I pride myself at least of over two hundred posts debating, not necessarily about nasuverse though.
Well if 'somehow' Heracles regain sanity, you bet he will try to convince his younger self to choose a different path.
I pride myself at least of over two hundred posts debating, not necessarily about nasuverse though.
Well if 'somehow' Heracles regain sanity, you bet he will try to convince his younger self to choose a different path.
Bring a hero of classical mythology is an absolute bitch in the end. I'm fairly sure that the Argonauts invented time travel after death, just to haunt Perseus for getting a happy ending.
Remember that bit with Shirou when he 'saw' Archer's path?
"I won't feel compassion.
I won't feel compassion.
I won't feel compassion!
My mind almost gives in, thinking I will follow this exact same path."
Inside a world closed off from the physical one, one that burned with the flames of hell... a Shadow in the shape of a humanoid wolf howled in delight. It would get what it desired, at last.
[X] You console your Master, as she's clearly panicking about something. Calming her down will be the best you can do so that you can get information about what's going on.
Your Master bounces around with a strange blush on her face for some time, as the floating star laughs and the twin-tailed magus tries to calm her down. It is quite hilarious, reminding you of the antics of your step-brother when you were both innocent children- if you recall correctly, Iphicles had freaked out at seeing a baby snake in the grass and wouldn't come outside again for a few days.
You laugh at yourself as you recall those carefree times before the both of you began growing up and distanced yourselves from one another. After all, Hera had cursed you as your mother told you repeatedly- you did not wish her wrath to target your little brother. If that meant being distant from him, then you would pay that price.
But here, as a Servant...
With minimal effort, you reach out and pat your Master on the head several times. She freezes from the contact, before looking up at you with those ruby eyes. Yes, she is quite cute, but your first instinct is to calm her down from her hysteria. The magus and the device look at your interaction with interest.
"Master, calm yourself." You say gently, as you kneel down and tussle her hair a little. "Deep breaths... in, and out."
Your Master follows your instructions, breathing in and out, closing her eyes as she does so. You can feel the tension leaving her now, which is very good. Soon enough, she opened her eyes again, her heartbeat returning to normal. Smiling at her, you stand tall once more.
"U-um, who are you mister?" Your Master asks of you. A strange request, but you oblige.
"I am the Servant you summoned, Archer." You tell her, showing your favored red bow in your left hand. "I am the Servant of the Bow, and the Servant that will win you the Holy Grail."
"Ah, finally! An Archer that uses arrows!" The star declared suddenly, causing you to look at it. "It's a joke that Zelretch came across in several multiverses- most Archers use swords for arrows!"
You... have no idea how to react to that, so instead, you turn to your Master once more. The magus interrupts you, however, impatiently. You flex your muscles in frustration- this magus was truly an irritation, wasn't she?
"Wait, you're a Servant?" She asked of you. "How have you manifested in the real world, and without a Class Card? If anything, you should be in the Mirror World."
You furrow your brow in confusion. The terms mean nothing to you, and the Grail's information has nothing in regards to them either.
You look into the magus' eyes, before replying.
"I have no idea what you speak of." You declare, causing the star, your Master and the magus to recoil in surprise. "I was simply summoned as an Archer by my Master here- she drew me from the Throne of Heroes."
Your Master rubs her head sheepishly and with some embarrassment. "Ah, I didn't mean to do that. I was trying to activate my Magic Circuits like Rin said, but I kinda blacked out."
Hm, blacking out while summoning a Servant? Highly irregular. And your Master hadn't even intended to summon you it seems. These are irregular circumstances, causing you to lean against the wall of the cellar you were summoned in.
"I see. That's indeed something." You note, frowning. "It seems as if there are unique circumstances for this Holy Grail War. Perhaps we should combine our knowledge and discover any discrepancies."
"That's probably the best option... ah, Archer." 'Rin', the magus agrees with your assessment. "Can you tell us what the Holy Grail War is supposed to be like?"
It seems the magus wasn't as stupid as you believed initially. She agrees with your logical course of action, whilst your Master seems a bit confused at the whole ordeal. You proceed over to your Master, patting her on the head once more. She seems a bit surprised but relaxes into it.
"Seven Servants are to be summoned, as a result of the Holy Grail." You recall aloud. "Saber, Lancer, Archer, Rider, Assassin, Caster and Berserker. Heroic Spirits from the Throne of Heroes are summoned into those classes, and those that summon them are called their Masters."
Rin seems confused at the terms you speak of, though she has the sense to rub her chin in thought. Good, she really wasn't irritating or useless as you once believed. That helped somewhat.
You gesture to your Master's left hand, where her Command Spells dwell.
"Ah, what are these, Archer?" She asks, pointing at the three marks that form a chalice.
"Those are Command Spells. They are absolute orders, proof of a Master having a Servant." You answer her questions dutifully. "They are often used to command a Servant to perform some feat, such as teleporting to their Master's location. There are only three, however- once a Master uses all Command Spells, they are no longer a Master and their Servant disappears quite quickly. So be careful Master- they are a vital resource."
Your Master seems mildly distressed at the possibility of you disappearing. You chuckle a little at her reaction- it seems she was fond of you so quickly, within mere minutes of summoning you. It was quite hilarious and cute.
"I won't use them irresponsibly, Archer!" Your Master declares loudly. "I've seen this type of thing in anime and manga before- it's like a Monkey's Paw! I won't use them to make you clean my house, I promise! I'll be the best Master ever!"
"That's alright Master." You softly tell her, trying to reassure her further. "If you have summoned me, you are indeed the strongest Master. And because of that, I am undoubtedly the strongest Servant."
Your Master once again goes quiet, blushing, before nodding rapidly at your declaration. The sentient star seemed incredibly amused by this, whispering into your Master's ear before the girl shouts something nonsensically and begins tugging the wings of the device until it begins crying out in pain.
How that works, you have absolutely no idea.
"Those are the basics of the Holy Grail War I assumed to have been summoned into as Archer. The rest can come later." You tell Rin directly. "Now, what is this 'Class Card' and 'Mirror World' you spoke of before?"
Rin gets up from where she had been standing and proceeded to begin wiping the blackboard she has been using previously, as clear by the chalk drawings. Once it is clear, she begins drawing new diagrams and such onto it, to serve as aids, no doubt, for the explanation she is about to give you.
"About eight distortions opened up in the world a few months ago. No-one knows how they occurred, but the distortions contained Heroic Spirits, closed off from the physical world." Rin draws what appeared to be a world made of crude mirrors. "They reside in the Mirror World, and can't interact with the physical world at all."
You nod, rubbing your chin in thought. These 'Corrupt Servants' resided in some pocket dimension... you know of magecraft that could achieve that effect, so you believe this to be possibly very easily and with little problems.
Rin then draws a card illustration on the blackboard. "Apparently, the Servants manifest as a result of drawing in mana from the world through their Class Cards. Their bodies are constructs formed around these Cards, and once they're killed they revert to the Cards."
Interesting. So instead of manifesting because of a Grail, these Servants used Cards as a catalyst and focus? You smile a little at the thought- this War will be most interesting to fight. Your blood already sings from hearing these words, and your muscles bulge a little in excitement.
"An Executor already took care of Archer, who manifested in London." Rin continues. "While Rider was taken care of by a damn little-!"
"Rin! You shouldn't speak badly of Miyu! She was just doing what she was supposed to do!" Your Master complains at Rin's sudden irritation.
"Well, she wouldn't have gotten that Card if you had done a little more than flail around. Honestly, Ruby left me for you?"
Your Master wilts a little from the verbal onslaught. You narrow your eyes, feeling your blood rise, and step forward just a little. Rin sees you do so, and pales considerably before getting back to her speech.
"A-anyway, so there are six distortions left here. Myself and some dumb blonde were supposed to take care of the rest of the Cards here in Japan, but Ruby," Here, Rin glares at the floating star- so it was called Ruby then?- who... whistles innocently somehow?
"Rejected me and found Illya, making a contract with her. So now Illya's got to fight and win the Class Cards from the Servants in the Mirror World. Only those that use the Kaleidosticks like Ruby can even get into the Mirror World and fight them. But, she can't really fight..."
Was your Master expected to fight Heroic Spirits? You frown at this, clenching your fists. While it makes sense as Rin put it, to throw a child who didn't know how to fight headfirst into the fray?
For some reason, it seems wrong. You know of a great many heroes who began their careers around your Master's age, but they usually had godly blood flowing in their veins, or they were Amazons, or even something else.
Your Master... is just a tiny girl who looks out of her depth in this world.
But you stomach your sudden distaste to focus on the next plan of action. It is obvious one is needed, as you digest Rin's words.
"Interesting... this War is certainly different to what I imagined." You murmur, rubbing your chin. "So these distortions. How do you find them?"
"Oh, we do Mister Totally-An-Archer!" Ruby chatters excitedly to you, causing you to back up a little from the intensity of the sentient device. "It's a little something Zelretch built into us, you see. We were actually going to go find another in a few days. There's one up near the old temple- Ryuudou, was it?- so we were gonna go gut that Servant!"
The Kaleidostick's bloodlust startles you a little before you relax albeit still a bit... surprised at its enthusiasm.
You think through your options carefully, taking note of your Master looking up at you, still nervous despite the assurances you gave her. It further confirms your belief that she is simply inexperienced to fight Servants right now, even if 'Ruby' gives her enough power to do so.
She is also tired from the events of the summoning, obviously. You can sense it through your mutual connection.
"We can discuss strategy in the morning. My Master is tired, and requires her rest." You declare forcefully, leaving no room for debate.
"That's probably the correct decision, Archer." Rin agrees with your statement. "Illya, go home. We can finish this tomorrow sometime."
"A-alright Rin!" Your Master declares, waving goodbye as the two of you proceed out of the massive house, accompanied by Ruby.
"This way Archer. This is the way I came from home, so it's the fastest-huh?" Your Master looks at you in confusion. "Are you alright?"
Your body seizes up. You clutch your bow, arrows already appearing in your left hand, grasped tightly.
Something is coming. Something that has a powerful mana signature, and something that is heading straight for you and your Master.
You turn your head upwards and narrow your eyes. It is hard to perceive, but you see a girl clad in blue, with amber eyes stepping on the air towards you.
Your eyes meet, and the mystery girl seems fearful before gaining bravado and diving towards you, her 'Kaleidostick' aimed straight at you.
"Miyu? What's she doing here?"
There is no time to react, even as your Master recognizes the little girl approaching the both of you with the force of a missile.
You must make a decision, here and now.
What do you do?
[] Attack with every bit of your power. This girl intends to attack you and your Master, it seems. You must defend your Master at all costs, even if she does not wish it.
[] Hold back, and try to disable the girl. Your Master recognizes the blue-clad girl, and evidently considers her important. Harming her would be the same as harming your Master- an unacceptable action.
[] Write-in.
Adhoc vote count started by TyrantOfKings on Dec 11, 2017 at 7:28 AM, finished with 50 posts and 19 votes.
[X] Hold back, and try to disable the girl. Your Master recognizes the blue-clad girl, and evidently considers her important. Harming her would be the same as harming your Master- an unacceptable action.
[X] You console your Master, as she's clearly panicking about something. Calming her down will be the best you can do so that you can get information about what's going on.
[X] Hold back, and try to disable the girl. Your Master recognizes the blue-clad girl, and evidently considers her important. Harming her would be the same as harming your Master- an unacceptable action.
[X] Hold back, and try to disable the girl. Your Master recognizes the blue-clad girl, and evidently considers her important. Harming her would be the same as harming your Master- an unacceptable action.
-[X] You already know from Ilya that they would be otherwise ordinary girls save for the artifact they wield. Confiscate it and she would be no threat.
[X] Hold back, and try to disable the girl. Your Master recognizes the blue-clad girl, and evidently considers her important. Harming her would be the same as harming your Master- an unacceptable action.
Let's warm up a little bit and to show them how strong the son of Zeus is
Your Master wilts a little from the verbal onslaught. You narrow your eyes, feeling your blood rise, and step forward just a little. Rin sees you do so, and pales considerably before getting back to her speech.
Was your Master expected to fight Heroic Spirits? You frown at this, clenching your fists. While it makes sense as Rin put it, to throw a child who didn't know how to fight headfirst into the fray?
[X] Hold back, and try to disable the girl. Your Master recognizes the blue-clad girl, and evidently considers her important. Harming her would be the same as harming your Master- an unacceptable action.
[X] Hold back, and try to disable the girl. Your Master recognizes the blue-clad girl, and evidently considers her important. Harming her would be the same as harming your Master- an unacceptable action.
No. Alkeides is acting on instinct and his Eye of the Mind (False): he can tell it's a Kaleidostick because Rin told him about them, but doesn't realise Miyu is the girl that took Rider's Class Card, as Rin wasn't able to name her.
[X] Hold back, and try to disable the girl. Your Master recognizes the blue-clad girl, and evidently considers her important. Harming her would be the same as harming your Master- an unacceptable action.
[X] Hold back, and try to disable the girl. Your Master recognizes the blue-clad girl, and evidently considers her important. Harming her would be the same as harming your Master- an unacceptable action.
Let's use magic resistance and Ancient Greek Martial arts to full effectiveness here.
[X] Hold back, and try to disable the girl. Your Master recognizes the blue-clad girl, and evidently considers her important. Harming her would be the same as harming your Master- an unacceptable action.
Speaking of, I find it hilarious that although Heracles was taught everything he knows by Chiron, he still created a fighting style and found the time to teach that to Chiron.
Speaking of, I find it hilarious that although Heracles was taught everything he knows by Chiron, he still created a fighting style and found the time to teach that to Chiron.
No. Thor's Hammer is a magecraft that Rin uses in 2wei. Essentially, it acts as a battery ram, which when Miyu and Illya fire their beams through it, Thor's Hammer becomes powerful enough to destroy Gilgamesh's black mist, that had up till then been impenetrable.
No. Thor's Hammer is a magecraft that Rin uses in 2wei. Essentially, it acts as a battery ram, which when Miyu and Illya fire their beams through it, Thor's Hammer becomes powerful enough to destroy Gilgamesh's black mist, that had up till then been impenetrable.
[X] Hold back, and try to disable the girl. Your Master recognizes the blue-clad girl, and evidently considers her important. Harming her would be the same as harming your Master- an unacceptable action.
Cause I don't want to turn Miyu into chunky salsa.