
Embrace your inner lunatic. Fun times guaranteed.
Under a rock.
The world burnt.

Flames roared down from the heavens, and the screams of the infidels were like music to the conqueror's ears. From their kingdom in the sky, the conqueror laid siege to this world.

The Columbian war engine was a vast thing, stretching throughout multiple dimensions. Several worlds were dedicated to simply being mined of resources to continue this war, and in her current universe, with that man running interference, there was only one world that had direct access to pour resources through.

Though, that was not to say that the conqueror was in trouble. Indeed, with the alpha strike against India and Greece, the majority of Heroic Spirits who could be of threat were crushed. Only Britain remained, and once their protections fell, they would follow.

And in the next world, things were going well. The conqueror's alternative self make a fine proxy, and that world would fall as soon as the conqueror had claimed them.

Now, if it wasn't for that meddling vampire. His manipulation of universes had slowed the conqueror down significantly, and even now, they felt the bloodsucker's attempts to undo the history of conquest. Blocking him was easy, but if the conqueror's attention was to wane...

The conqueror put that thought out of mind, as they turned towards Britain once more.

It would be best to deal with this quickly, so they could put all their resources behind stopping that meddler before they tried anything smart...

Don't look at me like that, this won't be starting for a long time anyway, I'm only posting this up here now because I don't want to make another thousand Servant sheets only to find out that nobody wants to play.

Anyway, uh, Fate/Bioshock Infinite, aka 'Fate/America Wank.' Crossovers accepted, Masters are allowed to be as strong as Servants, any Servant class bar Avenger and Beast is permitted unless you send in Angra Mainyu of the Beast of Revelations, and no Holy Grail War. Just the protagonists working for Zelretch, hired to disrupt three universes so they can get to stopping an interdimensional conqueror who has the power of the Second True Magic.

True Name:

Gender: (Include a specification if there's been a genderbend)
Crossover: (If any. If none, write 'None.')



Appearance: (Written description, this is mandatory)
History: (Give a brief description of your character's legend)
Personality: (Self-explanatory)

Class Skills
Example (Rank): Description

Saber: Magic Resistance, Riding
Lancer: Magic Resistance
Archer: Magic Resistance, Independent Action
Rider: Riding, Magic Resistance
Berserker: Mad Enhancement
Assassin: Presence Concealment
Caster: Item Construction, Territory Creation

Boxer: Engage, *Insert Martial Arts of your choice*
Ruler: True Name Discernment, God's Resolution, Magic Resistance
Avenger: None, because /GO's Avenger Class skills are dumb and Angra Mainyu seems like the sort of scrub not to have any skills anyway.

Personal Skills
Example (Rank): Description

Noble Phantasms
Fancy Subtitle
Rank: (E-A, include a "+" or "-" if your Phantasm's effective Rank can be increased/decreased under certain conditions)
Description: (Explain how this ties into the character's legend and what it does)

Crossover: (If none, say 'None.')


Appearance: (Written description, this is mandatory)
History: (Give a brief description of your character's legend)
Personality: (Self-explanatory)

Element(s): The elements the character can manipulate with magecraft

(List of abilities, thaumaturgical or otherwise)

In your PM, specify which universe you are most fine with- Universe 1, completely under the conqueror's thumb, Universe 2, Canon Bioshock Infinite, or Universe 3, Brittan vs Columbia.

Keep in mind that any and all Master's have been hired by Zelretch to do this, and don't have to be from any of these universes, or even all from the same universe. Also keep in mind that Zelretch most likely didn't summon any Servants, unless there's a Master shortage, so if you have a Master, you're summoned prior to the RP and have time to get to know them.

All submissions to be sent in PM, in case of that one guy who inevitably betrays the rest of the group.
What's that? America is evil and it's up to an unlikely band of heroes to save the day?

There is only one man fit for the job

a hero deprived of his army

a fallen legend

it's time

for the Snake to return
