[X] (Doctor (No bonus or penalty)) And, as the newest doctorate in the department, you have it dumped on you from above, while feeling close enough to the grad-students below not to want to increase their workload.
[X] You had a one night stand after a big find, and then ended up becoming friends in the morning.
[X] Adventurer: A few years ago you were involved in excavating a piece of alien technology from the whispering vaults below a frozen alien world. When the item, which you learned was a key to a new part of the gate network that links Paradise together, was stolen, you set out in pursuit and managed to take it back from the thieves.
[X] Prep can wait till after you meet this Patron and find out full details. Instead, finish your work for today so you don't dump it all on your colleges
"Actually, I have some stuff to finish first. Do you mind meeting up later for a full brief?"
Samanth smirks. "So responsible now. It's almost like you're a real academic or something."
"Everyone has to grow up sometime Samanth." You smile but inside you feel kind of down. The most exciting part of your life is, you know, now over. Nothing could ever beat that one great adventure. The pursuit from one gate to another or the simple joy of recovering what you had found.
"Yeah yeah." She laughs. "We're going by spacecraft, so you can finish up your work and whatever before you meet the boss. I'll call you in the evening with a location and you can meet the team."
"Alright, thanks."
You head back to your office, already thinking of all the things you'll need to do in order to be ready to leave and then notice one of your students loitering at the door. Yasmin Falls is a thin, toned woman of about nineteen, with black hair and skin tone several shades lighter than yours. In the summer heat she wears a short white two piece.
"Yasmin, how are you doing?"
"Ah. I was wondering if you could look over one of my essays?"
"Sure, come in." You open up your office and take a seat, bringing up the essay on your shared augmented reality display and start to read through it. She's one of your best graduate students, having completed her undergraduate course very early, but early university entry has left her with some serious confidence issues.
"You're going to do it now?"
"Yes. I'm actually about to arrange some leave. I'm going on a dig."
"I was invited on an expedition by an old friend." You smile. "It'll be fine though. Professor Adilm will probably be the cover."
"Right." She looks down, obviously not liking this.
You decide to change the subject: "So how about you, going on a date?"
"Ah. No. I've just been swimming." She waves.
"Your essay looks good. I've made some changes." She still looks pretty sad, and she could use some dig experience.
[ ] Message Samanth and ask if you can invite her along.
[ ] She's still pretty young, maybe don't do that.
"Alright." Yasmin says. "I'll go and edit it. Good luck with the dig."
"Sure. See you." You sit back as she leaves. Okay, time to finish your actual work.
By the time you've sorted all the images, informed the university you're taking leave and the other administrative work you've been doing it's getting on to evening, the humid heat of the summer pooling up against your window. Even this high up it'd be uncomfortably hot out on the skywalks. You stretch, then get up. Time to meet Samanth.
<<I'm all done. Can I meet you somewhere?>>
<<Sure, my boss just got in. Why don't we meet at a Gym? I want to see how rusty you've gotten.>>
<<Not rusty enough that I can't take you down.>>
<<We'll see.>>
You get a locational ping for the self-defense gym. The truth is Samanth probably can beat you in a fight given that's all she does. That said, you like to think you're not half bad. You collect your bag and then head down to the monorail. It's pretty crowded at this time of night, the press and warmth of the bodies around you slightly unpleasant. The gym is about halfway across town, the train snaking down the towers to a gleaming starscape of ground-level buildings. The streets are crowded when you detrain, humans, tzee and other aliens mixing in the usual after work parties, food stalls distributing beer and dinner to crowds of people, loud music spilling out of clubs and bars. You watch as a huge augmented reality battle starts overhead, re-creations of old-style jet aircraft dueling it out in the sky above in a loud, rapid dogfight.
You pass underneath this and head to the gym, a bulky, thick-walled building with a cafe on the front where various freshly showered people of different designs are drinking and eating. The inside the building is loud with the sound of hand to hand combat and the muffled crash of gunfire. AR display boards show scores, fitness rhythms and the like.
In the middle, Samanth is in a gravity cage, fighting a much taller woman with features that throwback to eastasia on Ancient earth. The pair are fighting a fierce zero-G combat, a series of holds and strikes almost too rapid to follow. The tall one is, if you're not mistaken, a valkyrie, a pure combat form that's pretty uncommon here outside of certain specialist army units. A woman who seems to be an almost perfect mix of every one of the natural human ethnicities stands by the ring, watching the match. It's obvious just looking at her that she's someone special, with genetic engineering even heavier than the valkyrie she's watching.
You can guess what she is, if not who. A member of the Chrysanthemum organization. The Chrysanthemum, one of the two great meta-organizations that has existed in Paradise since the first colonization. The Chrysanthemum, who dominate local affairs believe in the advancement and amplification of humanity. Their rivals, the rose, believe it must be surpassed.
You're not too surprised when she steps over as you approach. "Melinta?" She asks.
"That's me. Who are you?"
"Artemis. Artemis Vion. I'm Samanth's employer." Up close it's obvious that Artemis is something quite special. Perhaps a Chrysanthemum Liaison or other high-ranking member of that meta-organization.
She's almost inhumanly beautiful and moves with fluid grace. "She's told me a lot about you."
"Is the Valkyrie yours too?"
"Yes. Becca, one of my agents." She smiles as Samanth is bounced off the side of the ring, but bounces back into a sweeping kick. "So how about you? Samanth tells me you're pretty good at fighting yourself."
How do you like to defend yourself?
[ ] You tend to use guns. Everything else is just play really.
[ ] You prefer to fight up close. Using your hands or a blade
[ ] You combine hand to hand fighting and guns, maybe you're not quite as good as a specialist at either but you can hold your own.
[ ] You're actually a telekinetic, and can use that in combat.