Fate/All In Your Hands [AU Fate/Extra RP]

Fine, I'll get the quote...

Um, Master? This may seem kind of random, but would you consider just stopping right here and now? To live in absolute freedom. Just let the Holy Grail, and that child, be. And there's a way around the rule about dying if you don't win. It's not that hard to create a loophole. Then we could go back to the beginning when the school was calm. That'd be okay with you, right?"
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Discernment of the Poor B
Alex can tell where you are, but doesn't seem to have a depth perception of where you are. He isn't that surprised, and he is the cold, focused and calculating type underneath his demeanor.

@BlackHadou does Mordred have anything that'd conceal her gender on? Or does she look like a king?
Looks like a king. Body figure isn't exactly obvious under her clothes, but her face is feminine enough you could probably guess it.
Did Mordred cancel her invisibility? Just because she talked doesn't mean PC is off.

Alright, time to edit it what I see of her.

@Silver W. King Would all the factions know what King Arthur looks like?
No. Only if you meet her, or someone took a pic and send it to you.

That seems way too lenient.

Too sleepy now. I'll make more severe when I get back.
Alexander Sajyou Yggdmillenia
Week 1, Day 1

"Is it not proper manners to introduce oneself first before asking the name of another, your majesty." Alexander replied keeping a hand on his chest while maintained his act even as stood up before continuing, "However if you truly wish to know, my name is Alex."

Are you saying "your majesty" sarcastically, or knowingly?
Hey, have we moved along? Me and @Zeranion, that is.
Sorry Ze... My muse is being stupidly uncooperative. Every time I try to write something for Hagane it comes out as either garbled junk, or something even more off-key/OOC than the last post. I feel like I've lost sight of what he was supposed to be like and can't get it back. I know I wasn't happy with the last post before I did it, and the new attempts I've made have been much worse.

I just don't know what to do about it... *facedesk*
Sorry Ze... My muse is being stupidly uncooperative. Every time I try to write something for Hagane it comes out as either garbled junk, or something even more off-key/OOC than the last post. I feel like I've lost sight of what he was supposed to be like and can't get it back. I know I wasn't happy with the last post before I did it, and the new attempts I've made have been much worse.

I just don't know what to do about it... *facedesk*
Well... Why not go back and read over your previous posts?
Its fine, if it needs a change, I'll let you know.

Tried that... Just started despairing harder about how off my attempts were... This post just does not want to get written T_T
Write it bad. I know, not the most helpful criticism, but write the response that comes to you, and ignore how badly it makes you feel.

It should help you to get back into it.

Also, and this is a bit of advise for artists everywhere (that I've read somewhere but can't find now), when you create something, and it feel bad or falls short from the image in your mind, someone else would see it and think its great because they are not comparing it to anything. This is paraphrased, and I need to find the original quote, but the point it, its probably not as bad as you think, and once you get in the groove of it, the rest should come back naturally.

Still take your time, and good luck.
Additionally, Silver's happy to help. Post it in a convo with him before you put it in the IC thread.
Maybe you're just psyching yourself out.
So, I think it can be said that this is dead and many of you have moved on.

However, if anyone is interested, I could write the plans I had for the Week Arcs of this RP, and you could have a bit of fun just writing how you would have reacted.

So, I think it can be said that this is dead and many of you have moved on.

However, if anyone is interested, I could write the plans I had for the Week Arcs of this RP, and you could have a bit of fun just writing how you would have reacted.

Necromancy exists for a reason Silver...

Edit: But sure, lets hear it.
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