Hey guys! So, this is my first Quest on SV and after reading several Nasuverse based ones, I...
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TyrantOfKings | 5 |
[X] A younger version of a certain Hero. You haven't matured into the form you are most famous for, but nonetheless you are a skilled and powerful Hero- though one whose skills haven't matured to their great pinnacle. The man who once killed a Hydra... that is your older self, the one that you stride towards despite so much younger than him. You will achieve it, despite the despair you know awaits you.
[X] Fate/Kaleid Liner
Am I missing something here? I'm very confused. XDDAMN Veekie!
How the hell do you have the time to be in EVERY SINGLE QUEST!?!?!?
(Just kidding, though still, how do you find the time?)
Jesus. He's 'The Guy Wearing a Moustache' for SB/SV!Basically, in every single quest, (or at least, all of the ones I've been on, even on SB) this guy is here to participate. :lol
Jesus. He's 'The Guy Wearing a Moustache' for SB/SV!
That Moustache Guy is everywhere!
Sure. Kaleid Liner is an alternate universe (not timeline) that operates on somewhat different rules from the canon nasuverse.Well, this is interesting.
So, looking at our choices, we have Aingra Mainyu, Alter! Artoria, and a young Hercules?
I'm not even sure what abilities young Hercules would even HAVE.
Buuut, I guess I'll go with him. He IS pretty awesome.
[X] A younger version of a certain Hero. You haven't matured into the form you are most famous for, but nonetheless you are a skilled and powerful Hero- though one whose skills haven't matured to their great pinnacle. The man who once killed a Hydra... that is your older self, the one that you stride towards despite so much younger than him. You will achieve it, despite the despair you know awaits you.
[X] Fate/Zero
I'm choosing this one, because it's one of the three I know anything about.
Hey, @QTesseract would you mind giving me a rundown of the events of Fate/Kaleid Liner? Please? With chocolate Grails on top?![]()
Avenger Angra Mainyu?[] A 'Heroic Spirit' who has lost his name to the people who sacrificed him, your heart burns with both the need of revenge, emotion of hatred and even love for those that ruined your life. You should not even exist in your current form, as you merely possessed a young boy whose arm was wrapped in a red cloth, who simply wished to save a single person...
Prototype Arthur Alter?[] The Black Knight, who was once an idealistic king. In pursuit of your ideal, of protecting your people and granting them an everlasting utopia, you blackened yourself with the Dragon's blood that courses within you. The humble knight you once were exists no longer- in his place... exists a Dark-Tainted Tyrant who will achieve his goal, through any means possible.
"Alcides" aka Young Hercules?[] A younger version of a certain Hero. You haven't matured into the form you are most famous for, but nonetheless you are a skilled and powerful Hero- though one whose skills haven't matured to their great pinnacle. The man who once killed a Hydra... that is your older self, the one that you stride towards despite being so much younger than him. You will achieve it, despite the despair you know awaits you.
The masters aren't much to write home about unless they can get the right circumstances on their side (a ton of potential upside but also a lot of flaws between them). The servants are absolute monsters, though, and with Goldilocks walking around as an 8th, this could be a hyper dangerous war to jump into. Angra Mainyu(?) is a bit of a wildcard which suits the chaos well, but based on the original stories this cast lines up quite well against him. Alcides is our power pick but is frankly outmuscled by Berserker and Goldilocks. Arthur would probably be our best bet for a combination of power, utility, skill and noble phantasms. Frankly, though, it's a goddamn mess with multiple ways of ruining us for joining it, so I'd rather go elsewhere.
The masters have a lot of combat power, probably more than any other war, but they lack the insane potential of the F/SN crew and even Kirei can probably only threaten a Cavalry-class Servant or equivalent. The servants on the other hand were quite dangerous, with 3 "S-rankers" in the canon story (for lack of a better term for A-rankers with absurd noble phantasms). This is a pretty dangerous war to jump into, but it's also one of the cleanest and most straight-forward. Angra Mainyu is probably very good at taking advantage of the psychologically vulnerable masters of this war, but 5/7 of this war's servants vastly outstripped him in combat power, and there's literally no answer for Goldilocks. Arthur and Alcides both have enough combat power to stand in this kind of war, and notably at their absolute full power are a serious threat even to Goldy himself, but it's still a tossup and we don't know if our objectives will require going through him or not. I'd rather avoid this war too, it's not as insane as F/SN but it's still very dangerous in its own ways.
It's a very interesting setting, depending on which version of Extra the threat level of servants/masters could vary wildly, so it's kind of hard to predict. I'd pick this one for the unique setting rather than anything else, especially since if Goldilocks shows his face, he'll be a bit toned down compared to the 4th/5th Grail Wars. There are a lot of servants with insane Noble Phantasms here, including some potential "S-Rankers", but there's also a lot of chaff and we have little way of predicting which parts of Extra's cast could show up (assuming that we get the same servants at all!). This is probably a comparatively safe choice for Alcides as long as we don't run into Saver or Goldy. I'm worried Arthur might be at risk from some of the more cunning threats like Li Shuwen; since our King has more of a proven track record of falling into cunning traps, I'd prefer to avoid them here. Angra Mainyu could do very well or very poorly depending on which Extra servants show up, so he's throwing a wildcard on top of a wildcard - risky, but it could be very interesting.
7v7 plus a Ruler servant. The masters are probably fairly weak on average if it's similar to the canon Apocrypha, but the servants will be an interesting mix of riffraff and extremely dangerous A rankers (including a couple"S-Rankers" as I'd call them) that will be hard to account for. Most of this cast was combat power focused, with only a few quirky noble phantasms that could threaten us. The chaos and two sides means this could be a great way for Angra Mainyu to flourish as he doesn't need to try as hard to avoid conflicts with other Servants, but on the flip side, the moment Ruler starts to sniff him out we're being hunted down, and I do NOT rate his chances against Jeanne. Alcides compares very favourably to all but two of the Apocrypha servants, but Red Team's combat power is pretty nuts, and they have multiple ways of breaching even A Rank Divinity. Black team is comparatively weak and only Chiron would be of any threat to him. Arthur is a good overall choice here as they have the combat power to face any of these servants and potentially win, and if they do have Avalon, they're the only servant on the board but Jeanne capable of surviving a hit from Vasavi Shakti. I'm concerned whether they have the wits to survive Semiramis, but they might have enough raw power to just break through since she's only an Assassin*.And a Caster...
I feel like trying to analyze this one is almost pointless. This is the comparatively fun, wacky option no matter what way I look at it, and at least it guarantees we're not going to have a boring time. Class cards for days! As long as Ilya's in the mix, going for raw power which isn't tempered by wisdom or cunning is probably a mistake. With that in mind, I feel Arthur is out of the question, Alcides is a solid "maybe", and that this might be the best place to pick Angra Mainyu and see if we can't mess with or break the system. I admit that Kaleid Liner is my least watched/read/played Fate so I might be missing some important details which could change my mind.
Sure. Kaleid Liner is an alternate universe (not timeline) that operates on somewhat different rules from the canon nasuverse.
In the Kaleid timeline, The 4th grail war takes an alternate turn. Kiritsugu abandons his plans and saves Irisveil rather than continuing after the grail. he wins the grail war, after which he and Irisveil proceeed to dismantly it and remove the Einzberns. Kiritsugu and Irisveil adopt a Shirou Emiya for reasons not explained, but the lack of the fire leaves him a different charachter; some similarities, but lacks much of the motivations of regular shirou. The main charachter is Illyasveil, who had her memories sealed so she could grow up a normal girl. SHe lives with her brother, the homunculous maids, and her parents (though they are frequently on trips). Illya is an ordinary middle schooler; freind circle, very social, loves magical girl anime, etc.
- Illya
- Miyu
The plot begins in Media Res, but it's revealed that there has been a series of disturbances in Fuyuki. Enforcers from the Mage's association, or basically Bazzete, Have tracked down and defeated two of these mindless projections that, when defeated, drop a "Class card." She has defeated the archer and lancer cards. Zelretch's apprentices, Luvia and RIn, are then dispatched as a trail of sorts to deal with the remaining disturbances, and are given a pair of tools that are uniquely suited for taking on these class card, the Kaleidosticks. The Kaleidosticks are senteint, Second magic weilding magical girl wands that offer a transformation power up and the ability to synch with other class cards. However, Luvia and Rin can't stop bickering so they abandon their masters for Miyu (Sapphire) and Illya (Ruby), who Rin and Luvia then recruit to fulfill the task since the Kaleidosticks refuse to obey. They deal with Rider and then Caster succesfully, but Saber defeats then and causes illya to reveal a powerup, a more efficient way of using these class card's power, from seemingly nowhere.
This introduces our third main charachter, Chloe von Einzbern, or as everyone ends up calling her Kuro. She's the sealed personality of Illya and the temporary antagonist of the second arc. She manifests using the archer clase card as a base, and thus has in constant use the abilities of that; short range teleportation, sword tracing, archery... She and Illya get along about as well as archer and shirou do, which is to say not at all. Eventually, she and illya have a climactic showdown that gets completely interrupted and ended by dress of heaven Irisveil, who ends the fight before admonsihing and punishing them for fighting.
They then fight against, and then team up with, Bazzette, to defeat the last class card, Archer. They try to defeat him, but despite use of fragarach and collapsing a mine on top of him Gilgamesh simply activates the Vimana and flies out. He demonstrates a unique ability to retain some semblance of his mind, which he uses to return to full sapience via his youth potion. He and Illya then fight, and Illya becomes the first ever nasuverse charachter to defeat a gilgamesh when he figths seriously, albeit at not insignificant cost to herself.
-Ko Gil
Here, it's revealed that the class cards, rather than being remnants of the grail system, are actually a normal grail system and are like Miyu from another world. The Ainsworths, athe group who made this holy grail, come and kidnap Miyu because they still need her abilities as a Holy Grail to save their world from an angel-notes like apocalypse. The world is dying, and they can't see any other way for humanity to survive without the sacrifice of a holy grail for a wish that can stop the apocalypse. Illya follows after, and with the help of Ko Gil, sneaks and then fights her way into the mansion to try to save Miyu. They are opposed by the users of the class cards for Gilgamesh and Thor. A series of misadventures later, there's a climactic battle where Darius Ainsworth + Angelica Ainsworth (Gilgamesh class card) summon an endless stream of corrupted heroic spirits against Illya and Kuro which slowly start to overwhelm them before they are rescued by Miyuverse shirour, who then with the help of Kuro defeats Angelica.
I'm glossing over a bunch here, but that's the gist of it. If there's anythign else you'd want expanded on let me know, or any part of my explanation that was unclear. I didn't really do the show justice, but heavily YMMV on watching it because while the plot is good and well animated the show itself is also extremely fanservice heavy.
DAMN Veekie!
How the hell do you have the time to be in EVERY SINGLE QUEST!?!?!?
(Just kidding, though still, how do you find the time?)