Fate/Harmonic Dissonance (Nasuverse AU Quest)

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Happy 2019!

As promised, here is a new Quest from myself. Inspired by Fate Grand Order, and...


Super High School Level Paranormal Investigator
Somewhere in Asia
Happy 2019!

As promised, here is a new Quest from myself. Inspired by Fate Grand Order, and written with input from the people of NicoB's Discord Server. I hope you enjoy this.

This Quest is Cross-posted in Space Battles. The Thread is found Here.

~ ~ ~
Fate/Harmonic Dissonance
~A Holy Grail War Alternate Universe~​
~ ~ ~
"Hey, wake up." A girl's voice urged you, feeling soft hands hitting the side of your face. You scrunched your face, turning over in your bed to protect your cheek from any more abuse, only to get jabbed at the side of your flank for the trouble.

Startled by the electrifying sensation of being both ticklish and in pain, you sat up ready to yell at the offender.

"Good, you're awake." The girl who oh-so-rudely woken you up said. Wait a minute, you don't recognize her. How did she get in your room? "What, is your head still fuzzy from sleep?"

She shook her head, disbelief clear on her face. Your eyes drift from the girl to the room, taking in the pods lining the sides of the walls, connected to a central pillar by a mass of haphazardly placed tubes running along the length of the floor. Screens floated above each pod, displaying either human vitals (occupants?) like Heart Rate, Mana Circuit Quality, and brain activity; or glowing with the text "Vacant".

It just occurred to you that this isn't your room.

"I can't believe I got paired with a Master like him..." You hear the girl mumbling to herself, arms crossed over her chest. She turned to look at you. "Hey, do you remember anything?"

You shook your head. You can't remember much of anything to be honest, not even your own name how you got into this situation.

"Nothing at all?" You shook your head again. She sighed. "At least tell me you know you're in the Holy Grail War?"

Holy... Grail war?

"Aah!" You exclaim, startling the girl. Now you remember!

You were minding your own business, when this old, well-dressed man approached you asking if you had any wish you would fight for to grant. You humored him, saying you do, waxing poetic about your dreams and desire for it to come true. The man grinned, laying a hand on your shoulder and said:

"Then, participate in my Holy Grail War."

The next thing you know, you're here.

"Are you telling me, that you know nothing about the Holy Grail War?" The girl asked, disbelief clear on her face. That's not fair, you may not know everything, but you at least know some details about the Holy Grail War.

"The Holy Grail War, a sacred ritual where 7 Masters fight with Servants at their side for the chance to win the Holy Grail. The Holy Grail is an artifact of magic said to be able to grant any wish of a person (and their Servant) worthy enough. The Holy Grail War isn't just fought to decide who is worthy of using the wish, but also the ritual to make it materialize in our world." You recited, telling what little you know of the War.

"Pairs." The girl said, un-amused. "It's Seven Pairs of Masters, totaling Fourteen Masters. I'm your Partner, so if you want to win, you better get yourself up and summon your Servant."

How can you trust her? For all you know, she could just be saying that and kill you as soon as you turn your back to her.

"... Are you that dense? If I wanted to kill you, I'd have done that before you woke up, and saved me the trouble of explaining everything to you." The girl said, reading you like a book. She held up her right hand, showing off her Command Seals. It glowed orange. "Look at your Command Seals."

You raised your right hand, seeing the orange lines of your own Command Seals. You traced the intricate lines woven into the back of your right hand, marveling at the power you can feel beneath your skin.

"Our Command Seals are proof that we're allies in this War. Partners. You don't have to worry about me stabbing you in the back." The girl placed a hand on her hip. "Now, are you going to introduce yourself, or do you wanna sit this one out?"

To answer, you pointed at her.

"My name?" The girl asked, as if it just occurred to her. "O-oh! Right! I'm-"

Choose your Partner:
[x] -Hakuno Kishinami, Master of Saber."
[x] -Homura Emiya-Akemi, Master of Archer. Now hurry up, we have much to discus."
[x] -Sakura Tohsaka, the Master of Lancer. Heir to the Tohsaka name and 2nd owner of Fuyuki."
[x] -Fate Testarossa, Master of Caster. I'm not a Magus, but don't worry, I can fight."
[x] -Konno Yuuki, Master of Assassin! I prefer swords, but I won't say no to magic!"
[x] -Ange, Master of Rider. Last name? I could tell you, but then I would need to kill you."
[x] -Illyasviel von Einzbern! Master of Berserker, I hope to work togethe-ow... Hoe~ I bit my tongue..."
[x] -Ritsuka Fujimaru, Master of Avenger... Just my luck summoning him of all Servants."

Who are you?
[x] Emilya Fujimura, the young girl who survived the 5th Grail War and an amalgam of your older siblings Shirou and Illya.
[x] Artoria Pendragon, a half-European girl living with your Perverted Godfather and the captain of your school's Kendo Club.
[x] Rin Matou, the adopted daughter of the Matou clan and a Magus.
[x] Nobody of importance. Just a regular girl. (Write-in a name)
[x] Write-in (subject to approval)
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Master Profile
I don't have a good picture of Emilya

Name: Emilya Fujimura
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown (Has 17 years worth of memories as Shirou, 18 as Illya.)

Command Seals: 3
Colour: Orange
Origin: Unknown
Element: Unknown
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Servant Profile
Class: Caster

True Name: Unknown
Gender: Female
Height/Weight: 40kg/143cm
Alignment: Lawful Good

Strength: D+
Endurance: B
Agility: B+
Mana: A+++
Luck: C—
Noble Phantasm: EX

Class Skills:

Territory Creation EX

Caster can create her territory in the blink of an eye. Because of the interpretation of her legend, she can see everything in this 'space' she created.

Item Creation C

While not strictly an item manufacturer, Caster has extensive knowledge of her Devices, as she is witness to their development. She can replicate and repair any Device she is privy to developing without a loss of grade.

Personal Skills:

Charisma A+

The threatening Charis┘# of Caster who was called The W█τ█▄▌。whえ6 battling an opponent fighting on the battlefield tried to kill this '▄┌┘^r', the next time they fight, she would beat them senseless and suddenly state that they █○+▲, a level of 'no questions asked' communication skill rarely seen. Caster tries to understand her opponents, and as a bonus effect, interactions made with the enemies are a little more skillfully done. A kind of curse on anyone who catches Caster's eye.

Mana Defense C+

A Defensive Equivalent of Mana Burst, magical power directly translates into defensive power. At C+ rank, the user must consciously activate this skill, or use a Mystic Code that simulates as such.

Mental Pollution B

A Skill where due to possessing a distorted mentality, it is possible for one to shut out any mental interference thaumaturgy. When holding a conversation with a person who doesn't agree with her world views, the rank of this skill and Caster's Parameters would rise. Unfortunately, this also seals one of Caster's Noble Phantasms.

Noble Phantasm:

Broken Gem

Caster's Signature Weapon, and fully sentient. Provides support to Caster, and helps reduce the strain of Balistic/Bombardment Magic. Also capable of ranking up any Magic Caster uses.

********* ******* A+

Caster's Signature Spell. This Noble Phantasm has no requirements to use, but gets more powerful the longer Caster is in battle. Caster can also cast this without being in battle, but requires a huge amount of Magic.


Due to the Mental Pollution Skill, this Noble Phantasm is both Unreadable and Unusable.

Other Compatible Classes:

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Ally's Profile
Name: Ange(?)
Gender: Female

Command Seals: 3
Colour: Orange

Rider of Orange

Class: Rider
True Name: Unknown
Gender: Female
Height/Weight: Unknown
Alignment: Unknown

Strength: ?

Endurance: ?

Agility: ?

Mana: ?

Luck: ?

Noble Phantasm: ?​

Class Skills:

Magic Resistance: Unknown

Riding: Unknown​

Personal Skills:

Military Tactics: B
Rider is a Military Officer of some renown, judging from her attire.​
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Information and Codex
  • Holy Grail War
    The Holy Grail War (聖杯戦争) is a competition that decides the ownership of the Holy Grail through intense battle royale. While there have been many conflicts over supposed Holy Grails in the past, this term refers to those specifically based around Masters, usually proficient magi, summoning Servants, Heroic Spirits brought forth as familiars, and meeting in battle until only one pair is left to claim the Holy Grail.

    The Holy Grail War was originally devised when trying to recover the lost secrets of the Third True Magic by the Einzbern family.

    This Holy Grail War is unique, in that battles are fought until only one team of Masters an Servants are left. When only a single Pair is left, both surviving Servants and Masters are declared winners.

  • Masters
    The Participants of the Holy Grail War are called Masters, each one receiving three Command Seals when the Holy Grail deems them worthy. They Command Servants, familiars to do battle.

    Masters are usually Proficient Magi, but there were instances where a non-Magus became a Master.

  • Servants
    Called to the side of their Master, Servants are Heroic Spirits of distinct renown of the past, present, and/or future. They are the familiars of their Master, receiving Mana from them to sustain their body and keep them in this world.

  • Pairs
    A Pair is usually referred to as a team of two Masters, denoted by the colour of their Command Seals. Each Pair is selected at the start of the War, when the participant receives their Command Seals. There is no known instance of a Command Seal changing Colours.

  • Magi
    The plural term of Magus. Magus is the term for a human practitioner of Magecraft, the magical science, as opposed to a Magician, who is capable of bringing forth true miracles that are impossible to be reenacted at the current scientific stage.

  • Magician
    Users of Magic. Regarded highly by Magi for their ability to use True Magic.

  • Magic Engineers
    A more polite term granted by Magi towards practitioners of Modern Magic. Magic Engineers do not know of this epithet and refer to themselves as Magicians and Magic Technicians, which earns them scorn from the Magus Community.
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Prologue: A Girl and Her Servant
So, when I started typing up the update for this Quest, there was a tie on both Master and Ally votes, Emilya tying with Artoria, and Illya tying with Ange.

They're both interesting, and now I wish I can write them both. So here's what I'll do, our player characters will be Emilya and Ange, with Artoria and Illya appearing as rival Masters.

As for why I chose Emilya and Ange to be the player characters, I believe I have much more to work with them than Artoria and Illya. That said, Artoria and Illya would have such an interesting dynamic, so I'll probably write a couple of Omake featuring them.

I didn't see the last three people's votes come in until after I was finished writing the update, so instead of rewriting everything again, please have this update and my apologies. It's been a while since I was active in writing a Quest.

Anyway, here's the next update. Feel free to discuss the choices, I won't answer anything regarding their Identity though. It's part of the Fun in Fate to know your Servant's identity.

~ ~ ~
A Girl and Her Servant
~ ~ ~​

"I'm Ange, Master of Rider." The girl tipped her top hat at you, before fixing it back over her silver hair. As she slipped on a pair of black-and-magenta gloves she pulled from the inside of her dress, the girl quirks an eyebrow at you. "What, do you want my last name too? I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you."

You expected her to pull out a gun and point it in your face, but the girl simply turns around to head out of the room.

What an odd girl.

"You can introduce yourself while we head to summon your Servant." Her voice carried into the room. You quickly scramble out of your pod, nearly tripping over the exposed wires of the place in your haste to catch up to your Partner.

The doorway led to a brightly-lit, spartan hall. The walls were made of metal with not a sign of rust on the paint. Standing where you are, the path splits into two, the one to your left curving inwards and not letting you see where it led. Ange was waiting for you on the other end of the hall to your right, her Servant (or someone that you think is her Servant) standing beside her.

You trot over to them, the Servant assessing you with searching, icy-cold eyes. Ange has a mask pulled up to the bridge of her nose, which together with her top hat conceals most of her face except for her eyes. Your Partner gestured to the side, introducing you to her Servant.

"This is Rider, my Servant." At her Master's greeting, the Servant clipped her boots together and saluted you.

"Rider of Orange, it's a pleasure to work with you!" The Servant couldn't have been older than Ange or you. Rider is short, with golden hair and silver-blue eyes; she looked almost like a fairy if it wasn't for the expression on her petite face. Her cheeks lacked any real baby fat on them, but less from age and more from either malnutrition or stress. To complete her strange appearance, Rider is dressed in a well-pressed military uniform and an officer's hat that was a bit big on her head, a decorated sword sat on her thin waist and had a rifle slung on her back.

You also couldn't help but notice that she used the term "Yoroshiku onegaishimasu", which was strange considering that the medals, insignia, and Iron Cross on her uniform pinpointed her as German, rather than Japanese. Perhaps it was the work of the Holy Grail? A thought for another time.

"I'm Emilya Fujimura. Same here." You greeted back. All of a sudden, you felt conscious of the fact that you're still wearing your school Uniform. While it wasn't bad looking, it was certainly less formal than the Military Uniform Rider wears, and the top hat, black dress, and cape Ange was sporting.

The Homurahara Academy uniform you are dressed in had a white blouse trimmed in red on the ends of the collar and sleeves, a red ribbon tied around the collar, and a brown sleeveless button-up vest over it. A black a-line skirt protected your legs from the cold, and long black socks led into a pair of mary-janes. You would even go so far as to say that the uniform is both stylish and functional.

The only caveat being that you don't actually go to Homurahara Academy.

As the amalgam of both Shirou and Illya, you had Illya's appearance in age and academic knowledge of Shirou's. This means that you looked young and had average high school-level grades, both not enough for what Fujimura Taiga (your legal guardian) was trying to pass you of, a child prodigy.

The Fujimura's had enough clout to forge your papers for the family registry, but that wouldn't hold under the close scrutiny of the Ministry of Education, so you had to surrender yourself to the fact that you have to repeat years in middle school.

The only reason you had a uniform tailored for you, was so that you can enter the school and deliver stuff to Taiga without looking too out of place.

"I'll lead you to a room you can summon your Servant." Ange declared. Rider stood at ease, her hands folding behind her back. "This place is under a lay line and the owner kindly allowed you to summon yours here."

"Really?" You asked. That was strangely generous of them, especially since it's the Holy Grail War. Magus are known to be secretive about their workshops, and having one under a lay line- the place where magical energy flows through naturally- is cause for even more security. For them to allow a stranger to summon a Servant, a familiar of sorts that is several times stronger than an average human in every possible way, was a huge risk to their well being. "Any reason why?"

Ange's eyes shifted to the side before turning back to look at you. "They said something about it making the Holy Grail War much more interesting to watch."

You felt a chill crawl down your back. You rubbed your upper arms with your hands, wondering if there was a breeze coming from somewhere. Ever since your merge, you felt particularly vulnerable to the cold.

"Well, let's get to it then." You say instead, allowing Ange to take the lead. She nodded, and walked down the hall, Rider close behind. You passed by different rooms with sliding metallic doors, a departure from traditional workshops. Magus are often detached from modern conveniences like smartphones and television, preferring appliances that they understood from every single detail. It stems from Magus being very cautious of things they do not know, so they prefer simple things like lamps and telephones. That said they aren't afraid to take risks, as exploring the unknown is the only way they can reach the Root, the objective of every Magus.

It is exceedingly rare for a Magus to know about computers and digital electronics, so it is a surprise to see a workshop with computers and monitors.

"It's here." Ange stopped by a door after a moment of walking in silence. She tapped a digital panel on the side of the door with the back of her left hand. "Place your hand with the Command Seal over this scanner. The owner allowed us use of this room."

You licked your suddenly dry lips, stepping up beside Ange. She moved to give you some space as you gathered the courage to proceed. Placing your right hand on the panel, your Command Seal lit up and the door opened with a loud swish.

Of course you expected that to happen, so you weren't surprised at all. Ange thought so too, though it's hard to read her with that mask on, but she might have been shaking a bit.

Rider was outright grinning.

The room was dark, with low-light neon embedded on the edges of the room where the walls met the ceiling and floor outlining the shape of the room. You took a step inside the room, lights filling the room as soon as your foot touches the tile.

A Summoning Circle was already set up in the middle of the floor of the perfectly square room. Several items of note were on the far end of the room, set aside neatly so as not to disturb the carefully drawn Magical Construct.

"Welcome!" The mechanical voice of a girl shouted near your ear.

This time, you really were surprised and jumped back in fright. Ange caught your arm before you could slip and fall onto the Summoning Circle. Her grip is strong and tight, pulling you taut with just one arm.

"Thanks," You said, looking around for the source of the voice. You spotted it a moment later, seeing a star with wings floating a ways away from where you were before you jumped.

It was very much a star, the five-pointed cartoony kind drawn by kids and professionals alike, inside a circle. It had three pairs of wings consisting of a single feather on each side, which was contorting as if it had emotions.

"That's rude, I do have emotions." The star said.

Wait, did you say the last part out loud?

"Hmph, well, I guess it's your first time seeing a wonder like me! So you don't know how to react properly!" You don't think there's a proper way to react surprised to something, but telling that to a star is useless. "I'm Ruby, and I'll be helping you summon your Servant today!"

"You are?" You wonder. Turning to Ange to ask, she shook her head, anticipating your question.

"When I summoned Rider, Ruby didn't help me. Seeing as this is a Magus workshop, the one who lent it to us probably sent… her to help you." Ange only paused as she tried to think of what to address Ruby.

"That's right~" Ruby sang, twisting and contorting its metal body in the air. "My Creator saw something special in you, and wanted me to record the Summoning Ritual. They even allowed me to help in tweaking the Summoning to get the Servant Class you want."

Wow, that's… Huge. Being able to pick which Class you want your Servant to be is an advantage any Master would want. The memories from Illya showed you her deliberately picking Berserker because of its class's capabilities.

"…"Ange had her arms crossed in front of her, standing at one corner of the room with Rider, far enough away from interrupting the ritual, but close enough to hear what you and Ruby were talking about.

"I can help you summon any of the seven standard Servant Classes, but even if I do, we won't know who we'll summon from that class until we do it. Even Servants not normally summonable can be called with my help! Though, it is a bit tricky." Ruby bobbed up and down. "Ah, if my performance is good enough, I might even find a willing contractor in you for a job well done!"

You might have imagined it, but you thought you saw sparkles come out from Ruby at that declaration.

"If you want to summon someone out of the standard classes, you would need a Catalyst. You're in luck, as My Creator provided an entire set for you! You can pick any one that you like, and I can even explain to you a little about it." Ruby pointed with one set of her wings at the items on the far end of the room.

You walked towards them, examining each of the items with Ruby providing a history of the object in question.

The first was a sword- Xiphos, Shirou's memories helpfully provided- with a tassel on the end of the hilt, and a blade decorated with gems embedded into the blade. You picked it up and tried to run your magic over it, trying to examine it for yourself.

You're not Shirou, and neither are you Illya. While you may have the memories of the two, you are fundamentally different from both. This means that while you have their memories, you are not them. That means that you don't have their world views, their aspirations for the future, and their drive.

That means you don't have the vast knowledge of weapons that Shirou is naturally gifted with.

All you can gleam from examining the Xiphos with your magic, was that it was used extensively, cared for deeply, and had an underlying current of power hidden in it.

"That's the Guardian's Xiphos." Ruby commented. "While not her main weapon, this was used by a hero who died before, and came back to protect a stranger that gave half their life to them, tying both to one fate. She travelled the skies, battling many titans and meeting plenty of people, but her shield and her heart never wavered. This Catalyst is for the Shielder Class- The Servant of the Shield, they boast near impregnable defense, never allowing anything to get past to their Master."

You placed the Xiphos back into place, before picking up the next item. This one is strange, as it was just a piece of tattered cloth. A prod with your magic tells of a different story though, as it was made with a material you've never even heard of. You placed it against your eyes, and to your surprise you can see perfectly well with it.

"Ah, the Tattered Blindfold." Ruby seems to droop as she told you about the Catalyst. "Her story is not a happy one. She was among the many made to protect a lie, blind to the fact that their purpose to exist was a farce. As she struggled to find meaning in her existence, she stumbled through pain, loss, and parting. At the end of her road, she entrusted the protection of the future to the two left. Those who know her story will never forget her. Her skill with Swords is barely matched, earning her the title of Saber. Though…"

The somber tone the Mystic Code took urged you to treat it carefully as you set it back in place, seeing as she didn't want to continue. You moved to the next one, a pair of eyeglasses that appeared as special as the blindfold. The eyeglass didn't distort your vision like you expected it to, so it wasn't eyesight correction glasses.

"Those are Bulletproof Glasses." Ruby seems back to her usual self, if flying a bit less excitedly. "They're not broken, they're made that way. The Hero who wore them didn't need glasses, but used it as a security blanket against a trauma in her past. Very few people know her real name, but her skill with rifles and bows are unparalled in her world, qualifying her for the Archer Class."

There were more items to go over, so you set the glasses down and examined the next one. It was a long polearm with a green ornamental dragon biting into the blade from the shaft. An examination with magic drew a gasp from you. This was the legendary-

"Oooh~ That one!" A blush appeared on Ruby's star, which if you think was a person, probably qualified for their face. "That's the Green Dragon Crescent Blade, taken from an alternate world visited by My Creator! He wouldn't tell me how to find it, but he told me interesting stories about it!"

"Interesting stories?" You may not know Ruby for very long, but you're beginning to think that anything Ruby finds interesting, it was on a whole new level of strange. Especially since the Mystic Code is contorting in ways you didn't think a circle could contort.

"Yep! My Creator grabbed this from the museum of an alternate world where the Heroes of the Three Kingdom are all women. And instead of this Lancer being known for having a huge beard, in this alternate world, she is known for having long hair and huge… hehehe~"

As Ruby laughs perversely, you try to wrap your head around how a world where the heroes of the Three Kingdoms were all women would work. The complicated character relationship of the vast story was made even more confusing with substituting the genders of a lot of them, and it made your head hurt.

Better move on to the next one then.

This one was a bloody, cracked, red gem. When you held it, magic seems to flow from your hand into it, and it lit up for a moment before dying down.

"Ah, I feel sorry for this one." Ruby stopped fantasizing and seems to ponder the Catalyst. "Normally, the Hero who owns this Catalyst is an ace among aces, prodigy among prodigies. An amazing mage, she managed to make the impossible possible by reaching out to her enemies and make them her close friends, usually by beating them up either physically or magically. She understood her opponents and opened up to them. My Creator took this Catalyst from a world where that hero lost everything she cared for, breaking her from the inside. A different kind of Caster."

With care, the gem was returned to the cushion it was on, symbols flashing across its surface for a moment before dying.

After the gem, the Catalyst was a tunic, cut and tailor fit to a woman's proportions. It was sky-blue in colour and had white trim forming a motif.

"It's called the 'Champion's Tunic." Ruby told you. "Again, My Creator took this from another world. The Hero of this Catalyst has quite a tale. She once failed to stop a calamity from destroying her princess's kingdom, but returned a hundred years later to finish the job, cleansing the corrupted Sacred Beasts of her friends, and banishing the Calamity from the land and rescuing the princess, earning her a spot as a Rider."

You moved on to the next one, a simple card on a table. It was predominantly red and black, with a symbol of a top hat on a mask with one eye socket flaming. It read 'TAKE YOuR hEaRT'

"This one is also interesting!" Ruby exclaimed. "This one is the signature of a gentleman thief who stole, not riches, but the corrupted Desires of their target! Nobody knows their identity, or how they do this, but rumours say that they can change an evil person's heart! He is a shoe-in for the role of Assassin in the Grail War."

There are two more Catalysts, and the second-to-the-last one is an old fashioned key.

"I'm… honestly not sure about this one. It's just a Basement Key." Ruby wondered. "My Creator said that it's the prized possession of a man who raged against the creatures that took away his mother. He vows to eradicate every single one of those terrible creatures, who treat them all like cattle in a pen, turning into the very creatures he hates, much to his horror. These traits are allowing him to be summoned as a Berserker."

Finally, the last one was an arrow-riddled gilded full plate. Even now, you can see the shafts of arrows sticking out of the holes where they pierced the metal.

"The Armor of the Mad Prince." Ruby said, shivering. "The… Spirit who wore this armour had a terrible past. His cowardly king of a father hid as bandits raided the palace, doing unspeakable things to his mother. His anger at what was done to his mother allowed him to kill the bandits, but his rage against those not of his country never died. His anger grew so large, that it engulfed his country and those surrounding it and plunging them into war, but so mad was he, that he didn't see his very own men plotting against him. He died, never seeing the war he so carefully crafted. Summoning him as a Servant will fuel the Catalyst and forming an Avenger."

When Ruby finished explaining, she turned to you.

"It's up to you now. I'll help you summon the Servant you want, so just tell me which one it is."

You nod.

"Go ahead and summon anyone you want." Ange said to you, contributing to the discussion. "It doesn't really matter to me which class you pick, it would only be detrimental if you couldn't get along with your Servant. If you can do that, we have a higher chance of winning."

"Would there be a difference if our Ally chooses to summon with or without a Catalyst?" That question came from Rider, earning a cursory glance from her Master.

"Why yes there is!" Ruby straightened up in attention, flinching at the gaze Rider gave her. "Summoning without a Catalyst often summons a Heroic Spirit from this Dimension. And like I said earlier, with my help, this little girl can even summon Heroic Spirits not normally from that Class! Like Jeanne d'arc as an Avenger, when normally she would be a Ruler!"

"But you said you can only Summon a Servant from the Standard Seven Classes." Ange pointed out. "Neither Avenger or Ruler is in the Seven Classes you talked about."

A twitch mark appeared on Ruby's 'face', who whirled to shout at Ange. "I said it as an example! I never said you can actually Summon Jeanne d'Arc."

Ange looked un-amused, her gaze trained at Ruby. Realizing that she won't get anything out of the exchange, Ruby turned back to speak to you. "By the way, you know my name but I didn't get yours."

"Oh, I'm Emilya Fujimura." You said to her. Ruby extended a handle from her core, holding it out towards you. Maybe she's asking for a handshake? You indulged her, gripping the handle and shaking it like an arm.

"It's a pleasure to be working with you, Emilya-chan!" Ruby… twinkled. That was the only way to describe it, because stars flew from her wing. Was she winking? "Anyway, let's summon your Servant! Have you picked yet?"

You'll pick-

[] to summon without a catalyst, and it would be
-a Saber
-an Archer
-a Lancer
-a Caster
-a Rider
-an Assassin
-a Berserker​

[] to summon with a catalyst, and you'll use-
-the Guardian's Xiphos (Shielder)
-the Tattered Blindfold (Saber)
-the Bulletproof Glasses (Archer)
-the Green Dragon Crescent Blade (Lancer)
-the Bloody jewel (Caster)
-the Blue Tunic (Rider)
-the Calling Card (Assassin)
-the Basement Key (Berserker)
-the Arrow-riddled Chestplate (Avenger)​
Chapter 1: Preparation for War
Sorry, I was rewatching anime to get a feel for the characters.

Can't really do that with Caster though…

~ ~ ~
Chapter 1: Preparations for War
~ ~ ~

"I'll summon Caster." You say, looking over to the bloody, cracked gem sitting on the velvet pillow. Ruby contorted in your hand, twisting her handle to appear as if she was nodding.

"Well then, Emilya-chan~" Ruby's voice dripped with sugar. "Grab the Catalyst and place it in the middle of the circle. Be sure not to smudge anything, or you'll mess up the Formalcraft."

You followed the sentient Mystic Code's instructions, gingerly picking up the gem with your left hand, and hopping to the center of the magic circle, your feet stepping in the spaces between the lines. The gem was placed in the middle of the Formalcraft, and you backed off to begin the summoning.

"Let's start!" Ruby cheered.


You nearly drop Ruby when a small blade extended from the top of her 'head', the neon lights reflecting off the sharp edges made it appear to be made off the colours of the rainbow. From the corner of your eye, you saw Ange tense on the side, but relaxed when Ruby didn't attack you.

"To summon the Servant, you need to drop a sample of your blood on the Circle." Ruby announced. Ange raised a brow, watching you palm the blade and cut a small gash on it. Squeezing your hand shut, blood dripped steadily on the sigil. "Good, now hold on to me tight and recite the words I say."

You nod, grabbing Ruby's handle with your bloody left hand and holding her parallel to you, with your right hand on her 'face' to help you focus your magic.

"Silver and iron origin. Fiber and the archduke of contracts are the cornerstone. Let Orange be the colour I pay tribute to." Ruby said. You recited the words, feeling your body heating up from the magic flowing to your hands.

" The alighted wind becomes a wall. The gates in the four directions close, coming from the crown, the three-forked road that leads to the kingdom circulate." A ball of light materialized floating in front of Ruby, your hand nearly touching her star.

" Shut." You say, the words appearing in your mind.

"Fill." Ruby echoed.

"Shut." You responded.

"Fill." Ruby chanted.

"Shut (Fill)" Your voices harmonized, the ball of magic expanding and shrinking in tandem to each word you and ruby utter. "Shut (Fill), Shut (Fill.)"

" Repeat every five times." Was Ruby sending the incantation to you mentally? She was no longer leading you, with the aria easily slipping from your mouth. "Shatter once filled."

" ――――I announce."

You nearly stumbled. A pressure settled over your body, pressing against your chest and making it hard to breath.

"Resign yourself under me, my fate is in your sword." The ball of light vanished, bathing the room back into darkness until the Magic Circle in the center of the room glowed a pink light.

" In accordance with the approach of the Holy Grail, if you abide by this emotion, this reason, then answer." The gem in the middle of the Magic Circle glowed crimson, unrecognizable symbols flashing over its surface as magic flowed into it. The blood coating it cracked and flaked off, as if it was being burned away.

" Here is my oath. I am the one who becomes all the good of the world of the dead, I am the one who lays out all the evil of the world of the dead." The gem rose up into the air, the light inside it building up. In tandem, the lines of the Magic Circle grew in response, making it harder to see what was happening.

You close your eyes and focused on the spell, the world vanishing around you as you put your heart and mind into the spell.

"From the pool of infinite timelines, attended to by three great words of power, come forth from the ring of restraint, protector of the holy balance!" Your voice reverberated around you as you finished the incantation. "For I am Emilya Fujimura, your Master!"

Distantly, you heard Ruby mutter a quiet "Success!"

The room imploded.

The ground underneath your feet shook, the shockwave from the implosion buffeting you backwards, before it hit the walls and rebounded back to push you forwards. Knocked unbalanced, you tripped into the Magic Circle and prepared to hit the floor hard.

Only to bump into someone who caught you.

"Fate-chan?" Your captor asked, staring at you with their grey-blue eyes. They blinked, shaking their head. "No…"

You stayed like that in the arms of the stranger, dumbfounded. Things happened so fast, and maybe you're just a bit too drained right now to be standing. Who was this person?

"I'm Caster, answering the Summons." The stranger said, shifting you in her grip. "Are you my Master?"

Oh, right. She's your Servant.

That means the Summoning Ritual was a success! You felt giddiness bubble up from your chest, relief washing over you. And even as laughter erupted from your slightly hoarse throat, the pressure from the ritual remained, constricting your lungs.

"Yes! Yes, Caster. I'm your Master." You say. Then, you realized your position and you stood up, dusting your suddenly poof-ier skirt and introduced yourself to the Servant. "Emilya Fujimura. I shall be your Master for this Grail War."

You took the lull in the conversation to examine your Servant.

Caster had brown hair tied up in twin tails, her left tail tied with a white ribbon while her left tail was fixed with a tattered black one. She wore a white jacket that could pass for a school uniform, with blue accents and trims. On her arms were thick blue bracers, decorated by a red gem on the gold insignia. She wore thick boots to protect her feet, in the same white, blue, red and yellow colours as the rest of her outfit. In complete contrast with the rest of her clothes, a black cape was draped over her shoulder, covering most of her right side. The cape was pitch black, except for the blue line on its surface that glowed even in the dim room.

"It's nice to meet you, Emilya. You can call me Caster." A faint smile appeared at Caster's face, and she held out her left hand. Looked at it blankly, then registered that she wants a handshake. You grabbed it and shook her hand. "Still, it's pretty funny that my Master is a Magical Girl like me. What are the odds?"

What? A Magical Girl like-

You glanced down and realized what she meant.

Gone is the Homurahara uniform. In its place, you now wore a sleek leotard that hugged your figure. A layered, poofy skirt that went down to just above your knees protected your modesty. Long, smooth socks ran from your thighs down to the winged shoes decorating your feet. To finish off the ensemble, silk gloves covered most of your hands and arms, with Ruby sitting innocently clasped between your and Nanoha's hands.

"Ruby!" You shrieked. "What is this?!"

"What is what?" Ruby asked, and you answered by waving your arms all around yourself. "Oh, that! Well, that's your Magical Girl Outfitα™!"

"Magical Girl Outfit Alpha? You mean there's more of this?" You dread the answer to your question.

"Of course! This is just an α design, and I'm planning on adding more things to it." Ruby explained. "It's a lot of work you know, you didn't have a single image of what a Magical Girl looked like, so I had to make one from scratch. Then I had to decide on a colour, and I wanted to dress you up in pink, but I wanted to make your hair stand out. So maybe something like Purple or Blue? But that's more in Sapphire's area, so I thought why not Orange to match your Command Seals? I couldn't decide, so I just place you in white, and I'll work on it as you learn your powers."

"Wait, wait, wait! Slow down!" You try to gather your thoughts. "Magical Girl? Powers? What is the meaning of this?"

"I thought it's pretty self-explanatory." Ruby told you. "You're now a Magical Girl after forming a contract with me!"

"When did I make a contract with you?" You argued.

"Right after we finished Summoning Caster, and before she caught you." Was Ruby's matter-of-fact answer. "I have your Blood, you were holding me, and I have your name. Thus, our contract was established."

"Wow, you work fast." Ange said from the side, bringing everyone's attention to her. "So that's why you asked Emilya to draw blood for the ritual."

You sigh. "Ange, you're not helping."

Then what she said caught up with you.

"Does that mean that I didn't need blood to Summon a Servant?" The lingering pain on your hand holding Ruby's shaft seemed to magnify with that statement.

"Depends on the Magus. But there's blood on the Catalyst, so I didn't want to take any chances." Ruby explained. "That way, Caster is bound to you only, and not on whomever's blood was on the Gem."

Well, at least her heart was in the right place, you reason. That said, you're not too keen on being a Magical Girl, forced circumstances or not.

"What a peculiar Device." Caster remarked, her face inches from Ruby's main body. She tilted her head left and right, examining the Mystic Code "Ruby, right?"

"It's actually Magical Ruby, but you can call me Ruby." Ruby squirmed in your grip, turning to address your Servant. She twinkled (that's your only explanation for how stars appear around her) as she seemed to talk to Caster. "I'm a really big fan of your work, you're an inspiration to young girls everywhere!"

"Haha, thank you Ruby." Caster giggled. "And I'm sure you'll be a good partner for your handler, just like mine was for me."

Ruby seemed to fold in on herself as she lit up a bright red, seeming to melt as you held her.

"If we're done here, might I suggest we talk about our plans for the War?" Rider, who was silent up to now, spoke up. "We can get to know each other once we're safe."

Ruby seemed to take offense to that, as she straightened up and glared at Rider.

"How rude! My Creator's Workshop is perfectly safe."

Rider didn't even look at her and turned to her Master.

"Rider's right." Ange agreed. "As generous as he was to let Emilya Summon her Servant here, this is still a Magus's Workshop. We shouldn't overstay our welcome."

"Oh, right! Speaking of which!" Ruby leapt out of your hand and flew up, hovering between the four of you. "My Creator wanted to tell you that he's extending his hospitality to your team for the duration of the War. You may use the facilities of this building for training and maintaining your equipment."

"No thanks." Rider stepped up. "I was against Master's Ally from Summoning here in the first place. For all we know, you're just gathering information about us for the other Pairs."

"Rider." Ange's simple command had Rider clam up. Her face morphed as she tried to contain her scowl, in direct contrast to Ange's emotionless expression.

"… Fine." The Servant relented.

"While there is a point to Rider's objection, this isn't the place to discuss it. We can talk about Ruby's Master's offer once we get settled in." Her eyes darted around the room. "Besides, I'm sure that Ruby will accompany us from now on, won't she?"

"Yup! And don't worry, Emilya-chan! I won't sell you out! I'm contracted to you now." And isn't that a scary thought?

"I could do with a less talkative… Wait, are you a transformation pen? Or the token Mascot Character?" You guess Ruby counts as both?

"Let's talk about it over lunch!" Caster declared. "Any objections to a café?"

Nobody objected.

And so, that's how you found yourself eating lunch at a posh café while talking over food about how to best proceed.

~ ~ ~

You stared. You can't help it, there was just something fascinating about a young girl (or what appears to be a young girl, you can never tell with Servants) drinking black coffee like it was milk. Coffee is bitter, you don't like bitter stuff.

"Is there something on my face?" Rider asked, causing you to look away bashfully.

"Sorry." You say over the rim of your cup of green tea.

The four of you sat at an outdoor table of a café, the awning protecting you from the noon's rays. Caster had a glass of iced tea, while Ange was nursing a cup of black tea. The food on the table is rather diverse too, having a mix of western and Japanese dishes.

Strangely though, Caster seems to have more Japanese dishes on her side of the table than you do, with you sharing a few German sausages between you and Rider. Also, she's glaring hard at your tea cup.

"You're not planning on adding cream and sugar on that, are you?" Caster asked you.

"What? No, ew." Just imagining the conflict of flavours of cream, sugar, in green tea makes your stomach churn.

"Okay, just asking." Caster went back to her meal.

Trying to avoid the awkwardness of that conversation, you turn your attention to the street and the city.

After the four of you exited the Magus's workshop (together with Ruby, who was now hiding in your hair) you came out of an eleven-story building to the busy streets of Misakihara. Unlike Fuyuki, Misakihara is a truly modern city, with cleaning robots roaming the sidewalk, electronic billboards advertising the latest TV show, and monorails snaking through high-rise buildings.

The people's fashion is also different from what you were used to. It wasn't so radical that you can see a guy wear a frilly skirt, or a woman wear something too revealing, but Victorian-era dresses and suits that glowed in colours are a common sight.

If you were to say, it's like the fashion in the city were compiled from different eras, from the early millennia up to something you'd see in a sci-fi film.

Still, a Magical Girl outfit would have stood out even in this city, so you're thankful that Ruby was able to reverse the transformation with your uniform intact.

The strange fashion of this city is the reason why Ange wasn't attracting any stares, having hid her top hat and mask. That doesn't mean that it doesn't attract your attention though, as you often find your eyes wandering to clothes other people wear that you aren't used to seeing.

Like that one girl walking down the sidewalk right now, wearing a blue Prussian jacket, a long flowing silk skirt, and heeled leather boots. A large emerald brooch sat on the middle of her cravat, complementing her large blue eyes and doll-like face. Her hair shone in the sun like golden threads, tied up in two neat buns behind her head. She also carried a large brown suitcase, with a blue umbrella tied to it.

You must have been staring at the girl for a long time, as now Rider, Caster, and Ange was looking at the girl.

"Good eye." Ange comments, "Her arms are moving strangely."

Wait, what?

"Not only that, but she's leaking magic." Caster said. At that, Rider stood up, making her way towards the girl.

"So stubborn." Ange closed her eyes and returned to eating her pie.

"Aren't you going to follow her?" You ask Ange, to which she shook her head. Concerned, you put down your tea and made to move, when Caster stopped you.

"I'll do it. Stay here."

With Caster there, you don't think Rider would do anything rash. But even having met them for a short amount of time, you can't help but worry about them.

"Masters can communicate telepathically with their Servants, Emilya." Ange finished off her pie, crossing her knife and fork over her plate. "And while we're on that, Paired Masters can communicate telepathically to their Paired teammate. We can't communicate with the other Master's Servant though."

"That's convenient." You nod.

"If you want, you can listen in to the conversation. Rider may be a bit proud, but I think Caster will let you, if to ease your burden." Ange stirred her tea, picking up a biscuit and starting on it.

"What about you?" A mental push, and you felt Caster respond in your mind.

"I'm from the Black Lizard Planet." Ange said with a straight face, and you can't tell if she's joking or not. "I can eavesdrop from here."

Any further conversation was cut when you heard Rider's voice, heard from the shared senses Caster established for you.

"You." Even as young as Rider appeared, her voice carried a lot of authority. You watched their interaction from the corner of your eye.

"Yes?" The stranger's voice asked, stopping in front of Rider.

"Take off your gloves." Rider ordered. The girl didn't react, but Caster most certainly did.

"Hey, that's going too far." Caster's normally friendly tone carried a bit of steel behind those words, conveying exactly how she felt where the conversation is going.

"Her arms are moving strangely, and this is the quickest way to know why." Rider crossed her arms, and you're pretty sure she's glaring at the stranger.

"Even so, that's too much." Caster tried to reason with her. "That's a very personal thing, and to show a stranger-"

"It's fine." The stranger said. She laid down her briefcase, before straightening out and grabbing hold of her brown gloves. With a tug, the fabric easily slipped off, revealing a silver mechanical arm where her hands should be. She removed her other glove, making it clear that both of her hands are prosthetics. "Are you satisfied?"

"…" Rider didn't say anything, seemingly contemplating something. Finally, she said something. "Push up your sleeves."


You felt your spine shiver. If Caster's earlier protests had steel on it, this one was frigid cold. But the stranger simply followed through, pushing up both sleeves to show Rider that her prosthetics replaced the entirety of her arms.

"What about-" Rider was about to continue, but you saw Caster lay her left hand on Rider's shoulder, squeezing it hard.

"I'm serious."


Caster and Rider stared at each other, a tense atmosphere falling over them. For a moment, you felt as if the two of them would fight each other then-and-there, but thankfully the voice of reason helped diffuse the situation, which strangely enough came from the person they were arguing over.

"It's alright." The stranger said. "A lot of my clients are curious about my arms too. It doesn't bother me at all."

Caster backed off, releasing her grip on Rider's shoulder and bowing at the girl.

"I'm really sorry about my friend here. She can't stop her curiosity." Rider seemed to take offense to that, riling herself up to tell Caster off when she stiffened and turned towards your table. Ange kept her back turned to them, sipping her tea.

"I'm sorry." Rider bowed her head slightly. Then she marched herself out of the conversation. Caster said a few more words to the stranger, before saying her goodbyes.

"That was unbelievably rash of you, Rider." Ange said instead of greeting them back.

"The sooner we can remove a side from this war, the better." Rider explained, sitting back down. "Caster said she had an odd output of magic, which even I couldn't detect. It's highly likely that she's a Master in this war."

"As much as I appreciate your vote of confidence in my abilities," Caster resumed her spot beside you. "If we get into a fight, I won't be able to fight my best yet."

"What do you mean by that?" That's actually concerning. Did you mess up the Summoning Ritual, and summoned Caster with reduced Parameters?

To explain, Caster placed something on the table. It was the Catalyst you used earlier, the red gem glowing softly with an inner light. "This is one of my Noble Phantasms. Right now, she's broken. I need to repair her, and that will take some time."

"And I'll help too!" Ruby poked out of your hair to say that, before popping back in.

"And that brings us to our next discussion." Ange said, finally finishing her tea. "Our base of operations."

"We need a place we can stay for the duration of the war, where we can stay hidden from the other enemy Masters, and where we can meet to discuss what's happening in the war." Rider, ever professional, began listing the things you needed.

"I suggest that we stay together." Ange told you. "That way, it'll be easier to create a cover for each of us."

"Speaking of covers." Caster jumped into the conversation. "We need a name for Rider and myself."

"A name?" You ask.

"Of course, you don't expect to call us by Rider and Caster right? That's a big giveaway to other Masters that we're Servants." Caster waved her left hand at Rider. "I had a hard time talking to Rider without giving away that she's a Servant."

"…" Instead of retorting, Rider picked up her coffee and drank it, refusing to say anything.

"I suggest we call Rider Mercedes!" Caster suggested happily.

"Pfft-!" Rider spat her coffee, choking as some of the drink got caught in her throat. Caster stood up to help, rubbing circles on Rider's back. "We are not calling me Mercedes!"

"Why not?" You ask. "It's a girl's name, and a German one too. It's perfect for you."

Rider's ears matched the red in her cheeks as she struggled to come up with anything to counter that.

"I will not be called by something that you'll see in a Red Ligh-" Rider paused, looking around the table, before catching herself. "I mean, can't you think of something more… wholesome?"

"Hmm…" Caster placed a finger to her chin as she thought about it. "Hildagild?"

"Too much of a mouthful." Rider rejected that.

"You're too picky." Caster sat back on her chair.

"And you have no taste in names." Rider pointed at her.

"How about something simple?" Ange, the voice of reason, suggested. "How about Bismark von Babenburg from the Black Lizard Planet?"

"That is not simple at all!" All three of you cut her down. Then with you adding a "And what's with the Black Lizard Planet again?"

"We also need a cover story for how we're living together." Ange continued as if she didn't just say something outrageous. "But you're right, first we need to think up names for Caster and Rider."

"Can't we go with something easy to say? Like Erika or Asuka?" You suggested for them.

"Heh." Rider scoffed. "Yeah, sure, I'll be Asuka Langly Sohryu."

"Then let's move on to my name!" Caster cheerfully said.

"Wait, you're not serious, are you?" Rider backtracked. "It was a joke!"

"We don't have anything better. If you have any suggestions, you're free to say it." Caster told her. Rider pouted, crossing her arms and thinking up an alias for herself.

"How about Lancer for myself?" Caster is the first to suggest a name.

"No." Rider- or should you say Asuka?- flat out told her. "That defeats the purpose of us having an alias, if any Master or Servant hear that they'll know you're a Servant."

She paused.

"And what's with your fascination for Automobile names?!"

"Calm down, Asuka." You tried to pacify Rider, only to get glared at. "Er, I mean Rider."

You thought back on what Ruby told you about Caster. She was an amazing mage, but she was also known as an Ace among Aces.

"How about we call Caster, Ace?" You thought out loud.

"Ace huh?" Caster tested it out, nodding beside you. "I'm okay with it."

"At least you have a better name than I." Rider said. "Can we please go back to deciding mine then?"

"You can be Francheska. Short for Cheska or Fran." Ange said, surprising Rider. Did she have that ready from the start? "Moving on, we need to talk about our living arrangements."

"Living arrangements?" You ask.

Ange nodded, laying down a map she pulled from her coat. Was it a map of the city?

"Misakihara is roughly divided into 4 districts. I say roughly, because while it isn't officially declared districts by the city, the citizens unofficially refer to them as such." Ange flipped a sign pen into her hand, drawing on the map and dividing it into sections. "You can tell which district is which by its architecture."

She tapped on the part closest to you, south on the map.

"The south District is the old District." A picture was laid on the table, showing cobblestone streets with old European mansions lining the street. "This is a little known fact to the populace, but it's also where most of the old Magi family live. We can freely wage war here, but we also run the risk of being attacked even through our cover."

"I recommend we avoid setting up here." Rider told the three of you. "If we do, we'll run the risk of fighting a battle of attrition against several pair of Masters. I suspect that the frontline of the War would be here, and with us being newcomers, we'll stick out to the Magi living in the area."

"On the upside though," Caster- Ace?- said "if we can contact one or two Pairs of Masters, we can form a coalition against the others. We would have less risk of being discovered magically, since anything magical we do would be attributed to the Magi in the area."

Ange then traced on the right portion of the map, or the east according to the compass.

"The East Area is a Residential District, with small businesses intermingled with private homes and lands." Procuring another picture from her coat, Ange showed you the general layout of the East Area. Modern building lined the narrow streets, only wide enough for two cars to fit. Each house was in various state of opulence, with some only being small enough for one family, while some have a lot large enough to house a dojo an a pond. There are scattered businesses in the street, like a café named after an English castle, and a Ramen shop and a Chinese restaurant surrounding it.

"Anything special here?" You ask Ange.

"Not really, aside from the fact that the boundary between the South District and the East Area is obscure." Ange seemed to think about something. "I can arrange for the four of us to have a small house here, but we need to finish setting up identities for Rider and Caster first."

Moving on, she flicked the pen to the opposite side of the map, on the West side of the city.

"The West Entrance is the main thoroughfare in and out of the city by land. This is also where we are right now." She tapped the pen as she gathered her thoughts. "We're a bit closer to the Northern district right now, but the West Entrance is filled with Industrial complexes and other large businesses. The Magus Tower we were in had a font for a pharmaceutical company, and there are other landmarks here that make foot traffic heavy."

Finally, she moved to the last area of the city.

"The Northern Harbor is deceptive in its name. While, yes, the main harbour of Misakihara city is indeed here, it is home to several high rise buildings, including apartments, hotels, and office buildings. This is the largest part of the city, encroaching even on the Western Entrance and the Eastern Area. It wouldn't be strange to see new faces here, so we'll be less likely to be discovered here."

Ange gathered up the pictures and placed them back into her coat, leaving the map on the table.

"There are other smaller districts in Misakihara like the central area and the ports between Northern Harbor and West Entrance, but these four are regarded the most by the populace."

"Anything else we should know?" You ask Ange.

"Indeed." She looked at the three of you. "Regardless of where we set up, I can call my contacts to fix it up for us, so we don't have to worry about a place to live. However…"

And there's the 'but'

"However, what?" You lean forward in your seat, paying attention to what Ange is about to say.

"For our cover, we need to enroll everyone of us at school, and where we choose to live dependent on where we got to school."

"Wait, are you including us?" Rider asked, pointing at Caster and herself.

"Our cover story won't hold any ground if all four of us don't attend school." Ange reasoned. "Aside from a truant officer, the city records, and any Magi spying for the war, it would look less suspicious and harder to find us if we attend school like normal children our age."

You guess that makes sense.

"So does that mean that we'll all attend the same school?" You ask her instead of trying to get out of school.

"That's impossible." Ange then gestured at the three of you. "You three look like Middle School students, hence why I mentioned the truant officer. I myself will be attending High School, so while the three of you are at a Middle School, I'll be scouting the High School."

You grimace. That doesn't sound good, but at the very least you cover more ground that way when searching for Masters at the schools. Besides, you thought, looking at Ange and the way she held herself, you're pretty sure she can handle anything that threatens her.

"It wouldn't be too much to ask what kind of school is in each District?" The answer to your question was a shake of Ange's head.

"I didn't expect my ally, or the Servants we summon, would be this young." She told you. "I only know about the high school of each area."

"Then how are we going to attend a school if we don't know the Middle Schools?" You ask.

"My contacts will fix the papers for all four of us, like I told you." She picked up her pen and drew on the map. "If it helps, I'll tell you about the Schools I know of in each area."

"The Southern District is home to Cross Academy. People who don't know about the Magi go during the day, but when night rolls around, the Night Class, composed of Magi and several unclassified individuals attend the academy."

"Unidentified Individuals?" That sounds ominous.

"It's likely they're Magi too, since they all live in the Southern District, but there is no confirmation of them being Magi. Either there's more to them, or they're excellent at keeping tabs on their Magic."

She moved on to the next districts, the Western and Eastern Areas.

"The Western Entrance and Eastern Area has too many schools to list, but Homurahara academy in the Eastern Area is among them." You felt your heart beat at that, but stared at the narrowed eyes of Ange. "Don't even think about it. I need you to be with Rider and Caster in-case something happens. I've heard from the Magus in the tower I woke you up in, you're not from around here."

Wow, she doesn't hold back on her opinion, does she?

"Anyway, like I said, too many schools in the Western Entrance to list."

Finally, she went to the Northern Harbor.

"Northern Harbor houses the First High School, a school that studies the application of Magic to regular life-" Ange tried to explain, but you couldn't help but ask about something she just said.

"Wait, Magus world is known here?" You interrupted her.

Ange didn't looked amused at your outburst.

"I said Magic, not Magus." Ange explained, as if that made a difference to you. "While Magic is known to the world, Magus aren't. We apply Magic differently to the Magicians. They have Magicians and produce Magical Technicians, you could say they're like Engineers in the creation of Magic Items for the common people."

"They're as different from Magus are as an Architect is to a Mad Scientist."

That's… an apt metaphor. Now that you think about it, Magi are like Mad Scientists. You wonder what they are like, compared to Magi.

"I'll leave the decision up to you." Ange said, referring to the base of operations.

"Oh sure!" You told her.


[] We'll stay at-
-[] The South District, using an old Magus's Mansion.
-[] The East Area, purchasing a small modern home.
-[] The Western Entrance, rending a 2LDK apartment.
-[] The Northern Harbor, renting a room at a High Rise Apartment.

Change Caster's Alias?
[] Yes.
-[] Write-in.
[] No, Ace is fine.