I vaguely remember something about Zouken being dead in this fic, though I might be mixing him up with the boss based on him. I mean, dead or alive, I doubt he'd care enough to interfere, but he's a major threat to basically anyone playing with anything resembling the Grail System.
I vaguely remember something about Zouken being dead in this fic, though I might be mixing him up with the boss based on him. I mean, dead or alive, I doubt he'd care enough to interfere, but he's a major threat to basically anyone playing with anything resembling the Grail System.
Nah he's unfortunately alive which means that Sakura's life went to hell ahead of schedule since she lost Shirou before he left for London.
...Though on that subject, how exactly does his core worm (located in Sakura's heart) work? Like if Kayaba calibrated the NerveGear just right and made the right preparations, could he get a 2-for-1 deal by getting Sakura to wear one? Or is this a case of "I taught you everytinng you know, not everything I know." Because... it kind of seems like Zouken might have been too generous with sharing stuff, but it's also possible that Kayaba's replications are surface level only.
Nah he's unfortunately alive which means that Sakura's life went to hell ahead of schedule since she lost Shirou before he left for London.
...Though on that subject, how exactly does his core worm (located in Sakura's heart) work? Like if Kayaba calibrated the NerveGear just right and made the right preparations, could he get a 2-for-1 deal by getting Sakura to wear one? Or is this a case of "I taught you everytinng you know, not everything I know." Because... it kind of seems like Zouken might have been too generous with sharing stuff, but it's also possible that Kayaba's replications are surface level only.
Yeah, uh, as noted, Makiri Zolgen was the one who invented the Command Seals.

From scratch.

I'm pretty sure he couldn't have taught Kayaba everything he knew about soul-contracts in a mere decade or so even if he seriously tried, which I guarantee you he didn't.

We don't really get a lot of detail about how either the Crest Worms or the Heart Worm work, but... I'd be pretty surprised if he left them open to any simple "back-hack" like that. I'm sure someone like Medea could probably do it anyway, but barring someone like that...
I'm pretty sure he couldn't have taught Kayaba everything he knew about soul-contracts in a mere decade or so even if he seriously tried, which I guarantee you he didn't.

We don't really get a lot of detail about how either the Crest Worms or the Heart Worm work, but... I'd be pretty surprised if he left them open to any simple "back-hack" like that. I'm sure someone like Medea could probably do it anyway, but barring someone like that...
That's pretty much what I thought. But then I thought "why would Zouken have bothered teaching Kayaba anything about contracts at all?" I then wondered if it was possible that he had accidentally said too much out of a combination of soul-rot-induced mental degeneration and a contemptuous disregard for:
Modern technology
Magecraft derived from modern technology
Kayaba Akihiko as a [Magic User] and as a [human being].

On the one hand, if he was senile enough to slip-up like that, how was he able to pull off his schemes in Heaven's Feel route? On the other, look how well that went for him.
That's pretty much what I thought. But then I thought "why would Zouken have bothered teaching Kayaba anything about contracts at all?" I then wondered if it was possible that he had accidentally said too much out of a combination of soul-rot-induced mental degeneration and a contemptuous disregard for:
Modern technology
Magecraft derived from modern technology
Kayaba Akihiko as a [Magic User] and as a [human being].

On the one hand, if he was senile enough to slip-up like that, how was he able to pull off his schemes in Heaven's Feel route? On the other, look how well that went for him.
These are mostly guesswork, but I think he was teaching Kayaba just enough to act as a idea springboard and disposable research assistant. He was probably getting a little desparate, but he also was lacking any magically competent minions after Byakuya left. He was probably a little out of touch with the latest methods and a little set in his ways. Kayaba is pretty skilled at modern magecraft and is the right kind of greedy to not care about working with a vampire or being second banana if gets him what he wants.
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On the one hand, if he was senile enough to slip-up like that, how was he able to pull off his schemes in Heaven's Feel route? On the other, look how well that went for him.

Not likely, Makiri Zolgen for all he's a degenerate, lesser, and worse copy of his original self is still a magus of the highest caliber easily able to go mano a mano with a servant---you don't get to that stage without being in scrooge mcducks words "smarter then the smarty's". From all accounts the dude taught kayaba what he needed to do the math/double check his work on spiritual traits and a little bit of self study to bounce ideas off of--then shooed him out of his house after he got someone to do his metaphorical weeding and spring cleaning.

Kayaba even mentions that he has no fuckin clue what to do with souls beyond measuring, analysing and enhancing traits, so sadly no soul contract shit or any insight into the grail war.
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On the one hand, if he was senile enough to slip-up like that, how was he able to pull off his schemes in Heaven's Feel route? On the other, look how well that went for him.
Most of it involved children under his functionally unlimited authority and personal power. Even including Fate/Zero Kariya was a no-loss bet, he'd win at best and be inconvenienced at worst
Most of it involved children under his functionally unlimited authority and personal power. Even including Fate/Zero Kariya was a no-loss bet, he'd win at best and be inconvenienced at worst
I'm more referring to 1: thinking picking a fight with a (former) Church Executor when you're closer to an evil spirit than human was even remotely a good idea and 2: dramatically underestimating Dark Sakura, even though he's the one who modified and conditioned her in the first place.

Just strikes me as evidence of impaired judgment, but I guess it could have been recent.
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Really I thought he killed himself after realizing the holy grail Was destroyed and he would never have his wish granted
This seems to be post Fate route, or near enough, so the HGW wouldn't have been decommissioned yet. The HGW as a thing that happens only ends during the 5th War in HF route when Shirou Excaliblasts/Illya deactivates the Greater Grail, in Fate and UBW routes the manifestation of the Grail via the Lesser Grail is destroyed, but the system as a whole is undamaged, and is later decommissioned. That decommissioning is said to become a conflict on par with another Holy Grail War happening. Presumably because Zouken won't give up on it without a fight, and potentially because the Angry Mango fruit cup ain't goin' out without a fight either.
I suppose even if the whole system was going to be decommissioned in this AU, it wouldn't have happened yet.

The point of all this being that Zouken most likely did not die during the course of the War, and even if he's going to die later it hasn't happened yet. It's possible that he could get involved from the outside, though I doubt it.
I was stumbling around on the Jumpchain redits, they have a workable jump for this story by the by, and found the Fate/ Legends: the land of the rising sun jump had updated, with one of the updated elements being a bit of new japanese magecraft- Kidou. In the jump it goes like this

Kidou- 200A primitive system of magecraft from ancient Yamatai-Koku. You have the knowledge of severalkinds of divination, aiding in scrying, foresight and clairvoyance. The methods for these spells involvemanipulating light and mirrors, both of which you can control to the level of creating scorching laserbeams or defensive walls of mirrors swiftly. You have some fair amount of magic on your own butthese spells are excellent at drawing from ambient energy, making them exceedingly efficient. For an additional 200, you can become an Oracle through this system. Through your mirrors, you canconnect to an unknown higher domain. This allows you to directly watch future events through yourmirrors, as well as witness far away locations or even alternate worlds through them. Whileconnected so, even futures that are set in stone become possible to change, albeit with greatdifficulty. This same state also causes your light to awaken a primitive power in human allies, granting them exceptional superhuman powers while affected.

This is apparently based on the magecraft of a new servant I hadn't heard of- the queen of Yamatai, Himiko
The jump's version includes stuff that clearly is what SHE can do with the practice, as an ancient human, and thus a superhuman- But a light and mirror based divination and light manipulation focused magecraft sounds like the perfect thing for Rosalie to learn, with it being vague and ancient enough that the OP has pretty free reign with what bits of it Kayaba might include. If any info on it being magecraft used by the queen of Ancient japan is included then I see it being something a bunch of people would want to learn too.
I was stumbling around on the Jumpchain redits, they have a workable jump for this story by the by, and found the Fate/ Legends: the land of the rising sun jump had updated, with one of the updated elements being a bit of new japanese magecraft- Kidou. In the jump it goes like this

Kidou- 200A primitive system of magecraft from ancient Yamatai-Koku. You have the knowledge of severalkinds of divination, aiding in scrying, foresight and clairvoyance. The methods for these spells involvemanipulating light and mirrors, both of which you can control to the level of creating scorching laserbeams or defensive walls of mirrors swiftly. You have some fair amount of magic on your own butthese spells are excellent at drawing from ambient energy, making them exceedingly efficient. For an additional 200, you can become an Oracle through this system. Through your mirrors, you canconnect to an unknown higher domain. This allows you to directly watch future events through yourmirrors, as well as witness far away locations or even alternate worlds through them. Whileconnected so, even futures that are set in stone become possible to change, albeit with greatdifficulty. This same state also causes your light to awaken a primitive power in human allies, granting them exceptional superhuman powers while affected.

This is apparently based on the magecraft of a new servant I hadn't heard of- the queen of Yamatai, Himiko
The jump's version includes stuff that clearly is what SHE can do with the practice, as an ancient human, and thus a superhuman- But a light and mirror based divination and light manipulation focused magecraft sounds like the perfect thing for Rosalie to learn, with it being vague and ancient enough that the OP has pretty free reign with what bits of it Kayaba might include. If any info on it being magecraft used by the queen of Ancient japan is included then I see it being something a bunch of people would want to learn too.

It's also most likely Age of the Gods magecraft and so not really useable in the modern day, even in Kayaba's VR system. Rosalia might make use of mirrors in her magecraft, because mirrors seem like they'd be a pretty strong Mystery on their own with their connections to the occult throughout history, but Kidou itself is unlikely.

Kidou is also explicitly shrouded in mystery (small m), so recreating it in the modern day would be incredibly difficult even if it weren't AoG magecraft.

FGO Material XI said:
Kidou: A

A primitive Magecraft. It is also said to be the prototype of Shintou. Unlike the Magecrafts that belong to structured magic systems, details about this Magecraft are being shrouded in mystery.
It's also most likely Age of the Gods magecraft and so not really useable in the modern day, even in Kayaba's VR system. Rosalia might make use of mirrors in her magecraft, because mirrors seem like they'd be a pretty strong Mystery on their own with their connections to the occult throughout history, but Kidou itself is unlikely.

Kidou is also explicitly shrouded in mystery (small m), so recreating it in the modern day would be incredibly difficult even if it weren't AoG magecraft.

Yeah its more useful as an inspiration for what she could do then as a potential path of magecraft for Kayaba to make available to her... in that spirit, Fate/Extallia has Archmedies as a servant, with his noble Phantasm being his solar death ray that uses mirrors, specifically gathering mana with the light to do the damage it does.

So maybe the thing to take away here is that Rosalia could use a mirror mystic code, and potentially try and learn some divination magecraft, and then adapt it to use like like that teamate of Griselda that uses electricity for her dowsing.

The funny thing is that I came accross the Kidou thing when I was looking for inspiration for a hypothetical Shadow element protagonist character- that is I made a few characters using the Fate/Revelation Online Jumpchain, one I pictured having Shadow as an element, and would focus on the more overtly japanese magecraft, and stealth. After one discription I found about how the skikigami work in fate- that is by using the magecraft a s a lens to project the entitiy as opposed to crafting a familiar out of corspes or more advancet materials- I imagined a variation where this hypothetical Shadow element magecraft user would "cast a shadow" instead. Leaning in to the ninja flavor, they would basically have a poor man's shadow clone, depending on how much direct control shikigami need. On the flip side I pictured this character being the one person to go along with that "maids and butlers" theme Illya wanted and play into the role of being the servant that is always there when you need it but never notice. Essentially they would work to be a one man version of that ninja guild that works for Diabel. With Shikigami he could provide Illya with a whole psuedo waitstaff.

Other spells would be raw elemental manipulation taking advantage of how we percieve colors in shadows- ie certain colors are identical to other colors in slight shadow, but we can percieve them as different because our brains compensate for the shadow, it can lead to some interesting optical illusions, her it would be used for a camo techique. Then there would be a whole bunch of variations on that shadow pinning spell, taking advantage of being able to control the shadow to use it as limited telekinesis, like using the principles of shadow pinning to use your own shadow as leverage when you can change its shape, using it for wall climbing or cloaking yourself in shadow and then using it as armor as things making contact with the shadow push you out of the way of the actual hit etc.
I do like how the author is handling Rosalia and her whole situation. It's an interesting twist on the character, she has the same assumption as canon (no one is actually dying), but since she's actually RIGHT she looks clever and pragmatic instead of like a delusional bully.

Has there been any mention of Ilya trying to teach her mirror magecraft? I thought she was mostly using more direct applications, like sight swapping and literal lasers.
No one has been talking about this fic, which is clearly a horrible travesty.

I remain intrigued on how exactly Kayaba is planning to pivot the game into making everyone mages in the real world. No matter how often he says "really guys, you can use your magic in the real world," everyone will just assume that it's part of the game.

Actually, do we even know if their activated circuits will transfer over to the real world properly? What if every single person has to use Shirou's [Create Circuit] spell?
No one has been talking about this fic, which is clearly a horrible travesty.

I remain intrigued on how exactly Kayaba is planning to pivot the game into making everyone mages in the real world. No matter how often he says "really guys, you can use your magic in the real world," everyone will just assume that it's part of the game.

Actually, do we even know if their activated circuits will transfer over to the real world properly? What if every single person has to use Shirou's [Create Circuit] spell?
In my understanding, magecraft is largely self hypnotism. It works because you believe it will work. This is crucial to Kayaba's plan, at least in my theory. Over the course of the story the "realism" of the setting has kept increasing. Should this trend continue there will be a point where the difference between the game and reality is indistinguishable for the players. However, by that point everyone will have convenient little spells. Things like lights, warmth, or breeze. Little things that take the annoyances out of daily life.

Then when they are back in the real world there is going to be a situation that is a mild inconvenience, like entering a dark room. Instead of stumbling around for the light switch the survivor is just going to cast light. Its an action that has been driven into them over years; a habit, an expectation of convenience.

And it will work.

It will work because the survivor has the full expectation that it will work. To them casting a spell is simply how the World Works.

How will it work without magic circuits? The survivor has already activated them. We know the game can influence the body and we know from Shiro that the game is accurately reading elements and circuits. There is no reason to believe that each and every survivor won't have gone through the circuit activation quest, it opens up too much of the game, especially with safe zones at risk of being removed by the increasing realism of the game.

At this point Kayaba won't have to do anything. There will be simply too many people, too many witness, too many chances of records to keep things quiet and clean.
Daniel is active in QQ with his quest every now and then so it probably just a case of him just not having any idea or burn out of this idea
Doesn't he also beta the recursive nuromancer fic.
He does, but with the recent (on the order of several months) faltering of my writing pace (which for the sake of saving face, I'll blame on the numerous upheavals in my life), it's not like I throw a huge amount of it in front of him with incredible regularity these days. Honestly, I think he's probably busy with living life. It happens.