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The front gate of the school premise slowly opened as the school day ended. The sun was setting...
February 2, 2018 - 1

Look to the Left

Back from the Void
The front gate of the school premise slowly opened as the school day ended. The sun was setting in the horizon, casting a red glow on the earth. A flood of students started to leave through the front gates. Some went out alone, others in groups. Some stayed over, either for friends, for clubs or maybe because they felt like it. Me? I went out with my friend.

"Whoo! The weekend's here!"

"Uh... Tatsu... It's still Friday..."

"So? School just ended. As far as I'm concerned, it's the weekend already."

"Yeah, I guess you're technically right." This is my friend, Tatsu Fujimura. We've been friends for years now but it was only recently that she moved over to Fuyuki. If I had to describe her, I would say loud and trendy. She's about 145 cm tall with a light brown tan and bleached blond hair tied in a pair of long twin tails. She wore a white crop top with an open pink jacket over it with a short blue skirt and high heels that look like they costed a few million yen and by all means actually do cost a few million yen. I guess it pays to be the daughter of the head leader of the Fujimura Group's Tokyo branch.

Me? I'd be the 168 cm tall girl next to her. I was wearing a grey hoodie with tight denim jeans and leather boots. I had long purple hair that reached around my waist and matching purple eyes. Yes, they're all natural. I have no idea how I got them and as far as the doctors know, I was born with odd genetic mutations. They're also the reason why my eyesight is so bad, I can't get anywhere without my glasses.

Oh, almost forgot. My name is Satsuki Higashikata, I guess it's a bit rude that I didn't introduce myself earlier. "So Satsuki, whatcha gonna do tonight?"

"Oh, well the usual I guess," I said as I pulled out my car keys. "Racing."

I slid my key into the lock, twisting the key before I got in. It wasn't exactly anything you'd normally find in Japan, it came all the way from the US. A first generation sports model Plymouth Fury, an old classic car straight from the late fifties. When I first got it the paint was all rusted and peeled off and I was pretty sure someone sawed one of the leather seats in half (I don't know why and most likely I'll never know) but with a bit of effort (and whatever bit of yen I had) I fixed up the body and systems, replaced the old seats with fresh new bucket seats designed for racing and painted the body a nice red colour with a bit of polish. The engine I had to replaced with a modern turbocharged engine that I tuned up to 380 horsepower. Needless to say, it was my pride and joy.

My friend gave a sigh as she got in. "Oh come on Satsuki, you know the race will only start tonight. Like, didn't you promise that you'd show me around Shinto when you had the time?"

"Huh? Well... I was hoping to do some tune ups and maintenance before we visit the abandoned gas station over at the mountains."

"I know, I know. You like to prepare before each battle but come on Satsuki, you can afford to have a break every once in a right? I mean, you spend so much time in the garage that sometimes I'm not even sure if you'll ever come out to eat or anything at all. Like that one time last week."

"Oh yeah... Your cousin found out that I've spent the entire day cooped up in the garage without taking a bath or even eat? She threw a fit."

"Yeah, didn't she, like, tried to stuff you with her cooking. Seriously I can't tell if she was trying to help you or poison you."

"Hey, at least she tried..."

"Tried being the word," she giggled. "Anyways, you sure you don't want to hit Shinto and have some fun?"


[] Nah, I need to make sure my Plymouth is in working order The boring option

[] Eh... Sure The fun option
-[] Arcade
-[] Karaoke box
-[] Shopping
-[] Check out a movie
-[] Write in

[] Write in


Welcome to my new quest. No this is not a crossover with the Fast & Furious, sorry about that (it still involves racing though). This quest is however a very narrative focused quest so don't expect any dice and such. I will however still use the Fate/Stay Night Skill parameters and such to give you general ideas of power and skill and such. Also I'll set up some rules.

  1. What the GM says goes. No arguments. (Okay, maybe you can argue but it must be a good argument)
  2. Feel free to point out any awkward sentence structures, bad grammar, and spelling mistakes. It'll help me grow as a writer.
  3. Don't be pricks. No one likes pricks. Also it'll bring the mods here if it goes too far and that'll suck for everyone.
  4. You only get three lives. Once they're up, the quest is over..
  5. Have fun!
  6. And That's about it...
  7. Seriously why are you reading this?
  8. Stop it, there's nothing here for you to read.
Also please do not post anything yet. I need some reserved posts.
Last edited:
I'll leave the votes open for another 12 or so hours.
Adhoc vote count started by Look to the Left on Aug 21, 2018 at 11:03 PM, finished with 11 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Eh... Sure
    -[X] Karaoke box
    [X] Eh... Sure The fun option
    -[X] Karaoke box
    [X] Eh... Sure The fun option
    -[x] Arcade
    [X] Eh... Sure The fun option
    -[X] Check out a movie
Okay so votes are closed now.

Expect to the update to come tomorrow because I'm way too tired from today to write anything right now.
Yeah.... Expect this to come out tomorrow.
Adhoc vote count started by Look to the Left on Aug 23, 2018 at 11:11 PM, finished with 14 posts and 7 votes.