Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya: Oath Under Snow


Ashen one, hearest thou my voice, still?
Kiln of the First Flame
I've decided, since I couldn't find one, I'd make a thread myself.

Truth to be told, I feel let down.

The quality of the animation was subpar at best.

Most of the budget went to the fight with Shinji, and even then I think that most attention was focused on the HF movie.

Any opinions?
Doesn't this have a different studio? I don't have that much expectation in terms of animation, since it's not like F/kl animation was ever great (and it was downright disappointing during the drei Shirou reveal). I'm more interested in how emotional and pumping the movie would be as Shirou's bonds grew and eventually severed, as well as how he throws his ideal away.
The epilogue scene with the fight between Luvia and Rin as flashes on the sky while Miyu walks down the hill and panicking Illya during her first card fight running around with Rider in hot pursuit from Miyu's and Luvia's perspective is right funny and takes you back to the first episode of the series. At last we saw how Miyu and Sapphire met and contracted.