Favorite Moments/Stories in your Online/Forum RPGS

DA OP: Hawke and the story of the d-bag Jedi
Like the thread for Tabletop stuff, this thread is for sharing stories about your experiances or generally funny/awesome/sad/cathartic things you've heard about or experienced. Due to the nature of this thread VS the Tabletop thread, I would ask that story tellers would refrain from mentioning anyone here by name or by implication, so this can remain a fun little thing.

I'll start with the story of how I came to hate the traditionalist Jedi for a while.

I was on an older and more involved board that was all based around 2 Dynamic World RPs: The 'Exodus Galaxy' and a DC/Marvel Mashup thing. Both RPs had been happening for years out of mind by the time i got into the forum about 14 or so years ago. I was a bit of a moron back then, and even crazier(just as the Sidheach game people)...so I made a Mandalorian Jedi character who's story was rather perverted and weird in retrospect....It took a while to get my hooks into any interesting things, because everyone already had their frield groups and the stories they wanted to tell. The Jedi Order abandoned the Rebel Alliance/New Republic, The Empire reclaimed Coruscant and a large swath of territory...there was AT LEAST 5 Sith Organizations all bullying the Jedi Order(to one degree or anouther). So, you know, Edgelords abound. Meanwhile, I did a timeskip/travel thing, I had made a friend with some of the cool toys; but mostly he was fun to play with, and I had my character rejoin the galaxy(my character having been in a relationship and eventually marrying the 'Oldest Son' character this guy had in the lead up to the Timeskip/travel thing)...now they had a child and were rejoining the Jedi Order. Part of the time thing was my character joining a force order and organization called the 'Patriots' that were basicly Katana Cowboys with energy Revolvers(hey, I was young and stupider). This organization was fighting a shadow war with the Sith Empire's own Internal Security Forcer organization.

Now the sequence of events as I understand them are as follows: shit is possibly going to get wrecked, Sith Lady using somesuch to suck force power away from people(unknowingly) to stop it, Patriot Leader(the leader of the Nation that hosted them, the Jade Empire) lost the ability to use the force, a lot of Jade Empire peoples die because she can't protect them, the Jade Empire secretly asks the Jedi for aid in an operation to get back at Sith!Lady and weaken her(as the Jedi were signing a treaty with the Sith Empire), said operation happens(Jedi are too stupid to disguise themselves, possibly FIAT by the writers to get the next things set up) Sith!Lady bitches at the leader of the Jedi Shadows(my character's father in law by this point, and boss), the Jedi that helped get sent to the Agricorps, Sith!Lady: basicly turns one into an asset(classic money and shit), sabotages anouther's sober streak, moves anouther(my character's brother in law, and a great plot point that I kick myself for overlooking to this day) to a Darksider village, and possibly others. The Sith!Lady gets the help of what was basicly a Chosen One and a Sith Master, Subboss of the Patriots gets ganked; though he does live, Jedi Shadow helping Sith; my character ganks her(having used her Patriot connections to get into the war.)....more happened later, but the other guy(the one orchestrating all of this) started posting less and less, but I met him later at anouther forum.

The big point was that while this was happening, I learned something that had a hand in how things were going....this guy had a thing against the 'Adventurer Jedi', AKA the Jedi that went out and tried to stop injustice and seek out evil...or something...That's at least the main idea...he believed that Jedi should be more traditional and be a negotiator and a Healer. I got so pissed off at that guy, and how I felt excluded and like my character was less of a Jedi because of how she decided to deal with evil and protect those she loved.... I started to hate the traditionalist Jedi then, because fuck those pompous assholes if fighting evil and the Sith, while not falling to the dark side...isn't good enough.

I'm better now though, thanks primarily to [Content omitted due to accidently breaking my own rule]
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