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Name: Keldin
Gender: Male
Archetype: Scientist Pilot
Origin: Planet Earth
Class: 1...
Character Sheet
Name: Keldin
Gender: Male
Archetype: Scientist Pilot
Origin: Planet Earth
Class: 1
Motivation: Save Humanity and end this war
- "Everything can be for either Peace or Battle when you mix in SCIENCE!!"
- [Conviction 2]
- [Conviction 3]

Strength (STR): 1
Charisma (Cha): 1
Dexterity (Dx): 2
Grit (Gt): 1
Agility (Agi): 3
Investigation (Inv): 3
Stealth (Co): 1
Intelligence (Iq): 3
Stature (St): 2

Hardiness: 3
Vitality: 9
Resolve: 8

The Last Leader- Even with the fall of Civilization, you will lead everyone else to victory with your determination. +3 to Ally Rolls when they are 3 or fewer units close to you.

Take a Breath or three: Asthma doesn't come close to your breathing problem. In combat, Whenever you decide to move when you're outside your Mech, roll a d2.
1- You're fine.
2- Coughing fit! Don't move the next turn.

Effect: You are the child of the world's top two scientists, so you're definitely the third smartest of the ship. When researching, you double the Research bonus only ONCE for one roll. In combat, when using a Laser, Plasma, or Electro Weapon, add your Intelligence to the Attack and Damage as well.


Meson Clips: 12
.44 Magnum: 20

Meson Rifle
A small fraction of the Tech your parents were able to keep with them during the Evacuation of Earth. This weapon is a specialized type of particle beam weapon first postulated in the army in few. It uses Pi neutral mesons (created by the collision of an electron and a positron) are subatomic particles that pass through normal matter with very little interaction, similar to a Laser. Blasting a hole with them is a deadly yet bloodless way to go. The reason why it was so rare is because... The Electron and Positron Mixture took a long time to prefect.

Meson Rifle
Weapon Type: Proton Laser Rifle
Additional Parts: None yet
Attack Dice: 1d10+1
Damage Bonus: +1
Armour Reduction: -1
Range Steps: 9/12/18
Ammo: Meson Clip
Clip Size: Non-existent (4)
Reload: 1 Action.
Price: Free.
Attachments : None yet
Special : None

Novikov 5T
An enhanced version of the Novikov designed to kill heavily armoured Xenos from the opposing sides, this is often the only weapon the Pistol can bring against the more powerful alien and machines. It is intended for, and usually sold with, armour-piercing ammunition, whose impact is greatly enhanced by it's extended barrel, and the design typically incorporates a small trench spike built into the handle. It's probably the cheapest magnum revolver on the market, which is reflected in it's tendency to break at the slightest provocation.

Novikov 5T
Weapon Type: Medium Handgun
Attack Dice: 1d10+1
Damage Bonus: +1
Armour Reduction: 0
Range Steps: 4/9/15
Chip Size: Miniscule (6)
Reload: 1
Ammo: .44 Magnum
Price: Free (Starting Weapon)
Attachments : None.
Special : Cannot be used with the Quick Draw perk. If you roll a Blunder, roll 2d10 on the chart and pick the lowest. Pistol Whip replaced with Trench Spike.

Damascus Fatigues
From the ill-fitting but hard wearing navy blues of the UEF, the stiff olive greens of the Anglians
or generic brand fatigues favoured by mercenaries, military fatigues are good in all weather, waterproof, and ladened with pockets.
Day Wear
Type : Outfit
Size : Medium
Inventory Slots : 4 medium 1/1 Pockets
Donning : 2/2
Cost: Free
Special : None.

Combat Knife
Usually some variation on serrated, razor sharp or wickedly curved, combat knives are pretty much designed from the ground up for killing people in terrible ways and exceed expectations across the board.
One-Handed Weapon
Size : Small
Attack Dice : 1d10 + 1
Damage Bonus : Dex + 1
Damage Type : Edged
Armour Penetration : 0
Parry Bonus : +1
Disarm Bonus : +0
Cost : Free
Special : None.

Reinforced Shirt
A synthetic garment which looks a little like a thick t-shirt, reinforced helps protect the wearer from
the blunt trauma of bullet impacts, greatly increasing the protective value of other pieces of armour.
They don't stand a chance of stopping a bullet or a knife, but they can help protect the vitals. The
only downside is that it has a tendency to melt in extreme heat, fusing terribly with the wounds.

Underarmor Shirt
Type: Underarmor
Size: Medium
Armour Value: 2
Coverage: Chest, Torso, Spine
Resistances: Impact
Durability: 6, 3 against Edged and Fire.
Inventory Slots: 2/2 Medium Pockets, 1/1 Small Pocket
Donning : 1/1
Cost : $25.00
Special : Rather than providing any armor, it increases the armour value of other pieces of armour by 1 in the covered areas. If Underarmor catches fire, it is immediately destroyed and inflicts 1d5 Strikes on the wearer.
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You snap awake due to shaking. Not only that, but to debris falling all around your bed and body. The air tastes thick with Dust and mild toxins, for the Atmosphere is all but deteriorated as you get your clothes, cellphone, and re-breather on as you run out of your room and home. Your phone rings and your Mother calls.

"My sweet little boy, are you alright!?"

"Yeah Mom, I'm fine! Just need a moment to-"

An explosion shakes the ground and forces you to drop to I the ground. People running away in different directions and screaming. For they know what is happening.

The world was ending. And there was no way to stop it.

You swallow hard as you stand and....

[ ] Assist those you calm enough with your voice to the Ship! [Trait: The Last Leader!]

[ ] Help those trapped in the Debris and make your way to the Ship, moving the destroyed items out of your way. [Trait: The Strength of Humanity!]

[ ] Run to the Ship with the fastest, dangerous, and least known Route withplanted supplies. You planned your way out way beforehand while everyone else wereunprepared. [Trait: The Ultimate Survivor!]

But while making it halfway to the Launchyard, something pretty horrid happens to you. Along the way.....

[ ] Your Rebreather breaks and you breathe in the decaying air, damaging your lungs. [Trait: Take a breath or three.]

[ ] A chunk of debris falls on your leg, permanently cutting your Agility in half. [Trait: Bum Leg.]

[ ] An explosion happens and your group scatters! Even though you try your best to calm them down, you can't get them to listen. In fact, they panic more! [Trait: Uninspiring.]
[X] Run to the Ship with the fastest, dangerous, and least known Route withplanted supplies. You planned your way out way beforehand while everyone else wereunprepared. [Trait: The Ultimate Survivor!]
[X] An explosion happens and your group scatters! Even though you try your best to calm them down, you can't get them to listen. In fact, they panic more! [Trait: Uninspiring.]
[X] Assist those you calm enough with your voice to the Ship! [Trait: The Last Leader!]
[X] Your Rebreather breaks and you breathe in the decaying air, damaging your lungs. [Trait: Take a breath or three.]
[X] Assist those you calm enough with your voice to the Ship! [Trait: The Last Leader!]
[X] Your Rebreather breaks and you breathe in the decaying air, damaging your lungs. [Trait: Take a breath or three.]
[X] Assist those you calm enough with your voice to the Ship! [Trait: The Last Leader!]
[X] Your Rebreather breaks and you breathe in the decaying air, damaging your lungs. [Trait: Take a breath or three.]
[X] Help those trapped in the Debris and make your way to the Ship, moving the destroyed items out of your way. [Trait: The Strength of Humanity!]

[X] Your Rebreather breaks and you breathe in the decaying air, damaging your lungs. [Trait: Take a breath or three.]
[X] Help those trapped in the Debris and make your way to the Ship, moving the destroyed items out of your way. [Trait: The Strength of Humanity!]

[X] Your Rebreather breaks and you breathe in the decaying air, damaging your lungs. [Trait: Take a breath or three.]
[X] Run to the Ship with the fastest, dangerous, and least known Route withplanted supplies. You planned your way out way beforehand while everyone else wereunprepared. [Trait: The Ultimate Survivor!]
[X] An explosion happens and your group scatters! Even though you try your best to calm them down, you can't get them to listen. In fact, they panic more! [Trait: Uninspiring.]
[X] Assist those you calm enough with your voice to the Ship! [Trait: The Last Leader!]
[X] Your Rebreather breaks and you breathe in the decaying air, damaging your lungs. [Trait: Take a breath or three.]

Voting is closed. Tally:

[X] Assist those you calm enough with your voice to the Ship! [Trait: The Last Leader!]: 4

[X] Run to the Ship with the fastest, dangerous, and least known Route with planted supplies. You planned your way out way beforehand while everyone else were unprepared. [Trait: The Ultimate Survivor!]: 2

[X] Help those trapped in the Debris and make your way to the Ship, moving the destroyed items out of your way. [Trait: The Strength of Humanity!]: 2

Your Rebreather breaks and you breathe in the decaying air, damaging your lungs. [Trait: Take a breath or three.]: 6

[X] An explosion happens and your group scatters! Even though you try your best to calm them down, you can't get them to listen. In fact, they panic more! [Trait: Uninspiring.]: 1

Leader and Take a Breath wins!
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Chapter 1: The end of the World as we know it
You hang up the phone, then look at everyone there. You hop onto a shattered car and then begin clearing your throat, your Rebreather working just fine.

"People, please calm down! I know that it's terrifying, but we need to stick together! The world may be crumbling, but we will survive, for that is what is Humans are known to do! For we have survived worse, and we will get through this!! Now follow me to the Damascus!"

472 People all scream out in sheer unison and follow your lead through the streets, where the buildings and roads are shattering all around you.

You see a building coming down near you and your group, narrowly avoiding it, but when get out of the way you land too hard on the ground and feel the air rushing into your lungs. Coughing and rapid breathing is now a Common thing as you continue going towards the Dockyard with your group of Survivors. And there you see it.

The last Starship of Earth's Grand Fleet. It has enough room for at most 76,000 people and enough food to keep them alive for about 5 years and ships and weaponry to hold off a small fleet... But you see the Number of people on board above the Ship: 75,528. Enough for your small group but... You need to be left behind. You call your Mother, possibly for the last time.

"... Hey Mom."

"We see you, Sweetie! Come onto the ship! Your Father's waiting for you!"

"I... I can't. The Ship's gonna be too full for me to get into... I... I'm sorry Mother."

"N... No."

"Love you."

"No Sweetie don't, we can-"

You hang up as the Ship is filled and the bay door closes. The thrusters on the ship roar to life, lifting the ship up and soon goes out of view, seeing it flying out of the Atmosphere. You walk over to a wall and slide down it, sitting down with a sad smile as the world is slowly coming down around you. But then a subtle glow is seen in the distance. A very slight and weak glow that only you see.

'What the hell?' You thought to yourself as you make your way to the glow. You turn down a hallway and catch a glance of something metallic. You Chase after it and see a pair of cracked open double doors. You open it and inside you see it. A gigantic figure made of titanium and computers.

[ ] A Slender, lightly armored work of Machinery with a Light Assault Rifle on it's back, Twin Shoulder Mini-Missile Launchers, and E-Blade.

[ ] A moderately armored miracle of invention with a Hi-Caliber Sniper Rifle, Chest Annihilator Cannons, and Proton-Axe.

[ ] A heavily armored chassis of metallic might that carries a Plasma Buster Launcher, Left arm Minigun, and Thunder Hammer.
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[X] A heavily armored chassis of metallic might that carries a Plasma Buster Launcher, Left arm Minigun, and Thunder Hammer.

Firepower is always the best solution.
[X] A Slender, lightly armored work of Machinery with a Light Assault Rifle on it's back, Twin Shoulder Mini-Missile Launchers, and E-Blade.
So on the one hand I love me some hammertime.

But on the other...

Why yes I am all-in on this.

[X] A moderately armored miracle of invention with a Hi-Caliber Sniper Rifle, Chest Annihilator Cannons, and Proton-Axe.

@Gruber dude , if we start with 1 melee weapon can we eventually get a different one, even a different "style".
So on the one hand I love me some hammertime.

But on the other...

Why yes I am all-in on this.

[X] A moderately armored miracle of invention with a Hi-Caliber Sniper Rifle, Chest Annihilator Cannons, and Proton-Axe.

@Gruber dude , if we start with 1 melee weapon can we eventually get a different one, even a different "style".
Yes, but it'll take time to design and create them.

And for your question @edboy49 each Bot has differing advantages over the other in that department.

Light is low cost to repair, but very cruddy armor.

Medium is the all rounder.

And Heavy is high (1000 to repair some damage alone), but is extremely durable.
[X] A Slender, lightly armored work of Machinery with a Light Assault Rifle on it's back, Twin Shoulder Mini-Missile Launchers, and E-Blade.
Yes, but it'll take time to design and create them.

And for your question @edboy49 each Bot has differing advantages over the other in that department.

Light is low cost to repair, but very cruddy armor.

Medium is the all rounder.

And Heavy is high (1000 to repair some damage alone), but is extremely durable.

Thought question, are we going to be stuck on Earth or will we move to space soon?