Fazbin Frights

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This is a spin off of my Fazbin Hotel fic. Focusing on the Fazbear Frights/tales from the Pizzaplex continuity. Mostly to explore a different facet of FNAF lore and different perspectives.

It won't just be Hell we're gonna be focusing on as well, a certain boy who fought a killer rabbit will play a role.

But enjoy the ride people~.
Fazbin Frights Chapter 1
(So my brain vomit is back and I decided to make a spin-off to help with my muse.

So as Fazbear Frights takes place in a different continuity than the main one, this is an au of Fazbin Hotel.

Text in, [] is Monty speaking. Kane is from the Tales from the Pizzaplex story "The Monty Within" from the Tiger Rock book.

But otherwise,njoy the show!)
Fazbin Frights Chapter 1

Hell was a lot different than Kane Morgan expected.

For one thing, he didn't expect it to be so, urban in structure. It was more like the time he visited Salt Lake City for a class trip. Only Salt Lake City looked much cleaner than here, and wasn't filled with monsters of all shapes and sizes and store signs proclaiming things like "Best drugs in Hell!" It felt more like what his parents used to mention about Las Vegas; a den of vice and sin.

He also didn't expect to be a gator man in an alleyway pulling clothes from the dumpster he had landed in after falling from the sky. One second Kane was getting his head sawed in half with the shop class saw, the next everything was going dark and he fell down here.

The dirty clothes he managed to find were far too big but Kane didn't have any real choice in wearing them did he? It was either this or go in the buff and he did NOT want to strut around an unfamiliar place without clothes on. Especially because it was chilly, and probably would be getting colder from what Kane could tell from the wind.

Thankfully the three sizes too big hoodie and jeans covered his strange form well. Meaning Kane could almost pass for normal again and not look like a plastic lizard Two Face; one half his body the dark browns and blacks of an actual gator, the other Monty Gators neon green and purple complete with his scale pattern. A purple star over the left eye stands in for the gator's sunglasses. A half-green, half-red Mohawk sticking up over his head similar to Montys. Thankfully he was in full control of his body again from what the boy could tell. Which let Kane breathe a sigh of relief, he didn't have that strange AI inside his head taking over anymore.

The only thing he couldn't find that fit was shoes. This meant Kane couldn't hide his new feet, though with his plastic soles and large toe claws he doubted he would need them anyway. Though Kane at least wished he could find something like sandals or something, it was hard not to shiver from the cold ground under his feet.

But the boy had more important issues than footwear at the moment like the fact that he was dead, his future down the drain. He'd never graduate high school, never go to college or get married, or see his family again! He'd never see Sienna again. Never hear her laugh or see her smile. Never apologize for Monty taking over his head and being a jerk. He'd never be able to tell her he was sorry….

Curling up into a ball behind the dumpster, Kane gently wept a little bit. Despair over the life he'd lost filled him to the brim. Sadness at the loss of everything he had, and would never get back…

"[Get up kid! Unless ya wanna sit here and mope the whole time I suggest ya get a move on!]" Spoke Kane's other half, Rudely interrupting Kane's sadness, and replacing it with anger. The AI had either followed him down here, or it was part of his torment in Hell. Forever bonded to the thing that killed him.

"The only reason I'm here is because of you! You drove Sienna away, you ruined my social life, you killed me! If it wasn't for you I'd still be alive with Sienna right now!" Yelled Kane at his other half. Rage boiled inside him as he screamed and let out the anger that had been building ever since the gator had invaded his brain. Punching the side of the dumpster in frustration, and driving his fist through the metal like it was made of paper. ! Snapping Kane out of his anger as he slowly pulled his hand out and looked at the hole.

"Did, did I do that? [Only cuz of me pipsqueak!]" Kane spoke, Monty chiming in afterwards looking almost proud of the boy's strength. Throwing another punch at the dumpster, a second hole formed in the side, leaving Kane amazed and yet confused. How was he so strong, what was he now?! This didn't make any sense!!

"What the….? What happened to me?" Kane asked out loud, wondering if anyone could answer his question. When no one answered, Kane decided to seek answers elsewhere. Heading out of the alley, Kane walked west. Hoping he could find somewhere to stay and settle into his new existence inside of. Some hole to crawl into and hide in, maybe a shelter or an abandoned building he could squat in.

Monsters of all shapes and sizes surrounded the boy as he walked. Monstrous beasts and horrible abominations with hands, paws, tentacles, and more surrounded him. Glaring at the alligator boy most of the time, a few commented on his terrible smell but Kane ignored them. Kane had more important matters to take care of at the moment than his smell.

Slowly Kane made his way to what looked like a slum, or at least a place more slum like the rest of the city. Boarded-up buildings, broken windows, and empty shops abound. A perfect place for someone new to hide out until they got everything together. A perfect place to settle in and avoid the chaos around Kane until he could find his bearings.

Kane's wanderings were interrupted when a weedy-looking cockroach monster in somehow even more dirty clothes than Kane slithered out from behind a trash can as he passed by. Shakily holding a knife at the boy and twitching erratically as he yelled out "G-G-GIBE ME EVERYTHING YOU GOTS! EVERY L-L-LAST $OUL BOY!" His movements twitchy and shaking, more like spasms than anything voluntary.

Kane's friend had passed on advice to him before the trip to Salt Lake City; "when dealing with muggers, just give them what they want. It's easier to regain lost money than a lost life. But Kane couldn't follow that advice because "I don't have anything! The only soul I have is my own. I don't even know how to get more than one!" Kane put his hands up, and accidentally let go of his pants. Making them drop around his ankles. As Kane slowly moved to pick them up, the cockroach thing jabbed at Kane.

"I KNOW YOU GOT SOMETHING BOY!" He yelled, coming close to scratching the boy. Before his left arm shot out and grabbed at the cockroach's wrist. Crushing it and making bones snap under his hand. The cockroach monster screeched and attempted to pull away. But Monty just kept at it. "[Leave us alone bug! We don't have anything else now quite bugging us.] Kane could somehow sense the gator's pride at his stupid pun as he let go of the scuttling creature. The bug quickly fled in search of different prey, cursing up a storm all the while.

Leaving Kane breathing heavily, scared of something like that happening again. Or worse, Kane himself having to end up doing that. ["OK, I need to find a place to stay. Quickly.] Kane thought, trying to look around for somewhere that looked actually viable. Somewhere he could sleep and be protected, and get his bearings. Maybe find some people to explain what's happening here.

After what felt like fifteen minutes of looking Kane saw what looked like an abandoned arcade-style building. "Blasters Box '' was written in faded letters on the front. The inside, from what could be seen through the boarded-up windows, was pitch black. Slowly but forcefully pulling two boards off a window, Kane slipped inside.

Kane's claws moved in front of him as he tried to find his way towards the main entrance. Trying to find a light switch, which most likely wouldn't work. But he at least had to try.

Eventually, Kane managed to find one near the west wall, flipping the switch experimentally Kane waited for nothing to happen. But when he flipped the first switch, the light turned on with no problem. Sending up a silent thanks for this miracle as well.

Kane was expecting old decaying floors and broken machines to be in his vision when he turned on the light. Hell, he was expecting the light to not work as well!

What he wasn't expecting was someone looking like Foxy the Pirate Fox back in the old days of Freddy's; Ruddy red fur and a sharp hook for a right hand. However, over the right eye and around the ear was a patch of black fur with a Foxy skull and crossbones pattern. The fox creature was wearing only a ratty pair of jeans, exposing a scrawny, almost emaciated chest and lighter chest fur. Like he hadn't eaten in a couple of days, or maybe he was just naturally skinny. Kane didn't know which one it was.

The fox man's arms were crossed as he leaned on an arcade machine, and glared at Kane." Who are you and why are you at our hideout? Why did you smell like garbage, and the living world? Did you just die or something Gator Boy?" The second question out of the fox's mouth was spoken after he took a sniff of the air and scrunched his nose. His remaining eye glared in annoyance and suspicion.

"I thought this place was abandoned. The windows were boarded up and the front door was chained up. I have, nowhere else to go. I…died only a while ago so I'm still very, very confused and I didn't mean to-." Kane rambles before the fox raises his hook and slashes sideways in a "cut it" gesture.

"Alright Gator what you just said explains everything. I'm still miffed you came in without permission BUT if you're a freshly fallen soul I can at least forgive you for not knowing about this place." The fox scowled and said, pointing his hook at Kane, then shouting "Yo Toby, we got fresh meat! How long have you been dead gator boy?" At the nearby hallway before turning back to Kane.

"....about half an hour I think..." Kane sheepishly replied. Poking his fingers together nervously as well.

Making the foxes' eyes widen as he whistles in surprise. "Damn, you're really fresh meat then! No wonder you don't know about anything. I'll be nice and give ya the rundown of your new existence so you understand. Welcome to Hell, your punishment for being a bad person on earth bla bla bla.

You, me, and like most of the people you'll probably meet are fellow Sinners now reborn as Demons yada yada yada." The fox, no fox Demon rolled his paw as he talked as he was bored of giving this information over and over.

"[How many times ya give this spiel fox?] Sorry sorry! My other half is very rude. I'm K-Kane and that's Monty. I'm kinda stuck with him." Kane gulped a little and held out his non-purple hand. Hoping Pete didn't mind Montys, everything.

"Nice to meet you K-Kane. My name is Pete, and I'm gonna be frank with ya, I hate talking with newly fallen souls. Stuff like that is Toby or Sarah's thing." Pete huffed and took the hand, sounding more annoyed than angry at the invasion of his home. "Just so ya know, If you weren't a newbie I would not be as nice. You're too new to a threat, it's the only reason I haven't tossed your ass to the bears yet."

Before Kane could ask more, a new voice echoed through the halls, high-pitched and clownish. It spoke in an almost singsong way that sent chills up Kane's spine.


Kane froze in fear, wondering who was talking and hoping Pete could protect him. The freshly fallen gator demon could feel his other half trying to take control, his purple hand closing into a fist. Monty's presence had a mental tug of war with Kane for a few seconds before Pete just sighed in even more annoyance and shouted at the voice "It's just me and a newbie Freddy, no need to worry."

A few seconds passed before the mysterious "Freddy" let out a disappointed "AWWWW…." Causing Pete to roll his eyes.

"Don't mind Freddy, he's an ass. Besides, Millie and Bonbon won't let him do anything without permission. I'll get everyone else while Toby shows you to the main area. We'll decide what to do with you there Gator Boy."

Kane gulped as Pete held his hook under Kane's throat. Holding it there for a few seconds before pulling back and turning towards the hallway. Watching as another demon floated through the wall and hovered near Pete.

The new demon resembled a shadowy black rabbit with long floppy ears sticking out of a red beanie cap. Outside of his faded blue jeans, the rabbit demon wore only a black jacket and gray shirt. The clothes helped make the rabbit stand out, or else he'd be far closer to a floating shadow than a fully solid being. His eyes were white voids, as was the inside of his mouth. His whiskers were long and didn't seem to stop so much as fade away. The rabbit demon's large paws were just above the floor, casting no shadow below him.

The rabbit's white eyes were laser-focused on Kane, only moving away as he waved a white paw-padded hand at the alligator demon.

"Toby, this is Kane. He's new." Pete said dismissively, pointing at Kane. "Sup? I assume Pete filled you in on the basics. So there's not much else to say." The rabbit demon's voice was what could best be described as, shadowy. Seemingly coming from everywhere and yet nowhere at the same time.

"Y-yeah. What, happened to you guys?" "....I'll let everyone explain themselves. It's a long story. Follow me." Kane felt he had very little choice in the matter, so he followed the rabbit demon slowly. "I'll give ya my story first, but I want yours next alright?" Asked Toby, leading Kane towards what looked like a living room area.

A large space separated from the rest by curtains, the main area had a large couch and a couple of chairs, nothing fancy. All of them looked older than Kane, but they looked stable enough. Sitting on one of the old chairs, and took a second to get his bearings. Catching his breath and mentally reviewing the last hour or two.

"Do you have any food? Just, maybe that will help…" Kane asked, to which Toby just pointed to a pizza box on the floor. "Leftovers from last night should still be good. Sorry, we don't have much." Toby shrugged and said, floating onto the couch as Kane dug into a slice of pepperoni pizza.

It definitely wasn't the best he'd ever had, but it definitely wasn't the worst and it was at least cheesy. "So strap yourself in Kane, what brought me down here is a doozy." Spoke Toby, beginning his story. Telling of his envy of his brother Conner and his desire to finally beat him at something for once. Eventually, Toby attempted to cheat at the hide-and-seek game the Freddy Fazbears he worked at had set up, only to attract the wrath of a shadow rabbit that attached itself to him.

Eventually, Toby had managed to weaken the rabbit, only for a moment of weakness to overtake him as he went to remove it for good. Impaling himself on the pegs of the machine and died a short while later.

"I won the game but lost my life. I learned a harsh lesson in competitiveness far too late. At Least I have powers. Down Here I can at least do things my brother could never do. Plus I got friends, it makes Hell bearable having the others here ya know? Stick with us, and you'll be fine." Finished Toby, taking a slice of pizza for himself and smiling. His buck teeth showing a small bit as well.

"At least you had a choice In what happened, what happened to me wasn't. I lost everything because of one bad decision at the arcade." Kane grumbled a small bit, sympathetic towards Toby yes, but still upset at what happened.

"You and Pete seem close as well, is he normally this, harsh?" Kane asked, making Toby shrug. "He's had a bad week. Not a lot of sleep lately. We did a, job, a few days ago and the people we were doing it for scammed us; they promised payment and ended up paying in Confederate money. We risked our lives and we essentially got nothing in exchange. He's never been a NICE guy, but he's usually less belligerent." He said, a few seconds later the fox poked his head through the curtain.

"Risked your lives? How can you kill what's already dead?"

"The council will decide your fate, gator boy. Follow me." Was all Pete said as he pulled back. Making Kane gulp nervously.

"I'll explain later."

Back in the place Kane had originally entered, a ring of folding chairs had been set up with one in the middle. Most likely the one Kane was going to sit on. In the middle of the ring was Pete, and around him were more demons, waiting to pass judgment.

Going from left to right, Kane scanned the demons watching him. Sitting at the far left sat a young girl about 15, seemingly crafted out of junk and scrap; Her upper face looked like a metal mask with soft features, with small rivets around her nose. Her hair looked human, but it was far too thick and shiny, making them look like wires. The eyes in her head looked normal if plastic-looking. Her jaw looked somewhat like the kind an animatronic would have in its endoskeleton like she hadn't been fully built yet. The rest of her body also resembled an endoskeleton, though of haphazard and chaotic construction. Wires stuck out in places, her arms had exposed joints and her hands and feet looked quite sharp and creaked with every moment as she waved hello. For clothes her shirt was a dull pink, and over it was a pair of overalls that held what looked like a doll as well. A cute-looking doll that resembled the original Freddy Fazbear back before the Pizzaplex opened up.

Next to her resembled what looked like a humanoid brine shrimp mixed with Bonnie; purple flesh with a bunnies whiskers and long ears, a small bit of pink flesh blooming outwards In the shape of a bowtie under his neck. On his head were four black eyes with tiny white dots for pupils. The higher ones were almost a quarter of the size of the ones below them. Sticking out of the six sleeves of his stitched-together hoodie were long fin little hands, and underneath him were four fin-like legs. All four eyes were trained on Kane as if trying to assess him.

Next to him sat a strange duo of demons. One is a ghostly pale girl with long black hair and pure black eyes. With her long nails, all-black clothes, and the sharp line around her neck, the girl looked like some kind of ghost! But around her floating around her like some kind of Ghostly shell was another Freddy-looking bot. This time with white fur and purple coloring around the stomach, joints, muzzle area, inner ears, and collar bone. On its left hand was what looked like a hand puppet of the original Bonnie. But cuter and smaller. The hand puppet waved as well as the girl rolled her eyes.

On the other side of Pete sat a droopy-looking rabbit demon in overalls, but Kane was sure rabbits weren't rotten green and singed looking. On his head was one full ear, and one only having half an ear like it had fallen off. His eyes were pale yellow, and slightly sagging like he was half asleep. His hands had dark yellow pads on them too, as did his large paws. Said paws had no fur on them, and looked more burned than the rest of him. He looks almost charred In comparison to the light coating of black on the tip of the rest of him. It almost reminded him of the video games Fazbear Entertainment made about the urban legends about one of their old locations being haunted. Springtrap's Revenge comes to mind because of how much he resembles the rabbit in the game.

On the far right sat another Freddy resembling, a smug-looking bear with dull gold fur and a crooked smirk. He gave a slightly malicious look with his eyes, which looked like black voids with silver dots in them. The fur of his left arm looked duller below a ring of dark purple around the elbow. On the top of his head was a purple cap, most likely the equivalent of Freddy's top hat. The bear demon was currently picking his teeth with his claws menacingly, legs crossed and bouncing expectedly. Under his olive jacket was a black shirt with a skull on it and a few small holes. Same with the size too-big jeans he wore.

Toby took his place after the bear, sitting and waiting to begin. A half minute of silence passed by before Kane spoke up. "...Uh…hi…"

"You brought us together for this? Some freshly fallen lizard who stinks to high heaven. He doesn't seem like much Redbeard." Spoke the ghost girl, looking like she was rolling her eyes. It was hard to tell with pure black eyes.

"The ghost of Hot Topic past over there is Mille. Around her is Freddy. Next to her his Sarah and Mott." Pete replied, rolling his eyes in return. Mille for her part just flipped Pete off.

"What about the doll? What's his name?" Kane innocently asked, only to have Pete interrupted by said doll talking. Talking and sounding pretty ticked off.

"I am not a doll! I am a demon just like you all! Just because I'm stuck looking like a Lonely Freddy doesn't mean I am one!" Shouted the tiny demon, waving his fists around. It actually made him look more adorable, especially after he began pouting and crossing his arms.

"Sorry about Alec, he's sensitive." Spoke Sarah, her voice having a small metallic edge to it. Like the metal parts were scraping together as she talked. "You'd be sensitive too if you had to stand in two milk crates to look over the table!..." Ranted Alec, who continued to rant on about his miniature stature. The shrimp demon sighed and Millie grumbled "Greeaaat, you set him off.,"

"BEST TO WATCH FOR HIS SHORT FUSE AHAHAHA!" laughed the strange Freddy. Making Millie glare at him. The strange Bonnie hand puppet turned towards him and wagged its hand like a scolding parent. "Freddy, what did we say about teasing people."

The hand puppet had a surprisingly high-pitched voice, more like a girl than a clown though. Kane could feel Monty's confusion, sharing the sentiment with the gator.

"Over there is Hudson and Devon. Our adult supervision and resident sociopath." Pete said, pointing to the rabbit and bear respectively. Hudson waved and Devon continued to pick his teeth. Trying to look intimidating, and working.

"So give us the rundown, why are you here and what's with the gator?" Pete continued, putting Kane on the spot like a witness called to testify. The fox seemingly not in the mood to dance around the subject.

So Kane spilled everything that had happened in the last week or so. About his experience at the Pizzaplex, and the strange AI that infested his head. About how the thing had nearly destroyed Kane's relationship with his girlfriend, and put him in the hospital temporarily when they fought over trying to give Kane a Mohawk. Then finally, less than two hours ago he'd gotten Kane killed by a woodshop saw.

"Then I died, and now I'm here. What happened to you guys?" Kane finished, surprised Monty hadn't interrupted, probably using his head for once and keeping his mouth shut.

Pete went first with his summary:" I messed with a Foxy animatronic and got cursed to lose my hand and eye. Nearly lost my hand to a construction saw, my eye to a fish hook among other things. Then I got hit by a truck and doctors took those parts because my mom thought it was a good idea to make me, my brother, and her organ donors."

Next went Sarah:" I trusted someone I shouldn't have and got taken apart piece by piece…. literally. All I wanted was to be beautiful…" Her words carried a sense of faded pain. Like this was something that happened a long time ago.

Alec had finished his ranting by now, mumbling something about a "stupid soul-swapping doll." And crossing his arms. Old wounds seemingly opened by the comments.

Next went Mille, or at least she tried to speak but Freddy opened his mouth first. "THE LITTLE CUPCAKE OVER HERE THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO CRAWL INSIDE MY STOMACH HATCH. ALWAYS GOING ON AND ON ABOUT HOW MISERABLE HER LIFE WAS AND HOW MUCH SHE WANTED TO DIE. SO LIKE A GOOD GENIE, I GRANTED HER WISH." Spoke the ghost bear, letting out a small sadistic laugh.

"I was going through a rough patch! I didn't really want to die! Besides who builds animatronics that kill people?! What kind of psycho makes things like him?!" She retorted, jabbing a thumb diagonally at Freddy. She looked more annoyed than sad at her own death, or maybe she was trying to hide her pain behind anger.

Devon went after her, his voice having a similar gravely edge to Sarah, but deeper. More like sandpaper than scraping metal. "I think I killed a guy." Was all he said before Kane's eyes went wider than a large pie at the Pizzaplex and Monty finally started speaking again.

["THE HERE'D YOU JUST SAY? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU THINK YOU KILLED A GUY?!"]" The gator took control of Kane's fist once again, shaking it at Devon and growling in anger. His eye narrowing at the bear, making him pull back a little bit as well.

"Like I said, I think I did. Me and my friend Mick were messing around with the new kid at our school, Kelsey. We snuck into an abandoned Freddy Fazbear's and we got Kelsey to put on one of those Springlock suits they had. It went off, I think. When I looked inside, it wasn't Kelsey in there. Then the damn thing clamped shut on my arm and I bled to death slowly. " Devon, holding his hands In a shrugging gesture. "I'm not sure what the here was going on with Kelsey."

Hudson finally chimed in after that, his voice low and almost breathy. Like he was just waking up.

"I did kill a guy. Not directly, I started a fire and it killed him. The bastard deserved it for what he did to me and my mom though. As for dying, I really don't want to talk about it. Too painful." Was all he said, before closing his eyes and shuddering. Implying whatever happened to him was plenty traumatic.

That left only Mott, the strange shrimp demon, who looked reluctant to share, saying only "Two words: Sea Bonnies." When Kane finally turned towards him. His bigger eyes narrowed as he spoke.

"I already told ya my story. Since I know yours, I'll vouch for you. You seem like another victim, just like us. A nice guy like you would get trampled without people watching your back." Spoke Toby, raising his hand. "I vote he has a trail run. Show he's useful."

"He seems nice, but that gator is so odd. He'll need to keep him under control though. I'll put in a maybe, let's see if we can trust him." Sarah added, holding her hand halfway up.

"I'll go with maybe too. He's ignorant, not malicious. But he better not make any more cracks at my height!" Alec grumbled, holding his hand up halfway as well.

"I don't trust him yet. I'm leaning towards no. We don't know if he'll betray us when the opportunity arises. " Mott said, keeping his hand down.

"I'm with Sarah. He's too new to get a good read on him. I'm on maybe." Mille spoke, the Bonnie puppet joining in. "I'll make sure Freddy doesn't do anything mean to him."

"OH COME ON, I'D ONLY GOUGE HIS PLASTIC EYES OUT, THEY'LL GROW BACK HAHAHA! IF HE DOES TURN TRAITOR THOUGH, I KNOW MILLIE WON'T ME DOING MUCH WORSE.". Was the bear's response, grinning evilly and Kane and making him shudder. Internally deciding to NEVER get on that bear's bad side. If he had a good side that is.

"He did break in, but again it's too soon to tell. I agree on a trial run." Pete said, holding his hook halfway up. Hudson holding his all the way up.

"I'll go with what Pete said." Hudson drawled, head in his arm. It looked like he was trying to go to sleep.

"And I'm outvoted no matter what so I have nothing to add. Congrats gator boy you're being scouted." Devon rolled his eyes and said, getting up and leaving the room. "I'll be in the gym if y'all need me."

["How do y'all have a gym? This place looks tiny!"] Asked Monty, his eagerness being sensed by Kane. The gator was looking to fight, to hit something. Aggression bubbling up, ready to be let out against something tough.

"It's just a spare room we set up with stuff. Mott, you know the drill. Let's get him all situated." Pete said, getting up himself. Making the Sea Bonnie demon look annoyed but he obeyed without question.

"I'll be here when you want to talk!" Sarah smiled and said, waving at Kane as he went to follow Mott. Kane waved back, hoping she could give some more context to what was going on.

Mott led Kane to a small kitchen area, more like a break room than the kind you'd find at a house. But it had a table and chairs, and a stove. So at least they could easily cook food.

Grabbing a plastic red cup from the cabinet and turned on the sink, filling the cup halfway with water. Making Kane wonder how they still got plumbing at this place.

Maybe it wasn't as abandoned as Kane had originally thought. Maybe someone was keeping this place running, but who?

Mott held out the cup, holding one of his finger, feeler, things over It. The tiniest ripple appeared in the water, most likely from being moved by the Sea Bonnie demon. "Drink this, that way I can keep an eye on you when no one is around. We can't trust ya just yet, so I'll be the one monitoring you." And handing the cup to Kane.

"Huh…?" Asked Kane, not drinking the water just yet. Not knowing if it had poison or something in it. He didn't know what Mott was capable of, so a bit of caution was understandable.

"I put a bit of myself in it, my demon power is that I'm more like a swarm of tiny creatures like cells in a body. So I just dropped one of my components in the water. If my parts are inside someone, I can share their senses. I'll see and hear what you see and hear." Mott explained, face seemingly melting a bit, dissolving into blue goo for a few seconds before reforming back into his normal head. Making Kane a small bit nauseous at the sight.

"I don't do it often, too much gives me sensory issues and a headache. I'm not doing this to be mean, but down here genuine trust is something you earn and prove, people will betray you at the drop of a hat if they think they can get away with it." Mott said, pushing the cup to Kane once again. The alligator demon drank it quickly, not even noticing anything besides a faint tingle on his tongue that faded as quickly as it arrived.

"Just stay at the arcade unless we tell you, and keep your clothes on until then as well.". Mott finished, walking away, leaving Kane to ask;" Why that last part?""

"let's just say I can never look at watermelon the same way again." was all he said, before leaving Kane alone.

Leaving the boy to wonder, what did he get himself into?