United States
Hello, here I'll be posting a Primarch Creation Table. I want to see you create a Primarch and his Legion, I want to see how the Universe of Warhammer 40k play out with these men in place of the original guys. In laymen's terms, we'll basically be wondering 'What-If?' with these guys, and possibly writing short fluff stories about them and their Legions.

You ready? Let's Go!
Primarch Homeworld (Roll 1d100):
[0-25] Hive World: This Primarch either has a sense of justice, or has taken over the planet as a ruling lord of all.

[26-30] Feral World: A wild and untamed Primarch, very protective of any possible facial hair or has tribal tattoos on his body.

[31-45] Death World: Strong and Hardy, this Primarch is made of some tough material to survive in a world like this.

[46-50] Forge World: A master of the Forge or a heroic warrior who freed his people, has a preference for cybernetic implants, even if he has none.

[51-60] Civilized World: Not much can be said about this Primarch, save for the fact that they are quite calm and open minded.

[61-70] Agri World: Grew up on the farm, hardworking and appreciative of the Emperor. Is quite bored, and loves combat.

[71-80] Xenos World: An odd sense comes from him, as if he had spent his entire life living a major lie. He doesn't hate xenos as much as his brothers, or at all.

[81-90] Isolated World: Grew up alone and abandoned, doesn't like to be around people much and prefers to be around animals.

[91-100] Fleet: Accidentally crash landed upon a nomadic fleet, and was taken in by one of the many workers up until he matured.

Homeworld Terrain (1d100, Disregard if Fleet Based):
[1-25] Jungle: Deep within the green forests rested a great champion, one resistant to any disease and capable of slaying great creatures.

[26-50] Desert: Under the burning sun, the Primarch lived and thrived among the people as a symbol of some sort.

[51-60] Ice/Tundra: Growing up in the cold tundras have changed this Primarch, as he has lasted where most would perish.

[61-65] Ocean: Having survived the oceans, they either lived upon the beaches or continent where the people lived and thrived.

[66-75] Wasteland: Despite initial troubles, this Primarch proved hardy enough to weather the radioactive wastes and insane tribes to survive.

[76-80] Urban: A large sprawling city had been the home of the Primarch, who enjoyed a simple life up until the Emperor found him.

[81-85] Toxic: Being forced to adapt to this environment, they may have a few mutations or odd quirks from years of living here.

[86-90] Volcanic: This ash blasted wasteland is home to the Primarch, who recalls this place with a disturbing nostalgia.

[91-100] Temperate: Not much happened here, and the Primarch didn't have to do much to conquer it.

Mutations (1d100):
[1-20] No Mutation: Was is by divine bloodline that he escaped being tainted, or was it something else at play?
[21-30] Wings: Be they angel or demonic wings, this Primarch and some of his sons have usable wings that prove useful in battle.
[31-40] Grand Psyker: Their mind is powerful, matched only by the Emperor. This Primarch seeks enlightenment, or is quite able with his psychic ability.
[41-45] Pariah: No psychic ability to speak of, nothing besides an inability to read others, or some other oddity about them.
[46-55] Imminent Death: Whatever it is, they are destined to die soon. They have either made peace with it, or are trying everything they can to stop it.
[56-65] Perpetual: Able to resurrect from all but the most unusual of phenomenon, they can be brought back from death.
[66-75] Visions Of The Future: Either by divine or demonic intervention, they gain flashes of the future in short bursts.
[76-85] Bestial Appearance: Having been corrupted, these Primarchs have traits similar to the beasts of their homeworld.
[86-95] Weakened Body: The Warp has weakened them, to the point they are just a bit stronger than the Space Marines yet weaker than their brothers.
[96-100] Other/Unknown: Nothing is known about their mutation, just that they keep it under wraps and hidden away from the public.

His adopted parents were… (Roll 1d35):
[1-5] Rulers or Noble Class
[6-10] Scientist/Blacksmith
[11-15] A Working Class Family
[16-20] Wild Animals
[21-25] Abandoned, feared by the people.
[26-30] Village Raised
[31-35] Military Raised

How did they conquer their homeworld? (Roll 1d14):
[1-2] Came to Power Peacefully
[3-4] Came To Power Violently
[5-6] Led an unsuccessful rebellion against the Rulers
[7-8] Fought off invading empires and enemies of their family/order/kingdom/people.
[8-9] Uplifted the standard of technology and living. (Only applies to Low Tech Worlds)
[10-11] Fought off unknown creatures that nearly destroyed his Homeworld, the only time the Primarch has been afraid.
[12-14] Banished a Daemon back to the Warp after it had attacked his people, giving him an insight to a world beyond his own.

Contact With The Emperor Of Mankind (Roll 1d10)
[1-2] Known: He expected his father or some other figure to arrive.
[3-4] Bad Blood: His father had accidentally or knowingly angered his son, starting a grudge.
[5-6] Friendly: Despite not knowing him, he welcomed his father with open arms.
[7-8] Force: Was brought into the Imperium by force, not exactly happy about it.
[9-10] Aggressive: The Primarch thought him an enemy force, and in turn raised an army against him, only to be crushed by superior might.

Primarch Personality (Roll three times, reroll if it's contradictory--Roll a 1d20):
[1] Honest
[2] Compassionate
[3] Underhanded
[4] Nihilistic
[5] Short Tempered
[6] Optimistic
[7] Pious
[8] Paranoid
[9] Atheist
[10] Anti-Psyker
[11] Psychotic
[12] Academic
[13] Blood Lust
[14] Split Personality
[15] Charismatic
[16] Bitter
[17] Stoic
[18] Stubborn
[19] Perfectionist
[20] Pragmatic

Relationship with Legion (Roll 1d5):
[1] Fanatic: They would follow him into the Eye Of Terror if he commanded them to.
[2] Loyal: They are not blindly loyal, instead they would follow his commands as a soldier would.
[3] Old/New Divide: There is a schism between his veterans and rookies, nothing too bad, right?
[4] Emperor Above All: The Marines look to his father more often than him, but still respect him.
[5] Loathed: Either secretly or openly loathed, they don't like their Primarch one bit.

Legion Tactics (Roll 1d10):
[1] Close Combat
[2] Ranged Combat
[3] Armoured Assault
[4] Stealth (Insurgency and or General Covert Ops)
[5] Lightning Strike
[6] Psychic Warfare
[7] Void Warfare
[8] Siege
[9] Chemical/Biological Warfare
[10] Terror

Now write in the rest of the fluff, give him a name, title, and whatever you want his legion to be called. You can also give him weapons, special armor, and maybe even elite soldiers if you have the capacity for it.
Welp, here we go.

Primarch Homeworld:
78- Xenos World: An odd sense comes from him, as if he had spent his entire life living a major lie. He doesn't hate xenos as much as his brothers, or at all.

Homeworld Terrain:
41 - Desert: Under the burning sun, the Primarch lived and thrived among the people as a symbol of some sort.

82 - Bestial Appearance: Having been corrupted, these Primarchs have traits similar to the beasts of their homeworld.
Animal - Desert Fox

His adopted parents were…:
5 - Rulers or Noble Class

How did they conquer their homeworld?:
2 - Came to Power Peacefully

Contact With The Emperor Of Mankind
2 - Known: He expected his father or some other figure to arrive.

Primarch Personality:
7 - Pious
6 - Optimistic
20 - Pragmatic

Relationship with Legion:
2 - Loyal: They are not blindly loyal, instead they would follow his commands as a soldier would.

Legion Tactics:
3 - Armoured Assault

Primarch - Janus Tarein Ranar
Legion: The Light Bringers
Warcry - 'The Dawn comes'
Homeworld - Tarerus
Allegiance - Imperium of Man
Colors - Beige (Colour of desert sand) with black outlines
Legion Symbol - A Golden Sunburst (The Dawn caste mark from Exalted)
Legion Banner - 'Praise the Sun'

Alright, since no one else has posted in a while. I'll get the ball rolling again.

(31) Primarch Homeworld:
Death World: Strong and Hardy, this Primarch is made of some tough material to survive in a world like this.

(53) Homeworld Terrain:
Ice/Tundra: Growing up in the cold tundras have changed this Primarch, as he has lasted where most would perish.

(48) Mutations:
Imminent Death: Whatever it is, they are destined to die soon. They have either made peace with it, or are trying everything they can to stop it. (Wow, so he's from an Icy Death World and suffering from possible organ failure.)

(10) Adopted Parents:
Blacksmith (Are you really going to find a Scientist on a Death World?)

(5) Conquered Their Homeworld via:
Led an unsuccessful rebellion against the Rulers

(6) First Contact With The Emperor: Friendly:
Despite not knowing him, he welcomed his father with open arms.

Personality Traits:
(13) Blood Lust (Spending some time with Russ, haven't we?)
(2) Compassionate
(15) Charismatic (Ah, so it's like Sanguinius was thrown onto Fenris. But instead of getting wings, he instead has terminal illness.)

Relationship with his Legion:
(5) Old/New Divide: The veterans and rookies don't exactly get along.

Legion Combat Doctrine:
(6) Psychic Warfare...

I have a great idea, this is going to be awesome.

Primarch Name: Arwystli Clyde
Legion Name: Storm Guard
Warcry: "The storm's call has been unleashed!"
Homeworld: Cicero
Legion Colors: Slate/Teal/White
Legion Symbol: Winter's Aegis (Shield w/ sword behind it. Has a snowflake on the front)
Banner: Fear The Storm

If anyone feels like writing fluff, I'm all ears.

EDIT: No wait I'll do the fluff.

Cicero was always a cold world, being far from its star yet close enough that it could support life on its surface. This planet was home to multiple warring tribes, each of them fighting for resources and land. But it was always locked into a constant state of warfare, as when one tribe gained an advantage it would burn itself out in an effort to conquer the surrounding lands. An endless cycle, and a pointless one.

But this would soon change, as a strange pod crashed into the icy lake nearby an old Blacksmith's shop. This man was named Adrian Clyde, and he was nearing his fiftieth year of living on Cicero. Adrian had failed to protect his family from a raid sent by one of the opposing tribes, and soon after had thrown himself into his work to forget. But it seemed that fate had other plans, as he was granted a gift from the Gods.

After fishing the pod up from the icy depths of the lake, he found a young boy resting in there as if nothing had happened. His hair was a shining silver, and when he opened his eyes they shined like the ice blue skies above Cicero. Adrian took him in, and soon named him Arwystli, after his father before him. Training the boy, he raised him up right and taught him valuable lessons about life. That it was often short, and cruel to those unprepared for its hardships that would no doubt befall him.

Years later, Adrian had passed away after Arwystli had turned twenty four, and the young man took over his father's business. He forged weapons, armor, and other such useful items for the tribe. Yet these were much better in quality that what they had before. Soon, Arwystli had become an important member of the tribe. This newfound art of forging had led to his tribe gaining more territory and resources than ever before, but it seems like fate had other plans to conspire against him.

One of the neighboring tribes had heard of this 'Blacksmith of Frost', and soon told the others about it. Fearing what would happen, they agreed to a temporary truth until the threat to their homes was eliminated. Meanwhile, Arywstli had unveiled a newfound ability of his. He was a Psyker, while not as strong as one of his brothers, he was quite capable on his homeworld. After this newfound power revealed itself, Arywstli led the best warriors of his tribe against the united enemy.

However, a dark power was held by one of the opposing tribe leaders. A blade imbued with a dark force, the blade constantly shifted form. One day it could be a spear, another an axe. But it was most suited for being a sword, its favored form. The tribe leader who fought Arywstli, attacked him with this blade. The blade had left a lasting mark, one that would only reveal itself years later. After his army had been beaten down, Arwystli felt his body slowly dying. His lower body soon became weak, and couldn't support him.

Leading his tribe from his newfound throne, the man felt himself dying day by day. It appeared the Gods themselves had forsaken him, and it was only by the timely arrival of the Emperor himself that he was saved. With his best physicians and Techpriests, they were able to fashion a suit of armor for Arwystli that would allow him to enter and exit as he needed. This is often attributed to being the first true Dreadnought, one fit for a Primarch. Grateful for his father's intervention, Arwystli Clyde had taken command over the XIII Legion, and named it after an order of warriors from his childhood. However, the time between Arwystli being able to exit his armor has been shortened, with him only to get minutes worth of sunlight upon him in fleeting moments. He takes his building rage out upon the enemies of his father, and desperately tries to figure out what had done this to him.
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90 Homeworld-Isolated World
53 Homeworld Terrain-Ice/Tundra
21 Mutations-Wings
11 Adopted parents-Working class family
4 Conquered-Came to power violently
7 Contact with Emperor-Brought into the Imperium by force
10 Personality 1-Anti-psyker
19 Personality 2-Perfectionist
15 Personality 3-Charismatic
4 Legion Relationship-Emperor above all
1 Legion Tactics-Close combat

I'm Sigismund with wings and a smile. Violently overthrew the psyker elite who had controlled the planet since the Age of Strife, raised by working class trappers/hunters. Used my wings to get in close to RIP AND TEAR. Resisted the Emperor because of the "hey, you're a dictatorial psyker elite" thing, bad memories and all. Legion specializes in drop pod and jet pack assault right on top of their foes to RIP AND TEAR them apart and open up holes for the Imperial Army to pour through.
(55) Homeworld
Civilized World

(71) Homeworld Terrain
Wasteland: So basically pockets of Semi-advanced Civilization, with the rest of the world being a Nuclear Wasteland. So Fallout in the Southwest.

Other: I'm going to say this means the Primarch is Female, though isn't hiding it because that would be silly.

(3)Adopted Parents
Rulers or Noble Class

(10)How did they conquer their homeworld?
Fought off unknown creatures that nearly destroyed her Homeworld, the only time the Primarch has been afraid. So not a daemon but something that is scary enough to terrify a Primarch. Hmmm

(3)Contact With The Emperor
Bad Blood

(2, 10,16) Primarch Personality
Compassionate, Anti-Pysker, Bitter

(3)Relationship with Legion
Old/New Divide: Terran Marines Don't get along with the rest of the Legion

(1) Legion Tactics
Close Combat

Primarch Name: High Queen Mordred
Legion: Knights Eternal
Planet: Caerleon

Caerleon is a harsh world, most of little more than blackened, radioactive wasteland. Human survives in various shielded Fortress Cities and Underground Empires ruled over by Neo-Feudal Lords and Kings. It was into this where Mordred, Primarch of the Second Legion landed. Found by High King Tristan on an expedition out into the blasted wastes. Surviving in a zone where even a human outside their power armor would quickly fall to radiation poisoning. She was taken in and raised by the High King and his wife, along with their three other kids. Mordred grew rapidly, and soon her marital prowess became obvious. By Thirteen she was the strongest and most skilled warrior in her father's kingdom, fighting off all manner of raider and Rad-beast in a custom suit of heavy power armor. The High King never intended for her to Rule, that duty belonged to his son and heir, but he believed she could be the greatest general the Fortress Kingdom had ever known.

Then things went terribly wrong. It started subtly, patrols vanishing, expeditions to ruins never returning. But soon it escalated, entire Underground nations vanishing without warning. Then they appeared at one of the Kingdom's outposts, one manned by Mordred. They were Machines that resembled black skeletons, with weapons that glowed sickly green and could reduce a man to nothing but ash in moments. Mordred fought as hard as she could, rallying nearby allies, mustering the largest force the kingdom had ever raised, and developing new weapons and tactics as fast as she could. But it wasn't enough, for the first time in her life. Mordred was losing.

At this point, Tristan snapped. His mind cracking from intense fear and stress. He summoned a cabal of Sorcerers And Witches, rare on Caerleon but not unheard of, and beseeched them to find someway, anyway to win the war. The Cabal had sacrificed two of her adopted siblings before Mordred discovered what happened. Mordred dealt with the Cabal, and her insane foster-father, in one single bloody night. The incident would leave her with a lasting distrust of pyskers.

Normally Kinslaying was the worst crime one could commit on Caerleon, but Tristan had given two of his own kids to the witches, Mordred's actions were more than understandable. Her surviving sister yielded the crown to Mordred. With renewed zeal, Mordred was able to rally the surviving Kingdoms of Caerleon into a grand alliance against the invaders. Still, the battle was bloody, millions dying in a matter of hours. The invaders were defeated though, disappearing after Mordred drove her sword through the skull of the enemy leader.

Victory brought little comfort for Mordred, many had been lost, her family was all but gone. And she could still hear the words of the cyclopean monster she had fought echoing inside her head. She very much doubted these machines had truly been dealt with.

Five years later, the Emperor arrived. Mordred, now High King of all Caerleon, at first greeted him warmly. In private, talk soon turned to the invaders from below, Mordred Explained in great detail what had happened. The Emperor quickly ended the meeting without explanation, leaving her Palace and marching his Custodes into one of the abandoned bunker empires. They emerged Two week later, the Custodes numbers reduced by a quarter and the Emperor looking considerably worse for wear.

The Emperor, much to Mordred's Shock and Anger, quickly swore her to never discuss what had happened or what she had fought to anyone, not her brothers, not her Legion. And Caerleon itself was put under quarantine, the only ones allowed off planet were those recruited into the Legion and they all had their minds scrubbed of any knowledge of the Machines during indoctrination.

Mordred agreed to Serve the Emperor, but she never forgave him. Her resentment towards him seeping those of the legion born on Caerleon, even if they no longer remember what had happened.

Mordred Favors close combat tactics, as those had shockingly proved far more effective against the Machines then ranged. On the battlefield she fights in a massive suit of power armor, a combination of Adeptus Mechanius and Ancient Caerleon Tech, while wielding a pale sword that glows sickly green. A war trophy recovered from her final Battle against the Machines.

So Yeah, Basically Brotherhood of Steel from Fallout, but more Feudal government. Fought Against the Necrons, Foster Father went nuts, and she's pissed The Emperor forbade her from talking about the Necrons with anyone.
So Yeah, Basically Brotherhood of Steel from Fallout, but more Feudal government. Fought Against the Necrons, Foster Father went nuts, and she's pissed The Emperor forbade her from talking about the Necrons with anyone.
Awesome, that was just awesome.

Also, I'm fucking giddy because the person who inspired me is here. Is that natural?
Sure! Always glad to hear more ideas.
Personally I think their should be more mutations but all I have so far is "Twins" ,"Female" (As I've said before, a female primarch is a pretty mild change compared to what we see in canon), and Disappearing (Can make themselves invisible, like Corax)

Other roll ideas I have (going to leave them with dice rolls because I'm not sure what would be best)

Brothers and Rivals (Roll Once for the Primarch they are are closest too and another time for the Primarch they got along with the least)
Lion El'Jonson
Jaghatai Khan
Leman Russ
Rogal Dorn
Konrad Curze
Ferrus Manus
Roboute Guilliman
Magnus the Red
Horus Lupercal
Lorgar Aurelian
Corvus Corax
Alpharius Omegon
Roll twice (Double the Friends and/or Double the Rivals)

Note that that can before ignored if they just want to do all OC primarchs.

When was the Primarch Found
Earliest: They were the First Primarch Found
Early: Only one or Two Primarchs were Found Before them
Middle: Middle of the Great Crusade
Last: They were the last Primarch Found, a Scant 50 Years before the Heresy

Also should be one for Legion Reputation in the Imperium and Most Notable Campaign during the Great Crusade but I don't have the time at the moment to flesh those ideas out.
k i'm gonna have a go at creation one i am going to use the site roller though so give me fer minutes after i post to do the rolls. :3
edit 1: okay can't fight the site roller so i need to bring up one from the net.
edit 2: i'm using this site so i can't show evidence for my rolls. https://www.wizards.com/d20modern/d20mdice/dice.htm
edit 3:
Primarch Homeworld (Roll 1d100):
37: [31-45] Death World: Strong and Hardy, this Primarch is made of some tough material to survive in a world like this.
Homeworld Terrain (1d100, Disregard if Fleet Based):
53: [51-60] Ice/Tundra: Growing up in the cold tundras have changed this Primarch, as he has lasted where most would perish.
Mutations (1d100):
76: [76-85] Bestial Appearance: Having been corrupted, these Primarchs have traits similar to the beasts of their homeworld.
Vulpes lagopus or the arctic fox
His adopted parents were… (Roll 1d35):
17: [16-20] Wild Animals.
How did they conquer their homeworld? (Roll 1d14):
11: [10-11] Fought off unknown creatures that nearly destroyed his Homeworld, the only time the Primarch has been afraid.
Contact With The Emperor Of Mankind (Roll 1d10)
1: [1-2] Known: He expected his father or some other figure to arrive.
Primarch Personality (Roll three times, reroll if it's contradictory--Roll a 1d20):
13: [13] Blood Lust.
13: so needed reroll
20: [20] Pragmatic
15: [15] Charismatic
Relationship with Legion (Roll 1d5):
1: [1] Fanatic: They would follow him into the Eye Of Terror if he commanded them to.
Legion Tactics (Roll 1d10):
4: [4] Stealth (Insurgency and or General Covert Ops)

the world of Jaghut is an interesting world first settled in the 14th millennium in the segmentum solar a frozen death world it was settled for three reasons, the first of which and initial reason to study the unique and deadly wildlife that lives there that gained the interest of scientists, the second of which was as a training ground for troops that would be useful in being trained in such extreme conditions. the 3rd an final reason being the veins of adamantium that run through the world which while uncommon are useful in the creation of weapons and armour.

in the year of 767 of M30 a pod containing a primarch crashed to the ground in the little inhabited far north of the world it was in this location where the primarch aput nukilik would live for the first 12 years of his life he would be raised by a skulk of arctic foxes. by the time he was 16 there were many legends about him that the people of Jaghut spread about him some based off of his ferocity in battle others based off the way he could seemingly disappear in even the lightest of snows. he would be given his name which in Gothic means snow one who is strong.
edit 3: i'm stopping for a bit as i had been writing this background up in another tab but i accidentally just closed the tab and can't get any of what i wrote back and i just don't feel up to writing it up again right now.
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Primarch Homeworld (Roll 1d100): 28
[26-30] Feral World: A wild and untamed Primarch, very protective of any possible facial hair or has tribal tattoos on his body.

Homeworld Terrain (1d100, Disregard if Fleet Based): 13
[1-25] Jungle: Deep within the green forests rested a great champion, one resistant to any disease and capable of slaying great creatures.

Mutations (1d100): 5
[1-20] No Mutation: Was is by divine bloodline that he escaped being tainted, or was it something else at play?

His adopted parents were… (Roll 1d35): 30
[26-30] Village Raised

How did they conquer their homeworld? (Roll 1d14): 3
[3-4] Came To Power Violently

Contact With The Emperor Of Mankind (Roll 1d10): 9
[9-10] Aggressive: The Primarch thought him an enemy force, and in turn raised an army against him, only to be crushed by superior might.

Primarch Personality (Roll three times, reroll if it's contradictory--Roll a 1d20): 20, 7, 9, 15
[7] Pious
[15] Charismatic
[20] Pragmatic

Relationship with Legion (Roll 1d5): 3
[3] Old/New Divide: There is a schism between his veterans and rookies, nothing too bad, right?

Legion Tactics (Roll 1d10): 3
[3] Armoured Assault
Dice pls

Primarch Name: Aurekh Varak
Legion Name: Steel Crusaders
Warcry: "For the Eternal Crusade!"
Homeworld: Kyros IV "Aunides"
Legion Colours: Steel/Azure
Legion Symbol: Armoured Hunt (Crossed spears with a Predator Tank in the background)
Banner: Unrelenting Victory
Aunides was, and still is, an unforgiving world. The fourth world of the Kyros system is covered by its massive jungles, encroaching upon all traces of civilisation and hiding many threats. Yet its tribal inhabitants have learned to coexist upon it, thriving in their hunts and fighting against the predators that stalk their world. The humans were by no means united against the fauna, instead warring for hunting areas and to protect their gathering spots, although coalitions would sporadically occur during the times when a tribe would try to expand too much, leading to much instability and decades of skirmishes even after the threat had gone to re-establish a status quo.

It is upon this world of divided clans and often hostile fauna and flora that Aurekh arrived. A bright comet burning a streak through the jungles near the holdings of Clan Varak, of Tribe Isketh, during the hours approaching dusk. The clan had over the millennia during the Long Night risen and fallen amongst the tribes of Aunides, but had managed to escape its absorption into its rivals, and was growing in numbers once again. The Child of the Stars, flawless in his form, was given to the shamans of the clan, seen to be too holy to be used as a weapon of the tribe, and the holy men named him "Aurekh", Child of the Sun.

Yet Aurekh quickly learned all that the shamans could teach him, including the dangerous mystical arts the natives practiced, and moved on to learning amongst from the rest of the clan. He learned much from the clan, before learning from the tribe as a whole as well. He quickly impressed the tribe in not only his theoretical knowledge, but also his practical skills. Weapon-making, hunting, gathering, strategy, tactics, fighting, yet also philosophy, medicine (what could pass for it on the world), economics, bartering, rhetoric, oratory, and most importantly for him, religion.

Already by his 7th Name Day, Aurekh had grown as tall as most men, and proven himself with an even sharper mind and deadly skills. The tribe grew to accept him as a leader, divinely appointed by the Sun God, head of most of Aurekh's pantheons, to lead the peoples of the world. In a grand speech, he made the Isketh tribe recognise him as their chief, and Aurekh of Clan Varak began his mission to unite the world.

Most tribes refused to recognise his divinity, seeing only an upstart hoping to lead the Isketh Tribe to supremacy over the region, but a few agreed to meet with the Isketh and see for themselves this divine offspring. These tribes would almost all proclaim their loyalty to the Child of the Sun, and those that didn't suffered from internal conflicts as clans fought against the tribes they belonged to. Making use of his great intellect and tactical aptitude, Aurekh broke the defiant tribes within weeks, and brought them under his banner.

From then on, a four decade long series of skirmishes, wars, and vassals marked the influence and strength of Aurekh. Many of the greater tribes banded together with their local weaker tribes, forming Grand Coalitions to fight off the growing Isketh threat. For the first time in millennia, thousands of Aunides locals were brought to fight at the same time, with the Spears of Light, Aurekh's personal warband, leading the offensives.

Aurekh himself had only grown stronger and wiser throughout these decades. Now almost at 50 years of age, he towered above any other native, and could beat every predator that could be found on the planet bare-handed. His intelligence was uncontested upon Aunides, his tactics and strategies undefeated by his opponents, his rule uncontested both in the commanding circles and the shadowy clan gatherings, and his theological and philosophical arguments unchallengeable in discussions. His greatest accomplishments were tattooed upon his skin, creating a small tapestry of deeds and victories across his upper back. For the feral worlders of Aunides, Aurekh Varak was a demi-god walking amongst the mortals, with a divine task to unite the world under his rule, so that he may finally ascend back next to his father, the Sun God.

This task would finally be completed when Aurekh reached his 52nd Name Day. From that point on, he reorganised the planet under his rule. Many tribes and clans back at the beginning of his conquest had forgotten about their overlord, and compliance would be re-established. His great warbands would scour across the globe for eight years, enforcing his authority once more on the regions, as he built a grand autocratic empire, which he named the Solar Regency. The Solar Regency was to be his greatest accomplishment, a realm that would be heavily centralised at its core, with a union of a dozen tribes forming the Grand Tribe Solaris, which would form the recruiting bloc of his permanent warbands, and the administrative core. The jungles near the capital were cut down to try out the theories on cultivating Aurekh had, as well as remove the habitat for the more dangerous predators, leaving only sufficient foliage to accommodate the lesser predators and herbivores.

But his plans would be crushed. He received reports a few weeks after his 60th Name Day that the Varak clan, acting as regional overseers of their area, had not reported for their month. Expecting it to be his Divine Father having sent his envoys to call him back, as he had the great divine presence approaching over the past years, he scryed to his old home. What he found shattered his hopes. Giants clad in grey had destroyed the Isketh tribe and all inhabitants. Further scrying revealed that the Grey Giants had landed en masse in the area, and subjugated the local tribes and clans through force. He also personally saw constructs flying through the skies. Angered and defiant, Aurekh took the name Varak as his last name, and as Aurekh Varak, Regent of the Sun God on Aunides, he gathered all the tribes for war against the Grey Giants.

Tens of thousands of warriors heeded the call, and Aurekh Varak launched the Holy War of Reclamation on the Grey Giants in a massive march towards his old home. His scrying, in support of the shaman council had revealed that the Grey Giants had mustered less than a thousand men, but that a dozen Bronze Giants accompanied a divine being. This had brought them onto more theological debates, but ultimately they agreed that it was a rival deity, who wished to impose his will and usurp the rightful Sun God from his throne.

The Exalted March concluded with the Army of Divine Reclamation charging at the Grey Giants and their Bronze Elites at the break of Dawn. What should have been a uncontested victory upon the servants of a rival deity turned into a one-sided massacre of the faithful. The Grand Warband reduced to a meagre few hundreds within a quarter of an hour, while the enemy had taken only two casualties: Grey Giants who had engaged him and perished after a long fight. Despite the losses, the remaining hundreds of soldiers refused to abandon Aurekh, preferring to die rather than disgrace themselves before the Sun God. As the Grey Giants were prepared to finish the feral worlders, the Copper Giants grabbed their attention as the Golden Giant approached the survivors, having taken on many promising champions Aunides had offered and cut their life short. When the Golden Giant removed his helmet, Aurekh Varak understood that he committed the greatest sin, for who could mistake the might of his father, His radiance. dropping on his knees amidst the pools of blood, he bowed to Him, asking for repentance.

The Emperor of Mankind, as the God called Himself, denied His Godhood, claiming to be only a man, yet in Aurekh's eyes, no man could shine brighter than the sun, and no man could sire children untouched by time, or unmatched in their physical and mental strengths. He accepted the Solar Regent's pleas for repentance, and granted him thirteen thousand sons, to lead to war against His enemies, as well as the full support of the Imperium of Man in his reign over Aunides. Aurekh, however, would not accept the second boon, for he realised that the harsh fauna and threatening flora would only make the people of Aunides stronger, more capable to join the Emperor in His endeavours.

Aurekh Varak did not get along well with his Legionnaires, but he still strove to have them serve in the best of their capabilities in the service of his Father. He learned the realities of warfare from the Praetor of the Legion, as well as the technological advances through the Tech-Marines. The new realities of the soldiers he fought with were made clear thanks to the Apothecary, and the realities of the sorceries he had participated were illuminated by the Librarians. The Primarch reforged his Legion as a fully mechanised force, built around the heavy vehicles the Priesthood of Mars offered. He grew close to his commanding staff, but had difficulties approaching his younger sons. His views of the Godly nature of the Emperor drew little support, although they all agreed He was more than human, and He would often berate Aurekh for it. The neophytes drawn from Aunides, however, agreed with him.

The Primarch secured the loyalty of practically the entire legion, but frictions occurred due to the views expressed. Only the recruits from Aunides and a few odd worlds would agree with him, but professionalism and pragmatism forced him to accept that his insight on the nature of his Father would have to remain something that he would bear alone. At least, until he found a Brother on Colchis...​
All right lets do this

Primarch Name: Quinten Ascalom
Homeworld (Roll 21 ) Hive World
Homeworld ( Roll 62) oceanic terrain
Mutations ( Roll 37 ) grand Psyker
Adopted parents ( 13 ) working class
Came to power ( 14 ) banished a demon
Meeting with emperor (10) Aggressive
Personality (2, 3, 20) compassionate, underhanded, pragmatic
Legion relationship (5) loathed
Battle tactics (5) lightning strike

Story in next post
The child who would become Quinten Ascalom started life crashing into one of the many under cities of Nevarus 4, a world made famous for its waters and infamous for its decadent five hive cities.

Found and raised by a couple that worked at one of the many water treatment plants. As a child, he grew to great heights yearly and many assumed him to be a sort of mutant, but the workers culture supported his development, as they needed those of great strength in the treatment facility. When it was discovered that he was a Psyker, he was told to keep those powers secret as many would either kill him or take him into their cults. Thankful for their advice he kept quiet, lied about his history, and sparingly stole information from those that he felt emnity towards.

Overtime, Quinten developed a strong compassion for his fellow workers and ingratiated himself with the people, both human and abhuman. Eventually he wished to make a better place for his people and endeavored to do so, but not through base war but rather along series of sabotages and a quick blinding attack.

This went on for fifty years before he took his first hive city and spent the next few years quickly redistributing resources for greater efficiency and use, whilst also removing the various cults that would impede this effort. He then sought to repeat the process on the next three hives. However his campaign would come to grinding halt when the final hive city enacted its plan to stop him.

The various cults joined an uneasy alliance and unleashed hordes of demons to act as shock troops. This was a double edged sword, as even though Quinten's forces faced great losses, the demons turned on the hive city's soldiers and people turning a functional hive into a scene of nightmarish travesty.

As his forces fought back he was faced with myriad lies about his fate. These lies only caused him to fight harder until the only obstacle left were grand palace. Instead of charging directly in, he ordered his men to pull back and overload any and all facilities that would keep the hive stable and called for the hive to be return to the sea, hoping that the leaders who pushed for this massacre drowned in the city they tried to defend.

Years later, the Emperor came and feeling a similar presence as the ones in the city Quinten called his various men to arms in defense. They did not succeed. It was only after a long battle was the world taken and Quinten was brought before the Emperor of Man. While the words exchanged between them were unknown, two things were assured the emperor had gained Quintens loyalty and enmity. He left the planet to the garrision of left there as well as his own men.

His time in Terra was tumultous. Many of the things he fought against were present and even glorified on the birthplace of man and none criticized his views more than the legion meant fir his command. While medium sized the legion had a history of successful military campaigns and strategies that would rapidly take planets and leave to take another. Between Quintens slow than quick attack, his acceptance of psykers, and mutants to act as auxiliaries to his men and not servants infuruated them. This would lead to a great schism between terran space marines and off workd legions.

Legion name: Astral Tides
Legion War Cry: Dash them against the tides, dash them against the sky.
Legion color: Emerald (main) Sand brown (secondary)
Legion symbol: Stylized Tidal wave
Banner: inescapable approach
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So I just re-read the thread and noticed Teen Spirit's post about primarch relations and time of discovery. So I thought I'd expand on the character using the list that was provided by Teen Spirit. Thanks man for idea!

Primarch Relationships; Friendly
(Roll 13): Magnus The Red
(Roll 9): Ferrus Manus
(Roll 2): Fulgrim

Primarch Relationships; Antagonistic
(Roll 5): Leman Russ
(Roll 15): Lorgrar Aurelian
(Roll 11) Roboute Guilliman

Time of Discovery:
(Roll 3): Middle of the Great Crusade
So I just re-read the thread and noticed Teen Spirit's post about primarch relations and time of discovery. So I thought I'd expand on the character using the list that was provided by Teen Spirit. Thanks man for idea!

Primarch Relationships; Friendly
(Roll 13): Magnus The Red
(Roll 9): Ferrus Manus
(Roll 2): Fulgrim

Primarch Relationships; Antagonistic
(Roll 5): Leman Russ
(Roll 15): Lorgrar Aurelian
(Roll 11) Roboute Guilliman

Time of Discovery:
(Roll 3): Middle of the Great Crusade

Short excerpts from the personal journals of Primarch Ascalom regardings his views of the Primarchs of the III , X, and XV legions according to sanctioned records of Imperial Remebrancers.

Magnus is a master of the warp, I cannot say much more than that. What he finds trivial, I find wondrous. If I had had a mere fraction of his forces, nay just a taste of his knowledge, then disaster of Hive City Trocer would have never happened. I have promised many times and many times have I followed through on that promise to help him discover ways to halt and even reverse the physical degeneration of his sons.With our combined might and knowledge, I think we just might be able to do it. Although I do wish he would consider his quests for knowledge with greater caution. There are things out there that may do him harm that I cannot speak about...

Ferrus is one I am proud to call brother. His devotion to completing his projects to absolute certainty as well as his ability to look beyond himself is something that I wish some of my other brothers and although I loathe to refer to him as such, my gene father had the foresight for. When this bloody Crusade is over and done with, I will wish my brother the greatest of luck in instilling the idea that flesh does not mean weakness into his men. I know he can do it. I just wish I had the same control over my legion...

Fulgrim and I did not necessarily start out with the greatest of relationships. I am frugal compared to brothers and his apparent opulence disgusted me, but when I learned of the fate that befell his legion and his ambition to strive for perfection, that was what won me over to him. We would talk about many things and while I rarely partake in luxuries, his attention to details and tastes would be greatly appreciatley when his and mine marines served with each other. In fact, he reminds of some of the corraletes we used to find in the sluice gates back home. As children we were told frequently to stay away from them as they extremely dangerous. They were beautiful and entrancing in appearance and yet so quick to strike that many would not even feel the sting of their barbs before the poison took them...

Short excerpts of Primarch Ascalom's views regarding the Primarchs of the VI, XVII, and XIII Legions according to sanctioned records of Imperial Rembrancers.

If I were a liar, I would call Leman Russ a great and noble warrior, but the words would be dust in my mouth. Leman is anything but noble. Great yes, his battle prowess is a terrifying thing to see. But where his sons and the Emperor see one of greatest warriors of their cause, I see little more than a rabid dog. He is the reason I sent so many fanatics to die as canon fodder and why I still do so today. I know he is capable of reasonable thought. He is not the lunatic beast that so many of his men devolve into, but his hatred of Psychers is seconded only by Mortarion. I wonder about many things regarding my brothers, but two things stand out in my mind when it comes to Leman. The first is that I wonder if he hates Psychers because he isn't one himself, and that his stupid rants of honor and glory are not born of envy. The second and more concerning thought is when, not if, but when Leman creates an excuse to turn his blade towards me, or when the Emperor gives him one...

I once read in the great Libraries of Terra of an oath that soldiers of a fallen kingdom took long ago, that they would protect king and country both from those within and without. I have no love for the Emperor, but I love the kingdom we reside in and because of that love, I fight so that all may live peacefully within. Lorgrar seems to me as greatest internal threat to our Empire, far more than abhumans or opposition spies. The man preaches insistently about the God Emperor as if the Emperor needs any further boosts to his own ego. His sons share the same dogged fanaticism and I fear the day they are proven wrong of the views. There are many things in the warp that would love to be worshiped...

My relationship with Roboute Guilliman is sadly strained. While never, at least how I see it, as bad as the relationship between Dorn and Perturabo, our actions towards each other have left bad blood between. I cannot remember exactly when it started, but I like to think it was when we were tasked with taking the planet Croza. It was an icy, barren land of little value save for the fact that it was a weapons depot during the Dark Age of Technology. The quarrel, I believe began when one his Ultramarines and one of my Auxiliaries started a fight. Nevarus 4 was and still is home to a great many abhumans and I utilize many in my forces when I can. I am unaware what was said, but the squabble got progressively worse until after the planet was taken, Roboute and I had words with each other. We never yelled, never came to blows, but any good relations between us were dashed that day. From then on, whenever his Ultramarines and my Astral Tides would serve with each other, they would treat each other professionally but with cold indifference...
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finally got around to reading this thread again and doing to primarch relations and time of discovery I got this:

6 Rogal Dorn
7konrad Curze

3 Perturabo
9 Ferrus Manus

time found
2 early
Alright here we go, will do the rolls first then follow later with fluff.

Homeworld: Hive World
Terrain: Desert
Mutation: Perpetual
Upbringing: Abandoned, feared by the people
Conquest: Failed rebellion against the rulers
Contact with the Emperor: Friendly
Personality: Atheist, Underhanded, Charismatic
Relationship with Legion: Fanatic
Legion Tactics: Stealth (Insurgency)
Brothers: Fulgrim, Leman Russ
Rivals: Alpharius Omegon, Angron
Time in Great Crusade: Earliest

This one is going to be interesting to write-up! I think I'm going to tweak the Earliest result slightly in the write-up to say he was the first the Emperor found after Horus so that it doesn't muck with canon too much. This is going to be a very Mad Max Legion already as far as the look/feel goes.
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I think your meant to roll for friendliness and unfriendliness twice

Ok lemme fix that, I'll also edit the writeup into my post.

ON EDIT: Well that's a rather interesting combination. Additional roll for brother got Leman Russ :lol and Angron. I'm going to have fun figuring out how to square him being buddies with Fulgrim and Leman Russ, an odd couple if there ever was one. Disliking Alpharius and Angron will be pretty easy since he's a failed rebel leader, in the case of Alpharius he thinks Alpharius is a pretentious wanker who is more invested in doing the cool thing than serving the needs of the people he's supposed to be liberating while Angron is a bloody-handed butcher who has no business commanding anything. I think I'm going to make it so the Night of the Wolf is the moment his opinion of Russ shifts from respectful to approving and openly friendly.
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There's actually a newer thread with an expanded Roller up.

Primarch Homeworld (Roll 1d100):
[0-25] Hive World: This Primarch either has a sense of justice, or has taken over the planet as a ruling lord of all.
[26-30] Feral World: A wild and untamed Primarch, very protective of any possible facial hair or has tribal tattoos on his body.
[31-45] Death World: Strong and Hardy, this Primarch is made of some tough material to survive in a world like this.
[46-50] Forge World: A master of the Forge or a heroic warrior who freed his people, has a preference for cybernetic implants, even if he has none.
[51-60] Civilized World: Not much can be said about this Primarch, save for the fact that they are quite calm and open minded.
[61-70] Agri World: Grew up on the farm, hardworking and appreciative of the Emperor. Is quite bored, and loves combat.
[71-80] Xenos World: An odd sense comes from him, as if he had spent his entire life living a major lie. He doesn't hate xenos as much as his brothers, or at all.
[81-90] Isolated World: Grew up alone and abandoned, doesn't like to be around people much and prefers to be around animals.
[91-100] Fleet: Accidentally crash landed upon a nomadic fleet, and was taken in by one of the many workers up until he matured.

Homeworld Terrain (1d100, Disregard if Fleet Based):
[1-25] Jungle: Deep within the green forests rested a great champion, one resistant to any disease and capable of slaying great creatures.
[26-50] Desert: Under the burning sun, the Primarch lived and thrived among the people as a symbol of some sort.
[51-60] Ice/Tundra: Growing up in the cold tundras have changed this Primarch, as he has lasted where most would perish.
[61-65] Ocean: Having survived the oceans, they either lived upon the beaches or continent where the people lived and thrived.
[66-75] Wasteland: Despite initial troubles, this Primarch proved hardy enough to weather the radioactive wastes and insane tribes to survive.
[76-80] Urban: A large sprawling city had been the home of the Primarch, who enjoyed a simple life up until the Emperor found him.
[81-85] Toxic: Being forced to adapt to this environment, they may have a few mutations or odd quirks from years of living here.
[86-90] Volcanic: This ash blasted wasteland is home to the Primarch, who recalls this place with a disturbing nostalgia.
[91-100] Temperate: Not much happened here, and the Primarch didn't have to do much to conquer it.

Mutations (1d100):
[1-20] No Mutation: Was this by divine bloodline that he escaped being tainted, or was it something else at play?
[21-30] Wings: Be they angel or demonic wings, this Primarch and some of his sons have usable wings that prove useful in battle.
[31-40] Grand Psyker: Their mind is powerful, matched only by the Emperor. This Primarch seeks enlightenment, or is quite able with his psychic ability.
[41-45] Pariah: No psychic ability to speak of, nothing besides an inability to read others, or some other oddity about them.
[46-55] Imminent Death: Whatever it is, they are destined to die soon. They have either made peace with it, or are trying everything they can to stop it.
[56-65] Perpetual: Able to resurrect from all but the most unusual of phenomenon, they can be brought back from death.
[66-75] Visions Of The Future: Either by divine or demonic intervention, they gain flashes of the future in short bursts.
[76-85] Bestial Appearance: Having been corrupted, these Primarchs have traits similar to the beasts of their homeworld.
[86-95] Weakened Body: The Warp has weakened them, to the point they are just a bit stronger than the Space Marines yet weaker than their brothers.
[96-100] Other: Female, Twins, Scaled, Gills, Whatever.

His adopted parents were… (Roll 1d35):
[1-5] Rulers or Noble Class
[6-10] Scientist/Blacksmith
[11-15] A Working Class Family
[16-20] Wild Animals
[21-25] Abandoned, feared by the people.
[26-30] Village Raised
[31-35] Military Raised

How did they conquer their homeworld? (Roll 1d14):
[1-2] Came to Power Peacefully
[3-4] Came To Power Violently
[5-6] Led an unsuccessful rebellion against the Rulers
[7-8] Fought off invading empires and enemies of their family/order/kingdom/people.
[8-9] Uplifted the standard of technology and living. (Only applies to Low Tech Worlds)
[10-11] Fought off unknown creatures that nearly destroyed his Homeworld, the only time the Primarch has been afraid.
[12-14] Banished a Daemon back to the Warp after it had attacked his people, giving him an insight to a world beyond his own.

Contact With The Emperor Of Mankind (Roll 1d10)
[1-2] Known: He expected his father or some other figure to arrive.
[3-4] Bad Blood: His father had accidentally or knowingly angered his son, starting a grudge.
[5-6] Friendly: Despite not knowing him, he welcomed his father with open arms.
[7-8] Force: Was brought into the Imperium by force, not exactly happy about it.
[9-10] Aggressive: The Primarch thought him an enemy force, and in turn raised an army against him, only to be crushed by superior might.

Primarch Personality (Roll three times, reroll if it's contradictory--Roll a 1d20):
[1] Honest
[2] Compassionate
[3] Underhanded
[4] Nihilistic
[5] Short Tempered
[6] Optimistic
[7] Pious
[8] Paranoid
[9] Atheist
[10] Anti-Psyker
[11] Psychotic
[12] Academic
[13] Blood Lust
[14] Split Personality
[15] Charismatic
[16] Bitter
[17] Stoic
[18] Stubborn
[19] Perfectionist
[20] Pragmatic

Relationship with Legion (Roll 1d5):
[1] Fanatic: They would follow him into the Eye Of Terror if he commanded them to.
[2] Loyal: They are not blindly loyal, instead they would follow his commands as a soldier would.
[3] Old/New Divide: There is a schism between his veterans and rookies, nothing too bad, right?
[4] Emperor Above All: The Marines look to his father more often than him, but still respect him.
[5] Loathed: Either secretly or openly loathed, they don't like their Primarch one bit.

Legion Tactics (Roll 1d10):
[1] Close Combat
[2] Ranged Combat
[3] Armoured Assault
[4] Stealth (Insurgency and or General Covert Ops)
[5] Lightning Strike
[6] Psychic Warfare
[7] Void Warfare
[8] Siege
[9] Chemical/Biological Warfare
[10] Terror

Edit 1

Universe (Roll 1d10, Roll Optional)
(1-3) Canon (This Primarch replaces one of Missing Primarchs)
(4-5) Altered Canon (They replace one of the Canonical Primarchs)
(6-9) Divergent (Dornian Heresy, Roboutian Heresy, etc. This Primarch replaces one of the Missing Primarchs )
(10) All Original Primarchs

Primarch Friends and Rivals (Roll 1d100 first for Friend, Then Rival)
(1-4)Lion El'Jonson
(17-23)Jaghatai Khan
(24-29)Leman Russ
(30-35)Rogal Dorn
(36-40)Konrad Curze
(50-55)Ferrus Manus
(58-63)Roboute Guilliman
(70-75)Magnus the Red
(76-81)Horus Lupercal
(82-85)Lorgar Aurelian
(92-96)Corvus Corax
(97-98)Alpharius Omegon
(99-100)Roll twice (Double the Friends and/or Double the Rivals)

Loyalty of Primarch During the Heresy(Roll 1d10, Roll Optional)
(1-4) Loyalist: Stayed loyal to the Imperium and the Emperor
(5-9) Traitor: Sided with the Arch Traitor and fell to Chaos
(10) Renegade: Sided with neither side and instead broke away from the Imperium to go their own path

Edit 2

Boon: What advantage did the Primarch's Legion have during the Great Crusade (Roll 1d20)
[1-3] Acclaim: A series of major victories caused the legion and the Primarch to earn great acclaim during the Crusade. Making them a popular subject for Remembrancers and a household name on many worlds.
[4-7] Respect: Through hard earned victories the Legion has earned the respect, if nothing else, from many of the other legions.
[8-10] Large Recruiting Pool: Through either a large homeworld population, multiple recruiting worlds, or both. The legion had a large population to recruit from. Making them one of the larger legions
[1-13] Rare Tech: Through deals with the Mechanicus or other means. The Legion had access to a large stockpile of normally rare weapons. Keeping Volkite weapons around longer than most Legions.
[14-16] Modified Weapons: The Legion modified their weapons to better suit their Primarch's method of warfare. Mars grumbled but did nothing
[17-18] Loyal Forge World: Most of the Legion's standard equipment is produced by a single forge world that for various reasons is unofficially more loyal to the Primarch's legion than Mars itself
[19-20] Powerful Flagship: All legions have a Gloriana-class Battleship that at least at first serves as the Flagship for that Legion. This Primarch however has something else instead. Found either before contact with the Emperor or shortly after, the Primarch's flagship is a unique and powerful vessel. One of the largest ships ever known to the Imperium.

Fate: Loyalist (1d20)
[1] Died During the Heresy Fighting the Arch Traitor
[2-4] Were heavily wounded fighting their Rival during the Scouring and their Legion/Chapter was forced to put them into Stasis
[5-6] Were heavily wounded and had to be placed in a heavily modified Dreadnought. Rarely awake anymore.
[7-10] Disappeared During the Scouring
[11-14] Died During the First Black Crusade, But not before crippling the Traitor's efforts severely.
[15-16] Vanished During the War of the Beast, making them among the last active Primarchs.
[17-19] Though they disappeared from time to time, they were around all the way until M36. The last known Loyal Primarch. When they vanished it was the beginning of a period of great distress for the Imperium.
[20] At what seems the Imperium's darkest hour, the Primarch has returned. Either healed from near Fatal wounds or escaped from whatever had caused them to vanish so long ago.

Fate: Traitor (1d20)
[1-4] Died during or shortly after the Heresy.
[5-9] Rose to the Rank of Daemon Primarch, but has been relatively inactive since then. Barely bothering to even lead their legion.
[10-14] Daemon Primarch, and an active one. Still Directly in Command of their Legion. Though they usually stick to the Warp they had directly lead a few devastating attacks on the Imperium itself
[14-19] Despite their fall they still remain mortal, either because they refused or were denied Acension to Daemonhood. Being Mortal does allow them to be a far more active leader though.
[20] Unknown. No one knows if they died or rose to Daemon Primarch. But they haven't been seen since just after the Heresy. Their legion still insists they will return one day.

Fate: Renegade (1d20)
[1-4] Disappeared after the Heresy. Their Legion existing as scattered warbands fighting against both the Imperium and the Forces of Chaos.
[5-8] Forged an Empire beyond the edge of Imperial Space. Despite that an Assassin from the Imperium still found a way to take them out. The Empire survived, now ruled by their Legion.
[9-13] Forged an Empire beyond the edge of Imperial Space, Which they rule to this day.
[14-18] Were able to create a small but heavily fortified Empire based around their home. Despite repeated attempts the Imperium has yet to defeat it or them. (Reroll if no Homeworld or Homeworld Destroyed)
[19-20] The Primarch, Their Legion and their people exists as Vagabonds. Traveling in a huge, if increasingly varied and poorly repaired, Fleet on the outskirts of Imperial Space. Raiding when they can. The Primarch is active as the leader of the Fleet, but is prone to disappearing.

Edit: Link
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