Fate/oath alternative (Not Oath Sign related)

So, everyone's location? Any chance one of the GMs can just keep a list of where people are, because people in this thread are really bad about responding in a timely manner, and this RP is already slow enough.

Blackout and I are in the restricted wing of the Our Lady of Hope Community Clinic, which is in the geographical center of the Archewood City Ghetto.
Last I checked, @Druby was the sole remaining Master.
Meanwhile, both me and @MrEgret are unpaired, based on the last check and me rembering the other two dropping.
Not only that, but we are still allowing Boundary and Wizard to submit Servants. Bit of extra work for us, but no biggie (though if one of the ends up being a Caster summoning a Servant it wouldn't hurt.

It is looking pretty solid that those two Grue mentioned are out, tho
ITT: Rider is willing to work with Saul, but reserves the right to ram Caliburn up his ass if he goes full Hitler.
Which,if any of the Arturs around is the genuine article and which is a product of the myth of the king? my guess is Hadous is geniune and Blackouts the myth avatar...
Okay, so we need two Masters. Shame, I would've liked to play a Servant. Oh well, I'll get a sheet or two up tomorrow or today
I have a Master that I would be willing to pair up with @Grue's Avenger, if no one else feels like falling on that particular sword.


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Master submissions would be cool, though if possible I'd like to try and not have too many people doubling up on controlling more than one—namely if doing so means you have 2 Masters or 2 Servants (1 Master and 1 Servant is somewhat less of a problem, but committing to being about it a must). Chances are either Sockpuppet or I will control/create extra Masters for our remaining Servants if need be.

Speaking of Paired Players...

@Murderhobo of Nod

Checkin' in on your status—quote this post or tag myself, Sockpuppet and Shinobu please and let us know if you are dropping out due to being busy or sticking around for the RP. Thanks!
Master submissions would be cool, though if possible I'd like to try and not have too many people doubling up on controlling more than one—namely if doing so means you have 2 Masters or 2 Servants (1 Master and 1 Servant is somewhat less of a problem, but committing to being about it a must). Chances are either Sockpuppet or I will control/create extra Masters for our remaining Servants if need be.

Speaking of Paired Players...

@Murderhobo of Nod

Checkin' in on your status—quote this post or tag myself, Sockpuppet and Shinobu please and let us know if you are dropping out due to being busy or sticking around for the RP. Thanks!
Gleh. Apologies for the absolute lack of activity on my part, but I believe that I will be dropping out for the time being.
Hmm... @superBlast hasn't been on since Monday... I think I'll give them another day or two before trying to find someone else to be a master to summon me. Although there's the whole issue of there not really be any other players who are masters left...

Alright, I'm gonna post again soon. Like... as soon as I finish typing it with my slow ass typing lol.
ITT: Rider is willing to work with Saul, but reserves the right to ram Caliburn up his ass if he goes full Hitler.

"Dude. Like, if the whole Holocaust thing is gonna be a deal breaker, like, just say something and like, you can bail, it''s cool. Like, I've totally got honor too, you know?"
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Rider opened her mouth to respond, right up until she heard 'Golden Flying Vehicle', a acute memory of another time with a giant monster resurfacing.

"Is there no way I can escape him?"

Her palm smashed straight into her forehead.

"At a guess? Someone summoned that infernal golden Archer again." She mused. "There is no point worrying about that until we can confirm it, though. There are very few countermeasures we can take against that unless you happen to have some of my weapons and items on you, and I doubt we have time to take a trip to Britain if you don't. We may just have to improvise."

She didn't point out that improvise, in this case, would probably include turning the entire war against him in the vague hope that a six on one or so brawl could possibly end in their favour.
Man, word about Viemma traveled fast. Hope the times line up consistently. CX