Fate/All In Your Hands [AU Fate/Extra RP]

Okay, obviously I suck as environment descriptions but here goes.

Micheal, Rider, Rani, Karna, Crow, Wolf and Berserker are right outside the building, can be seen from the windows, since you are all on the ground floor. They are on/next to a brick road that leads to the auditorium, the nearest building close by, there are other buildings and the road breaks off in different segments to lead to them.

Alex and Lancer were inside the building, and saw Micheal and co. from inside. Alex hit a door that Mordred heard and went to where you are to investigate. Mordred is now inside the building. Alex told Lancer to listen up on the groups conversation. Whether Lancer went outside to be closer to them, or stayed within the building but in hearing range for him to be closer to you, I will leave to Blackout.

Is this clear enough?
Okay, obviously I suck as environment descriptions but here goes.

Micheal, Rider, Rani, Karna, Crow, Wolf and Berserker are right outside the building, can be seen from the windows, since you are all on the ground floor. They are on/next to a brick road that leads to the auditorium, the nearest building close by, there are other buildings and the road breaks off in different segments to lead to them.

Alex and Lancer were inside the building, and saw Micheal and co. from inside. Alex hit a door that Mordred heard and went to where you are to investigate. Mordred is now inside the building. Alex told Lancer to listen up on the groups conversation. Whether Lancer went outside to be closer to them, or stayed within the building but in hearing range for him to be closer to you, I will leave to Blackout.

Is this clear enough?
Alright. Let me find my previous posts and edit them.
Considering my Agility rank? Him noticing from 100 feet away is analogous to him noticing the second I arrived.
And you were walking, not running.
Thing is, Mordred revealed herself, she can't attack without suffering a major penalty.
Eh? I'm pretty sure that isn't the case.
If you survive her first attack, she has to stop and take a huge penalty, but I don't think...
@Silver W. King
Can I get an elaboration on attacking outside the Arena?
*facedesk* *facedesk* *facedesk*

I hate my muse... No two ways about it. It refuses to write Hagane properly. My last post was crap, and this one is worse. I don't know what's wrong with me. I can write other things just fine. Even took a break and came back to this, hoping it would flow. But my muse just won't do its damn job!
I know just instead of closing the door to the room they're in, I fell and closed door close enough to hem that the servants would've heard me.

Also had to fix where I thought they were.
You can still be outside in the hallway if you want. Just that you caused the door to close.

Can I get an elaboration on attacking outside the Arena?
Hmm, basically, there is a period of time where the security system starts up, that's when the SE.RA.PH starts shouting warning loudly. Then both party are separated by the program wall and the ones who started the fight are penalized. However first penalty of the day is light but further penalties are harsher as you cause more fights/break more rules throughout the day. The next day, the level of penalty harshness is reset.

Special note: The penalties apply only to the Servant.
You can still be outside in the hallway if you want. Just that you caused the door to close.

Hmm, basically, there is a period of time where the security system starts up, that's when the SE.RA.PH starts shouting warning loudly. Then both party are separated by the program wall and the ones who started the fight are penalized. However first penalty of the day is light but further penalties are harsher as you cause more fights/break more rules throughout the day. The next day, the level of penalty harshness is reset.

Special note: The penalties apply only to the Servant.
How long do penalties last? You've just given me serious incentive to make sure Wolf never makes it to his fight.
How long do penalties last? You've just given me serious incentive to make sure Wolf never makes it to his fight.
Depends on who severe the damage the faulty party made. Injuring, maiming, or killing another Master/Servant Pair.

First penalty is probably in the range of hours, involving one stat.

Second penalty is in six hours and up range, involving two to three stats.

Third Penalty is in half a days range, involving three stats.

Four penalty is in the day's range and involves a sealing of a Noble Phantasm, all skills, or a mix.

Five penalties and up...are really, really bad.
Depends on who severe the damage the faulty party made. Injuring, maiming, or killing another Master/Servant Pair.

First penalty is probably in the range of hours, involving one stat.

Second penalty is in six hours and up range, involving two to three stats.

Third Penalty is in half a days range, involving three stats.

Four penalty is in the day's range and involves a sealing of a Noble Phantasm, all skills, or a mix.

Five penalties and up...are really, really bad.
That seems way too lenient.
Like, no. You're unlikely to attack multiple people within a single day, so the upper "Lasts through tomorrow" bits don't affect anything.
And I'm pretty sure Archer gets some abilities sealed when he attacks you, lasting into the Arena and entirely separate from Dan's Command Seal sealing.

... Hmm... Hey, Crow, up for Maiming Wolf and hiding him in your room for the war?
Well, Caster says in canon that there's a way to not be deleted, even when you don't fight.
In the final week, IIRC. I'll look it up, if you want.
There's only a penalty if you're a Servant and attacking someone.
Enkidu/Arcueid aren't Servants.
... Hmm... Hey, Crow, up for Maiming Wolf and hiding him in your room for the war?
Uhhh but wont he be deleted anyways if he doesnt make it to the arena? I mean Im all for alternate solutions to problems but attacking him at the moment may cause more problems than it would solve....

....And it would leave a bad after-taste, feels somewhat like what Mami did in Rabbits game and I almost burst a vein in rage when she tried that.