Vote tally - Fate/Stay Royal

Scheduled vote count started by BlackHadou on Jan 26, 2021 at 5:18 AM, finished with 57 posts and 18 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Fate/Stay Royal
Post #586
Post #642

  • 18

    [X] Force Sakura with a Geas to summon Archer of Black using her Command Spells. Hopefully he could be killed here without blowing the street up.
    -[X] Explain the plan while setting a trap for Archer. Start with making up an area in which to summon him outside so that the house won't be destroyed.
    --[X] The plan is as follows, Sakura will be geassed to use both of her command seals for Archer, one after the other. The first one is the most important one, telling him to 'appear before me', the second one being to 'use your trump card'.
    --[X] Karna will be on standby next to Sakura. Should she accidentally command him in her delirium, Karna will use his NP against Archer at a low power setting to avoid taxing her much further. Should she manage to correctly command archer, then Bazett will use Fragarach to counter the NP, striking Archer with a mortal blow.
    --[X] Regardless of the outcome, Karna should immediately evacuate Sakura to a safe distance.
    --[X]Should Archer still live, Arturia will commence the attack while Mordred reshapes the terrain to limit Archer's ability to shoot straight or escape. Once Sakura has been evacuated, Karna can return to join in the fight as well in order to bring him down.
    [X] Force Sakura with a Geas to summon Archer of Black using her Command Spells. Hopefully he could be killed here without blowing the street up.
    -[X] Explain the plan while setting a traps for Archer. Spells that might be useful, not summoning him in the middle of the house, that sort of thing.
    [x] Sever both of Sakura's contracts. Saber would have to die. Sakura might live.
  • 11

    [X] Plan One Two Punch