Fate/oath alternative (Not Oath Sign related)

Shinobu Oshino

Kiss-shot Acerola-orion Heart-under-blade
Unseen Horizon
"I am the Overseer, Jeanne d'Arc, the class of Ruler. Don't worry. I will handle anything if it gets out of control." - Jeanne d'Arc, Ruler

Years have passed since Lord El Melloi II dismantled the Greater Grail of Fuyuki City. The system was completely torn apart, the pieces scattered across the world on the winds, and the practice forbidden. It was thought the barbaric tradition of the Holy Grail War had finally been put to rest. It would have been nice if that was the truth.

Archwood City, USA. A bustling island metropolis, located somewhere along the coast of California. Something here happened recently. An anomaly. Something that never should have occurred. At least not on its own. A new Holy Grail War has begun spontaneously, with no outside interference. What's worse, the system is irregular. Servants can now be summoned in numbers exceeding the original seven. Normal people and magi alike are being snatched off the street to fill the Grail's need for new Masters. A Servant, Jeanne d'Arc of the Ruler class, has been assigned the role of Overseer, with no prior appointment from the Church. And what's most alarming are the rumors. Rumors circulating that the Grail the Ruler speaks of may in fact be the genuine article.

Thus begins the Deviant Grail War.
Rules of the War
The rules of the Grail War are just a TAD different than others.
  1. There's no limit to the amount of Servants that can be summoned thanks to the unnatural strength of the leylines formed around the city.
  2. The rules for the Grail were already merky thanks to the meddling of Angra Mainyu. Now those rules are even more blurred with reflections of Divine Spirits thrown into the mix.
  3. Cut off date for Heroic Spirits seems to still be 1930ish thanks to the Throne of Heroes, so there's no real messing with that.
Rules of the RP
  1. Basic SV rules apply.
  2. Number one and most important No Godmodding. Even if you play as an all mighty servant about to drive your heaven-splitting sword into the heart of a cripple child Master in a wheelchair, you don't write that you hit him. You state your intent and then wait for confirmation of the kill. This rule is slightly more lax with NPC but still use your common sense. If you really feel your character is being pushed around then please report it to me and I will mediate as I deem fair.
  3. There might be high fluctuations on the powers of those in the game... However, this doesn't mean that there is a net benefit on playing a mightier legend to push people around. Stronger Servants and teams will face greater challenges and be on the target from several other Servants who might aim to take the greater menace down. While I hope that we can have fun, take into account that signing up for more power will mean more trouble for you and be held to closer scrutiny.
  4. This is an elimination game, which means that your character will most likely die. Now, remember, make sure you clear everything up with the other players if you wish to kill their character. Be it through P Ms, or if they say I want this character to die.
  5. The Holy Grail War and Magic is supposed to be kept a secret in the game world. Which basically means that even thought you can kill civilians in plain daylight, destroy whole buildings while giggling and declare yourself Lord Mage and Master of all the pathetic Muggles, all these acts carry will carry dire consequences. If you break the Masquerade you will make yourself enemy of all and a price will be put on your head. You have been warned. Still you can commit as many atrocities as you can think of as long as nobody notices.
  6. You control your PC and I'll even allow you to control the actions of some little NPC's like your PC parents, service or whatever, but please don't abuse this.
  7. Last but not least, if you want to quit the game, please just say so instead of simply disappearing into the night. We'll reach some agreement on what to do with your character. Elimination, retirement and other options are at hand.
Sign Up Sheet (Master)

  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Appearance:
  • Gender:
  • Personality:
  • Abilities: (Put magic, spells, and other talents here)
  • Magic Statistics:
    • Circuit Quality: (A+ is High Thaumaturgy, C is average, E is 'can hardly do magecraft')
    • Circuit Quantity: (Rin's Quantity is considered A+ with 40 circuits, Average Magus has 20 which is Rank C. Do relative comparisons from those.)
    • Origin: More info here.
    • Element:
  • Bio:
Sign Up Sheet (Servant)


  • Strength:
  • Endurance:
  • Agility:
  • Mana:
  • Luck:
  • Noble Phantasm:
Class Skills:
  • n/a
Personal Skills:
  • n/a
Noble Phantasm(s):
  • Name:
  • Title:
  • Type:
  • Rank:
  • Effect:

Post Master sign ups as well as Servant sign ups in the thread in a spoiler.
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Micheal Valquz
  • Name: Micheal valquz
  • Age: 27
  • Appearance:http://[MALICIOUS WEBSITE]/attachments/4-jpg.95/
  • Gender: Male
  • Personality: Quiet but dedicated to pursing his goals, Micheal finds that if he has to get his way he will do what he needs to get/do what he needs and no more or less.
  • Abilities:
    Gandr curse and many other type of curses of verying strength and effect, Basics in many other skills of mage craft but nothing beyond that, is fit and knows how to fight in hand to hand combat but is not a master of it.
  • Magic Statistics:
    • Circuit Quality: B
    • Circuit Quantity: A+
    • Origin: Emptiness
    • Element: Curse
  • Bio: Micheal is for a lack of a better word....empty....Training in one thing, learning what can be of use then going on to the next even though he found he was never very good at any type of mage craft apart from the basics, looking for somthing that could fill for hole inside of him, Its noted that he felt a curse was placed onto him thus went to the middle east when he was 18 to study and learn what he could on them, suffic to say there was no curse but Micheal learnt he was particularly talented at using curses in the absence of his skills in other types of Thaumaturgy, in any case Micheal is hoping that this grail war will allow him to find his "purpose in life " is even if he has to use the wish granted to find out what it is.

I have a habit of making op sheets, if there is anything that needs to be changed or nerfed please just tell me and not "get the fuck out" as a certain some one did on sb.
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Are Servant sheets PMed, or is it a "Post it in here" job?
(Also, the title may have people think this is some sort of Oath Sign game. That was my first thought.)
  • Name: Micheal valquz
  • Age: 27
  • Gender: Male
  • Personality: Quiet but dedicated to pursing his goals, Micheal finds that if he has to get his way he will do what he needs to get/do what he needs and no more or less.
  • Abilities:
    Gandr curse and many other type of curses of verying strength and effect, Basics in many other skills of mage craft but nothing beyond that.
  • Magic Statistics:
    • Circuit Quality: B
    • Circuit Quantity: A+
    • Origin: Emptiness
    • Element: Curse
  • Bio: Micheal is for a lack of a better word....empty....Training in one thing, learning what can be of use then going on to the next even though he found he was never very good at any type of mage craft apart from the basics, looking for somthing that could fill for hole inside of him, Its noted that he felt a curse was placed onto him thus went to the middle east when he was 18 to study and learn what he could on them, suffic to say there was no curse but Micheal learnt he was particularly talented at using curses in the absence of his skills in other types of Thaumaturgy, in any case Micheal is hoping that this grail war will allow him to find his "purpose in life " is even if he has to use the wish granted to find out what it is.

I have a habit of making op sheets, if there is anything that needs to be changed or nerfed please just tell me and not "get the fuck out" as a certain some one did on sb.

He seems familiar for some reason.
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Are Servant sheets PMed, or is it a "Post it in here" job?
(Also, the title may have people think this is some sort of Oath Sign game. That was my first thought.)

He seems familiar for some reason.
A grail war is incompelate with out its kiri-lite, But don't worry causing suffering won't be what makes Micheal Not "empty"
Berserker (Scylla)
Name: Scylla
Gender: Female
A woman of great beauty, at least, such was the case before her curse. While there is still a mysterious sense of beauty in her, once she transforms this all but dissapears and creates the monstrosity greatly known as Scylla.

Scylla is a quiet woman that doesn't speak much unless spoken too. She is generally calm and lovable, but under the effects of Mad Enhancement, Scylla is merely a monster that cannot be sated. Still quiet, she merely looks like a doll unless being told what to do. Or if she loses control, a flood is not the worst of your nightmares.
Daughter of Phorcys and Ceto, Scylla was a naiad that was quiet but beautiful. Holding the loveliness that any man would wish for, it was Poseidon whom claimed hold over this trophy. This earned her the spite of many who vied for the same position. One such person in particular was Amphitrite, whose jealousy meant the end for Scylla. Poisoning the waters of the lake she bathed in, Scylla transformed into a monster of great destructive power and claimed fear over many sailors. There was none who'd claim her for her beauty now.
Class: Berserker
Master: ???
Alignment: Chaotic Mad
Strength: B+ [A+ Under the effects of Monstrous Strength]
Endurance: C
Agility: B+
Mana: C
Luck: D
Noble Phantasm: A+
Class Skills:
Mad Enhancement - B: Greatly increases stats at the cost of one's sanity.
Personal Skills:
Divinity, Rank E-: The skill that relates one's likeness to a divine spirit. Albeit being born the daughter of Phorcys, divinity is greatly lowered due Scylla's transformation into a monster. Can break through divine defenses in proportion to the skill's rank.

Nature of the Naiad, Rank A: A Naiad's natural ability to control and manipulate all water. At this rank doing so comes as easy as breathing, and all water based magecraft is nullified against Scylla.

Monstrous Strength, Rank B: Gains strength by growing into a more monstrous form. Due to the nature of Naiad Kantara, this is activated upon her use of said noble phantasm.

Noble Phantasm(s):
Name: Naiad Kantara
Title: Amphritite's Malediction
Type: Anti-Unit (Self), Anti-Army
Rank: A+
Effect: The curse placed on Scylla while she bathed in the poison water tainted by Amphritite. Her form shifted and changed into that of a grotesque beast. Normally she's capable of manipulating water due to her nature as Naiad, but as a mad beast her powers are amplified further. The strength of this Noble Phantasm comes when Scylla is nearby or in a body of water. She can create whirlpools, and given enough time - perhaps even a violent wave of destruction. Her base stats as a Servant are increased, and in the water, her speed is completely unmatched.

Name: Phorcys Anaviosi
Title: Flames of Rebirth
Type: Anti-Unit (Self)
Rank: B
Effect: After Heracles had killed Scylla, Phorcys had used torches of light to revive his fallen daughter. This Noble Phantasm manifests should Scylla die in battle, she would be revived by a rebirthing light. This takes a huge amount of mana from both the Master and the surrounding area. So much so that it's deadly to even consider using it. Even when revived, the cost of the Noble Phantasm doubles upon a second use.
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So Masters and servents get randomly paired or should we ask if they want to be our master/servent?
I'd wait for more options to be available before you start pairing up. That's just my advice though, it's really up to you guys.
You know tbh, if your looking for people to roleplay, your better off doing this on Space battles, SV is more questing while the roleplay crowd stayed around there.
I don't believe you've seen the endless stream of Grail War RPs on here?

The 'endless stream' is sort of what I'm worried about. Oversaturation causes people to lose interest in a particular type of game. Mind you there are tons of RPs for every kind of taste here on SV, so it's probably not even worth worrying about.
The 'endless stream' is sort of what I'm worried about. Oversaturation causes people to lose interest in a particular type of game. Mind you there are tons of RPs for every kind of taste here on SV, so it's probably not even worth worrying about.

Well, I'm just happy that I get to RP some Fate. Pretty hard to get into this nowadays since you need a few people. I'm probably not the only one to think this, maybe.
Class: Avenger
True Name: Angra Mainyu
Master: N/A
Alignment: Angra Mainyu
Appearance: Avenger's nature means he typically appears as a dark mirror of a Master in the Holy Grail War, the "host"'s appearance turning dark-skinned, inscribed with countless runes.
Personality: He's lazy and laid-back, largely lacking any morals whatsoever. He can also be a troll at times.


Mental Pollution: D
Provides resistance against mental effects.

Absorbation: C
While Avenger could in theory consume another Servant's form, his abysmal parameters and Servant's wills make this impractical.

Noble Phantasms
Verg Avesta
, Unwritten In The Book Of Creation
E-Rank, Anti-Unit/Support

A Phantasm derived from Avenger's nature, a nameless man who was written out of Avesta and had the evils of the world heaped upon him. By taking the sins of humanity upon himself, he is able to heal others, taking their wounds upon himself. However, his shit stats make this somewhat less useful than it could.
The true terror of this Noble Phantasm reveals itself later; the healing also infuses a equivalent degree of Avenger's essence into the victim. With humans, their morals are likely to slip, while Servants will gradually be corrupted towards their Alter selves. With enough essence infused into someone, especially Servants, Avenger may actually be able to exert control over them.

Oath/Alternative, Infinite Ruin of the Grail's End
EX-Rank, Anti-World(?)
Avenger was essentially a wish; a wish that the endless evils the world produced would all be placed unto one person. Though this wish was what tainted Fuyuki's Holy Grail, it also provides him a unique lifeline to survive when returned to the Grail.
Being himself tainted by the Grail's desire for completion, he will seek out an appropriate wish upon his death. Drawing a degree of power from the grail, he will proceed to try and grant that wish, bending space and time if necessary to fulfil it.
Despite this, Avenger is an instrument of destruction; while he could keep someone alive in a vegetative state, he couldn't heal them without forging a false world. Additionally, the power he pulls for this job leaves pieces of him behind; demonic Shades will start appearing as long as this power is being used.