Fate/Imperial Conquest (F/SN Quest)

what the hell are you talking about.

Japanese spirits are allowed, otherwise sasaki kojiro/farmer-wraith wouldn't be a thing.

It wouldn't be an option if we couldn't do it.
Sasaki is an exception because medea hacked the grail. We aren't medea. I suppose in this verse either of the previous cheaters (Acht and Medea) could have made exceptions globally permissable instead of just for themself, but besides it being an option in the vote lost I dont know what evidence we have for that goven how unlikely it actually is.
[X] Use the piece of the Argo

Ok. I am going to be honest here. If Heracles oh god yes. If Atlanta hell to the yes and that's a potential plot hook and I'd love to see her reaction of 'oh crap that's Heracles run Misha Run'.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by ThatGuyWithIdeas on Nov 23, 2017 at 10:53 AM, finished with 136 posts and 33 votes.
At this rate, it looks like we're going for Oda Nobunaga... let's hope that the servant lineup for the Fifth Holy Grail either does not change, or if it does change, it still has plenty of High Divinity and Mystery servants... ( Worse case scenario, Nobu would be effective against two servants only: Riders and Sabers( provided that the FGO class triangle is used; if not, then she'll only be effective against Riders.))
[X] Use the broken diadem

Yes Arjuna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Adhoc vote count started by SouvikKundu on Nov 23, 2017 at 11:30 AM, finished with 140 posts and 34 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by SouvikKundu on Nov 23, 2017 at 1:43 PM, finished with 146 posts and 34 votes.
The Servant that ultimately gets summoned will be the one who has the most votes by the time I call it. I gave everyone the chance to vote for more than one option so that you wouldn't have to choose just one favorite and that if your first choice doesn't win, maybe your second or third choice will.
The Servant that ultimately gets summoned will be the one who has the most votes by the time I call it. I gave everyone the chance to vote for more than one option so that you wouldn't have to choose just one favorite and that if your first choice doesn't win, maybe your second or third choice will.

When are you calling it?
[X] Use the teacup
[X] Use the piece of the Argo

Either Oda or the Argo wildcard which could net us either Atalanta or even archer Herc, both are fantastic servants. A piece of the Argo is generally a really good catalyst even when you are not going for a specific class.