[X] [Split]
-[X] Have Circe, Archer, Medusa and Shadow Servants engage Brihannala.
-[X] Have Shielder, Luke, and Mordred engage Cu Chulainn, with Medea acting as Support.
-[X] Have Illya, Shirou, Ritsuka, and Ayako stay back, survey the battle, and take potshots.
[X] [Split]
-[X] Have Circe, Archer, Medusa and Shadow Servants engage Brihannala.
-[X] Have Shielder, Luke, and Mordred engage Cu Chulainn, with Medea acting as support. Ayako switchs between support with Medea, and getting in close when she has the opportunity.
--[X] Make a copy of that bow Circe showed you, and pass it to Ayako. Ruby is powerful, but having something she's more familiar with on hand could help.
-[X] Have Illya, Shirou, and Ritsuka stay back, survey the battle, and take potshots.
[X] [Split]
-[X] Have Circe, Archer, Medusa and Shadow Servants engage Brihannala.
-[X] Have Shielder, Luke, and Mordred engage Cu Chulainn, with Medea acting as support. Ayako switchs between support with Medea, and getting in close when she has the opportunity.
-[X] Have Illya, Shirou, and Ritsuka stay back, survey the battle, and take potshots.