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First attempt at a quest.

This can only end well...


That One Guy
First attempt at a quest.

This can only end well.


'Ugh...' You groaned internally as a bright light shone into your eyes. Doing your best to ignore the.....

'Wait. Light?' You attempted to bolt upright, but couldn't due to being upright already.

You open your eyes and are greeted by a very strange sight. Strange as in the you are currently in some sort of weird glowy.... room? With a floating window.

Right. Because that makes sense.

You experimentally take a step forward.


Your foot connects with something solid. Deciding that you have nothing better to do you take a step towards the window.

'Huh, that's odd.' Looking through the window you see...

[ ] A burning city. Wow, that's a lot of fire.

[ ] Some sort of basement.

[ ] A church.


Well. There. Its a thing.

Vote, comment, viciously ridicule it. Do what you thinks best.

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Wow, people are actually voting.


Anyway, voting closes at let's say around... 10 o'clock?

Or some other time?
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[X] A burning city. Wow, that's a lot of fire.


For some reason you reach out to the window and touch it. When the palm of your hand comes into contact with the window it begins to phase through it. Attempting to pull back does nothing.

Suddenly you are yanked through the window by a strong force. You make it through mostly unscathed. Well. Mostly. You kinda, sorta, maybe hut your head on the way out rendering you once again unconscious.

When you come too, you feel much smaller than before. Oh, and theres fire. Everywhere.


What do?

[ ] Panic.

[ ] Try to remain calm. Try to get to safety.

[ ] Wait, why am I a child?
Please pardon the poor grammar in the previous post, my inner Russian comes out when I'm tired.

[X] Panic, while not at the disco.


'Wait. Why am I so small?' Looking down at your hands your realize you have become a little girl.

Panic sets in immediately. Which is weird considering it should have set in a long time ago.

Anyway, you begin to run in a random direction, avoiding fires and trying to keep moving. After what feels like hours you finally collapse.

Gasping heavily for a breath, you notice someone standing near you.

Looking up you see...

[ ] A scarred bearded man, with an eyepatch over his right eye.

[ ] A man that has lost everything. He smiles when he sees you.

[ ] A mountain of a man. Seems to be heavily armed too.... Is that mini-gun?!


Final post of the night. See you lot in the morning.
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[X] A scarred bearded man, with an eyepatch over his right eye.
