[Fanfiction] [Mass Effect] For Motherland!

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Hi guys.

Some of you may have already read the previous story of mine "For Motherland! For...
Hi guys.

Some of you may have already read the previous story of mine "For Motherland! For Terra! For Rannoch!" (available on FFN-dot-net only, so far), and if so, you would probably notice my declaration to put that story under indefinite hiatus in order to write a new one. I promise to deliver a better version with coherent, cohesion and "more logic" (so to speak).

Now, after quite a long time staying under the radar, I'm back to deliver my promise. I hope you guys can enjoy the new version. Still, I think I should note that I'm not a native speaker - Granted, I've been using English for long enough to make my skills comparable to one, but I don't think my vocabulary and grammar knowledge is "suffice" to make myself a native one. Therefore, if you spot any mistakes, please do not hesitate and tell me, I would be very grateful.

Thank you for your patience, I hope you enjoy this new version.

The mere existence of atomic weapons implies the possibility of their use.
- Georgy Zhukov (1896-1974), Marshal of the Soviet Union, Soviet Army [Red Army], (former) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics


Terran Federation
Our flag shall fly

Ministry of Education
Vires in sapientia​


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Welcome back "Blazer". It is 09:32AM, on Horizon City on Terra Nova.
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[Keywords] 21st century Terran Federation formation details


The search is completed with 12,000,000 hits in 0.12 seconds. This number includes 10,000,000 websites and 2,000,000 media links.

/Accessing the Official Portal of the Terran Federation, History sub-section/

Terran Federation can trace its origin to the United Nations formed in 1945 after the end of World War Two but the actual term is first used in a series of science fiction in 1959. Following the spirit of the UN and the idea on a real, functional and efficient coalition of mankind, the Charter of Peace, Exploration and Prosperity, usually known as the Charter, was signed by eight coalitions on 1 January, 2100. This charter effectively ends all major and potential war and conflict among the humans, leading to the age of development, called the Golden Age by human historians. And, just like many other movements in human's history, the foundation of the Federation is soaked with blood - quoted by FEE historian Maria Ponor.

The United Nations was first coined by then-President of the (former) United States of America, Franklin D. Roosevelt on 1 January 1942 in an attempt to unite the world together to defeat the Axis power. This action effectively and officially formed the Allied block, pledging themselves to maximum war effort and bounding themselves from making separate peace. The two major theatres of World War Two, the Europe and Asia - Pacific, ended on 8 May and 1 September 1945 respectively and the UN was formed on 24 October. However, soon after the end of World War Two, a potential World War Three lasted from 1950s to early 1990s between two major super-power: USA and USSR under the term "Cold War".

While no "hot war" actually took place, there were numerous hot-spots of conflicts, being used as the proxy for the aforementioned states to show their power. The only reason to stop both sides from launching an all-out war is the fear of Weapon of Mass Destruction, most of which was under the form of nuclear warheads and intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). It was estimated that the amount of nuclear power in those days is sufficient to kill of all life on Earth three times over. The peace of the world was held by a single hair. During these times, it has been concluded in secret documents of many countries that due to the presence of two opposing sides of the Cold War in the Security Council as permanents member, the actual power and authority in peacekeeping of the UN was fairly limited. This pushed UN to accomplish the secondary goal of economic development and cultural exchange.

The limits (and even powerless) of the UN in peacekeeping were shown again in the 21st century, even after the Cold War. The USA, despite the decision from the UN, still launched an invasion on Iraq in 2003 with her allies on a groundless cause. The stability of the region is quickly broken, leading to the turmoil for the rest of the century, the most notable problem is the formation and strengthening of the ISIS. In 2010s, various conflicts between the citizen (including the extremists) and the government became the fuel for unrest in Ukraine, Hong Kong and Taiwan (China), Venezuela to name a few. In 2020, Syrian government, who was being supported by Russia in the war against ISIS, found solid proof that Turkey was buying oil from the terrorist and USA was supporting arms for those "human scums". War quickly broke out between the two states, and the UN is helpless to intervene.

Ceasing the distraction, multiple powers quickly moved for their own benefits. Drug cartels in Mexico launched an assassination series on the police and army officers, the fascist National League in Ukraine massacred a pro-Russian high school, a series of terrorist attacks in EU, forcing the leave of France, Netherlands and Belgium, war broke out between China and ASEAN (and secret conflict between ASEAN members) on the claim of sovereign...

The world, from 2022 to 2035, was considered as "The Turmoil". And on 2 April 2036, "Age of Strife" began with the terrorist attacks in USA, killing the President Mitchel I. Houston and launching a missile toward China, Russia, North Korea and France. While the missiles were quickly deactivated, shut down or shot down, the damage had been done. World War Three began, and despite all reasons, nuclear power was used in limit capacity. At this age, United Nations were practically a shadow of itself with zero power and authority.

From 2036 to 2041, the world was put under the flame of war. The bloodshed and casualty made the World War Two "look like a child's play". Each country or alliance fought against terrorism, hostile nations as well as its own citizens in civil war or civil unrest. Some countries fell under its own weight, some countries were taken over, some countries had their flags changed... By 2039, there were eight coalitions left, divided into two main factions, one was the Allied Nations, and the other was the Theocratic League of Earth. Both sides underwent an unofficial ceasefire for one years, licking their own wound and prepare to claim Earth back under one banner.

On 1 January 2040, the Allied Nations launched a surprise attack all over the globe, catching the League "with their pants down". In three months, they were able to approach the key cities of the enemy. However, the League was able to field their experimental weapons (TITAN) and tactics in time, holding the ground right in front of the Allies's nose. The Battle of Paris began on 5 September as an effort of the Allies to gain an end to the war, but the battle ended with no clear victor. By this time, high-intensity combat had exhausted both sides, forcing them to negotiate a cease-fire agreement. The document, signed on 2 March 2041, signalled the lull of World War Three. It was commented that both sides had little real intention to honour this deal.

The world underwent an uneasy peace, coined as "The Gap" by the current historians. This age, lasted from 2042 to 2046, saw a rapid development in science and technology. The Allied Nations earned the key achievements in medical (such as affordable artificial limbs and bio-mechanical body parts), agriculture (safe genetically-modified food and artificial food) and electronics (artificial intelligence). Meanwhile, on the other side of the De-Militarised Zone, the Theocratic League of Earth has gained breakthrough in mechanical (armoured suit "TITAN"), natural resources extraction and a zealot internal propaganda system. While it was not public (and confirmed) knowledge, intelligence agencies on both sides had carried out various operations against each other, they key of which was to steal the other's technology.

At this point of time, the only trace left of the United Nations was their abandoned Head Quarters, which had been converted into a major five-star hotel within the block Allied Nations. The whole organisation, despite still existed on paperwork, had become a shadow of the past, just like the League of Nations in the 1930s. In addition, during the Gap, the national border of the early 21st century slowly disappeared, followed by the consolidating of the borders separating eight coalitions from each other.

The Gap ended on 5 April 2061 when a coup took place within the League, yielding the power to the extremist faction in the leadership, this alarms everyone in the world. The situation quickly worsened with the League withdrawing all diplomatic representatives within the Allied Nations and the noted mobilisation of the armed forces right besides the DMZ. Three months later, war broke out, re-starting World War Three. This time, all member-state of the Allied Nations were attacked simultaneously and suffered terrible loss. The capital of many single nation-member as well as other key strategic position were under heavy siege, the most famous of which is the Third Battle of Leningrad.

However, just like the previous attacks of the Allied Nations, the League's forces were also exhausted by year's end, but the Allied Nations were able to gain extra internal mobility this time, thanks to passing a solution allowing free passage of allied military force. In addition with the conscription program, they were able to bring fresh troops to bear against the military might of the League. This was their "conditions" to launch Operation Joker, pushing back the League's from the capitals of the coalitions' members, the most famous victory is the Battle of Hanoi, where a full company of TITAN was destroyed, completely turning the tactical situation around.

The next series of successful defence at English Channel, Suez Canal and Panama Canal in 2062 - 2063 gave the upper hand in the war for the Allied Nations. The plans for a total attack was being drawn when the intense intelligence operations of the Allied Nations proved fruitful. Footage of the coup's leader in the League practising human sacrifice and brutal executions, as well as proof on "death camps" and other lies, were revealed to the world. While these put the hierachy of the League in disarray, they push the League's leader to launching nuclear missiles on multiple cities around the world in the Doomsday Crisis. The Crisis saw the destruction of 20 major cities and the casualty of over 500 million people, half of which was members and citizen of the Theocratic League of Earth.

The Allied Nations, in retaliation, launched Operation Righteous on 22 June 2064, the largest military operation history of mankind, which can only be dwarfed by Operation Fury in First Contact War. The Operation's aim was to totally broke down the League's political, military and religious structure. A series of battle erupted, seeing the citizens of the League actively and openly support the Allied invasion force. Thanks to their help, it only took six months for the Allied to conquer the rest of the League. On 1 January 2065, the last bastion of the League in Punta Arenas, was under attack from the Allied Nations and three weeks later, on 26 January, the blue and white banner of the Allied Nations had been raised over the ruin of the Apostle Castle. The end of World War Three was reached.

From 2065 onward, the coalitions forming the Allied Nations introduced new members into their ranks while focusing on the rebuilding process. While victory was theirs, the price tag was terrible with half of the world in ruin, over two billions dead and large patch of land was contaminated and uninhabitable. The rebuilding was estimated to take over 60 years and trillions of man-hour working. Learning the lessons from the past, all members of the League, once new leaders were chosen, were given equal seats to the old members of the Allied Nations. This was done to secure equal right for any member of the alliance, which is considered as a stepping stone to form an united body representing mankind. But in the short term, this action had significantly boost the morale for the rebuilding effort, giving the citizens of the defeated League the faith in a firm-but-fair government.

The lull of war quickly gave way for development. The basic necessity was recovered in just two years for all major cities, and three years after that, even the furthest corner on Earth could have the same access for power, clean water and communication as in major cities. The infrastructure took more time to recover, even if the only reason was the severity in damage that it had to suffer, but by 2070, its recovery was marked by the open of the Trans-Terra Railway, the first railway system going around the world without the need to change train.

Then, in 2070s, the co-operation between scientists from two once-opposing sides started to bear fruits. A series of development, ranging from electronics, mechanical to agriculture, environment had greatly boost the rebuilding process. In just two years, the living standards were lifted and recover, almost equal to before the war. By 2080s, the Earth has been recovered from the scar of war, the only place left (deliberately) was the Glass Patch in North Africa - a stark reminder on the price of war for mankind. A series of technology were developed for civilian uses, either from scratch or released from the military, some notable items are Personal Assistant (a personal AI), Medigel and Bio-mechanical limbs. And then, the sight of mankind shifts to the star, yearning for exploration, triggering the Second Space Race, but this time, it is not for political gain, but for the sake of science.

That dream was made reality with a startling discovery in 2089 - Faster-Than-Light travelling was proven possible. An experimental drive was launched in late 2092, reached Moon safely and successfully deployed a drone. The second one was built and launched in 2093, the third one was built in the first space dock of human in 2096 and launched toward Mars. All project was startling success, and with the looming prospect of space colonization, all coalitions of the Allied Nations decide to pen a Charter, officially uniting all human together.

The said Charter is called Charter of Peace, Exploration and Prosperity, officially uniting all coalitions together into an alliance, which shall be representing human to the Galaxy. The said alliance was termed Terran Federation, and the Charter was signed at 5:03:02AM, 1 January 2100, when the first man had successfully landed on Mars.

As if to celebrate the newly-formed unity of mankind, the exploration team discovered the ruined of extraterrestrial life, live from Mars just an hour from the landing. The discovery opened a new Chapter for the Terran Federation - the Golden Age.

/Window closed/

I hope you have a fruitful research "Blazer".
What do you want to search next?

[Keywords] Homework folder - Class 8 - Social study - January - Week 2

/One file found - "Note on the structure of Terran Federation"/

/Opening file/

This is the script of the self-recording file. Not the official report. Requiring real work to hand in the real work, as in using hands to type the report... At least traditional writing by hand is not compulsory. Dictating for Maria to write is out of question. Orimura-sensei will have my dick for that, assuming the Class Rep leaves anything behind after chewing me out.
- Personal note

Blazer, you really need to re-arrange your note, this is too messy. In addition, you are focusing too much on the military and politics matter, please add more details on the economy and social policies, lest you will have another C. Your parents shall be most... displeased if such happens again.
- Maria, Personal Assistant, MRA-198

The Terran Federation is an alliance and union of eight coalition-nations on political, economical, social and military, originated from Earth. Total population count: 20 billion, total star systems under control and with habitable planets: 30 and 15, total space colonies: 20 (the biggest is Side 1 in Solar system), total mining outpost: approximately 20000.

An internal market is fairly developed, thanks to a standardised system of laws that apply in all member states. Terran Federation policies aim to ensure the free movement of people, goods, services, and capital within the internal market, enact legislation in justice and home affairs, and maintain common policies on trade, agriculture, fisheries, and regional development. Freedom of movement is enacted, allowed free passage (no border control) between members of the Terran Federation. A single currency is created along with the birth of the Federation, termed "credit".

The Federation also enacts a high-standard social policies in recent time (once the economy is sufficient to power the system), the results include, but not limit to, free public healthcare and education service, free public transport for students and elder, a long paid-leave for pregnant (both parents counted), religion and speech freedom... However, the society also values a high degree of discipline and unity, severe punishments, ranging from social works to actual jail serving time, are consider the norm.

Serving in the military is compulsory for any people within the age of 18 to 30 with either no job or study. However, dropping the study to join serve in the armed forces receive warm welcome from many people. The military itself is divided into three types "types" and three branches. Types are "regular", "guard" and "militia". The "regular" is practically the regular force of the Federation, orders come from the Central command. "Guard" is the armed forces deployed within each member of the coalition and raised from the local population. "Militia" is practically citizens being trained for a few weeks every year. The elitism decreases with each step. The branches of the military includes the Ground Force, the Navy and the Marine. The military also has its own intelligence office, nickname Department II, for unknown reasons.

Political-wise, the Federation does not follow the three separated bodies like the old US of A, but follow the example of the German with five permanent constitutional bodies. It is believed that this system allows the highest efficient, smoothness in operation yet still maintain the democracy and supervision upon the government itself.

The most powerful figure is the Chancellor, or the Federal Chancellor, the head of government and being responsible for all policies introduced, he, or she, is practically the head of the executive branches.
The Federation Assembly with 300 members, representing the Federation population as a whole, function as the forum where differing opinions about the policies the country should be pursuing are formulated and discussed. The most important tasks performed by the Federation Assembly are the legislative process and the parliamentary scrutiny of the government and its work. The other legislative office is the Federation Council, also with 300 members, represents the members of the Fed itself, acts mostly in advisory capacity and has the power to give the consent to passing laws, regulations and other changes.
The Federation President, while mostly being the "ceremonial" figure, has certain power, including proposing (and even dismissing) members and candidates for the Chancellor, Minister, Federal judges and civil servants. He, or she, also has the ability to dissolve and convene the Assembly.
The last constitutional body is the Federal Supreme Court, the final court of appeal for all civil and criminal cases as well as hearing appeal unconstitutional laws and regulations.

The members of the Federation, at this day, number at nine and being listed in the economical power as followed: United States of North America, Federation of Eastern Europe Republics, Hegemony of Oriental, Pacific - Asia Coalition, Western Europe Combine, Democratic Republic of India, South America Alliance, Empire of Sun and United Theocratic Kingdoms. Each members also have certain quirks and stereotypes...

UNSA, while being the most powerful member, both in economics and military power, is suffering from the highest crime rate and proportional of its population in jail, racism, sexism and religious bigots are still evident. The gap between rich and poor is the largest among the whole Federation. On the other hand, the economics power id drawing in multiple bright minds, making USNA the home of countless inventions and success.
FEER, being known as alcoholic and bad-mannered, owns the most industrial power base and the most colorful martial tradition among the entire Federation, their products are considered as unbreakable due to a sekret material known as either Stalinium or Putinium. While not sophisticated, their products are highly durable, fit for founding colony and harsh weather conditions. On the other hand, corruption (and alcoholism) is slowing down their development.
While not the most powerful member, no other member can enjoy a rich and diversified culture as the HO. They also boast the largest workforce and raw material in the entire Federation. A strict system, thought the lower officials seem to lack innovation. They are also able to produce the highest number in tonnage of ship annually and able to field a high amount of material ant any given time.
Formed from once-small nations, PAC is well-known for its diplomatic prowess - as well as a well-trained, high morale armed forces to back up its power. While not having the most economic power, the state-member itself is the best land for investment and a dream land for small entrepreneurs. Even if the Communist Party is holding power in the region.
WEC, once a economic powerhouse, is now a shadow of itself - mostly thanks to World War Three. However, the state is the origin of multiple engineering achievements. It is considered that the best-quality vehicles are made in WEC, by WEC, with WEC standard, of course, the cold, distant and over-professional attitude of the populace has been giving tourists some trouble.
There are great computer scientists and engineers, then there are Indians. This stereotype stays true for DRI for countless years, despite the attempts of Bollywood in introducing other sides of the society. Considering that the best AIs are programmed by Indians, that fame would stick with them for a long time - along with the stigma of high poor rate.
Former enemy and "trouble-nation" of the world, SAA is reclaiming its position with the production of spices , silks as well as having the most beautiful landscape. Religion travel is popular, even if being watched closely by the security. The main problem in the area is facing is drug cartels, who are practically a power unto themselves.
EoS, another black sheep of the Federation in whispers, has become a valuable member of the Terran. Being the breadbasket of the whole Fed has its own benefits after all. Originated from Africa, they are the one who understand the severity of poverty and huger, leading them to enjoy the lowest gap between rich and poor. However, there is little room for easy investment for foreign fund.
UTK, originated from the Trouble Spot of the 21st century, is still a power exporter - they simply change from fossil fuel to fission/fussion and anti-matter power. It is said that their prayers (to their Gods) everyday keep them from having those explosive factories blowing up in their faces. However, they are also suffering from the highest poverty rate and inadequate armed forces.

/File closed/

You need to do your homework, Blazer. Deadline is due in three days' time... Set automatic reminder at 8:00PM tonight.
- Maria, Personal Assistant, MRA-198

I hope that this is... suffice to introduce the alternate System Alliance.

Please Read and Review. Thanks for your support