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In the dark cellar, the girl steeled herself.

'It's time.' Clenching her fist around the...
Prologue: 1


Sakura Saber
Throne of Heroes
In the dark cellar, the girl steeled herself.

'It's time.' Clenching her fist around the handful of precious gems she held, Tohsaka Rin stood in the center of the dull red circle painted on the floor.

Adopting a look of determination, she held her hand over the circle, and began to chant.

"For the elements, silver and iron," as she spoke, the gems she held melted harmlessly in her hand, dripping slowly onto the circle at her feet.

"For the foundation, stone and the archduke of contracts," the drops of molten jewel slid slowly across the floor, inching towards the etched lines of the circle.

"For the ancestor, my great master, Schweinorg," Rin could feel the familiar heat in her body as her magic circuits began to work themselves to a fever pitch, and the summoning circle glowed faintly blue.

"Close the gates of the cardinal directions,

Come forth from the Crown, and follow the forked road leading to the Kingdom," The light of the circle intensified, and pulsed to the steady drip of the jewels.

"Fill, Fill, Fill, Fill, Fill. Repeat five times, but when each is filled, destroy it" Green light changes to orange as she speaks the words of the ritual.

"Set. Heed my words. My will creates your body, and your sword creates my destiny." The power emanating from the now bright-red circle began to stir the air, rustling Rin's hair and the papers strewn around the room.

"If you heed the Grail's call and obey my will and reason, then answer me. I hereby swear…

I shall be all the good in the world,

I shall defeat all evil in the world," The torrent of energy began flinging papers wildly around the room as the ritual reached its peak, the circle seemingly burning at her feet.

"You, seven heavens clad in the three great words of power, come forth from the circle of binding,

Keeper of the Balance!"

And so, with a great rush of energy…..

Nothing happened.


It is a little acknowledged fact that the Throne of Heroes exists wholly outside of Time and Space. Heroic Spirits are recorded from every time, and every universe.

Naturally, Servants can be called from these same places, with the appropriate catalyst.

And lo, a family heirloom of the Tohsakas, said to have been a gift from their great teacher, was used as a catalyst in this ritual.

An odd gem…


Rin looked around the room in confusion, and, admittedly, quickly rising panic.

"Where are they? Where is my Serva-" Her frantic questions were cut short by a sudden urge to vomit. Something felt wrong, the mana she felt in the air was… Screaming? What?

She didn't have much time to ponder it before a massive explosion went off nearby. She let out a scream as she ducked and covered her head.

"An attack?! Is it an enemy Servant?!" Rin quickly got up and sprinted out of the basement on her way outside, barely slowing down enough to ensure she was properly armed with her gems. The house seemed intact, so she ran outside to confront the trespasser.

What she saw brought her up short.

The entire back courtyard was gone, a massive crater in its place. Rin gaped at the almost perfect half sphere gauged out of the earth, like someone took a giant ice cream scoop and carved out a bit of her property. The crater obviously wasn't natural, if the odd purple fires coming out of it was any indication.

Rin shook herself out of her stupor, she can't just sit here like a sitting duck! Gritting her teeth, Rin runs straight at the crater, sliding down its edge. What greeted her there was beyond her expectations, even more bizarre than the events that preceded it.

It was a girl. A girl with breathtaking beauty.

It was…

[X] The First. The Light, a girl with short white hair in a revealing outfit that resembled a bridal gown, staring at Rin with dispassionate eyes. Calculating, Obsessive, Disturbing.
-[X] Caster
-[X] Archer

[X] The Third. The Shadow, a girl with raven tresses, done up in two uneven twintails. Yet what caught Rin's attention most was her eye- one of them was gold, with what looked like a clock face in it. Cheerful, Manipulative, Dangerous.
-[X] Archer
-[X] Assassin

[X] The Fourth. The Water, a young girl timidly staring at her own feet. Her efforts at pulling her rabbit-eared hood down over her face failed to cover her cerulean hair. And is that a puppet on her hand…? Shy, Gentle, Cowardly.
-[X] Rider
-[X] Caster
-[X] Berserker

[X] The Fifth. The Flame, a young girl with a serious look. Her flaming red hair matched the fires raging around her. It was hard to tell if the horns on her head were ornaments, or if she was really an oni. Her kimono certainly makes her look the part, if rather short. Imperious, Energetic, Soft Side.
-[X] Lancer
-[X] Berserker
-[X] Rider

[X] The Seventh. The Witch, a woman, with an unrealistically perfect body and teal hair, and a mischievous look in her eyes. The hat she's wearing looks like it belongs to a stereotypical witch… And she's not wearing much else. Mischievous, Flirtatious, Self-Hate.
-[X] Caster
-[X] Rider

[X] The Eighth. The Wind, a pair of orange haired girls who are almost identical. And… What are they wearing!? Chuuni, Energetic, Prideful. / Cool, Odd, Prideful.
-[X] Berserker
-[X] Archer

[X] The Ninth. The Song, a girl with lilac hair and soft blue eyes. She smiles warmly the moment she sees Rin, and her white dress is rather… fetching on her. Flirtatious, Unstable, Controlling.
-[X] Caster

[X] The Tenth. The King, a serious girl with black-purple hair and an armored dress. She glares suspiciously at Rin, watching her every movement, her gauntleted hand is drawn back as if to swipe at her from meters away. Suspicious, Cynical, TsunDERE.
-[X] Saber
-[X] Rider


Well, this is my first attempt at a quest, so we'll see how this goes.

SV's rules, as always, apply.

I'll be honest, these characters are not equal. Some of them are weak, some of them are outright suicidal to take (the two biggest offenders for each being marked as "Hard Mode" and "Survival Mode" respectively).

You control Rin as she attempts to win the Holy Grail with the aid of a completely unknown Servant. Your success will largely be determined by the plans you make in combat, though I will occasionally roll D100 for completely random occurrences.

Write ins are allowed unless specifically denied. This first choice is one such time.

Please wait for me to reserve a post or two for character sheet purposes.
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#1 - Rider
Class: Rider.
True Name: Itsuka Kotori?
Master: Tohsaka Rin.
Noble Phantasm: ????
Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Gender: Female.


Strength: B
Endurance: D
Agility: B
Mana: A+
Luck: D

Class Skills

Riding (A):

Magic Resistance (C+):

Personal Skills


Noble Phantasms


#2 - Caster
Class: Caster.
True Name: Paracelsus.
Master: ????
Noble Phantasm: ????
Alignment: True Neutral.
Gender: Male.


Strength: D
Endurance: E
Agility: C
Mana: A
Luck: B

Class Skills

Territory Creation (B):

Item Construction (A+):

Personal Skills

High-Speed Incantation (C):

Magecraft (A+):

Noble Phantasms


#3 - Lancer
Class: Lancer
True Name: ????
Master: ????
Noble Phantasm: ????
Alignment: True Neutral.
Gender: Male.


Strength: B
Endurance: C
Agility: A
Mana: E
Luck: E

Class Skills

Magic Resistance (B+):

Personal Skills

Noble Phantasms
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[X] The Third. The Shadow, a girl with raven tresses, done up in two uneven twintails. Yet what caught Rin's attention most was her eye- one of them was gold, with what looked like a clock face in it. Cheerful, Manipulative, Dangerous.
-[X] Assassin

Time hax, go.
[X] The Fifth. The Flame, a young girl with a serious look. Her flaming red hair matched the fires raging around her. It was hard to tell if the horns on her head were ornaments, or if she was really an oni. Her kimono certainly makes her look the part, if rather short. Imperious, Energetic, Soft Side
-[x] Berserker

[X] The Fifth. The Flame, a young girl with a serious look. Her flaming red hair matched the fires raging around her. It was hard to tell if the horns on her head were ornaments, or if she was really an oni. Her kimono certainly makes her look the part, if rather short. Imperious, Energetic, Soft Side
-[x] Berserker

I have no idea who this is.:V
I'm changing my vote

[X] The Third. The Shadow, a girl with raven tresses, done up in two uneven twintails. Yet what caught Rin's attention most was her eye- one of them was gold, with what looked like a clock face in it. Cheerful, Manipulative, Dangerous.
-[X] Assassin
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[X] The Third. The Shadow, a girl with raven tresses, done up in two uneven twintails. Yet what caught Rin's attention most was her eye- one of them was gold, with what looked like a clock face in it. Cheerful, Manipulative, Dangerous.
-[X] Archer
[X] The Fifth. The Flame, a young girl with a serious look. Her flaming red hair matched the fires raging around her. It was hard to tell if the horns on her head were ornaments, or if she was really an oni. Her kimono certainly makes her look the part, if rather short. Imperious, Energetic, Soft Side.
-[X] Berserker

Immortal Berserker Wagon
[X] The Fifth. The Flame, a young girl with a serious look. Her flaming red hair matched the fires raging around her. It was hard to tell if the horns on her head were ornaments, or if she was really an oni. Her kimono certainly makes her look the part, if rather short. Imperious, Energetic, Soft Side.
-[X] Berserker
For anyone who want's to be spoiled of the character options:
1-Origami Tobiichi
3-Kurumi Tokisaka
5-Kotori Itsuka
8-Yamai Sisters
9-Miku Izayoi
10-Tohka Yatogami
[X] The Eighth. The Wind, a pair of orange haired girls who are almost identical. And… What are they wearing!? Chuuni, Energetic, Prideful. / Cool, Odd, Prideful.
-[X] Archer(s)
[X] The Third. The Shadow, a girl with raven tresses, done up in two uneven twintails. Yet what caught Rin's attention most was her eye- one of them was gold, with what looked like a clock face in it. Cheerful, Manipulative, Dangerous.
-[X] Assassin

Kurumi... just, Kurumi. Taking the assassin class to mess with Caster's plans and to spice things up. Besides, I really don't want Kurumi to have an Independent Action, that's just asking for trouble down the line.6
[X] The Third. The Shadow, a girl with raven tresses, done up in two uneven twintails. Yet what caught Rin's attention most was her eye- one of them was gold, with what looked like a clock face in it. Cheerful, Manipulative, Dangerous.
-[X] Assassin
[X] The Third. The Shadow, a girl with raven tresses, done up in two uneven twintails. Yet what caught Rin's attention most was her eye- one of them was gold, with what looked like a clock face in it. Cheerful, Manipulative, Dangerous.
-[X] Assassin
Cause I can, Vote Tally~!

[~] The Third. The Shadow, a girl with raven tresses, done up in two uneven twintails. Yet what caught Rin's attention most was her eye- one of them was gold, with what looked like a clock face in it. Cheerful, Manipulative, Dangerous.
-[~] Assassin
Feng Lengshun, Amatsumi, Murderhobo of Nod, Avalon Du Lac, DimensionalGuy
-[~] Archer

[~] The Fifth. The Flame, a young girl with a serious look. Her flaming red hair matched the fires raging around her. It was hard to tell if the horns on her head were ornaments, or if she was really an oni. Her kimono certainly makes her look the part, if rather short. Imperious, Energetic, Soft Side.
-[~] Berserker
AnonymousRabbit, AZATHOTHoth, wingstrike96, Bondo

[~] The Eighth. The Wind, a pair of orange haired girls who are almost identical. And… What are they wearing!? Chuuni, Energetic, Prideful. / Cool, Odd, Prideful.
-[~] Archer(s)

Looks like we've got a close lead for Kurumi Assassin, followed closely by Kotori Berserker.

Guess most people don't want "Independent Archers" as a whole, which is a shame for me and my curiousity in Yamai. Something about two Servants, even w/ Independent Action, seems inherently interesting strategy-wise for the Grail War. Not that snatching Assassin from Caster is bad either though.
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[X] The Fifth. The Flame, a young girl with a serious look. Her flaming red hair matched the fires raging around her. It was hard to tell if the horns on her head were ornaments, or if she was really an oni. Her kimono certainly makes her look the part, if rather short. Imperious, Energetic, Soft Side.
-[X] Rider

Wait...if we get Kotori Rider, do we get her giant battleship?
[X] The Fifth. The Flame, a young girl with a serious look. Her flaming red hair matched the fires raging around her. It was hard to tell if the horns on her head were ornaments, or if she was really an oni. Her kimono certainly makes her look the part, if rather short. Imperious, Energetic, Soft Side.
-[X] Rider

This is persuasive.
[X] The Fifth. The Flame, a young girl with a serious look. Her flaming red hair matched the fires raging around her. It was hard to tell if the horns on her head were ornaments, or if she was really an oni. Her kimono certainly makes her look the part, if rather short. Imperious, Energetic, Soft Side.
-[X] Berserker
[X] The Eighth. The Wind, a pair of orange haired girls who are almost identical. And… What are they wearing!? Chuuni, Energetic, Prideful. / Cool, Odd, Prideful.
-[X] Archer(s)
hmmm so many yuri choices!

but yeah the most fun would either be kotori battleship or kuruma trolling.
I really want to see the battleship though...

[X] The Fifth. The Flame, a young girl with a serious look. Her flaming red hair matched the fires raging around her. It was hard to tell if the horns on her head were ornaments, or if she was really an oni. Her kimono certainly makes her look the part, if rather short. Imperious, Energetic, Soft Side.
-[X] Rider
[X] The Fifth. The Flame, a young girl with a serious look. Her flaming red hair matched the fires raging around her. It was hard to tell if the horns on her head were ornaments, or if she was really an oni. Her kimono certainly makes her look the part, if rather short. Imperious, Energetic, Soft Side.
-[X] Rider