FATHER QUEST - A Cartoon Network: Villains Victorious CK2-Style Quest Cross Over

We already got what we wanted out of fighting the Gems- they're on the back foot and we got a working relationship with the Feds. And we've been told that at this point, our ability to contribute beyond raising morale is limited.
I mean, unless we want to 1v1 Jasper again, but we probably don't right now, at least before we can get some serious rage going.

Edit: also, it doesn't say "crit fail" on the last turns results, even though we did roll in CF range. If it was indeed a crit fail, I believe we get a +10 to martial for this turn.
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I feel Ice Cream Synergises better with our previous actions though. Other then that (And maybe a less risky Intrigue) im down
Coffee vs Ice Cream seems like it's more a philosophical debate and a matter of opinion here, I just like Coffee more here.

Meanwhile, I like the synergy breaking that deal has with Gem Solar Power, and I trust in our and Izzy's collective intrigue scores to stop Mandy from getting one step closer to an energy monopoly. If things work out she might not even realize it was us, or that it was enemy action. Especially if Izzy's big death defying crazy stunt/distraction works as advertised.
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Coffee vs Ice Cream seems like it's more a philosophical debate and a matter of opinion here, I just like Coffee more here.

Meanwhile, I like the synergy breaking that deal has with Gem Solar Power, and I trust in our and Izzy's collective intrigue scores to stop Mandy from getting one step closer to an energy monopoly. If things work out she might not even realize it was us, or that it was enemy action. Especially if Izzy's big death defying crazy stunt/distraction works as advertised.
As it stands, Izzy and Father have a 44% chance to actually succeed here. If we calm father down enough to lose some martial it goes to a 54% chance. I am not liking these odds for an action as potentially Risky as this; Mandy as her card show, is one of the most powerful Kings in the setting (In DVV proper, she is one of the Kings in Hero Tier; the same Tier as Father and HIM). Making an enemy of her this early on is a terrible idea.
As a potential alternative to the risky choice of breaking the energy deal, how do people feel about

[ ] Investigate the "Guild"
DC 70


[ ] Begin Total Drama Productions Sabotage
DC 80

Not sure which to pick. Learning about other villains seems smart and messing with Chris seems fun. Putting either with Izzy either way.
Did I do this right?

[ ] Plan D.W.N.A.I.O.P (Doing what's needed and improving our position).
[ ] Mow the Lawn
--[ ] Izzy
[ ] Recruit News Staff
--[ ] Hank
[ ] Refurbish Ice Cream Factories
--[ ] Skips
[ ] Hunt down the K.N.D.
--[ ] Toiletnator
[ ] Gem Tech Integration
--[ ] Professor XXL
[ ] Un-Hypnotise Ice Cream Men
--[ ] Hex

[ ] Tinker with Sir Toasty
Hello lawn patrol/mower.

[ ] Visit Spankulot in Prison
Dude could use a friend also we can hopefully get a hero that can hypnotize our enemy's mooks.

[ ] Look into What All This "Super Villainy" is
I'm Hank Hill and I sell ProPain and ProPain Accessories. (Wonder if Hank still has that game those kids made could be a product we can sell and even include Father and Crew as other characters.)

[ ] Look for Friends!

[ ] Perform a stunt

[ ] Set up a new Library
Potential place to study magic for the other heroes? Sign me up.

Professor XXXL
[ ] Hunt Down Ingredients
Will be beneficial to our Ice Cream endeavours.

[ ] Prepare for the Ritual
Best get this out the way.

[ ] Recruit a Hero
--[ ] Mr. Wink and Mr. Fibb
Good with robotics and can be put to use upgrading or making more robots.
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Ice cream and coffee are both valuable, but I feel like we should prioritize ice cream first in light of the synergy with Professor XXXL. Once we have both up and running we can see about popularizing coffee-flavored ice cream so that it's harder for kids to enjoy it.
Having checked the stats Wink and Fibb are shockingly okay for Martial (and can free up XXXL for the rare Intrigue action I suppose) but Knightbrace isn't as hoped. Oh well, he drops down in priority. Mr. Black and Mr. White are probably decent enough grabs.

As an aside, Skips handily opens up Hank for Diplo work whenever we find an appropriate Stewardship action as I think he barely edges out stat wise. Obviously doesn't apply for Propane style stuff.

Edit: to avoid double posting
Thoughts on next turn, as a note in a rush as I'm very tired so haven't properly seen other plans

Martial (Izzy) 37+5+25: Mow The Lawn (120). It's getting so freaking high it's ridiculous.

Diplomacy (Hank) 21-5+23 (+5 potentially): News Staff (80) or Mr. Fizz (65). Either potentially leads to a hero, with News opening more options immediately and takes a step toward another action. Fizz however is reliable-ish and would help us get into soda.

Stewardship (Skips) 19+5+15+10: refurbish Ice Cream (80). Money. Also stuff for XXXL to work with but also money. Or, also just as good, reestablish coffee rigs (80). Money. Also sea travel and potential to reconnect with Sticky eventually. But mostly money.

Intrigue (Tolitenator) 27+6: Paradigm City (50) it's uh. About the only one I feel we can hit comfortably since we still have to use this dude for filler. That's about it for me.

Learning (XXXL) 19+31: Gem Tech Integration (95) maybe 2x4 Technology (80) if particularly Impatient. Either should help use begin the things we need to do.

Occult (Hex) 15+28: Hear me out. Shen Gong Wu (85). These are very powerful and diverse artifacts that we can massively abuse. Book of KND (80) is also good sure. And of course Ice Cream Men (60) would be nice but just isn't comparable imo.
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[] Plan: Eliminating Loose Ends
-[] Mow the Lawn
--[] Hex
-[] Set up a Lobbyist Group
--[] Hank Hill
-[] Contain Gem POWs
--[] Skips
-[] Locate Sector V Members
--[] Izzy
-[] Gem Tech Integration
--[] Professor XXXL
-[] Un-Hypnotise Ice Cream Men
--[] Toiletnator
-[] Meet with the Black Knight
-[] Tinker with Sir Toasty
-[] Recruit a Hero
--[] Mr. Black and Mr. White
-[] Hold a Barbeque
-[] Look for Friends!
-[] Spread Gossip
-[] Take a sample from Father's suit
-[] Catalogue your germ collection
-[] Collect VA benefits
Thoughts on turn planning:

[ ] Mow the Lawn
DC 120
37(Father) + 27(Hex) + 3(Hex Loyalty) + 5(Father's Feel the Heat trait, since I'm assuming he'd be personally fighting) = 72 Needs a 48 or higher to succeed.

We've gotta do this before the DC gets even higher. Hex is our best Martial unit, so he's gotta be slotted in here. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like we critfdailed last turn, looking at Toiletnator's character sheet he has a trait that reduces crit success and crit fail chances by 1% each, so it seems like we rolled just above the threshold to trigger Father's trait. Toiletnator even fails at failing, I guess.

[ ] Recruit News Staff
DC 80
21(Father) + 23(Hank) + 4(Hank Loyalty) + 5?(Hank trait, assuming recruiting people counts as meeting them for the first time) = 53?, need a 27 or higher to pass, assuming Hank's Well Howdy There trait applis.

The potential Hero is interesting, but that second action per turn looks amazing. I want to start unlocking that asap. And putting Hank on it because he's got good Diplo and recruiting for a news org is nice and goodie two-shoes for him.

[ ] Contain Gem POWs
DC 80
19(Father) + 10(Toietnator) + 2(Toiletnator Loyalty) = 31, needs a 49 or higher to succeed.

We should probably get this done before we start on other stuff. Not very high chances with Toiletnator, but needed to put him somewhere. And our loyal toadie isn't going to be protesting us keeping POWs like, say, Hank would.

[ ] Locate Sector V Members
DC 80
27(Father) + 29(Izzy) + 2(Izzy Loyalty) = 58, need to roll a 32 or higher to pass

I'm of the opinion that fighting the KND takes fairly high priority, so might as put Izzy on hunting down Numbuhs 2-5 to see if they're gonna be thorns in our side.

[ ] Gem Tech Integration
DC 95
(Professor XXXL)
19(Father) + 31(Professor XXXL) + 3(Professor XXXL Loyalty, assuming he's in the 0-25 range) = 53, need to roll a 42 or higher to pass

Don't want to study 2x4 tech until we study the Book of KND, so I guess I'll go with this.

[ ] Un-Hypnotise Ice Cream Men
DC 60
15(Father) + 15(Skips) + 1(Skips Loyalty, assuming he's in the 0-25 range) + 15(Skips has Seen It All Before) = 46, need to roll a 14 or higher to pass

Best get our minions back in order, I feel. And Skips' trait almost certainly applies to un-hypnotising people.

And as for personal actions:

[ ] Meet with the Black Knight
[ ] Tinker with Sir Toasty
[ ] Recruit a Hero
-[ ] Mr. Wink and Mr. Fibb

Primarily want Sir Toasty for the potential Hero Unit, and decided to make it a double knight turn because why not. I really want Wink and Fibb for super lawn chair mechs.

[ ] Mow the Yard

Don't particularly have a preference for Hank's action besides not looking into Supervillainy, so I figured having him mow the lawn while we Mow the Lawn could be neat.

[ ] Look for Friends!

Eh, why not.

[ ] Spread Gossip

Chaos, chaos!

[ ] Set up a new Library

This sounds like something we probably want him to do quickly.

Professor XXXL
[ ] Catalogue your germ collection

Also something we probably want to get done quickly, before a containment breach happens.

[ ] Prepare for the Ritual

It's probably a good idea to have prep for this done and out of the way.

If I had to name it:

[ ] Plan: Super Not Avoiding Failure, Unfortunately
-[ ] Mow the Lawn
--[ ] Hex
-[ ] Recruit News Staff
--[ ] Hank
-[ ] Contain Gem POWs
--[ ] Toiletnator
-[ ] Locate Sector V Members
--[ ] Izzy
-[ ] Gem Tech Integration
--[ ] Professor XXXL
-[ ] Un-Hypnotise Ice Cream Men
--[ ] Skips
-[ ] Personals
--[ ] Father
---[ ] Meet with the Black Knight
---[ ] Tinker with Sir Toasty
---[ ] Recruit a Hero
----[ ] Mr. Wink and Mr. Fibb
--[ ]Hank
---[ ] Mow the Yard
--[ ] Toiletnator
---[ ] Look for Friends!
--[ ] Izzy
---[ ] Spread Gossip
--[ ] Hex
---[ ] Set up a new Library
--[ ] Professor XXXL
---[ ] Catalogue your germ collection
--[ ] Skips
---[ ] Prepare for the Ritual

The plan is named as such because while Un-Hypnotising is likely to succeed, the next most likely action needs a roll of 27 or more, and it only goes up from there. Odds are we're probably gonna fail something here. Still, even a bare fail on these actions would be helpful.

Edit: Swapped around Hank, Izzy, and Toiletnator. Originally had Hank on Gems, Izzy on News, and Toiletnator on Sector V, but didn't like Hank being assigned to figuring out how to hold POWs, so swapped them to their current configuration.
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I have a question. What happened with this interlude?
-[X] Go On Talk Show
It was, well, pretty weird to not only fly up to the moon but then to also step onto the moonbase and not get shot or attacked or swarmed by packs of rabid children. But here you are! Getting pulled back stage, you check your hair, your pipe and your shadowy aura, and prepare to head out! Show time!
To be continued in "Past Your Bedtime, Up Late With Father"!
I have redone my old plan to fit modern standards. Increased Focus on Actual Problems. Toiletnator only has 13 less on his Stewardship then Skips as well, which I think makes it fine to swap him to stewardship as Skips 9 extra (Potentially 24) Occult is more important as of right now.

[X] Operation: P.R.O.B.L.E.M. (Proper Rebuilding Operations Belay Ludicrously Extreme Measures)
-[X] Mow the Lawn (Hex)
-[X] Recruit News Staff (Hank Hill)
-[X] Refurbish Ice Cream Factories (Toiletnator)
-[X] Locate Sector V Members (Izzy)
-[X] Gem Tech Integration (Professor XXXL)
-[X] Un-Hypnotise Ice Cream Men (Skips)
-[X]Recruit a Hero
--[X] Mr Black and Mr White
-[X] Meet with Black Knight
-[X] Tinker with Sir Toasty
-[X] Look into What All This "Super Villainy" Is
-[X] Look for Friends!
-[X] Spread Gossip
-[X] Set up a New Library
-[X] Hunt Down Ingredients
-[X] Prepare for the Ritual
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Coffee speficly says we are not profitable yet and it's the way to fix it. Coffee this turn then next ice cream synergy. Plus I don't want to do ice cream while our ice cream men are broken
Moratorium has passed, so voting should be opened, thus;

[X] Plan: Super Not Avoiding Failure, Unfortunately
-[X] Mow the Lawn (Hex)
-[X] Recruit News Staff (Hank)
-[X] Contain Gem POWs (Toiletnator)
-[X] Locate Sector V Members (Izzy)
-[X] Gem Tech Integration (Professor XXL)
-[X] Un-Hypnotise Ice Cream Men (Skips)
-[X] Personals
--[X] Meet with the Black Knight (Father)
--[X] Tinker with Sir Toasty (Father)
--[X] Recruit a Hero (Father)
---[X] Mr. Wink and Mr. Fibb
--[X] Mow the Yard (Hank)
--[X] Look for Friends! (Toiletnator)
--[X] Spread Gossip (izzy)
--[X] Set up a new Library (Hex)
--[X] Catalogue your germ collection (Professor XXXL)
--[X] Prepare for the Ritual (Skips)

Reformatted it a bit for (hopefully) better readability. I know it's not strictly necessary to identify which Hero the PAs go to, but figured it might help a bit with recognition in the moment.
Swapped Toiletnator and Skips, dropped the risky Anti-Mandy options for something with a higher chance of success.

[X] Plan T.S.P.W.A.C.A.B.A.W.H.C (The Second Plan Without A Cool Acronym, But Atleast We Have Coffee)
-[X] Mow the Lawn
--[X] Hex
-[X] Recruit News Staff
--[X] Hank
-[X] Re-Establish Coffee-rigs
--[X] Skips
-[X] Locate Sector V Members
--[X] Izzy
-[X] Gem Tech Integration
--[X] Professor XXXL
-[X] Un-Hypnotise Ice Cream Men
--[X] Toiletnator
-[X] Recruit a Hero
--[X] Mr Black and Mr White
-[X] Meet with the Black Knight
-[X] Tinker with Sir Toasty
-[X] Look into What All This "Super Villainy" Is
-[X] Look for Friends!
-[X] Perform a stunt
-[X] Take a sample from Father's suit
-[X] Catalogue your germ collection
-[X] Prepare for the Ritual