papa Bear" shirt with a big big bear holding his cub.

GR Freddy " it's almost your birthday Superstar, I think it's the perfect time to get the cake. We'll invite all your friends too if you want."

Gregory rolls his eyes. Embarrassed by his adopted father tussling his hair.

Gregory: "Yeah Mr. Fazbear."

GR Freddy "you can call me Dad Gregory. I signed the adoption paperwork months ago."

Gregory: "Sure Mr. Fazbear."

Gregory looks embarrassed to be around his adoptive father. Rolling his eyes and looking at the bread rolls.

Sensing the opportunity for mischief, Scrap slips in as the two look at cakes.

Scrap : "Freddy! Buddy! How's you and the kid doing?"

Scrap attempts to look casual and friendly. Giving a friendly wave. Gregory immediately knows he's trouble but GR Freddy gives him a chance.

GR Freddy : "Mr. Trapp. It's nice to see you. Are you trying to stay out of trouble? Be a respectable member of society?"

Scrap: "Suuuure Let's go with that."

Gregory cringes at the statement. One look telling him Scrap is up to no good.

GR Freddy: "I'm glad you decided to turn your life around and be a good citizen Scrap. I'm proud of you."

Freddy places his hand on Scraps shoulder and gives him a friendly smile. A proud father smile. Scrap looks away and decides against messing with him. For now.

Gregory rolls his eyes at the feel good moment. Communicating with his eyebrows and facial expressions to Scrap

Gregory:(gonna prank him later?)

Scrap:( you know it little man. Got a sign all ready)

Scrap slips a marker and sticky note from his pocket and writes "kick me" on it behind his back and passes it to Gregory as the two pass each other. Disguising the gesture as a high five.

Scrap : (slip it on him when he's distracted.)

Scrap let's out an evil laugh and begins looking for more victims.

Cut to Glitch Trapp looking at vitamins. Checking out ones that promote brain health and memory.

Captain Foxy is also there,behind him is Ms. Mangle. The captains signature blue navy jacket is unbuttoned, and he's holding a bag in his hook.

Ms Mangle is dressed in her white nurse's uniform, holding the captain's free arm to keep him out of trouble.

He takes one look at Glitch,who waves in a friendly gesture. But the captain,isn't so friendly. Looking at Glitch with suspicion.

Foxy: "I had a feeling one of the G men would follow me here. Probably tapped me phone call to Mangle too!"

Glitch blinks twice and looks very confused for a second. Foxy places his hook against Glitch's chin.

Foxy: " I know what your kind are planning rabbit,so ya ain't catching me off guard. Ol Captain Foxy sleeps with his good eye open! Ye spooks won't be Makin' me disappear!"

Glitch takes a moment to process everything. Then looks at Ms. Mangle who is gently attempting to pull the captain away.

Glitch: "....is he off his medicine again?"

Ms. Mangle: "we're going to get it refilled."

Glitch :
"ah. I see."

Glitch nods and raises his hands in a disarming gesture. Trying to get the fox to calm down.

Glitch: "Captain,I live right across the street. I can see you from the window. "

The words have the opposite effect. Making the fox growl and pull open his mouth and show off his teeth.

Foxy: "I know you put a tracking chip in me tooth! I found it this mornin'"

Ms. Mangle takes a deep breath and gently closes Foxys mouth. Muttering something about "the dentist won't be happy about this…"

Ms. Mangle: "Captain,honey, that was a filling. You asked for that at the dentist last week."

Foxy: "that's what they want me ta think! I know the spooks at the CIA are looking for me treasure!"

Glitch: "I mean,more money means more chemicals for my experiments hehe."

Ms. Mangle glares at him as he realizes what he said


Ms. Mangle:" Captain, remember your blood pressure. Besides you know Mr Trapp is, not the best with keeping secrets."

Glitch:"Rude. But If he wants to check out my lab and see if anything is wrong I wouldn't mind."

Glitch grins and Ms. Mangle cringes as if expecting something to happen.

Glitch:"what's the worst that could happen?"

Quick cut to Spring who is checking out bread crumbs

and suddenly shudders as if sensing the catchphrase

Ms Mangle:" I'm sure we can arrange something like that. But the captain needs his medicine,so we best be going! See you around Glitch!"

As Foxy is lead away to the pharmacy he shouts

Foxy: "I be looking out for unmarked vans!"

The sound growing quieter as he leaves

A minute after they leave, Glitch's phone rings. He picks it up and begins whispering in it as if hiding some.

Glitch: "Hey. No, I haven't told anyone yet. I'll tell them when the time is right. I want it to be PERFECT! I'm in the vitamin aisle. I'll see you soon."

After the call ends, another begins. A loud,beeping noise shredding through the dream.

The alarm clock in William Aftons apartment beeped loudly. The rabbit demon groaned as he woke up,rubbing his fuzzy head and blinking the sleep from his eyes. Wondering why the hell he was dreaming something like that.

"Alright,no more celery sticks before bed."
Fazbear Hotel Night 4
Fazbin Hotel Night 4

Future Tense(aka I'm stuck.)

(This chapter takes place in the future. A flash forward.

To August 12th)

The moment the rabbit arrived, Charlie could tell something was very wrong with them. They weren't an ordinary damned soul. But she just couldn't tell what at a glance.

It was an ordinary day at the Happy Hotel, well, as ordinary as a day in Hell could be. Charlie had been busy getting some paperwork ready when she heard the knock at the door, and from what her two assistants Razzle and Dazzle said, it was a new patron! The princess of Hell immediately raced to greet them, opening the door with a wide smile towards the new patron.

" ya doing? My name's….Dave. Dave Miller! pleased to meet ya!" Spoke the lapine sinner the pause when saying his name more than a little suspect. But aliases were common in Hell. Though calling the new sinner a rabbit would be a little inaccurate. They had rabbit-like features but they more resembled a costume than actual flesh; the joint areas, alongside the light patches on the abdomen and inner ear had obvious stitching connecting them. The mouth area was far too big to be on an actual rabbit and the teeth looked artificial. Even his voice had a digitized distortion like he was talking through a microphone. As he spoke to Charlie, the strange sinner did a little spin dance and bowed. Holding out his hand for her to shake.

"Uh, hi Mr. Miller. What brings you to the Happy Hotel?" His hand felt, solid yet not at the same time; Charlie could feel the cloth that acted as his skin yet nothing could be felt underneath it. Like his body was made of air under that strange suit.

"Well I just dropped down here, not even three hours ago by looking at the clock but I could tell at first glance someone important lives here from the way that guy in red was waltzing on in. Plus with a name like the Happy Hotel, I'm sure it's the bee's knees!" The strange rabbit demon smiled and said, giving Charlie pause. Most sinners cried in despair, cursed God, or raged at everything during their first day or so in Hell, but Dave looked happy as a clam and twice as chipper. It's odd they went straight for the Hotel, though with them being so new they probably don't realize how much it's actually looked down upon.

Digesting Dave's statement about the person Willam mentioned, she asked "Guy in red, you mean Alastor? He's my, business partner. I'll have to introduce you to him But come in, come in!" Charlie smiled and said, pulling Dave inside. She wanted to introduce him to the others, hopefully soon. The sooner he was settled in, the sooner rehabilitation could begin!

In the main sitting area Angel Dust, Husk, and Nifty were currently engaging in a rousing game of poker. The cat demon was currently attempting to teach the smaller sinner the rules, though it was clear she wasn't fully understanding all the terms.

"This specific combination is called a Dead Man's hand." Spoke with Husker, showing off his cards for Nifty. "Wouldn't every hand be a dead man's hand cuz we're in hell pussycat~?" Teased Angel, the pink spider demon poking Husker in the nose with one of his extra hands teasingly. Making Husker swat him and snarl "It's called that cuz supposedly it was the hand a famous gunslinger had when he was killed during a game." Before slamming down a pair of black aces, black eights, and a black queen on the table.

"Yeah yeah don't get ya whiskers In a twist, I'm just yanking ya chain. Though I'd be more than happy to yank more than that if you know what I mean." Angel Dust teased, looking towards Charlie holding the new patron's hand and giving a sly smirk.

"Uh Charlie, when I said we should get some bunnies to help promote the Hotel, I meant playboy bunnies, not guys in a rabbit suit. 'sides, aren't ya with Vaggie or something? Ya don't strike me as the type to have a little extra on the side." Angel said, pointing out the hand holding with a raised eyebrow. Making Charlie blush and gently but quickly pull her hand away.

"T-this is Dave, he's new to the Hotel, and Hell. So treat him right! Or I'll, I'll, I'll bust out Barney again!" Charlie threatened, making Angel and Husker hiss and recoil from her outstretched pointer finger like vampires from a crucifix. Her words came out a little fast due to a bit of lingering embarrassment from Angel's comment.

"You wouldn't dare!" The spider demon glared and said. "What's wrong with Barney?" Dave just scratched his head and said, making the two other Sinners shudder and look at him. Confusion is plain to see on the newly minted demon's face.

"Nothing really, unless ya strapped down and forced to watch it Clockwork Orange style!" Groaned Angel Dust. "8 Straight hours of singing purple dinosaurs…." Shuddered Husker.

"I just wanted them to sit down and watch an episode or two. Alastor was the one who suggested the straps and the eye clamps." Corrected Charlie, Patting Dave on the head to help calm the confused rabbit a small bit. Though the Lapine sinner still had a look of complete befuddlement.

"Moving on to something more relevant. When you said long ears over here is new to Hell, how new we talking? Few weeks, a couple of days?" Asked Angel Dust, getting up and curling an arm around Dave's shoulder. Pulling the bunny demon close to check him out and get a feel for him and his cloth skin. Seemingly wondering how he ended up looking the way he did.

"I've been here for, as of right now….two hours!" The Lapine sinner said after gazing at the clock on the wall, giving a happy smile to Angel Dust. Making the spider demon get taken aback, even Husker back at the table had wide eyes at the statement. An amused grin grew on Angel Dust's fluffy face as he looked at Dave.

"He really is fresh as a fucking daisy! Good thing he came here so soon. Valentino and some other Overlord would snap him up like a carrot stick!" Angel Dust laughed, patting Dave on the back. Leaving the poor rabbit all sorts of confused as he sat on one of the couches. Bouncing slightly on the cushion and sinking into the softness.

The mental image of Angel Dust's pimp using Dave as one of his new employees made Charlie grimace. The rabbit demon seemed so nice so far, and working for the moth demon was a fate worse than second death!

"Let's try to focus on the positives for now. Like how since our new friend is so new, we don't have to worry about anyone going after him unless he's somehow managed to make enemies so quickly." Charlie beamed, just happy to finally have another client. One that everyone and their mother didn't recognize on sight.

"So little rabbit, tell me about ya'self. But first, a few things about me just to get ya filled in. Ya can call me Angel Dust, been here since the 1940s. So if you have any questions about Down Here you come to me alright? If ya hear noises like moaning or sosomethingit's probably me. "

The confused face was back now. But Charlie thankfully was there to help out.

"Let's get to some questions for you Dave. Like your birth date in the living world, a list of major crimes, stuff like that. It helps with record keeping. Don't think of this as an interview, we'll have that later. But more just a quick little bit to establish your presence here. "

Charlie has produced a pen and notepad from thin air with a flick of her wrist. It was a miniscule flex of the power she wielded as Princess of Hell. All she needed was some minor information until she could get more from the newly minted sinner in her office.

"Alright, let's start with your birthday. When were you born Mr. Miller?"


"1950?! Ha! Maybe we should call ya Peepaw Miller old man!" "Peepaw? You're older than I am!" "Not when I croaked ya silly rabbit." The two bickered a minor bit, making Charlie tap on her notepad to get back on track.

"So Dave, what kind of, sins did you commit in life?" Charlie asked, knowing such a thing was an uncomfortable subject for many Sinners. Many claimed they were innocent and good even after committing utter atrocities for various reasons.

"Let me handle this Char-Char. Lemme guess Rabbit, ya did a fuck ton of drugs!" "Never really touched the stuff." "Ya were a sexual degenerate like yours truly." "Not really my thing." Angel thought for a moment then snapped his finger and exclaimed "Ya voted Republican!" "Not really one for politics either."

Angel let out an annoyed huff and poked the rabbit in the chest. Clearly annoyed at the rabbit's lack of vice. "Then what did ya fuckin' do? "Oh you know, minor stuff. Not going to church, being a jerk to people at times, I'm not sure why I'm down here really! Heaven must be super strict!" Dave chimed in, making Husk give his two cents. Slamming down his paw on the table and making chips and cards pop up.

"Well, I don't trust 'em. Something about the rabbit doesn't feel right to me. It reminds me of Al and I don't like it. I say we toss him back." The cat demon glares, making both Rabbit demon and Charlie gasp in shock.

"But where else do I go? I'm so new I don't even know anyone else! If I didn't come here I'd be homeless! Meaning I'd be out and alone on the streets, easy pickings for some pervert or psycho to snatch me up. All alone and defenseless, with no one to care about me. Rejected by the people I thought would care about a lost little rabbit. Scared and cold and dirty in an ally somewhere…."

Dave was making a sad face as he spoke; eyes wide and almost tear-filled, ears dropping around his head, gently gripped by his hands. The cherry on top was the bunny demon wiggling his nose as well. One could almost hear the tugging of heartstrings, all it needed was a sappy violin and the rabbit demons' attempt to milk sympathy would be complete.

It worked like a charm either way, Charlie looking like he wanted to wrap the bunny in a blanket and cuddle him like a doll. Even Angel Dust was having a hard time keeping a straight face. Especially when he flashes his big eyes at Angel "Hey Fuzzball, how can you say no to that fuzzy wittle face?"

Husk's answer was expected but still worth a glare from Charlie. "Easy, he's trouble. Something feels off about him. But if y'all insist on keeping him around, you owe me five bucks when he shows his true colors!" The cat grumbled and growled, grabbing a bottle of strong whiskey and downing half of it in a second.

Charlie: "Don't mind Husk, he's grumpy. Don't worry about him anyway, the bar is a privilege earned by cashing in these!" Charlie gleefully said, casually conjuring a sheet of rainbow, sun, and other such stickers.

"Good Soul Points! Every time you do something nice you get one. Cash them in and you can earn rewards like a drink, a special gift, etc." The Princess of Hell was smiling and bouncing with glee as the rabbit looked at the sheet, noticing a chalkboard in the lobby with Angel Dust's name above a column with a couple of stickers already on it.

"I do remember something bad happening at my job a long while ago. Back in the 1980s, I wasn't really around when It happened but the place shut down not long after." Dave said, putting his hand on his chin. "It was so long ago, I don't remember much but I do remember the name of the place. Freddy Fazbear's."

Angel Dust just raised an eyebrow at the name, but Charlie got her notepad back quickly and began writing down the name. " 'Freddy Fazbear's'? That some sorta stripper place or something?" "Angel!"

"Nah, it was a pizza joint. A place for families, mostly kids. I do know a guy who used to work at Freddy's with me. Jeremy Fitzgerald. If you can find him he might be able to give more information about what happened after I left!" The smile Dave gave was wide and nostalgic. Like he remembered Jeremy fondly.

"I doubt he remembers me though. So perhaps you'll have better luck with him! While you do that, Angel will show me my room!" Dave patted both Sinner and Princess on the shoulders. Making them like spider demons scowl in annoyance

"Do I look like a fucking bellhop to you?!" Before Charlie could answer, Nifty finally spoke up, bouncing up and down excitedly "I volunteer to help!"

The diminutive cyclops seemed to surprise Dave, taking his hand and rushing him to the elevator. "See if you can find Jeremy!" Was the last thing he could say before being pulled away. "If ya need me carrot sticks I'm in the lobby!" Added Angel Dust, yelling at the last second to be heard.

"I can try my best! I'll get Vaggie from her office and we can go together!" Another guest settling in, and things are finally looking up for the Hotel!


Ringing the buzzer on the front of the apartment building, a static-choked voice rang from the intercom. "Who's there?". "Mr. Fitzgerald, it's me Charlie. From the news a few months back. I'm here to talk to you and your time at Freddy Fazbear's!"

The line went quiet for a good minute before the voice returned "What do you wanna know? I look in the mirror every day and I'm reminded of what being there cost me." The voice grew a little more static-choked, anger clear in his voice. "What could you possibly want to know?"

"I wanna piece together what happened to the franchise through the ages. I'm here with another soul involved in the franchise, but he didn't work there for long. So I wanna get your side. If you cooperate, I'll make it worth your while." Charlie hated bribery, but this was important! Being Princess of Hell allowed access to quite a lot of resources, meaning whatever he wanted she could most likely provide.

"....Fine. But I only worked there for less than a week before the incident so I don't know much" Jeremy sighed and said, opening the door for Charlie and Vaggie. His apartment was on the second floor, So it didn't take long to find the former night guards' abode.

Once the duo was at Jeremy's apartment, it only took one knock for him to open the door, revealing a mechanical fox-looking sinner.

White plastic fur covered most of his body except for his hands and feet. The palms, soles, stomach, and inner ears, along with the plastic claws were instead dark red. His artificial eyes had red irises And small blue LEDs in the irises. The area around his right eye and forehead above it had a diagonal patch of red fur in the shape of a bite mark.

The sinner was wearing only a simple blue T-shirt and jeans as if deliberately attempting to downplay his strange appearance. The only real thing that matched his color was what looked like a pink knitted cap with his ears sticking out of holes in the top. A white fox head was next to a golden bear head with a heart in between them.

Tapping a mechanical foot, the sinner looked expectant. "Before I spill the beans about my, mind you very short time at Freddy's, I wanna know. Why are you so interested in the Fazbear tragedies all of a sudden? Thought you were focused on redeeming sinners at all that jazz. Though that music video was pretty fun to watch." Jeremy's plastic mouth flapping up and down as he spoke, his voice box's static almost reminding Charlie of Alastor.

"Another night guard just arrived at the Hotel. We want to know more so we can help them. Understand what everyone there went through so we know how to help." Vaggie poked Jeremy in the chest, the moth demon, getting a confused eyebrow raise from Jeremy In response.

"Plenty of night guards down here so I probably don't know which one you mean. The only one I know is my boyfriend and he's at work. Then again I've been trying to distance myself from the bear and band after I got here. But if you really wanna know my story I'll tell you. Not like I have a real choice. Maybe if I help ya and find redemption I'll look human again instead of being a fucking fox like the one that caused my death." Jeremy said, leading the other two into his small apartment.

It wasn't much, definitely needed Nifty to spruce up the place, but it wasn't run down by any means. The beige carpet was free of litter and clutter, in the back lay a small kitchen area with a wooden island acting as a table. The gray walls definitely needed a splash of color to give off a less depressing feel. A black door in the far east side most likely led to a bedroom, though with the door closed it was hard to tell.

"Wasn't expecting guests, so I don't have any fancy drinks. Would RS Cola's suffice?" Jeremy said, reaching into a fridge that was probably older than he was, even counting his time in hell as both sinner and demon princess sat on the creaky red couch in the center of the room. Jeremy's head turned completely one hundred eighty degrees after a few seconds, making Vaggie jump a small bit.

"That sounds lovely!" Charlie smiled and said, making the fox sinner just shrug as he grabbed two cans, his body turning around to face forward with his lower body following suit. Laying the cans on the coffee table, Jeremy went back to grab another can for himself.

Opening his can of Royal Sinner cola, Jeremy crossed his mechanical legs and began"Like I said before, I don't know much. When I landed the job, the place had been open to the public for like, two weeks? Higher ups wanted to make a "new and improved" Freddy Fazbears or something. Somewhere free of the tragedy of the old location."

What kind of ' tragedy?' " asked Vaggie. Making Jeremy sigh and explain: "Supposedly five children had gone missing at the original Freddy Fazbears; their bodies were never found despite the place supposedly being searched top to bottom. The place had closed due to a combination of scandal, and health code violations when the animatronics began emitting foul odors. Whatever happened, it probably wasn't good."

"The person who did was never caught, I assume? They've probably been down here for a while if it was that long ago. Maybe we should track them down instead of a night guard." Vaggie pointed out, before realizing ".....Since they were never caught we have no name. But going through everyone who worked at the restaurant during its tenure will take years. Most probably won't know anything as well Charlie."

"I mean during my tenure I know someone messed with the facial recognition the new animatronics had. They were supposed to be connected to a criminal database, to know if there was any kind of predator or other kind of people that hurt the kiddos. Made them wary and mistrustful of adults.

Mind you
I had a criminal record but that was from when I was younger and hung out with a group of delinquents."

Jeremy said before taking a looong sip of his cola to break the awkward silence and strange look Charlie was giving him.

"You had a criminal record? But you seem so nice! Sarcastic but nice!" She said, holding her hands together. Which just makes Jeremy smirk and wave a hand dismissively. "Did some craaaazy things when I was young. I and this group of other boys would drive around, whacking mailboxes, shoplifting, and spray painting cars and shit. But that was long ago, I did a stint In juvie, and turned my life around. Guess it wasn't enough to avoid going downstairs." He said, looking at his demonic form and sighing once again.

"Sorry, I got sidetracked. However, I still wonder why the bots attacked me instead of calling the police or something. Shit, my boss saw my record on my background check and decided they were minor enough that I wasn't a liability. He said something like 'Son, you seem like a good man. Youth is the time for making mistakes, and while you made more than your fair share, that time is long past.' Or something like that. Been awhile so it's pretty fuzzy."

"Wait, a bot attacked you? How?! The most I could see them do is give you a bad bruise unless they fell on you. Why would anyone design animatronics capable of seriously hurting people?!" Vaggie stated, shaking her can for emphasis.

"You don't know Fazbear Entertainment do ya? For most of the newer bots, the most they could do is give ya a bruise or broken limb if you're really unlucky. The older ones were pretty damaged so cuts and scrapes and electrocution from exposed wires were more likely. The one that got me was the worst of all though; Exposed endoskeleton, sharp teeth, etc,"

"They let something like that around children?" Vaggie exclaimed, about to crush the poor can in her grip. "Why?!"

"It was supposed to be a replacement for Foxy, but the kiddies kept taking, them, apart. So they decided to make it a "pull apart and put back together" attraction for some fucking reason. The manager called it Toy Foxy, but everyone else just called it the Mangle from how damaged the damn thing was. The freaking thing took one look at me when I went to check on Kids Cove and lunged like a wild animal. Everything went dark after that, then it went cold after a few minutes, then I arrived here. Moved to land in the water thinking I would be safe like in the movies. Nope Splattered like a bug on a windshield, the only reason the guy I splattered over didn't end me a second time was because he sensed I was a freshly fallen sinner. Fished me out and tossed me into the streets of Pentagram City after tossing me far too big clothes, and that's all she wrote."

Finishing his can, Jeremy's left arm detached itself from his joint cleanly, pulling off and finger walking to the fridge. Where it grabbed another can, rolled it over, and walked back in the space of a minute. "What? My limbs connect with magnets. I may dislike my demonic form but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the perks."

The fox Sinner laid back and swirled his drink a small bit and continued talking. "If you want I can go with ya and see if I recognize anyone or anyone recognizes me. Maybe bring my boyfriend later too. He had a shorter tenure than me but he was there after me. Supposedly they went back to the old bots after I was chomped on."

Charlie gently cupped one of Jeremy's plastic hands and smiled. "Jeremy, if you want, the Happy Hotel is always accepting guests! I'm sure someone like you will get into heaven in no time!"

Jeremy just smiled back. "I'll talk about it with Zeke, my boyfriend. His name is on the lease, if only because my building was blasted apart in a turf war. But if he says yes, we'll both be there."


Meanwhile back at the Happy Hotel. "Dave" was settling into his room. The one-eyed, thing they called Nifty acted as his tour guide, as if the rabbit was too stupid to explore his new domain on his own.

Thankfully he managed to convince that doll lady Charlie to go on a wild goose chase looking for Jeremy Fitzgerald, the e mullet-wearing day guard "Dave" remembered from when he worked at the "new and improved" Freddy Fazbear's. "New and Improved" his cotton-tailed ass! The place barely lasted 3 months! Good thing "Dave" had gotten at least some good research from the bots, transferring parts into the animatronic they called Toy Bonnie.

At Least Charlie was off his back for a few hours, plenty of time to better establish a fake history and get used to his new "demon" form.

But for now, he still had the cyclopean toy at his feet tugging him around the room.

"The bed is pure Gluttony Silk, the pillows stuffed with the finest fluff for a cute little bunny like you!" Nifty said, looking almost too excited about "Dave's" lapine visage. The cyclops looked like she'd been given a life-sized stuffed animal to play with!

"{Gluttony? Hell's got multiple layers it seems.}" "Dave," thought to himself, feeling up the silk sheets and admiring the craftsmanship. Perfectly smooth and light under his cloth fingers.

"In the bathroom, the bathtub is special Wrath Heat stone marble. It won't cool down so your bath will always be hot and perfect!"

"Sounds wonderful Nifty!" It definitely was up "Dave's " Alley, back when he was a living man his wife used to complain about him having the shower so hot his skin looked red and raw after a shower!

"I know Ms. Charlie didn't get it to, but how did you die Mr. Miller? You don't have any wounds on you so it's hard to tell."

Shit, she was onto him.

"Dave" decided to do the best thing he could think of; tell a not quite lie to get her off his back.

It savored the warmth of the space heater in its room. Grateful to the poor fool it had taken over for having such a wonderful piece of technology for it to use.

No, it wasn't an it

It was a He. He had been a he so long ago, back when he was flesh and blood instead of code and binary. When he was a man instead of, whatever he was now. But he had escaped death once again though.

always came back after all!

His takeover of the tester's body had left him in need of food and rest. Thankfully the tester had food in his home that was still warm enough to be tolerable. He was too hungry to care that it was,
pizza. If he wasn't so desperate for any kind of food, after decades of starvation and what felt like months of isolation and sensory deprivation he would have been sick to death of the stuff.

But food was food and he choked it down easily enough. Drinking cola from a plastic bottle near the box. Nearly choking from how fast he chugged it just to drink
something. Finishing up his first meal, he took the time to explore his new surroundings. Curious about the strange technology that allowed him to access the tester's brain and the strange red rectangle on the tester's table.

He took his time taking in all the features of the rectangle that called itself a "phone". Seeing all its little "apps"

He played with this new device for over an hour, dredging up information from his host's brain slowly. Diving down the rabbit hole of the Internet, one that had grown exponentially in decades following his death.

Yes, this would do so nicely for his return.

But his fun was cut short by the interjection of a "text message" from a girl named Briana. Asking him to come over and get ready for a movie they apparently had planned to watch together.

Having no choice but to go, it walked out towards the door. Braving the dark streets of an unfamiliar city, slipping through an alleyway behind the ttester'sduplex.

It vaguely remembered about traffic lights, and only at the last minute remembered the ones in its town were faulty. Leading to headlights glaring at it as it narrowly dodged an oncoming car.

"Phew, that was close!"

He was so distracted by a car that nearly hit him that he didn't even see the bus until it was too late. His body crumpled and died within minutes.

Everything was dark, then tight. Oh so

So he stretched. Pushing and shoving. Making whatever was containing him streeeeech until he could see light again. Allowing him to be free and stand up, and look himself over. To see that he had a body, one that looked so familiar. Bringing back memories of who he was.

He was William Afton. His new body resembled a suit he hadn't worn in so many, many years. Back before Fredbears used bots. Back when it was just him and Henry in those cloth suits, dancing and singing for the children! Oh what glorious days those were!

Oh, how weak he was back then before he had conquered the secrets of life and death! Well, when he could still
use the secrets he knew. But no matter, he would come back from this. He always did. He'd escaped from a hellish existence inside that game, he could escape wherever he was now.

It was just a matter of time.

"I was walking to a friend's and got hit by a bus."

That made the Cyclops gasp, then say something that shocked even the rabbit.

"Me too! I was so tired after working on a 12-hour shift for my boss that I didn't even notice the bus crossing the road until it was too late!"

It was an unexpected fact but nothing too out of the ordinary.

"Since you're dead now Mr. Miller, so you want to come up with your new name?" An innocent question, one that made "Dave" raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"New name?" "Yeah! Lots of demons pick new names to separate themselves from their lives! You think Ms. Angel Dust was born with that name?" Mistaking what was clearly a man for a woman made "Dave" question what the fuck was wrong with Niftys eye. But the idea of a new name was something that appealed to the rabbit demon.

"I've always had a gift for computers, and my last job was with a gaming company. I've got the perfect hellname for my new afterlife! Call me,Malhare hehehehahahaha!" Technically it wasn't a lie if you counted the body he'd stolen as his own.

"Dave", no Malhare enjoyed his new identity. One that was his own, one that fit his history. His new existence was as fresh a start as he could get, so best to make the most of it!

It would take a while for Malhare to get used to his new name. But he felt it fit better than William Afton. William was weak, falling prey to petty envy and his own stupidity. Getting killed by the Springbonnie suit and falling prey to Henry's final project. William Afton died in that fire, and Malhare was born from his remains. Even if he had to be reborn in the digital world, he always came back, didn't he?

But for now, Mal had these demons wrapped around his little finger! They had bought his "sad little bunny" act like cheap pizza slices! He almost laughed at how easy leveraging his new form for sympathy was! How easy it was to play them like fiddles with just a bit of cuteness.

"The last thing that needs doing is to wash your clothes Mr. Malhare. Just so they smell nice and clean!" Nifty smiled and said, patting the vest on Malhare's chest, which he could feel as if it was part of his skin.

"Uh Nifty, I think that parts attached to me. Meaning -" "YOUR TECHNICALLY NAKED! YOU NEED CLOTHES ASAP!" The Cyclops looked a little disturbed at the thought of the rabbit being without clothes this entire time. Rushing off to grab something for the new guest.

All the while, Mal trotted into the bathroom and did something he'd missed so dearly after so long with no ability to do so; he prepared a nice hot bath.

Stepping a toe into the almost scalding hot water, and slowly sinking in after a minute of getting used to the water, Malhare sighed in utter contentment and sank until only his head was above the surface. Never in his life had he been more relaxed than he was now. Never had he been more free.

Yes, Malhare was free. Free from his suit, free from his victim's ghosts haunting him, free of his fucking kids.

He was free to be and do whatever he wanted, and he planned on making the most of his freedom.

All people (so far) who were connected to Freddy Fazbear's pizzaria seem to be turned into animatronic like demons, is there anything more to that?
Edit: also what happened to William related to the previous chapters? Is this another William or something?
Last edited:
All people (so far) who were connected to Freddy Fazbear's pizzaria seem to be turned into animatronic like demons, is there anything more to that?
Edit: also what happened to William related to the previous chapters? Is this another William or something?
Technically yes,this is technically a flashforward chapter. Malhare is technically closer to a clone. Jeremy's boyfriend is also an animatronic demon. It fits more because of how they were killed.
Fazbear Hotel Night 5
Fazbin Hotel Night 5

Un-Conventional Matters(aka Peepaw learns he's not so infamous)

Will had utterly no clue what the person at his door was asking about. It was especially odd because he wasn't supposed to be doing a job for at least a few more days.

"What the fuck is SlasherCon?" was Williams' response to the new guy. Wondering just what the hell he was being asked to go to.

"Ever heard'a Comicon rabbit? It's like that but for psycho killers and such. Lots of big names there like Bundy, Gacy, Etc." Will just raised his eyebrow at the statement. He didn't really know what "Comicon" was either, he was never into comics and such so it never interested him.

"Ok? Why am I needed? I'm new here, I don't know any big names personally." Will said, crossing his arms and waiting for an answer. Wondering why he shouldn't just say no to this assignment.

"That's exactly why the boss wants ya. That and he wants to see what ya can do. You're new, no one will think to look for ya. Besides, you don't have a big part in this. All you gotta do is slip the enve to another guy we have there and you're good. You'll be fine."

Will still wasn't sure he should accept, but he also didn't feel like he was in a position to say no. "Fine. Just let me get dressed in proper clothing and I'll be ready. Give me about 20 minutes." Will finally relented and said. Going to find his waistcoat to be able to look at least somewhat professional.

"I'll get ready too. Meet me outside alright bunny?" Said Marcus, getting up from the bed and smiling. But the Komodo demon at the door just shook his head. "Sorry dog, the boss wanted the bunny only. You'll have to sit this one out." Which made Marcus look much more upset than Will had seen him before.

He looked saddened and anxious. Like being separated from Will was the same as losing him forever or something.

"Relax Marcus! I'll be fine! I'll be gone only for a couple of hours." William said, wondering if Marcus's, issues, with abandonment, were that bad. A couple of hours alone wouldn't kill the dog!

"I know I know…it's just, I won't be able to talk to you and see and I'll be alone and and…" Will just patted the anxious dog demon's shoulder. It wouldn't do to have his little dog attached to his Williams hip! The dog needed to be able to stand on his own a little.

"Wait….I got an idea. You get dressed and I'll go get something from my room alright!" Marcus perked up and said, making Will just shrug and get ready. The Komodo demon let him pass as Will prepared his waistcoat.

Coming back about five minutes later, Marcus was holding two strange thin plastic devices. One wrapped in a thick coating of grey material.

"I know you don't have a phone yet Will, so I'll let you borrow my personal phone for today. We'll get ya your own soon buddy. I need my work phone so I'll keep it on me." Handing the slimmer of the two devices to Will, Marcus put the thicker one in his pocket. "The password to open it is 1961."

"Uhhhh, Marcus. I don't know what this is." William said, holding up the mysterious device and looking confused at what the hell it was. He called it a phone but it was unlike any he had ever seen.

"Uh, it's a VT V9 phone? The previous year's Voxtech model. I know you're a recent arrival so I understand if you don't know them." Marcus explained, not really explaining much.

"I don't know what it is. I'm, unfamiliar with a lot of modern technology." Marcus looked puzzled by Willam's statement. Tilting his head s smidge. "Let's just say, I was, locked away during the early nineties and only managed to escape from my prison within the last few months," Will said, which seemed to satisfy the curious dog.

It wasn't technically a lie. He just neglected to mention the circumstances behind said imprisonment.

"Alright, I understand. Just let me show you how to work the phone for now ok buddy? I'll show you what to do." Marcus said, showing William how this "cellphone" worked. He focused just on the calling and texting function, as that was the only one he needed today.

Once Will felt he had the hang of this "texting" thing, Will slipped the phone into his pocket and went to leave for the convention. Letting Marcus have a nice long hug, all the better to keep him under control with. Patting him on the back as he left the apartment building.

Stepping out of the building, William entered the small jeep parked outside where the Komodo was waiting for him. The lizard slipped William the envelope and began the drive to the convention.

"Question, who needs this letter and why?" William asked after a minute. Tapping his foot on the rubbery floor as well.

"Mid-ranking member of the boss's crew. Tommy Two Blades. The only reason he didn't get it before is because of the convention. Leaving it in the mailbox would mean risking someone stealing it yeah know rabbit? Best not to let an important letter end up in the wrong hands right?" Asked the Komodo, patting Will on the back.

"I'm Quasan by the way. I'm the capo of your neighborhood. You'll get your orders from me or passed down from the boss through me. Got it rabbit?" Explained Quasan, making Will internally hope was better than some of the bosses he had while alive.

Like the one who used to run the factory, he worked for before founding Fredbears. He could still remember that bastard acting all high and mighty and lording his authority over the workers. Thankfully that bastard died of a heart attack in 1980, and good riddance too.

The two talked more during the drive, with Quasan mentioning what Tommy looked like so Will knew who to look for. Though he was unsure where Tommy might be, meaning Willi may have to look for the demon himself. But from the Komodo's demeanor, Will could tell this guy would be a decent boss.

It was about a half hour's drive to the convention center, a large community center-style building with the L in SlasherCon replaced with a knife making Will roll his eyes at the stupid logo idea.

Waving goodbye to Quasan, Will walked towards the convention center. Before being interrupted by a barking noise; the notification sound for Marcus's phone. A text from the dog demon had come in, mentioning a candy store. Marcus asked what kind of sweets William would enjoy.

Will gave a small chuckle at the text, knowing Marcus would be fine without him.

" 'Anything chocolatey.'' " Will texted back. Having not had good chocolate in years. He never really liked American chocolate, European chocolate was so much better. Thank Goodness he had cousins on the other side of the pond who sent him some every Christmas. Then again, the taste of Christmas chocolate was forever tainted for William.

He had been snacking on some when he was having the last call he ever would with Clara…

But moving on from those dark thoughts, Will entered the convention lobby. Enjoying the feeling of carpet under his paws, nice and thick too. Just the right shade of red to perfectly hide bloodstains.

Sauntering in towards the entrance to the convention area, William waltzed right up to the front desk area. Where demons were signing in for the con. "Name?" Asked the bored-looking grey lady at the front desk. Her eyes were dark black and glazed over like she was either on drugs or hadn't gotten any sleep. Her spindly fingers tapped the pen on the sticker badge.

"William Afton." "Epithet?" She asked, making Will pause. He never actually got an epithet in life. The kids he murdered were declared missing and never found. The case was cold and dead by the time of his Springlocking. He had been suspected, but he had smoothed things over by acting all shocked and horrified. Will's reputation as a local nice guy meant not one person ever suspected him! It was almost too easy to literally get away with murder.

"....hmmm, the Fazbear Killer." William said, making the grey lady slowly blink. Then just write down the name under the "I was the" section of the badge without saying a word. Slipping it off the sheet, the rabbit demon secured it over his heart.

A few seconds later though, a mysterious voice whispered from somewhere. It was hard to tell, it sounded like it was coming from everywhere at nowhere at the same time.

"No longer denying your crimes eh….?"

"Who said that?" William asked aloud, wondering if anyone would answer. But all he got was stares and scowls from the demons around him. Looking at Afton like he was crazy, and Will assumed he probably was a small bit. Shrugging his shoulders at the occurrence, William moved on toward the convention proper. Wanting to complete his mission and get this over with.

Stepping into the center was like being awash in a sea of bodies. Demons of all shapes and sizes mingling, sharing stories, and comparing murder techniques. A few even compared each other's particularly gruesome murders!

All in all, it was exactly like how William would expect a serial killer convention to be like.

Will expected at least some people here would recognize him, but so far no one here seemed to know him. He waved at people but they just scowled, ignored him, or glared. One demon that resembled a weird boxy robot even flipped him off!

That all changed when the sheep demon tapped him on the back. Turning around, William vaguely recognized that grey-wooled demon from his trip to Mammnamart.

This time, William could get a good look at the other demon, who was tapping hoof fingers together and looking up at Will with stars in his eyes. Now that he could see the sheep clearly, Will could definitely understand why a guy like him would be easy pickings.

Large round glasses, a white button-up shirt, and black suspender pants combine that with a meek demeanor and hunched posture, and you practically have a neon sign above the sheep's head shouting "BULLY ME."

"I-I-i-its you! D-d-d-didn't expect to see you h-h-here!" Spoke the sheep demon, looking at Will like he was some kind of savior figure. Holding out a hoof hand to shake, which Will reluctantly took. He didn't want to seem rude, but it was awkward to see the sheep so happy to see Will.

"Uh hi? Didn't I say not to tell anyone about what happened?" Will grumbled, hoping the sheep boy hadn't shared news of his aid. Will didn't want a reputation as a goodie goodie, something like that would render him a laughingstock!

"N-n-n-no one by y-y-you and I know sir!" stuttered the sheep, satisfying William. "m-m-my name is C-Carlton, sir. It's nice to m-meet you properly." Replied Carlton, which just made Will look at his badge to confirm it. Which leads to Seeing something, peculiar about the sheep's badge.

The epithet it said was "The Southside Slasher.". The sheep seemed pretty infamous, which didn't make sense due to his utterly dweebish demeanor.

"What's with the name? What did you trip and accidentally stab someone? Or did you just take the credit for someone else?" Will asked, making Carlton turn away and look almost embarrassed as he began talking.

"N-n-no, sir. I did k-k-k-k-kill lots of ladies, pretty ladies." Will raised an eyebrow at that statement. The sheep seemed far too timid to do something like that. But Carlton didn't stop at that, he continued his ramblings

"They k-k-k-kept making fun of me, calling me a dweeb and a loser and a freak. So I h-h-h-had to kill them ya k-k-know? They kept p-p-pushing my buttons, and I just c-c-couldn't stop myself. Like my h-h-hands just moved on their own! I J-j-j-just wanted someone to like me, sir. I-i-if they hadn't made fun of me. You understand w-w-w-why I had to do it right S-s-s-sir?" Carlton said, causing Will's opinion of him to go from "harmless dweeb" to "Dangerous psycho."

Will didn't have much room to call someone else a psycho, but Carlton was definitely a lot more unstable than Will originally assumed he was.

"You're no different than him…"

The weird voice was back, making William look around for a good few seconds. Hoping it was a prank or some kind of joke.

"Sorry about that. Yeah, I understand." Will said, after a good thirty seconds. Agreeing with the sheep just to keep him from getting angry or getting the wrong idea.

"T-t-t-thank you, sir. No one e-e-else ever u-u-u-nderstood me. I t-t-thought my boss did, but then she g-g-got all mad. No one u-u-understood w-w-why I was screaming a-a-a-and shot up the p-p-place. T-t-then the police c-c-c-came and shot me d-d-d-d-dead Sir." Finished the sheep, tapping his fingers together and making Will's desire to keep the psycho sheep pacified grow stronger.

However, after that, Carlton seemed to spy something off. "Why d-d-does your badge say 'Fazbear Killer ' " Mr. Afton?" He asked, making William smile at the seeming recognition.

"Ah, that's because I committed my killings at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza!" Will smirked and said, happy someone seemed to know of the franchise.

"What's 'Freddy Fazbear's' m-m-mr Afton?" were the words that you could almost hear take the wind out of William's sails.

"E-excuse me?" Will stammered, deflated.

"Is s-something wrong Sir?" Asked Carlton, making William try to think of the words to say.

"No, no. I was the owner and founder of the place. It was pretty popular too! I just assumed more people knew about it is all!" Will said quickly brushing off the disappointment. Giving a small that seemed to satisfy the sheep.

"B-back when I was alive, I u-used to enjoy a place c-c-c-called Roland's subs! I'm sad mm-m-more people don't k-know about it t-t-too sir!" Carlton smiled and said, giving an adorable smile. It was so cute Will almost forgot this guy was apparently a psychotic killer!


Searching the convention with Carlton was easier than William thought, having the sheep by his side acting as a guide helped him find his way around.

The sheep seemed to know his way around the center well. Guiding the rabbit demon and making sure he didn't get lost in the crowds. However, the rabbit stopped when he saw what looked like a cameraman in the distance.

Getting closer, Will saw it the man was part camera crew for "'Channel 666". Most likely doing coverage of the con for the news. The reporter they had seemed oddly unperturbed by the killers around her. Like she was used to being around places like this.

Her outfit resembled a dark blue pantsuit with small snowflakes on it. Her hair was white as snow, and her skin was light blue like she froze to death. Her icy blue eyes were dull and lifeless, almost empty. Like the reporter was dead inside. Her voice was flat and almost monotone, with the slightest hint of accent. Looking directly at the camera as they set up the report.

"Tom, I'm standing here at SlasherCon 2024. One of Hell's biggest gatherings of weirdos, perverts, psychopaths, and other murderous malefactors."

Upon her saying the current year, Will shuddered inside. ["2024?! I was trapped in that horrible suit for over thirty years…I just hope Michael at least is doing well in the modern age…"]

Focusing back on the reporter, William knew just from the sound of her voice, one thing was very clear; this lady could not give a fraction of a fuck about anything anymore.

Will weighed the options about talking to her or not. On one hand, putting himself out there might jeopardize his mission. On the other, it was a place for serial killers. It would be strange if he didn't try to blend in at least.

Oh well, as they say; when in Rome, act like the Romans! Deciding the second option, Will waved at the reporter and walked over to her. Smiling at her and wanting to do one of those street interviews he saw on the news plenty of times.

Will waited for his chance after the reporter was finished with some jackal-like demon, claiming they managed to kill 12 people before being killed by the cops.

Moving forward and flattening his shirt, Will stopped in front of the reporter, waiting for his chance to be on the air."Good morning, sir, my name is Yuki. Please, tell us about yourself and your epithet." Spoke Yuki, holding the microphone up to William.

"I'm William Afton by the way, owner and founder of Freddy Fazbear's. It would later become the place where I later committed 5 brutal murders one after the other in our back room." Spoke William, slowly recalling the sight of his victims. Those five children, those five corpses he later stuffed inside the animatronics.

First went the redhead, Fritz, Will remembered after a few seconds. The black kid in the waistcoat was next. One of the shareholders of Freddy's, Thomas Bizet's, son. It took a bit longer to remember the connection but he remembered Thomas mentioning him on the news. Next went the blonde girl, carved open in a murderous frenzy. The boy with the sweater after her, shivering and shaking against the wall until he finally snuffed his life out.

Finally, the birthday girl. Cassidy Díolatch.

Will's bloodlust was at its peak with her, he stabbed her over and over and over and over and over and OVER. So many times he lost count, just wanting the girl to DIE because of how much she struggled under him. He knew Cassidy semi-well, which probably made the betrayal sting all the more. Her mother Lana had worked for him. A good woman, and looking back she definitely didn't deserve to have her child taken from her like that. To never know what happened to her daughter…

William almost felt bad about killing Cassidy, but it was too late to apologize now. She was in heaven now, and he was in Hell. They'd never see each other again, so there was no need to apologize.

"You tell of your crimes so calmly, you don't feel even a shred of remorse so you…?"

The strange voice spoke again, this time it sounded more masculine in a way. It was still too faint to fully know who it was. But it sounded almost, familiar in a way. Like he had heard that voice before. Will was shaken out of his thoughts when he heard something that made him growl internally once again. Another person didn't know of Freddy's, it was getting annoying now.

"And do you mind telling the people watching what ' Freddy Fazbear's' is?" Yuki asked, making William give a small annoyed glare.

"Oh, it was a pizzeria and arcade place. Our gimmick was the animatronics too! Freddy, Chica, Bonnie and Foxy. The kids loved them! Those bots were my creation as well, able to walk around and interact with guests! Something that made Freddy's quite the franchise in the early 80s. Though my murders tainted the image of the place. it never was as big as it used to be back after that. The franchise struggled to remain afloat until it finally went under in the early 90s."

Well, it was dying by the time Will broke in and destroyed the bots. Breaking open their vessels and freeing the souls, who later took their revenge on him. The place was an empty shell of its former self, just like William was at that time now that he thought about it.

"Were you ever caught? It sounds like what happened was quite public, am I right to assume you were a suspect in those murders due to being the owner of the establishment?"

Will moved to hold his hands behind his back as he smiled, bouncing on his heels a bit as he spoke. Trying to get back into the right mood to talk.

"Oh, I was a suspect but never formally charged because of lack of evidence. No one even thought I would hurt anyone! It didn't help that the police department in my town were a bunch of incompetent NUMBSKULLS so they never did a thorough enough investigation.." William rolled his eyes as he remembered the idiots of the Hurricane police department searching Freddy Fazbear's top to bottom, yet never looking in the animatronics. Even after people complained about the smell. Even after literal blood was seen leaking out of the bots. Either someone had bribed them very well, or they were genuinely that bad at their jobs.

"Of course, you'd take pride in your sins…"

The voice was back, worming its way into his head, and making William wonder just how the here was talking to him!

"The bodies were never found, I hid them in the animatronics. It was a good spot at first, but it wasn't long until Freddy's was shut down due to the health code violations. Freddy's was never the same after that." Will continued, almost confused as to why no one ever thought to look inside those suits. After the place shut down, Will moved the bodies and buried them deep in the woods an hour away from town. That way no one could ever find them, and no one would ever connect him to the murders.

"It sounds like quite the story Mr Afton." Was all the reporter said, making Will wonder just how jaded this woman was to hear all this and still not give any semblances of a fuck anymore.

"You sound remarkably calm hearing about this! Guess interviewing a bunch of psychos tends to burn you out after a while." William joked, letting out a small chuckle as well.

"Mr. Afton, I lost the ability to give a shit 20 years ago." Was her response, turning towards the next killer to talk to afterward.

"Just like you stopped giving a shit about other people's lives…"

Again came the mysterious voice, a different masculine voice now. It almost sounded familiar. Like the one he heard on the tape as the fires that killed him raged…


That couldn't be right…

It was just a manifestation of guilt is all. Just a conscience bubbling up again after decades of being suppressed. Yes,it had to be that. There's no other explanation.


Will was snapped out of his thoughts once again by a pair of red-skinned demons rushing past him. They mentioned autograph signings, and for some reason, Jack The Ripper was giving them out.

"Hey Carlton, do you know where autographs are held?" Will asked, getting an idea. Hoping he could find Tommy there. "Do you think Tommy Two Blades is there?" He added, making the sheep perk up immediately.

"Y-yeah! I k-k-know him! Follow m-me!" Replied the sheep, taking Will by the hand and leading him past the sea of demons around them. Guiding him to an area filled with small stands with lines extending for at least a hundred people most of them.

And sitting in one area was just the demon Will wanted to see; Tommy Two Blades.

Tommy was just as described, almost looking like a porcupine/armadillo with a back covered with long knives. Wearing little but a pair of white shorts, probably the only thing he could wear without shredding it to pieces. Tommy was currently signing autographs and looking bored. Or rather, as Will correctly deduced pretending to be bored. The demon was actually expecting something, and Will was just the person he wanted to see.

"What do you want rabbit? An autograph?" Asked the demon, giving the signal with his pen just like his supervisor had told him;

"Everything will go nice and smoothly as long as you know what to do and say. You'll see Tommy make this gesture with his hand." Quasan had said, crossing his index finger over his middle and closing his hand.

"Then you will give the passphrase so he knows it's you. The passphrase is-."

"Hey Tommy, I think this came for you. It came to me by mistake." Will repeated, pulling the envelope out of his pocket. Slipping it onto the table like he was returning it to a friend.

"Thanks, man. I appreciate it." Spoke Tommy, giving the gesture on his opposite hand now, slipping the envelope into his shorts. Will's mission was complete, and he left Tommy. The blade demon nodded as Will left. Probably planning on putting in a good word for their Boss. All the while Will was both a bit disappointed and relieved at the ease of his mission.

After that, Will didn't want to leave the convention too soon. There were more people at the convention, and someone whose show he's been watching since day one was also signing.

A certain host of "It's Dahm Good."

The demon host looked almost like he did on the posters, though with crimson red skin and red eyes. Black claws on his hands and razor-sharp teeth.

The line for autographs was thankfully short, most likely too early for a big line. So William got behind a robust pig demon who smelled like rancid bacon. Then waiting for the porker to finish gushing about Jeffery's recipes so Will could take his turn.

"So who do I make this out to?" Asked Jeffrey, giving that toothy smile he was known for on TV. "William Afton. I got into your show a few days ago." Replied Will, smiling back.

"Glad to meet new fans, what's your thoughts on it so far?""It's horrific, I can't look away. I catch it whenever I can Mr. Dahmer." Both demons chuckled as Jeffery signed the autograph and passed it back.

"Take a big bite out of life William, Signed Jeffrey." Said the picture, making William smile and slip it into his pocket. Searching for the entrance as he prepared to end his trip to the convention.

For a serial killer convention in Hell, it was quite a fun experience! He should definitely come back next year. Stopping by the exit near the lobby, Will leaned down towards Carlton. The sheep demon had been hiding behind William as he did his mission and got his autograph. Too shy to interfere thankfully enough.

"Thank you for all your help today. If you ever want to talk, here's my number." Will said, searching his new phone for where the phone numbers were. Carlton added it to his contacts quickly enough and shook Willam's hand.

"It w-w-was nice properly m-meeting you William. H-have a good day." Stuttered the sheep demon, making William chuckle. "It was nice meeting you too Carlton, you have a good day yourself."

William happily walked out of the convention center, a spring in his step as he searched the parking lot for his little dog. Marcus said he was in area G, so that was where he went.

Passing by cars of all shapes and sizes. Ranging from relatively normal looking to what look like limos, and for some reason an armored battle cruiser-looking vehicle! Texting the puppy to ask where he was, he heard the sound of an engine roaring to life, and Will took that as his cue.

The dog demon was on the phone with someone and an important person from how he spoke, and the fact Marcus didn't unlock the door yet. "...Ciao Nona, I'll call you again soon I promise. Bye!"

After hanging up, Marcus finally unlocked the door and let William in. Tossing him a small bag that smelled of mints. Reaching in, William took a bite out of one of the chocolate squares. Enjoying the coolness of the mint, William asked " Good. So Marcus, how did your day go? I made a new friend today, I'm sure your day was eventful right?"



It was the first time Marcus had his bunny buddy leave him alone for a few hours. But it still made the hound demon uncomfortable to be alone.

He wanted so badly to go with him, to not be alone again. But Will had no choice, the Boss had made that clear.

That just left Marcus alone in his bunny's apartment, tapping his leg as anxiety began filling him. Worry and stress filled up the dog demon as he wondered if his bunny would be okay.

Marcus hated being alone, he'd been alone for too long, abandoned and ignored. At Least with Will here, there was someone to cling to and not feel the suffocating loneliness that had reemerged after Joey had been lost. The dog demon's tail wagged as he went to turn on the TV, trying to keep his mind off things and calm down.

A few minutes into walking his favorite hellish sitcom "OH HELL NO!" featuring the wacky adventures of an imp family, when a call came onto his phone that made Marcus immediately tense up and become eager to get moving.

It was Cousin Tony, and from his work phone too! It must be important!

"Yo Marcus! We got a job for ya! Real important one too." spoke the dry, husky voice of his beloved cousin. "Yeah, Tony? I'm here I'm here!" Marcus quickly responded, excitement replacing his stress.

The familia had a job for him! An important job! They never had important jobs for him, even back when he was alive!

"We're gonna set up a hit, and you're gonna be our middle man. I'll give ya the address to the people we're gonna have do the job and we have got a check all prepped and ready for them. Meet me at Satyr Sweets in Little Rings, I'll pass ya the envelope with the details." Marcus nodded vigorously at his cousin's words. His tail wagging harder than ever as he nearly squealed in excitement at this important job!

The dog demon's smile was so wide it looked, and slightly was, painful. "Gotchagotcha! I'm already halfway there!" He replied, Tony hanging up a second after.

Getting ready took about ten minutes, getting his best clothes on to meet his cousin. Once that was done, Marcus hopped into his car and basically raced towards the shop. Using his phone to guide him to the shop. He was all distracted with excitement that he may have ran a possum demon over, but oh well, this was important! After a half-hour drive, Marcus was out of the main Sinner areas of PC and into the Little Rings in between the points. The shop was between the bottom and southeast ring, bordering Imp City.

Satyr Sweets was seemingly a local place in the Rings. Its logo, depicting a sugary white goat demon with candy cane horns, was cute and welcoming. Marcus planned on buying some peanut butter fudge there because of the sale they had in the window. Taking a second to ask Will if he wanted anything from the store while he was there.

But Marcus was going to do that as he left, for now, he scanned for his cousin. Finding Tony munching on a bag of biscotti by the side of the building.

The red and brown St. Bernard demon looked almost bored as he munched away. His jowls flapped with each bite of the sweets, crumbs getting on his paws as well. He had a small bit of drool on his dark grey suit, which just slipped down onto the floor and into a tiny puddle. The Gluttony Silk the suit was probably hand woven from was probably treated to repel stains of all kinds, which helped it stay clean despite Tony's, less-than-polite eating habits. It wouldn't be kind to say his cousin was fat, but the coat of his suit could probably hold multiple Marcus's with room to spare and his jiggling belly would make Santa Claus look skinny.

Tony wiped his lips of crumbs as he spotted Marcus, a hint of annoyance flashing across his features for half a second before moving towards joy. Arms wide as Marcus approached his beloved cousin.

"Buongiorno Tony!" Marcus spoke, hugging the stout and hefty dog demon. Back patted by paws bigger than catcher's mitts.

"Buongiorno Marco. You're a lucky guy, not many people would be picked for a mission like this. It's of utmost importance you only show what's in this envelope to the hitmen." Tony grumbled, pulling out a small black envelope from his breast pocket and handing it to Marcus. Looking around to make sure no one was looking, making sure this remained secret. The greyhound held the envelope reverently like it was a gift from the gods. "Why me? What about Frankie? He's usually the middleman." Marcus asked, slipping the envelope into his jacket pocket. The slippery eel demon was an excellent courier if a bit of a bootlicker.

"Because you're, discreet. You fly under the radar, and we don't want anyone known to get hurt because someone was watching. Besides, we trust you'll do well on this Marco. I know ya will." Was Tony's answer, patting Marcus's shoulder. Making the greyhound demon shake a small bit from the praise. Marcus gave his cousin a salute, and….headed into the shop. There were sweets to buy! Plus it made their circumstances less suspicious looking.

Grabbing a large bag of fudge for himself, and some mint chocolate squares for Will. The bunny's text just said "Anything chocolatey" so Marcus went with his gut. Paying for the candy, Marcus headed back to his car and headed towards the address listed on the envelope in red text. It was supposed to be delivered to a place called the "Immediate Murder Professionals''. I.M.P for short.

Thankfully it was only a ten-minute drive from the shop, Marcus parked his car in the official parking lot, which thankfully had one space remaining. Why an office building lot had a boat and a TANK in its parking lot, Marcus would never know.

The I.M.P office was on the fourth floor from the signs in the lobby, which made things easier for the dog demon. Happily walking into the door, Marcus waved at the hellhound at the desk.

The white-furred girl was obliviously texting on her phone. Paws propped up on the table, not even looking up as Marcus knocked on the desk to get her attention. Gently at first, trying not to be a bother.

Then louder when she didn't respond. A little more forceful after that failed to work. Before the hellhound just rolled her eyes and shouted toward the office to the right.

"BLITZ! WE GOT A CLIENT. GET YOUR ASS IN GEAR!" And went back to her phone. Texting more angrily as she waited for this "Blitz" person. Who emerged thirty seconds later by kicking the door open and shouting "I'M FUCKING BUSY! CAN'T IT WAIT?!" "Blitz" yelled back.

The annoyed-looking imp had impressive-looking horns and an even more impressive fashion sense with his black coat and buttons and red skull charm around his neck. The area around his right eye had a large patch of white like clown makeup and there was a black heart-shaped skull symbol on his forehead. His tail lashing and whipping in annoyance at being interrupted.

"Uh, Mr. Blitz? It's pretty important so I don't think so. All the details are in this envelope." Marcus scratched the back of his head and said, pulling it out and laying it on the desk. Marcus gave his best friendly smile as he slipped the envelope towards Blitz. Though the imp didn't seem amused at this though.

"I don't know why a hellhound is asking for my company's services, or if you're doing this for your master, or why they want them dead. But what I do know is that you should keep your filthy paws off my Loonie!" He snapped a finger forward and poked Marcus in the chest, leaving the dog demon tilting his head in confusion.

The receptionist lady, seemingly the "Loonie" In question, looked Marcus up and down for a second and went back to her texting with a "He's not my type."

"Besides, I'm not really interested in your daughter sir." Marcus shrugged, which only made the imp look more annoyed. "What is my daughter not good enough for ya? Does your master decide who ya get to date or something? Or maybe ya just think my Loona is ugly huh?"

"Uhhhh…I'm a Sinner Demon sir. Not a Hellhound." Marcus let out a small chuckle and said, eyes closed, almost feeling the imps glare of annoyance. "Besides,it's not that I don't like her,I'm just not into girls. Sorry."

"You sure ya ain't a Hellhound? Cuz I can smell that 'Eazy Beezy' shit from a mile away mutt." spoke the imp, and Marcus returned a glare of his own, picking the imp up by his collar with both hands and growling in his face.

"What did you call me?" Marcus growled, pulling the imp close to his face and looking him dead in the eye.

That word set Marcus off like nothing else. A reminder of his status in life, of being the black sheep of the familia. Treated like a mistake by almost everyone but a select few….

"What's gotten your panties in a twist?! Christ fucking stick,what don't like being reminded of being a dog? Or maybe you just don't like being accused of using hellhound shampoo?" Blitz asked, looking like he was reaching for a gun in his pocket. Marcus closed his eyes and let the imp down slowly.

"Just don't use the M word and we'll be fine. Sorry sorry,I just don't like that word being used against me alright?" Marcus deflated and said,brushing his coat off a small bit.

"What's in this envelope better be fucking worth all the fuckingSATANS BALLSACK THAT'S A LOT OF FUCKING ZEROS!" yelled the imp, eyes wide as dinner plates as he say the check.

"You'll be paid upfront as normal, but if you don't do the job my familia will be pretty upset. Nona especially doesn't like it when people try to cheat her haha!" Marcus spoke, Blitz ignoring him as he read the details of the hit under the check. Reading it over, Blitz yelled at the meeting area deeper in the office.

"M AND M GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR WE GOT A JOB AND IT'S A BIG ASS ONE!" The imp shouted into a megaphone. Bouncing on his hooves in excitement, tail swishing and shaking, smile wide and eager.

"Do you have to yell sir?" Spoke a more high-pitched voice, which seemingly belonged to one of the other two imps emerging from the room. One was a white-haired male imp in a similar coat to his boss, who was rubbing his temples in annoyance, and a black-haired female imp with a small shirt and ragged ripped black pants.

"You know I have a headache, sir? Yet you insist on yelling so everyone can hear you." Spoke the male imp, while the other whispered to Marcus "Moxie had a bit too much to drink last night, he's still a little hung over." When he looked at the imp. Blitz just waved a hand and passed the information over to them.

"Like I said Mox, this is a big job. Maybe we can pay for surgery to fix your baby dick. Help ya finally go through puberty!" Laughed Blitz, eliciting an annoyed glare from Moxie.

"I'll have you know, Sir, that Millie and I are quite happy with how I am at the moment. Besides, this money is from the Tiberianos. They're a crime family, Sir, we do this and we may make more enemies than allies." Spoke Moxie, pointing to Marcus's family name on the document. The familias wolf head signature on the bottom to act as an official seal.

"Specifically, it says it's on behalf of Lady Bellanona. Who knows what enemies we'll make doing a job for an Overlord like her?" Asked Moxie, making Marcus smile at the mention of the name. That reminded Marcus, that he needed to call his Nona and check in with her.

"Moxxie, Moxxie, if we do a job for an Overlord, imagine the boost to our reputation! We'll have so many fuckers coming to us for revenge we could probably retire within a year!" Exclaimed Blitz, poking Moxie in the chest.

"Think about it Mox, think of all the weapons we can buy with all that money!" Spoke the black-haired imp, most likely Mille. "Imagine the fun we can have! Besides, the one we're supposed to kill is old as the hills anyway! If we wait, someone else might take him out first!" She added, placing a hand on Moxie's shoulder.

"Yeah, Mox listen to your wife. Cuz after today, we'll be rolling in dough!" Fist-pumped Blitz, excited at the prospect of enormous amounts of money coming his way.

"Here's my cousin's number, he passed this to me to pass to you. Let him know when you're contract is complete alright? Y'all have a good rest of your day! I'm going to go wait to pick up my friend from SlasherCon."

"SlasherCons today?! Moxie, we have ta go! I've always wanted to go to SlasherCon! My sister Sally Mae went last year and she had a great time! Got an autograph from Jack The Ripper and everything!" Mille had stars in her eyes as she spoke, grabbing Moxxie by the arm, only to be grabbed by the collar when she tried to run off with him.

"UPUPUPUP! Contract first, then con. You can do whatever you like once the rich fuckers brains are painting the fucking walls." Retorted Blitz. Leaving Marcus to shake his head and walk away. The imps antics feeling right at home on "OH HELL NO!" To the greyhound demon. The last thing he heard as he left the office was something that sounded oddly mystical.


"And then I got something to eat and I came to get you!" Marcus spoke, wagging his tail in happiness. His bunny had returned, and a hug was given. You could almost see the hearts floating off Marcus as he hugged Will's shoulder, he missed the feeling of his bunny buddy's fur.

It may have been only a few hours since he last felt it but the feeling of his bunny's fur under Marcus's palms was something he missed dearly. It was a comfort having Will under him like he would never leave Marcus.

"Marcus, it's been three hours since we last saw each other. You're acting like we've been apart for weeks." Will said, after around a minute of Marcus's cuddling. Causing the dog to slowly pull off and look a little embarrassed. "....I just missed ya a ton bunny." He admitted, moving to face forward and start the drive home.

"I hope ya had a fun trip bun bun! Can't wait to hear all about it!" Marcus exclaimed, driving slowly so his bunny would have plenty of time to talk. From the autograph he had in hand, it seemed like quite the event!

"It definitely was, Mutt it definitely was," William said, nearly making Marcus slam on the brakes at hearing that. Turning his head slowly towards William, Marcus asked a very simple question.

"What did you say, bunny?"

" What? Would you prefer 'Puppy Dog'? You give affectionate names, turnabout is fair play after all. Besides, you are a dog demon. So I thought it was fitting. What, is something wrong?" Asked the rabbit, looking quite confused. Ignorance is plain to see on his face.

Will wasn't using it as an insult, it was a pet name.

Marcus, didn't know how to feel about that…

"No one has ever called me that endearingly. All my life and afterlife it's been an insult." Marcus sighed and said. "I'm sorry I snapped, it was a reflex." Marcus deflated a small bit, anger leaking out slowly as he focused on the road. A small bit of traffic is a good distraction.

"You said, all your life. What did you have a bad case of fur all over you? Did you have that werewolf disease or something?" William chuckled and said, popping another chocolate square into his mouth. He definitely seemed to enjoy them from the happy noises he was making while chewing. A purchase well made in Marcus's mind.

"Nah I was, half and half. Mixed. People used to use that term to make fun of me for that. Saying I was a mutt that should have been drowned at birth. The few people who didn't seem to care about it were my parents, Tony and my Nona. Like I said sorry about snapping, that word just brings up bad memories. But using it like that, it doesn't hurt. I don't mind you using it buddy, I give ya permission." Marcus said, patting Will's shoulder before the jam moved forward a small bit allowing them more room to drive.

"....Marcus, you being colored isn't something I care about. I'm not my mother. Besides, my favorite employee back when I was still alive was African American so imsl stuff like that doesn't matter to me." Will said, seeming more confused by everything than angry.

After a good couple of minutes, Marcus was able to relax and go on autopilot, driving along contently while his bunny enjoyed the ride. He almost didn't notice the shape at the edges of his vision until it became clear enough. Someone was standing in the middle of the crosswalk, someone that looked…. familiar. One with a mouthful of grinning teeth, and red and black hair. One with a staff…. with a microphone on the end.

All in all, he looked very much like the…Radio Demon. Once Marcus could see the demon clearly enough he SLAMMED on the brakes so hard poor Will tossed his bag of chocolate squares onto the floor and nearly got choked by the seat belt. Tires screeched as he came to a stop ten feet in front of Alastor, breathing heavily as Will recovered from his whiplash.

"Sweet Satan Marcus, warn me next time you do that!" Complained William, taking deep breaths after the sudden stop. Looking even more at the dog demon's sudden stop. "Sorry buddy, but I just saw someone I REALLY do not want to upset. You'd don't know him yet, but that guy, you do not want to piss off." Marcus explained, Trying to point to the Radio Demon, only to find him missing.

Slooowly adjusting his rearview mirror, he almost didn't see Alastor sitting in his backseat. Grinning as usual and giving a wave.

The sight caused Marcus to do the natural thing when confronted with the Radio Demon.

He screamed at the top of his lungs.


Marcus's muzzle was clamped shut after a few seconds of screaming, leaving him whimpering in fear. William glared at him in further annoyance at the sudden screaming. "Marcus, that was my eardrums you just burst. Please don't scream like that again."

"S-sorry buddy. It's just, he's behind us…" Marcus whimpered after Will released his mouth. Shakily pointing towards Alastor. "I do have a name, little canine. But I will thank you for stopping. At Least some people have the courtesy to allow others to pass." Spoke the Radio Demon, leaving Marcus shaking in fear. Not knowing what he had planned, or what he thought of the duo.

"Y-your very welcome Mr. Alastor sir… I'm just taking my f-friend here home. We're s-sorry to bother you." Marcus stammered, going as close to pale as he could. Shaking like a leaf and ready to book it as soon as possible. He'd grab Will and take him, but the dog demon was ready to run for his afterlife at the slightest hint of danger.

"I'm not sure why the mutt here is so nervous. I've seen twigs with more muscle mass than this guy." Will said, making Marcus fumble for his keys. Alastor on the other hand just tilted his head.

"Uh, Will. I wouldn't do that…" Marcus whispered to him, which Will just ignored a small bit. "I'm serious. I built things with thicker limbs. I think i could probably toss this guy like a salad Marcus." Will continued, causing Alastor to step out of the car. The Radio Demon left the door open, meaning he was planning something. Marcus closed his eyes at the impending slaughter, hoping Will would regenerate quickly.

"Sorrysorrysorrrysorry Mr. Alastor Sir! My friend is new and he hasn't heard of you so please don't hurt him too much please!" Begged Marcus, which made Will raise an eyebrow. Still ignorant of how he was playing with fire by messing with Alastor.

The Radio Demon seemingly heard his begging and held back. Only grabbing William by the arm with one of his signature shadow tentacles and flinging him into a nearby wall with a sound like a whip cracking! Causing the rabbit to end up in a pile of rubble and covered in brick dust. Looking bruised but thankfully otherwise unharmed.

Marcus raced out once he processed what happened. Racing past the Radio Demon as he waltzed past. "Apologies about your friend. Newly fallen souls tend to overestimate themselves. A good slap-down is needed to show them their place. Have a good rest of your day little canine!" Laughed the Radio Demon as he left, the small group of demons around Marcus's car dispersing like his very presence repelled them.

Digging Will out of the rubble was easy, he didn't have much on him. Though the rabbit demon was definitely limp and woozy. Like a green ragdoll under Marcus's arms. Head lolling to the side and eyes unfocused.

"Chica you silly chicken stop flying around my head…." Will muttered, confusing the hell out of Marcus. But that wasn't an issue, he just wanted to check how bad the brain damage would be. Marcus wasn't a doctor, but he knew one trick when it came to stuff like this;

"Bunny! How many fingers am I holding up?" Marcus said, holding up 2 on one hand and 3 on the other. Demons healed fast, so Williams's injury wasn't a huge issue. But it was better to be safe than sorry.

"... Twenty-seven..?" was Will's mumbled reply."....Close enough."

Thankfully his bunny buddy recovered quickly. Shaking off his concussion about half an hour later, and returning to his normal self. The grumpy bunny buddy Marcus knew and may have begun to love.

Though Will was complaining of mild headaches for the rest of the day, a bit of Marcus's family recipe for eggplant seemingly cleared it right up. Oh, the look on Willam's face when he ate was priceless, and one Marcus would cherish. Though Will nearly choked laughing as he watched "OH HELL NO!" with Marcus nearly ruined the fun.

After dinner, Marcus went back to his own apartment, cuddling up to the pillow on his back to have something to hold. Pretending it was his bunny, and nuzzling up to it. It was hard being alone for Marcus, at least Will was within walking distance if he needed to see him! Laying his head against the pillow, Marcus smiled and closed his eyes. Enjoying the warmth, and imagining Will hugging him back. Keeping him safe.

Never letting go and never leaving him. Dog and bunny, together forever. They would face the end of eternity, but Marcus refused to lose another friend.

He would rather face second death than experience that again.


William thought he was prepared for his dreams tonight.

He wasn't.

William had all sorts of dreams before, but he'd never dreamt of an office like this. Large black and white tiles, a large desk he was situated at, and two large doors on either side. An odd amount of vents were around the office too, leaving the place dangerously vulnerable. There were strange items around the place as well; a weird clown mask, what looked like chicas cupcake. One of the stupid mannequins from Fazbear's Fright and what looked like children's drawings on the wall. A heater was nearby as well, which Will hoped he wouldn't need to use.

All in all, it was quite an odd place.

Will tried to get up and investigate them closer, but his body seemed glued to the chair. Trying to move the chair was pointless as well, as it seemed bolted to the floor, rendering the rabbit completely immobile.

{"This is, odd. Reminds me of back in '87 when I worked as a day guard.} William thought to himself, remembering when he would use the security office and check on the cameras occasionally. His fellow guard insisted on checking on things in person, something "hating being stuck in that office." Or something like that. Real shame what happened to the poor guy, cut Will's research on the new bots short too!

Will was rusty when it came to this stuff but when he began flipping through the cameras it all came back. At least, vague muscle memory and knowledge of how to work cameras.

Though he didn't remember anything about a duct system.

Or the weird new Freddy bot that was standing in the front of his vision. That one he recognized from Henry's last endeavor, which goodness hell wasn't even two weeks ago! Will overheard something about them before he went to attack the weird Purple Man in his office. Why he thought attacking him was a good idea William couldn't remember anymore. Most likely it seemed like a good idea at the time but his time in the suit was over. His mind was clear and coherent again, the madness of being in that
prison felt like a thing of the past.

William remembered a mention of something like a Rockband Freddy, no it was Rockstar Freddy. Which was weird because the brown bear was the farthest thing from a rockstar could imagine. What with the red cheeks and purple bowtie and huge star on his chest and the way he was just slumped over. It looked like the kind of thing you'd find in a children's cartoon!

Especially when it began to speak in that annoyingly cheerful voice saying

"Please deposit five coins."

"What?" Was Willam's response. It didn't seem to hear William so it just repeated

"Please deposit five coins."

"I beg your pardon?" Now it was starting to get confusing.

"Please deposit five coins."

"I don't have any, I'm sorry."Now it was starting to get irritating.

"Please deposit five coins."

"Whatever you're asking for I don't have!" Will grumbled as he checked the cameras idly. Enjoying the silence as he searched the strange compound he was in. Before Rockstar Freddy opened its trap again demanding money.

"Please deposit five coins."

"I said I don't have any money!" Will would punch that stupid thing if he could get up. So he did the next best thing and flipped a V sign at him, and a middle finger for good measure. The plastic bastard responded the only way it seemed to know how.

"Please deposit five coins."

"I. Don't. Have. Any. Money." William was now
very annoyed with Rockstar Freddy. Glaring at him and deciding to ignore his begging and focus on the cameras and vents. Trying to find anything that might give a clue to the rabbit where he was and how to escape.

"Please deposit five coins."

The plastic nuisance begged, sounding more annoyed and irritated now. But Will just ignored it. Focusing on the cameras, and winding up the music box that appeared on one of the cameras. Vaguely that a similar thing was used back to keep the Puppet under control according to his fellow day guard back in the 80s. But the puppet was nowhere to be seen, which just made Will wonder what it was for.

"Please deposit five coins."

Looking down at the corner, Will noticed a percentage bar that had gone down 2% since he'd been in this strange place. Hopefully, he managed to retain power for as long as possible, and, knowing what would happen if it ran out probably wouldn't be very good.

"Please deposit five coins."

Will just flipped off the stupid thing again when it continued to ask for money he didn't have. However, it began becoming worrisome when the stupid thing began glitching out. Shaking like it was malfunctioning, and repeating


lunging at Will, grabbing his neck and shaking him incredibly hard till the rabbit could feel his mechanical spine snap. But instead of his vision fading to black, he could still feel and see everything for a few seconds before everything went black. When he opened his eyes again, he was whole and undamaged. A number on the top corner of the monitor now reads 2.

("Guess I have 2 more chances to do, whatever I'm supposed to do.) William thought, looking up, and seeing the killer bot was back. Seeing him again caused a chill to run up his spine, and made him realize how cold the office was. Maybe a little more heat would make things more comfortable for the rabbit if he had to spend all his time here now.

"Please deposit five coins."

Repeated the murder bot, only to start shaking and twitching after a few moments. Muttering "You aRe AttEmPtingG to tRick FreddY!" In an almost cuckoo clock-like voice. Making William wonder what the hell was wrong with the thing if a little heat made it start breaking down!

("Whoever made this thing is either really incompetent or made it run really hot already".) He thought to himself, watching the bot shudder and shake. "YoU aRe AttEmPtingG to tRick…." It malfunctioned, before stopping and going back to normal.

"Thank you for depositing five coins." Rockstar Freddy said, despite not a single coin being given. Will thanked his lucky stars he managed to stumble upon that little cheat so quickly.

But it was quickly becoming apparent that the heater worked a bit
too well because the damn office was becoming unbearably hot within a couple of minutes! Will was sweating and wiping his brow quickly, grabbing at the soda at the desk, and grimacing as he found it empty.

Shutting the thing off, Will began checking on the cameras again. Hoping he could find whatever was most likely lurking in there because the cameras had footage in there.

And lo and behold, things were crawling inside the vent. What looked like a weird frog animatronic, and was that a fucking

A purple hippo to be exact. One with a little tophat and flower on his chest. He would have looked adorable and fitting at one of Freddy's locations if the bot wasn't trying to kill him for some reason.

Both were coming in different vents, slowly but surely crawling towards William. Quickly looking around the office, William looked for a way to shut the vents or drive them away.

"Please deposit five coins." Came the voice of the bane of Will's existence. Quickly turning on the heater, Will waited for Freddy to malfunction again. Before turning it back off quickly, not wanting to overheat. Cycling between off and on just long enough to conserve power.

But it was becoming clear, this wouldn't be an easy task. After at least 5 minutes of checking the cameras, for some unknown reason,
ads began popping up. Loud ads too. The ads were for a place called "El Chips Fiesta Buffet."

Obviously a place that was trying to cash in on Freddy Fazbear's popularity and gimmick. Will rolled his eyes as he pressed the red X on the corner of the ad.

("El chips? More like El Ripoff! Besides it should be Señior
Chips.") Will thought, slightly angry at the bad Spanish and shameless lack of accuracy from the ad. ("If you're going to a Mexican restaurant with a mascot, at least make it something that actually lives in Mexico.")

Shaking his head, William moved the camera feed to see the vent screen once again and saw that the Hippo had managed to get closer while he was distracted.

("Dammit I lost sight of him.") William thought, turning back the heater when Freddy started begging for money
again. Will hoped he could find something quick, and facepalmed when he looked to the side and saw the words "Audio Lure" in the corner.

Deciding to test it, William pressed it on a nearby vent and was delighted to see the frog crawl away. But before he could use it, the damn hippo was already in the room. Hanging upside down in the left tube in his office. Holding his hands up, Will attempted to defend himself, but when the hippo attacked, he lunged at Willam.

Crushing his arms and slamming the chair backwards and crushing Will's chest. Making it harder and harder to breathe, until he could feel ribs cracking under the bot's weight. Pressing down harder and harder, Will could feel his life slipping away once again, expecting to try this test again. But unlike Freddy, Will didn't just pop back up in his chair.

He was forced to sit and lay there with the hippo and began talking. Saying "My friend, you have met a terrible, terrible demise. But, uh, you know, I-I don't feel too bad about it. After all, if- if it weren't from me, it would have just been from someone else, ya know?" and sounding like an old man at a retirement home. Will had to admit the killer hippo had a point. But where it didn't, was when it kept talking.

Talking about an incident with some elephant named "Orville". Going on and
on about meaningless details and having William mentally begging for the hippo to get to the end already.

"So I-I said to Orville…" continued the killer bot and Dear God it was like listening to his Granpa Benjamin ramble on and on about the Great War!

This bot just never shut up, though after what felt like an eternity, but was probably just a few minutes, the hippo finally stopped rambling and William was allowed to take his third and most likely final chance at this strange assignment.

This time Will
would not fail.

This time Will used every item he knew worked. T

The heater to keep the bots at bay, the camera and the audio lure to keep them far away from the office. The music box was wound occasionally, but Will wasn't sure why he needed it. So it was not as important to him. However, it seems new challengers have joined this little game.

He spotted more of those Rockstar bots during the night. The Bonnie model was missing his guitar and looked at Will as if he wanted the rabbit to find it. One tap on the camera in the arcade where it was and the bunny had it back and left.

This and a few other challenges plagued William for at least two hours. He got blocked by what looked like a bunch of literal scrap and junk blocked his view a couple of times. The sheer cheapness and lack of quality in those bots were downright

More of the odd bots appeared beside the frog as well. An orange elephant, most likely the "Orville" the Hippo mentioned. Alongside…a blatant rip-off of Freddy. One with a tie and a more human-looking face.

Will wasn't sure whether to be more insulted by the trash bots or this ripoff of his creation!

After looking at the clock and seeing about two hours had passed, William breathed a sigh of relief, confident he could stay alive and endure whatever was happening to him easily.

When he saw the black bear, a chill ran up his spine. It looked almost like that Rockstar Freddy William was keeping pacified, but it was black instead of brown. Its right eye was missing, and the left one drooped, like it was broken or decaying.

But his reaction turned to fear when the bear
looked at him. Turning its one working eye on him. Then it spoke and William began to panic.

"Shhhh...I'm so glad that I found you, let me make room for you." holding a finger to its mouth. Which just made the rabbit shudder and switch camera views. Hoping it wouldn't come after him.

But he could see it moving just before he turned away, which just made his fear grow as he kept going back to the closet that held the bear.

Keeping an eye on it was mentally taxing, leaving him almost too scared to deal with the other bots. Almost too scared to keep them at bay.

Will's breathing became more steady as he saw that a half hour had passed. His panic slowly fell as he kept an eye on the bot, and made sure the others were dealt with.

But that panic grew back when he looked away and saw it
move towards the door. Doing it's shushing gesture and saying

"Shhhh...I've been looking for you and now I will never let you go." and making William gulp in fear.

"THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" he yelled at the camera, thankfully the bot didn't hear him. Sticking its head out the door, and walking towards his office.

"NONONONONO!" Will shouted, scrambling for something to keep the bot at bay, and grimacing when he noticed the battery power was at 45%. Not enough to last the night.

He could hear the bear's footsteps, echoing the halls. The other bots seemingly backed off in fear, or anticipation. Letting the black bear have its fun without interference. Allowing the head predator access to its prey.

When it arrived at the entrance to the office, Will was freaking out, trying to get out of his chair and
run like hell. But he was stuck like a rat in a trap, uselessly kicking the ground to try and move.

"Shh, Come spend eternity. Inside... with me." Spoke the black bear, before it struck

It went slower than the others, taking its time walking towards the defenseless rabbit. Heavy steps echoed throughout the office, glaring at Will with unyielding
HATE in its working eye for some reason.

One last time Will attempted to defend himself, holding his arms in a crossed X formation. Trying to keep his body safe from whatever the bear had planned for him. Though the bear just did its best to smile, getting right up William and around the desk. Standing just inches away from his face and grabbing William's neck and
screaming in his face! Jaw chomping as it strangled William with its mechanical hands. The last thing Will saw before everything went dark was the bear's face and its mechanical screaming in his ears.


" William screamed as he awoke from that weird nightmare. Planning on worrying about his annoyed neighbors later.

Looking around his apartment, patting himself for injuries, and finding none. Breathing heavily and shakily, almost thinking about thanking God or maybe Satan he was safe. He was in Hell but at least he was outside that horrible office. After a minute William got up to get something to drink, something to calm his nerves and forget that nightmare. However, by the time he managed to stand on shaking knees, he heard a familiar voice outside his door knocking quickly.

"Bunny, I heard you screaming! What happened?!" Came the voice of Will's little puppy dog. Sounding all worried for his master like a good dog.

"Come in Marcus." Will dismissed, waving his hand and rolling his eyes. Quickly confronted by the dog demon,aaaaand The Mutt hadn't even put on pants. Will did not want to see his black and blue boxers so soon after waking up from a nightmare.

"You ok man?" Marcus asked, patting Will's shoulder. "I'm fine Marcus. Just a nightmare. Different from any I've had before. "

Marcus did that tilting head thing dogs did. "It's nothing, I'll probably be fine once I go back to sleep." William dismissed, not wanting the mutt to know about his past misdeeds yet.

"Alright, but I'll stay with ya again tonight. Just in case it happens again alright bud?" Marcus asked, making William snort but ultimately nod. Letting Marcus share a bed with him meant the dog felt comfortable around him. Which meant he would be easier to manipulate and more likely to defend William in case of emergency.

Maybe with Marcus here the rabbit demon won't have that same dream again. Laying back down, William went back to sleep with the dog demon nuzzling his fuzzy chest.

Will was back in the office, but now he knew what to expect. Even just a little bit.
Thank you and I totally agree. What do you think about the other parts as well?
in general quite a solid chapter,
but something that left me curious is just how forgotten fazbear's pizzaria truly is, bc like the later events like the things that happened in security breach seem to have maybe happened (if I am not mistaken) but no one not directly involved has even heard of the pizzaria.
in general quite a solid chapter,
but something that left me curious is just how forgotten fazbear's pizzaria truly is, bc like the later events like the things that happened in security breach seem to have maybe happened (if I am not mistaken) but no one not directly involved has even heard of the pizzaria.
Well this is before the VR game revitalized it. Plus the events of FNAF 6 weren't even two weeks ago. The new Freddy's probably didn't have much advertising besides a billboard.

That and the last time it was open was in 1994. Over 30 years ago. But I understand if it seems a little weird.
Fazbear Hotel Night 6
Fazbin Hotel Night 6

Purgatory Perceptions(aka The Kids Are Alright.)

Charlotte Emily thought she knew darkness, but she was wrong.

She had seen the darkness of death, of the strange void she seemed to be in while controlling her father's puppet animatronic and later the black bear shell. But the darkness around her felt, different. More like the darkness under a blanket while she slept peacefully. A layer of protection against the world around her rather than a prison.

Raising her hands, Charlotte moved to use her hands to help navigate by touch. But the darkness seemed to, lift a few seconds later. There wasn't a source of light, but she could at least see where she was. See something she hadn't seen in decades; her own body.

Charlotte saw her skin again, skin she'd missed having for so long. Saw the shoes her dad had gotten her for her last birthday, with the black and white striped laces Uncle Will had taken weeks to find.

The same man who had killed her a few months later. The same man she practically thought of as a second dad before then too…

Charlotte was snapped out of her reminiscing when she heard other people around her. Other kids.

Ones she recognized from that fateful party.

The kids she had allowed to live on in the bots back in the day.

They were all huddled together, moving slightly as if they were huddled for warmth while asleep. Slowly, they moved apart though. First to split apart from the pile was of course Fritz, always the most eager.

The red-headed boy with his patched-up overalls and freckled face. Fritz yawned and stretched a bit as if waking from a long nap. Blinking and running his hands over the pale grass he was sitting on.

"What happened?… Why am I in a field of grass? Wait, grass? I can feel grass! I can smell grass!" Fritz yelled, picking up a grass blade and sticking it in his mouth. Then spitting it out after a second."I can taste grass!"

"Don't shout please…" Came the slightly quivery voice to Jeremy. The former Bonnie in his thick blue sweater that came right over his hands. Those slightly wonky glasses hid eyes still slightly closed. He gently nudged the other boy in the group, Gabriel awake as well.

Freddy's former inhabitant seemed reluctant to wake, but eventually, his eyes opened up. Brushing off the waistcoat he was wearing. The darker boy seemed a lot upset about all the grass, looking around his clothes as if searching for stains.

"My mom's gonna kill me if I get this dirty. Wait, where is my mom?"He asked, searching around, only to find nothing but the other kids around.

Next to wake was Susie, she was always the most innocent of the group. Always the cheerful and optimistic one. No wonder she gravitated towards Chica so much. Her ringlet curls bounced as she stretched and smiled. As if getting ready to start a wonderful day at school.

"Good morning mommy…Mommy?"Asked Susie, as if expecting to be back in her bed at home instead of, wherever she was. "Are we playing Hide and Seek again?" She asked, but there was no answer from the forest.

"I'm not sure where we are Susie, or why we're here," Gabe spoke, trying to console her. Holding her hand like the gentleman he was.

Fritz meanwhile, was shaking the remaining sleeping member.

Poor Cassidy, so filled with rage and hatred. She was still wearing the Fredbear shirt and party hat from the last day of her life. Turning in her sleep as Fritz tried to shake her awake.

"Five more minutes Dad it's Saturday…" she mumbled, before Fritz whispered, something in her ear. Causing her to jolt awake screaming "DON'T YOU DARE!", before suddenly calming down at the sight of the redhead.

"Fritz, how? Why? Your hand it's back!!" Cassidy spoke, holding up Fritz's left hand. Which was normal, albeit with a few small scars just like his right.

The two hugged for a few seconds, like the best friends they were. It almost reminded Charlotte of her friendship with Elizabeth.

Hopefully, she was safe now…

But right now Charlotte had bigger things to worry about, that pain could wait until later. For now, she needed to introduce herself. Maybe help Jeremy, who was crying softly as usual.

"I'm glad you all are safe. For now." Charlotte said, wrapping her arms around the crying boy. The sound reminded her of Evan back in the day, back before Michael hurt him and came to live with her and her family.

Poor Jeremy flinched for a second when she tried to touch his back, but eventually, he softened. Fritz just gave her a weird look, like he didn't recognize her.

"Uh, who are you again? I don't remember you from the party…" He asked, making Cassidy glare at him. "Do not bring that up, Fritz. Right now, the last thing I wanna think about is that day."

She said, causing Fritz to glare back. "What, you don't want me to mention the awesome pizza?" "Fritz." "Or The awesome smelling cake." "FRITZ." "Or how I saw your brother storming off like five minutes before-." "FRITZ SHUT IT." They argued, the yelling making Jeremy flinch again and curl up harder.

"Please, stop, right now fighting will get us nowhere. Right now we need to look for someone, anyone who can tell us where we are." Gabe spoke, trying to take charge. Standing tall like he was an adult instead of a ten-year-old.

It was almost, sad in a way. Acting so grown up when he never had the chance to. Charlotte could almost see him being the head of a company if he had been allowed to live. Someone successful and respected.

"Who died and put you in charge?......wait? We died right? Everything after a point is just a weird, blur. Like a dream." Fritz retorted, before going a bit more pale. "I, I was in Foxy. I think. " He continued, looking around.

"You guys were there, right? You remember?" Fritz shook Gabe a small bit, but the other boy nodded.

"I was there too, I was the one who helped you," Charlotte added, making both boys look at her in confusion.

"How were you there? I didn't see you…" asked Jeremy, making Susie nod in agreement.

"I wasn't there in person, In a way. Remember the puppet? From the prize counter? I was in there the same way you were in the bots." Charlotte explained, though even she could barely remember it herself. It was like she was and wasn't there. The years were a blur, one day she was giving the other kids life again, and the next the bots were getting used to parts.

Then everything burned down around her.

"Let's stick together as we search. That way we don't get separated." Gabe suggested, holding out his hand for someone to take.

"I'm not holding your hand dude. Forget it." "How about we link arms instead?" Fritz and Gabe argued, before curling his arm. Fritz still refused to take it, but Susie did after a second.

"Come on Fritz, it will be fun!" She exclaimed like this would all be a fun game instead of a search for answers. He finally took her arm after a few seconds, before Cassidy took his and Jeremy took up the rear. Charlotte took Jeremy's after that. Planning on watching everyone's backs, literally.

The group began walking through the woods, almost tripping a few times over roots and rocks. The darkness seemingly lifted as they walked, but fell back behind them. Allowing just enough distance to see, but not enough to understand what's around them.

Eventually, the darkness lifted around a strange, slightly glowing lake.

One with bright red liquid instead of water.

A small pier was at one end of the lake, and the group could see someone sitting on the edge. Sitting with a fishing rod, just, waiting. Sitting perfectly still.

The thing at the lake resembled the old Springlock suits her father and…Uncle Will…used to wear. But Charlotte knew it wasn't one of them. Because the suits weren't blood red and resembled some kind of crocodile man. There was no one inside, only darkness broken by two red pinpricks. The only other color was the faint white of its teeth, almost unnoticeable against the overwhelming red of the beast.

The crocodile suit, thing, glowed faintly with blood-red light as well. Giving it an otherworldly feel as it casts a fishing line toward the blood-red waters of the lake. Standing unnaturally still as it fished, before slowly turning its head towards the children. As if staring right through them, into the very soul of each child.

"Are you, the Devil…?" Asked Jeremy, soft and scared.


The, things, voice seemed to come from everywhere yet nowhere at once. The loudness made the kids flinch, and fall apart. Even Charlotte was shaking, scared, and confused.

Looking down at the lake, Charlotte could see, herself. A pale, ghostly version of herself and the other. A tall shadow behind them, seemingly cast by, whatever it is holding the fishing rod.

A long-eared shape was on the other side of the lake. One that looked suspiciously like Uncle Will's old Springbonnie suit.

A sight that filled Charlotte with both revulsion and yet sadness. She never did understand why he hurt her that day. He wasn't acting like himself, hadn't been in a while. Ever since Aunt Laura passed away he had been distant and withdrawn. Spending most of his time at work.

Then Evan was, lost, and he just shut down. A few weeks later, he killed Charlotte.

She still couldn't figure out why, he loved her! Why did he kill her?! Why did he grab her neck and not let go until she stopped moving?!

Did she do something wrong and death was the only fitting punishment?

Or did he always plan on killing her and Evan's death was the excuse he needed?

It didn't make sense…. Uncle Will would never hurt her, but he did.


Spoke the strange being. This time quieter, the sound wrapping around Charlotte this time. Almost like an attempt to comfort her.

"It can't be over right? He's still hurting people! He needs to be stopped!" Yelled Cassidy, confused by the shape In the water. Seemingly unaware, that the man who hurt her is gone. Burned away, just like Charlotte and her father…

"He already has been. I don't know where he is, but he's not on earth anymore. I know that for a fact." Charlotte said, placing her hands on Cassidy's shoulders. Still feeling the anger radiating off her. The rage against the injustice of her death.

"How?! Did you kill him?! Did you make sure he won't hurt anyone anymore?!" Yelled Cassid y, nearly pushing Charlotte. "No, but I saw it done. It took years, I think, but he's gone Cassidy," she replied, nearly pushing back.

"He's gone, but we're still here. Are we gonna be here forever?! Will I never see my mommy again?!" Susie squeaked a little, falling on her butt and crying a little. Fear and confusion were plain on her face.


The strange being held a hand against her chin in an attempt to soothe her. Tilting its head just a smidge, just enough to show a small bit of compassion. Susie was still crying a little, but she seemed to be calming down after a minute. Knowing she may see her mother again.

It made Charlotte's heart hurt, hoping she could see her own mother again. Maybe Aunt Laura too. They'd wrap her in their arms and Aunt Laura would make her iced tea and they'd all be happy, like they used to be.

It made her heart hurt more just thinking about it.

"Where are we exactly then? This doesn't seem like heaven," asked Gabe, helping Jeremy clean his glasses. They'd fallen off when they flinched earlier.


"So, are we part of heaven's spin cycle?" was Fritz's response. Crossing his arms and staring at the thing. Who seemingly paused, before letting out an echoey sound, almost like he was laughing.


Fritz smirked a little at Gabe. As if being smug about the praise. But the other boy seemingly ignored him. Asking "When are we going to go, up sir?"


The strange being looked at the lake, going back to its eerie stillness. Looking almost, sad now. As if wanting to help but being unable to. It was like they had to figure everything out themselves, but they had no clues. Nothing but the red beast's words.

They may be in heaven tomorrow, or what passed for tomorrow, or after an eternity.

Everyone looked, upset. Susie especially, who just went to hug Gabe and the others. Fritz joined in, then Jeremy and Cassidy. All united by confusion and pain.

Charlotte looked at the other kids, all huddled together once again. This time she joined in. Not wanting to leave them behind, again.

They may not have their families, but at least they have each other now once again. They'd all go up to heaven, together. No matter what.


When Michael Afton opened his eyes once again, he expected to be in Heaven. Or Hell. Or, somewhere other than his old bedroom.

He woke up in his now too-small bed, still wearing the uniform he the fire consumed him in. But, it was still bright. A lovely shade of gold instead burned and blacked. There wasn't a speck of ash in sight. Attempting to sit up, Michael felt something he hadn't in nearly 30 years.

The feel of his skin.

He had genuine feeling in his body again. He could feel the sheets on the bed, he could feel the pillow against his hair. He could even feel his clothes underneath his fingers, fingers that were peach-colored instead of a rotten purple! Moving his fingers up to his face, Michael could feel his nose instead of a hole where it was. There was smooth, unblemished skin underneath his fingers. Looking over his dresser mirror, Michael saw his face.

The one that almost looked just like Father's; The same handsome features, messy black hair, and piercing brown eyes. He looked exactly the same as his last day as a technically living man!

However, one thing was definitely not right as Micheal looked outside the window after a minute or so.

There were trees in front of the house where his window was. Trees and darkness and nothing else as far as the eye could see. It was like the entire house had been picked up and plopped into the middle of the wilderness! All this piqued Michael's curiosity, making him want to go out and understand what was going on and why. But something told him, that might not be a good idea. Michael had just died. Again? Most likely his soul had finally left earth instead of sticking around. Whatever happened to him, he needed time to get his head on straight.

Slowly walking out of his room, Michael attempted to scan the hallways. Finding everything was, exactly the same as the day of Evan's last party. Even down to the "Days till my birthday" whiteboard sign on Evans's door reading "0, it's today!" on it. Which just made Michael's feelings of guilt begin to bubble up. Feelings he had to suppress and keep down for decades. Feelings he never truly got closure for.

From what Michael'd seen later in life when he found Father's little bunker of horrors, that sign was never removed. He'd only replaced the message with "360" After they had returned home from the hospital from what Elizabeth had said. His father had taken Uncle Henry's advice to clear his head and get some proper sleep that night, which kept him away from Evan when he passed in his sleep. Something about his heart overexerting itself during a nightmare and burning itself out the doctors had said.

Father barely talked to Michael after that, and honestly, Michael couldn't quite blame him. Why he ever thought stuffing Evan in Fredbear's mouth was a good idea, he'll never understand.

But now it was back to how it was before the incident that killed Evan and led to the family's destruction. The sign was a mocking reminder that Evan would never have another birthday again. He'd be ten years old, forever. He'd never grow up now and never know what life could have been like.

Then again, he at least got to be ten.

Elizabeth died at the age of six. Trapped in darkness and pain and horror stuck inside Circus Baby from what Michael had inferred. Stuck inside a metal shell, alone and abandoned. Micheal wondered what she'd gotten up to since that mass of wires and circuits had expelled itself from his body. What had happened to Elizabeth since then?

Maybe she was here too, and he could ask her.

From the talking he could hear downstairs, Micheal might just be right on that front.

Slowly walking down the stairs, Michael peered into the kitchen, seeing Evan at the kitchen table eating a bowl of cereal. The sight of his brother made Michael want to run and hug the living daylights out of him.

Evan was wearing his favorite striped shirt and shorts, and eating his favorite cereal like it was an ordinary Saturday morning. Heck Evan even had that same vaguely tousled hair look he had on Saturday mornings.

He looked like how he did on the day of that party gone wrong.

But all Michael could manage was a small "....Hi…" as he walked into the kitchen. Feeling Evans glare boring holes in Michael's very soul.

"Hi, brother. Did you have a good life after murdering me?" Was the first thing he said, stabbing Michael right in the heart with guilt. But Michael's response shocked the young boy as it was clearly something he never expected.

Michael hugged him, tight. He cried and held Evan and never wanted to let him go! He picked up his little brother and practically squeezed him till his ribs cracked, Michael's eyes letting out a flood of tears at the sight of his little brother.

He could finally apologize to Evan, but words didn't come out of Michael's mouth. The smaller Boy was quiet as well. Shock, confusion, and bewilderment were plain to see on Evan's face, even through tear-blurred eyes.

Evan Clearing wasn't expecting this. At all.

Michael never wanted to let him go again. To leave him alone and scared and hurt and dead.

After a few long minutes, Evan just said one thing.


Michael wanted to say everything on his mind about that day. About how he was tired of being left alone with Evan and Elizabeth while he worked all day. He felt like he was treated like the least favorite child. How father seemed to be more interested in his machines than his children.

How Michael felt hollow inside after their mother was killed, that the hole in his heart never fully closed after the funeral.

But all he could muster was "..... Because I was stupid…" and look Evan in the eye. He really was an idiot back then, taking his anger out on the person who deserved it least. It wasn't Evan's fault their died and their father grew distant. Heck Michael could even forgive their father about his behavior before Evan was lost. They all were hurting, and Michael acting like a delinquent didn't help.

Michael couldn't remember why he thought making his own brother feel unsafe in his own home was a good idea. Scaring him all the time and locking him in the supply closet at Fredbears,once or twice needing Father or an employee to let the poor kid out!

Michael managed to add something after a second as well. "Because I was hurting and angry and I didn't think-."

"Yeah, you didn't think!" Evan interrupted. Pushing Michael back and glaring at him. "You don't know what I went through after that! The nightmares, the cold, the never-ending darkness…. I made a friend in the darkness eventually, together until what feels like an hour ago. I don't know where she is though."

Evan looked out of the kitchen window, as if looking for his friend. His expression looked like he lost his other half instead of just a friend.

"You don't know what happened to me after that day. Father, didn't let me back home. I lived with Uncle Henry until I was 21. A month after you,died, Charlotte was murdered and Uncle Henry and Aunt Abigail moved. I moved with them. Barely saw Father after that. After what happened to Charlotte, he, changed. He was colder,more distant from what Uncle Henry said. Then,he passed about ten years later and I got a letter from him after the funeral.

I wish I never read it."

Michael glared at the air and said. Wishing he'd just tossed that letter. The one directing him to Circus Baby's, asking him to retrieve his sister.

That letter led to Michael's death, and 30 years of a half-life until a while ago. Until he was finally allowed to leave the earth.

"What do you mean?" Evan asked, confusion plain on his face.

"Well, it all started in 1985…"


Henry Emily thought the nightmare was finally over. But it seemed there was a bit more left to go before he could finally rest his soul.

Seeing his old house again brought back memories. All the photos everywhere didn't help. All of them were taken by his now-deceased wife. Abigail always was a shutterbug, even in his new home she had tons of pictures.

The mantle above his fireplace, the walls, heck even the little tables around the house had photos. Photos of his time back In hurricane.

Photos of when Charlotte was still alive.

Photos of his former best friend and him. Back before he became a monster.

Staring at the pictures, Henry felt almost nostalgic for those days. Back when everything seemed perfect, only for the illusion to shatter the day Charlotte was found dead outside of Fredbears, strangled to death in the rain. Locked outside her favorite place in the world, with only the puppet bot nearby to cradle her body when they found her….

But that was a long time ago. Henry had time to grieve, and finally, he'd made up for what he'd failed to do so long ago. Charlotte's soul would be in heaven where it belonged, and most likely Henry might be joining her. He'd finally be able to see her again, and Henry would shower her in love once again. Just the thought of holding Charlotte in his arms made Henry smile, but that would have to wait.

For now, Henry enjoyed the pictures around him. Taking in the sight of every frame. Of Charlie's first day of kindergarten, of her last Easter, of her last birthday party with Elizabeth. The poor girls were unaware of their future fates as they posed next to the cake.

Will and Henry stood over their girl's shoulders, smiling like a couple of goofballs. Will making little bunny ears over Charlotte's head as a joke. It was funny at the time, but seeing it again just made Henry feel, sad. Empty. Her face was so bright, full of hope. Ready to face a future she'll never live to fully realize.

Henry held that photo up, studying the face of his little girl. Of William. Hoping he could find the moment when Will lost his humanity. Was it when Laura died? Or maybe Evan? When did the man whom Henry practically treated like the brother he never had, throw everything away?

And why?

Why did William do all that? What possessed him to kill children like that?! How many did he kill besides those 5? What purpose did their death have besides depriving the world of innocent lives and staining the hands and soul of a good man? Why would he destroy so many, was it an attempt to punish the world for taking the people most precious to him? Or did William always have such murderous desires and losing his family just let him be free to kill without anyone holding him back?

But, it didn't matter what the man's reasons were. William still killed people. Still shed innocent blood, and for that, Henry can no longer consider him a friend.

Putting the picture down, Henry frowned as it changed. As if it was developing once again.

Once again it was a party, but the people there looked how they did now;

William in that rotting suit, a walking corpse sustained only by bloodlust and refusal to stay down. Henry, an old man with a hollow look in his eyes. Charlotte, possessing the L.E.F.T.I unit by proxy of being inside the puppet. And little Elizabeth, her innocent soul animating the wrecked and broken body of that Circus Baby Animatronic. The cake was burnt to a crisp as some sort of sick joke. Naught but a blackened sugary block.

Henry slowly removed the corrupted photo from the frame and tossed it behind him. Ready to leave this place and leave all this madness behind. Taking one last sigh, Henry opened the door. Unaware of the fire beginning to start in the house. Starting in the kitchen, the blaze began consuming the house. Burning up the photos quickly, burning up the memories.

"Goodbye, old friend. I'm sorry I couldn't help you sooner. But I know where you are now is where you should be. I'll tell Laura hello for you." Was all Henry said as he left the construct of his home. The corrupted photo burned up last.

The door to Henry's home, instead of opening to the outside of the house, opened to a glowing white light.

Heaven had opened its gates for him, and Henry didn't want to keep the Lord waiting.