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Something is wrong, this shouldn't have happened. The Grail, once illustrious, now a vile...

Look to the Left

Back from the Void
Something is wrong, this shouldn't have happened. The Grail, once illustrious, now a vile tainted abomination of its former self. And it's all the Einzbern's fault. Consumed with obsession and the need to prove themselves, they attempted to summon All the World's Evils as a servant. What they got was less than nothing. Avenger went and fought in battle, only to fall so easily that it was barely even remembered by any of the combatants. This only fed into the shame that the Einzbern felt. However despite being so useless in battle, its defeat laid the foundations for horrors and tragedies yet to come. Due to its very nature, it affected the Grail, taking control of it as its corruption spreads through it. Then it sat there, biding its time until the next Holy Grail War.

However, there was still a part of the grail that was left untainted by All the World's Evils. A little bit of the True Core of the Grail that knew that something was wrong and barred itself from the corruption as best as it could. There, in the deepest reaches of the Grail, it too waited and plotted in order to remove the vile taint from itself. There it formed a desperate plan. As All the World's Evils slowly built up prana for the next war, the True Core siphoned off just enough that it wouldn't get the full attention of All the World's Evils, but enough to enact what the True Core was desperately planning.

Finally, just 7 years before the start of the 4th Holy Grail War, it's accumulated barely enough to initiate its plan. Normally, it can't summon servants in the normal servant containers with this little prana, so instead it choose a different one. A human body. Thus using all the prana it has gathered, it summons three heroes into the flesh of newborns, each with a message embedded into them, one single line given to them that will materialize in their mind once they've grown old enough to participate in the new war.

"Cleanse the grail."

Nothing more, nothing less. And so three spirits are summoned, three spirits are reincarnated in flesh, three spirits are given the duty of destroying the dark evil that lays within the Holy Grail...

You are one the first of the three spirits. You are...

[X] The reincarnation of the Witch of Betrayal.
-Start with High Speed Divine Words as your sorcery trait
-Have a high affinity with magic
-You are physically weak
-Have to start from the beginning with magic since you're born to a muggle family

[X] The reincarnation of the 12th Paladin of Charlemagne
-Start with luck rivaling that of Taiga (A+ compared to her EX)
-Start with a high end racing bike
-Start with kendo training
-Cute dresses
-Constant rambling (may accidentally let out info about your servant)
-Middling aptitude with magic
-Middling physical aptitude

[X] The reincarnation of the Knight of the Lake
-Start with kendo training
-Start with archery training
-Best in terms of physical strength and endurance
-Fast learner with weapons
-Not so great at magic

[X] The reincarnation of the Emperor of roses
-Well rounded at everything
-Lacks any weakness
-Does not excel at anything
-Chronic migraines

[X] The reincarnation of the Fallen Goddess of the Shapeless Isles
-Start with Mystic Eyes of Petrification
-Start with a high end racing bike
-Best mix of magic affinity and physical aptitude
-You have inharently bad luck
-Your Mystic Eyes of Petrification are currently dormant
-You don't start with any weapons training
-Quite tall

  1. What the GM says goes. No arguments. (Okay, maybe you can argue but it must be a good argument)
  2. Feel free to point out any awkward sentence structures, bad grammar, and spelling mistakes. It'll help me grow as a writer.
  3. Don't be pricks. No one likes pricks. Also it'll bring the mods here if it goes too far and that'll suck for everyone.
  4. You only get three lives. Once they're up, the quest is over.
  5. No meta gaming.
  6. Have fun!
  1. The character you'll be playing as will be limited by their human bodies and thus your overall power will be somewhere in between true servant and a human i.e. having stats going from E-C.
  2. The quest will start the day before Shirou gets shanked by Lancer
  3. You have no memories of your past but you do get strange dreams about them.
  4. All the options have different sets of families and friends.
  5. It's possible to manifest a noble phantasm, but it'll take more prana then you can possibly use in your current condition and you're limited to only one.
  6. No we are not going to play as Lancelot!Shirou.
  7. We are playing as a complete seperate entity from the main cast.
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Primary Class: N/A
True Name: N/A
Current Name: Kishi Hiro
Past Gender: N/A
Gender: Female
Alignment: Lawful Good
Armament: N/A

Appearance: A young girl at the age of 16. She's stands at 157 cm tall. She has a well toned, feminine but flat body. Her hair is a dark shade of purple that's about shoulder length and tied into a pony with peek-a-boo bangs over her right eye.
Past History: N/A

Endurance: N/A
Agility: N/A
Prana: N/A
Luck: N/A

Class Skills:


Personal Skills:

Noble Phantasms:

Rank: ???
Type: ???
Description: ???
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Prelude to shitstorm - 1
OOC: Yes, I made the Lancelot reincarnation female. I just find them easier to write.

[X] The reincarnation of the Knight of the Lake

The sound of bells fills the air as the students start to stand up and pack their things. I stand up to stretch my arms before straightening the ruffles of my skirt. I blow a my dark purple hair out of my eyes as I made my way to the Kendo Club, remembering to grab my large sports bag which has my shinai sticking out of it. I pass by several groups of students on the way there, but stop by a window after I spotting a small crowd forming in front of the Kyuudo club. "Huh, looks like they're at it again." I roll my eyes as I resume my walk to the club.

After a while I come face to face with the entrance of the Kendo Club. I grab the doorknob and enter the room, finding my clubmates already doing their drills while the captain overlooks the group, her arms crossed and stern eyes watching for any imperfections. Agano Hinata is girl of medium build standing at 149 cm tall. She has long waist length hair that's tied into a bun and a well toned body much like mine.

As soon as one of the club members starts getting lazy with his technique, her eyes snapped right on him as her right hand makes a pointing gesture. "Ikari-san! Your technique's getting lazy. Put more focus into it!"

The young man immediately straightens and starts putting more effort into his swings. "Geez, Hinata-chan. You better go easy on them or else they'll break." I say, making my presence known. Her eyes snap on me as she gave a nod.

"Discipline is the cornerstone of all martial arts," She says, before her eyes soften a bit. "Though a broken body is something no one wants. Still, a little pain never hurts." She nodded her head towards one of the corners of the room. Turning my head I saw two students in the corner. One a shy girl and the other a guy with a smirk on his mouth. "They're some students who're interested in joining one of the clubs and came here to check this one out. Go get dressed in gear. We'll give them an exhibition match."

"Looking to impress I see," I say with a beaming smile.

"Well, even if they didn't choose to join the club, I can't let us look incompetent now can we? (That and they'll spread word of how great we are.) Now, get to the changing room. I'll have the match set up by the time you get out."

After giving her a nod, I walk into the girl's changing room and start to strip down until I was in my underwear. I placed my clothes in my locker and closed it shut with three locks. Because I'm not going have my clothes stolen, again. Turning to a mirror I take a moment to look at my body. I stood at about 157 cm with a well toned body, a slender but generally flat figure and a rather androgynous face. I used to have a bob cut, but I kept being mistaken for a feminine boy so many times that I decided to simply let my hair grow out until it was a shoulder length, hair tied in a pony tail with a bit of a peek-a-boo bang covering my right eye. Unfortunately, I'm still mistaken for a boy sometimes. Shaking myself out of admiring my own body, I go about putting on my familiar black bogu.

Once I'm fully geared up with my shinai in one hand and my mask in the other, I walk outside to see that several of the club members are on the benches to the side with the students sitting at the front along with the captain. Three of the club members are acting as referees while across the room I see my opponent. "Hey Hiro-chan! Looks like I'll be your opponent today!" says the seaweed haired man from across the room, garbed in a set of white bogu.

"Oh my god Shinji-san, stop calling me Chan," I say in a deadpan tone of voice.

"Hey what's wrong with me being chummy, huh?"

"I still haven't forgiven you for what you did to my clothes." I point at him accusingly with my shinai.

A bit of sweat falls from his forehead. "Come on Hiro-chan that was just a harmless prank!"

"You know what? Just shut up." I put on my mask and held my shinai up with both hands. "Let's just go and get it over already."

He shugs. "Very well. Let's put on a good show for them Hiro-chan." He put on his mask and held his shinai up.

Slowly we walked over to each other until we met in the middle. Using the length of our shinais we used them to space ourselves from the other and waited until the captain stood up and cleared her throat. "Okay you two, you both know the rules. I expect complete respect in this match, the rules for this exhibition match are that there are no time limits and the first to get three points or to get the other knocked down will win. Do your best. Now bow."

Putting our swords to our side for the moment, we both give a polite bow to each other. "Good. Now you may fight."

Immediately we both tense as we start anticipating attacks from the other. Shinji's good at counters, parries and baiting others into pointless charges. That, and he was personally trained by Taiga, meaning that he has as much bite as he has bark. For now I should approach this by...

[] Brute forcing my way into his guard [40%] (Will end the match there)

[] Making clever use of small thrusts to control his guard and attempt to get a point in [71%]

[] Playing at his own game and attempting to parry his attacks [???% ] (A game of patience, the first to give out loses)
Prelude to shitstorm - 2
OOC: You guys got a 100 on the very first roll of this quest. The fuck's up with that?! Also sorry this was late, I get distracted easily. Especially after I was reading Gwenpool and playing Warframe... (Dang it Ivara why won't your Chassis drop?!)

[X] Making clever use of small thrusts to control his guard and attempt to get a point in [71%]

[100 dice roll vs 71% - SUCCESS!]

I start with small thrusts. A thrust to the right shoulder, parried. A thrust to the left shin, parried. A thrust to the chest, parried. I do this over and over again with multiple different spots. This continues until, after a minute or so, I get enough of a feeling for his guard to I threw a feint to his right side. Falling for it, he moved to parry it, only for my shinai to suddenly switch directions and hit him squarely in the mask. I heard some cheers from the benches, but I'm not paying too much attention to them. All three referees held up a white flag, confirming the point was to me. That was surprisingly easy, and even Shinji knew it. Which is why he's making some distance between us.

I try to get closer to him but, he keeps back stepping away from me. He's probably up to something. Most likely trying to get me to charge right at him so he can get me to overshoot and fall over. What should I do?

[X] Well, let him have it then. Charge at him and see if you can knock him down. [20%] [If failed, 40% to not fall over]

[X] Back step away from him. Make him confused and see if he'll approach you. [???]

[X] Stay close to him but don't charge. Just pelt him with small thrusts. Keep the pressure on him. [55%]

[X] Write in...
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Prelude to shitstorm - 3
OOC: Sorry for the lateness and short update. I had school, homework and general laziness.

[X] Back step away from him. Make him confused and see if he'll approach you. [???]

[84 dice roll vs ???% - SUCCESS]

I stepped backwards away from him as he back stepped away from me. I could almost see the confusion behind that mask of his as I felt my feet hit the ground again. For a moment he stopped and we both stood there waiting for the other to move. Then after a minute he inched forward. In response I inched back. He inched forward again and I inched forward. He stopped there and we stood around for a moment until he inched forward again. We both started to inch towards each other until the tips of our shinai could touch each other. Then, we thrust at each other at the same time. Shinji saw the blow and instinctively parried before he threw out a counter toward my head. I bent myself backwards to dodge the blow and stumbled back a few meters as I tried not to fall over. Just when I had gotten my balance back, he started to charge at me with the intent to push me into the ground.

I gritted my teeth as I quickly planted my feet and swung my shinai like a baseball bat in a wide arc in front of me. His feet skidded as he barely managed to dodged my swing and he stumbled backwards before he regained back his balance. He looked at me as he stood his ground again. I slowly walked towards him until a thrust nearly hits my mask as I parried it away, now Shinji was on the offensive. As he rapidly fired off thrusts that I parried away, I back peddled and wondered if he was planning something or if he was just very desperate. Finally he swung wide as I leaned back, before to my surprise he started charging me again. Quickly I did a rather awkward and clumsy spin which still saved me from his charge as I simultaneously dodged and redirected his charge.

He skidded for a bit as I tried to find my footing again until we both finally resumed our stances and we face each other again. Once again I go on the offense as I shoot out small thrust at Shinji. As I expected, he parried all my blows but this time he was always keeping a good distance form me meaning I couldn't get a clean hit If I wanted to. At this point we were in a stalemate. What to do next?

[X] Throw a wide swing before charging him to the ground. Very risky, might get you on the ground. [20%]

[X] Stick to him hard, start using stronger thrust attacks and mix in some feints [50%]

[X] Keep using small thrust but up the rate of attack. Make it a battle of endurance. [???]

[X] Write in