Kayaba's thesis is that if Humanity could be persuaded that "Magic Exist" hard enough for it to be integrated into Alaya's Common Sense, she would stop trying to suppress it and mysteries would stop becoming weaker.
Kayaba's thesis is that if Humanity could be persuaded that "Magic Exist" hard enough for it to be integrated into Alaya's Common Sense, she would stop trying to suppress it and mysteries would stop becoming weaker.

Alaya opposes exceptionalism, Gaia opposes (most) magic. Like, there are exceptions, curse-craft and demons seem permitted by Gaia, as does Walking and Breathing (by definition, in fact). But magecraft is the illegal seizing of Gaia's own resources - humanity doesn't have a say in it being not permitted.
Alaya cannot act against Gaia. Primate Murder could kill every human on the planet and Alaya would allow it because no matter what we humans recognize it as a moderator of the planet, as far as humanity is concerned PM is authorized to kill us all for shits and giggles if it wanted to. The good news is that the Planet doesn't really want to kill us all, it just wants us to behave ourselves and stop killing it. The only time the planet has ever wanted us dead was in Notes because we killed it and it didn't want us to out live it.
Preeeetty sure that's not true. I don't have a citation because I'm in class, but Alaya is usually referred to as the collective unconsciousness of mankind. And while we're easily murderous and cannabalistic enough for Alaya to have no problems killing individual humans, most humans want the human
race to continue existing, so outright speciescide is off the table.
I think Argos next guide will have a big warning on the dangers of alchemy on it. And the periodic table of elements with all the deadly stuff highlighted.

Though that may make people MORE eager to experiment...
Alaya opposes exceptionalism, Gaia opposes (most) magic. Like, there are exceptions, curse-craft and demons seem permitted by Gaia, as does Walking and Breathing (by definition, in fact). But magecraft is the illegal seizing of Gaia's own resources - humanity doesn't have a say in it being not permitted.
Gaia oppose magecraft but not the existance of magic. Gaia is, in fact, the source of the Age Of Gods and made magic available to humanity to begin with. Meanwhile, the slow decline of all magic was started and is perpetuated by Alaya ever since Gilgamesh told the gods to go fuck themselves and and took an axe to the Age Of Gods.

Moreover, I'm not saying that this is correct, I'm saying that this is what Kayaba believes and is trying to do something about.
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I think I should throw in that magecraft only started to decline a while after Solomon aka King of Magecraft/Grand Caster went and got a revelation from God to turn magecraft from something that only 'people that stood beside God' or whatever could do and made it open to the common people.
Preeeetty sure that's not true. I don't have a citation because I'm in class, but Alaya is usually referred to as the collective unconsciousness of mankind. And while we're easily murderous and cannabalistic enough for Alaya to have no problems killing individual humans, most humans want the human
race to continue existing, so outright speciescide is off the table.
I admit I'm reaching a bit, but Alaya won't act against TAs because they were made by the planet (even if it was to cull humanity) and act under the will of the planet. PM was also made by the planet to cull humanity. Presumably it would also listen to the planet.
I think I should throw in that magecraft only started to decline a while after Solomon aka King of Magecraft/Grand Caster went and got a revelation from God to turn magecraft from something that only 'people that stood beside God' or whatever could do and made it open to the common people.

I feel like it would be pretty easy for someone ("someone" = "Kayaba") to completely discount this as a just-so story that magi tell each other that justifies the Statute of Secrecy.

I definitely have my own opinions about what the truth of that whole situation should be,
But for now, I want to say that I intend to keep the story agnostic to that whole debate. Super-long-term I am thinking there might be an academic debate over it and the outcome of that is "here is our current theory but we're not super-confident"
15.5 LD3
15.5 LD3

Shirou swung his sword, up and around, knocking Sasamaru's spear off target and forcing him out of his stance. Shirou stepped forward, into his space, flipping his sword around to smash the pommel into his collarbone, making the spear-user yell in surprise.

He reached up, grabbing the handle in a reverse grip, and thrust it straight down behind him, as he glanced over his shoulder with one eye.

"How!" Ducker shouted in frustration, as the tip of the sword slid right past his head and pressed against the base of his neck before he could use a Backstab attack on Shirou. If they weren't in a Safe Zone, he would have been completely skewered like a shish-kabob.

"Out." Shirou replied.

Tetsuo swung his mace, trying to come at Shirou from his blindside. Shirou whipped his sword around, raising it and holding it by handle and mid-blade to catch the mace. Shirou angled the blow so it slide down the side of the blade and caught against the crossguard.

Behind him, having recovered his stance, Sasamaru thrust forward, his spear darting in at his target.

Shirou simply twisted by stepping sideways, releasing his sword with his left hand and batting at the haft of the spear to knock it behind him, even tugging it a bit to pull Sasamaru off balance.

At the same time, the blade that was locked with Tetsuo's mace lost the strength of his left hand, so he was already losing the contest where there weapons were locked together.

But it didn't matter. He completely sacrificed the sword, simply dropping it as he lunged forward, darting past Tetsuo, leaving him nonplussed as he stumbled forward and Shirou moved behind him, putting himself at Tetsuo's back, with Tetsuo between him and Sasamaru.

"Sacchi!" Sasamaru shouted.

Shirou turned, glanced out of the side of his eye. Sacchi had her bow drawn, and was sighting down the arrow at him. The hand holding the bow was trembling slightly, in uncertainty or just from effort Shirou wasn't sure.

She released the arrow. The speed wasn't great, she hadn't used the full draw of the bow.

Shirou considered dodging, or knocking it aside, but in the end he reached up, dropping back a step as he timed the snap of his hand to the arrow, plucking it out of the air.

Tetsuo was changing position behind him, so Shirou turned, looking at the boy who was raising his mace from a mediocre stance.

He was holding an arrow in his hand. It was almost too obvious.

Shirou simply stepped forward, raised his hand, and thrust the arrow into Tetsuo's face, driving it into his eye.

"Gya!" Tetsuo shouted, letting go with his right hand as he stumbled back, hand coming up to slap over his face. The arrow was stuck into the eyeball, but in a strange conflict, whether it was from game logic or from being in a [Safe Zone], his eye was fine, still moving around even with the shaft of the arrow clipped into it.

"Are you okay?" Sacchi shouted, fumbling as she nearly dropped her bow.

Sasamaru also looked concerned, reaching out with an uncertain gesture.

While they were distracted, Shirou hooked the handle of his sword with the instep of his foot, and kicked up, flipping it into the air so he could catch it. He shifted his grip, dropped into a stance, and with a large, obvious motion, swung at Sasamaru.

"Whoa!" Sasamaru shouted, hastily throwing his spear up to block, his arms tugging aside as the edge of Shirou's sword slammed into the shaft of his spear.

That was fine, Shirou wasn't trying to cut through it. He let it kill the momentum of his swing, and pull Sasamaru off balance. Shirou simply shifted, and thrust his sword straight forward, slamming it into Sasamaru's stomach just below the ribs and slightly off the meridian of his body. Dead center over his liver.

"Down." Shirou said it like a reply.

Sasamaru coughed, stumbling back and dropping to his feet.

Shirou pulled his sword back, stepped around, and swung out with a wavering S-shaped curve, snaking around Tetsuo's hastily raised mace, placing the edge of the blade against his neck, before he drew it out and across. It would have perfectly lopped of his head in the field.

"Out." Shirou announced.

"And then there was one." Shirou said, turning towards Sacchi, his gaze boring into her eyes. She gasped, her eyes dropping away from his and to the side, but not letting him out of her view.

She sucked her breath in through her teeth, taking a shaky step back.

Shirou started walking forward, his sword out and to his side, hanging easily in a guard position that it could swing up and out at many different attack angles.

Sacchi drew back another arrow and let it fly without aiming well enough.

Shirou flicked his sword, catching the side of the arrow shaft and cutting it in half as it approached him.

Sacchi stumbled backwards, breathing too fast as she dropped her bow, hands going down to the knife that was on her belt. She drew it, holding it in front of her with a too-tight grip. The blade was shaking.

Strange. Shirou didn't let it show on his face, but this was too strange.

Sacchi was acting genuinely afraid that she could die. It wasn't the same as her teammates, who got easily flustered and confused against a superior foe, but who trusted in the [Safe Zone] to keep them alive.

This wasn't the behavior of someone afraid of losing a sparring match. This was someone terrified and cornered.

Shirou raised his sword, pausing one step outside attack range.

There was a smell.

It was sickly and sweet, the sharp smell of acetone and other ketones, mixed with an almost fruity ester smell.

It was the smell of death. The immediate byproducts of a person's body tissues failing, and being released out their lungs because their kidneys couldn't mop it up.

It wasn't a natural smell. This was how Shirou was interpreting the Prana that was coming off Sacchi.

Her stance was poor. She was gripping the knife too tight and holding it at a bad angle. Her mind was off balance and her Circuits weren't under control. In terms of fighting ability, she had already decided in her mind that she was defeated, and Shirou just had to swing his sword to make it true.

But her prana was a desperate, heavy aura, and it smelled like death pressing down on him. Even if she had decided she was defeated, she was denying it almost hysterically. It was intimidating.

It was interesting.

When she was pressured like this, could she achieve something? Or should Shirou simply call the match here and let it end?

Should Shirou try to pull out whatever was sleeping inside her, or should he let it continue to sleep?

Shirou decided.

"Here I come!" He said, stepping forward once, putting her perfectly in range of his sword. And he swung out, a clear, telegraphed attack, not particularly fast but not slow either.

Aimed right at her throat. A killing blow.

Sacchi screamed, eyes closing as she desperately thrust her knife forward.

Yes, and her prana gathered. It wasn't something controlled like a spell, it was more like an animal lashing out of instinct.

Shirou stepped forward, breaking his swing as he raised his sword and accepted the thrust.

The knife slid into his chest, clumsily knocking against his ribs as it pierced his heart.

It hurt. It was as bad as that time, with that spear. It wasn't just the pain of the injury, although that was bad enough. No, what made his vision turn white and his mind dizzy was the prana that nailed him like an angry curse.

"Eh?" Sacchi said, her eyes cracking open in surprise. And then they flew wide. "Eh!?" She screamed.

Shirou grunted, eyebrows going up in surprise as he observed his Heads Up Display.

His HP was steadily ticking down. He reached up, put his hand over Sacchi's, and gently pulled her knife out of his chest.

His HP bar was red.

He lost balance, and collapsed to the floor, awkwardly sitting. He'd messed up.

Guiding instincts that he only rarely relied on, he created swords, forcibly repairing his body. His heart beat once, twice, screeching and hammering like a dry pump as the swords flexed against each other, but somehow even though it operated it didn't function.

His HP bar emptied out.

"My bad." He apologized, looking up at Sacchi's horrified eyes.

And then he shattered, his vision going black as he died in the game.







Saber stood motionless and serene, arms calmly resting, folded palm down on the hilt of the shinai that was upright in front of her. Her back was straight with her gi impeccably folded, her head bowed at the slightest angle.

"Shirou." she said, sighing in amazement. "Even after last time, you still make the same mistakes over and over again."

"I'll apologize." Shirou said solemnly, "But I won't say it won't happen again."

"Stop taking these kinds of crazy risks." Saber scolded. "You make me worry too much when you act like this."

"I'm sorry, Saber." Shirou said, voice quiet as he stepped forward. "It's selfish of me, but there was something I wanted to understand, and I got careless."

"Don't be careless with your own safety." Saber said, glancing aside as Shirou stepped closer, his arms coming up slowly.

"Dummy." She whispered, letting her head fall forward to rest against his chest, as his hands came up and rested on her shoulders.


A wild tiger appeared, and ruined the moment!

With a roar like a tiger pouncing on an unsuspecting impala, the woman wearing the bloomers and gym shirt of Class 1-A bared her fangs and went for the kill.

Unfortunately, it wasn't an impala with horns, but a hill with swords sticking out of it, so the Tiger was intercepted, parried, and thrown to the ground.

Shirou gasped, heart hammering in his chest from surprise, his hands still up in a guard stance.

Behind him, Saber stood with her shinai raised for a strike, her face flushed red. "Taiga! How – how long have you been here?" She demanded, embarrassed.

"Why!" Taiga demanded, hand up and finger pointing like an accusing claw. "The cute Shirou I know would have just taken his lumps like a good kid, not thrown me to the ground with martial arts!"

"You surprised me." Shirou said, scowling. "It's only natural to react that way, and since I've been training to win against strange people without traumatizing them, my reactions have evolved."

"Taiga..." Saber growled. It was the kind of sound from the back of the throat a king (of lions) made before roaring to establish dominance over strange cats.

"Just wait!" Taiga said, pushing Shirou between them as a shield. "You were supposed to scold him, but instead you just flirted with him! If you're going to run the show, at least stick to the script!"

Like that, the lion was forced back. "Wha, I was getting to it!" Saber protested. "Just because you have to make everything a slapstick comedy routine, doesn't mean I have to do the same!"

"That's right." Shirou said, coming to her defense. "Saber is much better suited to being the Tsukkomi who holds her tongue, while the audience sympathizes for her." He tsked, shaking his head at Taiga. "The antics of a Tiger make for a good boke, but you need to give the camera time to show off how cute Saber is when she's exasperated with your nonsense."

"Geh!" Saber rocked onto her heels, hand coming to her chest as she stepped back to regain her balance. "Shirou, it's embarrassing if you say that!"

"And I said stop flirting!" It was the painful yowl a tiger that had her own territory. That is, territory she alone had, that she didn't share with whatever Tigers had instead of significant others.

But something like that couldn't stop a Tiger once they started going on a rampage. When in doubt, Tigers attacked. "Besides, the problem is that you two are getting off script!" She pointed an accusing claw, I mean finger, at them.

"You were supposed to scold him for pushing against what he knew was something the [Game System] might not know how to handle, and relying on the [Safe Zone] to protect him!" Taiga shouted, pointing at Saber.

"And you!" She said, changing targets. "Didn't you learn anything last time? Don't go experimenting with magic the System doesn't know how to handle, and that goes double when the experiment is on yourself!"

"Geh." Shirou said, as he stepped back. "You... you're right. I should be more careful, and not take as many risks."

"Shirou..." Saber whispered, placing a hesitant hand on his shoulder.

"Because," Shirou continued, "If it's obvious to even a wild tiger, then there's no excuse for me."

"And more than anything else!" The tiger roared, tears gathering at the corners of her eyes. "Stop picking on meeeee!" Who said Tigers only felt emotions like hunger, anger, jealousy, and hunger?

"I'm sorry." Saber said.

"We'll pick on you less." Shirou promised.

"Don't pick on me at all!" The tiger caterwauled. "That's it! If you're going to ignore the script and just flirt instead of giving the audience the right foreshadowing, and especially if you're going to keep being mean to your cute big sister, then there's no point in doing any of this!"

Tears coming from her eyes, the tiger that somehow still had the delicate heart of a maiden, ran crying off stage. "If it's going to be like this, then the Lion Dojo is CANCELLED!"

Utter silence, as the two stared at her retreating form without even attempting to chase after her.

Shirou collapsed, slamming down onto his hands and knees.

"I see." Saber said, with a dead expression as she stared off at the day after tomorrow. "It truly is the King's Destiny to stand alone."

And on a stupid cliffhanger, the doors slid shut on the uselessly rose-colored advice corner for raijuus who should just go explode.

15.3 Lion Dojo Three


1) This is another one where I kind of cheated and had the dojo refer to a scene that wasn't part of the earlier chapter, but was only referred to. Honestly I was a little worried about what I would do with this because pretty much the whole chapter took place in a Safe Zone except for part with Kuradeel, and I'm not ready to send him to an omake yet. But then I decided to drop some foreshadowing about Sacchi and was like, "yeah, let's run with it."

2) Speaking of let me know if the foreshadowing was too on-the-nose or if it worked pretty good.

3) [Bloomers Tiger] = best fanservice
I don't even know why

4) This one felt really workmanlike in that I didn't have any particular jokes in mind when I wrote it, but instead just relied on piling up nonsense as it happened to occur to me, let me know if this is up to my usual high standards (in terms of ridiculousness).
Thing is, Magecraft specifically draws it's power from mystery. This is both well known and easily provable. True Magic has the highest level of mystery and is ridiculously powerful as a result. When it stops being completely mysterious, it becomes Magecraft and loses most of it's power. When two opposing concepts clash, the one with a higher rank wins and a spell's rank is determined by the strength of it's mystery. If Magecraft became common knowledge, it would die out. There would be no mystery left. That's why Magi keep it secret. If this wasn't how things worked, they'd do everything in their power to teach Magecraft to as many people as possible because that would mean more researchers and a better chance someone discovers a path to Akasha. They don't because it doesn't work like that and "Science" and "Magic" are incompatible. One draws it's power from mystery while the other from understanding.
....nnno, True Magic is completely outside the rules of magecraft, it's "a reward for doing the impossible" and as such is.... yeah, no.

Like, from a thematic viewpoint no, because if magecraft is meant to represent cultivation and meditation, then Magic is reaching enlightenment, and can't be diminished no matter how Buddhas - or Boddhisatvas, for that matter - there are.

And from an in-universe perspective no, because Magic is, again, its own thing, a knowledge that isn't based on any foundation and any prior mysteries, a sharp insight that cuts the world apart.

A Magic can never be lessened. The only thing that can happen is that humanity grows up to be grand enough to equal it. If that looks like lessening to us, that's a statement about consumer materialism.

With regards to the actual chapter - nice, @daniel_gudman. Did a good job with the fight, that bit with Tetsuo was just ... ouch. Pity the guy.

And Sachi...

Poor Sachi. She gets it, doesn't she. She really understands like nobody else does. Even Shirou, though he comes at it from the other direction - he realizes he could die but doesn't really get that dying now means he can't keep saving people later.


Also that Saber/Shirou scene is adorable and it makes me sad they can't easily be reunited. (I wouldn't say impossible because lol magecraft but I wouldn't expect it to happen in this fic.)

Totally needs to be a mob. Just an actual tiger. Fur, claws, teeth, the whole shebang, wearing a Japanese gym outfit.

Hell, you can make that the [Theme of the Floor], animals in clothes, with the [Floor Boss] being the [King of the Jungle] would be a lion dressed like some sort of king, with the [Last Attack Bonus] being the sword on the lion's hip.
So when are the players going to learn about Origin? They seem to suspect something about it by documenting that some thing work better for some people but I wonder when Kayaba will drop that bombshell.
people are going to cry BS when they find out that Shirou have Sword Origin that combo with Sword Element
So what exactly is Sacchi doing? Considering that she's using prana like a spell, it doesn't seem to be an eye thing like Tohno. Does she have the same origin as him and this is it expressing itself as an attribute through her magecraft?
Shirou angled the blow so it slide down the side of the blade and caught against the crossguard.
so he was already losing the contest where there weapons were locked together.
folded palm down on the hilt of the shinai that was upright in front of her.
It was the painful yowl a tiger that had her own territory.
of a tiger; also this bit could be cleared up, though it was understandable after two tries.
"My bad." He apologized, looking up at Sacchi's horrified eyes.
Oh god. Hehehehe.
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Totally needs to be a mob. Just an actual tiger. Fur, claws, teeth, the whole shebang, wearing a Japanese gym outfit.

Hell, you can make that the [Theme of the Floor], animals in clothes, with the [Floor Boss] being the [King of the Jungle] would be a lion dressed like some sort of king, with the [Last Attack Bonus] being the Meatcalibur on the lion's hip.
We've been keeping mum on the spoilers at @daniel_gudman's (hey, tagging actually does something here, isn't that nice?) request, yes.

But yeah. Actually, when you think about that, that is terrifying. Sachi is casting on instinct, in a soul container that isn't her own, with no practice and only desperate intent, inside what is basically an absurdly powerful Bounded Field that defies all damage - which by this point in the game requires it also works on spiritual damage and some esoteric effects.

And she just applied a 「Curse of Absolute Death」 on Shirou.

Gods, that is so bullshit.
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