Vote tally - Fate/Off the Rails (and onto hiatus again)

Adhoc vote count started by Look to the Left on May 3, 2018 at 12:01 PM, finished with 8 posts and 8 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Look to the Left
Fate/Off the Rails (and onto hiatus again)
Post #605
Post #612


  • [X] The possibility of checking the Grail
    -[X] "So I think we can all agree that when a magical artifact of great power starts doing things it isn't supposed to be doing, it might be a good idea to check why it's doing so before it gets any worse."
    -[X] "Rin your family helped set it up, you wouldn't happen to have some blueprints laying around that we can have a look at?"
    [X] The possibility of checking the Grail
    -[X] "So I think we can all agree that when a magical artifact of great power starts doing things it isn't supposed to be doing, it might be a good idea to check why it's doing so before it gets any worse."
    -[X] "Rin your family helped set the it up, you wouldn't happen to have some blueprints laying around that we can have a look at?"
    [X] The dangers of extra servants
    [X] Talk about our growing alliance