What was paradise? Some would say it is a land with endless bounty, or maybe a land more beautiful than any other, Paradise was dependent on the person. For instance, a bloodthirsty killer's paradise would be a lawless kill zone filled with suffering; A place utterly incompatible with his own. Avicebron's Paradise was a place where all could live in harmony, an Eden where life thrived unhindered, where no hate, scorn, jealousy and other such senseless conflict existed.
Caster's paradise was a dream, an impossibility due to humans, they spread across the planet spreading their filth onto a once pristine world. Paradise had existed, but it was it was they, humans who destroyed Eden with their own greed. They bit the hand that fed them in their endless desire, never satisfied with what they already had always wanting more, utterly insatiable, utterly detestable. He would never accept that though, already he was almost finished with his masterpiece, the engine that would recreate Eden instead of destroying it, a new Adam, a better Adam.
As Caster watched his first Master, Roche slowly being integrated into an unfinished Adam, he had to admit to himself that not all humans were garbage, but still the many outweighed the few, while it was regrettable that an upstanding boy like Roche had to suffer, it was a necessary sacrifice as no ordinary human trash could be Adam's core, no only a child as pure as Roche could ever possibly work.
A sudden pull broke Avicebron's musings, a Command Seal requiring his presence he could barely note, not a moment later he was standing in front of a blonde woman, a new master, Already? He didn't truly care for Fiore or Roa as she wanted to be called, he did what she required of him to continue his work but that was all he felt for the leech, she was the culmination of all that was wrong with the world, a consumptive hole of endless desires that never gave back what it took, the perfect example of Humanity's mindless and destructive greed.
He had no time to waste on another Master drawn to the Grail's promises like they do a fly to honey, she was just another insatiable devourer of the land's blessings. He didn't really remember what he said to her that caused it but before he could notice he was against the floor, pinned into place. Was this woman also not human, just as Fiore?
He ignored his physical body as he probed his bond closely using that combined with his magic to sense what exactly she was. At first glance she was similar to the Leech, but on closer inspection it was like comparing the worst examples of humanity to his Adam, he probed even deeper.
Avicebron beheld enlightenment, this goddess was an Avatar of the earth, she was directly connected to it, holding a connection to the Life Blood of GAIA itself. Never before had Caster held an opportunity to be so close to the planet's will, nor would he miss it, so he explored it deeper, throwing away his physical senses, fully diving into the mental connection he now had with the planet.
At first, he couldn't comprehend it, but slowly it started to make sense, her pleas for help, he could hear it all now as he strained himself further diving deeper into the connection than what any sane man would deem safe, those men were idiots. Caster could not see, he could not feel yet he could hear her cries of agony, at how humans were destroying her, how their depredations would inevitably kill her, she was begging anyone, even those sitting among the stars for aid.
It was everything that he had feared and worse, he would've cried and screamed in sympathy if he could, but Avicebron was separated from his body helpless to express his feelings. Yet as Caster stared into the Abyss so too did the Abyss slowly turn it's gaze and stared into him, he could feel her curiosity, the planet's suspicion and GAIA's anger, he was being judged. It deconstructed him tearing away all that he was piece by piece comprehending him in a way even he himself did not. After what seemed an eternity he felt a sense of acceptance, that he, Avicebron, Caster, Solomon Ibn Gabriel was worthy. Avicebron did not know how to explain what he felt at this moment other than euphoria, but it was broken when it finally spoke to him, it was almost too much for him to understand but he endured.
It spoke not in words but by directly transmitting information into his mind, Caster saw his Adam even though fully complete being destroyed with ease, that the dogs of ALAYA would never fail, that humanity would continue unhindered in its atrocities, that he wasn't enough…
Avicebron's heart felt like it would shatter, was his dream truly worthless never to be realized? Would he never succeed, no matter how hard he tried? If Caster was still capable of moving his physical body he might have mutilated it in his throes of despair. Yet just when he felt all was lost, his spirit was picked up and uplifted as more information crashed into his consciousness.
He saw the truth now, Adam alone was never going to be enough, but Adam was never meant to be alone, the world itself had spoken, and he, Solomon was chosen! As his mind aligned once more with his body his repressed emotions finally found an outlet as he moaned in horror, sympathy, sadness, joy and so many other emotions, he was a physical wreck but at the same time, his purpose had never been clearer.
Caster saw the Avatar of the Earth standing before his body, she must've been patiently waiting for him to see the truth, what he was meant to do with her. "You would make the perfect donor for my Eve, Please become my Golem!"
His rampant emotions must've set him more off kilter than he first thought, since he meant to say this in a more eloquent manner, but it didn't matter surely, she would hear its voice as well, they were comrades against the spreading infection.
He felt a pulse from his connection when the avatar lifted her hands against him once more, something was wrong. Avicebron was confused for a moment, why wouldn't the avatar want to ascend to a purer state, to become the type of being she was meant to be? He looked at her for a moment before understanding flooded his being, she was incomplete he already knew that, the ultimate weapon of the planet was damaged before it could be finished, mentally as well, she was tainted by humanity.
Caster clutched his fists hard enough to draw blood if he wasn't wearing his gauntlets, there must be someway to accomplish his task… he felt the pulse through his connection once again and information flooded his brain, No, she wasn't the one there was another meant to be Eve, the Avatar had another purpose.
Avicebron hastily corrected his error, he had misunderstood, he was such a fool! "Please mercy! I was too arrogant to ask a goddess such as yourself for such a thing… but do you perhaps have any family?" He felt like he was on the right track though, it had to be something similar to the Avatar, he only hoped she would forgive his mistake.
"Yeah, I have a sister…" Caster didn't need to hear more than that, was this sister the one? As if in affirmation he felt a warm pulse splash against his core, she was.
However, family tended to be close, it wouldn't do for him to conflict with his Master "I see, and do the two of you get along?" he didn't have to wait long for a response "No, we hate each other…"
That was everything he needed to know, perfect. This was his appointed task, what Avicebron was chosen for and he would not fail! However, there was one final piece he needed here, something from the Avatar that would help him design the masterpiece that would surpass Adam, Eve. Caster needed to show the proper respect needed, for he was something so beneath her. "Please oh great one! I beseech you, give me a piece of your immortal body for me to begin a prototype for my Eve, I won't let your contributions be for nothing, I will fasten it for your personal use! Please I beg you, I'll do anything!"
He felt the pulse again stronger than ever, not focused on him but his Master, the Avatar. It almost felt like time had paused, like a grand and momentous occasion had just happened but then the feeling passed as if it had never happened in the first place. Caster stared carefully at his master she seemed indecisive for a second, then the pulse hit again weaker than before but still stronger than he had ever personally experienced.
It seems as if it did the trick because his Master gave a small nod of acceptance, "Fine, just leave me alone when you're done." Everything was coming together, for it was the will of the planet itself. Avicebron had never imagined something like this would happen, it was as if all his desperate prayers had finally been answered. He nearly cried tears of joy as he started assembling a golem that would hold the Avatar's essence, soon Eden would be brought forth and reborn by his own two hands.
A/N: So, for those of you who are rightfully questioning how this happened look at the roll on the previous chapter, Nat 100+30(overflow). Now some of you might be saying that's just Arcs roll, but no it includes all her servants as well. For instance, I don't roll Shirou's and Semiramis' search and action rolls separately, they're all under the Red Faction to simplify the rolls for me. Anyways what that means is that Avicebron had a miraculous success, leading to what you see in this chapter, I wanted to put more but I'm already pushing the spoilers with an interlude I never meant to do(I only did it because alot of people seemed confused).
For those of you unfamiliar with Type-Moon Arcueid receives power directly from the planet itself, giving her a direct connection to the will of the earth itself. What happened is that caster tapped that connection, getting something that's usually unobtainable for humans let alone even most nature spirits, allowing what you're seeing now. GAIA the will of the planet dislikes(probably hates) humans who will inevitably destroy her if the continue to live(it's even directly shown in notes) so when she saw Avicebron's idea she really liked it, so she's like hey that's not bad(Not good enough) but let's make it better.
I hope I captured Caster's character well in this interlude, tell me if anything seemed off. This was also the chapter with the least dialogue in it but I really couldn't fit in much unfortunately.