Fastigium [Apex Legends/Worm]

Fastigium [Apex Legends/Worm]
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Some time after Leviathan had attacked Brockton Bay in 2008 , Taylor creates something that will change things drastically.

This is crosspost of my fic onto SV


Ay, it's that dumb bird again
Republic of Moldova


It was a normal Tuesday in New York, along the alleyways of the city a tall thin girl is carrying a box of unknown materials.

This girl has long curly black hair held in a bun, jade green eyes behind round glasses and clothed in a dark hoodie, jeans and running shoes.

This girls name is Taylor Anne Hebert.

Taylor finally reaches her destination a rusted and molded warehouse she now calls home, entering her home she sets the box on the table next to a metallic chassis with what could be compared to a camera on top, rows of vials with green liquid and gun parts scattered about among the tools of her workshop.

'Alright then, this should be the last parts I need' Taylor thought to herself.

Putting on her coat and gloves, she gets to work installing the last few pieces need for the chassis' screen to work, looking over to her computer she sees the program being finally completed.

She sits down and starts uploading the program into the body, only one more step.

{Insert Designation}:_

Taylor Sits there for minute deciding before typing her choice.


The screen on the chassis lit up and head atop produced a red glow and looked at its-his creator.

Then he spoke.

"Are you my mom?"


AN: So what do you think?
There's some AU elements I might explain if this goes well but other than that yeah.

Apex Legends/Worm
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After her talk with Pathfinder, her now son and boy was that something, she got to work on finishing her first weapon, [The Mozambique].

In all honesty It was pretty bad but considering she was a tinker with a very poor budget it wasn't surprising, the only thing she finished other than Pathfinder were those special green vials she dubbed [Octane], and she wasn't even sure they were safe for use yet.

Regardless, she was done and decide to see if Emma sent her any new messages.

She still felt bad for leaving to New York after the Leviathan attack three years ago but they stayed friends, long distance friends but friends nonetheless.

(1) New Message!

From Emma:

Hey Tay, hope you're doing well .

I've been doing some more modeling gigs here and there, you done with that AI you said you were working on?

I've seen news on PHO that the Nomads will coming to New York so stay safe!

Love Ems <3.

God, since triggering Emma had started acting like a mother hen to her, she was barely able to get her to stop from coming to New York so fast she could be confused for Velocity.

'But the Nomads ey', the Leviathan attack had not just taken her parents, a bunch of capes died that day like Kaiser and some others leaving only Hookwolf, Victor, Rune, Stormtiger and Purity, though Purity had gone off the radar shortly after, the E88 -now Fenrirs Chosen- had stayed with the ABB being dismantled with Lungs and Oni Lees Death.

Most of the Merchants died except for Squealer who formed the Nomads, a group of Mad Max like criminals who roamed the USA in cars, trucks etc.

'Welp let's see what's up with Pathy' Taylor thought to herself as she got and took [The Mozambique] with her placing it on her hip.

She saw Pathfinder on his little podium she made for him until she got enough parts to give arms and legs, he looked like crap but then again beggars can't be choosers.

As he saw her approaching his chassis' screen displayed a pink smiley face with hearts in its eyes which she was very proud of.

"Hi Mom!" said Pathfinder excitedly, ever since his birth he was like a Golden Retriever running on nothing but happiness and enthusiasm.

He wasn't programmed that way he was just genuinely excited to experience life which she thought was adorable.

"Hi Pathy, still surfing the internet I see." Said Taylor looking at her scrap metal son with a gentle smile, when he'd asked that first question she was pretty taken aback, at first she didn't know what think about that but she grew to love him in the one week she knew him.

"Oh its great! I have met a bunch of nice people on this PHO site though a certain xXVoidCowboyXx was a bit 'much' as some would say" said Pathfinder his chassis' screen becoming a light blue face which looked a bit distressed.

"Yeah some people are like that, listen I'm going to go to get some groceries so I'll be gone for bit okay?" said Taylor.

"Okay, bye Mom!" said Pathfinder his chassis' screen changing into a yellow smiley face.

Taylor then changed into her normal clothes and went out into the city, the cool Autumn breeze hitting her.

She kept [The Mozambique] and a mask, which was made up of goggles with an orange tint and a bottom half that looked to be made out of black Kevlar, hidden in her backpack.

She was almost there when she heard loud car like sounds and dove into an alley, she saw it was the Nomads driving towards the Bank through the park causing civilians to run away.

'Oh no'


AN: 'Oh no' indeed Taylor.

Gotta be honest this is exciting, just gotta finish my TIC exam for college and ill have about two months of free time to write this fic. (Im in college so exams at the end of every semester, and its my first year too)

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.
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As Taylor stood there watching the menagerie of rusty vehicles riding towards the bank, she couldn't decide if she should go help, I mean Legend would show up event-


But it might be a while so, she started running through the park till she got in an alley and saw an elevated ladder on the side of bank.

She leapt at it and grabbed on slowly pulling herself up and climbed up to the roof, she hid behind some vents when she saw a man in biker gear with a [SPAS 12] and what looked like a motorcycle helmet with small spikes forming a mohawk, on his hip was a walkie talkie.

'He's the lookout for them' Taylor thought to herself

She quickly pulled out her mask, put it on and tied her hair in a loose ponytail she then charged at the man tackling him –"OH SHIT"- grabbing his shotgun and beating him on the head with it knocking him out.

Searching him she found a pocket knife and looked up to find the entrance to the vents and a pipeline next to it.

She slowly climbed up the pipe and used the blade to unscrew it and entered it, crawling through until she heard screaming.

She found a grate and peeked through to see Squealer and three other Nomads kicking the civilians out except for one chubby looking man.

"Alright you fuckers, grab the drill and get to work or I will beat the shit outta you," commanded Squealer to two of the three other Nomads " and you, you better stay quiet you little shitwizzler."

Taylor remembered seeing more Nomad's earlier so they were probably somewhere else outside for backup.

"And you what's our status?" she asked the third Nomad.

"Aright lemme check –fucking bitch –," he grabbed his walkie talkie out " Oi Barney what's it look like," silence "Barney? Barney?!" still silence "Shit, I think the hero's are here!" he shouted.

"Well isn't that just swell," she said sarcastically "Oi you two, faster damnit!" she shouted over to the other two.

Squealer started pacing aound until she up under the grate Taylor was looking through 'Alright Taylor, just think about you're options' she thought to herself as she observed the room.

There were explosives on the back of the truck but she might end up killing someone, but she didn't really know what else to do other than maybe…

"God I hope this works," Taylor muttered pulling out the knife and [The Mozambique], slowly unscrewing the grate she stopped it from falling and with all her might threw it to the Nomad, hitting him in the head which wasn't as protected as the last one so he was luckily knocked out.

Before Squealer could get a word out Taylor jumped on her putting her arms around her eyes and neck slowly chocking her and knocking her out.

She looked at civilian "Get out of here," she quietly told the man as he started running outside.

She ran around the bank before seeing the two being joined by more Nomads –six more- and filling duffle bags with the cash.

One had what looked like a flash bang, tossing form one hand to the other before leaving it in his left hand, she carefully aimed [The Mozambique] at the man and before she shot she hid her eyes and prayed.



When she looked, she saw most of the other on the floor rolling and screaming stacks of cash burned and the man, his left arm charred.

It was an incendiary.

'SHIT!' that was not what she hoped for to happen.

As she stood there dumbstruck and terrified, one of the men on the floor after stopping himself from being burned any longer shakingly grabbed a pistol and shot at her hitting her heel causing her to fall down in pain.

Before he could shoot again a metal pole hit him, knocking him out, turning around she saw none other than Adamant standing there.

"You good?" Adamants baritone voice asked her.

"W-well I've been better and I kind of burned them by accident, thought it was a flash bang honestly." She said while grating her teeth from the pain.

"I see, they should hopefully live, going to have to ask Legend to get Panacea for this," he pulled out a phone and talked to – presumably Legend- before putting it back and looking at her "I will have to ask for a report of the events and your cape name Ma'am". He said pulling out a notepad and pen.

"I didn't plan on going out or becoming a cape so no name," after that, she explained to him what had happened.

"I have to say you did well," just as he said that Legend arrived with Glory Girl Panacea in her arms, Panacea then ran to the now lined up Nomads and healed them.

Adamant and Legend were talking with each other and Glory Girl had approached her.

"Hey there, have to say this is impressive, the Nomads have been a big problem for us hero's so good job on that though it might be a bit hard to lock her up considering that they recently had gotten a new cape, I think his name was Trainwreck, so he might try to retaliate and get her back." As Glory Girl spoke more and more she couldn't help but smile, Glory Girl was making things bett-

"Vicky Aura!" chided Panacea as she approached sitting down and healing the wounds.

"Oops sorry." Glory Girl apologized and Taylor felt herself become calm.

Glory girl then grabbed Panacea up and flew out going back to Brockton Bay.

"So you must be our cape of the day yes?" said Legends voice in a cheerful manner.

"Yes Sir." Taylor said calmly while on the inside she was squealing with joy.

"Well it's nice to meet you by the looks of the weapon you have on you I'll have to say tinker correct?" she nodded "with that it should be obvious that ill have to ask if you wish join the Procterate."

"Sorry but I'd like to stay independent for now" said Taylor.

"Understandable ill just hand you the local PRTs number in the case that you reconsider but other than that have a good day," said Legend giving me a card with a number on it.

"Okay, well it was nice meeting you but I have to get home now if wouldn't mind." Said Taylor leaving through a different door to avoid the news stations in the front of the building.

She passed by the store finally getting what she needed.

Once she reached home she opened the door left the bags at her kitchen and went to see Pathfinder.

When Pathfinder saw her his chassis' screen lit up with a worried face "Mom where have you been it doesn't take you this long to get the groceries."

Chuckling a bit she sits down and looks at him "Let's just that today has been a very long day."

She told him about the day and he couldn't stop himself from worrying.

As she went to her bed to go to sleep she heard a noise, she grabbed a wrench and silently walked until she bumped into something – no, someone- she quickly turned and what did she see?

None other than the Wraith.


AN: Alright as requested this chapter is longer than the last two, honestly I strained myself a bit trying to write this.


Hopefully this chapter is good.

Also was the [DATA] bit at the start good or not?
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2008 Feb 12th

It was a normal day in Brockton Bay for Taylor, hanging out at the park with Emma enjoying their last month of winter; the cold starting to settle down, everything was perfect.

Then it started getting weird, it started raining, a LOT.

Then the sirens blared.

After that, everything went to hell.

People started running, the unlucky ones pushed to the ground, she and Emma ran hand in hand before being separated in the herd of distressed people.

As she was looking for Emma she heard a roar and she saw it, giant, four eyes one on the right on three on the left, waves of water behind it.

The Leviathan

She gave up on her previous endeavor of finding Emma, hoping she would be safe, and started running away eventually seeing brick apartment building, ladder on top of it.

She quickly climbed to the top in hopes of safety, once at the top she saw the Triumvirate off in the far fighting the Endbringer, Legend hitting it with his lasers, Eidolon teleporting from one building to another dodging the water and blasting ice towards it and Alexandria Flying around it every now and then trying and mostly failing to punch it.

Other capes were there fight it off but barely doing anything, the Endbringer moving as fast as a blur before drowning them in water or crushing them under debris.

It was a horrifying sight for the young girl.

Eventually the Leviathan left leaping into the water leaving Brockton Bay to pick up the pieces just like all others before it.

Taylor had went down, and started running around in hopes of finding someone but what she found made her stand still.


Her mother and fathers dead bodies close together as if some kind of sick joke made by the universe.


Her mothers, bloodied and broken in her car.


Her fathers, impaled upon a rusty metal pole stuck in the ground, crimson blood pouring down.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH" she started screaming, a loud roar of pain and sadness that made her throat hoarse.


Then everything went dark.



2010 Sep 27th

It was a normal school day for Charlotte, well as normal as a day in Winslow could get.

Most days consisting of having to deal with the jeers, insults and slurs from the Skinheads.

You would think that after the death of Kaiser and many other Empire capes they would barely be any left but no, Hookwolf had not only kept it alive but brought it to new heights.

After another boring school day she had expected to get home but instead felt something hard hit her head, knocking her out.

Eventually she came to and saw she was in a room with a single light above her, she was tied to a chair unable to move.

The door to the left opened and three men walked in, two adults and one as old as her.

"Well look who just woke up from her little nap." The first one said, he was tall burly and raven haired with brown eyes.

"What do you want, why am here?!" Charlotte shouted.

"Our little brother here," the other one short and stout pointed at what she could only assume was another kid from her school " needed help with his initiation and while we could have gone with one of those apes we decided it was pretty cliché at this point so what better than some dumb Jewish bitch" he said, the last three words enthicized by him poking her forehead with his finger.

The first one then left the room before coming back with three bats handing two to the others, they readied themselves and before she could shout for them stop, for someone, anyone, to help they started beating her.

Hit after hit, blow after blow she sat there taking it, the three of them laughing like little kids in a playground, as if they took the most pure kind of joy from this.

She wanted out, out, out, OUT!




"STOOOOP!" she was able to scream between the hits.


Her eyes glowed a ghostly light blue and to the three brothers, she had disappeared.

And before they knew it they were out cold.



2011 Mar 4th

Coil walked through his base passing by two guards who greeted him with a nod and a firm "Boss."

Coil eventually made it to his office sitting down and after a couple of boring calls and paperwork got to his real work for the day.

Slowly his hands waved upwards as if opening a curtain, an infinity symbol invisible to all others but himself appeared.

It looked as if it was made of shards glass, both ends colored red and a sky blue with the intersection colored a light purple.

On the red side, it showed him in his civilian guise, Thomas Calvert, at home enjoying a fine wine after a long day's work.

On the blue side, he had received a call from his group of mercenaries tasked with recruiting Wraith.

He remembered she had first showed up 5 months ago targeting the Fenrirs Chosen, stash houses, gatherings etc.

He could not lie that her powers could be useful, it took a bit before he figured out who she was, a one Charlotte Abraham Thomson.

Those three brothers wouldn't be missed that much by anyone but their families, just his luck that they decided not to tell anyone about her identity, while he wasn't one for the unwritten rules when it came to people he was interested in hiring they still came in handy.

He dropped the red timeline and picked up the phone.

"Hello." He said plainly.

"Hey boss, bad news, she got away Kev got her in the leg but she teleported away, we haven't found her yet and I don't think we will." The man on the other side of the phone.

"Hmm, shame, well she wasn't a top priority for hire but still," he sat there for a beat "alright report back to base, goodbye." He ended the call before calling his pet fox.

"Hello?" said Tattletales voice over the phone.

"Why hello to you too Tattletale, I hope I'm not of any inconvenience." He said, in a monotone voice.

"No boss you're not, and to what do I owe the pleasure?" she said in a smug tone.

"I have a job for you and the Undersiders next month, I would like you to rob the Brockton Bay Central Bank." He told her, still monotone.

"Wait what?! But why, it won't even pay that well." She said in a baffled manner.

"While true, I require it for a future operation and would greatly appreciate it." He said his tone now going from monotone to dark and threatening.

"Alright, alright fine." She said before hanging up.

Now to see the acquisition of a, Mister Pitter.



Lisa stood there before pocketing her phone and heading downstairs to the living room of the base.

Eventually getting there, she saw: Alec playing videogames, Brian eating a taco and Rachel with her three dogs.

"Hey guys we got another job from the boss." She told them as Rachel and Brian looked at her.

"Yeah, what is it?" asked Alec without looking away.

"Were robbing the Brockton Bay Bank." She said in a playful tone.

That got everyone's attention, as even Alec looked her way.

"Please, tell me you're joking." Said Brian in a pleading manner.

She just laughed awkwardly.


AN: And that's the first interlude of the story everyone.

I hope you liked that little reveal for Wraith.

In addition, please tell me if I have written Coil right or not.

Whelp that is it for today, hope you people enjoyed.

Added a couple changes to previous chapters as well.


Taylor, had decided, that Charlotte was an interesting person.

She wasn't that unique a person but she saw a very strong drive behind those blue eyes that sometimes turn ghostly light blue every now and then.

"And done, honestly this Coil person sounds like dick." She said bluntly after finishing her stitches.

"Really what gave you that idea?" said Charlotte sarcastically.

Taylor just huffed and went into the kitchen seeing the eggs were done. Hearing The Wraith rant on and on about the man was somewhat tiring, to the point it became morning, but then again she could not blame her.

His mercenaries shot her in the leg, and after a couple months he comes back demanding she work for him and threatened her family she couldn't blame her that she fought back and ran back home.

Apparently she had made the mistake of not taking him seriously, because she was now on the run from him after all of it and had ended up in her warehouse house –hehe- with a stab wound in, funnily enough, the same leg.

"Here's your food, and don't you dare get picky on me." She said pointing her fork at her.

"As if, you helped out a lot, and I really am thankful for that," Charlotte blushed embarrassedly a bit before speaking again "anyways, what up with you?"

"Well I don't have any real family left and since Brockton Bay was so bad, I decided to leave for somewhere much safer," she said taking a bite of her eggs "plus I don't have to deal with getting press ganged to join anyone, remember Shadow Stalker." Charlotte winced; the stalker debacle was a doozy.

The vigilante was ruthless especially to the Fenrirs Chosen, she and Wraith had actually worked for a bit before falling out because to quote the ghost herself 'She wouldn't shut up about some predator/prey bullshit'.

"So, what're you going to do now?" she asked her.

"Well id like a place to live but my money isn't that much so I'm pretty screwed," said Charlotte, she already finished her food and started cleaning her plate "any ideas?"

Taylor sat there thoughtfully, until she decided.

"You can live with me." She said pointing at herself.

"What?" She stopped cleaning as she looked at her incredulously

"Yeah, you can live with me, you're rent could be reduced too if its cash and parts since I'm, well you know," she pointed at her workshop.

Wraith just stood there looking down in thought.



"Well its better than being homeless and it's pretty hidden since it looks abandoned and the way I see it would be a win/win situation for us both.

"Happy to hear that, well since you'll be living here would you like to meet Pathfinder?" she asked her.


"Come on let me show you," she brought her to Pathfinders podium, asleep "hey Pathy wake up, I want you to meet someone."

Pathfinder woke up his chassis' screen becoming an intrigued face as he saw Wraith, it was that moment he wanted to be an idiot.

"Is this your Girlfriend Mom?" he asked

"WHAT?!" screamed Taylor as Charlotte sputtered.

"What is she not your friend that is also a girl?" he asked like a little innocent child.

Wraith breathed a sigh of relief as Taylor massaged her temples and muttered.

"Goddamnit Son."


AN: And that's today's chapter, a lot shorter but this was just some dialogue and nothing much.

Finished my exams for the semester, so unless I am having family time this winter break I will be writing this fic more.

In addition, hope the ending was not cringy, I honestly thought it was funny.


After a week of staying together, Charlotte had gotten Taylor enough parts to be able to upgrade Pathfinders body and make more weapons.

Pathfinder still did not have any limbs but he looked better now, with his blue colored body and upgraded parts.

She had also finished two new weapons, [The Wingman] and {the Peacekeeper].

[The Wingman] was a semi-automatic revolver, which to Charlotte's confusion used sniper rounds instead of revolver rounds.

[The Peacekeeper] was lever action shotgun, which turned the shells into energy bullets when fired.

[The Mozambique] she decided, would be left on its own until later.

"So what're you going to do?'" asked Charlotte.

"As in?"

"As in, are you going to be a hero or not?"

"Being a hero wasn't my plan, sure as a kid I always wanted to be like Alexandria but nowadays I just tinker so I won't go crazy." She said reading an article on Caustic.

Caustic was a bit of a tragedy, the man was a scientist second only to the man who was Sphere, later known as Mannequin.

Caustic had one day triggered because of a lab accident, which had gotten him fired, he killed everyone with his tinker-tech gas and fled, only for Jack Slash to find and convince him to join the Slaughterhouse 9.

"I can understand that but you know that eventually you'll go back out there right?" asked Charlotte as she plopped down on the couch, that was in a corner decorated to her needs.

"Which is why I've decide that I should get more people on this team." She said.

"Wait 'team', what team?" asked Charlotte raising her eyebrow.

"As of now: Me, you and Pathy are the Apex." She said showing of a banner with a symbol similar to an A.

"The 'Apex', really?" she asked amused.

"Yeah but I think we just need one more person to fill the slot." She said cheerfully.

"Why not three like the Triumvirate, if were four I don't want you to be the next Hero." Charlotte joked.

"It won't be like that trust me." She said making Charlotte sigh.

Charlotte had gotten enough money that Taylor decide it was time for her to get some clothes since all she had was her cape outfit, a pair of shoes, jeans and a shirt.

After buying some clothes, they went to a Pharmacy to get supplies.

It was not as grand or high class but it was the cheapest and best place they could find.

Entering in, they heard a voice talk.

"Ah, welcome Niña's to Sparky's Medicine House." They saw a boy in wheelchair with long dark hair and a green shirt that said 'Speed is Life'.

He also had no legs.

"Oh, uh, hi there were looking for this." She said as he handed him a list of things.

"Aye, I see let Sparky here get it for you." He said as he wheeled behind the counter.

After a bit he brought out Bandages, Peroxide, medicine of different kinds and some other stuff.

"Here's what you wanted that'd be 40.59$." he rang the register.

"Keep the change," she handed him a 50 "hey this might be a bit forward but do you want to hang out sometime, you seem cool."

"Sure, 'the more friends the better' I say." He said smiling warmly.

"Thanks, also I'm Taylor and that's Charlotte," she pointed to her friend "it was nice meeting you Sparky."

"You too TayTay." He said giving her the peace sign as she left.

"Hey there," the both turned to see a lady, her hair graying a bit "I will just take a guess that you met my son, I'm Olivia, the owner of the Medicine House don't listen to what he says, he isn't the one paying the rent."

"Oh, well it's nice to meet you ma'am," a beat "hey this might be insensitive but why does your son have no legs?" surprisingly it was Charlotte who asked that question.

"Well, long story short, he lost them during the Leviathan attack and refused to get them healed, he doesn't hate parahumans he just wished he could have robot legs, I gave up after the twentieth try to get him healed." She said exasperatedly, muttering something about 'teenagers'.

"Huh, well seems we have something in common." Deadpanned Taylor as Olivia gave her a sad look.

"Oh well, it was nice meeting you two but I have to do some shopping runs, good day." Miss Olivia left.

As Taylor and Charlotte got back home, Charlotte going out for more money and parts, Taylor got to work on Pathfinders limbs, but on the table could also be seen a blueprint for metal legs meant for a certain someone.


AN: And Sparky has appeared, also S9 has Caustic with them so that's going to suck.


Taylor had finished an arm and a leg for Pathfinder after half a week of tinkering, she would have finished all of them but Charlotte and Sparky had dragged her with them to have fun.

Sparky had found out about them ever since he showed them his pile of old electronics in his houses garage, which made Taylor go into a tinker rant and ever since then would visit them at the warehouse, even making his own corner like Charlotte but he mostly used it to play videogames.

As she looked away from the laptop, which she borrowed from Sparky, she saw him and Charlotte drinking from their cups and talking with each other, every now and then asking her something before going back to chatting.

Sparky was ecstatic when he saw the blueprints for his new legs which he could not wait for and always told Taylor 'por favor, apresurese' or something like that.

It was almost Halloween and there would be an event at the fair so that would be a great time.

Her attention back to her laptop, she saw that the Teeth would be coming to New York for a pit stop so they could probably go to Brockton.


"Alright, nobody move and you can all go home safely." It was one man with an SMG and a bag in his hands, his face covered by an average robber mask.

All the customers were hiding with cashier holding her hands up; Charlotte however pulled out her mask and used the opportunity to teleport on the roof before teleporting back in to deck him right in the kisser.

Sparky was unfazed and Taylor could only snort at the robber as he was sent flying.

After that they went back to the warehouse, Charlotte pulling out a book and laying on her couch, Sparky binging soap operas and Taylor cooking since she was the only one who can actually cook and no, Hot pockets don't count.

They ate their food and Sparky left, Taylor got back to tinkering and Charlotte went out as Wraith.

At the end of the week she was done, the other two limbs were done and she even got a bit through Sparky's legs before being forcefully put to bed by her friend.

It was Monday now and she was slowly attaching limb after limb to Pathfinders body.

After that, she woke him up and Pathfinder experienced the feeling of walking.

Before falling face first, since his walking was as good as a baby.

Taylor couldn't stop herself from giggling at her sons expense.

The AI could only make his chassis' screen mimic a pouty face.

"You still can't go out though."

"But mom, sure it might take a bit but I'll be able to walk now."

"That's not the problem, the problem is that you need something more than just running, punching and shooting, I have an idea but I'm still working on Sparky's legs." She said pulling up a blank blueprint before drawing a crude schematic of a grappling hook meant to be attached to his arm.

"Until I can finish Sparky's legs and this, you're staying here," Pathfinder mimicked a sad face "look, son, I love you and I just can't lose you ok?" she said before hugging him and after a bit he hugged her back.

As she walked to her workspace, the door opened and she saw her two friends come in.

"Hey Taytay, I see Jr. got his limbs here, so, when my legs are done, we going out or not because I really wanna try that [Octane] stuff you got, I'm thinking ill name myself Octane too, you know?" he said wheeling up to the couch.

"I got a design for his costume too." Said Charlotte pulling out an album full of different costume designs for him and Taylor, presenting a green, black and gray color scheme with goggles a shark mouth bandana and a bunch of military like gear.

"It looks good just give me a day or two and we should be finally ready."

"Oh man, I'm so tired of waiting I wanna go out there and go wild on them pendejos already." Whined Sparky.

"You are not the tinker here, I am, so you better be patients or ain't makin em'." She said warningly.

"You better stop, I once annoyed her over some McDonalds and she went there and came back with only a black coffee." She said without looking away from her book.

"Alright, alright so what will we be doing?"

"That will depend, knowing my luck we'll run into the Teeth instead of someone like that TrainWreck guy from the Nomads."

"Ah you mentioned the Nomads before, I heard the guy got Squealer out a bit ago." He said munching on some chips.

"And I'm still mad about it too." She replied.

"Oh well, can't win em' all," he looked at his watch "ah damn gotta go home, hey Charlotte wanna come with me, ain't lookin to become free game for the thugs of the city."

"Sure, not like I have anything better to do."

The two of them left as Taylor continued working.

And Pathfinder was still having trouble learning to walk.


AN: Finally got back to updating this again, I was having family time and it was easier writing the snippet thread.

Also feel like this chapter was a bit wonky.

Next chapter is an interlude.
1.Int 2

1.Interlude 2


2011 Oct 26th

Quarrel was sitting on the shitty couch in the abandoned building her and the Teeth were staying at right now.

The next day they would be heading for York for Halloween, they were going to stock up on food and drinks and since it would be Halloween they decided they would get a shit ton of candy too.

After that, they head to Brockton, the birthplace of the Butcher.

When she heard that Leviathan was coming for Brockton the first told her to join the fight to protect their home city.

They unfortunately lost Reaver during that fight.

She got up deciding to check the fridge for something in case the rest had not drank all of the drinks.

When she looked in the fridge, all she saw was a Dr. Pepper.

There were these rare times where she and all the previous Butchers would agree on something and one of those was their hatred of Dr. Pepper.

She could only groan as she closed the fridge and was heading back to the couch before she saw something outside.

When she looked through the window she saw a figure that was a mix between mechanical and skeletal, red cloth covering its neck and head, a brand on its body.

A case 53.

Before she could make anything of it the cape dashed forwards breaking through the glass and pushing her backwards.

Before she could do anything, the cape summoned some type of sphere and after that her abilities stopped working and the voices were gone.

Completely gone.

She stood there in shock before she felt something sharp plunge within her.

Regaining her focus, she saw the cape had stabbed her with its hand.

"W-what the hell are you?" she said before coughing up blood.


The Butcher XV was born.



Allison woke up in the middle of the night, looking around she saw the others were getting up.

Following suit, they were all asking themselves what that noise was.

Finally reaching the main room, they saw a figure holding the Butchers head by her hair.

"The New York Halloween Fair will be our main target, am I understood?" the figure spoke in a deep voice.

She said the only thing she could think of.

"Well shit."



Nox was a Sociopath.

He was not always this way, in his younger years he was bright eyed and ready to make the world a better place.

However, a small accident in the lab, a trigger event and the firing of him led him to meeting Jack and being shown the truth.

Humans were worse than any insect that he would have kept at bay with his research.

Earth was a garden infested with all types of insects, you would think the Endbringers were the worst ones, but no, humans were much worse.

Which is why he was here in Oregon alongside Bonesaw wreaking havoc upon the members of the town they were currently in with all types of gasses and monsters upon the populace.

The others of the nine were in a different town since to quote little Riley 'I want some bonding time with Uncle Nox'.

He did not mind, the girl was always on her best behavior.

Jack had told them they would be heading to Nebraska next while also stopping by other places on the road.

Nebraska was still recovering from their attack from Behemoth back in 2010.

Not for long.



Topic: Wraith Spotted!

In Boards ►Events ► News ► America

(Original Poster) (Guy in the know)

Posted on October 24th 2011:

Yesterday the vigilante known as Wraith was spotted stopping a robbery of a restaurant.

While multiple police reports have mentioned criminals talking about the vigilante, this is the first public appearance of her after her disappearance a month ago.


The question is, why is she in New York?

(Showing Page 1 of 4)

► Wraith_Fan (Cape Groupie)

Replied on October 24th 2011:

Oh thank god, I was so worried she was gone or worse, dead.

► Point_Me_@_The_Sky (Verified Cape)

Replied on October 24th:

Happy to see she's okay, she seemed like the brooding type but she was a total sweetheart.

► Fixica

Replied on October 24th:

I do wonder why she is in New York.

Maybe she decided to change place.

► Pure Man


Message Blocked.

Moderator Message: Please do not theorize a capes civilian identity, for that is against the rules. –Jason Qrow

► Purple Scientist

Replied on October 24th:

Well, good luck to her then.


AN: Finally got to writing the damn interlude.

See ya next chapter- 2.1


It was the day of the Halloween Fair and they had just gotten together to prepare for the event.

Taylor had also finished her sons' grappling hook and had done some testing on the [Octane] serum.

Turns out the serum was like an energy drink on crack.

It would work for about ten seconds before leaving the person in a super lethargic state because of slow blood circulation.

Sparky did not feel good after that.

Therefore, she came up with a tubing system that could be attached to a person to stop it from slowing blood circulation.

"Mom, can I come too?" said Pathfinder leaving his corner of the Warehouse.

His corner being a couch, a boxing bag since he had taken to the sport rather well and a poster of Dragon since she was his favorite hero that wasn't his mother, Auntie Charlie or Uncle Sparky.

It took an hour for Charlie to get over the embarrassment.

Sparky loved it though.

"Sorry son but you can't," she said patting him on his shoulder "not yet anyway, and not when I'm in my civvies."

His screen just changed to a sad face.

She looked to Charlie who was in her autumn clothes and Sparky who was on the couch watching the news.

"So sis, ready to get spooky." Said Sparky before giggling.

Because of the whole uncle thing, he took to calling the two girls his sisters.

"Please don't say that, you'll make me gag." Said Charlie playfully to him.

The news became louder now, stopping any of them from talking any longer.

"Breaking News: The Parahuman Villain group known as the Teeth have come to the New York Halloween Fair, police and PRT alike are at a standstill, trying to keep them from escaping until the hero's arrive."

"Madre de Dios, it's the Teeth." Said Sparky.

"Goddamnit, me and my big mouth, alright let's get changed and head out." Said Taylor already dashing for her cape outfit.

Said outfit being militaristic with a black and burgundy coloring, her goggles now with a black tint instead of orange.

Charlie had also went and changed into her Wraith outfit and Sparky attaching his metal legs and putting on his own.

"Mom can I come now, since you're in your cape costume." Asked Pathfinder.

"Sorry son, I have to go, you're just not ready yet." She said kissing him on the metaphorical cheek.

"So you lied about me getting to help."

"If it means not losing you then yes, I really am sorry"

Leaving the now hurt Pathfinder, grabbing the three weapons they had and a bunch of [Octane], the set out to the fair to be the hero's they were meant to be.

"Hey sis, did you decide on a name yet?" asked Octane.

"Um, no, I still can't decide."

"Both of you shush, were almost there."

Arriving they saw a line of police and PRT forming a perimeter around the Fair.

"How do we get past them?" asked Taylor.

"I could try to ghost through them but I can't bring the both of you with me."

"Or we could go under." The both of them turned to see Octane removing a sewer grate and pointing down.

The two girls looked at each other before nodding.

Inside the sewers, they ran looking for safe place to come out and ambush them.

Eventually finding a sewer grate, said sewer grate leading to the market guarded by Spree and Hemorrhagia.

"Ok, I've got a plan, Wraith goes in invisible before distracting them so we can leave the sewer unnoticed and attack from both sides," pulling out the weapons, she gave [The Peacekeeper] to Octane and [The Wingman] to Wraith "Wraith, Octane, you can handle Spree while I handle Hemorrhagia, understood?"

They both nodded.

"Let's go."


The Fair arc has begun.

See ya next chapter.


Taylor sat there watching Wraith remove the grate.

After a minute, she got it off and readied herself.

Wraiths eyes gleamed a ghostly blue before she turned invisible.

"Alright, Octane on my signal," they waited until they heard screams "Now!"

Octane jammed a stim into himself before leaping through the grate, Taylor following him and climbing through the grate.

Now in the market she saw a huge amount of clones fighting Wraith and Octane, looking around she Hemorrhagia standing on the sidelines.

She ran towards her, decking her in her unsuspecting face before grabbing and with all her strength and threw her through a stand and into a different part of the market.

Running after her, she pulled out her [Mozambique] and shot at her hand only for Hemorrhagia to block it with a scab.

Her enemy getting back up, her skin opening for blood to seep out, created large claws on her hands leapt at her.

What she did not know is that Taylor, throughout her time as a homeless girl, had learned a good amount of fighting.

The battle was evened out as Taylor blocked, redirected and hit her opponent.

Until her right arm was cut by Hemorrhagias claws.

Grunting in pain, Taylor backed away holding her right arm.

"Fucking hell, you are good," cracking her neck she slowly approached "but not good enough."

Hemorrhagia kicked Taylor into a bakery stand, breaking it.

"Before I cut you up nice and good would you be a dear and tell who else might've come here." Hemorrhagia now having formed blade on her right forearm and pulling it back.

Taylor felt something next to her hand and smiled.

"Yeah," grabbing the pie, she threw it in her face before pulling out her gun and shooting her in the arm, returning the favor "Mozambique here!"

Hemorrhagia fell on the ground writhing in pain, only for Taylor to knock her out.

"Well, weren't you a pain in the ass."

Heading back to where Spree was she saw him fighting Wraith and Octane with an abundance of clones.

Wraith was constantly teleporting and Octane was running circles around them, two stims jabbed into him.

Identifying the real Spree was impossible, all of looking the same she could not tell who was a clone and who was not.

Shooting them would be easy but she might end up killing the real one.

Watching this go down, she checked the watch that Octane had given her since he did not need it anymore.

It had only been five minutes.

She needed ten more.

That is when she saw him, clad in steel armor was Adamant holding two mauls, rushing in and pummeling all the Sprees.

Her and her friends joining in and beating them down, eventually finding the original and knocking him out.

"Hello there, I believe you needed my help, am I correct?" asked Adamant.

"Yeah, it was, and before you ask, it's me, the girl from the bank."

"Oh," Adamant fully turned to her "I see you've gotten a costume change."

Before she could respond, she heard more screams and noticed Octane about to jab another stim before Wraith stopped him.

"Stop, she's hurt, were going back home and patching her up." Octane looked at Taylor noticing the large claw marks on her arm and put the stim back.

"Thanks for the assistance by the way, I'll be leaving to help Legend with Vex and Animos and be careful, we don't know the Butchers location as of yet."

Adamant left as the three decided to go back home.

After a minute of walking, reaching a rides section for small kids, they heard something.

Looking around, they found a young, lightly dark skinned girl hiding near the carousel.

"Hey, you're heroes right," they all nod "please let me come with you, I don't know where mom and dad are and I don't want the scary monster to find me."

"What mon-"a knife hit ground next to them.

Looking back, they say mix between metal and bone, yellow eyes staring at them and a brand of a case 53.

"Who the hell are you?" asked Octane.

"Hmph, funny, the previous Butcher said about the same thing, you know." Said the person in an amused tone.

"Oh no."

"Oh yes."

They ran, grabbing the girl, they ran away.

Yet the now revealed Butcher kept up, until he got to them and knocked them all down.

Before he could grab the girl, Wraith had grabbed on to him.

It did nothing.

The Butcher grabbed her and threw her into a storage facility to the right.

A gasoline storage facility.

The Butcher grabbed a grenade from his waist and chucked it.


The grenade exploded and the building burst in flames.

"You BASTARD!" Octane got up, jammed two stims in himself and rushed him, firing his [Peacekeeper].

In the storage facility…

Charlotte's senses came back to her as she saw she was in a building.

A burning building.

She got up and ran around looking for an exit but to no avail.

Eventually she found an exit, running towards it.

Only for the parts of the roof to fall in front of it, blocking her only chance of escape.

She was stuck in there, unable to get out.

Like last time.

Panicking she looked around, still no exit.

No, No, NO!


She stopped.



Her legs took her, as if she was not in control.


She took a right.


She saw a metal container under a window.

She jumped on the container before jumping, grabbing on to the window, and barely escaping her doom.


AN: I will probably be speed posting this arcs chapters because on the 16th my winter break ends and so posting will take longer and especially during exams.