

Miho Chan

One with too many ideas
Makoto pulled her blade from the Demon Pillar with a snort of disgust, the supposed invincible being helpless before her reality marble. Flauros had died screaming, unable to escape her world, unable to do anything but desperately attempt to kill the being who had trapped him and had died, alone, like all of his kind deserved to.

"You know Chaldea is going to get blamed for this, right Makoto?" Hinako Asuka, known to Makoto as Consort Yu commented, idly flipping one of her twintails.

"Chaldea can deal with the Clock Tower. While I may be "The Defender of Man", mankind still needs to stand up on their own two feet." The former human answered, "Besides, The Wayfinders will probably align themselves with Chaldea eventually, I just have to get the rest of the council to agree. Still surprised you didn't take them up on the offer for a position Yu, I could have used your help."

Consort Yu simply stared silently at the fox, raising an eyebrow pointedly.

"Right, I forgot you still want to see your love again. Not that I blame you… I would give anything to see my parents, both of this world and of my own again." Makoto paused once more, before sighing, dismissing her reality marble, and lighting the corpse of the Demon God Flauros on fire. Around her, the elite combat team formed for the purpose of taking out Flauros milled about, waiting to return to Wayfinder HQ, Japan. "Anyways, thank you for answering the call to arms Yu, I'll call you tonight, just to keep up pretenses." The kitsune waved at the Incarnated elemental, making her way towards the waiting helicopter, which would take her to London's International Airport, where she would board the flight to New York City, getting ready for her next mission: The Scaladio Auction…

It started with rumors, the words spoken by word of mouth. They feared what would happen if they were heard, so it was quite a surprise to all when it was announced publically, or at least what passes for publically in the moonlit world. An Auction was happening in one month. This news caught all of the factions stuck in the Moonlit War by surprise.

Clocktower was not informed of any auctions happening by their allies or indeed by any… aspiring students. So when it was announced it was twice the surprise that the Clocktower was ready, or rather, they had funds and materials ready. An emergency fund of sorts that was to be used in any Auctions that were to appear, no matter how sudden they were.

For Chaldea it was another matter, while they didn't have access to an emergency fund in which that they could use on a whim, they did have allies and resources to bring to bear once scrounged up, and it was with a surprising ability that Olga Marie, the leader of Chaldea, had managed to gather everything needed short notice for the Auction.

But why would those factions, whose hatred and disdain for each other was well known, be gathering these resources for what amounts to a common, everyday auction? The answer was simple.

"The Scaladio Auction, Come those of the Shadows, those of the light, come one come all, for we shall be auctioning several magnificent items for those who seek these so-called… Heroic Spirits. For we are selling the bones of a Saint, Bones of a Dead Hydra, and many more catalysts for summoning these… servants, along with some additional supplies and materials."

(The Second Portion is Written by the Co-GM, @Hyvelic with my approval)
Player List:
@MannfredVon as Melissa Kelly (Demi Servant and Operative)
@Omida as Yasu (Operative)
@Astra Myst as Amira Ebren (Operative, Lecturer)
@0th Law as Serena Addewid (Head of the Chaldea Faculty of Modern Magical Theory)
@Sinsystems as Margaret M. Mackenzie (Doctor/Operative)
@The Void as Alistair Douglas Sinclair (Head of the Industrial Department/Operative)
@Rowknan as Ayako Muramasa (Mystic Code Blacksmith)

Clock Tower
@Hyvelic as Darius Ainsworth (Political Leader of the Clock Tower)
@Carol as Jasper Rossi (Political Leader of the Democrats, Vice Head of the Department of Creation)
@Critian Caceorte as Mobolaji Anolanu (Department of Spiritual Evocation Rep)
@Hydrokinesis as Genesis von Einzbern (Student, Demi Servant)
@Kero-Null as Grey (Student)

NPC Factions:
@Miho Chan as the Glorious GM Overlord :V (Living Plot Device)
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The Clock Tower, for all its rigid pretensions of high society, certainly waggled its tongue and spoke with the volume of a thousand lowly cicadas in the first of July. It was not limited to the circles of novices for supposed families high in rank and higher in their disinterest of vulgar rumors drenched themselves in the speculation. An event had caught their interest — an opportunity after the recent disasters to recuperate with unforeseen speed. 'The bones of a Saint!' One could imagine a nasally lord utter with the sort of enthusiastic banality that privilege afforded. 'With it we would bash the apostates into footnotes!' Another hypothetical speaker would interject with her own claimant on the superiority of the Hydra and a third on the previous quality of the supplier. All fed the fire that crossed from one dormitory to another until even the twilight hermits knew of the Scaladio Auction.

"So you, Jasper Rossi, by all accounts ambivalent to our cause, will represent us?" The voice mixed the trifecta of a gentle youth, a trickster's mischief, and an all too noticeable merriment. She was the sort who would giggle at others' misery because it sent the perfect punchline only she understood. "So it seems, Reines," Jasper replied, her tone older and far more amicable, experienced to the nonsense of the girl before her. "Ahahaha!" Reines' laughter bounced up and down the cafe they ate in. It would have startled the other occupants if not for the mystical precautions put up around them; to the world outside they spoke the language that bored wayward ears while inside a hysterical girl grabbed her stomach in faux-pain as she doubled over the table. "Forgive me, please, but... but that is too entertaining a reversal not to give a reaction on."

Both looked highly fashionable, Reines out of some period piece two centuries past and Jasper more a hybrid of modern tastes, and equally fair in the color of their skin. Yet whereas Reines' hair flowed as gracefully as a tide of blonde could, Jasper's was two sides of white and black that meet in the middle and decided on a firm truce. Even more noticeable were the eyes: Reines' raged on like sea tides on a rock never to stop, but Jasper's one-eyed look with a black skull-engraved eye patch had a healer's gray to it.

"I could not deny a request that came from Lord Ainsworth," Jasper explained so as to give no real emotional rise that a starved conversational tiger like her partner fed on. "Not when he was so adamant."

"Ah," came the reply, one which grasped a misnomer. "I take it that Lord Valueleta did not appreciate the recognition."

Jasper snorted at the understatement. Her boss, heated at times as the sands she controlled, argued long to retain an assistant that covered the paperwork which allowed artists such as herself to ply her trade. "Not particularly. But, the appointment had the Vice Director's approval. And the outcry over Antarctica and the explosion from the Association had soiled her mood for discussion. One part of me or another was going."

Barthomelois, such as the Vice Director, were prideful beings. Their legacy called for perfect leadership. And nothing is worse for the ego when reality itself counters the narrative.

"Riveting," Reines confessed with a joker's admiration. "Such is the way, I suppose, when the handle of the clock strikes your name."

"I don't consider the venture a total loss. Many of the specimen on display do interest me." Jasper tapped twice on her mug as a handful of bite-size sugar dissolved on black coffee.

"Dry bones and shriveled skin always do." Reines' cup could not imitate the ceramic ringing of her opposite for it was plastic. Instead, little tapioca balls rested at its bottom with shaken ice at the top that gave the drink a bubbly look.

"Especially those buried deep. Imagine the knowledge held between the cells — the ills one could heal."

"Is that a Jasper-wide consensus?"

Jasper tapped her eye patch. "In a sense, yes. Through I believe my other half has less altruistic motivations."

"What I wouldn't give to hear her side!"

"I'm afraid she would lay all her cards on the table, realize the mistake, and solve it with caustic force. I confess not having total confidence in healing you correctly if that were to happen."

"A shame," Reines hummed as she sat back on her chair to stretch. "But seeing as how you have already dealt a Jack," she snickered, "can I expect another before the day is out?"

"One more."

Reines lifted an eyebrow.

"My official bodyguard for the event is rather close to your brother."

"A student?"

"An apprentice."

The two howled after. Each bet on the reacting face of one Waver Velvet. The man in question sneezed; he felt a most deadly premonition waiting for him later.
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(Co-written by @Astra Myst )

The winds rushing upon her face gives her a familiar feeling of exhilaration as she rides Nakli through the streets of New York. Amira misses riding, the Antarctic landscape makes it difficult for Nakli to run about but the bustle of New York is much more suited for her, comparatively that is.

"Enjoy the ride?" She asks her passenger

"It is a rather refreshing change of pace," spoke the woman seated behind Amira, her one arm wrapped around Amira's waist while the other ran a gentle hand along Nakli's flank, "Your horse is truly a fine specimen."

"Thanks, though you definitely helped her quite a bit" She says as she remembers the modifications Margaret proposed, she was hesitant at first but she gave in to the girl's requests eventually. And it showed, she never recalled when Nakli runs this fast or this smoothly.

A good natured chuckle escapes Margaret's lips at the mention of her work on the horse, it had been but a minor job but an enjoyable one. "Oh it was nothing, all I did was replace some muscles, fix up some joints and adjusted the length of some bones. Child's play really," the woman said, smiling at the memories of the operation and simple joys at seeing the inner workings of such a creature up close.

But that smile fell slightly as her eyes shifted from the equine beauty beneath them to their surroundings, becoming a scowl as her enhanced senses picked up the ugliness of the city around them, "Although I do wish that we could have done this somewhere else, place smells like trash and fumes."

"Well that's New York for you, I think the place we're going to wouldn't be as bad but I don't think that would really matter with a nose like yours now would it?" Keeping her smile as buildings and streets pass by she finds herself wondering about the auction itself, supposedly there would be plenty of valuable items on display but if they had other uses than wouldn't it be better to use it themselves? Or perhaps the payment wouldn't just be money but information? She never understood how the Moonlit World really works anyway.

"Say, what would you like out of the auction?" She asks her passenger

Margaret perked up at the question, if only because it distracted her from the smell, "Well I heard that they have some Hydra Bones available so I really really really want to get my claws on those," she said literally vibrating with excitement at the prospect of finally having a material of suitable quality to properly modify her bone beyond the basic reinforcements she had already done, especially if she could manage to imbue them with the Hydra's legendary regeneration abilities, "Just the chance to get those is worth any amount of bad smell…..beyond that not really sure, maybe just mingle, meet some new people and the like."

Amira nods along as she listens to Margaret, noticing her excitement she has the impulse to get the auction house a bit faster. Anticipation builds up in her as she urges Nakli to go faster and faster, outspeeding even the nearby cars as she tries to maneuver around the ones that are in the way. The wind blows upon her face like never before until finally they arrived at...Dominos.

"We..might be lost, sorry about this" she apologizes as she realizes her mistake

Margaret tilted her head, could have sworn that they had been going the right way? But it was rather obvious that the pizza joint was not where the auction was supposed to be held, although a small part of her found the image that conjured up rather amusing.

Standing up in the saddle the chimeric girl tried her best to look for some kind of landmark that would help them find their way to the venue, but despite her enhanced vision there was only so much she could do, "Umm don't see anything, maybe we should ask someone?" she suggested, followed shortly by a low rumble from her belly, "and maybe something to eat, I sort of skipped breakfast."

Letting out a small chuckle Amira smiled at the cute human Chimera, "Sure, let's ask inside, I could use something to eat too" she says before stepping off of Nakli and...gaining a realization. "Well, how do you..park a horse?"

Hopping off of the horse Margaret scanned the area until she found the answer to Amira's question, a small device with the words 'parking meter' stamped on it next to the shop, "There, my mom told me about them. You put some coins in and you can park next to them for a while." she said, smiling in satisfaction at remembering such a minor but useful piece of knowledge.

Nodding along with the sagely advice of the Chimeric human, she retrieves a rope out of a pouch on Nakli's side and fishes out some coins before slotting it into the parking meter before tying Nakli to it.

And thus she walked towards the door of Dominos and beckoned Margaret to come with her.

With a nod Margaret followed her friend and colleague into the building, her nose crying out with joy as the smell of the city was drowned out by that of melted cheese, oil and cooked meat, which caused her stomach to let out a roar that resembled one of her chimeras. Walking up to the counter she greeted the dead-eyed teen before her with a friendly smile and eyes that seemed to look into his very soul, "Excuse me but you wouldn't happen to know where….umm, Amira what was the name of the place we were going to again?"

"King's Theatre, are you ordering now or do I order?" Amira says, admittedly hungry as she sees the menu above.

"Right that place and you can order, I'll have whatever has the most meat." she says before turning back to the counter, "So yeah know how we can get to the King's Theatre from here?"

Amira nods as she goes to order her fill, "I would like..a cheese-filled pizza, a meat lover's, no make that two and…-" She pauses for a second wondering if they should order for Serena as well, deciding that someone like her would probably eat plenty she decides to order extra. "-one mackerel pizza, a vegetarian pizza, a BBQ pizza along with four sodas" finishing her order she figures that she didn't know what Serena preferred she might as well order a bit of everything, worse comes to worst they could probably give it to a street urchin.

"King's Theatre? Oh that one, so you wanna take a straight to the second intersection, and then take a right to beverly road, after that go straight past the Sears and take a right once you reach Flatbush Avenue"

Margaret nodded mentally building a map from the directions, "Thanks you really saved us a lot of trouble, so how much will those Pizzas cost us?" she said reaching into her pocket to retrieve some money, she was confident she'd be able to afford whatever it cost.

"That'd be 75$ mam" He answers on auto-pilot, the exhaustion clear in his eyes.

"Right….here keep the change." she said handing the man a 100$ bill, as thanks for helping them out and also because she didn't actually have anything smaller on her. With that out of the way she took a seat to wait for their food to be finished, leaving plenty of time to chat, "So I've been wondering, why are you here Amira? This whole auction thing doesn't really seem like something you'd be interested in."

"Ah well, you see…" She scratches the back of her head and plaster on a smile on her face as she continues, "They were asking me to give a lecture and I kind of just...didn't know what to teach? I wasn't really taught any theory so I figured I might as well run away, and besides that I'm just here to visit and see if there's anything that catches the eye"

Margaret merely chuckled at the reason, it seemed so silly but she understood perfectly well. She remembered when she'd be offered to show some of the students a few tricks and they'd passed out in the middle of her cutting open that Chimera, "You do know that you are so getting yelled at when we get back right?"

"It's a legitimate reason, after all this auction and Serena's protection is important right? And better yet you won't tell anyone why I'm actually here, right?" There's a certain look in her eye as she stares into Margaret's eyes, bereft of fear or hesitation, promising her utmost best to enact consequences if the secret leaks.

"Also I wanted to see if there's anything I can add on to the gun my friends left me with" She says as she cites another reason for coming with Margaret.

Margaret's face was perfectly neutral, her inhuman eyes staring back into Amira's unblinking for several tense moments almost like a hawk eyeing a wounded rabbit….only to vanish as a smile split her face, "My lips are sealed, if anyone asks I'll just say I dragged you along."

Amira's eyes narrow as she watches Margaret smile like the wolves grin as they chase down rabbits she's seen whenever they head north. "So when are we signing a Gea-"

Her sentence is cut off as an employee comes with their pizza to the table, she turns towards him and thanks him before asking,

"Do you want to eat this here or at the auction?"

Margaret shrugged, popping open one of the boxes and grabbing a slice, "I say we have a slice for the road and the rest there." she said before devouring her slice like a starved animal, enjoying the flavor of the greasy slice on her tongue.

"Well can't argue with that" Amira says before taking a slice of cheese filled pizza. The smell makes its way to her nose as the fragrance overwhelms it making its crispy scent evident. The smooth delicious melted mozzarella flows its way to her tongue as she bites upon a crust with a texture that possesses a perfect balance of crunchiness and softness, making a pleasantly crunchy sound with every bite.

"It's time to go" She says as she takes the rest of the pizza with her and exits the door with a soda straw to her mouth, to find Nakli still tied up to the parking meter.

Following behind, boxes of pizza stacked in one hand, Margaret could only smile. If this was how their day began then she just couldn't wait to see what the auction would bring...although she hoped the others didn't mind that she grabbed so much pizza.

Amira notices something before untying Nakli off of the parking meter, a slip of paper sticked on to the saddle

"Margaret, what's a parking ticket?"

"....no idea."

"Well I suppose we could just ignore it then" she says as she unties Nakli and hopped on to her, "Hop on, just leave the pizza in that bag to your right, it's big enough"

Nodding the Chimera girl hopped on behind Amira, depositing the pizzas in the saddlebag and wrapping her arms around the other girl, "We'd better hurry, don't want to be late after all."

"Then let's go" She says as a smile makes its way onto her face, enjoying the hug Margaret provided.
Any child of the Clock Tower knew the base importance of diplomacy. It fed into the larger machinery of its politics — a patchwork of familial nepotism, patronage, and a dabble of restrained corruption. While most could disdain the system, as those who played the 'game' deprived themselves time from the fundamental investigation of the occult, none doubted themselves as beneficiaries of it. A magus without friends is not a magus for long.

It was the mantra Jasper Rossi muttered whenever her quill touched paper. The exercise itself was archaic but an institution like her own run by withered bones subsisted on the old and decayed. She doubted few if any of her elder peers could even interact with a touch screen much less click send on an email.

"My Lord...," she muttered as her own hands transcribed it, "... forgive me but new matters, directly ordered upon my body, requires my forced absence from your exhibition. Should you host another on the revitalization of a stillborn calf's soul please send me an invitation as soon as possible. Send my regards to your wife. Yours, Rossi." Jasper let the ink dry before applying her stamp and dropping it to a growing pile. Such was the price of a sudden reveal. Days of pre-planned events struck off from the calendar. A meeting here, a gala there, and an opening in the middle. All meant to help her research wasted on a war she never wanted nor asked to be a part in.
A Gravekeeper's Case Files: Auction of Legends

Shutting teacher's door as I left, I sighed. Teacher informed me of the Clock Tower asking for me to be the bodyguard for our representative in the Auction. We both knew it was more of an order, they weren't asking. That doesn't make it any less surprising. Or worrying, for that matter. Why would they choose me for something like this, over any of their other options? I wasn't sure, but it's something to look into.

(Something's gonna happen at the Auction.)

Exiting the apartment building, I hummed a pleasant tune as I walked, attempting masking my concern.

… It could've been Jasper herself, who I'm supposed to be the bodyguard for. If she was the one to choose me as the bodyguard, it does make a little more sense. We've met a number of times before, most of which were when she was with Reines at teacher's apartment. It's hard to forget someone with six arms, even harder when said arms are floating sometimes. I'll have to ask her about it if I see her around.

(I'm not sure what, but it could be bad for us.)

Taking my mind off the subject for now, I caught myself going down the wrong street and turned back around, getting back on track to the Clock Tower. I did wonder how long it'd be until the next investigation came around, requests for teacher's help had gone up quite a bit lately. The next one could be tomorrow for all I know.

Reaching the Clock Tower, I gave the streets behind me a glance before heading on inside.

(Hopefully, whatever happens, I can handle it.)
With a click, Yasunada shuts his suitcase. The preparations are complete, his request for leave processed and approved by Director Animusphere, not that there is much to do for one such as him before the time Marisbury promised him comes. Grabbing his suitcase and smoothing a colla of his shirt, he casts one, last glance at his room in Chaldea. It is radically different from the sterile, white space with only a wardrobe, desk and a bed that greeted him when he first arrived.

The walls were repainted into warm, light brown and a black rug covered most of the floor. A small bookshelf filled with old book. A case displaying antiquated rifle. A mannequin with a full Shinsengumi uniform He moves towards a glass display case next to his bed. Inside, neatly arranged in perfectly measured spaces lay red flag of Shinsengumi with its golden symbol embroidered into it. It's an old thing, but one Yasunada carefully maintained over the years. On a lower shelf, there is a glass case containing a lock of hair, a poem and a black and white photograph of an adult male in western clothes, all of them just as old. There is another treasure, on the very top. Or rather, it is supposed to be there. It is also one thing Yasunada would never entrust to anyone with the safety of. That one thing, he will carry with himself.

Bowing his head, Yasunada sighs quietly and opens the door, steps outside and closes it. Frankly, he has little care about the Scaladio Auction, but he must be there. Among its treasures, there are relics that are sure to be sufficient to summon a heroic spirit, and Yasunada needs to make sure that no one who won't properly aprraciate the very specific subset of them lays their grubby little paws on them. He knows how magi are.

With a even , carefully measured yet instinctual step, he swiftly moves through Chaldea to catch his ride to New York.
Ayako hummed to herself pleasantly. She smelled opportunity here. Not just for Chaldea, but for her craft and for her family.

She had decided to join Chaldea for a number of reasons. Among them being a chance to get away from her father, a chance to study the god-like Noble Phantasms of humanity's greatest individuals, and the possibility of just making a friend.

But here and now? It was all about the Servants. She was going separate from the Chaldea representative, partially because she thought that it could be beneficial to have more than one bidder and partially because her life's work was at stake here! If they didn't chose the right catalysts, then she might not be able to study a proper blade.

For that reason, Ayako took her place in the auction house. She made sure that a small gauntlet containing a shield spell was active, two daggers that could float and defend her, and a pocket knife that could replicate the Gandr spell at extreme speeds.

Not that any of this besides her Gauntlet was visible.
To say you're bored would be quite the understatement. Though perhaps that's to be expected when nearly everyone of interest has left for that auction or are busy doing something useful. Though the fact that the emotion has lasted as long as it has is in a way it's own blessing you suppose.

You let out a soft sigh as you fiddle with your ID card, the name "Thomas Mann" emboldened onto it in big blocky letters. It's nice to know you're officially a part of something like this. Something that'll actually let you help humanity as a whole. Though admittedly, you wish there was more for you to do at the moment.

With so many people having left for the surprise auction you don't exactly have many people to talk to. And no one around seems to be in desperate need of help at the moment. So that just leaves you alone with your thoughts in your room.

Oh yes, the all important auction that has taken the attention of so many groups. Advertised as the place to be to find catalysts for servants. Along with the odd item that one may want. Though considering what you know of Chaldea's resources you can't help but think the latter wouldn't be all that useful on anything but the individual level.

You briefly feel a mixture of disappointment and understanding at so many people's excitement for the event before it fades away. While one could gain an advantage from summoning a specific servant, you can't help but feel as if it's much more important to summon someone you could work with first and foremost. Afterall, what's the point of having a gun if you don't know how to use it?

But you hold a greater interest in the Chaldean representatives that were sent over to it. While you haven't personally met any of them, you have heard enough about them to at least have some idea of them.

There was that Wolf Girl who left with the Bow (?) Girl. You could have sworn that the bow girl was supposed to be teaching a class today, but maybe that was someone else. Either that or she could have forgotten about it. That is a bit harsh to assume though, so you'll hold off on that until you actually have a chance to speak with her.

The wolf girl you know just about nothing about. She's apparently a part of some kind of Phantasmal Beast Preservation Organization, though that certainly strikes you as a bit odd. You'd be a bit shocked, perhaps even for more than a second, if those ears of hers didn't come from a Phantasmal Beast. Could they just be preserving the beasts to make use of them exclusively for themselves?

You shake your head at the thought. You may have only spotted it for a second, but that look she had when she was escorting that horse was one of genuine love. Certainly unusual to see in a magus, more so for a simple creature of burden. It seems quite possible she's grafting these beast parts onto herself to become closer to the creatures she loves.

Oh yeah. There was a random horse in Chaldea apparently.

"Odd.", you mutter to the empty room. You feel a spike of annoyance at your inability to quite care about the oddity that comes and goes as quickly as usual. You're left back at zero again. Perhaps in this case it's for the best, as what possible help you could give others by contemplating a sudden Chaldean horse are best left to be wondered by the Root.

Turning an invisible page in your mind, you think onto the Sword Guy and Sword Girl. You deeply wish you could more readily remember people's names, because you can already tell this is going to get confusing at some point.

Sword Guy is certainly someone who's… actually no, you don't know anything for certain about him. He seems to be here not for humanity, which makes you rather cautious of the man. You take note of the man as someone to watch and observe. If he's attempting to fulfill some alternative goal by being here, you want to make sure it's not something ostentatiously harmful to Chaldea's primary mission. You know the man was brought on to Chaldea by the original director, and while you'd simply ask him why he hired the man it's not exactly something you can do now.

The Sword Girl is supposed to be making Mystic Codes for Chaldea to use in future. You're not exactly sure what kind of Mystic Code you could actually use to help with punching people, but you don't suppose it'll hurt to visit her sometime when she comes back to get a professional opinion on that. And everyone you've heard talk about her does so in a manner that makes it clear they at the very least don't dislike interacting with her. Hopefully she's not holding up a mask to hide what she's like. Having the person who makes our weapons be against us would be quite unfortunate.

You nearly forgot about Mr. Sinclair. The only one who's name you remember due to his importance to Chaldea's continued operation. As a provider for Chaldea's medical technology and a supplier of manufactured goods it's easier to remember him than most. Despite his importance, you do find it rather odd how little you've heard about him. You rarely find anyone talking of the man, and when he is brought up conversations seems to slow down. Similar things occur when people talk about the Director and Wodime, but it still strikes you as odd.

You do regret analyzing people who are, at least on paper, on the same side as you but see it as necessary nonetheless. You prefer to simply trust those around you, but considering what you've seen of magi as the Clock Tower you're no fool. Or perhaps you are, but that certainly wouldn't be anything new to learn for you.

You shake your head to clear the distracting thought from your mind. An unwelcome reminder that you can still feel even if no one else can tell.

The reminder of you being able to possess actual human emotions reminds you of that person. Someone who you've managed to catch a shockingly long interest in. Admittedly that isn't saying much considering that any interest you feel in someone usually lasts only for a second, but wishing to learn more about them even now is almost exciting.

That Fake Girl. You don't really know if she's not a true human, but the lack of true emotion you've seen her display. It's very interesting to see someone like that. While you no longer try to hide it, you recognize the false signs of emotions, of saying without believing. You may not know why she acts the way she does, but you certainly do wish to learn.

Sadly she too has gone off to the auction, with no idea of when she or the rest of the representatives will return. You quickly write up a small note saying "Knock if Needing Help" to hang on your door. You don't particularly feel a wish to do anything for now, so you'll simply rest until you're needed or the representatives come back. Hopefully it won't be too long.
The Black King's Requiem

The Story Of Lucius Black Part I​

London, England 1918:

Consciousness came to me slowly as I awoke to a dark room and a gnawing hunger. Around me I could see the bodies of the gang I'd led since I was but a child under each were strange glyphs formed from blood. Nearby were several people obviously kidnapped from the streets like we were, likely abducted while desperately searching for a cure to the Spanish flu that endangered each of us.

Suddenly, I heard strange chanting coming from outside the cell. As the chanting continued, the glyphs lit up in an unearthly hue. Upon its conclusion, the glyphs dimmed and the bodies twitched, turned and rose one after another. At first they appeared confused, then terrified, before hunger took overtook all other thoughts as they set their sights on the bound humans and began to feed. I felt the same urge as they, yet I refused to lower myself. I may have become a monster in body, but I refused to allow it to violate the sanctity of my mind. I turned to them "Form up" I said simply. They immediately froze then reluctantly formed a line in front of me after some hesitation. I counted them to verify who was trapped here.

The count came to seven. Chris, Blond hair, blue eyes atop a muscular frame, he was the best of our street enforcers; Mouse, brown hair with gray eyes, lanky and fairly meek, but none could match the speed and reliability of The King's best messenger; Ducker, greasy black hair and copper eyes hidden under his signature hood along with his cocky smile, Without a doubt the best "procurement specialist" of the Kings and among the top 10 in the whole city; Ken, Black hair combed to the side of his calm eyes of hazel, a quite recluse and one of our most talented bookies; Sera, a red haired, green eyed bundle of energy, while quite the klutz when it came to jobs, her enthusiasm was always very infectious; Sam, ravin hair couplied with dull gray eyes and a shaggy appearance that led many to mistake her for a man, a gifted observer with keen hearing capable of overhear many whispered conversations; and Hope, sky blue eyes paired with golden hair and a loving smile. With her burgeoning skill for herbal medicine she could have moved to uptown and opened an apothecary yet she chose to stay with us to keep us safe and healthy. Seven members who like me came seeking medicine to cure our affliction. Seven members who had been a part of my group since we were children trying to survive the streets and back alleys of London.

"My, my how very touching. The lab rats scurrying to their masters beck and call" Came the sound of the voice that had been chanting earlier. I turned towards our captor. He was in his mid 20's. Silver hair in disarray, with a disheveled beard to go with it. Azule eyes tinged with madness. A black two piece suit and blood red tie covered his lithe form. "But as interesting as this is to watch, I have an experiment to run, and it can't start until you've finished sucking the prana from the…". Immediately Chris lunged forth towards the speaker, yet three steps in he collapsed, his veins bulging. "Did you really think I'd enter here without taking precautions?" the speaker asked sardonically.
"You don't have a choice in the matter and if you continue to be difficult, well..." his gaze swept over all of us. "Examples will have to be made". He left the room for a moment before returning with additional captives "I'm sure you'll make the smart choice."With that he left us to our thoughts for the moment.

It was Ken who spoke first, "You heard him, if we don't do this we'll suffer for it, What have those people ever done for us? Why should we continue suffering for their benefit?". "It's not like we have a choice in the matter" came Chris's reply. I could see they weren't the only ones with doubts, the others seemed moments away from giving up all hope. I could not allow this to stand. "We have been taken against our will, we have been experimented on, and now it is obvious that our captor wishes for us to succumb to our baser instincts. No, we will disappoint him for we are Kings not bottomfeeders. We are the rulers of Baker street, the most prosperous and well led of the Gangs of London." I paused for effect, I had their attention. "You came to me when you had nothing because you trusted that I could provide for you all. In all the years you have followed me, have I ever led you astray?" I asked of them. Not a single one disagreed. "I know it's difficult, for too feel the same urges as you, yet I call upon each of you to refrain from further debasement. I ask this as the leader you swore to follow." For a moment nobody moved, then Hope stepped forward "You've always taken care of us, I know you won't let us down." Slowly each formed around me fists across their hearts "We're with you Lucius" replied Chris. They had trusted me to lead them, and I would not disappoint.

As time passed it became harder and harder to maintain this commitment, but we did not relent. Chris was particularly hard hit by the urges until Sera joined hands with him. In the absolute silence we maintained our vigil for three days supporting each other when one of us began to falter. Finally, the madman returned. His face was one of fury "Your defiance, while amusing at first, now tries my patience. Since words seem to do little to sway you, I suppose I'll need to resort to more effective forms of persuasion." He pointed at Sera and immediately she seized up before collapsing, red veins criss-crossing her body. At first she began to shout then she began to cry. The others began to hug Sera trying to distract her from her agony. "You will feed or she dies." He glanced my way. "Your choice."

'So this is how it ends' I thought. No, defeatism serves no purpose. It is not rational therefore it must be discarded. He can't be approached, there appears to be no way to undo what is being done to her. He can hear me and what I have to say, that is the only way forward. I've always had a way with words, when one is physically lacking, power of the mind is all one has to fall back on. Yet even then there always seemed to be circumstances where my words were taken as gospel, even by my enemies. Thinking back, the one theme these various situations had in common, was the knowledge that no matter what move the opposition made I'd already won. What I lacked at this moment was the power and leverage needed to oppose him.


In that moment I felt something snap into place. I needed power, control of the battlefield. I needed to feel the level of control needed to achieve my goal. I closed my eyes and visualized a chessboard, one of my last matches, and I saw the move that would checkmate the opposing side. I felt the air of supremacy that gave me, And I opened my eyes once more. "You say I have no power here but you are mistaken" I said with conviction. "What are you blabbering on abo-" he tried to say. "I am the one in control here and as such You will follow my orders". He recoiled as if struck, holding his hands to his head, and then his eyes seemed to glaze over. "Release us" I ordered and he complied woodenly. "What is your name? "Daveth Aubert" he replied. "Why did you kidnap us?" "I needed test subjects to study the formation of Dead Apostles." The next hour was spent questioning him in this manner. His name was Daveth Aubert, a mage looking to collect information on what he called "Dead Apostles" using the Spanish flu epidemic as a cover for his activities. After acquiring as much as I was able to I gave him his final orders. "Gather all of your research together and pile it on the ground and burn it". He starred listlessly as his life's work burned, almost breaking down but otherwise failing to react. "Enter the fire and burn until you are no more" When his body and research were no more I finally collapsed, the strain of controlling even a weak mage for so long proved enough to drive me unconscious.

When I next awoke it was under a familiar roof. Surrounding me were the various members of my gang."We were worried you wouldn't awaken Lucius." said Chris. 'They must have dragged me back to the hideout.' Yet that did not make sense, he ruled because others couldn't challenge his power. The moment he collapsed, he should have been killed and replaced, that's just how life in the slums worked. "Why am I still alive?" I asked, the others just smiled. I looked around, all the members were here, Dead Apostle and human alike. "For someone so smart you can be really dumb sometimes you know that?" came Sera's soft criticism with an equally soft pout. "You took us in when no one else would, it would be rather ungrateful for us to turn on you." Mouse expressed smiling fondly." "The code of the slums is mostly just… guidelines anyways." explained Sam. "And who would we go to who could wheel and deal as well as you can? " Ducker moaned. "I'm with you." "I'm certainly not going anywhere!""All hail the Black King!" One by one the others spoke. I was speechless by this point. "I don't know what that madman did to you guys and quite frankly I don't care! We're a family, we only have each other to rely upon." Exclaimed one of the others. A statement that each affirmed in turn. All of them. 'Family' I thought. Something I'd never experienced before. I'd lost my parents when I was young so I had no prior experience to base it off of. 'Is this what it means to have family?' It wasn't rational. It didn't make sense. Such attachments were dangerous especially when the time came to discard those who became liabilities. But at that moment I couldn't muster the will to care, I knew I would do anything to keep my family safe.

London, England present day:

'I would do anything to keep my family safe'. I thought sadly. I'd discovered the joy of family, and a week later the pain of having it taken away. The arrival of the enforcers came without warning. They didn't discriminate between Apostles or humans, all were killed in the raid of our compound. I alone escaped using my superior knowledge of the city to my advantage. After my surprising encounter with Suima Sumire and my accepting her offer, I was left to my own devices. Only when I was alone did my facade break down, only then did I allow myself to grieve.

After my training finished I began to work on acquiring the necessary funds to support myself and my goals. It was easy enough to manipulate the stock market to my advantage. Establishing a company to serve as a front for my activities was only slightly more challenging: Velvet Iron Protection. Officially, a private security firm that dealt in bodyguard details and limited logistical support for various organizations. Unofficially, they served as a private army for hire for those who could afford their prices. In actuality, they were a cover for my travels across the globe and several of its members composed my personal guard and assisted me in raids upon various mage and Dead Apostle holdings. In addition, there was an entire branch dedicated to intelligence gathering I had set aside for the purpose of tracking movements within the Moonlit World.

At the moment though, my mind was occupied with other thoughts as my eyes lingered on the seven stones before me. Chris, Brave fighter that he was, gave his life to buy the others time to escape; Mouse, whos speed had finally failed him; Ducker, never again would we experience the joy your gifts brought us; Ken, while you claimed to always prefer being alone, I always noticed how you seemed excited to share the world of books with the younger members; Sera, the world is dimmer without your smile and boundless optimism; Sam, always so sensitive about how others perceived her, yet still desired company as any other, now she'd never get the chance to know that intimacy; and Hope, the personification of her namesake, the best of us, the mother we all wished for, you are dearly missed.

Seven stones among others is all that exists to commemorate their lives, for no bodies or records remain to show that they ever existed.

"They meant a lot to you, didn't they?" came a soft voice from my side. "Yes, they did." I responded. I turned and met her eyes. Charlotte Dunois, a war orphan that I'd adopted into my service after rescuing her. Short blond locks brushed to the sides of her Azule eyes atop a petite, yet well built, body. She was a fledgling magus with some talents that still needed to be developed in addition to being a gifted markswoman. She was also the only Hunan who I trusted with my true identity. We'd grown close over the years, close enough that I considered her far more than an asset. I looked once more at the stones.

'My friends, my family, I failed you once before. Nothing I do will ever bring you back. But on your memories I will keep moving forwards to the world we desired.

As she laid her head upon my shoulder, and I laid a hand on hers, drawing her closer, I swore she would live to see that better world.

Because I know I'd do anything to keep my family safe.
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The Hangover

I sat at my office in Velvet Iron Protection. Suima Sumire stood next to me using my shoulder as an armrest much to my exasperation "You really need to take a break every once in a while." She said, patting my head playfully. I glared at her, I had no time for her shenanigans. "Thanks but no thanks, anything involving you always goes pear shaped by the end" A soft pout covered her face. "Oh come on, when have I ever led you astray?" She had the nerve to ask. "Where do I even start…"

Location: Medditeranian, 50 Miles off the coast of Sicily. Jan. 27, 1948

I awoke to the sounds of seagulls in the background. Upon coming to full awareness I realized I was on a ship. Further inspection revealed it to be a yacht. In the distance, I could see close to fifty smaller ships in pursuit of us. After enhancing my Eyes I was stunned to note the presence of Executors on those ships, far, far more than would be warranted for a run of the mill apostle hunt even if one of them was an Ancestor. Then I heard muffled squeals below the decks. Upon checking I found where the crew had gone. Among them was Suima. Upon seeing the hostages I finally figured out why half of the Holy Church was after us:

We'd stolen the Pope's yacht, with him and his attendants still aboard it.

Location: Samana Cays, Caribbean, Oct. 27, 1962

After nagging me for ten years straight, I finally agreed to take a break from my work with Suima. While playing on the beaches I challenged her to a game of skipping stones. After the score came to 12 hops to her 0, Suima decided to hell with the game and proceeded to hurl her rock with all her strength. We watched in the distance as a soviet tanker began to keel over and sink. "I think you put too much strength into that throw." I said dryly. The tanker then exploded in a giant mushroom cloud in the distance. When official investigators arrived on the scene, the official story was that the tanker turned back after orders from above and unofficially, that the Soviets destroyed their own ship when they refused those orders.

Dallas, Texas, November 22, 1963

I was clinging desperately to the sides of the vehicle."Are you trying to get us killed!?!" I yelled. To which the vixen let out a whooping laugh. Driving three times the recommended speed limit, while drunk, and without a licence. Finally, our destination, a local bar came into sight. "Now if I can just find a parking spot!" Suima shouted gleefully. To my shock, despite the short distance to our destination and the narrowness of the parking spot, she showed no signs of slowing down. "We're going to be crushed, really, LOOK OUT!!!" At the last second, she threw the car into a 90 degree turn causing the car to cartwheel three separate times before landing perfectly into the spot between the two vehicles leaving not even a scratch on them. SLAM! Until Suima saw fit to throw her door open "like a glove." she seemed pleased. As I exited I noticed a man we'd landed on top of. "Eh? Probably no one important." Suima said dismissively.

Latter that evening every news channel in the nation came alive with breaking news of the president's murder. Fingers we're being pointed every which way with piercing questions as to how the president got killed in broad daylight without anyone noticing. Years later, the Kennedy assasination still remains unsolved.

Location: Far, Far Away… Apr. 11, 1970

We woke up in a confined space together. Rather familiar with such circumstances, I focused instead on escaping our claustrophobic space. After some work I managed to get free only to realize two problems: first the lack of gravity, the second could be seen out the window, a rapidly disappearing Earth in the background. After "convincing" the crew that the ship had a catastrophic failure, we made our way back home, but not before making a quick pit stop on the moon to collect some precious, precious Iridum from some of the impact craters.

Location: Cairo, Egypt, 1972

I glared at Suima "Let me see if I have this straight. You took the iridium I had gathered from the last lunar mission, a resource that is impossible to acquire any other way, and bartered it off for booze of all things!?!" I shouted towards the end of my rant. Suima looked not at all affected. "To be fair, this is millenia old wine we're talking about here, I just couldn't pass it up." she said unapologetically.

Location: Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, November 2, 1988

Suima glared at the little insect in front of her "What do you mean it isn't ready yet!?" she growled. Robert Morris stiffened before replying "It will be ready soon, but if we use it now I have no idea how far it will spread." "I don't want to hear excuses! My little bro has uploaded information I'd rather see removed, if we don't act now it will be too late." Suima insisted. "But-" Morris tried to reason. "Perhaps I was unclear? You will use the program to delete the data" Suima stated while her mystic eyes did their job. Morris's eyes dimmed and he nodded woodenly, he then proceeded to upload the world's first worm virus onto the internet. "It's done, the data has been deleted" he reported in a monotone voice. Suima was giddy, "Take that Lucious! Lets see you try to stop me now that you don't have your precious photos to hold over me."

Hours later, history would record the day that the Morris Worm shut down all internet access planetwide for 60 days. Robert Morris later became the very first person to be prosecuted for hacking. This stunt would later inspire many other copycats over the years that would continue to plague the online community to this day.
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Co-written with Alternate Soul

The Measure Of Man​

While the cold war between the Clock Tower and Chaldea continued to grow with the auction's progression, half a world away two mages remained locked in a game of wits. Lucius Black sat across from Thomas Mann, both engaging with the chessboard before them and locked in discussion..

"Tell me what do you believe is the ultimate responsibility of mages?" Lucuis asked as he made his first move.

Thomas gave a click of his tongue as he moved his pawn forward. "I don't believe any magus has a special responsibility exclusive to them. Instead, I see them, us, as having the same burden as humans. To help humanity."

"A noble sentiment, one I can appreciate. Yet one that many would disagree with. It is the nature of the strong to devour the weak, regardless if they be mages or muggles." Said Lucius moving his Knight to counter.

Pausing as he reached out for his next move, a mirthless chuckle escaped from Thomas' mouth. "Oh, I see. But, if that was true wouldn't you find babies smothered in their cribs by their mothers and fathers? Or is the nature of a parent stronger than that of the strong's need to devour?"

At Thomas' question a small smirk breaks on Lucuis's otherwise composed face. "There's an argument to be had for nature and nurture. Just because our nature compels us to act like animals does mean we must act on it."

As the game continues more pieces on both sides are being removed. The stakes increase as does the tension in the room.

A look of frustration flashes on Thomas' face for the briefest of moments before being smothered. "Humanity, as a whole, is good. That is our nature. People learn through nurture to ignore that nature."

Upon hearing this, Lucuis tries to repress the urge to scoff. "For myself, the order is inverted. Humans are selfish from the day they're born, begging their parents for attention, food, warmth, safety. It's only later in life that they learn virtues such as patience, diligence, and compassion. You are correct when you say that people learn to ignore nature. It's an important part of being human to have priorities and beliefs beyond mere survival."

Though his expression does not change, a dull spark of curiosity appears in Thomas' eyes. "If the order is inverted, then it is safe to assume you see humanity, as a whole, as bad. Yet here you are. Working with an organization dedicated to preserving the people you obviously have a dislike for."

"I can't help but wonder about that. Such an odd contradiction, no?", Thomas says with a mischievous smile.

As Lucius plotted his next move, he decided to indulge his opponent's question. "It is true that I view humanity in a negative light, that said, I am a strong believer in the freedom of choice. I believe that even with it's twisted nature humans can strive to be better people if they so choose. Being good is not part of human nature, it's a choice humans must make everyday despite it."

Finally resolving himself, he proceeds to move his Bishop to check the white King."As for why I joined, all the noble sentiment in the world matters not without the power to make it reality. I joined Chaldea to gain the means to oppose those who allow their nature to control their actions, who choose to embrace their twisted nature."

Leaving his attention on the board behind, Thomas looks Luciuis in the eye. For the first time since they've begun talking, an emotion finally lingers on his face. Anguish. He speaks evenly, obviously carefully choosing his words as he says, "Perhaps. But some are forced to follow their nature. And while they may be able to stray from that path for a time, they'll eventually return to it."

A frown crosses Lucius's face at that comment. Leaning back in his chair he returns Thomas' stare. "Everyone has a choice in how they act. If they are incapable of controlling their nature, then they're little better than beasts that need to be put down for the good of those who remain." He then proceeds to take out Thomas' second to last pawn.

"...Perhaps." Thomas replies with a small grin. "I trust that you'd keep that philosophy of yours, no matter the circumstances." Thomas looks back to the chessboard, looking if there's anyway to recover from his already heavy losses.

"Naturally, I've been practicing my philosophy as you call it, for decades. Though some continue to elude me; safely protected behind powerful backers beyond my reach. Free to continue plaguing the rest of humanity for their own benefit." Lucius replied, thoughts briefly dwelling on the madman who robbed him of his humanity and the enforcers who robbed him of his family. He closes his eyes for a moment and banises the ghosts of the past back to the bowels of his mind. When he next opens them, eyes of steel lock on to Thomas' own. "The Clock Tower has much to answer for in this regard." Luciuis could barely keep the anger from coloring his voice "Officially, they are expected to police their own, in practice they couldn't care less what their members do so long as they maintain the secrecy of magecraft and avoid what they consider illegal research. And of course if they get anywhere close to discovering a path to the root their compatriots will quickly lobby for a sealing designation to be placed on them, followed by seizing their research." This time a sardonic smile spread across his face "The Clock Tower is home to high functioning sociopaths who routinely betray one another for the sake of advancement, ultimately achieving nothing as they too are betrayed in turn."

Thomas thinks on Luciuis' words and reflects on his own time spent at The Clock Tower. "Yes. It's… certainly a shame that-" he begins to say as he reaches to move his last pawn before suddenly twitching erratically for a split second. Around his neck the distinct glow activating magical circuits can be seen before stopping. When he reassumes speaking, his movements are stiff as he attempts to readjust his body for whatever the unseen problem may be.

"Ah, sorry for that. Occasionally that kind of thing happens." Giving a testing squeeze of his hand, Thomas meekly responds, "For what you said of The Clock Tower, I don't disagree. The only thing I'll say is that if magecraft returned to what it was during the Age of Gods, I'm almost certain many of them would give up on that ridiculous pursuit for the Root of theirs."

At that Lucius shakes his head "There will always be people who will pursue more power. What I desire is for mages to be held accountable for their actions. If the secrecy behind magecraft is lifted, then mages can be held accountable by the public and precautions and be taken regarding them. It will not solve the problem, but it will give the rest of mankind a say in their own fate, even if it's a poor one."

Lucius moved his King forward, blocking the white king from making any additional moves. "And with this I call Checkmate." He responded with a satisfied smile.

Thomas quickly glances at the board to confirm, and sees that it's quite true. He's lost. "Well done. I hope you found it enjoyable." he says with a small nod. Looking once more over Lucius, Thomas finds himself curious.

"You're… inhuman in some way, no? For someone who has practiced his philosophy for "decades" as you put it, you seem rather young. Though from what you've spoken of during our game, I don't particularly care if that's true. While you may not see humanity the same way I do, you still wish to save some of them. And considering you came to Chaldea to achieve your goals instead of any other faction, I have little reason to believe you'll do harm." Despite the confrontational words Thomas says, there lacks in his voice any sign that he wishes to aggravate the inhuman man. "I simply tell you this because I wish for my allies to know where I stand with them. If you wish to do the same I would not mind. If you wish to not respond I would not mind. As long as you do not harm humanity or try to harm me, I will not mind whatever you may do."

"I appreciate the sentiment. It's true that I'm inhuman though in some respects the same could be said of you. As one who has plenty of experience reading people, I couldn't help but notice during our conversation that your emotional reactions were always smothered whenever they threatened to break the surface. Yet for someone who struggles to experience the same emotions as others, you seem determined to ensure others get to experience life to the fullest. While I may find your beliefs naive, your conviction to see them fulfilled is admirable. I do believe we will be able to work together in the future." With those words Lucius rose from his chair "Our time was short but enjoyable, alas, I am needed elsewhere at the moment." As he turns to leave he pauses for a moment. "Should you find yourself in need of assistance, I would be willing to offer my services." Finally he turned and left, Leaving Thomas to his thoughts.

An Interesting individual that Thomas, perhaps he'll prove a useful ally when the time comes. Until then Lucius would continue making allies within Chaldea to further his goals, and bring to light the world his family dreamed of.