[X] "I...have some extra information and memories beyond what I should, but I do have command of all my powers and knowledge as far as I am aware."
-[X] Telepathically: "I will provide more information to you later, in private."
[X] "I... I may not exactly be Medea and I might be from another part of the Kaleidoscope..." -[X] Make sure to reassure them that we do have all her powers so far, and judging by our cursing we've picked up some of her instincts and mannerisms too. We just have the wrong memories...
[X] "I... I may not exactly be Medea and I might be from another part of the Kaleidoscope..." -[X] Make sure to reassure them that we do have all her powers so far, and judging by our cursing we've picked up some of her instincts and mannerisms too. We just have the wrong memories... --[X] "So we need to investigate the Greater Grail I presume? Preferably with a Caster class. A proper Caster class anyway. I can do it on my own, but it would take some time."
[X] In truth, I'm not actually the heroic spirit who's appearance I hold; the legend is a fictional one. My existance is closer to that of a wraith, or even an ordinary human. When the grail attempted to call upon the legend stored within the grail, it got me instead; my existance is similar enough that I can take her place. I still have all the abilities of legend, though, so there isn't any issue.
[X] In truth, I'm not actually the heroic spirit Medea; the legend of Medea is a fictional one. My existance is closer to that of a wraith, or even an ordinary human. When the grail attempted to call upon the legend of Medea, it got me instead; my existance is similar enough that I can take her place. i still have all the abilities of Medea, though, so there isn't any issue.